195: Big Bully (1996) movie review Uploaded By bobanddougmckenzie.com

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195: Big Bully (1996) movie review

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Rick Moranis and Tom Arnold equals 90s highjenks!
Aaron Whitlow Brandon Spivey
good we are the markout movie podcasters
oh today’s episode we are going to be
discussing Brandon’s pick after he
endured a long hard Marvel Cinematic
Universe and then on top of that uh
we had last week I did Hell House LLC
um but then this week we’re doing big
bully 1996 film
starring Rick Moranis and Tom Arnold
this is back when Tom Martin was still
showing up in movies
and Rick Moranis was still throwing up
in movies but Rick Moranis I would say
can still show up in movies if he
chooses to yeah I don’t think the same
case can be said for Tom Arnold
you know I don’t
it’s not that he’s bad it’s just
he’s odd he’s just an oddball like the
only thing I think I’ve been able to
relate to him and anything is either
when he’s on Roseanne or True Lies
everything else is just it’s an epic
Miss and it’s not that he’s horrible
it’s just I don’t know it’s just
he’s just odd
yeah I’ve always liked him but it’s just
in movies
I think I would prefer to stand up than
movie roles but he’s still doing stuff
that’s crazy people still got time I
know this stuff okay
Roseanne divorced
yeah I think after True Lies I remember
so the moment where I just kind of like
rolled my eyes at Tom Arnold and
Roseanne is when they both do a cameo
and uh Freddy’s Dead yeah which in
itself is a terrible movie let’s be real
I would say the nightmare in M Street
series uh franchise
has had just about as many Duds
as uh the Halloween franchise
um but and I and I can only say I can
say Friday the 13th hasn’t had as many
Duds although I think Friday 13th has
had some of the same type of
oh yeah I mean it’s a repetitive no
doubt uh you know I think after six
people kind of lost interest I like
seven I think Eight’s fun it’s not good
but I think it’s fun and I think nine
and Jason Goes to Hell is just the worst
of the bunch but you know
I would say there’s probably
three or four bad ones on Friday the
13th so I mean I think they all have
their Duds I mean yeah but we are going
to be discussing big bully uh but first
I don’t I hadn’t really watched anything
but we still do uh what we watched
um this which is for those that are
listening or tuning in for the first
time to our podcast
that’s the segment in which we discuss
movies or film the same thing films or
TV shows that we’ve watched within the
uh and starting with myself
and I don’t think I really watched
anything honestly this week I haven’t
I hadn’t really watched anything uh I
um Midnight Club
uh which was on uh Netflix
and uh which
I liked uh so that’s my Mike
um Mike not my Garrison I’m sorry
um Flanagan Mike Flanagan yeah
um it’s it’s his which is had some of
the same actors and actresses they use a
lot but
it just
I don’t know I think
I don’t know I’m not familiar with this
series like but I felt like it was it
had some moments of
Terror or horror but I just felt like it
just was
mediocre compared to like something like
Chris Street which I wouldn’t think I’d
say this but I felt for history was
overall better
series of electricity actually I enjoyed
that overall it was better
um if you want to talk about like young
young teenage type of Horror it was
better I thought
um scary story still in the dark was
uh so I thought that Midnight Club which
is bad because I like I like uh Flanagan
but it felt like it
fell short just in my opinion
I think that’s the census of uh of him
with these Netflix shows he’s doing hill
house knocked out of the park but ever
since then it’s not lived up to that
from what I hear online I haven’t seen
his other two shows but you know that’s
just what I hear that’s not lived up to
Hill House
what he accomplished with that series
but I like you I haven’t read the books
or I’m not familiar with the
anything of Midnight Clubs it is that it
yeah that’s what’s up yeah I’m not
familiar with it I heard it was like
Fair Street
young adult fiction but I haven’t read
any of it
yeah but yeah that’s pretty much all uh
oh I’ve watched I did go back and watch
I did go back during the Halloween time
frame I went back to watch
um last night’s Soho which is uh is
still an excellent movie
um I want I wanted to go back and
barbarians on HBO Max I want to watch
that again uh those are the type of
horror that I like like for instance and
I agree with you when it comes to like
your thought that James one is like the
new IT guy when it comes to uh horror
and I mentioned that because
even though it’s been a couple years
removed I still want to go back and
watch malignant again again
because it’s just such a
hey man I would say that he is the
he’s the king of horror right now James
one even though you know because Mike
Flanagan uh he’s good but he’s probably
the equivalent of a
each equivalent of a
I would say
oh I was gonna say Toby Hooper uh which
is Toby only had like a few films that
was like to me really good
thing with Mike’s playing again I think
his films in itself were great but his
TV stuff not so much so I don’t want to
compare him to that maybe uh I wouldn’t
say a Wes Craven either because Wes
is where’s the top tier where Carpenter
they’re top tier but and I want to say
the Cunningham because Cunningham is
bottom tier
so he’s like maybe like Mick Garrison or
something like something like right in
the middle don’t insult him if I
comparing him to Cunningham yeah
well my point is James wine is what up
there so his stuff yeah I always want to
go back and revisit
like I yeah I would put Flanagan
maybe third
third guy in horror today uh I don’t
know who I’ll put second but
I don’t know maybe second I I there’s
some good ones I just can’t think of
their names but yeah
um real quick I I can tell you what I
have watched uh so real quick because I
haven’t really watched movies but I am
still watching uh Atlanta which is on
season four it’s the last season of
Atlanta so far that the season has been
great uh the episode before the one that
just aired
is was excellent it was called the the
Goof Who Sat by the door and it’s like
it’s their version of what of what
happened with the Goofy movie and how
Goofy movie is the blackest movie ever
and it’s it’s really interesting uh and
it’s such a great episode uh but yeah um
of Atlanta and then uh I’m still
watching Chucky uh we’re it’s some
season two
it’s interesting
and I’ll say this about the child’s play
franchise I mean when I say that I mean
the Don Mancini franchise
um which is the franchise the other one
isn’t but uh
it I would say that it has stuck to his
guns as far as continuity
and and somehow made it it work even
though like you know like it went off in
the rails with Seed of Chucky in my
but God bless the man for keeping
continuity going
and all his stuff yeah and it hey I give
him Batman and and so far and I love the
show I think that it’s just Chucky is
Chucky is top tier when it comes to the
horse last year horror villains oh yeah
yeah I think he needs to be up there and
I think that it’s a disservice if you
put him anywhere lower than that he’s
he’s everywhere he’s up here with ghost
and I put Ghostface up there he’s over a
ghost face Michael
uh and Freddie and Jason those are top
tier in my opinion that is top tier and
everybody else is beneath them yeah I
would put Chucky for me anyway Chucky’s
probably my second favorite so he’s
number two for me like Jason’s everyone
and Chucky’s dude I would put Michael
and I don’t know who between Freddy and
Ghostface for four uh but I’m just not a
big Freddie fan so
he deserves
like they are the top three when it
comes you know
what they did for horror back in the 80s
but I don’t know I just but I did hear
what they do Chucky season two killing
off uh a certain character and it’s like
why why would you do that
why uh but you know
I will eventually watch it just I hate
that that they killed that guy off yeah
no no spoilers but uh
that’s what he does no
but anyway uh what did you watch Brandon
before we get to our actual review
since the last time we’ve been here I
would say okay I watched Black Adam
which I thought was a lot of fun I
thought they
you know they went back to basics
with it it’s not the greatest movie in
the world but it is a fun movie
I thought the rock did really good
playing the character I love all the Taj
in it and Pierce Brosnan in it but I
thought DC needed to go back to basics
and start over and I felt that’s what
Black Adam was doing so I really enjoyed
[Music] um
sorry but I think there we go you’re
um see Thomas we’re getting comments
so Tom Lovin is watching Andy Hardin
says what’s up Andy I saw that you said
that you were sick okay you got the bug
we’re praying for you we pray for you
and your family that you are pulled
through Tom Lovin said let’s talk talk
Maverick hey bro come on Tom I know that
you are such a fan of top gun Maverick
hey and rightfully so because it’s an
awesome film it is I bet you’ve seen it
the most you’ve probably seen it as many
times as Brandon has seen Elvis
um uh and uh Pete Maverick Mitchell is
on my top tier he says uh is that who’s
that Brandon is that from Top Gun still
what now Pete Maverick Mitchell yeah
all right but yeah I know you’ve seen it
and we give you props it’s gonna be in
my top at the end of the year we do a
list of our top
20 maybe it’s the thing we do typically
uh it’s gonna be within my top ten I’m
not going to tell you where
it makes the worst for me it is what it
is and that saddens me that’s sadness so
much has changed in a year
no no you haven’t beat him uh uh so uh
Brandon he you you beat him
uh all right wait a minute maybe not he
says he’s seen top gun Maverick five
times in theaters 15 times on digital
wow yeah I haven’t seen Elvis that many
times I saw it seven times in theaters
and I’ve seen it once on Blu-ray okay
but what were you saying I’m sorry I was
um see what else did I see
well I did watch it recently watch a
movie called emergency which I
recommended to you which
I don’t even know how to explain what
that movie is about it starts off like a
comedy uh about these two black guys
they’re ones getting ready to graduate
with about getting ready to graduate
once going to Medical medical school
though and they end up finding this
white girl in their house
passed out and everything and one guy’s
like we can’t call the cops we black
she’s unconscious no said I’m gonna see
it I will watch it enough said
[Laughter] it speak my interest anything and
dealing with black guys around and white
and I’m just playing it’s funny but uh
uh what else you watch
I watched the Christian movie called
Paul’s purpose Paul’s promise
um I thought that was decent
you know
he struggles with uh depression
alcoholism uh his mom’s dying of cancer
uh so and her only wish for him her
dying wish is for him to get back to get
into church give his heart to God and
so I really I like the message it just
it was cheap but as far as production
goes I really like the message I think
that’s all I’ve seen though
okay I went to theaters this week so
yeah uh
that’s pretty much all
um so we’re going to get into our
actual film review which is on Big Bully
uh let’s go to IMDb
if it still adds it up for me
uh big bully so big bully is a 1996 film
starring Rick Moranis as David Leary Tom
Arnold as Roscoe bigger AKA Fang and
Julian Phillips is Victoria and there’s
Carol Kane in it it’s faith Jeffrey
camber is Art and then Curtis
booger Armstrong It’s Clark and there’s
other people in this movie also Don
Knotts we gotta mention him you gotta
and I didn’t realize I forgot that Don
Knotts was even in this film
the movie is about a writer returns to
his hometown uh where his he faces his
childhood Nemesis whose life is he
ultimately ruined only the bully wants
to release relive their painful past by
torturing him once again
um yeah that’s a good synopsis uh
Brandon you got the numbers on this one
oh I do
it got a 4.7 out of 10 on IMDb
although it does have a 4.2 out of 5 on
65 liked it on Google but here’s where
it gets really bad
Rotten Tomato score is zero percent with
an audience score of 20 percent
so it’s uh certified rotten I would say
well there you go
and so here we go let’s get into
big bullying all right so first of all
when Brandon said hey we’re gonna watch
Big Bully
I literally forgot that this movie even
existed uh uh and I was like I was
thinking you know what I was thinking
about what was you thinking about the
Ant Bully
wow that’s my first
let’s cut my voice
um anyway yeah so I was thinking about
Ant Bully
uh but yeah I was so wrong but
not not because I love Rick Moranis he’s
top tier on my list as far as like
comedic actors uh especially the dadro
uh he’s really good especially I loved
him in uh
of course I loved him and
of course I loved him uh in um
what is that movie uh look who now look
who’s talking I’m sorry Honey I Shrunk
the Kids funny kids yeah I got
distracted because of his voices
um but uh yeah so I loved him in that
but I this movie
the Spaceballs yeah it’s with my other
dude John Candy my My overall dude John
um and so
yeah I loved it I loved him he’s a
comedic a Canadian actor Canadian
comedian uh but he’s beloved uh of
course Ghostbusters you know uh he’s
beloved and uh and I know I will mention
this so was it last year or a year
before that he was assaulted in the
street by some butthole yeah uh who uh
who just randomly hit him
uh no one deserves no one deserves to be
hurt I think that no one deserves
anybody to put their hands on him
um I’m a bit of a even though I watch
violent movies my wife asked me this all
the time she says
how come you watch horror movies and
things like that or violent action
movies and I can watch that stuff
but I don’t really look because it’s not
real it’s fictitious these people are
acting they leave they come to their
families or whatever else same with pro
wrestling uh but I don’t like to see
people really get hurt really get beat
up or accosted and so
um he doesn’t deserve for anything no
one deserves for anyone to invade their
personal space and and assault them
on any reason whatsoever now it’s okay
if you are being assaulted and you gotta
fight back and defend yourself then
that’s fine but just uh just to randomly
hit someone and beat someone up and to
do stuff that’s absolutely wrong man and
uh and Rick Moranis uh you know the man
gave up his career
to uh take care of his wife and then
raise his children after his wife died
you know I have a big heart for Rick
Moranis and so you know it was I’m glad
you chose this movie because I was
really it felt real good to see Rick
Moranis yeah that’s that’s why I chose
it I couldn’t remember if I actually
liked it back in nine six I don’t think
okay uh how you doing The Hobbit
uh but I just wanted to I wanted to do
something light-hearted and I saw that
movie was on there so I was like
Matthew Carter’s watching hey Matthew
thanks for watching bill for said New
York City is a fallen City crime is out
of control
I agree so it sounds like you are about
to become Batman though bill for so
yeah if you if I hear somebody the the
dark Hobbit is running around New York
like stopping crime via wow a ring
throwing a ring at people I don’t know
throwing a ring at people like like you
know the The Hobbit the ring Lord of the
I don’t know yeah
I went from that man to Lord of the
Rings Lord they would be that’d be dope
that’d be a greatest outfit but no go
ahead I’m sorry oh yeah so I saw it was
on Prime and I was like you know
this movie probably gonna be great
but it’d be really good to see Rick
Moranis again it’s been a while so
that’s why I picked it I just wanted to
watch him and in the movie with the way
I thought it would but I loved seeing
him in it so
you know and I thought there was a
tender moment between him and son
when it’s like the wife left and he kind
of blames him for his mom leaving and
you know I just I like that dynamic of
him playing dad that’s kind of lost
everything but he’s got a book he’s got
he’s got a he’s got a writing career
that no one goes to see if no one will
wants his autograph they want Stephen
King books I I it’s still relevant today
we’re talking about people hit the love
for Stephen King is still relevant today
that’s you know it’s cool I mean it’s
just it’s it’s really cool the the funny
thing about that is the fictitious book
that he pitches
sounds like a really good really good
book it did sound like a really good
book like it’s like pet cemetery but
different so he said he said that he he
pitched the story to a guy
um and we’ll go back to when they were
kids but he pitched the story to a guy
that seemed like he’s like a serial
killer uh he told him yeah man so the
story about serial killer who kills
victims and buried him in his yard but
his yard is he’s his house is on ancient
Indian burial ground and so the victims
come back to life and then they try to
come at the killer like that sounds like
a really good book I like I don’t read
it it sounds like really great I did but
and then I’m surprised Stephen King went
like I could do that
um but
the pet cemetery yeah
um Stephen Stephen is falling off so bad
but anyway uh you’re still relevant
though at least you’re rubbing though
he’s hey you can’t you can’t you can’t
knock the guy he is still people still
buying his stuff and he’s still putting
out like dollar babies and so people are
directing or buying buying rights to his
stuff every single day
um because Stephen King’s name equals
money period
um but yeah uh so what do you think
about Young Rick Moranis uh they were
young young David Davey rather and the
and the bully and like that aspect
growing up and and also I want to ask
you because I know that your personal
Story You’ve dealt with bullies in your
life uh dealt with one in particular
that was the size of his bully
well I wasn’t the size of Rick moranisis
childhood uh I was I was smaller than
this other guy and this other guy
actually committed a crime
like he was picking on me one day like
and he was stuffing my ears saying how
much he was gonna whoop me and
everything and later on he can he
committed murder
it freaked me out
that this guy was
doing this to me and later on went and
killed somebody I was like
it just it stuck with me for a very long
time but
I thought it was
it brought back memories but at the same
time it was kind of cringe-worthy
because I didn’t think I didn’t think
the bully was
a very good child actor you know but no
I’ve seen better better child boys the
best one of my favorite uh all right so
if I’m ranking bullies buzz from from uh
the bus from uh Home Alone who’s the
older brother who’s sort of a bully
um then you have well that kid that
actor himself
he’s he’s playing in movies where he’s
like the bully kid yeah I think he was
the bullying uh uh little monsters I
want to say same kid I might be wrong uh
it might not be the same kid but it’s a
little little that let that
stereotype bully the heavyset little kid
the kid from um
uh the movie that we watched last year
about the the Christmas like the kid won
the Super Nintendo yeah that bully kid
that kid he’s a he’s a great boy kind of
like looks older
um they like he like if if it was my
bully I’ll terrify me honestly Christmas
Story goalie yeah yeah Christmas Story
bully oh he’s like the
the bully uh you know oh my God his his
his uh his uh eyes were green or
whatever his teeth were whatever green I
don’t know the kid is get on my nerves I
I would have whipped his butt too anyway
but I personally had bullies growing up
um you know get got bullied uh
especially in high school I suffered uh
a bully every single day like in gym
class just would try to pick on me and
Bully me and
um one day I took a plate and threw it
at his face
although a mist
um but my point got across
and so Ergo I was no longer bullied but
uh I don’t suggest you do that yeah just
how it went for me and then there’s
another guy that bullied me and uh in
this group of playing uh Kenneth
slapped him in the back of the head
which was dangerous because it could
kill me I’m glad that he did not kill me
uh because he had a scholarship you know
you know to play football
but because of that incident I ended up
meeting one of my best friends Joey
um AKA Randall Shane uh to the Kentucky
began the Journey of pro wrestling
friendship movie friendship and so good
things came out of that incident uh
let’s see uh Belford says bully in it
chapter one that carved into the yeah
that guy oh he is he’s a he’s a trash
yeah and then kid
uh I don’t know that one
um but yeah that’s been some good
bullies and in uh film history do you
consider uh the kid from Toy Story a
bully uh Sid Sid was a bully right I
mean yeah he bullied the toys
but I would say the best one for me is
Biff Tannen I I just
I don’t think you top him at all but uh
but he’s like a beloved bullet you know
it’s weird it’s weird like that but but
yeah I mean
but as far as this movie goes it was
cringe-worthy but it did bring back some
memories of this you know this this guy
just wouldn’t leave me alone and you
everyone goes through it though I it’s
you know it’s a deeper issue with them
something’s going on at home which is
the case for mine uh something very deep
and dark was going on
um I think that’s why they do it yeah
I said like Henry yeah
that’s why they’re doing something dark
and deep is going inside them at home
you know and that’s what in Corey Corey
Cunningham said that in Holland against
because he’s when he confronted his
bully which did make sense he’s a Band
Geek come on
well I guess anybody can be bullies even
if you’re a Band Geek but anyway uh he
he said yeah your dad doesn’t love you
and that’s why you’re doing this because
of his he abused you and so you give it
to me and so something like that but yes
that’s pretty much it you know a lot of
bullies I had a bully in elementary
school too my cousin kind of confronted
him and he stopped bullying me because
my cousin’s bigger
and he was tougher and he was like in a
different age it didn’t work out well
for that bullet but um yeah uh but I do
want to mention also so I think the one
kid that they hired
they they hired him and they hired a
grown-up just because they’re able to
stick their fist in their mouth
it’s the only sole purpose of that
um but I did but that leads me to uh
another thing
um some of the people that we have that
shows up in this movie so
all right uh Harry Waters Jr is the guy
that sticks his finger in the mouth
Stuart pinken who plays Jerry or Gary
um you know uh he was like
that guy you know he’s one of those guys
that you see you’ve seen his stuff he’s
in hell yeah honey uh We Shrunk
Ourselves yeah he’s in Congo Fatal
Attraction arachnophobia
uh that guy
um he’s he was the guy that I didn’t
realize it was in this movie man and I
just he’s another guy kind of like
seeing I was like Hey that guy you know
yeah yeah yeah I’ve ever seen him he
only had like one scene at the diner
right or the bar yeah he only hit that
one scene the other friend that was the
Pyro guy he had more scenes he was all
over the place
yeah I was thinking maybe this was
around the time they did honey
We Shrunk Ourselves
maybe I felt like a lot of these
comedians just showed up to help Rick
and Tom like
just kind of having fun and it’s kind of
what it felt like that’s how fun
yeah not to really take this movie
serious and I felt like they had the
worst director to direct us I liked
Steve minor he directed Two of Friday 13
films he directed H2O but he’s not known
for comedy I mean no how big is the
horror guy for a comedy
you could tell because this goes to a
very dark place and that was actually a
good scene when Tom Arnold became psycho
yeah uh but I do want to mention Don
Knotts so I want I thought this was
could have been his last film but
actually Pleasantville was his last film
um which he he had a quick little Cameo
as a TV repairman in Pleasantville which
I love Pleasantville like one of my
films from the 90s
um which I would love for us to do this
on the podcast actually Pleasantville
would be great uh and maybe maybe maybe
maybe next I’d find out if it’s
streaming anywhere
um but uh Don Knotts man it was really
good seeing him and I just man he’s such
uh he’s such a great
uh character actor great comedic actor
um and they made a Mayberry joke in here
and I kind of giggled because I was like
hey you Don Knotts is in here you know
and so he’s known as Barney Fife the the
Deputy or whatever you know and so
ah man just it just it just did my and
it did my heart good to see him it did
my heart good to see Curtis Armstrong
uh this that guy every time I see him in
something I’m like hey you know he
popped up in Supernatural I believe yeah
and so every time I see him I’m like
booger he’s gonna always be booger I
don’t care what he’s in
it’s his fault he’s going to be booger
for the rest of his life
well I mean I I don’t think at a certain
point I don’t I think they Embrace that
they might not embrace it at the time
they’re it’s big but after so many years
they’re still known for something I
think you have to embrace that that
you’re still known uh but I actually
forgot yeah he is uh
from Revenge of the Nerds right yeah
yeah I I forgot I was like I know this
guy from somewhere but I was like what
is it but now you you mentioned the name
Booker I was like oh yeah yeah yeah
that’s reach of the Nerds and you did
show up in Supernatural I remember one
episode at least he showed up
um so it was good Carol Kane I was so
good to see her because I just go to
Adam’s family all the time when I see
uh playing Tom world’s wife and I have
six kids and only one kid is of
it’s like man you could have wrote
something for these kids other than
being rowdy
yeah Carol Kane she’s another actress
that uh I seen her in the uh on
something Kimmy Schmid Kimberly Schmidt
or whatever on Netflix yeah just when I
seen her pop up in there I was like
she steals every scene she’s in and
people don’t
so those actors and actresses that are
comedic actors and actresses that’s from
the 80s like like her Rick Moranis and
the Gilda radners and you know uh
uh I can’t think of her name
um I’m blaming on it uh not curl came
West girl game but what’s the one that
was in um
it was in a lot of the milk gifts Mel
Brooks stuff the one that she passed
away from cancer you know what I’m
talking about she was in uh
history of the world she was in uh
uh blades and Saddles she’s the one that
says it’s 12 it’s 12. that one you know
what I’m out
it’s a blame thank you not to include
she’s include
she looks like Susan Sarandon sorter
yeah yeah yeah her okay
just like her I forget Madeline kind
Madeline kind that’s the name
um she is like those those people man
when they when they pop up and stuff
they still the same they still the show
uh like and she she
active circles around Tom Arnold like
when she pops up in the scene like I
want more of her than I do times
with all due respect it’s not hard to
act circles around Tom Arnold with all
the respect but uh I just think this
movie would have been better if they
would have cast someone else in the
bully row
hey man give it to Don Knotts I mean I
mean that has been fun seeing Don Knotts
be a bully
I mean our the booger guy
um just Tom our own every time he’s on
screen it’s just like
you know you’re not doing it for me you
know and he’s so over like you say so
over the top like I would have loved you
know who would have been perfect as a
um uh um
why’d I just blank on his name I’m
looking at him like in my brain uh from
Home Alone not Marv
uh no uh Harry Harry
not Marv which one’s the tower one
Daniel Stern Daniel Stern he would have
been perfect as a as a bully character
rather seen Daniels I love Daniel Stern
yeah I would rather seen him
um was John Candy still living at this
point I think John yeah John died in 90.
uh John Candy
died and I think his last movie was
wagons East
uh uh he died 94 so yeah he has passed
away at this point
today whatever they have a Perfect
Chemistry connection comedy timing I
mean him and Rick just worked so well
together so it would have been perfect
for them candy would have been perfect
and he would have been lovable as a
bully that’s the thing Tom Hardy Tom
Arnold wasn’t really lovable like you
know even if a bully you want them to be
lovable like like he doesn’t realize
they’ve been being a bully he’s like you
you think this is just friendship and
their friendship like I could like
uh no they’re not same age but if they
was to remade it a little bit later
um Chris Farley would have been perfect
because that real as that role oh yeah
um if he lived if he had lived John
Belushi would have been absolutely
perfect Jim Belushi would have been
absolutely perfect uh in that role like
I would I would rather see them
I think the problem with the movie Bad
director and it should have cast someone
else as the bully
I think it would have been much a much
better film but that being said it was
still good to see Rick Moranis yeah and
Company or or you know the guy that
played Newman from uh Seinfeld yeah yeah
he would have been perfect like he I
could see him
you want somebody to kind of you feel
like would be he maybe don’t feel like a
bully but he’s he’s that guy that you
just love to hate uh but
um like
um I don’t know yeah I agree that they
should have cast on Arnold I think that
is bad casting maybe I don’t know if
time was hot at that point
I don’t know or he was cheap he’s cheap
or or they owed him one for something I
don’t know
Roseanne said hey you you’re gonna take
a time if you want me to do this project
give time this project
I think this was two years after True
Lies so he was he was still rolling
you know he’s
still had stuff going on but he just
he’s never been a lead in anything that
I’ve ever seen that’s been good
oh you know who had been perfect there’s
a bully honestly and that no I know it
would have seemed weird but I would have
loved it Sinbad Sinbad would have been
because yeah to me anyway he kind of
played The Bully part and uh jingle all
the way yeah and he was good
you still love him still you still you
don’t hate him you don’t hate him as a
character so yeah so I agree he would
have been he would have been better
um but I would think uh so
so he so Tom Hank Tom Allen Tom Arnold
rather he he uh steals the moon rock and
gets sent to juvie and uh and he’s like
a depleted man until Rick Moran’s
character David comes back into town now
Rick Moran’s son
in Big Bully uh was actually the kid
years later we’re going to being not
another team movie he’s the one that uh
was the uh the judge uh type of
character yeah I think it’s the same kid
um but um
but yeah
this movie I came I’m like that’s when I
when I was watching this movie I was
thinking oh I would just I I would I’ll
beat the hell out of Tom Arnold I just
just every time I seen him I was like oh
just annoying and that’s what Time
Warner was annoying in this movie I
agree I do I agree annoying I thought
the only thing that he did good at
and this was the best direction is when
it kind of came like a horror film and
In the Woodshop class I thought that was
really well done and I thought that’s
when that was his best part best scene
in the whole movie uh because he he
actually looked like a killer
looked like somebody that was mad
um it was Went Psycho so I
I just feel like it was bad Direction
bad miscasting but I thought with the
whole cast
man you got a really good comediate cast
here this should be gold and it’s not
and it hurts because
you hate to see Rick Moranis because at
this point so we didn’t know that his
time was going to be limited in
um due to his wife he just hates to see
someone like that and it’s so good waste
his time on a mediocre film
yeah I agree
um yeah I agree
we can go ahead because this movie isn’t
really Rick Moranis is the best part of
the film yeah um and I will say one
thing at the the I think her name is
Vicky Victoria
their love interest just didn’t make
no they didn’t
they didn’t develop it well so I thought
that was wasted potential
um but yeah we can go ahead and get
well real quick I want to mention one
more person that I loved absolutely in
the movie
Jeffrey Tambor will play art the next
door neighbor
he stole every single time he came on
the screen he stole it yeah he was
utterly more interesting than
other than Rick Moran’s back interaction
was so much more interesting and I wish
the movie had been about just him maybe
thanking his neighbor
might be a serial killer hell been great
I’ve been telling a movie with Rick
Moranis and that guy yeah
you switched to roles where that guy’s
the bully and Tom Arnold’s the neighbor
which time I still wouldn’t pull it off
because he’s just not that good of an
I feel bad for saying that though
because I actually do like him he’s just
not he’s not good and
yeah but he was good in it because
Arnold was great in it and because Jamie
Lee was great in it
um uh McHale’s Navy was a dud
Exit Wounds
was he in that let’s see yeah DMX DMX
and um freaking whatever the other guy’s
name is
uh let’s see
it does yeah I remember I actually do
remember him making fun of Segal though
on some interview I think it was Howard
Stern everybody makes fun of the gold
though the one he wrote yeah
we can go ahead and go to the end of it
bro uh
I’ll give my is my storage for it where
are my mark outs marks for this movie
I’m gonna give it two markouts out of
I love Rick Moranis and I love singing
Don Knotts and I love singing
I love seeing pretty much everyone in
the movie to some extent I think the
director was terrible and I think Tom
harder was terrible but Rick Moranis
shined and other people in it he had
great elements would have been great
movie uh but it just it just it’s not
Rick’s best like other stuff Rick has
done is good but it’s not him but that’s
the thing I want to say that it’s not
Rick Moranis that makes this movie bad
it’s tomorrow end of the directing I
agree with you so I give it to you yeah
I would I put more of the
more of it on the director Steve minor
um he didn’t he had no business Direct
in a comedy in my opinion uh I’m gonna
give it 2.5 because I I really I loved
everything Rick did I love Carol Kane
and I love Jeffrey in the movie so I
it’s a bad movie but it was an okay time
if that makes sense yeah um
there were some things I really liked
there was some things like it was very
cringe-worthy and especially with Tom
I’m sorry Tom
I like doing tree laws though but yeah
2.5 for me
all right well I do have what we’re
gonna what we’re gonna watch next week
he’s got it I got it I mentioned it and
I looked it up and it’s on Hulu so there
you go uh Pleasantville Pleasantville
we’re gonna do Pleasantville we’re gonna
revisit Tom knots again
and Paul Walker and Paul Walker we get
some Paul Walker we get some Tom knots
Tom uh Donald brother we get some
um uh
Toby Toby McGuire we’re getting Toby
Toby uh and then we also get uh Jeff
Jeff Daniels no Jeff yeah
yes in it um so we get some some we hey
it’s gonna be a good one uh
Pleasantville is like
like if I had to do my top movies of the
of all time Pleasantville is in there
it’s totally in there
um we’re gonna stay tuned similar to
yeah stay tuned yeah stay tuned was sort
of similar oh although I love it it has
a soft spot in my heart too uh stay
tuned because I I love uh
and we’ll have my blanket know his name
now geez uh John Ritter John Ritter yeah
I love John Ritter and I look they had a
wrestling scene in it so anything they
had wrestling in it it was yeah which
that was the original scene in this
movie too uh Tom Arnold’s Family was
um raw I believe
oh wow I didn’t even notice yeah oh uh
but yeah
diesel Okay Kevin Nash I didn’t think I
did see him all right yeah I thought I
thought I’d solution for some reason but
um but yeah no um so next week
Pleasantville in the meantime what we
want them to do Brandon we want you to
like uh share subscribe
um get this out here you know help us
out a little bit we’re trying to reach
500 subscribers so help us out hope
you’re enjoying it too I hope you
enjoyed this episode please comment did
you have bullies if you’re watching us
on YouTube comment on our YouTube
channel comment on our Facebook Channel
let us know uh follow us on our social
medias uh we’re both on Brandon has more
hilarious stuff than I do I just from
um but and then um Instagram and uh well
I’m I’m there Brandon just look us up
but in the meantime in between times if
you’re being bullied
uh don’t
yeah don’t worry about it man just get
past it keep going in life one of these
days that bully may come to you need
help because you know just how life goes
sometimes or or in Brandon’s case the
bully go to jail for a very long time uh
but I haven’t seen him since that day I
was in fourth grade I think he was in
yeah and
I haven’t heard from him since I’m
assuming he’s out by now but it was it
was on the news and everything he he
killed his father uh with a shotgun oh
wow he’s he drove the truck to Bowling
Green and finally turned himself in uh
but yeah I hadn’t seen Billy since since
then so
all right yes don’t look for him all
right so uh any oh
who how many abilities I know no
I really felt bad though when I heard
all of it what had happened like his dad
was abusive to him so I I really felt
bad for him yeah it made sense why he
bullied me so much
what we want to say here at the market
movie podcast is be better people love
one another and let’s not
hurt one another yeah and celebrate each
other uh but in the meantime in between
time and Whitlow Brandon’s 5A
we thank you for marking that with us
here on the markout movie podcast

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