ADAM WADE: “Has Anyone Ever Told You?” A Movie Short Story Featured On Our Site

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ADAM WADE: “Has Anyone Ever Told You?” A Movie Short Story

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After a lifetime of being painfully insecure about looking like the famous actor, Rick Moranis, Storyteller Adam Wade finally embraces it and the results that follow are most memorable.

so I grew up in New Hampshire and the
first 16 years of my life were pretty
then 16 I went to get my driver’s
license and I had to get an eye exam and
so I could drive and I had to get
glasses and for me that’s when
everything changed that’s when everybody
said I look like Rick Moranis Rick
Moranis is the actor that was in
Ghostbusters and Honey I Shrunk the Kids
and kids would continuously call me that
and it wasn’t like a compliment it
wasn’t saying like you you look like
Brad Pitt you look like Jude Law like
her class isn’t a stunt and it bothered
me and they kept it going and going and
they had a strong impact and not in a
good way I got to college and my
freshman year the first semester I was
in a girl’s dorm room and she was
half-naked she she wasn’t half-naked she
said she had clothes on she had a she
had her pants she had a shirt on and she
the jacket scarf she had a hat she was
wearing a lot of clothes but I was in a
room and things were going well and then
she said to me did you know you look
like Rick Moranis and like within two
minutes I just walked out of there I was
like really pissed off and the next
morning I was eating with my friends at
the dining hall at college and they were
saying you know what you know how’d it
go how’d it go with Wendy you know
everything all right I go down there
what happened she likes you you know I
got what she said I look like Rick
Moranis and I left and they’re like who
cares she likes you I go no no no one
calls me Rick Moranis and they’re like
you’re nuts
maybe so when I graduated college I
moved to New York City and I got a job
as an NBC page and as a page you do
tours or where you give like tours
around 30 Rockefeller Center and your
tour guide and for me to do six tours a
day like six days a week and every
freaking tour I did someone would tell
me that I look like Rick Moranis the
actor I’m like I’m a nice guy really him
but um you know I nice guys have their
limits so this woman we’re coming out of
the new nightly news and this woman she
had a Green Bay Packers football jacket
on she was a big woman and she said I
excuse me do you know who you look like
and I looked like right in her eyes and
I and we’re at like the elevator Bank
and I’m like yeah Brad Pitt I get your
ass in the [ __ ] elevator when you’re
an NBC page you’re it’s like guess
relation singer you’re not supposed to
talk to the tourists like that
suspended for a week one without pain so
four years ago I hit my lowest point in
New York City at the time I was living
in the basement apartment and Hoboken
New Jersey and every time I ring or was
getting water I was working for a French
company in Midtown and I don’t speak
so it was very difficult to communicate
and I hadn’t been on a date with the
girl for 27 months actually 27 and a
half months but who’s counting right so
I’m like a big night out for me back
then was like a night on the town for me
as I get out of work in Midtown at the
French company and I would go to a nice
like real ritzy hotel room not hotel
room like a hotel like Lobby and I would
sit in the lobby with the chandelier and
I would just sit there alone and read my
graphic novels
so like on one particular night I’m
there and I just like a party going on
in the function hall and then I walk
over and I see him it’s a pharmaceutical
convention and there’s a lot of woman
there of all ages
not too many guys and I’m kind of
looking around I walk over to the bar
and I order a miller white and I said
you know and I get out my wallet to pay
and the bartender goes no no you’re all
set you’ll here with them right because
evidently I also look like a
pharmaceutical salesman
so the drinks were free and I said you
know what put the Miller Lite back dude
get me a Heineken Light Heinekens more
expensive that’s important so he got me
that and then I say please get me a shot
of bourbon please the best you have and
I got that too and then I tip them two
bucks because I’m a class act
so I’m drinking I’ve had a couple I feel
good I got a good buzz I’m a lightweight
when it comes to drinking and I’m
looking around the room and I lock eyes
with this woman and she’s like a healthy
size woman she looks very much like like
Monica Lewinsky I like Monica Lewinsky
and I so she comes over and we start
talking and we just hit it off she’s
from Chicago she’s here for the
pharmaceutical convention we go back and
forth and she’s just really into me I’m
having a good time I haven’t had this
much fun like I said it was four years
ago it was my lowest point like I’m
having just such a sweet time talking to
her and then she says has anyone ever
told you you look like Rick Moranis
and then I say oh I should you know he’s
my dad and she’s like oh my god I’ve
never met anybody famous before I’m like
I’m not I mean he’s fair but she’s like
no you’re famous and I’m like all right
yeah yeah I’m famous so we hit it off
and she’s just really ecstatic and that
M exactly happy so I walk her back to
her hotel room and I tell her I go this
is like the best night I’ve ever had
thank you she’s like then the night
doesn’t have to end and I go to kiss her
and I got a whole head in the night
night just like her year and then like
down around and she starts laughing
she’s like you’re such a dork
you are Rick Moranis his son oh and what
did you say by about the night and she’s
like yeah then that might doesn’t have
to end why don’t you come up come up to
my heart you know my hotel room and I
III yes okay let’s go so we go up but to
her room in the hotel that she’s staying
at and like I’m not like a kiss-and-tell
guy and I like that like like about my
conquest we had a great time
not twice uh we did it was a record for
me it was great
it was just awesome when there’s over
I’m just like holding her in my hands
and fall asleep just excellent and then
I have like a panic attack
you lying yeah yeah you’re lying about
who you are and you’re looking up this
isn’t you
this is of the type of person you are
and then like part of me is like Jesus
Christ throw me a bone here you know
what I mean really I mean can I just
have a little fun
so we wake up in the morning and we play
a game I like always like the play I
help her change it she helps me change
I’ll give her her bra and panties she’ll
give me her underwear it’s a fun game
trust me and then I bring her downstairs
and I fly agaric cab to the airport and
she’s like is everything okay and I’m
like she’s like no really is everything
okay I go you know I gotta come clean
she’s like what
I’m not really Rick Moranis son
which goes you know Adam I kind of
figured that out a while ago but I
appreciate you like role-playing in this
fantasy I’ve always had
No that means she’s like our like a Rick
Moranis fetish or what but Donna she
kissed me on the cheek and she got into
the cab and she drove off and I’m never
seen her again
like in my life and my wife Rick Moranis
has denied me happiness like many many
many many many times before years ago
got me laid

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  1. Just listened to Adam Wade being interviewed on the 'you made it weird' podcast. Adam is so captivating and sweet- I don't know what I was thinking his face would look like- but I think it's perfect!

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