1. I always loved SCTV movie parodies. It's even funnier if you've seen Ben-Hur with Charlton Heston. They also did a hilarious send up of a horrible movie called "The Oscar". Only the parody was called "The Nobel". My best friend and I still will tell each other "Don't make me bust you up!"
    But it's fun to see everyone so young and Ramis about to crack up with Candy. But thank you to whoever decided to put a young Harold Ramis in a toga.

  2. I don't know how old i was watching this as a kid in the 80's, but I'd watch it every night on City TV for years. I've never seen Ben Hur, but it couldn't be better than this.

  3. I recall watching the sydicated shows late at night in the USA. Harold Ramis was never in any of them. I like maybe, missed 5 years of the shows that only Canadians saw?

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