#010: Miles Rick Moranis Only On bobanddougmckenzie.com

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#010: Miles Rick Moranis

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Oh, look at that – another Big Week in Gaming for Episode 10 on Sun 20 Sep 2020! This week Sony dumped a whole load of launch info over us, Nintendo announced sixty billion Monster Hunter games, Swinny defends the combination of hotdog+milkshake – and integot delves deep into the twisted origin story of his Amiibo obsession.

Sweet, delicious highlights include:
▸ PlayStation 5 price, pre-orders and release date
▸ Another surprise Nintendo Direct Mini: Partner Showcase
▸ Swinpressions for Dontnod’s Tell Me Why series

00:00:00 Intro

00:16:32 PlayStation 5 Price & Launch Date Revealed

00:42:12 PS Plus Collection – Sony’s Answer To Game Pass?

00:51:10 Highlights From The PlayStation 5 Showcase

01:19:35 Overall Thoughts on the PlayStation 5 Showcase

01:34:16 Monster Hunter Rise & Monster Hunter Stories 2 Unveiled

01:47:45 New Monster Hunter Amiibo & integot’s Obsession

01:59:18 Thoughts On Nintendo’s Latest Partner Direct Mini

02:07:37 Rayman Creator Michel Ancel Leaves Video Games Behind

02:12:51 The Positive Side of Mario 3D All-Stars Being Emulated

02:18:45 Bargain Bin w/c Sun 20 Sep 2020

02:28:50 INTquiry: Hyrule Warriors Definitive Edition 2020 Review

02:39:34 Swinpressions: Tell Me Why Review

02:52:45 Outro
[Music] welcome welcome
welcome it’s been a big week in gaming
i’m intergotten he’s swinney for episode
for sunday the 20th of september 2020.
in this week’s show we’ll be discussing
finally the playstation 5 price
pre-orders and release date has been
another surprise nintendo direct mini
partner showcase
and swin pressions on dude i don’t even
know how to say this name
don knotts tell me white series
that is my favorite intro of any of the
podcasts we’ve done so far
it’s don’t nod what’s hard to say about
don’t nod well because
it’s it’s an anagram right a palindrome
yeah it is a palindrome but i mean it’s
pretty easy out of all the palindromes
that could exist it’s one that’s
pretty easy to announce sorry when you
have a when you have a d-o-n-t-n-o-d
it’s not an english word
when i saw her i thought i should just
skip and say tell me why
why didn’t you i don’t know i don’t know
and if you do enjoy find contacts like
this uh make sure you share with your
friends and give us a five star review
how’s your week been uh it’s it’s been
it’s been pretty good but i’ve been
through a couple of journeys
and uh there’s there’s there’s one that
i’ll get to at the end of the show
one of our features about uh tell me why
but the other one
i just just want to talk to you a bit
uh i picked up my copy of uh super mario
3d all-stars about a year ago
yes so the journey to get that though
interesting so i think uh when
i think you sent me some links when they
announced that the pre-orders were open
and i’m fairly certain they were eb
games links that you sent me i’m fairly
certain yeah yeah yeah yeah
the first ones because eb games are
pretty good they’re almost always the
first in australia to go live
but i don’t normally get from them
straight away because they’re not using
the best on price
so i it was during work hours and we had
this like
team meeting but it was one of those
ones where you just like hey you know
you’re just there listening blah blah
but i’m like oh man i’m worried about
so while you know i was listening and i
got to quickly pre-order this stuff so i
wanted to do it as quickly as possible
and that meant that unfortunately i went
through a checkout process without
creating like an account
with phoebe games even though i
technically have one somewhere
which meant that i like didn’t know how
to access any more information about the
order like i didn’t get anything about
some skin to my email or anything and
you know i got a missed call from them a
couple days before and i couldn’t get
through to them anyway it comes to
yesterday the release date right
i call them up and they go oh yeah great
cool um
so you’d put down it was like 10 and
then i had to pay the rest right 70
bucks or something and i’m like okay
cool so how does that work i go into the
store and they’re like
oh we need unfortunately we need you to
actually purchase
gift cards and then use the
gift cards to pay for the remainder of
the pre-order and i’m like now this is
this is because of
so again context is i’m in sydney we
don’t have any
lockdown or anything it’s pretty open in
sydney i’m even considering going to see
which is a different conversation all
together at the cinema whereas you’re in
melbourne and it’s heavy lockdown
yeah so every any retail retail store
like in eb games is click and collect
and so they’ve literally got the doors
closed you can’t walk in really um
that’s spooky dude oh it’s it’s super
super spooky but
it’s like a 1980s russia you know what i
so the the guy on the phone was super
helpful and he’s like okay you know
you can obviously get the digital codes
through um the ep still website but you
can also
go through zing pop culture which is
like the i guess sister
outlet for the you know like the pop
culture stuff and
he said probably go to zing pop culture
um they’ll be getting less traffic to
their site right i’m like okay cool
that’s smart so go in there
and you know i needed to i was also
paying off the game and watch things so
i’m like
uh oh okay i need this amount and i’ll
get the gift cards
go to pay for it with paypal have an
error i’m like
okay all right then i go back okay i’ll
pay for it with my credit card
and i’m like huh error okay hmm
all right well i’ll leave it you know
blah blah and i’ll come back
same thing again and i’m like hmm so i’m
like a bugger i’m going to go to the eb
store website
same issues again i’m like oh my god i
just want to pay for this bloody
pre-order because i
need to go have it ready by the time i
before we record this podcast because
i’m yeah
in the morning i finally got it paid off
and then
like it was just i’m like oh my god this
is ridiculous i could have just like
bought it
outright and i wouldn’t have had to do
anything but i was so worried about it
selling out that i had to pre-order
but it i got there like i had to like
to read them out two different gift card
codes over the phone then go there and i
forgot my
phone to call them up when i got outside
the store no
i got the game i got the game but i was
just like anyone that’s
interested in pre-ordering and they’re
in the middle of melbourne lockdown
i’d probably maybe just wait till the
restrictions are eased a bit
this might be you can just get it
delivered right from amazon or something
no but i’m saying if someone is um yeah
i’m saying like pre-order specifically
um yeah you wouldn’t want to do a
pick-up in melbourne
at the moment well that was kind of i
needed i went through that process
quickly as i said i was in i was
technically at work so i’m like i’m just
quickly gonna do this and
i just went with that option but um the
other thing i cut it
yeah ago no so i was just saying and the
other thing i was going to mention so
i on the way out i got myself uh a
uh hot token milkshake right from donut
king or something
and this is like a rich one no i just
well that’s the thing is i’m struggling
to remember were you there
when i was given so much [ __ ] for
getting a hot dog with a milkshake
yeah in bro so you were there okay
because you know
i i just wasn’t sure i’m fairly certain
you were were you one of the ones giving
me [ __ ] about to get an hot dog
milkshake i can’t remember
yeah for sure but i do i have that as
well so
i think it was just to stir you up
because that’s the thing of like
is there some like hidden cabal of
people that are like secretly against
like hot dog milkshakes even though they
sell them as meal deals i’m like
man that’s it’s like the hot dog deep
state or something like that
hot dog and milkshake is like just about
as anti-kosher as you can get
because with kosher number one you can’t
have pork or anything like that
and then you also shouldn’t be mixing
like meat and dairy
products within i think like a 12 or 48
hour or 24 hour period
so like that combination is like just
about as
anti-kosher as you can get which is hot
dairy and meat i mean hot dog meats
pretty far
along the like the meat scale
well that’s not saying it’s almost you
could could almost not consider a meat
product at some point
but um all right you’re one of those
people that’s all i was definitely but
you know anything to steer you up is
always worth it but yeah so like my
my sort of story on the pre-order is
totally different i
you know pre-ordered it from uh jb hi-fi
in person um and you know like with
these kind of things if i want it
like i’ll just pre-order it straight
away because i don’t want to be in a
spot where
i’m kind of arming and ringing and that
actually sells out like that just drives
me nuts
but then at the same time i’m one of
those idiots that
you know i went to pick it up on friday
morning um
pretty much as soon as i could before
work so i think i was there at like 9
and yeah like so i picked it up and then
i don’t know there was like six or seven
people that had pre-ordered it
because they had the box there and you
could see it but then they had like
literally like 100 copies
on the desk and i was just like oh i
don’t know it feels like
whenever you know you pre-order
something and then it doesn’t
sell out or there’s just stacks of
copies everywhere you feel uh
personally i feel like a bit of a goose
or something it’s like oh okay i didn’t
need to be so frantic about pre-ordering
this but you never know right you never
yeah yeah pre-ordering’s a weird thing
it it’s almost become just like
ritualistic for people
even though there’s absolutely no
necessary really no need for it
outside of obviously they’ll give lots
of bonuses these days for pre-ordering
but some of those bonuses just come
along to the main game
to everyone else eventually anyway but
yeah i think yeah
pre-ordering limited things makes sense
because it often sells out especially in
australia um
pre-ordering and we’ll get to this
shortly pre-ordering hardware makes a
lot of sense
but i’ve almost never pre-ordered games
because you know they’re almost always
available but this was just a bit
different because
you know how they kept on saying it’s
limited i’m like oh you know the way
nintendo is like i remember
astral chain when that came out it
pretty much just sold out straight away
and it was really hard to get a copy of
um so yeah i’m just conscious of that
because i like to get the physical games
rather than
just digitally because obviously you can
just get this game digitally
well the the games that i would
generally pre-order um
i mean there hasn’t been one in a while
but like anything any mass effect games
um souls games um because i like getting
the steel books
oh yeah i just well that’s like yeah so
they’re the examples of when i’ll
pre-order and obviously get out
on release for that but the other thing
i just
i guess for me this week i’ve just put
so much time in our kingdom of amoler
free reckoning
it’s like 60 hours 60 hours at this
point and so that’s another
i don’t know like 35 hours since the
last podcast
um and look i love that game but
i mentioned last week in my uh swim
impressions that
hey you know if you’re interested in
picking this game up maybe wait a week
or two um
and i would extend that even a few more
because it is so buggy it is
ridiculously buggy
i am at the point where it’s crashing
about once an hour from me to the desk
so whatever the desktop is you’d call in
the xbox um
are you like the data dashboard yeah and
it’s it’s great but that is that is a
problem because what i’ve read is that
um they while they fixed up a lot of the
visuals and they made some improvements
here and there they didn’t fix any of
the old bugs
in the game that’s awesome
they’ve got their exam jump but yeah but
it’s edition
and they’ve got additional new bugs so
one thing yeah
one thing is appear for everyone is that
you know i mentioned last week that hey
they did a day
one patch that would end up being a day
two patched apache in that very hard
mode right
yeah um there’s there’s a team for
playing through the game on the hard
and i’d kind of been given a heads up by
someone that
playing it on very hard doesn’t unlock
the hard achievement
right so normally it works that way
where you play
it’s like goes down the chain right yeah
like games that don’t do that and then
there is you know we’ll get to in a
second but the secret game that i’ve
been playing
that i haven’t even told you it has this
thing exactly the same
it’s not achievements but where you beat
it on a harder difficulty
it doesn’t recognize that you’ve beaten
it at the easier difficulty
which drives me nuts it’s so stupid
in this case right they’re patching it
anyone that’s already started their game
on that very hard if
they if they’re they’re out of luck
they’ll have to start the whole game
again if they
they want that wow and there’s some
really serious game breaking bugs i’ve
heard in this game
that they’ve yeah they’re frantically
trying to patch
yeah so what um i’ve heard a lot of
people say that a whole
like enemies bodies will disappear and
the problem with that is that
some of those are like quest enemies
that will have things to pick up
off their bodies like quest items and
i’ve been i’ve been like
staggering my saves like i’ve got like
12 staggered saves at the moment where
i’ll just cycle through
and i’m like i’m
i think i’m probably pretty good because
i think the point where people started
seeing that happen i’m well past that
but man like it’s it’s such a shame
because the game is
really really decent like and really
like i love it but you know like in the
scope of everything it’s a
it’s a really strong game but man it’s
buggy as hell like they yeah they need
to have this in the oven
for a lot longer that’s a shame it
wasn’t as a game within the game right
yeah but man i’ve played i’ve played
fallout new vegas i’m i’m used to this
and i was i was wondering um before we
get into the big big big news
it is genuinely a big week in gaming it
always is big week in gaming
um did you want to you know how you sent
recently and i
you know this was in the chat around
achievements but it was like parenting
achievements oh yeah did you
i think that in my three years of being
a dad
that this week i earned the the hardest
achievement true achievement
it would have been 0.01 or something
do you want to know what it was for
please tell me
it’s pretty gross go ahead
share it all right so you know you know
my son my eldest he’s three
he um you know he’s kind of getting into
toilet training now
and he was having a bath here we go
right he’s having a bath
and he’s like oh i need to do a wii i’m
like oh you know can i get you out he
goes no no no
so i’m holding on to him and he’s kind
of like facing towards me
and he’s kind of like straining a little
bit and i’m like what the heck is going
and then i can see something emerge from
behind him
and i was just like oh my god like i was
was really fearful of this and i usually
give him a bath
anyway i like you know i’m not going to
get just grossed out details
but a few things like one there was
such volume of material i was almost
like is this
child sick like how is this possible
right and to be fair i didn’t even know
you know
like i don’t know i don’t expect these
kind of things so maybe that is a normal
amount but it seemed ridiculous the same
comical almost
and then you know i got him out and you
have to like be pretty calm and like
you know it’s all fine and not react or
anything or else it’s gonna get a
um so that’s all good clean them all up
then i was left in the situation it’s
like what am i going to do
right like how am i going to fix this
situation did you
have like it you
you don’t have fish or anything do you
no i don’t have anything
you didn’t have a net or anything no i
have nothing like a net
and i was thinking i probably could use
like a plastic bag but it was going to
be really difficult
but because of this whole coronavirus
thing i have like so many gloves
oh here we go so physically with my
hands and gloves
i’m fishing out all this material
and i was just like oh man this is like
this is like a real parrot i feel like a
real dad
i feel like a real parent right now you
should you should have just been in the
bullet and got like a colander from the
kitchen and said okay
your life is over now colander this is
your last this is your last
task and then you go into the bin and
then replaced
well i think my wife she was saying i
should just like pull the plug
but i’m like you know it’s good to just
stink the whole drain and everything
like that like i’m so glad i actually
didn’t do that
so yeah it is what it is i don’t know
maybe having dogs
and constantly cleaning up after them
it’s just like one step further so it
didn’t bother me as much as maybe it
should have been
far out it was like it was few i was
fearing this day and then it actually
happened i was like oh god
yeah i i can’t relate i can’t relate
oh you don’t want to relate all right
the most natural segue in history of man
let’s get into let’s get into the big
big big news this week
so sony sony had their playstation 5
showcase this week
and you know i think everyone felt like
this was going to happen but yes they
did they revealed the playstation 5
price uh pre-order details
sort of the release date lots of games
and you know lots of other stuff that’s
around the playstation 5 ecosystem which
is really exciting so
as we normally do we tackle the biggest
thing that happened
in the event and i think the biggest
thing is really the price of the system
so it does come in the the full-fledged
disc model so just the playstation 5
they’re referring to it is 500 us
dollars 750 australian dollars which is
exactly the same
as the xbox series x and the digital
edition which is like to me
not that i would ever get the digital
edition but i was super fascinated to
see what they were going to price it at
and they priced it at you us 400 in
600 and they’re both coming out in
us and other territories like that japan
in the 12th of november and then the
week after
in the rest of the world so we’re quite
lucky actually in australia to be
getting it on
launch day um so yeah like what were you
what were your thoughts around the price
did it surprise you did you
hope for more or less what were your
well i guess my thoughts on this are
very different than xbox because
i’m i’m going to buy into the xbox
ecosystem you know
continue to do that just because war
okay like
you’ve almost you’ve almost you know
like i should have written something
i i wanted to like get your thoughts on
is this whole package and some other
stuff that they revealed
you know attracting you to this
ecosystem but it sounds like you’re just
like locked in you’re bolted into xbox
you’re not gonna move
well i have i have a complex where i
need to
to hunt for things that mean have no
and they just pop up and they give me
some kind of dopamine hit whenever it
does so
yes well an achievement [ __ ] i need to
stay with the export system
well i’ll introduce you to a new uh
addiction trophies
and there’s a whole range that you can
get but
similar to um how i’ve done in the past
what i’ll probably do is i’ll probably
end up picking up
um a previous generation playstation
and catching up on a bunch of those
games so that’s the way that i’ve kind
of worked in the past with that
but when it comes to the pricing of the
ps5 um and the digi
the digital edition as well the i mean
i was kind of expecting them to you know
be pretty close to xbox i don’t know why
i was expecting to maybe be slightly
more but the fact that they match them
uh on the you know the the top level uh
is is is interesting the digital edition
i think a lot of people are expecting
that to mainly only be
let’s say in us dollars like 50 less or
something the fact that’s a hundred
dollars less it’s pretty crazy because
from what i know the only difference
between the two systems is
the lack of disk drive yeah so look and
you know i wanted to
speak about this prior to the prices
coming out
and i think if the podcast had been
running longer we would have already
covered this but
you know for me it didn’t shock me at
and if anything i was expecting that or
even more of a discount
and you just got to think about it from
a business sense right like
ultimately the attachment rate on these
kind of consoles is
you know like just ballpark like six
games per console
and and for sony and for microsoft
if they are getting purchases on digital
the amount of money that they make on
that versus physical
is just like magnitudes apart um
so for them like in the wash
like actually discounting the console
even another 50 60 70 bucks
because let’s be real like the disc does
not cost that much
like the disk drive like it’s probably
you know i don’t know like a 20 dollar
you know difference in terms of how much
it’s costing them for a component
probably not even that but let’s just
even be generous and say 20
but driving people down a purely digital
where you know they have to engage with
the playstation store or the xbox store
to get like titles and they’re getting
that sweet 30
off every single title including you
know if they’re new to the system okay
buying all those games so they’re not
taking advantage of used game prices or
you know other ways to get games cheap
they’re gonna make all the money back
really really quickly like if not more
you know
yeah just from what we’ve heard uh
across the last
let’s say six seven months about the
cost of the components for the ps5
being quite troublesome for them and
trying to drive that price down
i still surprised that it’s a hundred
dollars less
like i don’t know there’s always going
to be a differential of about a hundred
bucks at least
it’s whether a lot of people you know
your point of view
a lot of yeah a lot of people were
thinking that it was probably going to
be a less of a
a gap between them that’s all and so
well i i kind of understand where
they’re coming from because the core
components outside of the
the disk drive are apparently the same
so if there’s
you don’t price things on components
that’s you don’t price
you price it on perception you price it
what you can make in the long run you
don’t you know
that component cost 10 so i’ll charge a
30 premium on that component that’s
almost like irrelevant yeah i’m still
surprised by though
like it doesn’t doesn’t matter because
i’ve been listening to these
discussions around this for a long time
and a lot of people were actually
like i wasn’t i didn’t come to that kind
of thought myself it was actually based
what i’d heard a lot of people saying
about it and
it just still surprised me like it when
it comes to the xbox series s and
series x no surprise there at all even
though uh 299 us is
still probably maybe slightly lower in
the world expecting but it was you know
understandable there definitely um but
just because we’d heard so much
hullabaloo about the troubles that they
had had now
we know that since that started
happening that a lot of regions
um with the pandemic started things
started to ease up and manufacturing
started to pick back up again and things
of that like if it didn’t we wouldn’t be
in the situation launch consoles anyway
probably but
it i’d still it still surprises me that
there is that much difference but i do
understand what you’re saying
um when you talk about price points it
it’s not just about uh how much are we
making back how much profit or the
break-even whatever it is about how much
how much we can sell and what we can
sell it for
but it is still it is still surprising
if anything um
[Music] maybe the the fact that the the top
level one is it matches the xbox is
is maybe the thing that’s probably a bit
more surprising then
based on that i guess those industry um
murmurs back then because you know i
wouldn’t be surprised if us that would
have been
you know like i don’t i don’t know if
they ever do like a
nice clear like let’s say 550 or
something or if it’s normally like 549
or something crap like that but uh
i could see them getting away with a
slightly higher bump than xbox
uh just simply because people people
generally you know
sony has a lot has a very big user base
they’re willing to sometimes spend a
little bit more because they know it’s
the playstation you know
yeah and i think they’re matching
genuinely yeah i think genuinely the
dual sense
has got a lot of tech in it like
probably a little bit like
uh the joy cons so i think genuinely
that that part is more expensive for
like they’ve even you know jim ryan the
ceo of sony
interactive entertainment you know he’s
sort of said hey a lot of the budget
kind of went to getting that right
um and sort of you know focusing in on
that and
to the exclusion of other things that
they wanted to do um
look i don’t know like whenever i heard
you know a lot of industry pundits talk
a 50 price differential i really thought
it was really naive like
a lot of it was i think based on when
um or microsoft released the xbox one s
all digital edition you know the sad
um they they released that with a 50
price differential
i think that’s a totally different
situation economically because
they’re releasing that product you know
also for people who already have an xbox
one and just go you know what i’ve got a
lot of games in my digital library
i just want to get across you know to
the next revision
without you know spending a huge amount
of money so i i don’t think and it’s
also like
well into the cycle so they’re not going
to be able to capitalize on a lot of the
game sales from a digital perspective so
i don’t know whenever i saw that and i
heard people talk about oh the component
cost this amount so that much premium
just like that is not how you price
things in business
like you know like you need to look at
what the market can sustain
like it almost doesn’t matter if a
component costs one cent
if you can sell it for a premium of ten
dollars that’s what you do that’s
capitalism that’s how it works
um so yeah like that part didn’t
surprise me but just going back to what
you’re saying
i would not have been surprised if they
said it was 550 and the digital edition
was 450. like that would have
i was almost expecting that like and
maybe people get very annoyed with it
um but you know i think one thing that
jim ryan did say recently was they
pretty much locked in
500 us dollars and pretty much worked
backwards from that
so i mean maybe that’s also a reason why
it’s not as powerful
sort of you know in raw numbers as as
the xbox series x
yeah it’s the thing interesting and this
is not definitely not news this week but
the fact that both of these consoles are
going so hard on
on having that non-digital option as
like this is truly like it was obviously
already on its
last legs but just the the retail
industry like physical
oh yeah sales where this is essentially
like it
this is the generation where it dies 100
like you’ll still have i don’t know i i
i reckon it will be
um by the end of this generation
essentially i think we’ll be
past that not to say there won’t be ever
physical but i think as
um not so much something in australia
like jb
hi-fi where they’ve got you know it’s
part of their their offering i’m talking
about the standalone game stores that’s
what i’m yeah dedicated ones yeah
yeah and like obviously we’re seeing the
news about eb
gaming oh sorry um a gamestop game
game stop yeah um so which is you know
the equivalent over in the us
just like the amount of new stores and
they’ve got obviously a lot more
problems going on
um but it’s like it’s just a
it’s a clear narrative for them um which
which is unfortunate in some ways but
it’s just you know the nature of how
things have gone and it
has we’ve talked about it before tap
into movies you know happened to music
before then
and so it’s just a natural progression
well and you look at pc
games like when i built my pc it doesn’t
even have a dvd
player or anything so the case doesn’t
even support that
like there’s not i don’t even know i
haven’t really looked at the case
properly but i don’t think
yeah i can even put one in in this case
you know and look i don’t really lament
but for whatever reason video games to
me the physical element of it is like
and i almost always prefer buying
like over digital and yeah i don’t know
i don’t
see it ending in the next generation
definitely the one after that they won’t
have discs or anything physical at all
i’m talking i’m talking standalone
outlets i think by the end generation
not the like the multi-department ones
oh no no i’m talking about the actual
consoles so like the ps6 and the xbox
whatever bizarre name they give the next
generation if they make that generation
xbox like i feel like they’d still have
a disc
drive but you know what maybe what
they’ll do is they’ll just have an
add-on for the console to play discs or
something weird like that who knows
but let’s you know that’s like seven
years from now just just going back to
this like
i genuinely think the series s for the
is so compelling in the us and
it annoys me in australia that if you
do the conversion so you just basically
you know the u.s price you have to add
gst people who don’t do that is stupid
like they don’t have sales tax
in the pricing in america so you do pay
sales tax depending on your state in
america so you have to add gst on it so
once you take us price ad gst
convert it to australian dollars the
series x
ps5 and ps5 digital are all like
priced in with no margin which is pretty
pretty good
right for australian context whereas the
series s
it’s an extra fifty dollars that they’ve
added on to it so
if you just translate the raw numbers it
should be 450 australian
but it’s 500 and to me in australia
500 for an xbox series s which is like
underpowered versus a playstation 5
digital for 600
that’s just like a no-brainer like i
don’t know
like i get you know if you’re in the
microsoft ecosystem if you’re in the
sony ecosystem it probably won’t matter
to you as much maybe
but i don’t know i look at it and i’m
like that’s just i feel like a misstep
you know 450 is just such a more
attractive number
than 500 especially when it’s close to
that 600
figure on the playstation 5 digital oh
i agree but i think the series s is
like if the the audience for that is so
different than any of the other three
like i see the other three as you know
obviously the series x
and the base than the top level ps5 i’ve
got to think of a better way to say that
just the ps5
yes it’s called the ps5 which i actually
like that they’ve done that
oh i know it is i just like in my head
i’m like how am i saying this but yeah
the ps5 and the series x like they’re
you know to me they are
essentially the same audience in many
ways with slight differences the digi
the ps5 digital is slightly different on
you know a bit of an offshoot on that
but the series estimates it is really
targeting a different thing
but i completely understand um
like there’s people that are just in
situation what console am i going to buy
for christmas for for the kids
you know and at that point it is you
know like
they there is a comparison to be made i
think that
you know these are launch prices so i i
think it’ll be interesting to see where
the pricing is at let’s say in 18 months
or so
um or two years because i think at that
it’ll kind of you know the there’s a
long it’s a long the way to go till then
but i think then
things will be probably be clearer about
where the the pricing falls you know for
those i guess for the rest of the
and look they’ve taken very distinct
strategies like the playstation 5
digital versus
playstation 5 is literally the same
except a disk drive whereas the series s
and series x as we said last week
it’s significantly underpowered now
targeting almost like a different
resolution which
i think is a really cool way to think of
it it’s just hey if you’re look if
you’re playing on like a 1080p
setup or a 1440p setup you don’t
kind of need the series x in my opinion
outside of the disk drive
so it is a it is interesting to me that
there are different strategies i just
i don’t know it really i know it sounds
trivial to say like 50 bucks but to me
that 50 bucks difference has kind of put
me off the series s because i
might have eventually got a playstation
and then maybe had a series s on the
side you know
um just to unlock game pass and
everything like that but yeah being
500 versus 450 it just i don’t know it’s
very odd appealing
it also depends on what you’re getting
it for because you’ve talked about oh
well the series s
might be a game plus machine and at that
at that point you’re gonna quickly make
other fifty dollars
on what you would have purchased
outright on the other console well i
shouldn’t have to make up the 50 like
they’ve added that in as a tax you know
i know i know that but i’m i’m just
trying to find you know
like i’m not trying to convince you
because i honestly you know it is what
it is
it’s more i think that in the in the
long term
scheme of things like 50 dollars isn’t
isn’t probably going to make a huge
yeah no i get what you’re saying and i
mean it sounds like we’ve already
revealed our hands but
you’re you’re not interested at all in
the ps5
or ps5 digital it sounds no only because
i’m just
weird and i generally always kind of
i’ve always been that with playstation
ever since the first one um where i will
always get into it like a generation
and i’m a bit late on that when it comes
to um the ps3 definitely
um but when it came to ps1 ps2 that’s
exactly why i did it the way that i also
filled in the gap about
the final fantasy games that i hadn’t
played and you know
a lot of the the big hitters like
middleweight solid games that you know
um hadn’t made it at that point to any
other consoles
um and it’s it’s a bit different now i
think because we’re seeing a lot of this
stuff get
re-released and there’s backwards
compatibility and things like that but
there’s still a whole bunch of ps3 and
it’s definitely ps4 games that i haven’t
played that i
still plan on playing um but so that’s
the way i’ll be doing and
given that they announced essentially um
you know we we do have at some point at
a note here probably the next section um
the whole backless compatibility thing
it doesn’t really make sense for me to
get a ps5 if i’m planning to play those
older games anyway
so well i’d almost argue the opposite
which is like
it doesn’t almost make any sense to get
a ps4 because
if you get a ps5 then you’ll be able to
play all the ps4 games practically and
no say i’m looking to play i’m looking
to play ps3 games
well you know you can’t play ps3 games
on a ps4
yeah that’s that’s why i’ll be getting a
ps3 that’s what i’m saying i’m actually
late on that
so we’ll chat in 10 years when you get a
yeah that’s the point because i said
like i’m catching up by that and that’s
you know if if the ps5 was back together
ps3 and may it it
that’s honestly probably a pretty easy
decision to make maybe not right away
it’s i’m just the kind of person i love
playing all the games i don’t
have very very few exceptions
i don’t have that like jarring oh this
game looks and plays really outdated
um and that’s just me so i’m cool to go
back and play
especially you know talking rpgs like a
lot of that stuff is turn based and
things so it doesn’t really matter as
much if
the camera is not great but um yeah but
can i ask
uh into got say i wanted a ps5 how
how would i currently go about getting
myself one
you’d have to tune into a twitter feed
because i’ve been
blasting links where available it has
a [ __ ] show to put it simply like in
australia and in the us
as well like in the us i think it’s even
worse in australia
like i think the australian way is kind
of like we just expect it to come out
and i don’t know why but i think it’s
just you know a lot of the
uh marketing hubs for these companies
don’t have a huge presence in australia
so you know nintendo is really just a
sales distribution channel in australia
like there isn’t really big staff there
so you know if they kind of go oh hey
it’s on pre-order now
everyone in australia just goes ah yeah
okay just scrambles
and it was a nightmare but in the us it
was shocking because
sony actually said don’t worry about it
it’s going on
pre-order tomorrow and a lot of people
just said all right i’ve got other
things to do
and then randomly almost all the
retailers put it up for pre-order
and it got sold out so that was in the
us which i think was way worse but even
in australia yeah like
it it went up like i shot out the links
to some mates one of our mates
uh ordered a ps5 and then yeah just
like got sold out within it felt like 10
not even potentially so from what i
the so they had the showcase and they
didn’t mention any about pre-orders in
the showcase but
right after the showcase correct the
news about that date
pretty much first came from jeff keeley
is that right
yeah more from the us but like he was
uh the head of marketing for sony like
sony interactive entertainment but
whenever i say sony i mean
the subdivision where they look after
playstation um
and they said yeah don’t worry about it
it will be on sale tomorrow
i mean it kind of does give you the
context that as
powerful as companies are like sony
nintendo microsoft
the retailers do their own thing you
know and
there’s no control over them saying
don’t do that so yeah you’re kind of
burning a bit of a relationship there
i think it becomes a bit of a hey we
just want to sell out our allocation
you know who knows if it will sell out
covert etc
so i think some of them just pulled the
trigger and then you know as soon as one
breaks that date like they all just go
stuff it like we’re going to do it as
that was bad that was bad because people
didn’t expect it so people are really
annoyed about it fairly i’d say
do we know whatever happened with the
whole register for a chance at pre-order
playstation directly i think they’re
still doing that
it’s really weird um you know what it’s
been funny isn’t it because there’s been
a lot of pre-orders in the last few
weeks for lots of different products
like we would have had
you know not that we have spoken about
it but the nvidia 3080
series of graphics card they have had
crazy pre-order things
uh you know gaming watch that ran out
really quickly so yeah
and with the australian one like what i
would say to people is
you know also focusing on you know the
small not smaller but the players that
pay as much attention so the targets and
big w’s
a lot of the times i don’t know they’re
just very haphazard and they
they like launch their pre-orders and
then it runs out and then they
they i don’t know find new allocations
or new stock and then they’ll
update it so i even posted on twitter
hey big w you can pre-order it again
and like people just aren’t aware of it
because you know they don’t make a big
color blue about it
and it’s you know like things like eb
games jb hi-fi they get all the
and you know eb games so that’s like the
game stop for us in australia
they sold out on the launch day ps5s
then they sold out on all the 2020 ps5s
then they started selling 2021 due ps5
and then now they’ve just said that’s
we’re not taking any more pre-orders
because they i think they realize that
it’s going to be like three months
before people can get their ps5
i pay a 20 21 um
oh oh actually i guess we’re not
thinking about it’s only two months
yeah but well and that’s the bizarre
thing about this whole thing right
normally we would hear this news at
latest say june
like e3 and you know for the november
launches and the new consoles but
this has just been an odd year and it’s
been pushed back so much
that yeah it was it’s such a quick
turnaround time um
but yeah look look like you know follow
us on our socials i’ll always post it
out as quick as possible
i think also outlets like press start in
they’re pretty good at like getting the
word out quite quickly
um and you know you’ve seen a lot of odd
behavior like i don’t know if you’ve
ever heard of the
video game uh store the gamesman
it’s like a new south wales-based one
yep so they’ve got an
awesome store like i love their store
they have like a retro museum
and it’s you gotta like when you’re up
in sydney next time we’ll go visit it
it’s really really cool man like it’s a
really cool place like
they’re genuinely passionate about games
i really like them
um but they i thought this was a bit
but you know fair enough it’s capitalism
they can do what they want it’s nothing
illegal what they did but
they had pre-orders but what they did
was when you pre-ordered
it was like a ps5 plus an extra dual
sense controller
or like a ps5 plus a dual sensor
controller and like a
vr camera or whatever it is like you
know the the streaming camera
that they’re releasing for the ps5 you
couldn’t just order the ps5 by itself
yeah i i mean that sounds like it
shouldn’t be allowed but i’m sure
they’ve got the ability to do that
well they’re allowed to do it but it’s
just it doesn’t okay
you know given how desperate people are
i get it from a business sense but
you know i think you get a lot of bad
press if you do that kind of stuff and
people were very very annoyed uh with
them so
yeah and like i said you know just you
know keep an eye out like i think press
starts pretty good i’ll keep tweeting on
about it but
you know big w seems to have stock like
it seems to come back the other thing
i’d recommend is
just go in person to like a jb hi-fi or
a big w or a target and talk to the
manager there
because they often can sort of work
something out for you like you know
think outside the box a little bit there
obviously in melbourne
you can’t do that on at the moment which
is unfortunate um
and one thing i would really warn people
is with harvey norman
be careful about pre-ordering from them
because they have a very long and
infamous history of
like over allocating and then just
canceling people and they cancel it on
the day
like people go to collect it so people
have been really annoyed about that
especially with limited items that you
can’t get again
so i i just completely avoid them and i
wouldn’t even use them as a backup
um because i just don’t trust it uh
and just moving on to related news so
this was also revealed in the showcase
like i thought this was like super super
uh it’s only revealed the playstation
plus collection
so you know one of the questions that
people had so with playstation plus
you get you know it used to be you know
a playstation 4 game playstation 3 game
playstation vita game and then it
evolved just a playstation 4 game
usually one or two
uh recent ones have been really good
you’ve had street fighter 5 4 guys stuff
like that that’s awesome
but then you know the question became
what are they going gonna do with
five are they gonna release a game for
free like one of the launch titles are
they gonna make it free like how are
they gonna manage that
so what they’ve done is they’ve actually
said that
uh 18 and i would actually say 18 of the
best playstation
4 games are going to be available
through backwards compatibility at
of the ps5 and just to be clear this is
only on the ps5
with playstation plus so you can’t get
playstation plus for the ps4 and then
unlock these 18 games it’s you know just
on the playstation 5.
uh you know we’ll cover all the titles
in the bargain bin but you know these
are the gods of the war
last of us remastered monster hunter
world which is thematic for this episode
playstation persona 5
like really huge heavy hitters
um it’s still not clear and i’ve done
like a lot of research on it it’s really
not clear
if this is a you know they’re going to
allow this for the first
month or year or six months or
like how that actually works because the
way it works with playstation plus is
if you don’t unlock the games in that
month that they’re available they go
which is you know similar to uh xbox
game with gold so
that’s kind of up in the air you know i
wouldn’t imagine they would only allow
like a
one month or two month window because i
think that would really piss people off
who weren’t able to get the console but
you know i wouldn’t be shocked if they
made it so you know to unlock this you
needed to get the console in
say before march or something like that
uh to unlock it so
i’m sure more details will come out
shortly um
and the other interesting thing on this
is you know jim ryan again the ceo of
sony uh it was really clear that
this is not going to become game pass
because a lot of people are already
saying oh this is
playstation’s game pass you know they’ve
said hey this doesn’t make sense the
it’s also a bit of a swipe at microsoft
the economics of game pass don’t stack
uh and this is really just a way to
celebrate the playstation 4 library
and you know especially people who are
new to playstation
you know hey here’s like 18 great games
that you can start with and then all the
launch titles that are coming out
so what did you think of this well first
of all i really want to play that game
called the gods of war that sounds great
no i mean i meant to say in terms of the
gods of war like those type of like
heavy hitters i know
i know uh i look this is this is great
especially for anyone that’s picking up
um something the game
of the system at launch it gives them a
whole bunch of stuff to play
because we know that a lot of launch
titles you know whether or not it’s
death loop or
other games just you know honestly both
consoles have
kind of a bit of a weak lineup
so this this is great and the thing that
surprised me the most is the fact that
you got some pretty prominent third
party uh big kitters so whether or not
monster hunter world or persona 5. yeah
they’re the things that surprised me
because when they started showing off of
this first party sony stuff it’s like
okay that makes sense cool they’ve got
the you know the ability to do what they
want with that this stuff and then
suddenly they show those and they even
had i think arkham knight in there which
interestingly left game pass
like uh or something like that so it was
yeah i think it’s great um it’ll be
interesting to see as you’ve
mentioned um what happens with this
service um
if it is something that’s limited or not
um i really hope that
it is something that you know
kind of doesn’t exclude the people that
weren’t able to get something right at
launch because the pre-order we’ve
already gone through the whole pre-order
um so if it is very limited let’s say
for the first three months
but people can’t get a hold of one for
three months because of all these issues
it kind of sucks for that
but hey it’s it’s a nice addition
especially considering it’s not
something that you have to pay more for
if you’ve already got playstation plus
which not everyone does have
um it’s i think it’s great
yeah like so i you know if i was to
predict it
i am almost certain it’s gonna be
limited um
and i think your point is very accurate
that you know
sony keeps denying this but it just
seems like they are not able to produce
as much stock as they would want to
um you know they kind of said the other
day that it’s they they have more stock
than they did for the playstation 3 i
think or
i don’t think they were saying for
playstation 4 i think they’re actually
saying playstation 3 but it might have
been playstation 4 but
look i you know they don’t seem to be
able to be able to keep up with demand
and the fact that even eb
games in australia who actually are
pretty good with
giving you an insight as to how much
stock there really is out there
you know the fact that they’re running
out of their 2021 allocation early
2021 shows that like there’s not enough
stock for the demand
um so i i think if they felt confident
everyone could get one within the first
say three months
then they probably would have given it
an end date of say the end of march
but you know they don’t want to get that
backlash so i think they’re holding off
and waiting to see
you know supply versus demand and you
know once it gets to a level where it’s
maybe in december they’ll come out and
say actually like this is going to run
out in april
or june or even march again um i i can’t
imagine a world where that this will be
like those licenses are just wait like
you know the monster hunter worlds you
know like
that’s capcom’s biggest game ever like
including street fighter resident evil
all these games like there’s no way that
they’ll allow that to be free
permanently as part of uh playstation
plus like it just doesn’t make sense so
it’s a great incentive and you know the
thing that i wanted to ask you
in this segment was really like is
something like this
compelling to you because like a lot of
these games are the exact games that you
haven’t played because you’re not in
that sony ecosystem and
sort of like hey here’s 18 games and
pretty much
i could imagine a world where you play
you know 15 of the 18
like you know excluding the ones that
you would already played because it was
crossgen but
you know like is that something that
makes you go oh okay
you know it’s kind of interesting or
you’re just so bolted on with the
achievements you can’t move
yeah well that’s less about in this case
about the achievements like that’s
obviously a reason for me to stick with
the microsoft ecosystem but
i i’ve mentioned before that i there’s
i’m i’m still looking at the previous
generation games that i still like to
catch up on especially when we’re
talking about something like an
yeah and i know that some of those
things are uncharted they’ve done the
collections on ps4 and things anyway
which are probably the best ways to play
but it’s you know i still i still want
to play through god of war 3 before i
ever get to the the remade
you know you know the i guess the
rebooted god of war and things like that
yeah and it’s i think for me i don’t
have a problem
buying these games but i think for
people that didn’t have as you know
like you know that i just had to you
i’m not made of money but like i’m not
seriously having a budget
my game purchases like a lot of people
who unfortunately have to
and it makes sense for those people from
a price standpoint 100
um i’m just you know if
if if xbox didn’t have game pass then it
would probably be a lot more of an
incentive because
the game pass just there’s still so many
games there that i’m sitting there
looking oh man i’ll download that
download that now that you know like the
user games are adding all those into
that and
there’s just a whole bunch of games that
i haven’t played in my own backlog of
you know whether it’s physical
i think i think i’ve got something like
100 sealed
360 games that i’ve never touched and
things like that and it’s like oh man
you know
when am i ever going to get to these
like i’m probably going to sell resell
most of them but
there’s just so many games so for me if
it wasn’t for that
um it would be compelling but i think
great for the majority of people though
you know i’m
not downplaying it’s more just my
personal situation and
look there’s definitely something like
persona 5 um i’m i’m still
holding out some hope that they may um
you know
eventually do some switch ports there
but if anything persona 5
um will probably hit steam at some point
like uh persona 4. i think it’s persona
or as a persona 3 recently hit steam one
of the two yeah
golden yeah so i’m you know i’ve got a
pc that i’m not using enough for games
there’s chances there and who knows
maybe they’ll start
porting some of these uh titles just
like they have horizon to pc
so maybe that’s a way for me to play
some of them as well so
yeah well why don’t we get into the
games then
yes so we’ll run through maybe more like
the highlights of the games there’s a
lot more games that were
discussed or brought into the showcase
um they either just don’t appeal to us
five nights at freddy’s or fortnight um
and probably focus more on the games
that we haven’t heard much about
and a lot of them rumored uh but and
some not so much but
you know finally confirmed in this and
starting from probably
one of the the ones that have been
rumored and sort of like
felt like a lot of trouble development a
lot of you know intrigue around it um
and now we know as hogwarts legacy which
you know for me
i’m not a fan of that name at all i
don’t know what you think of the name
oh my name’s fine to me um okay okay
we’ll get into my my thoughts about it
in a second yeah so like
uh this is very long room at game and
you know
screenshots or like videos of it
supposedly had been linked previously so
this is set in the harry potter universe
i don’t like how people are calling it a
prequel to harry potter i mean
it’s it in that universe and it’s set in
the 1800s and i’m not very familiar with
harry potter book series but to me it
sort of didn’t feel like
a prequel to it just felt like it was
set into that universe
and it’s trying to tell its own story
and hence why like the whole 1800s
coming out in 2021 and probably the
other thing to just sort of call out in
this is
you know there’s a lot of uh you know
controversy around jk rowling
the author of the harry potter series
and you know the developer and the
publishers have come out very strongly
saying you know we don’t support those
sort of statements and also she isn’t
involved at all
in this game but i do feel really bad
for whether you agree or not about the
comments by the author
i just feel bad that you know people who
are making this game like more the
artists all these people it’s like
this game and there’s a lot of people
who are like oh you know we should
boycott this game
and yeah i just kind of feel a bit bad
for those folks who are working so hard
on this game
which it does look cool it’s not
necessarily the most appealing thing to
me but it doesn’t look like a really
cool game
yeah and on that i mean we know that
at some point the money will flow
through to her so the fact that them
saying oh yeah it will
yeah that she’s not involved i mean
like they’re not gonna sit there saying
oh but there’s a certain contract
arrangement with i know they’re not
gonna say that
but you know keep that in mind that you
she will still be benefiting from you
purchasing this game potentially
sure for sure but when it comes to this
game look
um i’d say the trailer was pretty
uh the thing for me is that i’ve just
had very little interest in anything
harry potter
ever um i’ve only ever seen the first
three sorry first four
films never read any of the books um i
that whole craze i think i was just like
you know maybe just five six years too
old for that to probably hit in the
in the right spot um and i know a lot of
people a lot of adults
obviously love reading those books and
and it appeals to a wider audience
and i quite like the third and four
films but um
the thing that actually interests me is
the fact that avalanche studios sorry
avalanche software working on this
i actually really really enjoyed the toy
story 3 game
which was i think 2010 and that i was
actually really well received game at
the time
but actually looking at avalanche
software i can’t believe they worked on
a 64 game
in 97 called multi combat mythology sub
which is which is that i
clarified the 64 version midway worked
on the playstation version
i’m just like wow i didn’t know that hmm
i don’t know how i feel about that but
it’s that i love those old i love those
old days like they
never do it anymore but where they get
different development studios
to work on the same game
but like on different systems so like a
genesis game and a
super nintendo game yeah it still
happens but you don’t see the
differences between them like
no no but it’s not you’re talking about
ports i’m not talking about ports i’m
talking about
they make it’s like they’re making the
game from scratch all right just coming
up with their own ideas it’s like
but the reason the reason i’m saying
that still happens because
we saw it a lot with um this the the wii
and um like the 3ds and stuff like there
were cases where they were essentially
creating different versions of the same
game but
that’s a fair point yeah that’s a fair
point like where you know especially
with 3ds and ds
where those systems so big that there
was a lot of games that
had a ds or 3ds version that you know
was actually a pretty different game
like somewhere even 2d
games when the base game was a 3d game
so completely different
so yeah no like it’s an interesting game
like and i think people are not
understanding how big this game is
like this is gonna be a smash here this
game like if it’s at all decent like in
terms of how it plays
i feel like this game is going to be so
but the uh the big thing that i wanted
to talk about
was the next one final fantasy 16 what
they opened with final fantasy 16.
so yeah this is popped for you when i
saw this
it’s definite uh definitely rumored um
but i don’t think anyone expected it to
be announced in this showcase
um but you know when you say rumored it
like people didn’t know what the setting
was or anything right so
i mean blind freddie could tell you
there’s gonna be fun in fantasy 16.
come on i know but rumored that we would
hear something about it soon
is what i thought because we’d heard
some uh comments from
like the producer and things like that
about what the next game was gonna
you know think about that fair enough
relatively recent but
this uh this trailer you know it opens
up you’re like okay it’s final fantasy
straight away there’s so many things
about it and obviously then it comes
with the chocobo and
it’s confirmed but it one one thing that
immediately hit me about this um was
obviously the setting is very different
than the recent final fantasy games it
essentially going back to probably i’d
say a final fantasy 6
no actually probably before final
fantasy uh four and five level of
i guess technology in the world from
what it seems yeah like steve
monkey well no but that’s what i’m
saying like not even six
six had kind of those elements and it we
don’t really see much of that in this if
anything that what the trail actually
reminded me heaps of
was um specifically the first episode of
game of thrones
there’s so much to it that really like i
don’t know if you remember the first
episode but there’s like they’re in
castle black in like the courtyard
there were so many shots yeah yeah so
many shots in this trailer were in
a similar looking courtyard and then
they’re in like those big
town halls like you know with the tables
and i’m like man this is like
this is like final fantasy meets uh game
of thrones in some way and it was really
but i will say there there’s a few
things that really put me off about this
and it’s not going to put off everyone
though um
first of all i know why but i’m i’m not
a fan of them
sticking with the the character action
style combat um
i’ve final fantasy 15 there’s a lot of i
love about the game but the combat
system was not one of them um they did
improve it though
i will say that from to the royal
um from the base game it was pretty
rough the royal edition added a lot more
also made the party members a lot more
unique with their own um
i guess combat mechanics but it’s not
what i’m looking for for a final fantasy
game and i don’t know if we’re ever
going to go back
it’s it’s such a shame but i understand
that you know it it’s a lot more
accessible to people if they can press a
button and
the character does something immediately
and it feels responsive
i just i do miss the even the ones that
are kind of
get a i guess a bit of a hybrid systems
whether or not it’s 13 or
or 12 um and 10 is my favorite system
you know battle system from the whole
series but that’s the one thing that
kind of
did disappoint me um and the other thing
was um
i’m always like the final fantasy games
have always almost been
the graphical benchmarks of oh this
whole that looks next-gen
you know when we when we first saw final
fantasy 10 it’s like oh my god
when we first saw final fantasy vii well
seven yeah but like i’m
i’m thinking more from ps1 to ps2 final
fantasy 10 oh my god when we saw final
fantasy 13 for the first time
everyone’s like oh my god that looks
incredible yeah
if someone told me this game was running
on a ps4 pro
i wouldn’t i’d believe them it didn’t
there’s a there’s a nature to it like
especially when you start looking at the
character models in the hair
it looks to me like just
it’s like i i was it wasn’t getting
giving me that oof that the final
fantasy games
moving to the next generation has
normally given me
so just just on that right so for me
the only game there’s only one single
game and it’s the game we’re not even
going to talk about
the only game that i’ve seen so far out
xbox and sony where i’ve gone oh
okay that actually looks legit like the
next gen
is ratchet and clank and not so much
just how it looks which it does look
it’s like you know they’re going hey
this is gameplay and look at it it’s
like flipping to this area that area and
i think
that component of it feels very next-gen
to me where it’s not like
you know here’s a long corridor so we
can load assets in the background and
then pop you into the world
it actually generally felt like wow they
are really taking full advantage of this
insanely fast ssd
and building a game around that which is
like a very nintendo style approach
outside of that no game is really like
blowing me away that much and i think
it’s also
like pc gaming is so huge it’s blurring
all the lines anyway for me
so i’m probably not even as familiar
with like this is the max of what a
1x can look like or a pro ps4 pro so
i get like that that’s how you feel but
for me none of these games
really like make me go wow this is like
so far in advance like it’s actually one
of the slo the smallest gaps that i can
think of in any generation
i know i’m i’m just that’s usually the
final fantasy titles moving to
generation hit that and final fantasy
did as well
um probably to a lesser extent this game
it does look a lot like 15 in terms of
the presentation and what my hope is
really i didn’t think that that’s
interesting oh no presentation in terms
of like okay
like how good the character models are
and i know that it’s it’s more don’t get
me wrong
but what i’m hoping is that this game is
likely super early in development still
or at least to the point where you know
we know that square enix take their time
with their games um i look at this and
i’m more impressed by the final fantasy
7 remake
honestly um in terms of the character
models and things like that
but that aside i’m super hyped for this
um i was even more super hyped when the
trailer said oh
also for pc and then turns out they’ve
removed that
scrape that scrubbed that from all the
tr the trailers now which is like
hello with talk about demon souls next
the same thing with that
what a mistake too oh what if yeah
just scrub back that is that’s that’s
shitty that is really shitty
no but you know how these arrangements
work like they do a deal with them and
it’s sort of
you know and it’s weird you know we’re
getting to demons
souls i hate that name like because it’s
just hard to say demons
souls next but you know in general with
the exclusivities
you know they’ll go hey it’s for a year
like we don’t even want you to
say that you can’t even confirm what
other consoles that’s going to go on
yeah that’s just kind of the course of
business for me no this was
this was super shitty because they put
it in the trailer and then they scrubbed
it immediately afterwards from this
mirror there’s obviously an error two
different means to say that on two
different games
correct yeah correct yeah that’s what
happens in business
this is nah dude this this is shitty
this is super shitty because what’s
shitty about it i don’t get why you
think it’s shitty what’s shitty about it
well confirm that don’t put it up in the
trash two different games and then have
retract it constantly the same day if
you sign a contract with someone that
says you can’t
speak about whether it’s gonna go on
something else which is what you do and
how you draft those contracts
you have to remove it and then you can’t
speak about it you’ve made the mistake
basically confirming it let’s be real
demon souls
and final fantasy 16 are coming to pc
guaranteed like it’s going to happen
right they’ve already put it in the
trailer right it’s just that
they legally wouldn’t have been able to
say that because they would have written
signed a contract getting that roles is
weird because
it’s actually kind of like a playstation
ip so like that one is
really weird dude you’re giving them too
much leeway get that right before you
put it in the trailer
i don’t really get it right yeah you’re
saying oh it’s not a big deal no you
said leeway
no no i get it i get it they made a
mistake man they made a mistake
i don’t know i don’t know why you think
it’s shitty it’s just like they’ve they
stuffed it up
and they fixed it they’re changing
obviously coming to pc
it’s usually shitty for people that well
that’s the thing is like until they
turn around and say otherwise pc
yeah i i was this is accidentally saying
it’s coming to pc
you’re not going to accidentally say
that in a million years no way
no it’s definitely coming pc and they’ve
broke some
can you let me finish i i was super
pissed off about this because
it’s such an easy thing to avoid doing
suddenly you’ve confused not only
because there’s a whole bunch of people
that are now gone away from watching
that showcase and they haven’t heard
about that retraction
so there’s people out there now thinking
that oh it’s coming out so i’m planning
on getting this blah blah
and suddenly you’ve got you’ve
misinformed people in something that was
so easy to not get wrong you know it’s
so that’s why i’m i it is a huge thing
for me because
like the fact that if they retracted it
later i’d be like okay
cool they’ve gone they’ve had
discussions above all and they realized
no we’re actually we’re going to retract
that it was the same day
like at that point you like just you
needed more checks and balances or
someone else needed to kind of proofread
what they’re allowed to say yeah look
like on that point around you know
should they have made this mistake no
like you know i’ve worked on things with
150 page document it’s a legal document
it needs to all be correct it’s going
out in public
and you know i literally would go
through every single word read it out
prove where every single sentence comes
from like
you know like this is not that hard they
actually don’t have much text in these
trailers so it’s pretty easy to get it
right yeah
so i i give you that right it’s just
for me i don’t know maybe it’s i’m you
know wrong but
i am like 99.99
confident it’s gonna come to pc and to
me like it’s almost better to
know that because i think initially what
they would have done is just saying it’s
as a playstation 5 exclusive
and then you know people like you who
are not going to get a playstation 5
would have been like oh damn that’s a
but now you know it’s going to come to
pc but
oh yeah let’s talk about dean’s souls
because this is what just one just i
know just like before we go
on because i just want to say a
different note on final fantasy
16 and you know how you’re talking about
the combat i would
i like and correct me if i’m wrong
because you are a final fantasy expert
but you know like and i know it keeps
mentioning this game octopath traveler
like i just wish that they had a
spin-off final fantasy branded
series in the octopath traveler engine
like i would play the hell out of those
you know like even if they just remade a
lot of the old uh final fantasy games
like final fantasy vi
in the octopath traveler engine and you
know bring back just like the really
traditional turn-based combat like i
would love that
yeah it would be great and i think
that’d sell a decent amount but
square square uh struggle to get the
the big releases out enough that they
would have i don’t know from a resource
standpoint now that managed to having
more stuff out there but
um the reason i wanted to get straight
into demon’s holes is because we’re
talking about that topic so
about the whole oh the showing up the
you know it’s coming pc or whatever
the demon soul’s message was even
weirder because demon souls is a sony
yeah that’s weird that’s really that’s
the one that that is like
the weirder one because oh exclusive uh
something about other consoles i can’t
remember exact wording i wish i had it
in front of me but that’s a weird one
because nobody would ever expect that
to come to any other console um pc maybe
but i mean the original demonstration so
they are bringing a lot of things to pc
though so i think people are now
assuming they’re going to bring things
to pc
yeah but um demon souls so i
i know so much about this game that i’ve
never played right
um you’re a huge souls fan
i i am but it’s hard it’s horrible to
say that and then say i haven’t played
probably one of the most important i
well two of the most important titles
which is
theme souls and bloodborne and again
i’ve mentioned you know before that it’s
simply because i’ve you know i’m not in
that ecosystem at the moment if that pc
ports are definitely
it was on xbox you would have played it
this yeah so this
um this is the remake by blue point um
and remaking the true sense of the word
they’ve done such an incredible job with
the visuals in this the
the one and just just on that you know
with blue point
who is gonna buy blue point like if i
was microsoft i’d
buy the hell out of blue point man like
why are they still
independent makes no sense to me i’ve no
i have no idea because they they just do
like they seem to be like in the
industry you know just
by far the best porter’s remaster
team out there like they just kill it
and maybe you know maybe they leave
their free agent still it’s cool maybe
they feel that
it’s easier to operate in the current
setup as opposed to
you know mate or well i don’t know like
my assumption is something’s working for
them in that
in their arrangement but with demon
souls so
i’ve as i said like i know a lot about
this game considering i’ve never played
um and the the one thing
that it looks amazing i’m so glad this
is happening um
you know first of all the servers aren’t
even live for the original demon souls
anymore so i think for anyone that you
know wants to
do the pvp and and the cop and
everything then you know it’s great to
obviously have a new version
coming out but what i’m really hoping is
that this um
gameplay trailer which is basically the
tutorial um of demon souls was
i’m hoping it didn’t have a hud right
which was obvious
um so that was obviously it was scripted
or set up for this um
presentation i’m just really hoping the
camera was made more cinematic
for this for that specific purpose
because the camera is very
different than uh the souls style camera
especially demon souls
so that was the one thing that kind of
just looked unnatural to me um
i’m all for change in the sense that if
it if it’s end up
gun to be i guess beneficial for the
game overall
um i just hope that it still has that i
guess that feel of
of the original and and uh for people
that are fans of it
but it looks amazing um it’s awesome
that’s a launch title
uh to me that is the if i was getting
ps5 that would be the one game i’d be
no doubt about it um so that’s awesome
and i don’t know someone that’s hasn’t
really dipped their toes in
into got um what does this game kind of
look like to you
in terms of what oh how what what’s the
impression you’re getting in this game
oh it looks awesome yeah you know on the
camera i read it about that
prior um that is going to be the camera
like it is
they’ve taken a different approach which
you know
like a lot of these folk who love souls
you know and i get it because you know
there’s certain games that i’m really
into or certain genres like
metroidvanias it’s like
you kind of expect something and if it’s
way outside of that it can really throw
i know a lot of people have been thrown
by the mario 3d all-stars collection
they’ve changed they’ve inversed the uh
controls for sunshine and then also
inverse the camera for 64.
so it’s like you know it throws people
especially if you play them a lot
um but outside of that like yeah this is
a game that i would definitely play like
you know as part of the um some other
year i’ve forgotten what am i doing
game of some other year game that’s the
way i got wrong with it because i keep
on saying
in my mind game of the some other year
so i’m trying not to say that and i said
the whole thing wrong
game of some other year uh as part of
that you know we’re gonna go
through dark souls so i’m super looking
forward to that
but yeah demon souls it looks really
really sick like and
it looks it just looks like a really
great game
like it looks super super polished and
it’s you know
you know i’m going to bring up mario 3d
all-stars collection again i mean i
think for a lot of people
they were hoping for a remake like this
like where you know you’re taking those
base games and
you know maybe throw in odyssey’s engine
or mario odyssey’s engine and you know
build it out that way or do something
like that so and i get that
you know i i don’t think you can get
away with it as much
on a ps3 game and then bringing it to
ps5 without
absolutely remastering it i just don’t
think that would fly
because you know those games are almost
trying to be a bit cutting edge in those
days but now they look a little bit
dated for most people
um but yeah like so yeah like to respond
to your question yeah
it looks really cool it looks really
really neat one thing i guess i didn’t
mention as well
is what’s fantastic about this is that
demon souls
was as always that under-appreciated gem
uh it got a lot of critical claim when
it came out
but it also a lot of people weren’t um
accustomed to
you know like it pushed a lot of people
back like there’s stories you hear about
um of i forget the name of the old isr
one of the sony um presidents maybe is
president of the american division
uh kind of you know almost just saying
oh this game’s horrible blah blah blah
why would we you know
bring this across and things like that
and then turning around completely on
that because they’re games that
kind of like they immediately like it
it changed it changed the
it was like a trendsetter at the time um
but yeah
it wasn’t until dark souls that the
series really picked up i guess the
mainstream appeals so what’s great about
this is that it’s getting that
push um it’s obviously a launch title
which is always going to help because
people wanting to get games from the
platform so it’s a chance to
for this game to get the recognition it
deserves in uh you know with a really
really pretty makeover
so that’s what i think is great about it
yeah it’s pretty incredible the whole
story with dark souls and demon souls
as well like they sony had an
opportunity to lock in
that series and effectively not even
have a dark souls available if that
makes sense
like the whole story of it like they
kind of ended up doing it because of
just a lack of love from sony and sony’s
relative disinterest to really invest in
the series which
you know you always look at these
sliding doors moments and just imagine
like demon souls
is the equivalent of dark souls now and
you know it’s a sony only ip like jeez
that’s crazy when you think about it
like that um
but yeah yeah like i i’m struggling to
think of an example but i totally get
what you’re saying it’s
it’s almost like a bit unfair to demon
souls like people talk about
you know souls like games as if
dark souls is the first game in that
kind of
whole genre and you know i guess off the
top of my head there’s a little bit like
where you know i’m talking about like 93
doom the original doom
where you know everyone’s like oh it’s a
doom killer or a doom clone or like
things that have copied doom but
there were so many games pre-dating doom
that pretty much had all the elements
that just didn’t have it in a package
clicked with people and just kind of
exploded um
and yeah you do feel bad for those games
that were there beforehand and it’s like
well hang on a second
they kind of did everything that that
one did but maybe not as polished or
you know just the setting wasn’t quite
exactly right
that then clicks with people and you
know sometimes you make a game and then
you go
and same as movies and everything and
you go oh there’s just all these things
you do a little bit differently
and once they all add up you know it
sort of makes a bit of a masterpiece so
now this is cool such like this is so
compelling man like as a launch title
compared to
you know when i just kind of trying to
be independent comparing the lineup of
series xbox series x slash s and
playstation 5
and like this one is a big heavy hitter
to me in terms of being a launch title
a hundred percent which they didn’t
confirm in the uh actual show
it’s ridiculous why would you not
it was super odd i mean like in our well
in the next segment we’ll go through the
overall thoughts on the showcase
and there’s a bunch of stuff that they
didn’t confirm in the showcase that i
think is pretty critical
and they confirmed in interviews after
which it’s very odd
like how they did all of that but they
uh they closed the
presentation off with uh essentially a
logo teaser
of essentially the next god of war um
they just had the title there just had
the title there is ragnarok
um yeah and it’s yeah i mean that’s huge
um they obviously didn’t have a big
fancy trailer for it
but it’s i think they needed to kind of
you know really you know
just just push those buttons of people
looking for that that final fantasy 16
was huge announcement but
it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of
tea so they had this this second
big hitter which is the next god of war
yeah like and it was almost like it
reminded me of uh metroid
prime 4 in terms of just being here’s a
and then i saw it’s a 2021 i was like
what like i actually have to go back and
check that because i was like
like how’s it 2021 and
there’s no footage or like anything
on it like i don’t know i guess maybe
it’s just a teaser and it’s a bit of a
marketing campaign
i think there are a lot of cynical
people more cynical than me who are like
you know this is not going to be 2021
this is going to be
2022. and they’re going to push it back
next year which might happen
um but yeah this was probably one of the
biggest announcements in
in the in the showcase i’m not sure if
they’ve ever delayed a gold award title
i could be completely wrong on that but
i think you just in if you if you’re
skeptical that just
just check that see if the if they have
a history of like delaying i know
obviously the pandemic changes
everything um but
they it would have you know like the
students have had time to adjust their
timelines at this point based on you
know the fact that we’ve
this has been going on for over half a
year now so
i don’t think they would have put that
there without knowing they couldn’t
but who knows who knows yeah and look
it’s not something that i think that
they’re not going to be able to deliver
it’s just
you know that’s kind of a lot of
people’s reaction on it
so no i think that that’s that’s really
sick man like when you
look at the lineup for the playstation 5
and then yeah you add in
a god of war a god of god of wars as i
said earlier
um you know that’s massive because that
is a genuine like 10 out of 10 potential
game and then you’ve got a bunch of
others that are coming out at launch as
yeah it is pretty killer and i guess
that’s a good sort of you know segue
into our overall thoughts
uh for the showcase and just you know
confirming a bit of other
news uh that i think should have been in
the showcase but it wasn’t
but you know just is taking a step back
at the showcase and
want to get your thoughts on you know
did you think it was an effective
showcase and how did it compare to you
know xbox and even nintendo’s
offerings of light oh it was a killer
you know they any showcase where you
announced the next mainline final
fantasy game
is killer because that doesn’t happen
very often
um and then to also have some great
trailers like the spider-man trailer was
you know uh the demon souls we’ve
already mentioned that
that was a great trailer as well then to
end it um
with god of war is like this was awesome
this was
some of these announcements were like
these are headline e3 announcements kind
of stuff you know in their head
so no it was really good and i mean the
there were a bunch of other things um
that they talked about um
interestingly and no no godfall in this
or at least in the main showcase you
know that’s like i think they let their
listen to
sometimes with that game but that still
is i was waiting for it that
honestly i was waiting for it i was like
wait i was gonna text you
because i was watching it and i’m like
are they gonna talk about godfall
it’s like the grandma thing in the you
decide cool for them to show god for if
they’re showing something different like
oh this is you actually
this is like the hub world or this is
like the story like
what’s the story of the game
but the point is like they haven’t shown
us anything else it’s other than just
he’s the combat
he is the combat is there anything else
but yeah we also learned some other
stuff that i know if you’re about to go
oh yeah like post showcase as well
yeah and as i said that there were you
know a lot of things that
just seemed like they should have been
in the showcase even if they had handled
it really quick
you know the whole showcase as you said
it started with final fantasy
16 and then it ran through a lot of the
games and it was back ended by
okay you know we know you’re waiting for
this here’s the price you know
made it really clean and simple and
minimalistic here’s the price here’s the
release date this is what’s happening
and then you know here’s one last thing
which was the god of war
announcement but so many of these other
things like everyone’s been talking
about what are they when are they gonna
confirm it or
have a statement like number one you
know can you play ps1 ps2 ps3 games on
that’s now being confirmed no and that’s
what i was alluding to earlier that
jin ryan in that interview with um with
famitsu and
a whole lot of outlets like game
and a few others is essentially just
you know with all the tech that went
into the dual sense and a few other
things that just
kind of from a hardware perspective
didn’t have the budget
to really focus in on ps1 ps2 ps3
i think for me the biggest problem is
the ps3 because the architecture is so
different the whole cell
architecture it’s just such a nightmare
for them to try to be able to
make it compatible that it then creates
a gap
where you know and they tried to do this
with the ps4 they could kind of get
stuff on the ps1 ps2 but not ps3 but it
just feels a bit odd
if you can play ps1 and ps2 but not ps3
so they’ve confirmed that that’s not
working and then they also said that
the playstation 5’s 99 percent
compatible with ps4 titles
that’s also really weird i assume that
that’s just like some of the games that
physical devices or things that are
you know edge cases from a ps4
perspective and they won’t work
yeah it kind of covers them for that you
know that one percent there might be a
game that just
just just will not work you know outside
of the needing peripherals and stuff
so it covers them there yeah it’s to say
100 like even microsoft’s not said that
you know well and that’s the thing i
maybe it’s just they’re trying to cover
themselves from a negative article or
something like that but i think
if you’re 99 you pretty much can just
say your backwards compatible with ps4
because i think if it’s just a few edge
cases people aren’t really gonna
work up about that it’s more the if i
look at the top hundred selling games do
they work
and if they all work and there’s a quirk
here or there i don’t think anyone’s
really gonna be fussed about it but
they’ve almost made it seem like it’s
not compatible historically because you
know they had mark cerny had the whole
commentary around
the top hundred games are gonna what
like you know they should work and then
people were like well wait does that
mean all the rest of the games weren’t
so it’s good that at least they’ve just
put a line through it
ps4 pretty much any title works on ps4
it’s going to work on ps5
ps1 ps2 ps3 hey you’ve got to go buy
a ps3 and you can get the launch ps3s
that have
the physical emulators on them
so for ps1 and ps2 so that’s an option
for some people as well
a lot of people i know take advantage of
that um the other one was just around
the launch titles like they weren’t
really clear
on what the launch titles were for the
ps5 which was really odd and then they
confirmed to afterwards
uh so just quickly running through of
the ones we know and this could be
added to quite quickly uh so astros play
room which is really really sick
like uh astro bot like i’m really keen
to play
that in vr one day and this is like a 3d
platformer version so not a vr one but
it’s very associated with uh dual sense
and that’s going to be a packing like a
very old school method
packing for every single ps5 again we’re
not sure if
that’s permanent or just in the sort of
launch series of the ps5
uh demon souls as we just referred to
destruction all stars godfall
justdance2021 marvel’s spiderman miles
moranis morales
uh sackboy big adventure so they’re the
ones that i know
are confirmed right now and again they
might you know add
more games as as time goes on i know
that there’s like
lots of third-party games that are also
going to be at launch so things like
um assassin creed valhalla so
yeah there’s going to be a bunch of
games that you’d expect if they’re
launching as a sort of
cross ass no no across gen cross
on xbox they should be at launch uh with
the ps5 as well
you know sorry just on that valhalla
if there was any game as weird as it is
that would get me to get new consoles
probably that one
just simply because i want you know i
want really want to play that game it’s
like oh man i’ll be playing on the last
it’s going to knock in the run as well
it’s coming on pc right
yeah but i to me they’re console it’s a
weird thing like i always play those
games on console so it would feel yeah
maybe maybe it’s something something
consider but it i’d probably want to
play it on the xbox ecosystem for
obvious reasons uh yeah fair enough just
yeah because i’m yeah well at least with
that game they’ve confirmed that when
you do get a series x which i know you
uh it will be a free upgrade to series x
so that’s being confirmed and just just
on that sort of you know cross-gen
conversation something that i thought
was bizarre is
you know jim ryan a whole bunch of sony
people have been very adamant that you
literally they’re quote we believe in
you know and that was the commentary of
xbox’s strategy of the first 18 months
you won’t likely see many first party
xbox series x slash s exclusives
whereas you know sony kind of alluding
they didn’t confirm but they alluded
that no we believe in generation there’s
going to be ps5 exclusives
and then after the event and also by the
way after a lot of people have
pre-ordered the ps5
they confirm that spider-man miles
morales which by the way is like a huge
game for a lot of people
sac boy horizon forbidden west and a
whole other host of games
are actually coming to ps4 and then not
only that
like almost all of them will have free
upgrades to the ps5
and i like i thought that was a bit of a
dodgy move because
you know a lot of these people were like
you know hey i’m not this is the only
place i’m going to be able to play this
miles miranda morales game
and now actually that’s not right and
also you know when you do upgrade
eventually you’ll get the game for free
so i don’t know i thought it was a
really dodgy move from them it was
really surprised actually
i think you keep trying to say rick
moranis at the same time he’s saying
no i know i don’t know just like the
name always throws me man
um and then uh the other one was uh that
we still haven’t seen the ui but they’ve
confirmed that they will be showing it
somewhat shortly uh and then there’s a
remaster of spider-man coming with all
the dlc to ps5 in there
that’s the weirdest thing to me because
it’s like
man like that just feels a weird thing
to have like announced before you’ve
launched the next one you know what i
mean yeah but it’s also
really muddied the waters because what
they’ve done is
with the miles morales game did i say it
right this time
um if you buy the ultimate edition you
have the ability to get the digital
version of the spider-man remaster
when it comes out and then everyone’s
now going well wait a second
i already have spider-man on ps4 kind of
get that for free
and they haven’t as far as i’ve seen
maybe this has changed but
they haven’t confirmed one way or the
other like whether you’re gonna be able
to get a free upgrade
and then just the final thing for me is
just um
they’re pretty much confirmed that
they’re going to start paying a charging
70 dollar game
70 us and you know we’re going to feel
that in australia as well
um for these really large games so you
know i think
like ragnarok like all those type of
games they’re gonna
start charging 70 which is kind of like
felt like it was coming for a long time
it’s probably been
you know pushed down from a pricing
perspective post gfc anyway
for a long period of time so that’s not
a shock to me but it is
it is hard for a lot of people because
it just means maybe that’s one less game
that they can get a year
yeah we i mean at this point i think
it’s just probably wise to accept it
it’s just the way things are going
yeah so it looked like you know for me i
thought it was
a like a 10 out of 10 showcase like
not that i loved everything that in it
was in there there
it was so good that actually you know
and i think we’re pretty similar in this
way that
you know i don’t think it’s very logical
to buy a console at launch
now if you’re doing a gaming podcast you
might want to think about it but
you know i don’t think it’s super
logical and i’d rather just go okay
i’ll even wait for the next iteration
like the ps5 pro
whatever it’s going to be called um
before i jump in
and you know there’s a whole suite of
games that come with it at that point
but i must admit like when i watch the
showcase it did make me go
oh i almost feel like buying one of
these beers fives
like i came close so i’m not shocked at
the reaction
and i think just looking you know at
lots of different data points you know
like people
surveyed on twitter you know the
the buzz the likes the amount of views
all that kind of stuff
i don’t know dude like to me there’s
nothing that indicates
that you know this generation we don’t
know the real numbers but it feels like
for every three playstation
fours that were sold there was one xbox
sold with everything that sort of like
happened and all the sort of you know
like those data points that i’m talking
about there’s nothing to indicate
to me that there’s going to be a
breakaway from that it feels like
you know it’s going to be similar sales
numbers like
it’s not going to be on par like it was
with the 360
and the playstation 3 and i don’t know
man i don’t know what that means for
microsoft in the long run like are they
gonna be able to sustain
like a console that is like third run
like you know behind playstation and
like i don’t know if that’s gonna work
and honestly it doesn’t actually like
i don’t even like thinking about it
because it’s so
irrelevant to my own personal like
enjoyment of playing video games
how much i call if they don’t exist no
but if it doesn’t exist
it’s gonna impact you yeah but i let
other people worry about that
you know like honestly like this is
completely honestly i
actually don’t care about if one console
sells more than another i
i care about obviously being able to
play the games that i have
and things like that and then and yeah
you know if xbox goes away the dodo
because i don’t sell enough this
generation well
then i’ll just i’ll get a playstation or
i’ll could just play stuff on pc like it
doesn’t worry me honestly
um it never has even like
you know this documentary coming out
soon about the console wars seeker and
nintendo like
even back then like you’re a kid so you
had the console you had and i was glad i
had a super nintendo
but like i would have liked the genesis
you know
it didn’t worry me i didn’t make a drive
for us yeah and
it’s obviously beneficial for us to you
know to have these viewpoints to talk
about this um but i
i’m kind of the person i’m like well
let’s just see how it goes um
i i’d like to see things play out um but
i it doesn’t really worry me that much
um and yeah i will say that got nothing
to do with me being like oh i own an
xbox i don’t care about herself
like i wouldn’t it wouldn’t matter if i
had a playstation either uh it’s just
no no i know i know that back in the day
when 360 was
kind of on top of the ps3 it’s not like
you cared one way or the other it was
you know i guess my question was more
around is it concerning like hey there
might not be a xbox whatever the next
one’s going to be called terrible title
insert here
but yeah it sounds like you’re just a
bit like well if it happens it happens
and i’ll just switch it’s not like the
games are going to go away
so exactly yeah no fair enough fair
now it looks so a great event i
really really enjoyed it i’m actually
glad that they
you know were able to have the sway and
get you know the big heavy hitters
like the final fantasies and you know
the god of war um
announcements and yeah it was just it
was a great event and
you know on reflection i think you know
in the next console launch i wouldn’t
even be surprised if they
wait a bit longer to announce some of
these bigger things because it hasn’t
seemed to impact
the sales at all at all and just gave
them more time to prepare and
really you know get that price exactly
what they wanted to be
i’m moving into our next segment around
company with an interesting showcase
nintendo direct mini
uh so we had a partner showcase this
week again
coming out of the blue there were some
rumors that there was going to be
another direct
i’m not sure if they’re talking about
this or maybe a larger direct
um but yeah like as we normally do
starting with
the biggest thing from this event which
was really
the announcement of two major new games
monster hunter rise and monster hunter
stories too
so i thought this is really cool and you
know i think a lot of people have kind
you know i guess with the focus on
monster hunter world
and everything that that series has done
and the quality of life improvements and
that’s really almost like
a bit of a spin-off of monster hunter
you know have kind of forgotten about
the traditional monster hunter games and
these games
you know it’s a massive franchise like
you know nintendo had worked
with capcom so much on these games and
even you know kind of really like
pushing these games as part of the 3ds
and the new 3ds
so yeah i guess this was quite overdue
in a way but we are looking at a
traditional monster hunter game
and this one on the switch so coming out
on march
26 2021 have you ever played these
monster hunter games
so i’ve put a lot of time in monster
hunter world i won’t say i did
everything i wanted to do
i was at the point where i was thinking
about wrapping up some of the stuff and
then moving to the iceborn content
um so i essentially got up to where i
was working on the mark some of the
master rank
stuff and i loved my time in monster
until world i
um because i haven’t played the older
ones you know coming into it
with some of those quality life we’re
talking about um
i imagine that depending on what they do
and don’t bring across it might be
jarring for some people that are
starting with monster world to go back
to um i guess
maybe some of the more traditional um
but from the looks of it um this is
adding a whole lot more that world
doesn’t have
so this uh has a lot more vertical um
movement than any monster hunter world i
believe um
a lot more around the acrobatic monster
hunter yeah any monster hunter so like
running up mountains and things like
you’re doing the other games um if there
was one particular game then obviously
feel free to call us at the comments but
um the the thing with this is there was
you know
a lot more about i guess the acrobatics
um you know of actually getting onto the
some of that stuff was definitely there
for some weapon types uh and they added
in iceborn they added um like
i guess like a grappling hook shot thing
that you could get onto the monster’s
back a lot easier
um this seems like they’re just going
ham on that and they’re making this kind
of a
yeah just its own kind of unique thing
in a lot of ways uh looks cool
um anyone that says ah looks a bit rough
or whatever
uh compared to world well first of all
not only is it on the switch but also
go and take a look at the last game that
was on the switch um
i can’t remember the exact name of it
but generations
yeah this is this is definitely a a big
jump up from that
so it’s it’s great to get a full-fledged
new monster hunter title on the switch
i’ve heard really great things about the
next game as well or at least the
the first of the next you know the the
the sequel
the one that this was story sequel yeah
yeah without like
still allowing you to say monster hunter
stories too but we’re past that
yeah and before we move on to that like
like i it’s kind of funny because
monster hunter became a
you know handheld series and that’s
where the mainline series
was and you know i don’t know why i care
about this stuff but i really care about
you know what is the main series versus
what’s the spin-off series versus
you know what all these other things
mean and
like at least from people’s you know
perspective on
you know what they’re saying they’re
actually saying monster hunter world
is now the mainline series so you know
it started with the ps2 with monster
hunter and
eventually landed on the 3ds with
monster hunter 4
but yeah now like at least when i’m
looking at it it looks like they’re
saying world is
the continuation so it’s almost like one
start to five in
in that perspective it’s it’s quite
arbitrary though i mean they’re
they’re just i know i care about this i
don’t know why
and i felt like rise to me was kind of
the next
in the mainline series but you know it
kind of is like again it’s all semantics
what you think is canon and by the way
canon can change but
i don’t like dude like i’m actually
seriously thinking about picking up this
and you know i’m a very pro switch gamer
just because it really
matches my lifestyle you know being able
to play a game and then
just you know put it into sleep any
stage and then jump right back into it
that’s hugely appealing to me as a dad
i don’t know i’m kind of looking at it
i’m thinking i might get this game
the only thing is i think in australia
these games have always been really
highly priced
i’ll just say about that whole pickup
and play put to sleep
i don’t know if that’s really monster
hunter though like when you’re out on a
like though that stuff can sometimes
take a while
um depending you know something yeah but
it’s not online right
um well there is co-op but you don’t
have to do a cop but the idea is oh i’m
just gonna put this to sleep
unless like i could be wrong about the
the version they put switch previously
the game’s not i’m saying it’s not like
i’m gonna
it’s not as put to sleep as you think
that’s all it’s like a game where you
have to kind of you know put like at
least half an hour into it each run or
um from my experience with world anyway
um you can do it i mean when you get up
to the
like later on and you’re super powerful
and you can clear some of the battles
like in five ten minutes definitely
um but i’m just saying just maybe keep
in mind that
there’s times when especially if you
start doubling the cop where that stuff
can sometimes sink a bit of time in
yeah look i think everyone’s different
like i’m really good at
like even if i’m in the middle of a
battle on the switch i’m more than happy
to just press the
power button bang go do whatever and
then pick it up
five hours later and just get right back
into it like that’s never bothered me at
um and it’s honestly one of the best
features of the switch it’s almost like
a killer feature for me
that you know if you’re playing an
online game that’s totally different but
a game like this i could just pause at
any time it doesn’t matter and then just
get back straight
into it i’ll show you i’m just wide like
that i’m not sure how that works with
this so i’ll just say maybe just
but what do you mean but like i just
press the power button and then just
press it again and it’ll turn on
oh yeah i’m just saying maybe just a
little bit of research on that before
you assume it’s going to work
exactly like that it might actually
cancel every switch game has to work
like that apart from the online games
every single switch game
has to work like that it’s a part of uh
publishing a game on the switch
but it could for instance if you power
button and come back in it could have
ended your hunt
or something and then you’ve no not if
only if it’s online okay i’ll just say
do some research
and look into it first that’s all so
no i i don’t know if i’ve ever heard of
a single-player game doing that on the
like i think it’s literally part of the
the way the game
like if you want to publish a single pl
like a non-online game like you have to
do it like that i’m just trying to
think animal crossing is probably the
only one that i can think of
okay i’m just just giving you a heads up
maybe just check
check out and confirm that’s the case
that’s all yeah no no it’s a good point
it’s a good point um yeah cause like
yeah like i said the only game that i
can think of
is animal crossing now if you do that it
really screws up with the game
i guess i can’t think of any other game
i will say it also depends
as well if um because there’s you can
with world at least you can create an
session even if you’re the only person
in it so you can get things like the
daily challenges and the rewards for the
and in that case i’ve never tried for
being in the middle of a hunt and just
like putting my xbox to sleep and coming
back and seeing what happens
because the the hunters generally have
time limits and things
so i’m just wondering for that point it
just goes uh you
you ex you left the hunt or something
when you come back on so
i’m not sure how that that would work on
there but anyway it’ll be interesting
yeah and i i mean i do know that like
the um the whole sleep mode first which
designed differently than ps4 and xbox
one like in terms of what what a port
has to comply with because
i know they even like doom when it
released initially they didn’t
like they weren’t complying with what
they needed to and actually needed to
update the game
to be able to say you could just press
the power button and put it into sleep
mode but
i will check that because if i can’t do
that i won’t pick up this game that’s
like black and white for me
because like the amount of times i just
need to like pause a game
is just huge as a dad yeah um or pause
feature at least in world and i just
assume that’s not the case for the other
um so yeah so you just can’t pause at
any time
so um okay interesting okay
interesting check it out and i mean like
i just want to say about that like
i don’t want that to push you away like
if i’m super keen on this game as well i
reckon this is game i’d love to always
play cop in these games um whether or
not that was world or not and uh
they’re the kind of games that are made
to be more fun with
with more people so okay well if you
pick it up i’ll definitely pick it up
and then um the other monster hunter
announcement which was kind of
surprising that they had these double
is monster hunter stories 2. so this is
spin-off of the original that came to
the 3ds and
kind of a bit of a sleeper hit on the
3ds and
very very well regarded game it did sell
but not in the the numbers that monster
hunter traditionally sells which is
literally in the sort of eight to
ten million uh mark i think this this is
like sub
a million for memory monster hunter
stories um
so i you know i think you know with the
switch and given that stories came out
quite well like relatively late in the
life cycle of the 3ds
you know just having the audience for
the switch itself might sort of give
this a bit more love and it’s a bit of a
different game you’re assuming
the role of the rider with the monsters
yeah like it’s kind of interesting the
only thing that kind of
made me kind of a bit surprised was that
given that
monster hunter rise is coming out and i
know they’re different games but still
for a lot of folk
it’s like monster hunter monster hunter
monster hunter rice is coming out in
late march next year and this is pending
i think what they’ve said is like
essentially winter uh for australia so
it’s like q2
q3 2021 which feels very close
to when monster hunter rises coming out
don’t you think
yeah but they’re so different um and i
think i know but just a naive person is
not going to know the difference between
these games
but honestly mo i think most of the
i think at this point a lot of people
buying these games are people that
probably know
quite a bit about the series already or
have heard about it around because world
was such a hit
i don’t think there’s any problem there
like if if you’ve got a kid that can
only have one or the other then
you know there’s an impact there um and
there’s there’s gonna be times when that
definitely happens
um this looks cool i almost wish the
visual style of this was the visual
style of rise because it looked
nicer like because ryze is a bit more
kind of
you know trying to a bit more be a
little bit more realistic in
its character models and things but yes
you know
it’s let’s just say you look at that
versus world and it definitely looks a
lot rougher
stories too has that stylized look to it
i’m like man i’d actually like to play
monster hunt again it looks like that
but um yeah yeah that would actually
mean interesting if they’d gone down
that path
because and you know we are neither of
us like it’s a really weird one to say
this because
i get very obsessed about frame rate
more than anything else
and then also low input lag and stuff
like that
but i’ve never really been bothered by
the switch
or like being underpowered and you know
i’m more than happy to say
monster hunter rise a game that i’m
interested in getting to me it
kind of looks like a really good ps3
like that’s you know what i mean like
you know as if monster hunter was going
to ps3 that’s what it kind of looks like
to me like in the
in the style that they’d be going for
with that yeah there were the moments in
that rise trailer that you know looked a
bit rough on the frame rate but the
reason i’m not worried is because they
have a history of making these for
so yeah and i say that obviously switch
is hybrid console but essentially at
this point
when you talk about monsanto it’s like
continuation of the handheld version of
the monster hunter games you know
so yeah and it is a really good point
you make though
like yeah if they’d gone for more that
cel-shaded sort of
look for the mainline series again they
probably couldn’t do monster hunter
stories too if they did that just
you know it would really look the same
but it would actually be
pretty cool if it looked like that like
that’s actually that would have probably
been a smart way to go about it
and and you know one thing out of this
monte hunter direct
and very much the most important thing
out of this month time to direct
more amiibo is being announced so
i’m probably like 50 50 whether because
i do have a lot of games on the switch
it’s getting embarrassing where on my
shelf i now need to go to the next level
on my shelf my ikea shelf like that’s
how many games i have it’s really crazy
um and i still have a lot of games that
i need to get through so
i’m probably like a 50 50 whether i’ll
get monster hunter rise
early on when it gets comes out you know
maybe eventually it’s probably a much
higher chance
but with the monster hunter amiibo so
there’s three amiibos that were
confirmed to come out
with monster hunter rise so we have the
dog friend
and you know a few other folk and then
also the monster that is the key monster
the cover art monster
was gonna have an amiibo um i i’m 100
chance of getting the amiibo so there’s
very high possibility i’ll have the
amoeba and i won’t have the game
it’s actually funny sorry to cut you off
i’ll say that one of the amiibos is a
pelican just reminded me that
monster not the world i named the
pelican after one of our friends
and then i sent him a screenshot and i’m
like i don’t know if he appreciated it
or kind of just like was like huh
okay i’m like oh i thought that was
pretty funny you’re a secret fairy or
um so yeah yeah this is i was super
amped about this like when i saw this
announcement i was like sweet
and it also makes me go wow like right
there are seven amiibo that have been
and that are coming out and that aren’t
out yet so
it does make me laugh when at the start
of the year a lot of people a lot of
pundits sort of had the prediction that
amiibo were gonna die this year
and then you know we’re at a point like
late in the year where you’ve got seven
more amiibo coming that haven’t even
come out yet
so yeah i’m picking up a couple next
week which uh joker
and um hero for smash so they’re coming
out next week
hint hint if you’re you know given that
you’re a big hero player
um so yeah no these are these are pumped
and i’m very pumped about this and then
like the thing that i’m really praying
for and i know this is not gonna happen
but with the monster hunter stories game
that came out on 3ds
in japan only they created
six amiibo for that game six and these
are like
yeah six and these are like some of the
most sought after
amiibo because they were very it just
like you know it’s a bit different if
like you know if you’re in australia or
in america
go to gamespot they’re there oh this
looks like a cute little figure sweet
i’ll pick this up right no sweat
but because it’s like america oh sorry
japan only you have to order it in it’s
really tricky
it’s it’s just like a pain right they
they didn’t make many of them they sort
of you know
like you have to order it from overseas
through special you know vendors and
everything like that
these are so hard to get so an amiibo in
australia is like about
at the time it was like 18 bucks you
know 12 bucks in the states
i just sent you a link through what
people are selling
uh naviro
um which is one of the most sought after
it’s insane so i don’t know if you’ve
clicked the link but
it’s it’s loading now or maybe i’ll let
you know
okay oh actually and do you see the
sheesh 3.99 and
all right can i ask you 400 bucks for
something that goes for like 20 bucks in
the store
so can i ask you a question like i’m i’m
certainly yeah you know
like we’ve talked about like i
understand doing things
just because you like doing it and it
doesn’t really have much of an impact or
you know like
value outside of i like doing this thing
like i like collecting yeah you
definitely can’t judge you definitely
but what what is like 75 year old
thinking when he walks into his amiibo
room and there’s like
600 amiibos in there at that point what
are you what are you doing at that age
like what are you what are you gonna do
with them
look look there’s a couple of things
there’s a couple of things like we both
grew up in a similar situation we’re not
upper class or anything like that let’s
let’s just say yeah
yeah um so it’s not like we were uh
you know poverty or anything like that
but we certainly weren’t on the other
side of that either
um so like that’s one element there’s
one element that you know
i’m i’m pretty frugal in general um
50 bucks for the digital uh playstation
5 whatever
no xbox series s yeah it’s like
i’m very frugal right and i don’t like
wasting money
in general um and i don’t have any crazy
habits i don’t
drink at all i haven’t drank for like a
couple of years so i don’t spend any
money on that i don’t smoke at all i
gamble that much at all like i have a
very strict limit
uh you know like so there’s nothing i’m
really like going crazy splurging on
number one
uh number two you know you know this is
taking way back
but in the 90s probably when you know
both of us like in the late 90s early
2000s we didn’t have that much money
and i have to say there’s so many games
that i played
illegally like through emulation and
mostly nintendo games and i played
through all these games i never owned
and i you know i kind of felt guilty
about that i’ve always felt like a bit
guilty about that
um and in a weird way i’ve got this
weird sense
like where it’s like you know i feel
like squaring up right so
initially i bought a bunch of amiibo
not a lot but like you know 10 or
something like that
and i was like you know what i’m i feel
like i’m squaring up with nintendo
just 10 of these things no when i say 10
it was 10 over the course of like
four months or something like that okay
i thought you all you know because
you know there’s a lot of nintendo and
i’m very i’m probably not even probably
i’m like
predominantly a nintendo fan you know so
like i had like a
zelda one you know mario and it’s just
kind of building it out a little bit
like all the you know
metroid suite like i’m a huge metroid
fan so you know you start to build up
you can easily name ten nintendo
franchise characters that you know if
you love these franchises you’re like
yeah sure i’m
happy to buy this and honestly my head
was just a bit like i feel like i’m
squaring up a bit because i’ve ripped
off nintendo historically now they’re
ripping me off a bit we’re about
getting even right and then i think for
one of my birthdays my wife
because they had like some sale at big w
where they were clearing out the amiibo
she bought like no joke like 25 amiibo
and i think she bought them for like
five bucks each or something like that
or six bucks each
is she regretting now when she bought it
i was so pissed off because
once you bought it my head because i am
a perfectionist
and a completionist like deep down and
i’d really work hard to like get away
from that
so like you know i was like i don’t want
to collect these things
i don’t collect anything really like
there’s nothing i have a collection of
because i know what i’m like i’ll just
start going nuts
it’s like the uh x-men card trading
cards you know back in the 90s
the flow ones or whatever they’re called
like i could get really crazy about that
stuff so i have to really force myself
not to
um so when she did that i started going
oh my god now i’ve got to work out which
ones we don’t have
and then i started going okay i’m going
to get like
one of the characters but i’m not gonna
get two of the same character like
that’s crazy
and then yeah that that went down and
then i got to a point where i was like
oh my god like i have not even the
majority of these amiibos i have like
you know 70 80 of the amiibos that are
so i’m like oh god now i have to just
start collecting every single one
so i don’t know it’s hard to explain
it’s honestly like that that squaring up
was a huge part of it for me that i felt
like i’ve ripped them off so much
historically you know like i had like a
ds and i never bought a game for the ds
because i hacked it
like i’m not saying that’s the right
thing to do i just didn’t have the money
you know
like i was you know i didn’t have the
money i didn’t need to do it but that’s
what i did
uh so then i felt like oh you know i’m
kind of like
getting back you know what i mean
because they make good money on these
things it’s
like they’re a bit of plastic that’s
like 20 like they’re making good money
on these things
so yeah that was part of it and now it’s
just a compulsion like i’m more than
happy to say it’s a compulsion
it’s like if i see it if there’s
something i don’t have i’ll just buy it
like instantly
um you know so yeah that’s kind of where
i’m at with it i try not to think about
it too much to be honest oh
into god kindly tell me where the amiibo
touched you
[Laughter] this is like your therapist in my heart
in my heart like your therapist
well i’m like i’ll cover this as a whole
of what i’m doing but i’m actually
planning to open them all up because
most of mine are in boxes still
um but because i have so many don’t do
because then you can no big sick of them
but i don’t think i ever will to be
honest because i’m
not like that i don’t throw out things
like that i
have attachment to so i’ve still got
heaps of stuff from when i was a kid
that i i see and like there’s even
he-man toys
that now my son plays with that i used
to play with when i was a little kid
which is pretty cool um i just yeah
stuff like that i won’t throw out
ah i i just i reckon you make a mistake
if you’re opening them
with that many of them but why but why
like what
like you do you because the point is
if you’re collecting them it makes sense
to kind of keep them in
you know the the best possible state
that collectors keep things that’s all
no no but like so when i say collecting
it it’s like i want them all
but it’s not like i want to keep them in
like shrink
paper rap and like you know like those
crazy people who like
have the toys and they’re like oh don’t
play with the toys like gord
you know my son plays with the amiibo
and i i don’t know for me it’s cool man
because he actually walks around and he
knows the characters now he’s only three
and he goes
mario or luigi or like donkey kong he
actually recognizes it like when we’re
walking around the store
um so you know like no i’m fine with
to me the boxes compared to the size of
the figures
it’s just crazy differential that it’s
just taking up
so much room having all of these boxed
and for whatever reason for me i’m way
more comfortable opening them all up
and you know just having them on display
and that’s what i want to cover just
like my thoughts around how i’m going to
display it and what
like how that’s shaping up so yeah i
don’t know it’s it’s a
it’s really crazy like i don’t deny it’s
crazy like when i only had like a dozen
i was more than happy not to get any
more but then there was some tipping
point i think was yeah with my wife not
not in a bad way but when she bought a
stack of them
i was like oh man i’m all in now like i
can’t get out of this
craziness like i’ll have like variations
like i have you know rob yes like from
there’s two versions of the rob amiibo
so i have to have both of them of course
there’s a famicom version and there’s
like the regular version
it’s like insane it’s insane stuff dude
anyway i’m sure we’ll cover amiibo again
uh and moving into our final part of the
nintendo direct mini
so the showcase overall um so like there
was there were a lot of announcements
you know some of them we already knew
about but i just wanted to cover some of
sort of newer ones or some of the stuff
that you know we didn’t know
prior to it so two things i just want to
shout out
uh ori and the willow the wisps that’s
out already at the time that you’ll be
listening to this
and i think the awesome thing is the
team really cares about the performance
of the game there were a few issues
with the first game and they’ve
confirmed that this game is going to run
at 60 frames a second
on the switch and there was a physical
of this game and the first game uh that
came out and it got sold out like almost
so yeah look i’ve actually played a bit
of the first one and i really really
enjoyed it so it’s just one of these
ones where
it’s just gonna hit me at the right time
to play and i’ll probably play the first
one but i’m super
stoked that they have released both of
these games on the switch
and it’s kind of surprising to be honest
because i felt like it was a pretty good
exclusive to have on the xbox
and um just the the other sort of thing
that i wanted to shout out that really
stood out for me in the showcase was
fitness boxing 2 and the first fitness
is it’s genuinely really good uh game to
play if you don’t have
ring fit or you know it doesn’t make
sense for you to have ring fit so
it’s it’s cool that they’re actually
releasing the sequel to this and
i guess the benefit of this as well you
can always have this digital version on
your console
and then as you take you switch around
you don’t need to take um
the ring fit like uh ring if you’re ever
going on travel not that
we’ll be traveling very much at all uh
and then just the last thing and i
to ask sorry sorry i just want to talk
about fitness boxing for one second
okay you don’t want to talk about re but
you want to talk about fitness boxing go
no are you watching on the youtube
channel for
nintendo’s youtube channel yeah i always
watch the yeah
yeah the nintendo one why see did you
have the chat open
when uh no i’d always close the chat i
always close your chat
so like i opened it up i opened it for
this specifically
so they go there boxing too and they’re
like oh new instructors and they’re like
blah blah blah blah blah and karen
and i’m like can i open the chat
straight away
and it’s just people just for the next
two minutes just
making memes about there being a karen
in fitness boxing too i just thought it
was absolutely hilarious
i always find it unfortunate when people
have those kind of names i know
i i’m i it is really unfortunate for
anyone named karen that that’s
now become that kind of you know that’s
the word for people that are like you
acting that way but it was just it’s
such a negative context
oh man the chat when that came up was
it just made me laugh so much that’s all
that’s all i wanted that’s funny because
like you know and i guess i can say this
i don’t know i got to think about this
maybe i’ll edit it later
but where i work there’s a guy called
scott morrison
which is the name of our prime minister
in australia and i always feel bad for
people who
like they have something like that hey
it’s just like
the most derivative thing is someone to
mention it at the start of the
conversation it’s like oh scoreboard
oh you must be annoyed are you prime
minister it’s like oh
it’s like lamest thing ever i was so bad
for the guy
i used to go to primary school with a
girl named robin hood
but that’s dumb though because robin
hood is like you know that’s gonna
that’s like naming your kid michael
jackson i was like that’s stupid like
you already know that there’s like
something out there
she was not like everyone called her
bobby because it was like bobby hood but
her full name was robin hood
oh my god what are you doing your
parents that’s horrible
yeah that that’s dumb that’s dumb people
don’t think about these things enough
fitness boxing too i guess it’s cool
no look it like i said it’s a very good
exercise game if you don’t have
ring fit and it’s more portable than
ring fit so
it’s one of the cool advantages of
having a switch
and the last thing i just wanted to call
out and you know as i said there’s a lot
of other announcements i think most we
already knew or
personally doesn’t interest me is i kind
of actually expected
a monster hunter smash announcement in
in this
direct mini just given how many monster
hunter games were released and
i don’t know i just got this feeling
like there’ll be a monster hunter
uh confirmed in smash just given the
love that the
series has for monster hunter and the
close relationship between nintendo and
yeah were you kind of sensing that or
not really
about that at all until i saw your note
in our run sheet the thing for me is
it makes sense because there’s already a
monster hunter boss
in smash so yeah okay well that makes
sense but
i after seeing the monster hunter
character they put in marvel
vs capcom ultimate um oh sorry infinite
i should say
um i don’t know i don’t know if i’d want
a monsanto character in just like
looking because
it unless i’d say unless it’s a specific
character from
let’s say one of the games right like
it’s an actual character
trying to come up with i guess like oh
this is what a monster character
hunter character represents because like
that game lives and dies
on or like basically you’re choosing the
the weapon and the weapon the entire
move set
changes depending what weapon like it’s
like different button combos and
everything it’s almost like
completely different gameplay styles and
then having to
create a character that kind of
represents that stuff i don’t know how i
feel about it
unless they go the route of oh you can
swap between the weapons and suddenly
you’ve got different special moves and
things like if they did that then maybe
but yeah yeah i mean for me on that
i don’t want a monster under character
in smash by the way
but i think just given the love of the
series it feels like that it’s
inevitable it’s going to happen
um but i’m totally at the same page as
you it doesn’t
it doesn’t just naturally fill you with
millions of ideas but then again
you know the team behind smash are
probably the most creative in the
about like translating a character like
that into a fighting game
so i mean if anyone’s gonna do it i feel
like they’re gonna do it the best
um but yeah like i said you know
stuff like uh you know master chief
mark you know minecraft steve that like
those ones just
to me make so much more sense or more
as a character to be brought into the
game um
but yeah i don’t know i just kind of was
watching it going oh i wonder if they’re
you know have this at the end or
something and just like blow people away
but nope
they didn’t and again we still don’t
know the smash characters like
yeah this is getting crazy now i’ll i’ll
just say as well it’s super weird
to see a john romero game
in like current day showcases it’s just
something weird about that to me
um yeah i forgot about that yeah empire
of sin not empire of sun that’s the
that’s the movie we’ve that spielberg
made or whatever
in your front sheet the empire of sin is
arrow i like the the shade that you’re
throwing at me
yeah that i don’t know it’s just
something weird about that like knowing
that we kind of grew up playing doom and
stuff and john romero was always the
guy and then daikatana happened yeah and
it’s just weird but hey
good good on him yeah well he at the
time he was
like people don’t understand this now
but at the time he was
he was the doom guy not john carmack
you know he he really was the guy and
then when he left
after quake it like
over time evolved to being like john
carmack and i think everyone now if you
you know naming one person synonymous
with doom they’d probably say john
yeah more than they would say john
yeah anyway yeah no it is weird to say
um you know
that sort of in in in the showcase
nintendo showcase nonetheless
so do you want to talk about this uh
steamed gentleman who’s leaving the
oh i just realized i was meant to segue
into the next uh
segment and then completely i don’t even
have the columns so smooth
it’s like when i run sheet a bit of
inside knowledge here there’s like a
if something if i meant to present
something’s like colored green
and i didn’t like i had like moved
across i couldn’t even see it
okay so we’ve got a big uh
famed video creator leaving the industry
uh from uh you know famous for rayman
from you know
famous for going on basically the
creative rayman beyond good and evil um
working on the upcoming wild and
obviously beyond good and evil too
also responsible for the rabbids so
that’s uh you know
it’s a wrap oh my god the infamous bit
of i guess
you know turn around in in uh you know
how people see
feel about them with the the mario
um game whatever it was the x-com game
um mario and rabbids
which by the way is a really really good
game like i’d really recommend
playing it it’s called like kingdom
battles i couldn’t remember the whole
thing that’s all but
um so they had i guess some people view
them in a bit of a nicer light than we
used to but
yeah that’s true that’s definitely true
so he’s left the industry
um to pursue his passion for wildlife
presentation uh
presentation preservation so
yeah it’s that’s i guess really cool for
him but it’s just
i don’t know it felt like it came out of
nowhere considering we’re kind of just
we’re here sitting waiting for more news
about beyond good and evil too
um but he basically said that you know
like he’s been in the industry for more
than 30 years and
he just you know really wants to fully
focus on on
wildlife and i think he’s got a
sanctuary that he’s setting up in france
as well
but though ubisoft also i guess you know
put out a statement
and and selling himself said about those
games that he’s been working on that
um you know essentially the teams are
now all very autonomous and the projects
are doing really well
and that you know we should be seeing
some stuff soon so
for anyone that’s worried you know that
yeah okay
i’m sorry i was just gonna say you know
this is all bs right
what do you mean this is total crap man
beyond good and evil 2 has been
something’s wrong with that game
like for them to show it in 2017 and
it looked fairly mature man like they
had gameplay footage
and now we see nothing and now they’re
talking about new gameplay footage
next year for this game like this guy to
me has been
sacked and he said you know what i’m
just going to retire because i’ve
sort of had a long enough career in the
i mean if that’s the case that’s the
case but he’s leaving the industry
so it doesn’t change the whole thing
basically he’s left the industry so
um yeah i’m i’m obviously looking
forward to seeing
how you know specifically beyond good
and evil to end up
you know it’s what it’s what it is these
days but
uh good on him for um you know it’s
making a change whether or not he was
you know did it voluntarily or not
um if he’s if he’s really wants to get
into that i
honestly i wouldn’t be surprised if at
some point he does
come back into the industry maybe with
his own studio it felt it feels like
he’s the kind of personality that might
do that and work on some i guess some
smaller independent titles
i it just wouldn’t surprise me that
happens but if you know
if this is truly the change then uh yeah
all the best for him yeah you know he
who he reminds me of and i don’t know
that much about him or the guy i’m about
to talk about but i’ve seen interviews
and he
heard them speak but it reminds me of
lorne lenning
the guy behind oddworld and you know
like we didn’t mention that yeah there
is a new oddworld title coming out to
the ps5
um but i don’t know they sort of like
they give me the same kind of vibes and
i totally agree with what you’re saying
i could imagine in five years time or
three years time he comes back with his
own studio and he’s making a game and
the whole wildlife thing is uh you know
put out to pasture
yeah it’s i think it’s you know either
um it seems like like i’ve always loved
the games that i’ve played of his
um love rank two rayman three beyond
good naval as well
um even the king kong game that he
worked on with peter jackson
that was actually pretty decent um so
yeah yeah looking looking forward to
it happens i mean like most people would
kill for his resume you know in the sort
of how critically and
also just culturally well received uh
the games that he worked on
were i mean even like up to raymond
legends like that’s that’s an
awesome game like that’s a really really
cool game and for that to be
essentially now his last game that he
saw to the end
uh i think yeah great career like he’s
done a great job but i do think he’ll
come back and i think
that there’s probably a lot of uh stuff
going on behind the scenes with beyond
good and evil too
which is kind of like what drove this
whole decision to come out
all right well let’s get into uh a new
style of segment
that i’ve uh titled the ed in toriel
do you like the little pun there
i don’t know how i feel about oh really
uh i’m devastated now um so
this little segment is where i get up on
my soapbox as i
tend to and like to uh and pontificate
about a certain topic so
i think it’s more like you’re putting a
soapbox on top of your existing soapbox
and getting on that section
true true yeah
totally fair i’ll take it um so so
the the sort of point that i want to
this week and this is not going to be a
weekly occurrence i shouldn’t say
this week but in in the show is
why i think everyone should be very
excited that
mario 3d all-stars is actually emulated
and isn’t sort of ported or you know
recoded or remastered
so you know this news came out actually
because the game leaked so people got
their hands on it a little bit earlier
and they’re able to decompile the game a
bit and disassemble it
and work out that actually it literally
is taking the roms
uh and then sort of you know making them
and there’s actually really cool uh
from a really cool creative we’ve
mentioned him already
modern vintage gamer he’s also aussie
but i think he lives in the states now
and he actually talks in depth about
this but they’ve they’ve done some
really really cool stuff behind the
scenes so
there’s a couple of things there’s you
know they use a mechanism
to abso actually capture like machine
code instructions where you know
basically the game the rom itself and
the way it’s all coded it’s saying give
me this texture
and they’re injecting things into it
which says hey
don’t don’t take that texture take this
one instead and what that means is
instead of a low-res texture
they dynamically take a high-res texture
and then insert it into the game
so you know we’re playing like a rom on
an emulator but then with this weird
kind of cover over the top of it
where it’s like kind of almost like a
bit hacked um which i think is like
so cool like how they’re able to
actually make that work
to a point where you know reviewers who
are playing this game they didn’t know
that that’s how it worked they reviewed
the game and they were like
look it seems like it’s they’ve taken
the game directly and just
put it on the system they haven’t really
tweaked the game it’s definitely not a
uh like you see with demon souls as we
spoke about earlier
now you know i do understand people are
getting frustrated about this and
you know i do think the price tag for
this game
it’s one of those weird ones where you
know probably the fair
customer consumer price would have been
more like a
you know 50 bucks australian 40 bucks us
now let’s be real everyone’s bought this
game so why would they charge any less
like that’s capitalism
but one thing that i would say is and
why i think we should be excited
about this is what they’ve done now is
and the team that worked on this game is
actually the team behind
the nes and super nintendo emulators
for the switch and they did the super
nintendo classic consoles and the
nintendo classic consoles
i think why we should be so excited
about this is because
effectively this has proven that they’ve
absolutely figured out a way in a
to take nintendo 64 games to take
gamecube games to take wii games
and then bring it on the switch but
bring it on a switch in a format
where people don’t even really perceive
what the difference is
between their playing as compared to
with the wii
and wii u virtual console like i’ve gone
back and played that and to me
it’s very clear straight away that these
are like inferior like emulated
versions of the games like to the point
where even the colors
are off in the games like they’re muted
or dark
it just doesn’t feel right it doesn’t
look right there was massive input lag
with mario 64 on the wii u
it’s just to me unplayable whereas with
these versions and i’ve fired it up i
got the game on friday
like they play really well like i know
that people aren’t happy that they’re
not like a full remaster and it would
have been
awesome if they had done that but i
think we should all be excited that
given that they’ve done that i think
that this to me makes it feel
inevitable they’ll either release more
from those libraries in collections like
or probably the more likely outcome
which is that they’ll roll out
you know a nintendo 64 online component
to the nintendo switch online um package
and maybe they they offer sort of a
nintendo switch online plus
where you get a library of nintendo 64
gamecube and wii titles
and there’s just so many games in that
back catalog that are so awesome
and a lot of people have never played
that i actually think
overall like if you’re gonna take it
this is actually a better thing that
that’s happened
like this given that this may then open
the door to all these other games
that we can play so that’s my editorial
uh what are your thoughts winnie i was
looking forward to the day when i can
uh superman 64 injected with high-res
ring textures
as part of this i’m actually going to
hold my thoughts um
not so much on i guess you’re the topic
at large but specifically mario 3d
because i played a little bit of this
morning but i wanna i guess
maybe we’ll both give our impressions of
it next week when we had a bit more time
with all three versions
um and then i’ll probably yeah give my
thoughts on i guess
how how they have or haven’t adapted the
to you know to play on the modern
console so
yeah nice fair enough cool all right
let’s get into my favorite segment of
every week
the bargain bin uh so this week uh is a
special week for me as a huge rocket
league fan
rocker league it’s finally been
announced unfortunately for them
uh nintendo accidentally leaked the date
because they actually updated their
with the free-to-play date so in the
states it’s 23 september in australia
it’s 24 september just because of the
time zone differences
uh and yeah rocket league’s going free
and that’s also going to coincide with
the new season of rocket league starting
as we mentioned
in a prior podcast i’m actually super
pumped about this i actually fired up
rocket league again i’ve been playing it
quite a bit recently and uh the update’s
already been pushed it’s obviously not
gone live to free to play yet but
they’ve actually changed a bit of the ui
and to me i know a lot of people don’t
like it i’m kind of surprised
i really like it i think it looks a lot
cleaner it’s a lot simpler
uh what they’ve done with it and they’ve
just broken up the categories in a
really obvious way for people like
hey he’s casual he’s competitive so yeah
if you haven’t played this game before
100 jump on it it’s coming out thursday
uh this goes live it’s free on all
platforms and it’s also
integrated across all platforms so you
have one account
and you can you know play it on the
switch play it on the xbox play it on
the playstation or your pc
it’s going to be on epic game store it’s
no longer going to be on steam
and yeah it’s just a freaking awesome
game and it’s going to be
fascinating to see how many people uh
jump on this game
because you know a lot of people already
grabbed this game a lot of people bought
this game
it’s consistently been in like a top 20
seller for a long time so
you know is this actually going to make
any difference like are they going to be
a stack of
new players because of this or is it
kind of going to be a bit of a relative
it’s going to be pretty interesting to
see are you are you keen to jump back on
it i know that you play it from time to
uh not for a bit i’ve got so many games
i’m in the middle of so
um i yeah i’ll jump back on at some
point probably in a couple months and
and play some maybe start doing some
nightly games again
but um yeah i’m kind of i did this
before i’m kind of happy to take a break
for you know like half a year and then
come back to rocket league again and
you know it’s the kind of game you can
just jump back in straight away so
yeah and for me like uh because i own it
both on pc steam
and the switch i’m actually pumped
the biggest thing for me is that
cross-platform element
that you know it’s awesome that now
i can play it on the switch and it’s
linked into the same account
as my pc one and yeah it’s way inferior
version on the switch
but it’s still nice to play every now
and then just on the switch i play
uh just when i’m in bed or whatever like
it’s pretty cool
and and just getting to uh epic games uh
so this week last week it was only stick
to the man that was announced as the
free game this week but they added two
other games so football manager 2020
and watchdogs 2 which had previously
been free
post the ubisoft forward event but now
you can get it for free on epic game
store so that’s free this week
and next week roller coaster tycoon 3
complete edition is going to be free
weirdly enough i’m looking forward to
that i love those kind of games i think
they’re really good fun
uh going on to nintendo switch so
some announcements on nintendo switch
online which is pretty cool so new games
coming to snes
and ness in terms of the online versions
so we’ve got donkey kong country 2
diddy’s conquest which is very timely
given that you know we both had chatted
about reviewing and going through all
of the donkey kong country series so now
that they’re coming out on switch
it it’s almost perfect for that so we’ll
have to lock in the date uh
when we’re going to play this one we
also have
mario’s super picross which i you know
weirdly enough i’ve actually played this
game quite a lot
uh on pc like in the emulated version
because it’s a japanese game
so oh yeah you have as well how weird is
that um because it’s all japanese
and it’s weird they’re releasing it just
in japanese like they’re not translating
it it’s kind of odd you don’t really
need to
know much japanese to play the game yeah
i’m not saying it’s like insurmountable
it’s just odd because you know someone
who doesn’t know that and then they
put it on it’s like you know a regular
person’s like what the hell’s going on
with this this is like not english
what’s going on
i think there’s at least one other title
that i’ve seen that’s on there that does
the same
i just can’t remember what it is oh yeah
yeah it’s like one or two um
so poor yo poyo the poi puyo yeah is
and you know i just look around it also
the peacekeepers
and uh uh nes game called special
cybernetic attack team and there’s an
acronym for that yeah okay
what’s the academy
that’s actually a pretty good yeah
that’s actually a pretty good game i
like i haven’t played it since i was
like you know doubling in nest
simulation for the first time but um
it wasn’t bad well that’s not bad never
i never
i’ve got that on tape now um i don’t
think it was called
that thank god i don’t think it was
called that in australia
i think in the power regions it was
called something else i’m just looking
it up now like something about new york
from memory it’s called golden showers
it was called attack in new york in
in europe attack in new york oh no
action sorry
action in new york yeah i mentioned it
was like action new
new something like a new
action uh league
league yeah there we go
um yeah so like surprise announcement no
one was expecting this they just made
uh free on nintendo switch online and
it actually got a lot of buzz especially
with diddy’s did his conquest and now
it’d feel like it’d be really weird uh
if they didn’t release uh donkey kong
country three i think
yeah definitely um it’s i was always
always surprised that
same with the snes classic that don’t
come country 2 was never there
so yeah see them added to this
yeah no definitely definitely and then
switching over to the playstation so i
just wanted to call out with the
playstation plus collection on ps5
so i’m just going to quickly zip through
the 18 games that they’ve
announced that are going to be a part of
that so obviously that’s when the
playstation 5 comes out so they’ll be
the 12th of november this year so it’s
uh batman arkham knight battlefield 1
bloodborne days gone detroit become
human fallout 4
final fantasy 15 god of war infamous
second son
the last guardian last of us remastered
monster hunter world
mortal kombat 10 persona 5 ratchet and
resident evil 7 uncharted 4 and
until dawn like a really good lineup
like that is crazy man there’s so many
of those games that
are almost must plays oh what there’s no
scat there
[Laughter] you mean attack new
assault league people no league sorry
um yeah like i think that’s the whole
argument around quality versus quantity
that’s like there’s a hell of a lot of
quality there
and uh do you want to cover the xbox uh
titles yeah so
i think it’s just uh just some updates
about games leaving
game pass this week on september got bad
and bad news boo
bad north uh west dorado double-barreled
and ukulele
leading uh leaving xbox uh console game
and on both console and pc dirt rally
and dishonored two are both leaving and
it’s i might actually have to play some
dishonest too because i was like halfway
through the game and i think i
don’t own it so i should probably get
back to that one before that
league see okay like i’ve thought so
much about this you know i feel like
we’ve spent the last 10 episodes talking
about whether i’m gonna get game pass or
i think like the fact that games go off
and i’m glad that we do this and we talk
about which games are going off game
it’s so off-putting to me because i
don’t have the ability to just quickly
drop everything and play a game for you
know 30 hours in a single week
sometimes i just can’t do that um yeah
i think that it really kind of puts me
off game pass big time
because of that well that’s them’s
uh something dims the something come on
them is the brakes there’s a brakes
that’s it that’s just yeah
you know you got to be a fan boy and go
no you’re just wrong
no like man i’ve said it before like i
don’t know like netflix
like you you know stuff comes and stuff
goes and
if that doesn’t work into your way you
play games
then it’s not probably for you
no fair enough all right and let’s get
into uh
into my my
my look my view can i my
you i know you’re about to intro but i
gotta i gotta like just say something so
you said that hey i’ve got some
impressions but it’s a secret game i’m
not going to tell you what it is
then on our run sheet we’ve got like
tabs at the bottom for each of our
you put like for ins eyes only
in a tab and you color it red and you
put it right next to like this week’s
run sheet
that eddie have you clicked it i have
not clicked it still oh good good
good boy knowing how you know good you
are with with like scripting and stuff
you’d probably like unleash a virus if i
clicked open that
i viewed it but basically um
i haven’t looked at it but man you made
it hard not to click on it it’s like
just it was it actually i remember it
had been moved and you moved
back well i’ve got to move it back so
that because we’re in the show so
i can click on it um and yeah okay so
let’s get into it let’s get into what
what my
inquiry has been this week um
so i i don’t know why i tried to keep
this a secret from you i just kind of
did it and then
it became a big thing and i didn’t want
you to know so
we were chatting last week about a game
off the cuff i was i was yeah i’ve
played this game a little bit
and you know i’m kind of interested in
it and i’m definitely interested in the
sequel of this game
and then for whatever reason i got into
my head like i had to play this game
like i had to play it and the game is
hyrule warriors definitive edition
on the switch so
i don’t know why i was so compelled to
get it i just think like you know with
the announcement of
uh age of calamity coming out in 20th of
november this year
and i’m a huge breath of the wild fan
like massive massive breath of the wild
some part of me was just like oh you
know i definitely got to get this aged
calamity game
then you know it’d be good to you know
have my head around these games so
like you know it kind of has background
obviously uh well not obviously but
with hyrule warriors it’s part of uh i
guess the broader
dynasty warriors musso sort of it’s
almost a genre but it’s actually just
one company
uh or like you know one publisher making
these games
and just looking at it so crazy man like
these hack and slash games with
you know hundreds of enemies on the
screen you know they’ve got nine games
in the mainline series dynasty warriors
but then i counted it roughly and
there’s like 21
spin-off games in the same sort of mode
and model and it’s just like
it’s so bizarre to me that this company
the the grip on this kind of like
idea like that not really that many
other people
who are known doing this and it feels
like everyone just goes to these guys
you source to make
the spin-off game you saw some stuff
like 99 nights and stuff earlier in the
last generation try to kind of put
played their hand at it a bit yeah none
of them took off it was always these
games yeah it’s weird
yeah so like even really different
companies like nintendo
you know you’ve even got stuff like uh
persona uh
scramble you know like going into
this uh hack and slash style uh musso
game so uh yeah like i said
i don’t know why i had in my head i like
i had to play this game i don’t know it
just got into my head
i was thinking i think part of it was
like i knew that it would be hard to
find physically i’d heard people say you
pretty much can’t get it
so then i did a bit of searching and i
actually found a physical copy
not too far from my house so i went and
picked it up and
just for context like this is
essentially like it’s a really weird
in a way because hyrule warriors came
out on wii u
and that was like literally almost to
the day six years ago
that that game came out and then two
years after that
the 3ds port came out so it’s definitely
a port
but in the port they introduced new
features and new characters
and then the wii u game also had dlc
and then hyrule warriors definitive
edition which came out two years ago
2018 that combined elements of
well like pretty much everything in
legends and in the original wii u and
just mashed it all together
and then added some more stuff to the
game so it’s like
okay like there’s a you know i know
everyone’s always said that this game
has a stack of content
and i don’t know like i keep saying like
hyrule warriors agent calamity i feel
like i’m gonna get that
and i’m like i might as well get my head
around what these kind of games are
so like in terms of the game like what
is the game
you know what’s a play like this game to
me is so bizarre
like playing it and seeing it like and i
think playing it versus seeing is really
and more so than any other game that
i’ve seen recently can you just clarify
is this the first time you’ve played the
muso title
well like like i said i’d i’d played
like and honestly for like 10 minutes
hyrule warriors and legends so like on
the wii u
3ds i thought of horror warriors so it’s
outside of that nothing okay zero all
yeah so this is my first experience with
these hack and slash musou style games
so you know i booted it up and
you know okay initial impressions that
are hitting me
i’m i’m booting it up and it’s loading
up and everything like that
and i’m like this feels like a fan game
like it just felt like instantly this is
not a nintendo game
like i get it it’s like breath of the
wild i started not breath of the wild
legend of zelda like that whole universe
and like it’s taking from all the like
legend of zelda games that i can see of
maybe apart from
legend of zelda 2 i haven’t seen
anything from legend of zelda 2 so far
like you know just like everything about
it i’m like this doesn’t feel quite
right it just feels yeah like a not
quite right version of zelda as even a
so that kind of hit me at first i was
like okay it’s a bit strange
and then i started playing this game and
you just jump into it straight away
and dude like i love this game i love
this game so much
and i don’t understand why i wasn’t sure
why you’re gonna go on that one
well i i you know legitimately
like i i was turning to a mate about it
i’m like this game is legitimately like
a bad game well not not a bad game
that’s that’s unfair it’s just
not a great game and it’s so janky
it’s so bizarre the game like there’s
parts of the game like it’s basically
a cut scene and the cut scene’s choppy
as hell right
like it’s like honestly running in
single frames a second some of the
the cutscenes and then you get into the
game itself
and it runs really smoothly at times and
you’ve got like 50 enemies on the screen
and it’s totally fine it’s just
the game makes no sense like what it
does at times
and by the way i have heard that with
persona 5 scramble
so the this style of game in the persona
or percent five universe that the new
switch port of that
is actually pretty good like in terms of
how it’s running so maybe they’ve made
improvements on the engine but
yeah just playing the game i’m like this
is such a dumb game
like and i keep on writing things in my
notes like mindless
and you know i was shouting to a mate
and this this is what it reminded me of
put your head back into like star wars
episode one
you know when you get like the jedi and
they’re like fighting the droids
in that and they’re just like slicing
through it like butter like it’s like
they’re not even looking they’re just
and they’re all just dying like this is
this game this game is like
mowing the grass like the grass offers
no defense
you’re just going and there’s something
relaxing that for me about this game
and the fact that like you know it’s set
in the zelda universe which i love
it’s just like i can’t stop playing it
man i feel like i’ve played it for like
30 hours this week
since i got it i just always pick it up
all the time and i’m like
i’ll just keep on smashing through this
and i played all like the different
modes and
boy oh boy man there’s a lot of content
in this game like
all these characters can be leveled up
there’s all like skill trees for all the
to me kind of feels like not that
much point of the skill trees you know
i’m not deep enough in the game for that
and also the game feels very very easy
and it really tries to push you
to play in the easier mode when you
first start playing the game
like it’s really explicit like hey you
probably should play in easy mode
i’m like no i’m not going to do that and
then even playing it now i’m like i
think i might bump it up to hard
because the game is just way too easy
um but yeah man it’s it’s it’s just it’s
a bizarre game man it’s a bizarre game
that i honestly can say i love this game
and does it make you more it scares me
well that’s the problem man because i
love this game so much
that and it’s got so much content i feel
like even my head’s going [ __ ] i need to
get through this game because
you know i definitely am going to get
aged calamity i’ll probably get it for
christmas like as a christmas gift
but once that comes out and how much i
love breath of the wild and
this is like the perfect way to play
something like that for me
because it’s you know like the story in
this game is so dopey
it’s so freaking dopey it’s just like
you know it’s full of like stupid tropes
from japan
and it seems like even worse in japan
with these kind of tropes
and but i love it i can’t explain it man
i if someone said you know why do you
love this game it’s really really hard
for me to explain other than
when i play it i just it’s so relaxing i
don’t have to think
i feel like i could play this game and
have a chat to you like while i’m
playing it well because there’s not much
to it you know i tell you it’d be
interesting to play a breakfast wild
game where your weapon doesn’t break
every 10 enemies
[Laughter] oh god you’re such a hater and breath of
the wild such a hater
oh it’s great yeah like say this game
this game’s awesome so like
kind of like the summary for me is just
you know the question that i asked
is you know should you buy this game in
2020 given that hyrule warriors age of
calamity is coming out and
i’ll probably put three things on it
like first off you know if you’ve played
these muso
hack and slash games and you like them
and you like
you know zelda and you can get it for
like a reasonable price
like i don’t think i would pay full
price for this i think i paid like 49
bucks or something and i had like
discounts on top of that so it probably
worked out to be
like 44 bucks i got this game for
australian so like 30 bucks american
i think that that’s like a really good
deal like i definitely would do that
so you know i think if you’re in that
camp i still think even
given that the new game is coming out
this is well worth getting because
this just has so many cool elements from
the history of zelda like
as much as i say it’s a fan game and i
don’t mean that
dismissively really like i you know you
can see the passion
from the developers like they genuinely
love zelda like you know all the things
that they’ve worked in and their little
nuances and little nods and things like
that and some of the obvious ones as
um yeah it’s just it’s just really cool
like i just thought it was like
such an odd game and i’m so shocked that
like i’m really shocked how much i like
this game
like i thought honestly i thought i
bought this game and i thought i’ll
regret buying this i even thought i’ll
probably return this game
because you can do that with eb games uh
but yeah i’m like total opposite i love
this game man
it’s one of my favorite games this year
another year
yeah true yeah wait till we get around
to doing uh 2018
well i guess like technically you go
2014 so
yeah no it’s cool i like it oh so you’re
you’ve been uh
catching up with some higher warriors
and i have been playing
something a lot more recent i have been
playing don’t nod’s
latest game tell me why so
tell me why is uh it’s an episodic
adventure interactive story game
uh from don’t knot entertainment and
published by xbox game studios so that
means it’s exclusive for xbox and pc
unlike the majority of their previous
games which have generally been
um so with this game the first chapter
came out on the
august 27th and all three chapters
there’s only three of them have been
released now so
i was originally gonna just to give my i
guess some impressions of the first
chapter but i played through the whole
game so
this is almost like a review at this
point um and
it’s uh yeah it’s on game pass so i
didn’t have to pay anything outside of
what i pay for game parts so that was
always a benefit
and i think for this kind of game it is
huge benefit because
it’s not probably the kind of game i’d
immediately go i’m going to go out and
purchase that
but because it’s available i’ve said hey
you know and i want to have a chat about
it i thought i’d jump in
so don’t nod they essentially they hit
i guess the industry with remember me
back in 2013
um but they’ve kind of made they really
made their name
with life is strange which the first
series came out in 2015
and life is strange is a very much what
this game is in a lot of ways so if
you’ve ever played any of those
uh games or find out it was in the first
series before the storm or
life strange 2 um the gameplay is very
but the reason why i was keen to really
play this was because i was a huge fan
of their game
vampire which came out in 2018 and is
now on essentially every current console
i love that game but it’s very different
that’s like an action rpg
sitting in you know like um like in in
england but like i can’t remember the
exact time frame but
it was very different than this but i
definitely see a lot of
that game in the way that this game is
presented and and i
think don’t not do a great job in
creating moments and
things that kind of stick with you but
as for
tell me why um so this game was
showcased in the
one of the recent xbox events and i’d
say that the trailer they showed was
very representative but didn’t make me
go i really want to play that
um but it’s yeah it’s it’s an
interesting game and
it essentially is based around uh so
you’ve got a brother and sister and i’m
not going to go into spoil territory by
the way everything i’m talking about
this game
is was either in the trailer or you
learn in the first like five minutes of
the game so it’s like just
so it’s a very focused story about a
brother and sister named tyler and
they’re twins basically returning to
after 10 years to their family home
in a small town alaska known as dallas
and it’s all about them returning after
a family tragedy
um that happened 10 years ago which
resulted in the death of the mother
and so the plot’s all about them trying
to piece together everything that
happened there
and the twins have been split up since
then so they hadn’t seen each other in
person or i don’t believe there’s any
other person for 10 years
with ellison staying behind in the town
with uh the foster parent which is who’s
the chief of police which works into the
whole storyline as well
and being sent to a juvenile detention
center because
he was the one that killed the mother so
that’s all stated at upfront
right we know that oh that he he stabbed
the mother
in self-defense so it’s all about trying
to figure out
why things happened which is really cool
like it’s almost like a mystery but
between a small group of about seven to
eight people in a small town
so you’re just trying to just as the
brother and sister
try to figure out why why was the mother
to basically the mother like chase the
them with a shotgun and things it’s like
what happened right
and it’s a lot of the themes of this
it’s and this is really important is
it was all about identity um so whether
or not it’s unpacking
the the mystery behind the mother and
what happened what caused a breakdown
but also about the identity of the
siblings themselves and particularly
tyler who’s actually a trans man
and this it’s this game has received a
lot of praise for how it actually
tackles the trans and identity themes
and they work closely with glad um and
they actually have a translator playing
and i think it’s handled really really
well um and it’s not
it’s not just you know they’re tacking
on oh you play as uh
a trans person for you know sake of
diversity it’s very important to the
story line because it’s very central to
the relationship with the mother and i i
can’t get into more of
why that’s important but it is it is
it’s really really interesting how
um the story um revolves around it
and it’s really refreshing you know this
is one of the first games that
the main character is trans and it’s
you have to really it opens i think your
mind up to a lot of well
this person’s going back to they were
they were a kid
when they left the town they’re coming
back to the town for the first time
and so you see all the reactions of the
people to oh you
tyler ah okay like and how awkward it is
and sometimes you see how people you
know go out of their way to
to kind of make that you know to make an
effort to kind of
you know to address that or some people
that are really awkward or rude about it
and it’s just really really interesting
and one thing i say about the story as
well that
for anyone that’s familiar with life is
strange it does
this story also has some out there
elements as well
so while it is very much oh you’re in a
small town
it gets a little crazy at times so but
it is only three it’s about a nine hour
game when you
factor in all three chapters um so it
does tell a very
um yeah a very focused story and of a
core group about seven to eight people
including your main characters
um as for the actual gameplay itself so
integra i don’t think you’ve ever played
have you ever played a telco telltale
game or life for stranger or anything
no so no i played uh
what remains of edith finch okay so
that’s a bit different
it is but it’s i wouldn’t say it’s too
um in some ways where a lot of the game
is essentially you
um walking around interactive objects
and with
with this game it’s full 3dx
exploration there’s no fixed camera or
anything so you’re walking around
and you’re essentially you know
interacting with objects learning about
the story and the characters through
that and talking to the characters
and there’s a lot of choose your own
adventure here so a lot of decision
that’s you know that’s where the
telltale life of strange stuff comes
really into it
um how impacts the outcome of the story
and quite a few cool puzzles as well um
and it’s all revolving around this like
fairy tale storybook that the q
that they put together as kids with the
mother and so
there’s different stories that then
relate to the history and everything
um and some like quick play events which
uh actually pretty fit in pretty well
it it’s definitely not a graphical
powerhouse but it doesn’t really need to
be i mean it’s running on the unreal
but it the character animations are
really good and the voice acting is
which is the most important part in this
game um
yeah some really good facial animations
um like there’s some scenes where
they’ve got to convey some
pretty serious emotions so i think they
do really well
and just a setting the small small
fishing town in alaska it’s all snowed
over it
it feels it feels right you know i think
they’ve done a really good job there
and they make some really good licensed
music choices so overall
i think um yeah the presentation’s
pretty pretty good
um it suits what the game needs to be
i will say i did have some problems with
this game i had some
i’ve written down here installation woes
so installation oh man this uh
like basically so i played through
chapter one and then i’m like oh i need
to play through chapter two and three
before the podcast so
i hadn’t done and yesterday i’m like
okay i need to play through these
so the first time i loaded up like a
week ago and played through
chapter one it was like a geek patch i’m
like okay cool all right whatever i
haven’t played this game blah blah right
then i install chapters two and three
and i gotta load them
another eight gig patch a week later i’m
like okay all right
okay then i load episode two again
another seven gig patch
i’m like hmm come on i just want to play
the game at this point
but it was an episode patch episode
sorry it was a patch for episode three
and i’m like ah
whatever all right just install then
i’ll go load it again now it’s another
five gig patch of episode two it was
like all together
four bloody patches and i’m just like oh
my god
but other than that i i really enjoyed
the game
um the story in the characters really
actually captivated me i don’t know if
it’s gonna
be everyone’s cup of tea um i have a
feeling i’d
actually like to go back to play life is
strange games to see how they compare i
think a lot of people love
the the first two series of that um and
maybe a little let down by this one
because it’s quite short
um some of the narrative stuff didn’t
pay off as well as i thought it would
um but i’ve heard that potentially this
may have been originally been a lot much
larger in scope and it got scaled down
so that might be part of it is that they
kind of they had much grander
i guess narrative threads they wanted to
work on but they needed to work into a
nice condensed three chapter
um story um as i mentioned that they’ve
got a really good flair for moments um
just like there’s a nice scene where you
just sit in there fishing ice fishing
with a character
and it’s just you chatting this
character and learning more about them
just just just really really well done
as i said it’s not for everyone the
game’s pretty slow paced
um so it might hook people but
as i said before it’s on game pass um so
you can give the first chapter a shot if
you don’t like it after the first hour
then you haven’t really lost anything
but that hour
so i don’t think this is you know got
anything to lose
but um it’s honestly i’ve been because
i’ve been playing so much
kingdom of ammo um it’s just a nice
break from mindless action
chiral warriors it reminds me of that
um and over complicated systems you know
that in nearly every modern game it’s
just you’re walking around talking to
people and learning
about a cool story so you might end up
loving it like i did
yeah nice and and you know i guess
the way i’d always look at these games
because i feel like with these type of
games and
is there a name for them because i feel
like that title
walking simulator is so derogatory for
these kind of games people generally
don’t consider these ones walking
simulators they’re just
adventure games but they’re not
point-and-click adventures really
so they’re not yeah to call it a point
and click
you you pick up items but there’s no
inventory which is kind of a key thing
to point and click so they’re not like
your monkey island or
grim fandangos or anything so i think
adventure game is kind of
probably the most suitable uh term for
if we’re not thinking about walking
somewhere that i do think something like
edith finch or
gone home and games we’re not really
interacting with many people you’re just
kind of just walking from point to point
um and it’s all about the experience of
that this
is very much you’re making narrative
choices you’re picking up items you’re
um you know speaking to people things
like that so it’s much more interactive
than those games generally are so yeah
and would you say that this game is so
compelling though it should bring people
who aren’t really
even into those games in the first place
or it’s more of a game that
if you like those staller games it’s
well worth playing
i it’s a tough one because it’s not
going to be everyone’s cup of tea
no way at all there’s i spent like half
an hour just walking around a store
looking at items
in the in the game just because i wanted
to hear what the characters said about a
random bottle of bleach and things you
i didn’t need to do i just wanted i was
looking to explore and learn more about
the world and what the characters how
they think
um a lot of people just love to you know
play tetris
or jump in a call of duty patch and
things they don’t want they don’t care
about learning about this and
you know there’s it’s there’s times when
it might ruffle people’s feathers a bit
because obviously it’s tackling some
tough issues
um whether or not a um about identity or
if it’s about
there’s a lot of mental illness and
things as well
um and it’s some of that stuff i saw
might also be
troubling to people as well um but i
think it’s
yeah i i think it’s worth a shot because
on game pass
um and if you don’t if you don’t like
how it kind of
i said like the first hour by that point
you you’ve seen what the how the game
you kind of get an idea of what it’s
going to be storyline wise
so that’ll be kind of i guess the point
you wait decision whether or not you
want to you know sit there for the whole
it’s like any tv series so this is very
much like a tv series
um game in a way
yeah not fair enough that sounds good
that’s awesome
all right well i think that wraps us up
uh for this week’s
episode of uh big weekend gaming as
always if you want to help us out uh
reach out to us on twitter or through
and definitely give us a five star
review on your favorite podcast
app because that helps us grow or share
it with your mates
with that said i’d like to say bye-bye
see ya

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