69 SCTV Janitorial Strike: Part 2 [143] [Seasons 4 & 5] Presented By BobandDougMcKenzie.com

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69 SCTV Janitorial Strike: Part 2 [143] [Seasons 4 & 5]

View the YouTube video “69 SCTV Janitorial Strike: Part 2 [143] [Seasons 4 & 5]” one of our collection of other videos which feature the well known hysterical characters of Bob and Doug.

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These videos are in no way meant to replace the purchasing of commercially produced DVDs of SCTV. Making this series available is in no way meant to break copyright law. I am hoping fans of the series will have renewed interest in SCTV and will spread the word about this Classic Canadian Comedy Legend.

I have included all 185 episodes of the Syndicated Series of SCTV. Please note that the Syndicated Series has material not available on the current crop of DVDs, and also that the DVDs have material not available in the Syndicated Series. Please note that there is also material not available in either.

This means that at this time, the complete series is not commercially available for purchase. I hope you will consider signing the online petition at

Other Videos Related to 69 SCTV Janitorial Strike: Part 2 [143] [Seasons 4 & 5]

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sctv going down the road SCTV,NBC 90 Minutes,John Candy,Joe Flaherty,Eugene Levy,Andrea Martin,Rick Moranis,Catherine O’Hara,Martin Short,Dave Thomas,Comedy,Satire,Parody,Bob McKenzie,Doug McKenzie,Hosers,Take Off,Great White North,SCTV News,Johnny LaRue,Lola Heatherton,Libby Wolfson,Earl Camembert,Floyd Robertson,Guy Caballero,Count Floyd,Sammy Maudlin,Bill Needle,Dr. Tongue,Woody Tobias,SCTV Movie of the Week #SCTV #Janitorial #Strike #Part #Seasons


  1. Anywhere north of Fargo has premium CBC TV, french immersion radio stations. My first trip up north went direct to Winnipeg, french canadian women at every bustop, ATM dispensed pictures of alien creatures and Indians with funnel hats paddling a canoe and a Queen Macdonald somebody, the Thunder Bay cigar store guy was sleeping on a cot guarding the cubans …

  2. Garth, Gord, Fiona and Alice. Produced by: Garth Gordon and Gordon Garthwaite. In Charge of Getting Things Done: Garth Wilson. Canadian Content Supervisor: Ian McIan.

  3. @6:47 – If it hadn't been for seeing G & G + F & A via this swell channel, I wouldn't have ever learned of the cultural phenomenon/ambassador that was the late Stompin' Tom Connors – even though that was just a few weeks ago.

    I may be just another Yank, born and raised in Western Washington State, but for the most part, Canada has been a great neighbour, friend, and ally to us for many, many years. I was fortunate to be able to briefly visit parts of it during my youth, from B.C. to Ontario and Quebec, through my participation in school band programs/competitions in the '80s; experiences that remain with me decades later. Had it not been for the call of the Yukon that appealed to my recently-landed Finnish immigrants to the U.S. maternal great-grandparents over a century and a quarter ago, neither I, my sister, nor mother and her siblings, nor my grandmother (who was born at Bear Creek YT, where my great-grandfather first struck his discovery claim along that tributary that it is said he also named) or her siblings would have existed in the forms we have known. My namesake maternal grandfather was born to Finnish immigrants to the U.S. in Wyoming, but as a horseman for his entire life, spent time up in Alberta cowboying as a young man in the early part of the 20th century – so perhaps our family has felt a longer/closer connection to your fair land than many other fellow Americans have.

    As with Garth, Gord, Fiona, and Alice, my great-grandparents didn't come away with much in the way of gold in their pursuit of it – that would be found in far greater quantities through the infinitely more destructive mechanized dredging, long after they headed south from the YT/Alaska for the last time to permanently settle on their farmstead in SW Washington State in 1905 – though they did arrive with a fully-formed family including several children, which held even greater value to my great-grandfather.

    Even as an outsider, I can respect the passion and the pride that Mr. Connors had for his country and his fellow countrymen alike… and he could definitely craft some mighty fine songs, that I've also been binging on as of late. I would certainly see him as a national treasure, of the kind that I wish we had more of now – no matter where we come from.

  4. Your homework: see The Rowdy Man (real can. film classic with a young gordon pinsent) also 1970 canadian cinema verite, the groundbreaking, Going down the road. the inspiration for Fiona, Gord, Garth Ted and Alice etc. Great seeing Jayne Eastwood who was also in the original film.

  5. 07:34 "To It and at It":

    There's a rainbow in Toronto
    Where the maritimers are bold
    They always get a potful
    But they never get a pot of gold

    But they're to it and at it
    And at and to it
    You gotta tune your attitude in
    And if you don't get at it when you get to it
    You won't get to it to get at it again
    You won't get to it to get at it again

    A guy from old New Brunswick
    He couldn't even pay his rent
    We don't know how he traveled
    But we all know where he went

    He was to it and at it
    And at and to it
    You gotta tune your attitude in
    And if you don't get at it when you get to it
    You won't get to it to get at it again
    You won't get to it to get at it again

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