Aladdin 2 and Rick Moranis Comes Out of Retirement – Mirror Domains Show Found On Our Site

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Aladdin 2 and Rick Moranis Comes Out of Retirement – Mirror Domains Show

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Welcome to Mirror Domains, and here in this video I talk about Aladdin getting a sequel, Rick Moranis signing on for Shrunk, Honey I shrunk the Kids Sequel and The Masters of the Universe Production news. Along with these bits of movie news I do trailer reactions for The Iron Mask and The French Dispatch. The Iron Mask is an adventure movie with Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger and came out last year in China but is being released here this year. Wes Anderson is back with a new movie called the French Dispatch that has a huge cast and seems to carry hi familiar flare!

#Aladdin2 #RickMoranis #MirrorDomains

The Iron Mask is directed by Oleg Stepchenko and stars Arnold Schwazenegger, Jackie Chan, Jason Flemyng and Xingtong Yao. It has an official release date of April 10, 2020 on digital guys. Whatever!

The French Dispatch is Directed by Wes Anderson and stars Bill Murray, Timothee Chalamet, Benicio Del Toro, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand Saoirse Ronan. This of course also has a huge cast of familiar faces that people will recognize and has Wes Anderson flare written all over it. The French Dispatch has an official release date of July 24, 2020


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Mirror Domains Entertainment was founded with the intention to provide YouTube content on varying artistic endeavors.
today I’m mirror domains we’re gonna be
talking about the Aladdin sequel that
just got greenlit we’re gonna take a
look at a couple of movie trailers one
with Arnold and Jackie Chan
the other is an arthouse film from wes
anderson called the french dispatch also
that’s gonna be weird because we’re
gonna be talking about he-man the
Masters of the Universe
and Rick Moranis has come out of
retirement for the Honey I Shrunk the
Kids sequel let’s go to the throwback a
throwback Thursday interesting yeah but
being what he got in store oh I was just
about to break out the flame oh this is
how my morning usually starts out with
Mike T and I saw the headlines that
Disney is fast-tracking and Aladdin
sequel from last year and that’s I think
everybody expected that right I mean the
movie made like a billion dollars that
was it a billion in 50 or something and
some change so yeah I think it was
pretty much a given so I had to read the
headlines and I saw of the good that the
producer is wanting to get back by
Ritchie which if you like the first film
then that’s a good sign for you right
and they’re bringing on some
screenwriters that are well I think
recognized in the field but I don’t
think you would recognize them one of
them is from the movie flight with
Denzel Washington and the other is from
straight out of Compton that’s an
interesting choice now the producer said
that it’s not going to adapt the
animated sequel return of Jafar which is
good I think
I never saw the animated sequel if you
like the movie then I think this is a
good I think this is gonna be an Okie
thing I tell you this though the lead
actor was Nina Massoud he’s gonna be
happy about it because apparently ever
since the movie came out he hasn’t been
able to get it even on dishes do more
work so he’s gonna be like yeah of
course let’s do a sequel as far as it
going overall I think it’s expected you
know a movie makes a billion dollars you
think they’re gonna make a sequel for
sure unless your name is the Joker then
yeah that’s a pretty decent way to start
off the start off the day I think ah so
that’s how it’s gonna go you know I do
pay attention to a lot of the movie news
a lot of the headlines and I do react to
the derivative news on forums and other
channels comment sections and I figure
well if I’m gonna do that I might as
well just get in front of the camera and
let you guys know what my thoughts are
and just go through it like dad just
have one video every couple days or so
maybe every day I don’t know we’ll see
how this goes it’s just kind of you know
I figure a lot of the trailer reactions
they’re not getting a whole lot of views
and for the most part you know what
you’re doing for that you’re just kind
of like watching somebody go like that
for most of the move most of the trailer
and that’s not very interesting so I’ll
do the reactions and if they’re not
interesting I’ll I’ll cut them down and
then I’ll post the full reaction later
on during the day but that’s the way
that it’s going to go from now on I
figure this is going to be easier and
yeah hopefully a little bit more
entertaining for you guys as I said I
didn’t like the Atlanta news and now
we’re gonna talk about Rick Moranis
coming out of retirement and that’s
fascinating to me because he had stopped
to raise his family years ago years like
decades ago and people have asked for
him to come out of retirement he’s a
talented guy you knew him from the
Ghostbusters movies and such and Honey I
Shrunk the Kids worn and such
he’s a Canadian guy he’s done a lot of
comedy with SCTV and he’s just a really
talented dude man and he’s also a really
good actor so I was kind of happy to
hear the news the other day that he’s
coming out of retirement for Honey I
Shrunk the Kids 2 so I had to take a
look online to see what was the what was
the premise of this and apparently Josh
GAD is gonna be playing like his son and
you know Rick Moranis is the grandfather
so well okay you know what that’s
something that they can update they can
definitely do a whole lot with the
visual effects now so it’ll be kind of
cool to see what they can do and I have
my high hopes for that that’s what sort
of looks like today and I’m just like
yeah yeah he’s aged well and it’s gonna
be cool to see him back in front of the
camera but you know who else is not
looking so good in from the camera
Arnold now I want to talk about this
movie trailer called the iron mask that
just came out the other day and it has
Arnold and Jackie Chan in it so you’d
figure hey you know what
that’s a cool duo had two legends two
icons of the action genre coming
together for an action film so I did
some research into this and this movie
actually came out last year in China but
it was called journey to China the
mystery of the iron mask of course then
in the poster it says was a mystery of
the Dragon feel and then you see that
the original title was by two women so
was there a vie one apparently the
director did do a buy one back in 2014
and this is a whole bunch of stuff that
you guys don’t really care about you
just want to see this trailer with
Arnold and Jackie Chan I mean come on
that that’s got to be pure gold right
well you know the mask trailer a figure
we take a look at it and just kind of
judge it for ourselves
Jackie can and I will shorten eager I
ask it’s slated for an official release
in the UK April 10th
so let’s check it out
in 500 years no one has ever escaped
you’re not going anywhere
it’s the tower so stupid ha ha so it’s
cheesy Arnold it’s not serious on
interesting so this came up last year
I owe you my life I’m going east my way
is filled with dangers so come with me
it looks like a nanny follows the Silk
Road got some decent money dumped into
it the Great Wall of China
[Music] Kill Bill producers huh gather the
people immediately make everyone see I
must help save them some CG work there
Jackie Chan Argos Schwarzenegger
I’ve been waiting for this for a long
time okay so we’re flirting with the
fear of the dragon fine line of cheese
here citrus tea
it’s interesting but the journey begins
April 10 okay so uh yeah I got my
reservations about that one I figure
it’s riding that fine line of cheese you
know it could be of just a fun turn off
your brain action film but the dialogue
is somewhat reminiscent of Batman and
kind of humor from Arnold and that’s not
you know people still like Jackie can
and he can still pull off the action so
I have no doubt about that
but you know they say Jackie Chan versus
the Terminator
yeah that’s not that lab danger that
does that’s not gonna work Arnold ah it
does sort of feel like it’s kind of got
a couple of movies mashed together a
little bit I would say but overall the
iron mask I would uh what did you think
let me know in the comments below did
that work for you
you know Arnold you thought of him as
kind of like a big muscular dude he can
handle these action movies but lately
he’s just kind of like kind of not doing
that much
speaking about muscle we’re gonna move
on to he-man and the Masters of the
Universe that apparently is going to be
moving into the its main production this
now this Masters of the Universe movie
has been delayed sometimes and then I
got moved to Netflix and then maybe it’s
not being moved to Netflix and then who
knows what’s happening with this project
and uh apparently the other day one of
the actors the lead actor hard Polly
Prince out of an Eman Noah send to neo
Centennial I looked him up and I’m like
well this is gut this is the guy who’s
playing he-man he was in last year’s
Charlie’s Angels and he’s been on a TV
show that a lot of people watched I
can’t remember the name of it right now
but I’m like yeah this guy this guy’s
gotta bulk up some if he’s gonna be he
man and I when I was reading the article
apparently he did he put on a lot of
about 30 pounds of muscle but then when
I got delayed
and you didn’t know what was going on
with it he kind of lost some of his
muscle and I’m like wow he doesn’t look
very big there and I was kind of like
well what does he look like you know
does he have the real muscles to really
pull off he-man and if it’s going into
production this summer he’s got some
time to build in some of that back up I
look for pictures of him online and I
typed in Noah sent in you with muscles
and I got that a shirtless version of
him and there he doesn’t look like he’s
got the muscles but you know what don’t
type in no in Centennial shirtless
because otherwise you’re gonna get just
flanked with ass like that family never
raced my internet browsing history
quietly so what do you think do you
think this guy can pull off you man do
you think he man is actually gonna be
any good and would you want to see in
the theaters or would you like to see it
on Netflix I’m gonna have to keep my eye
on this one
one that we’re definitely gonna be
keeping our eye on it’s a Wes Anderson
movie called the French dispatch and if
you know Wes Anderson he’s known for his
flair his style he definitely has his
own style and he likes to work with a
fairly regular group of actors people
say that it’s our house I think that he
rides that fine line of being original
it is our house
I’ll give you that but it’s also that
fine line of also we’re getting very
close to being pretentious and I’m
always curious to see his work because
it’s like it’s like Tarantino you know
he’s got his own style and you know that
you’re gonna get at least quality out of
him so the French dispatch trailer it’s
slated for an official release July 24th
2020 it has Timothy Salome in it who’s
gonna be in dune later this year
a big up-and-coming star working with
West End
let’s check it out searchlight pictures
gir to escape a bright future on the
Great Plains
Arthur howitzer jr. transformed the
series of travel log columns into the
French dispatch very very supposed to be
charming he assembled a team of the best
expatriates earnest of his time
horsemen Sazerac Crimmins yeah right
these for his people just try to make it
sound like you wrote it that way on
purpose we think is the subject of
tonight’s lecture mr. Moses Rosenthal of
his rowdy generation
Simone Naked City sealed up girl I want
to buy it
yes Adrien Brody yesterday yes in short
the picture was a sensation hmm it’s got
that quirkiness to it and that’s what
people really like about it the kids did
obliterated a thousand usable usability
in less important fantastic driver
freedom and he’s got an eye I’m naked
mrs. Crimmins
I can see them lieutenant miss Kaffee is
the great exemplar of the mode of
cuisine known as police cooking the
aromas of the kitchen cast to smell
which was to be mortally broken yeah
that’s that’s pulling line pretentious
[Music] because some of its employees
that wasn’t Cyril
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Willem Dafoe’s in ethical you’re fired
he’s always in his little cry in my
office book crying the French dispatch
okay so that has a longer title and that
was Saoirse Ronan in it so that’s
interesting she was just in Little Women
last year I figure like I thought was
actually pretty good and that’s one
that’s gonna be difficult for a lot of
people out there to assimilate it’s not
for a wide audience it’s being listed as
a comedy drama in romance
yeah he’s known for his his differences
different genres it’s gonna be very
niche I think but it’s interesting to
see all of these talented people come
together and work together
oh and Edward Edward Norton’s being
listed in this – Christoph Waltz whether
the cast in this is gonna be fantastic I
see that there’s a subtitle the French
dispatch of the Liberty Kansas Evening
Sun so yeah I don’t like long titles
they just had like that Harley Quinn
movie that came out that got his name
changed was that birds of prey and the
fantabulous emancipation of one Harley
Quinn that they just renamed it Harley
Quinn and the birds of prey just named
it the French dispatch go with that put
Wis Henderson’s name all over it and
you’re gonna be able to you know satisfy
that audience so the French dispatch
what did you think about it let me know
in the comments below and that’s this
the way that it’s been today in the
realm of movie news what did you guys
think about some of these stories did
any of them make you say yeah I want to
say something say it in the comments
below and I will interact with you guys
okay that’s it YouTube is recommending a
video for you to watch right there
you can see my latest one just right up
here my name is James and you’re
watching mirrored amazed if you’ve liked
what you’ve seen please hit that thumbs
up button and subscribe

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rick moranis movie roles Aladdin sequel news,Aladdin 2,Mena Massoud,Rick moranis news,Shrunk,Honey I shrunk the kids,Honey I shrunk the kids sequel,Masters of the Universe,Noah Centineo,Prince Adam,He man,Masters of the Universe movie,The Iron Mask,Arnold Schwarzenegger,Jackie Chan,Journey to china the mystery of iron mask,The French Dispatch,Wes Anderson,Movie news,Trailer Reaction,Reaction,The Iron Mask trailer,The dispatch trailer,Mirror Domains Show,Timothee Chalamet #Aladdin #Rick #Moranis #Retirement #Mirror #Domains #Show


  1. its not honey shrunk the kids 2 it would be honey i shrunk the kids 4 there has been two honey i shrunk the kids films already since the first film with rick moranich this new film would be the 4th film

  2. Today's Rundown
    1. Aladdin 2 News 0:42
    2. Rick Moranis 3:40
    3. The Iron Mask Trailer Reaction 4:52
    4. Masters of the Universe News 8:58
    5. The French Dispatch Trailer Reaction 11:02

    So this is fairly rough around the edges I admit that but this is the direction I want things on this channel to go. Watch time is a metric that Youtube prioritizes and it is killing me. I do like to do short and concise videos but I need length and I don't want to waste time with useless filler. Trailer reaction most likely will not be a staple of this show cause they tend to get claimed but I will still do them and link to them in the show notes and cards.

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