Canadian reacts to Simpsons depiction of Canada Seen On

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Canadian reacts to Simpsons depiction of Canada

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A review of “D’oh Canada,” the most recent episode to involve the Simpsons visiting Canada (also known as “the one with Trudeau”). How stereotypical is the portrayal? What did they get right, and what did they get wrong? I tried to explain as many of the references as I could.



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  1. I think the scene where Lisa sees all her American heroes may be a reference to the autobiographical story "On the Rainy River." In the story, the author (a young American man) is drafted into the Vietnam War, and he drives to the Canadian border to cross illegally and escape the draft. But there, he is confronted by many American characters, including Huck Finn and Abraham Lincoln. This changes his mind, and he returns to America to fight in the war.

  2. As a Newfoundlander:

    A. Nobody here thinks of “Newfie” as a derogatory term. We call ourselves newfies and seeing politicians use it as a way to play victim is laughable.

    B. People only really care about seals because they’re cute and the manner in which they’re killed (arguably barbaric). A lot of times they’re killed because of their impact on fish in the area.

    I remember we debated this in class after the episode aired. we concluded that nobody really cared.

  3. I grew up in Kentucky in an area where it was very rural and most of everyone was from places like Indiana, South Carolina, Virginia, and Missouri and when I was a child, my family would watch family guy together as a way of family bonding and i saw the episode where they go to the south to get away from some problem they're trying to avoid, and their depiction of the american south somewhat offended me because they did a lot of gags like the ATM being a guy in a box or the southern characters sending in civil war veterans after the family because Peter said the north won, and several other little things like that that made me feel like people from the north actually thought we were just a bunch of inbred backwoods rubes and it made me feel uncomfortable to watch the show for a bit as i felt like my entire local culture was the butt of a very rude joke. Nowadays even I'll joke about some of this stuff, but as a child who didn't have a concept of how stereotype jokes work, it kinda made me feel bad.

  4. Wait. Newfie is a slur? real question here from a midwestern American and Labrador Retriever enthusiast. I use Newfie to refer to Newfoundland breed of dog, quite often, as they are widely regarded to be one of the progenitor breeds of my beloved Lab. Am I going to get punched in the face by an angry aggrieved Canadian one of these days?

  5. So if a person asks to seei asylum at the border, they get rejected, but if they enter illegally, they get a whole process?
    Shouldn't it be the other way around?
    Does no-one punish illegally sneaking into a country anymore, or is it all rewards?

  6. Okay, but the Newfoundland information is simply incorrect. Seal clubbing is a practice that's only prevelant in indigenous populations. It's very widely looked down upon for anyone else to go seal clubbing.

  7. As a kid I thought I was American as television in Finland is dominated by American shows. I guess that's why just had to learn the language so I could return home. As a Finlander with an addiction to holy Sauna I dream of living amongst the Navajo in Arizona for the Diné sweatlodge ceremony.

  8. Even though it was a Michael Moore movie, it is still great.

    "Canadian Bacon"

    is a hilarious comedy poking fun at USA VS Canadain stereotypes during a cold war between the two countries.

  9. This guy thought the U.S. and Canada were basically the same country. In the states, children basically NEVER think about Canada. Hell, 99% of adults don't think about Canada either.

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