A Rick Moranis type of awesome Live On Our Site

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A Rick Moranis type of awesome

Stream the clip “A Rick Moranis type of awesome” plus many other clips which showcase the famous hysterical characters of the McKenzie brothers.

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So how’s things?

hello hello hello hello cheers kevin
here how are you doing welcome back to
the main channel it is a dark and stormy
night outside is rainin there’s like
huge na thunder and occasionally they’ve
been hanging on the ceiling were
directly underneath the roof so we may
hear all sorts of strange noises well
importance but hey this is the time when
i record this i’m going to go ahead and
do that anyway um I’ve got my trusty
equipment here my little quicker so that
I can tell this stuff is synced and I
got this show i bought this a long time
ago i had this in new york and used it
maybe once or twice and I just kind of
forgot about it cuz it shrinks it like
it this pulls up this little look hard
thing pulls up and you put it in like a
little bag like this well you can just
put in your closet inside lava will you
forget about it even though it will be
super super useful um this is actually
really hopeful this is for white balance
I discovered last week because i’m
recording with this camera again and
especially in front of these bookshelves
I was going against doing some of the
some of the color correction stuff
because this camera shoots in film
format which so you need to correct it
but I was looking I was like oh well
that’s where is looking at the scope
CIL’s like everything has a bit of a red
cast so I fixed that I got rid of the
red cast and then it’s not so much
noticeable on the main channel video it
was really noticeable on the book review
from that week and then I realized later
I was like oh wait I’m standing in front
of brown bookshelves so yeah there’s
gonna be a general red tint to dip like
there’s human skin which is red just D
saturated red and then there’s problem
yes it’s supposed to be so much don’t
try and make everything in neutral tone
you’re just gonna correct it the wrong
way so now I have this and I can be like
hey I can use this as reference like I’m
gonna do some color correction I’m going
to make this thing look a pure white
which will be great and I have there’s
this site too and this is really helpful
so I have a monitor that lets me see
what is in focus it’ll turn some pixels
green to see so right now my beard
they’re a little bits of it there
they’re like oh this is perfect focus a
little speckles of green but this is
really as look as then when I go like
now it looks I have this white target
but now here oh and now turns green I’ve
got some wonderful of anything I can see
just how far back all right so that’s
about as far back as I can go so I’m
going to stay roughly in here to being
at least what this monitor considers to
be acceptable focus um if you don’t have
one of these like there if i remember
right this is really cheap this is like
five ten bucks or something and it is
super helpful because especially if you
using like a vlog ECAM or something
you’re not doing then it’s easy just go
in and edit and be like oh yeah I’m just
gonna hold this up the beginning of
video be like oh yeah that looks really
yellow or green or magenta or blue and
like I’m just gonna do general
correction and fix that tint make that
whole thing go away which is great um
anyway how are you doing how’s this week
going for ya I hope you do well this is
uh oh hell yeah that was a three minute
three-minute tangent um it’s a weird
week for me I want to be ha I don’t know
i don’t want to say it’s been a bad week
but it’s kind of it’s been a stressful
week for not really good reasons Oh like
I don’t get I don’t have a justification
for being a rough week um the past as
i’m recording this wednesday night so
can go up thursday at nine a.m. um
because that’s those are my release
times i release stuff at 9am i release
stuff at two p.m. and i released up at
six pm those are generally the times the
thing goes things go out across all of
the channels and stuff and that’s and
that’s that’s good that’s great the the
past three days I have been behind in
the sense that i’ve been uploading
videos like just barely in time for them
to go out usually like with the game and
channel stuff that’s inexcusable like I
should I most of that I can backdate
neck and record early i can get uploaded
and most of that i have recorded i just
hadn’t sat down and add
did knock down and got all uploading ah
shame on me for that in fact on monday i
had to switch the order of two series
because i was like oh this needs to go
out by two i guess this will take the 6
p.m. slot in the 6pm you get prime
billing this time i also don’t know if
those are the best times to be releasing
videos I gotta figure I don’t have
enough data to know which means i should
worry about it Kevin if you don’t if
this is an action where you cannot
measure the impact of a change don’t
worry about it this is something um if
you are trying to get started on youtube
or if universe whatever YouTube here’s
here’s some advice that I can give which
is made but we just helped me less
accurate by the fact that I’m not some
big successful youtuber um I so often
because I’ve been part of YouTube or
forums and sometimes have been the
various slack groups and things and
communities so often people who are
starting out are really trying to to
grow dealing with with small audiences
and not with having the numbers to look
at they obsess about these little
factors which I’m doing right now like
oh man maybe I need maybe I need an
intro screen maybe I need should I be
asking people to subscribe every video
should be doing likes everybody um baby
I mean maybe they’ll improving but if
you’re dealing with like well ten people
watch my video it is very difficult to
know if any of the stuff that you’re
stressing out about will make a
difference I mean write it down
definitely like maybe you had a
brilliant idea be like oh you know what
i should do i should do this thing but
what you need to do first is just get
people to go to your video in the first
place um you kid it’s not really worth
stressing it certainly not worth
stressing out about but not worth
investing a lot of time trying to solve
problems of like your retention or
sharing or you know liking or whatever
if if people are are watching yeah
that’s kind of the problem you EP
salling and maybe in
usually that’s a matter of time and
making sure that you have enough of a
catalog out there I mean in theory in
theory I’ve got what three hundred
videos something like that on this
channel in theory if I done Nate a good
like you to burry job they would all be
like videos they’re like how to blah
bitty blah and then people would stumble
across that and so basically I have all
of these little videos that are serving
as little business sales people go and
not being like hey I want to tell you
about this channel this channel is
really cool that’s why I assume sales
people would be like if they existed in
video form I’m not doing a good job of
that I have a couple of videos like I
can count them on one hand we’re like
these are videos where I import users
from 0 anyway no point is I’m kind of
I’m kind of stressed out in just that I
feel like I’m falling behind a lot of is
is little small bottle necks and things
that I need to do sit down and try and
fix issues of not knowing when I sit
down exactly what I should be working on
at any point in time it’s so easy to
lose track and digital you know if
you’ve got an hour to work it’d be great
when it’s amazingly even sit down be
like I’ve got now it’s working here’s
exactly what I’m going to try and you in
that hour and you get done like all
right I got it done I got a little bit
of extra done to or I didn’t get it done
but now I know exactly where I need to
start off next time for me lately this
past week it’s been sit down go see what
do I need to do let’s look at the
calendar stuff that’s currently already
uploaded all right well I’ve got those
ok so I’m missing like six videos for
this week and then I have to think back
and I have to try to remember and
refresh my memory of which of those I’ve
already recorded and what sort of state
there in like how do i mix the audio for
them have i synced everything up I don’t
know this is all sort of this may be
completely boring too I apologize for
that will move off of this very quickly
Oh is you may not if you’re not dude
knit um but the point is I’m trying to
I’m releasing 15 videos a week now just
a lot and then there’s two podcasts and
that blog and then
been doing live coding streaming on
twitch on Saturday mornings so I’m doing
a lot of things but I feel like at the
same time I want to do more of I’m
basically there’s no property or just
thing that I don’t want to be doing more
of or doing a better job of their
definitely i have i’m itching in all of
the different areas to be like i need I
want to improve on this I want to do
more I want to do better um and yeah I’m
still also sort of falling behind which
is not what is not the best I’m hoping
that if I once i get more processed
stuff in order things will be better the
big thing the big and this is advice if
you’re not regardless of what you’re
doing whatever it is that you doing try
and make sure that when you sit down to
do something you don’t have to spend
time juggling back for something all
right what is it that I actually need to
do like if you sit down to do a thing be
like I’m going to sit down and play this
video game don’t just be like I’m gonna
go play video games for an hour cuz then
you guys been 15 minutes gone like I
don’t know what to play or I should play
this guy yeah each other no maybe that’s
just anything I don’t know it’s
certainly a meeting with the videos and
I need to get better about that the
second bit of advice to generic eyes as
much of this as possible is don’t make
your brain a place for storing
information like the fact that I have
tool that I have to remember what I’ve
recorded and which episode which things
are missing is not good right now I have
a system that tracks what is uploaded
and scheduled and ready to go out but I
don’t have any system that tracks the
progress of I’ve made some steps on this
but it’s not done yet and so that has to
occupy my brain space where my brain
space could be doing other things like
you know I don’t know coming up with a
good way to finish that finish that
sentence anyway okay so let’s move on
from that let’s talk about everybody’s
favorite subject my weight my weights is
pretty much remained the same which has
had um I’m close to 50 pounds down which
is really cool but I was close to 50
pounds down last week um I actually
wrote a blog post a little bit about
this I’m not that like that’s fine I’m
my diet is like I’ve checked my diet is
gonna have me lose the weight eventually
like I don’t need to make any changes I
just need to now stop and there’s no
real risk of me stopping because my diet
is not based on being excited I can be
as miserable as I want to be and that I
still going to work I’m not gonna I’m
not gonna fall off the wagon the my
current habits are the falling off of
like this is this is the lowest ground
like there’s no wagon to fall off of I
guess is what I’m saying let me let me
clarify that just um so I’ve been doing
meal prep stuff right right now in my
freezer there are I think six meals and
then there are four meals in the fridge
and I pull out one from freezer and set
it to start defrosting in the fridge and
then pull the top of me I’ll put in the
microwave to do that if I get up I go uh
I didn’t lose weight or I gained a whole
bunch away or whatever um let’s say i
decide i want to i want to just know i’m
not gonna follow any rules and I could
follow any diet i’m gonna do i’m just
gonna do i’m just gonna be lazy pig
eating food what is the easiest possible
option used to be the case used to be
the case when I lived in New York it was
the case of the easiest option was to
order from Charlie’s which was a little
place down by the Trade Center because
they would deliver it like they deliver
was insane they deliver in like 10
minutes to be at my door with some food
and it’d be like guy that knew me and
it’s unhealthy and not cause division
but like they’d know my order and
sometimes they give me extra food
because I was a very regular customer
I’m not a healthily regular customer of
theirs um I miss those guys I missed a
delivery people there um when I came out
here the easiest option used to be I’ll
order pizza right I’ll order I’ll go
online i’ll type in the things i’ll do
to know all ordering now weirdly enough
though as amazing as technology is and
amazing as just like food straight to
your door and mobile apps and technology
and the internet are amazing is although
those tools are it still won’t work let
me just lock it over pull on this thing
out of the fridge and put in the
microwave what is insane um it wouldn’t
that wouldn’t be the case so I did if I
wasn’t doing meal prep if it was like oh
I’ve gotta like poor stuff into a bowl
and scratches all up well then fine
that’s additional effort but no this is
it pull out the thing just put it in the
microwave that is the easiest possible
it’s the laziest thing that I can do
mean the ordering pizza now that becomes
complicated because i have t no make
sure that I I hear the doorbell so I
can’t have headphones that are doing
anything really loud I’ve got to worry
about like I’ve gonna do what sort of
pizza do I want and do I want to get it
from this place or whatever you’ve got
to figure out your order that already
has just become more mental effort then
just putting the thing in the microwave
and just eating that so somehow
magically the healthy option has become
the easiest laziest option which is why
I’m perfectly fine being not losing
weight at the moment I mean I’m not fine
with i’d like i’d like to I’d like to
lose some weight please be fun um but
I’m not a risk of of of of anything I
don’t think I am feeling a little bit
better I can’t i’m not i don’t know i
can’t I don’t mmm yeah now I don’t I’m
feeling a little bit better but not
enough to say like oh here’s some aspect
in which I feel better I don’t know um
I’m it’s just it’s it’s it’s frustrating
i would like to i would like to hit some
milestones because I’ve got I’m coming
up on 50 pounds lost I’m coming up on
beating my weight loss from 2010 what
was it yeah I think and then once we get
past that will get down below 300 and
then maybe I’ll start to look a little
bit different
I camera that’d be amazing what it
should have done oh you know what I
should have done and I didn’t do this
because I’m an idiot um is I should have
at my peak wait recorded a video
something I could do like one of those
you know fat me awesome me at the fam
you wasn’t off that means pretty awesome
like in a John Candy sort of way but I’d
like to be more of Awesome into rick
moranis sword away that’s that’s the
spectrum that I’m working on right oh
man okay anyway what else did I want to
talk about I think I think that’s mostly
it um oh man I’m curious about what’s
going on in your lives I said I’ve said
that I want to start making more yeah I
should just stop saying that because i
keep saying that i want to put up a
bigger like different type of content on
this channel as keep not doing it i have
started just this week starting to work
on developing a habit of sitting down
and actually writing like not just
writing in a journal but sitting down me
like I am just going to write for 30
minutes usually that’s like I will start
a short story and then never come back
to it like that’s fine i’m just trying
to exercise the writing muscle because I
feel like I start writing stuff I can
start writing scripts again I can start
writing book reviews on paper first
which we should make the book review
channel lot stronger um and it’ll just
be easier to write notes and stuff for
the podcast and everything in general I
feel like writing regardless of what you
do is one of those skills that everybody
should have right it’s kind of like
being able to to balance a budget it’s
like one of those things where it’s like
this is just gonna help you in general
like this is a good life skill to have
cooking I guess is another one never
would have thought that when I was you
know what I was eating all sorts of
crazy stuff but anyway i’m curious as to
how you doing I feel like I I don’t
interact as much as I probably should
I am trying to keep up with the pace of
releasing stuff and sometimes that means
like as soon as I get a video out of
like note all right now on till like
eight other things and I forget I’m like
oh yeah then there’s things um but do
let me know I think you’re going now
that I just want you to like no I don’t
care at this point by the time you see
this now now actually I’m get this one
I’m just going to go I’m gonna plug this
end i’m going to edit it it’s gonna go
uploading schedule so I you know there’s
there’s there’s a very fast turnaround
for this and let’s see what else is
going on this week we’ve got code monkey
podcast which is tomorrow well today for
you we record at 6 p.m. central time or
7 p.m. eastern time on twitch twitch TV
/ code monkey podcast so if you do want
to join us and just kind of watch this
record live last time my machine
completely like went all crazy while
you’re recording it so things got weird
um but if you’re interested in just hang
out there with us that’d be cool it’d be
great to see ya otherwise yeah I’ll
probably live streaming as well on
saturday Saturday morning probably I
don’t want to necessarily promise that
probably just doing some live coding
stuff you’re interested in that and then
of course yeah there’s always two videos
weekdays on the gaming channel there’s a
book of you that went up on Tuesday
there is a what else am i doing I don’t
know what some good blog posts blog
posts go out on Monday I want to do more
blog post as well everything I want to
do more everything I want more time I
want more time in the day and I want to
reduce the administrative stuff involved
with getting stuff out I just want to be
like here I want to make a thing and
then as soon as the thing has made
that’s it I mean aside from the being
able to interact with people and stuff I
don’t want to have I want to completely
abstract away everything that goes from
being done making a thing to being
available anyway that’s the goal we’ll
see if we can get there okay I’ve
rambled on long enough that’s kind of
the nature of these videos is that I
just talked for an inappropriately long
amount of time and have we qualified yes
we have certainly qualified alrighty so
as it for me and I will see you guys
next week um well yeah I mean let me
know out of the Collins and jack or hit
me up on Twitter because I see those I i
I’d see those week more easily just
because there are a lot of videos and so
stuff starts to eventually collapse
which is not great need to figure out
best isn’t for that too all right anyway
I should let you go you’re busy you’ve
got stuff going on right some of you
you’re in school what do you go back go
just go to the school stuff pay
attention hey some attention ok cheers

Other Videos Related to A Rick Moranis type of awesome

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  1. At some point, I should get one of those white balance things. But first, that would necessitate me actually sitting in front of a camera again, which is just, as I've said far too many times, a time management issue. Things just seem to be piling on top of each other, and now that my day job isn't so much of an issue, I'm starting to see cracks in other facets of my life and I'm trying to figure out where those cracks started and just how bad they've gotten. But I'm getting there, I think, at least with some of them, so maybe it's a waiting game or just firmly reminding myself that I don't want it to be waiting game for everything align correctly.

  2. Yup, I'm in school. Right now I'm waiting to start work, and after that I get to sleep! That's pretty much my every day right now.

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