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Best Friend Tag | parejeda

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Hi There! Meet my bestie, Jess! We answer the best friend tag questions and throw in some embarrassing moments, Rick Moranis, random moose shorts, and VHS movies from McDonald’s.

By the way, if you know the name of that moose cartoon comment below!

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hi there I am here with my best friend
of all time Jessica and we are gonna do
the best friend day today I have a list
of questions here on my phone that we
can ask each other well I’ll be asking
but question number one okay
how and when did you meet go for it
technically a kindergarten when you
snuck into my kindergarten class I
pretended to be part of my class but I
classrooms were across the hall from
each other so little bat weird I would
not call these friends at that moment
however we became friends during day
care during first grade how many how
many years of that 22 right 23 years oh
my gosh do you remember like the day
that women cuz I don’t remember I feel
like it was the summer before first
no all I remember is you like Barbies as
much as I like Barbies and when hordes
of Barbies like view cases in my Barbie
fold and fun house and you have a sweet
Barbie bag
yes and we have like tubs of Barbies
that we would bring to daycare and play
with and we would make all the boys play
Barbies with us like I don’t even know
why our parents let students like I
would like come up and bring them yeah
but it looks like we were moving
somewhere has barbie suitcases I like
every time you would like spend the
night together
we would like pack up the same tub of
Barbies just to like spend the night
raise it because you had shaving fun Kim
and you had to fake like Barbie a Barbie
doll house with that like lit up with
the light waiting street lamp
oh it’s a vest so I just using you for
your hands kind of hard because I I
forget things okay
what number two what’s your favorite
memory together I think I have mine
okay I think it would be our road trip
from animal to LA to bring you to
college that was pretty awesome
I think that was might be remembered
because we hit all we did the 101 so we
have all the really weird all the crud
light outside attractions and stuff so
what happened with that is uh I went to
school in California and during some
before sophomore year
Jessica drove down in my van yes my kind
of and so we drove down on the 101 which
goes along the coastline of from
Washington to California and we like
slept in the van we did it like go to a
hotel or like Walmart left in the van in
a Walmart parking lot and then the
second night was the sketchiest parking
lot and the entire world was like a shop
color so that’s what I really had to go
the bathroom and he told me if I left
the van they would die basically what I
heard was leaving your like your car
came and purse right next yeah and then
it’s creepy like mobile home that not
like a one that you dry but when that
like sits on the back of a pickup truck
and they hit the whole parking lot the
parking but they park next right next to
I was yeah it was like I was scared I
was like you feel the bathroom you
you’re gonna die I’m not going with you
you’re on your own they can never ride
that far well I do have a memory that
makes this sound really stupid and it
shows how nerdy we were good but and
it’s not even a good memory but for some
reason I always remember this because I
just had so much fun that night even
though we didn’t weren’t doing anything
so there was a night where we didn’t
really have anything to do but we got
together and we got a pizza and
and sat in the parking lot of our high
school just to lived really close to the
high school so that weird but we ate a
pizza inside the car we had a really
good conversation yeah it’s really good
and people were there like for they were
had like a garden meeting or something
weird Atta and so people kept looking at
us while you’re sitting there eating
pizza in the car and it was just like a
really good night and we like got to
talk to each other and like we were
super giggly and we went back to
Jessica’s place after this and we just
couldn’t stop laughing like couldn’t
stop like like hard to breathe laughing
yeah and I’m pretty sure that just cuz
dad thought we were high like nope no we
were just eating pizzas or parking lots
it the question number three describe
each other in one word son hear me out
okay you’re gonna hear it you’re gonna
be like okay but I think it encompasses
everything about you okay and the word
is lovable oh because you’re funny and
you’re smart and you’re adorable and you
give really good hugs and you’re just
looking full like everyone I don’t know
anyone because I’m lovely oh you’re so
easy to get along with I think like that
encompasses all the great things about
I got it okay this will be a throwback
to the words we made up oh I’m fasting
pretty fantastic okay so these questions
are gonna be like favorite things what
do you think the other person does that
chemica so I haven’t answered this one
for you okay gonna answer this one Don’t
Tell you’d be right or wrong yes okay so
the question is what is your dream job
moment yes your dream job is to be a
park ranger and you’d be something added
to your load khaki pants and your cool
little hat and be so cute would Rock the
khaki in the forest green yes let’s
arrange your Jessica – sounds great you
need a little woodchuck fun yes
oh I see where you can get paid to be as
creative as you can but you kind of go
by your own rules
yeah I like it my own rule nice what is
something that annoys you about the
other person no one walks around England
like that oh I would say why it is that
when you say honey after everything I
just never knew okay see if you could go
anywhere in the world where would you go
is why I answer this about you yeah
listens more recent okay but you would
go to Iceland
yes and find the earth I would not find
me or you couldn’t find me but I would
not York she’d be running around and our
little Swan yes what would you say for
me I’m gonna go with those two answers
I’m gonna go with Paris or England well
I Berryman mean yeah I know
Paris no it’s not Paris well I do want
to go to Paris but I want to save that
for special evening but I want to go to
Thailand Thailand favorite animal
edgehog that would say tied for first
with dogs dogs I know I really like dogs
but I didn’t know they’d be in the top
animal kit if I could turn into an
animal it would be a turn into a dog I’m
going with moose mine is a moochers and
dress Oh in giraffe yeah I just didn’t
answer I don’t know why I like oh I do
know why because anyone out there knows
this move or this short cartoon you were
amazing this is cartoon that we used to
watch that would come on it was like a
short cartoon that would come
before a different movie and can’t
remember what the other movie was but we
had it on VHS I’m trying to remain calm
us before winnie-the-pooh
I can’t remember but it was this little
moose antlers and he all the other
mooses made fun of him because he was
really little and had giant antlers and
he was like yeah he was like yeah and he
would like they would like to on the
little like thing more and he couldn’t
get it because he was so little and then
he met this moose that was a really big
moose with yet little time and so they
work together and father was gone in the
little foody can eat another guy gotten
this stuff from the tree me was so good
I totally remember you guys I never like
I don’t know it was like one of those
ones were like there was an old aunt who
is telling us little ant kids about the
smooth you can I have talked a little
pipe yeah I don’t know why it was aunt
telling stories about mooses but yeah
what that comes before I remember it was
okay it was before something I watched
all the time and I know Roger Rabbit
came before Honey I Shrunk the Kids
I remember that way okay so it must have
been winning the food cuz I watched that
one all the time if your entire house
was burning down and your family was
sure to be okay
what would you save and why am i
answering for you yeah I’m gonna go with
purple bear yeah yeah but we’ll man I
feel like yeah but I also feel like I
have this like picture you like your
house is on fire
first thing you grab is your iPad in
your phone and then you go alive and you
just basically have a bag and you just
put all of your star-lord stuff in to
the bag and then you grab all of your
Harry Potter books and you put it in and
you just run I do
I am literally planned out my fire
escape but I have my route in my room
because obviously we might Teddy and
blanket and
yeah but then I grabbed but family
bibles for me yeah and then all of my
Harry Potter stuff just kind of come in
and then I grabbed my iPhone iPad and
they run out I would go into a burning
building to rescue my teddy bear yes
right and I’d be okay with lasting
through life with horrible burn scars if
it meant my today is okay Teddy yeah
hey single men you know how to protect
merit a CH Minh tissues girls look no
favorite movie I would say there’s some
contenders true I’m gonna say Breakfast
at Tiffany’s yes okay yes okay that
one’s definitely the living I wish to
say your runners-up back Felipe’s would
be somewhere there honey heaven beckons
Germany drag the kids yes and then
Moranis of my dad I would be happy this
is hard cuz I feel like it could be so
many things
there really is like one true answer but
I will accept the other answer boondocks
okay good that’s what I’m just gonna say
that what’s the first thing that came to
mind and then I was like uh-huh
no and and I was like it’s probably some
movie that I don’t really know I love
the boondocks ain’t and then I would
would what about the Lord of the Rings
trilogy to me up there but not the
trilogy I’m thinking of – I should know
that they’re gonna be like oh you know
done what was it Indiana Dunes is like a
very movie the best I remember we got
the whole Indiana Jones trilogy from
McDonald’s when they used to do movies
do you remember that oh we’re mcdonald’s
used to do about movies yeah yeah they
gave out VHS tape movies that’s where I
watched the five buildings buildin and
we got Fievel goes west class that
yes and we got all the Indian Jones
trilogy from that awesome
yeah all of you jizz I would they need
to start doing that again it was awesome
make a totally given wait like DVDs are
like download codes or something you
shouldn’t do that again come on
McDonald’s do you guys have anything
matching Power Ranger jackets oh yeah in
high school we have these track jackets
that we both got from hot topic that’s
and Power Rangers on the back and we
wear them to class together all the time
and it was awesome I thought they were
amazing I thought it was awesome they
were so cool they’re like blue in the
head like the stripes and then oh so
cool I felt so I felt really cool it’s
not we I put on those like the Rain Man
things that were oh my god like a
workout wristbands yeah pac-man on him
or something oh we have matching tank
tops oh they’re just purple but favorite
TV show I would say your favorite TV
show at the moment being thrown yeah I
would say that’s a safe bet
gonna be what hit comedy poor or chick
flick sorry comedy forward how many four
or chick flicks today yeah yeah comedy
not more I like rom-coms together coming
in yeah my my first choice is not one of
those options yeah definitely not warm I
mean it really would be like epic
fantasy action thriller with you mine
mine would be like a thriller
thank you guys so much for joining us
today I hope you enjoyed our best friend
tag and getting to know my bestie a
little bit if you like this video you
can give it a thumbs up and if you want
more videos like this you can subscribe
to my channel and leave comments for
Jessica in the comments below and say hi
and give her a big welcome to the
channel and we will see you guys next
bye hi there
I’ve been looking for a way to spice up
my desk a little bit and to bring some
more color into my workspace

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