Categories: Rick Moranis

Big Bully (1996) Review //A comedy disguised as a horror film? Brought To You By

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Big Bully (1996) Review //A comedy disguised as a horror film?

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This movie doesn’t get enough love. The 1996 film Big Bully starring Rick Moranis and Tom Arnold is one of those 90s movies with balls. Great gags, swearing, assault on minors. It has it all! Tom Arnold and Moranis work really well together and if the movie score had a more darker tone, one could argue this would be a thriller based upon how the plot shapes up in the third act. We highly recommend this underrated 90s gem.

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you are now listening to back in the day
with John and Jay
well we all talk about those retro
movies music and games that we all grew
up with
slice and all the other possibilities we
talk about the old movies not the new
movies the [ __ ] old movie
that’s right the ones from the 80s and
maybe maybe
90 exceptions
no way all day back in the day with John
and Jay Keith
hello everybody and welcome to a brand
new edition of back in the day with Jana
J hello hello hey what’s up everybody
how we doing today good I’m doing good
everybody or everybody or just me
sitting here uh today we’re doing a very
I think an underrated movie yeah I don’t
think a lot of people know this movie
does not get enough love honestly like
zero and I don’t think a lot of time I
know it it’s all about big bully
starring Tom Arnold and Rick Rick
I watched this movie like I used to
watch this movie a lot as a kid and I
have not seen this movie in years but
first first things first though we got
new gear coming to to a store near you
got this bad boy price oh maybe Jay
can’t see that well but yeah I could see
it dude looks good somewhere mine as
well look for this coming soon you guys
can purchase this
but also we’re gonna
um I’m gonna buy one since they turned
out really good I want to buy one yeah
we’re gonna we’re gonna give it away
yeah we’re gonna give it away how we’re
gonna give it away well we don’t give a
wing give it a win Give It Away Give It
Away give it away now but anyway big boy
well I got you gotta put it in your mama
do now
oh yeah
but uh so big bully so let me right off
the bat I’m just gonna say this right
now this is a this is a thriller horror
movie disguised as a family picture it
was a comedy as a comedy this is a
horror movie
straight up dude you could call this
movie Fang or you could call it the shop
teacher I want to see this movie recut
as a [ __ ] horror movie you could and
it would be awesome you should do a
trailer I do I’m doing a recut of this
[ __ ] Trail I’m gonna make a trailer
and re-cut it
this this movie and I’ll explain why I
feel that way
because I’m honestly
basically the movie that starts out with
with Davey uh as a little kid
and he gets picked on by Roscoe thing
Fang he’s got this toothache
very menacing
so he gets his ass kicked all the time
by this [ __ ] big dude he’s a big
so but
just the [ __ ] he does too it’s just like
dude he had an Evil Knievel [ __ ] action figure I wonder how much that’s
worth today I don’t know dude I can only
imagine like toys like that from the 70s
60s and 70s are probably a mint and he
had like the cycle thing too which I
assume that was probably even more money
so he did like things like like he
pissed at his uh thermos and you know he
like punched him in the face and he he
goes he’s like he thought you were funny
today huh
yeah the spelling bee you gave me the
word he gave me USSR he goes I thought
you had it
he goes I owe you
so he’s like you’re clearly upset I
could see that
so you know Davey was a a huge pushover
like he he did kind of try to fight back
but it was it was not worth it all for
not turn around please but
so uh he’s he’s accompanied by his
friends which I always wonder like how
come like all four of them that just
gang up and beat the piss out of him
like there’s four of them there’s just
one of him they should have just gained
Warfare on that [ __ ] fat ass that’s
just me you know that was the opposite
of how I used to like that was the
opposite it was always four it was four
on one but you saw that kind of later in
the movie with with uh Davies with
Dave’s kid Ben
he it was a three on one on that poor
little dude you know yeah
um uh Kirby a menage a Twilight I think
that means you’re the most that’s from
Brady Bunch but
but it was but Fang will look like just
a lone gunman which you’re right
bullying at least in our time it was
always it was always gang Warfare it was
always three two three four on one
you’re helpless there’s nothing you
could do yeah it was like you were no
one came to your defense because they
would get hit he would harder too
because it’d be four on two or three on
two so
but yeah it’s it’s kind of one of those
rare situations where Fang was was the
lone gunman but I always thought like I
just he had friends it’s not like Davey
was like a friend was dweeb he had
so they’re always like oh yeah fake he
hated you like
you want to back me up bro it’s like
come on man it’s like no I’m the only
black guy in this town they’d have me
strung up pretty [ __ ] fast
because yeah because he had like a tall
black friend and he’s always like yep he
could put his fists in his mouth so
that’s why we didn’t Lynch his ass it’s
like okay it’s like a white women now
where the white women at
uh so that um oh then he had like he had
like the pyromaniac
and that kid turns into a fireman which
was that was funny I’m like you know
what honestly I said it’s because I was
uh watching it
uh work and and my assistant manager was
oh yeah um so pyromaniac guy that is a
fireman I said that’s awesome because
he’s gonna understand fire like who’s
gonna understand fire more in a pirate I
mean yeah who who gets but they like who
every day he gets to you know [ __ ] around with fire that’s like his dream
so yeah that’s that’s a that’s a per
that’s why I’m a porn star because I
understand [ __ ] just kidding really I mean I understand
[ __ ] it’s wet you put the [ __ ] on a
pedestal and it feels good so yeah I’m
100 100 that’s that’s all we need to
know nothing else to know that’s it
all done
I hope the wok will Bud the kid had a
weird speech ahead of it but
it’s all so God dots is in this movie oh
yes I forgot about that
and I was okay there’s a part where Dave
is Right Davey’s writing his story
it dot knots they’re like oh there’s
this old because they’re telling like oh
if you touch the moon rock that could
kill you or you know government’s gonna
kill you if you [ __ ] with the root Rock
so he’s writing the story which is a
precursor to what he becomes later in
life it’s kind of foreshadowing but he’s
like so dot dots walks up there he’s
telling the story of this old man
they’re like freeze like it’s he’s like
well I thought he didn’t hear though
because he’s deaf or something and Don
knots and the only way Don Knotts can do
this he’s like I’m deaf or something I
cracked up so hard at that it’s really
not like super funny but it’s like it’s
just Don knots being himself he’s just
like I’m deaf or something because I
I have a soft spot for movies that
movies that’ll like say something in the
movie and then the movie will say it
back right afterwards Forrest Gump did
that a lot and I always I I like that
it’s just it’s a funny bit it’s an old
Trope in movies but I always saw kind of
like Kung Pao yeah yeah does it yeah
it’s like you will see it’s significant
it was significant yeah a perfect
example he killed the dog
it will be significant
yeah so it turns out that uh they’re
gonna move away Davey’s gonna move and
he’s all happy for it so it turns out
that Fang steals the moon rock and he
calls the cops on Fang knocks his ass
out and they said Fang away
so and I oh
and another thing that kind of made me
laugh was that uh uh
uh he Davey with Dave was narrating over
it it was like a third third person
point of view or first person point of
view and he’s like there’s a hardware
made me laugh he’s like so we’re gonna
we’re we moved away
1970 in 1970 to a place where plenty of
opportunity the place where no violence
or anything bad will ever happen a place
called Oakland I said I said Los Angeles
because I couldn’t remember exactly
where it was but it was Oakland was
funny then it just cuts to present day
at least back then it just [ __ ] desolate Oakland
oh my God it’s like a place called
Oakland not the thing of no violence or
anything it’s like nah dude that’s
that’s nope nope nope nope oh no no no
no no no no no no yeah I couldn’t
believe that they moved to Oakland I was
thinking and I’m like oh man I thought
it was Ellie I I couldn’t remember the
exact location so out loud I go la he
goes Oakland even worse I was like that
ain’t any better and then Rick Moranis
becomes part of boys in the hood because
he’s Doughboys cousin
Davey Davey
so so as we alluded to earlier Rick
moranis’s our character Davey is a uh
author now and like his book looks so
dumb I don’t read a whole lot and give
it to what it but even then his just no
I love I love how like his book places
him in a certain time period yeah um
because like everybody’s coming in
wanting the new Stephen King which yeah
so so when that [ __ ] that oh that
like [ __ ] yeah dude yeah bro he’s
like he’s like where does his family
murder this family no friends that was a
wood chipper
nobody Parts in that old Indian barrier
it comes back to life and kills him
oh like pet cemetery
exactly like Pat somebody but a little
excited dude yeah you got he got him
with that claws but a little different
but a little different how much is a
little how much is a little it’s like
it’s like pet cemetery yeah it’s exactly
like but nothing like but nothing like
that Cemetery
excited dude
yeah the usual stereotypical 80s Burn
yeah 80s like yeah yeah I’ll do back in
the early 80s and early 90s Stoners
weren’t Seth Rogen and [ __ ] from
Pineapple Express it was it was super
Surfer guys
Spicoli and [ __ ] god dude like the
the bad guys and Surf Ninjas yeah three
ninjas yeah
it was like what’s up bro hey
everybody was talking about surfing whoa
like building Tech I think
yeah that’s what it was
sup bro what’s up bro
I kind of want to know that guy’s story
I can watch a movie with that guy with
the stoner yeah sure we already did it’s
fast times original best ride yeah
something yeah that’s another good one
dude yeah yeah that’s a great movie but
um but yeah
um also yeah so he
so he gets to uh so he gets invited back
to Hastings yeah he gets an offer
Hastings Minnesota
and uh he gets to go back and teach our
creative writing course
and his son Ben is not too keen on this
he’s a little [ __ ] face after he’s kind
of like more of he’s more of the like
popular douchebag yeah
but uh I kind of like where they went
with his character toward the end and
we’ll get to that but it’s it’s like
yeah he turns gay
stuff I was gonna say
I don’t know that’s okay man you know
he’s got his own Rainbow Road just guys
he’s got his own road to take it’s of
the rainbow variety and not the Mario
Kart one
he wants somebody to stuff somebody else
in his locker
so I don’t know this this Middle School
and and I’ll I’ll touch on this too this
Middle School had a dedicated sex ed
oh and yeah she was it was the girl it
was girl that he he was hiding over
Veronica she’s pretty [ __ ] hot she
was hot I know what was funny is my
assistant manager goes oh she’s got the
Rachel haircut that’s looking the same
thing yeah Jennifer Aniston yeah hot ass
[ __ ] America dude so I thought she
was hot I would I went to Catholic
School my whole life and did was there
dedicated sex ed back then do you
remember like foreign
health class but there wasn’t like a
dedicated teacher or class that taught
nothing but sex he just walked in his
penis knife yeah [ __ ] well Almighty a
lot of 90s movies had that because they
like Brady Bunch Movie I’ll bring it
back up this is in like a big city too
that’s true
maybe yeah maybe you’re right I don’t
know is this Hastings Minnesota though
so maybe it was a bigger school man baby
I don’t know I don’t know what the what
the enrollment was in the Hastings I
wonder how many popular well I wonder
what the population of Hastings is
I don’t know
I’m gonna look this up we’re finding out
real quick of all the things to look up
right now I don’t know if this is a real
place but
this is a real town
population’s 21 925 it’s a little bit
bigger than Tiffin yeah it’s a little
bit bigger than our 4 000 people a
little bigger so yeah so yeah they must
add enough people to plus what else
you’re gonna do in Minnesota you’re
probably gonna [ __ ] you’re gonna need to
know or fish go for foreplay ice fishing
or join the Mighty Ducks or join the
mighty many years of Minnesota the
Minneapolis Miracle Man
[ __ ] Jesus Christ yeah so
dedicated sex ed teacher which I thought
that was that that was just like weird
to me but maybe anybody else out there
probably isn’t probably not that weird
but I was like man I’ve never heard of
that I never I just said we were taught
it like we added Abridged version in
Catholic School which is just like don’t
[ __ ] do this or else you will die
test her mucus guys test your view oh
yeah dude
Ah that’s so [ __ ] weird
backs okay context to that okay so I got
married in the Catholic church I’m not
Catholic by any means uh it was more or
less fan service for family members so
so in order to get married in the
Catholic Church you have to go to What’s
called natural Family Planning and
there’s like a course you have to take
and usually it’s with another members
it’s with another uh husband and wife
within the congregation
this is the weirdest [ __ ] [ __ ] ever
so in the Catholic Church guys they had
like we had the swap Partners yeah
oh yeah no let me test your wife’s mucus
well here’s the thing where’s my penis
so as Jay is alluding to here there
they don’t in the Catholic Church you
don’t take contraceptions because that’s
and that’s against the law of the
Catholic land so you have to do what you
have to do on natural Family Planning
which means you have to use a woman’s
natural biology to determine whether or
not she’s ovulating
kind of stressful so the mucus works
really well sir it does okay and here’s
the thing here’s the thing with that
the couple we went to they had like 10
kids so either they’re really bad at
this or they’re really good at it I
don’t know well they don’t give a [ __ ] or they just didn’t give a [ __ ] so it’s
like we’re gonna go to a natural family
family class with somebody who had 10
kids yeah either he’s just good at his
job or he’s just really bad at it so you
got to use like the body temperature you
gotta take like body temperature anybody
who knows the anatomy of a woman knows
that when a woman ovulates their body
temperature rises and usually it’s in
the morning so usually you know and then
there’s this tacky [ __ ] cervical
[ __ ] mucus and you have to they even
show this in the slant slides and
everything man
what the [ __ ] so you just it’s tacky or
have the tackiness of the [ __ ] cervical mucus it’s disgusting and I’m
like dude no they like slides they had
slides like holy [ __ ] John’s really good
at it you don’t have any kids
um but when he tested the mucus he did
the wrong hole and it was like poop so
he just kept shoving it in there what is
this what the [ __ ] this is not what the
music corn I’ll just smash question
there hey question this is not this
doesn’t match the slide is this wrong
which hole did you go to oh there’s more
than one I was not aware of that don’t
go down there that’s the Unholy hole
that’s the Forbidden hole of pleasure
don’t once you take once you get to the
burning bush just don’t take a left so
they gave it so they gave us homework so
they actually had a workbook so we had
to track all this I didn’t think he had
to wipe his fingers on the book like
fingerprints too
sign his name and her mucus
come here and put your [ __ ] lips put
your [ __ ] lips down I gotta I can’t
believe this conversation is default
then you gotta use your stick as an
yeah well
anyway because you’re you’re actually
your Uncle Joe married me and Sarah and
we didn’t have to do shits thank God
that’s yeah that’s like more of us a
non-denominational Christian Christian
thing but yeah yeah
yeah I don’t recommend it just saying
unless you want like a good giggle but
anyway in Hastings Minnesota
although if she was teaching me sex ed
as a as a middle schooler
there’s no I want to survived oh dude
I’d be flaming I wouldn’t all do I would
have survive that
it’s like Jesus like teacher can you
show me how to do that dude I remember
okay I remember when I was like when I
was younger and uh I was started dating
Sarah and I told like back then when
when you’re young it’s jealousy a lot of
jealousy and you’re worried that you
know and the girl doesn’t want you
looking at porn because that’s cheating
dude I told her I was looking at any
point I was a liar I lied all the time
liar so but dude I had the bottom bunk
and my brother had the top bunk
and underneath his Rock I taped porn
pictures all the way down they’re nice I
didn’t have to [ __ ] hold anything
while I was beating yeah flashlight
flapping all over the place nice Jay
what are you doing down there just
moving the blankets don’t don’t worry
about it oh dude I’m just just roll over
I’m going to sleep
I’m stretching
yeah so I love this
um yeah so finally one time I forgot
that you know you know my parents went
home and I brought her up to my room she
laid on my bed and saw the pictures like
and I’m like I’m holding those for my
such a lie and she didn’t believe me
though she was like she was young but
she wasn’t stupid
so so it turns out so Fang is the shop
teacher yes and to the Chagrin of Davey
he was like oh no oh [ __ ] but
Fang is is kind of you know he’s he with
the reform school and it turns out it
was like one of these like really his
parents left him just [ __ ] going to
an orphanage yeah orphanage and he went
to this like Peewee hell or Peewee
prison and all this [ __ ] so he came back
like a kind of a wuss like a you know
he’s kind of he’s getting muscle he’s
yeah he’s getting bullied by his wife
and his kids are out of control except
for his like one of his youngest one’s
Kirby yeah who gets bullied ironically
by Kirby that’s probably gonna happen
yeah if you if you’re naming your kid
Kirby you’re already he’s either named
after a vacuum cleaner or a [ __ ] pink
guy yeah you’re already you’re already
[ __ ] if you named your kid Kirby
you’re you’re behind the eight ball as
it is so there’s no hope for you you’re
you’re just destined I’m gonna leave my
kids snarfs snarf star could you imagine
[ __ ] that Lionel
Thundercats oh dude by the way I was
thinking about like the whole uh on this
is off topic too
um the whole band name thing oh yeah
skull neck skull neck like it just says
skull neck yeah but it’s s-k-u-l-l neck
like skull neck but it’s skull neck yeah
I gotcha that’s sweet or we could do it
like German where people think we’re
just a German Metal Man an SK o with
them two dots above it yeah L and then n
e c h t or something or nichd skull
nicked nine
[Music] nine
I did it um I did a German remake of
Ramstein one day oh yeah I’ve never
released that I don’t think
I don’t I did it
I should love the locks a lot of
Essentials nine
teacher teacher float now the dallow air
chewing on her underwear couldn’t afford
it could afford another pair ten days
later eaten by a polar bear that’s how
the Polar Bear died I knew you would
forget Davy
yeah so so if you dropped a pen you
dropped your pen oh you’re welcome back
so like it turns so so Roscoe slowly
finds out
that Davey was the kid he bullied and he
turns into this whole nother dude brings
him back brings him back to where he was
this is some [ __ ] psycho killer and
we were talking earlier dude that’s no
joke when he realizes
when he realizes that
like when he turns I love I like of
course I hate the pirates with Dave Dave
on it you know with Rick Moranis yeah
but I love it in the classroom when that
kid is working with them yes and then he
turns around he’s like dude he [ __ ] puts that kid’s head right by the
standard [ __ ] that’s that is some
crazy [ __ ] today you would get [ __ ] sued for
doing that this is the 90s nobody gave a
[ __ ] in the 90s about stuff like this no
we’re just awesome for getting hit yeah
it was awesome because this first of all
this movie had balls okay for a 90s
comedy that was kind a little bit it was
more in the family-friendly side this
movie still had some nuts to it let me
tell you that it’s they’re swearing in
it there was gratuitous kind of violence
against children which I’m all for and
that’s why you don’t have any that’s why
I don’t have any that’s a good point
that’s a great Point yeah so uh yeah
because his wife would be like hey honey
I feel a little kicky
Falcon Punch
I don’t do that I’m teaching my kid to
be a fighter
if you could survive that you could
survive anything it’s like 300 but still
in the womb
hey Dude that [ __ ] part where he
realizes he goes
Davey that [ __ ] stare I think I
missed that yeah it’s like when he when
he’s because he he uh goes outside uh
because his his wife kind of emasculated
him and he goes outside and he’s like oh
what you doing and he’s like um you know
doing for Mr uh you know uh Dave
whatever what was his last name I can’t
yeah yeah and he goes he goes who’s that
you’re on the new teacher he goes
that [ __ ] you listen Tom Arnold
killed Tom Arnold was awesome in this
movie and I I can’t believe how good he
was and if you switch the music because
the music was all like you know you know
how like comedies are like
[Music] no if you put a horror soundtrack to
This it is this is a bona fide awesome
and it’s uh it’s hilarious to me that
this was in the guise of a comedy like a
family comedy but man
just the way he stalks David even the
part where they’re in the school and he
gives him his pen back it’s just like if
you want a scary [ __ ] soundtrack in
the back of that that’s that’s kind of
harrowing because it’s just like
and he’s just like okay I’m a kid you
you know the thoughts he’s like
like holy I mean you think you think
he’s okay yeah you think he’s fine he’s
walking out the door yeah and he’s like
welcome back baby like and then he
smiles yeah it’s got the bag man it’s
like [ __ ] it’s like God damn
[Music] so yeah there’s like oh let me I just
thought of this so
[ __ ] D Dave’s neighbors
weird [ __ ] people too those people
are happy for Sam hell what the hell
what’s up I love that guy dude that guy
annoyed the [ __ ] piss I mean that’s
that’s what he’s supposed to be doing
every [ __ ] movie that guy is
everywhere yeah yep
it’s like hangover and [ __ ] yeah God
he was in There’s Something About Mary
what the hell I love that dude you you
know who Sam hell is no he’s nobody it’s
a euphemism
it’s for what the hell you actually
should prune at night
I remember the first time I tried I
remember when I tried to kill so I was
like what why are you trying to kill see
everybody’s a [ __ ] sicko in this town
man hasty Hasty crazy
this is somewhere out in Maine like a
Stephen King [ __ ] book it’s ironic
that that like Stephen King was kind of
mentioned because this kind of not
really it’s just it’s kind of one of
those um like everybody’s a psychopath
in this town well it’s kind of like um
one of those remote towns yeah yeah it’s
like yeah because Stephen King likes to
have these remote towns out in Maine and
this is just out some remote town in
Minnesota and everyone’s a [ __ ] psycho you got pyromaniacs and you got
[ __ ] you know uh God damn shop
teachers that try to kill kids which is
awesome [ __ ] hilarious he’s like I
think we can all agree right mister or
whatever we can agree that safety is
number one am I right I can’t hear you I
I I want to learn to say you wanted to
say he apologized he wants to say
something everybody I I want to learn
the safety of the classroom he wants to
learn the safety of the class
that he says he apologizes so so he goes
home and he’s just like oh no no so
so he takes Kirby home because Kirby got
like you know messed up a little bit so
he kind of walks him home and he’s like
you want to come inside he’s like no and
Dave like turns around and there he is
you could put that [ __ ] noise right
there and it’s it’s one of those jump
scares because he’s like he’s standing
right behind him out of nowhere and I
gear dude I’m gonna re-cut a trailer for
this movie and trust me it’s gonna be
[ __ ] hilarious
like oh [ __ ] where the [ __ ] did you come
and he’s like he’s like where are you
going Dave where are you going Davey huh
where are you going yeah here I come I’m
coming against you
oh and then uh uh what’s his name from
Revenge of the Nerds Chris Armstrong
places like high strung [ __ ] bio or
chemistry teacher and he just so
he’s like what more peas
so he’s like this really high strung
[ __ ] dude and it’s just like
so he’s getting picked on by [ __ ] Roscoe Fang and at the same time he’s
tormenting the pork [ __ ] what’s the
whatever his name was in this movie but
so like he flicks peas at him earlier
and like he’s like see that he goes what
he’s like he flicked peas at me
so he’s like he’s putting salt he’s
stopping [ __ ] salt Ollie he’s like
it’s hot dish I love Curtis Armstrong he
was dude everybody played their role so
well in this well Curtis Armstrong was
and everybody knows booger yeah it was
booger from around University yes yeah
so uh but what we’re gonna do is we’re
gonna talk more about this on the other
side of this we’re gonna play this and
we’re gonna be right back after these
whatever the [ __ ] it is yeah whatever it
[Music] I guess I should have known by the way
you [ __ ] combed your hands that you
would come out here and it would be
[Music] you’re the kind of girl that would want
to come inside my little Smurfette and
[ __ ] happily
guess I must be dumb cause Papa Smurf
said don’t you come he said just take
your [ __ ] sweet old time
but if I touch your ass will you make me
quick real fast is that a [ __ ] terrible crime
little blue Smurfette
baby you got that sweet ass
little blue square fan
you shake it what’s it gonna make me
come real fast
I should have closed my eyes and when I
gave you a sticky surprise it was not
all blue
cause I felt a little ill when I saw you
touch my tail and I said I would give it
all to you
believe it or not I can’t wait to smoke
pot when I get to a high and we’ll have
but it’s Saturday night and I wanna [ __ ] you right cause you’re blue and they’re
tight oh yeah little blue smurfing
baby you got a sweet ass oh yeah
I think sometimes it’s gonna make me
come real fast
[Music] yes Murphy’s
body like yours
ought to be in jail I can’t wait to give
you my dick down I can hear blue he got
blind there too and I can’t wait to do
some nasty [ __ ] things to you
[Music] [Applause] okay
right down to my ground
kinda slow it down
moving too much fast I’m gonna blast any
[ __ ] ass oh yeah
[Music] it’s my abuse my friend
you got an ass like I’ve never seen oh
in the rhyme
slippery inside so I go in smooth
the things I want to do to you
oh baby
in too much
man you need my sex my dick
[Music] [Music] that’s
[Music] all right everybody Welcome Back Woolly
Bully welcome back one two three
yes we’re talking about the movie Bully
Bully’s good which is amazing if you
haven’t seen any also it’s free on Prime
so if you do have um Amazon Prime video
it is free on there so you can watch it
yeah deaf dude check this film Out is
entirely underrated a very Hidden Gem
it’s a Hidden Gem in my my wife was like
what are you watching like big bully
because we’re reviewing it tomorrow she
goes I’ve never heard of this film I’m
like nobody really I mean it’s crazy how
nobody really knows this movie it’s it’s
just Tom Arnold and Rick Moranis work so
well together as that Dynamic of a bully
and his bully e if you will
did you pass gas before me sorry baby I
didn’t know it was your turn
pardon me for being rude it wasn’t me it
was my food it just popped up just say
hello just pop that say hello hello Bob
your uncle
so so uh we left off we’re like
we’re uh Fang was starting to kind of
Torment Dave again yeah and so
he tried he’s like here I come I’m
coming after you so he runs off and he
[ __ ] runs in the you know jumps over
the bushes yeah and he’s just like like
no no it’s not what you think want more
it’s just [ __ ] insane dude so they
have this like uh Sadie Hawkins dance or
and he gets he takes the hot sex ed
to chaperone dude like first of all
what the most unrealistic [ __ ] oh
Sadie Hawkins no [ __ ] take it happy
sex ed teachers are interested yeah this
[ __ ] dork
she read his book and she loved it and
she even quoted it back to him and it’s
just like Jesus Christ honestly if that
woman did if a woman this woman did not
get it I’ll make my dick [ __ ] hard
well it is Hasty this Hasty dude she did
not get out of Hastings Minnesota very
often if it’s anything like Tiff and
dude there’s not a whole lot to do it’s
funny because it’s because because Dave
actually was married and got divorced
which why I mean I don’t know it’s like
maybe I don’t know the whole story
because obviously maybe he narrated
their [ __ ] life yeah I don’t know it’s
just like he put his penis inside of her
out you made a story about her sex life
well it’s on the New York Times
bestseller list I’m leaving you he blew
his whole
his whole side of her uterine walls
it goosed out like a [ __ ] squished
she’s right romance novels man it was a
kinky Twinkie
dude I think you gotta dude I think you
got a career going on here oh my God you
should write [ __ ] kinky funny Romance
I’m gonna try and do that next time
Sarah and I [ __ ] just you’re gonna
narrate it while you do it dude that’s
hilarious in out
ah he said as he blew all [ __ ] seven
billion of his kids inside of her bus
milky white wide breasts what are you
giving her to read okay she’s reading
turn around
yeah yeah dude
gushed out of her like a white Niagara
this is like he keeps pumping and
pumping uh yeah it is like it just keeps
going he doesn’t no you don’t she now
looks at him with disgust he’s not
lasted two seconds she she now looks at
him with utter disgust and
disappointment she asked for one of his
t-shirts to wipe her puss with he’s like
no [ __ ] no this is my good t-shirt
I wasted the good surprise on you
anyways it’s a good surprise on you
no [ __ ] this is Sparta this is Sparta
Green Eggs and Ham
yes that was my favorite Brooklyn Green
Eggs and hammock great eggs and hammock
you hit six that was how much how how
much was it overdue in this movie she
said it was like six thousand eight or
no it was like 100 like 18 000 days over
here yeah the librarian she’s like he
owed how much like six thousand dollars
so I’m like I’m totally get [ __ ] I was
like listen you’re gonna die before you
ever get that [ __ ] money from me old
hag so goodbye you get [ __ ] I’m always
does that mean I can’t run anything
[Laughter] you ever rent movies from the library
[ __ ] no I never did that either I wasn’t
that poor [ __ ] money dude I wasn’t
that poor I’m not gonna if you can do it
and there’s but dude how many times do
you want to watch The Passion of the
Christ a [ __ ] DVD dude like their
movies were some of them were okay but
most of them were like just [ __ ] no way I knew someone who exclusively
rented their films from the library
and it was in existence I don’t ever
want to live through
and I’m just like
I guess mine wasn’t much better because
my dad really liked going to the farm we
had a place called The Farm which was
owned by Foodtown
and that that wasn’t much better I love
the farm the I love Foodtown though man
Food Town was the [ __ ] [ __ ] man we
always get some turtle pies man yeah
dude Foodtown rules but hey I was gonna
say you know you should pull off the
more peace scene dude oh yeah for real
okay while he’s doing that I just want
to go through all my peeps man all right
first we’re gonna start out with Jake
the gamer guy j-a-y-k-e the gamer God
it’s my son on Twitch
um also IB best gaming
um if you want to check him out dude
there’s a lot of Pokemon and stuff like
um so my dude Isaac
um up next we got one man Mafia we ended
up hanging out with them this past
Saturday it was really cool watching the
Royal Rumble that was awesome thank you
so yeah what’s up Tony just want to say
um but one man Mafia on Twitch and then
also we got keeping a Geekly and on
Sunday I got to see him because um we
ended up sponsoring a uh a special or or
a challenge up at the store for him so
and that is my dude Cody Dole
um but like I said on Twitch check them
again we like to say thank you to Nate’s
Barbershop all the time he’s listening
um also one-way streets
for getting everybody around safe and
being our only
paying sponsor for a while so uh it’s
just nice to get kind of listens and
everything check us out follow us on
Facebook because uh we always got
surprises I’m always pushing to do
things so
yep it looks like we’re about uh we’re
looking for a video of it see this is
such like an underrated movie there’s
not a whole lot on YouTube that’s why I
was wondering about that trailer
probably nobody knew about yeah
oh yeah
Let’s do let’s do this fake teaches the
students a lesson
I love this part yeah it’s probably like
no joke this is my favorite part of the
this is my favorite turnabout in the
movie because these these students were
so mean yeah yeah and he turned around
he’s like who did that he’s like what
are you gonna do about it and then he
like this time he’s like he catches him
and it’s so badass it’s like oh yeah you
little [ __ ] maybe a little respect is
what we need
[Music] I think it’s important that we review
the safety rules for the workshop
that’s so badass
this is great
who’s in this class
I am your teacher and I happen to
believe that building things with your
hands is an important skill to learn
now whether you guys agree with me or
not I really don’t care but from now on
when you’re in my class you’ll do what I
say when I say it is that clear
oh I’m scared I’m not scared stupid come
on nerdo who’s talks like that
last room so maybe you didn’t hear me
clearly no I heard you what are you
gonna do about it what are you doing
he’s got the Minnesota thing so that’s
pretty cool
in the face of the dangerous power tool
without proper safety gear could be a
pretty horrifying experience right Stu
you got to speak up buddy I can’t hear
you I would like to apologize I would
like to apologize
for his earlier Behavior I I’m ready to
learn about the same views of the
workshop now
I am so proud of you buddy
are there any other questions
and he’s fired
um is this gonna be on the test sir
dude that’s such a that’s my favorite
part because it’s like you know what
that’s the thing yeah dude that’s the
part right there where it’s like yeah
that’s what I turn around look at you
know what I do I take that and I look at
today think about it dude like kids kids
need to be brought out of paper too
sometimes well I think the kids today
need brought down a picture it’s like
it’s like dude
kids do you that kid ain’t gonna that
kid’s gonna remember that for the rest
of his life that is from back in the day
when we got our [ __ ] ass beautiful
he’s gonna remember that if he doesn’t
take anything away from that he’s gonna
be like dude I was a [ __ ] and stuff like
that will change your life dude remember
like dude that’s what I’m saying that’s
why I probably flew a little bit it’s
because back in the day dude now like
there was a turning point was like 10 15
years ago there was a turning point
where you like kids could call their
cops on their parents all the time which
will be wrong if your parents are
crazily abusive you deserve call the
cops for for [ __ ] sake but back when
we were younger dude it was like hey you
you act up you’re gonna get your [ __ ] ass beat that’s how it works
um oh yeah you want to act a fool in the
store all right
let’s go to the car my dad be like all
right let’s go man but I knew better
though it’s like out in public like at
home it’s different I was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I deserved everything in public it
was a whole different game if I acted up
in public oh my God that would you ever
get pulled out to the car no no I knew
better no you’re you’re smart I knew
better I didn’t care yeah I do better
because first of all if I acted like
that in public my dad will never would
have never taken me anywhere ever again
and and I like to go out you should have
done that so you didn’t have to go in
the parade
God damn it
I didn’t have a choice so it’s like
you’re never like nope he’s gonna act up
um Joe you’re Barney
[ __ ] punishment man you see Justin
was on the float or something he was he
was on the float though so he did he
didn’t get any punishment I was front
page of the [ __ ] newspaper with
Barney in the fifth grade that’s that’s
just social [ __ ] suicide
you might as well just I might as well
just be I would have been and I was
bullied for that her dad was Barney
wasn’t he yeah it was his idea because
he needed like a chaperone because he
couldn’t really see that well in the
suit and he needed like a chaperone you
should dress up like Baby Bob bro you
know what I should have because nobody
would have [ __ ] know what it was me
anyway so [ __ ] might as well have
there’s my [ __ ] stupid ass on the
front page of our City’s newspaper with
I might as well just kill myself because
that’s what it just it was awful that
whole year whole whole year was not just
transferred dude didn’t you don’t you
have the picture oh my mom framed it I
so it’s sober around here it’s hidden in
the Arts it’s hitting in my archives
it’s somewhere but yeah it’s just
[ __ ] horseshit this is
so so so Ben actually kind of turns a
leaf and he actually realizes that he’s
kind of a [ __ ] face himself which Ben is
actually that’s uh Rick Moranis kid he’s
from bushwhacked yeah yeah he kid from
bushwicks which is another movie another
good movie another great movie God with
Daniel Stern yeah [ __ ] oh dude it’s
awesome yeah
so he he actually kind of makes a men’s
with Kirby and they actually kind of
become friends which I I thought that
was kind of a neat little they never
[ __ ] happened that’s it’s unrealistic
it’s unrealistic absolutely but I I like
that because it makes you feel good
makes you feel good inside for the fact
so so it as it turns out that uh Dave
reveals dufang that he’s the one that
turned his ass in this is where the
movie [ __ ] goes ape [ __ ] man so Fang
tries to kill Dave
kill tries to kill him straight up so he
[ __ ] shoots goddamn nail guns at him
and stuff and he climbed the rope and he
lights up who would light a rope and
so he
[ __ ] lights that rope on fire
you write a new aftershave no it’s
kerosene the Rope soaked in it now who
was Soko ropey kerosene hey guys hey
guys so go up so he’s so what if Dave
would have fell he probably would have
hurt himself really bad it’s usually
mats at the bottom though I didn’t see
any maps at the bottom of that though
really I don’t remember usually there is
massive remember that when we climbed oh
sure sure they put mats down not that
that would save you yeah it still would
have hurt really bad because that’s but
he put it on fire he’s he’s trying to
softly kill him
I mean not like kill kill him but he’s
trying to hurt him really bad and pretty
much the stuff he was doing to him
probably he would have maybe killed him
so you don’t know
oh yeah so
to backtrack a little so Don Knotts is
the principal so there’s a part where
like he sits down and he’s the same
[ __ ] age in the first move in the
first part of the movie he’s like what
he’s like it’s just a great the surprise
gag in this movie where he just like I
don’t even think about that yeah yeah
he’s the same that’s why he looked at
him so funny he’s like holy [ __ ] he’s
the same age he didn’t age at all and
knock knock’s like what
it’s like uh and and and Kirby whatever
and uh uh Ben whatever
just it’s just a really small subtle
role but Don Knotts is a [ __ ] genius
yeah I like him in Pleasantville too
yeah yeah yeah yeah
this had to be one of his last movies
too because he he I think he died
shortly thereafter he had of what after
big bully yeah cause he was pretty
[ __ ] he was pretty old in that yeah
he was older [ __ ] in that in that movie
Simmons is old
can’t go home because he hates his wife
figuratively speaking
he’s a partification what are you doing
he can’t go past the Red Rock
so like
he gets on he he sees this [ __ ] Evil
Knievel doll and he’s like [ __ ] this guy
I’m gonna [ __ ] kill him or hit him
with something he’s like he’s a
Driftwood so he [ __ ] hits it with it
Fang falls off the [ __ ] uh into the
off the law he followed to the uh off
the waterfall and I’m just like God damn
this is a whole this is a thriller
just straight up so it’s like
you know they’re they’re gonna fake you
out because he’s like oh [ __ ] you should
use the cable guy once yeah yeah
[Music] we don’t fight to the death they will
kill us both
God damn it it’s not a TV show goddammit
art don’t you sleep
it’s like you killed the shop teacher
you killed the shop teacher shut the
[ __ ] up or I’m gonna kill you you killed
the shop teacher you killed him
there’s nobody says yeah yeah he’s just
like because he told us I remember the
first time I tried to kill Elaine or
whatever his wife’s name was he’s like
Jesus Christ he tried to kill your wife
hey hey don’t judge me you killed the
shop teacher you killed the shop teacher
it’s like I like when he’s introducing
his wife he’s like it’s like which ones
which ones Betty or something like that
it was like Betty this is this is yeah
and this is Betty which one’s Betty
again me right here
hey guys
now there’s going to be a 30 chance of
rain coming dude I know P there’s people
like this in the house yeah it’s like oh
okay bye it’s like what the hell
what’s the time I [ __ ] hate art man
yeah first time I tried to kill Betty
what the [ __ ] nice bro
so he goes to sleep you’re always gonna
get this fake out and this this is how
thriller movies go too you think the
good guy prevails but the movie keeps
going so you’re like oh [ __ ] something’s
got so he wakes up he’s like you’re
alive and he goes you’re dead these are
[ __ ] they started so it gets a little
goofy after this though so he’s like he
runs into the bathroom he goes wow you
have a nice bathroom
like Jesus Christ oh yeah dude also the
the chick his wife
is uh the girl from Scrooge yeah yes and
also the one from uh The Princess Bride
right yep that’s the she was the fairy
and uh yeah it Scrooged
she was like the
daddy’s home
I’m gonna go Donald lumber yard
he’s like we can’t afford it well here’s
I was thinking some other things and
we’re gonna cut back on cigarettes and
booze and tap and we’re gonna we watch a
totally too much TV [ __ ] rips the TV
get throws it into the [ __ ] River
I was like geez that’s a good TV they’re
what she was watching now WWF
which kind of made me smile so they’re
The Bushwackers one the TV they kept
watching the show called Connie which
was like a satire of all those uh those
of like those uh daytime TV talk shows
sorry Jesse Raphael yeah it’s like yeah
I married my pet it’s like ew what the
[ __ ] is with these people so again this
this entire world is messed up in this
so they they kind of roll around and
fight and stuff and it get then it gets
kind of goofy and then they’re like the
kids are like the voice of reason and
they’re like well we’re cool why can’t
you guys be cool I remember that so it’s
like we made up and they’re like oh you
know what the kids are right I’d be like
[ __ ] that takes like nine shoots Davey
right in the head right in front of the
it’s like yeah that’s it’s they caught a
Peewee for prison he’s like I was all
with these juveniles I was with these
[ __ ] with these Psychopaths and I had
one guy I had one kid who let his mother
on fire for sweep vacuuming during Lost
in Space and these psychos asked me what
I was in for and I told him I stole a
freaking Rock
I was like dude [ __ ] Tom Arnold is
killing this man
I like the I like the [ __ ] dude
that’s guarding a rock and a woman’s
like can I touch yeah yeah so so the
whole reason the rock got stolen the
first place because the guard and the
teacher were [ __ ] behind that they
were [ __ ] behind the stage it’s like
this movie has got nuts dude I didn’t
see him [ __ ] no no well they they
applied it because she came out and she
started like pulling her like pantyhose
up and her dress start fixing her dress
so you you are alluding to the fact that
they were doing something naughty
backstage behind everything [ __ ] hot
teacher though yeah that was awesome she
was a hot teacher yeah so he’s like he’s
like can I touch this like I could
arrange something oh my God this is this
is just like a [ __ ] a dude to touch a
moon rock yeah it’s like that’s a
[ __ ] Moon Rock nice rock move it
smart ass wise ass he’s like move it
wise ass
this movie has got nuts and I will stand
by this because
90s movies especially like comedies and
even family comedies they they were more
on the little Ed they had a little Edge
to them which made them good which made
them so [ __ ] great they pushed the
envelope they pushed it even Disney
movies back then [ __ ] had like a
little bit of swearing and a little bit
of edge to them not much but just enough
to kind of make it more palpable for
adults uh like heavyweights yeah like
heavy weights I think um even Mighty
Ducks had a little bit of of a little
bit of they were looking at playboys and
they [ __ ] you know they they did oh
and D2 when they were having the girls
come out yeah yeah my my uncle Aaron
Spelling will be really yeah yeah
there’s nope
[Music] so it’s just you know it’s this this is
just quiz essential 90s in the best way
and I wish movies would go back to this
where they weren’t afraid to take a
little bit of risk as far as like making
the movie accessible not only for like
kids it teaches it teaches them a lesson
where bullying is not good
but it’s there’s enough funny in it for
adults too so it’s the only problem is
that nowadays dude just people get butt
hurt too easy and that’s the problem is
that like you’ll you’ll have one problem
with it and people make an uproar and
they can’t [ __ ] do it I don’t get it
I just don’t understand why we’re
sensitize people just
the internet’s ruined people man I think
that’s part of the problem it is it’s
just he doing wrong I’m glad we got it
you don’t think they said 20 years ago
or 25 years ago like oh my God this
we’re gonna have all this information at
our fingertips honestly
I mean you don’t and for them dude no no
jokel okay
I look at porn I mean just just like a
simple way to find out like I love porn
but like
look how easy it is to be able to look
at porn compared to when we were younger
and everything even being an adult like
as an adult it was almost back then you
had to go to the store yeah buy a
magazine or Reddit or rent it from a
video store too yeah
or buy it from Adam and Eve it was
honestly as a like as a kid it was
almost like the hunt was part of the
adventure too at least for me anyway it
was so when you actually found it it was
that much better and then you had that
you had to hide it yeah that you had to
[ __ ] figure out what to do with it or
not get caught so that made it more
exciting but now kids could just go on
the computer or they’re on their phone
or whatever and they could it’s at it’s
just loads
at their fingertips
dude I had to use like Frederick’s
Hollywood [ __ ] magazine or those
little mix mine was JCPenney JCPenney
was good Avon Avon yeah Dave oh boy some
of the a rounds are pretty good so mine
was I used some game magazines too some
of them have risque pictures yeah girls
like there’d be like a drawing of some
[ __ ] hot chick wearing a bikini or
something I’m like oh I’m gonna noodle
my doodle right on there baby
so uh so Fang and Davey they make up
they become friends I guess
sort of so Dave moves to New York for
some reason they don’t really say why he
just leaves and so the girl so he’s
dating the sex I teach Veronica dating
her I guess now and so he’s like hey so
he gives him a Evil Knievel doll which
else could nice of him at the end he’s
like hey you come out to New York
anytime and then the last shot is them
moving his whole motorhome following
Dave to New York City which I don’t know
where he’s gonna put that [ __ ] thing
when he gets to New York City
can’t just put a motorhome in the middle
of Times Square or could you
good luck sounds like a sequel to me
oh and it didn’t because I’m like today
that there wasn’t really a need for like
huge Cash Cow [ __ ] nobody knew the first
one yeah nobody knew about this first
movie it probably didn’t even do that
well in the box office
I didn’t look it up yeah hold on let me
look yeah we’re kind of we’re kind of
curious kind of curious It’s one of my
uh that’s why my that’s why people call
me whiskers
because I’m curious like a cat
uh this is me
right there it’s up the bottom look at
the bottom I had a budget of 15 million
and only made 2 million at the box
office that’s what we call a flop that’s
a bomb that’s a bomb ladies and
that’s why Prime has it for free
the film was a box office bomb there’s
only two million dollars for
film was a critical failure with a zero
percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes
[ __ ] Rotten Tomatoes they don’t know a
good movie if it kicked him in the
[ __ ] face they wouldn’t know a good
movie if it [ __ ] slapped him in the face and started to
yeah I’m [ __ ] dude I hate Rotten
Tomatoes dude I like watching I like
looking it up just to see kind of what
they say but I like looking at audience
scores too
because like a lot of times it’ll say oh
man you know this this one got two
percent Tom Arnold got a
got a Razzy for this whole for this
movie what
let’s move Jesus Christ I [ __ ] hate
it’s always the good movies that are
always the ones that are so critically
dude okay just to put this in
perspective okay Happy Gilmore got
really shitty ratings right through
Rotten Tomatoes happy Gilmore’s a
classic so is Billy Madison same thing
just a really shitty rating surround
tomatoes so if you want to put it yeah I
put absolutely zero stock in in
professional film critics
because really they don’t they don’t
watch the movie through a lens that we
would watch it per se they watch it from
a lens that is is like okay they they
kind of critique the writing the
cinematography and stuff blah blah blah
blah and sometimes I’m guilty of this
too because I’ve done it before but it’s
like sometimes you just gotta watch a
movie at face value why don’t you just
try to enjoy it yeah watch it at face
value and watch it for what it is and
this is a good
family adult comedy which is it just
blurs the lines of Awesomeness for those
two genres of movies and I highly highly
recommend it watch it you’ll see what
I’m talking about when this is like this
is just a horror wrapped at a comedy’s
body so
yeah that’s Jay alluded to it’s it’s on
Amazon Prime
so uh yeah good movie that’s that’s big
bully so uh yeah we’re gonna think we’re
gonna end that our broadcast day right
yeah definitely check us out at uh back
in the we’ll have a
pretty soon I’ll have a store we’ll have
a link for shirts
uh I don’t I will send that out I got
another idea for sure but we need to we
need to make it okay
I already told you oh yeah yeah yeah so
we’ll definitely have this one up for
sale and then like Jay said we’re gonna
get another one we’re gonna give that
away that one let me know and I’ll I’ll
pay for it for us to get one at least
yeah so yeah so uh so with that set up
yeah back of the uh
Spotify check us out on Facebook and
Facebook you know check us out uh leave
us leave us a comment good or bad yeah
we had a bad one a couple weeks ago
where somebody was like really [ __ ] I
don’t want a single boost bad comments
but it was like our first one we ever
got because we
‘ve always got pretty
positive response
possible but this guy was just like he’s
like you’re awful you’re awful
I laughed my ass off I’m like that’s
funny so due to his banter I can tell
he’s probably a lot of fun in the sack
yeah I bet hey if you’re listening right
now why would he be listening right now
though because well he gave us a listen
so I appreciate it yeah yeah that’s what
I say thanks for the support big guy did
you know okay like I watched private
parts they said the people that watch
that liked Howard Stern were listening
yeah but more people were listening
because they hated it the haters they
hated it there you go so uh if you are
listening Mr uh negative comments we
love you we love you and we hope that
you have nothing but a long happy life
because you’re one of our listeners we
appreciate it yeah I said I appreciated
him and he didn’t like that so he’s just
like yeah you don’t understand the word
awful or support I’m like yeah I do
you’re supporting us thank you you’re
engaging in my video you’re awfully
supporting me you’re awfully yeah you be
like awfully good right like awfully
like awesome you spelled awesome you
spelled awesome froggy dork God at least
we got a spell yeah all right guys we’ll
see on the next one I’m John richner and
I’m Jason sugar
later guys

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Back in the Day with John and Jay Podcast

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