Cheech & Chong – Santa Claus and his Old Lady Watch On This Site

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Cheech & Chong – Santa Claus and his Old Lady

Witness the video “Cheech & Chong – Santa Claus and his Old Lady” including countlessour library of related clips presenting the famous pop culture characters of the McKenzie brothers.

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What can I say, this comedy duo is outstanding…

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  1. Twas the night before Christmas and all through our house everybody had a hangover even the mouse with Mom at the whorehouse and Dad smoking grass I just settle down for a nice piece of ass when out in the yard there was such a clatter that I sprung for my piece to see what was the matter there in the yard I saw a big dick I knew in a moment it must be Uncle Nick he barged thru the back door like a bat out of hell I thought for a moment the fucker had fell he was old perverted Fat Sweaty drunk and smelly when he staggered his ass shook like a tub full of jelly with a filthy grey beard and pasty lips real thin with gobs of drool seeping down to his chin he filled the refrigerator full of pretzels and beer and left a big rubber dick for my brother the queer he blew out our back door was such a thunderous fart the son of a b** nearly blew the door apart he swore and he cussed us as he staggered out of sight and said piss on to you all have one hell of a night

  2. My baby girl was born 12/24/84. I have played this on her birthday every year since. For the first 20 years I had to hold her down and force her. This year I played it for my granddaughter for her first Christmas. If I can get another 20…I’m a luck guy… maaaaaaan! Merry Christmas to all!!

  3. Nobody on EARTH can tell the tale of Santa and the Missus better than Cheech and Chong. Why do you think NORAD tracks the Man in Red every Christmas? It's because the government feels really bad about what happened at the border… pulling over Santa.

  4. 4pm on the school bus as an 8 year old growing up in Fresno. The bus driver cranked it every time this was played, which was daily in the CV back then, and we all laughed. Together.

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