Clemmedia Live: Rick Moranis Knocked Out, Boogie2988 Holds Gun At Frank Hassle Found On This Site

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Clemmedia Live: Rick Moranis Knocked Out, Boogie2988 Holds Gun At Frank Hassle

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Clemmedia Live: Rick Moranis Knocked Out, Boogie2988 Holds Gun At Frank Hassle

Intro and Ending Theme: 8 Bit Brothers

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want to go
yeah what is up everybody
all righty good evening everybody
man this has been a crazy ass
day another crazy ass day i mean our
president got uh
in federer covey and now he’s in the
but yeah man i gotta talk about some uh
some other stuff that happened uh
happening on the internet today and um
one of the big stories is rick moranis
randomly getting sucker punched by a guy
in new york city
oh yeah the guy from um yeah rick moran
is the guy i mean
i mean he was uh on sctv he was on honey
i struck the kids
and he was on space balls man you
wouldn’t expect
rick moranis to be a guy that would be
sucker punch i mean he would be one of
the most like least likely
celebrities to be sucker punched but
yeah yeah as it turns out i think a big
factor of this sucker punch was uh like
the blm movie you know saying like
saying all white people are bad like
white privilege and all that
like basically like the whole rhetoric i
mean is just basically emboldening the
environment people just randomly
attacking uh
white folks man it’s been happening for
like last couple of months what’s going
on csk yeah man check this [ __ ] out man
hey yo tell me some uh
new hot trash uh out right now man like
some new music man
i’m trying to find some new music this
man who is now public enemy
number one after sucker punching movie
legend rick moranis right in the face
while he walks the streets of new york
now i’ve been pretty outspoken saying
that coronavirus did not
kill new york city i’ve been saying that
it’s not anarchy in the streets
but boy oh boy was i [ __ ] wrong if
rick moranis
can’t safely walk down central park west
without getting his [ __ ] head caved
then what are we doing here it’s rick
moranis folks i know a lot of you are so
young you probably even know who he is
let me tell you something he’s the most
pure gentle soul
that has ever been in front of a camera
we’re talking about wayne zielinski from
honey i shrunk the kids we’re talking
about coach danny o’shea
the man who invented the annexation of
puerto rico we’re talking about lewis
from ghostbusters
help the gang thanks for watching
marshmallow we’re talking about dark
from space balls that man needs to be
protected at all costs yeah he’s the
quintessential prototypical nerd
with a good heart a comb over and those
spec he forgot to add the mckinsey
brothers man
mcginty birthday doesn’t want any part
of the spotlight
he just wants to live out his life in
happiness and anonymity
knowing that he brought joy to millions
of people with
dozens of iconic movie roles and he
finally comes out of hiding
because he’s doing a reboot for honey i
shrunk the kids and what happens to him
[ __ ] random act of violence it ain’t
it ain’t right there’s no justice in
this world there’s no karma
because rick moranis you should be sure
that the best life of all he should have
everything good come his way
the best the universe has to offer
should come rick moran’s way instead is
[ __ ] scumbag perfectly no ironically
oh yeah and the kid is black notice like
the person’s race wasn’t mentioned
in the i heart new york shirt just punch
let’s flip the races around this
would be like a major story like right
after trump getting coveted
or the nba finals
yeah let’s see some more reactions to i
mean i mean what do y’all think of
rick moran’s getting knocked out let me
hear in the comments from the people
yeah man like he’s like the least likely
dude man look at him man
the guy is just a nerd man
this is random as hell
i mean but the thing is like a lot of
these i mean i mean rick moran’s is
and there’s been a lot of random attacks
against jewish folks in new york
mostly done by black people but the
media is not highlighting this at all
i mean pretty much like they don’t want
to make um black folks look back you
know i’m saying like um yeah
we got uh we got an epidemic
on um jewish anti-semitic vines in new
york city but
they’re not gonna mention the race of
the people mainly doing the attacking
because it is mostly black people
yes we’re very anti-zionist
and yeah i mean that that type of red
that type of
rhetoric i mean it’s like a mentality
leads to just random attacks with like
old uh jewish folk like uh rick moranis
take a look take a look at this he’s
minding his own business
bam randomly knocked
out damn what damn
that’s monstrous man like no empathy
just something that’s a sociopath right
there man
dude has no empathy and i guarantee you
this is this i mean
you can’t guarantee this is a white guy
this would be a hate crime to be honest
with you but the thing
is like he attacked him because
he sees him as a privileged
old white male or probably like a
privileged zionist i mean that’s that’s
the way
he’s seen from his perspective so like
he pretty much doesn’t care i mean if
this was a black guy he wouldn’t do
he wouldn’t attack them it was all
because of like
yeah rick moran’s race man it’s simply a
it’s simply i mean i mean it’s simply a
hate crime
and as you see like it’s part of a trend
bill de blasio once saw
yeah man he’s like the most like
unlikely dude
i mean look at this twitter when they
hear trump got coveted twitter when they
hear someone punch rick moranis
pretty much can you imagine this guy
right now this coward assault man what’s
wrong with you
a sucker punched by a stranger
yeah new york police
see notice the race is not mentioned the
media doesn’t want to bring it up
because i mean a lot of folks will be
shouting racism you know what i’m saying
oh whatever
that’s a funny tweet i don’t know you
suck upon rick miranda’s but you better
hope the new york pd finder asks for i
this baseball talent
this is maginal’s bill murray we were
against black lives against black folks
as a black dude man we do i mean we do
that i mean the thing is us black folks
do let black
black lives matter off the hook way too
much man
i mean we do man we have a really strong
racial bias the thing is anybody that
calls it out
would be seen as like uncle tom uncle
ruckus or [ __ ] but there’s some emphasis
where like wrong is wrong and
that’s clearly wrong
oh yeah let’s and let’s see if they
let’s see if black lives matter is
because to be real few a lot of i mean a
lot of this
random attack is a i mean
i mean a lot of the rhetoric could be
like yeah exactly a lot of red for black
lives matter
could be a catalyst to this random
attack i mean seriously
they constantly hating envy of white
people caused the attack i mean because
the thing is like
that kid just saw a privileged white man
that’s all he saw and look at it look at
this deflection take a seat boris
the russian program that black got a
bunch of old man from this that’s
literally nothing see look at this
this guy is deflecting
where’s the black light are you coming
how you turn this political see you see
you see how reflective they are
see how defensive they get you might not
admit it but you know what to be true is
that the case
oh man just i’m gonna call this dude out
just deflect deflect the fleck day
i’m gonna put this dude on blast
you know damn you know damn well
you know damn real the rhetoric caused
be intellectually honest
no intellectual honesty at all
i can’t i can’t stand it i mean i can’t
stand the intellectual dishonesty
but yeah i’m gonna put this dude on
blast just deflect ain’t no damn really
you know damn real the rhetoric cause
you know damn well see they i mean folks
need to be called out for that crap man
it’s all deflection i mean the thing is
all these folks would do was like
deflect deflect deflect and not have any
responsibility that’s the thing like
they don’t want any responsibility for
but what happened to rick moran’s was an
absolute hate crime
it was thank you to the one person that
saw this like
i mean yeah we all look at this take so
you think black people can’t be racist
rick moran’s oh i ain’t playing regular
punch in the face in the hate crime
i mean i mean if you look at it
objectively it is
what a real tough guy is
see look at this person deflected how
are you coming at the conclusion
wrong place that zone i don’t know
i’m responding cut the bs
cut the bs
cut the bs
i’m gonna say cut the bs he saw a pretty
i’m gonna call her out on this
he saw a privileged white male
cut the bscc
oh no man i’m tired of bs man
the races were the other way around you
be outraged
cut the bs
see it’s confirmation bias
[Laughter] oh man i love making these people play d
i love making folks play defense man
i mean the thing is a lot of these folks
can’t play defense very well they just
block you
or they’ll like say like oh you’re a
truster for oh yeah yeah i don’t have to
listen to you
it’s just a deflection tattoo you know
saying they don’t want to argue with it
they’ll just label you and run away
that’s that’s all it is really
this is a hate crime man let’s see uh
i’ll show you uh
let’s see chris evans reaction and then
i’m going to move on after that
to uh move on after that to the boogie
18 isn’t it oh yeah chris
evans let’s see what captain america
look at this my blood is boiling
find this man you don’t touch rick
oh he’s gonna be in for a hell of a
funny and no one bashing on him and
disturbs people’s emotions
um kids saw a white male he wouldn’t do
it to a black singer
yeah release the criminals yeah yep a
lot of this to blame
is bill de blasio i mean he’s one of the
mayors in the country i mean he’s like
that guy from portland ted wheeler and
eric garcetti man those three
are the worst mayors in the u.s
and they’re all in you know democratic
cities they’re all
seemingly very progressive and i mean de
blasio is a straight-up marxist i mean
the dude is a sandinista
he’s a he’s a comedy i mean he’s a
straight commie i mean there’s no
instance of us about bill de blasio he
is the real thing you know it seems like
he’s the real thing but yeah let’s move
on from that and talk about
uh boogie2988 you know saying uh
got into a real life incident
with uh frank hassell i think frank
castle was a
he’s kind of an internet troll he’s got
an internet show who’s always on kill
stream i recommend watching killsteam by
the way
but yeah like boogie yeah yeah
man like youtube drama got taken
to real life and this is frank castle
he went to boogie2988 house and fruit
and boogie pulled the strap out
yeah check this video out
hey guys i guess i should make a video
about this i need to be very careful
about what i say here because this is
now a
criminal investigation but i’m currently
trending on twitter because
i had a stalker come to my home today
long story short several months ago this
guy decided that it was
his decision to start stalking me and
harassing me
um threatening me mentally physically
threatening to come to my home
threatening to harm me when he did
uh unfortunately yeah yeah heard it yeah
that’s just though man that’s so
dope he went from youtube and started
taking like um
cosplaying youtube like taking uh
cleveland’s voice
being cleveland’s voice actor now that’s
pretty awesome um
i heard that story made it abundantly
clear to him and anyone else that would
that he was not welcome in my home that
because of his previous threats that i
pull a gun on him and today he just
moved up
open fire open fire
where’s bogey’s voice
you’re a fat [ __ ] you won’t even open
the door
and then what you’re going to shoot me
that’s some weird crap man
i mean we have a weird generation now
you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] dude
there’s more footage than that i can’t
show it to you oh come on buggy you
coward man yeah boogie didn’t want the
video taken down but yeah i’ll find you
i fight i’ll find out the video of
boogie2918 uh
holding a weapon at frank castle frank
yeah man like everybody’s in the wrong
here man
like i mean no no not everybody’s wrong
i mean i mean the thing is if someone
comes to my property
i i distract too man like i mean
i mean what frank house is doing was
harassment man like he went straight to
like buggy 298’s
house to harass him i mean if you’re i
mean someone’s on my property man i have
to strap ready
where is up on the video where’s the
hell’s this video
boogie we see saw you got some memes
can’t wait for
shh oh man
boogie all right i gotta gotta redo this
it’s all memes
frank castle is a kind of uh
yes i see i see the point of frank
oh man come on i gotta [ __ ] find this
damn you two take these videos down
i’m tired man no no i didn’t take down
oh so this is so all this drama okay
let’s see how the drama started i’m
tired of being a vic i’m tired of people
victimizing me man i’m getting fired
come on see the thing about boogie is
man he’s very slinky man
he always acts like he’s the victim
but the thing is like a lot of the drama
like that’s having the boogie
he starts he always yeah
bucky’s been poking tonight have been
playing a victim game for years man
it gets so annoying i mean the dudes
like lost
a lot of his audience man but yeah
here’s the
keemstar’s uh pov on this
[ __ ] all right i just got off the
phone with boogie it was in fact
frank hassell according to boogie that
showed up to his property he wasn’t at
the street
he was on his property in front of the
boogie says he has footage of frank
showing up to his door
also frank had a gopro on his head so
frank has
footage of boogie boogie grabbed his gun
according to boogie
he fired a warning shot in the air that
frank needs to leave
frank just warning him and uh eventually
eventually did leave and now boogie is
on the phone with the police following a
a police report on yeah
yeah man if anybody i mean if anyone
comes and comes
anyone comes to my house and when it
comes to my property harassing me yeah
i damn sure have a gun too but let’s see
the full footage of uh
boogie and frank i’m trying to find it
oh yeah he said that
yeah let’s see here all right let’s see
let’s see the video
i’m trying to find it somewhere
technical difficulties yeah
i don’t know what [ __ ] i mean for the
three people that are watching man what
do you think what’s your take about the
all right let’s see this video oh let’s
see uh frank castles oh god they removed
the video
damn they removed it all right let’s see
this is the
this is the boogie 298 boogie holding
the gun
wow that’s wild
and he’s really fired it though
damn that’s kind of dated man that whole
situation man was
dangerous bro that’s like super
man come on yeah yeah super
st yeah and this dude calls it hilarious
i wouldn’t i want to say it’s hilarious
but yeah here’s uh here’s a frank castle
on uh the kids what are you doing frank
out okay
you show up man i’m not gonna hurt you
you understand that i’m not i’m a pastor
so i’m not gonna hurt nobody
you do whatever you wanna [ __ ] do
frankie you wanna come out here and play
we’ll play that i don’t give a [ __ ] man
what will you do if frank house who
walks up to you in poland
take him out to dinner man you probably
start [ __ ] crying or call the cops
she seems like a [ __ ] [ __ ] i mean
ah man let’s go i’m gonna go back to
this let’s hear that again
let’s hear that again let’s hear that
again what will you do if frank houser
walks up to you in public
take him out to dinner man you probably
start [ __ ] crying or call the cops
she seems like a [ __ ] [ __ ] i mean don’t give me it’s like a you’re
like a professional victim bro you’re
not going to do anything there is a real
there is a real chance you’re going to
call the [ __ ] manager and you’re
going to wallow away
yeah that’s what he basically did
he basically called the cops on frank
while uh having to uh point a gun at him
just just another youtube beef that just
too damn real man
man i mean we’re in a society nowadays
man we’re just like internet beef just
turns into real life beef man like like
rappers man like
i don’t know what to say man this is
just ridiculous man it’s just
words on the internet man and people
just take it too hard too much
and then boogie man he always asks like
the perennial
victim man he always acts like he’s a
yeah exactly that’s the thing about
boogie man like he loves
playing the victim
yeah that’s what he always does man
because he he loves the drama
because it gives him the attention like
oh poor boogie man
he got arrested by frank hassel you have
frank castle come to your house
seriously man he always does this cr
he’s been doing his crap for i don’t
know how long bug has been
been doing this crap well let’s see if i
can let’s see if i can find a full video
here hey this panty ass
finding this thing hey guys how’s it
so i’ve uh been kind of lightly
following this for a little while
with the whole boogie versus frank
castle thing i guess they’re still
feuding well i don’t know man i’ve got
find a full video somewhere
let’s see let’s see if i can get the
full video
i’m trying to find a fake cassette oh
there you go this is the
frank castle feed of uh the
boogie you fat [ __ ] this guy’s about to kill somebody that’s
like yeah it looks like frank castle
wasn’t invited to dinner
this guy’s about to kill somebody right
in front of you
look at that look how scared boogie
looks holding that gun man
look at this [ __ ] this dude is not
this dude is not a fighter man he’s not
a fighter at all
look at the fear in his face man he’s
he’s like it’s like desperation man why
won’t you leave me alone man
don’t make me do this man don’t make me
shoot you
that’s the way i see buggy’s body
language i don’t care if i die as long
as you do
recently frank’s channel has been banned
off of youtube
and he is blaming boogie298 for it it’s
not even necessarily about that really i
just think it’s funny
this is not funny tonight let’s let’s
see here
oh my god is this real is this guy going
to kill me
yeah he’s here to look at the air
is this what i have you’re a [ __ ] in
about 30 seconds i’m going to fire a
fire it now fire the warning shotgun
frank castle knows but he’s a [ __ ] man
that’s why he’s like darren boogie to
shoot him but
he didn’t die as long as you know he
knew dude he’s dead on my [ __ ] warrant
sitting home in a [ __ ] body bag when
i [ __ ] bury you i will
[ __ ] end you knock [ __ ] because i’m going to [ __ ] kill you
and take pleasure doing it
once you rewind
let’s see what is this bother me the
least intimidating face anyone’s ever
made one falling good
yeah he looks look at his face man
buggy looks totally petrified holding
the gun
man it’s like the dude is not ready man
he’s not ready for that action
he he always plays that game man he
needs that game
so he can get attention he needs i mean
he needs it he needs the attention he’s
a tissue [ __ ] he’s a total attention horror which were
twitching and they were in blood spots
you know oh is that that oh sorry i
think yeah then there’s something wrong
with my uh
feed in the background like um skip
frames so
you don’t really see the video but yeah
yeah i got really bad technical
yeah yeah only special art boogie
boogie’s finally getting attention after
long ass time man like
this is attention he’s been craving for
the last couple of years
especially with all like the all the
other weight loss stuff you’ve been
doing you know saying like even on
social media stuff
showing off his like weight loss and all
that stuff but when we see the video
you see he lost a lot of weight but he’s
still overweight
yeah but yeah since you guys can’t
really see anything i’m about to
shut off this live stream in uh in about
a minute
so yeah man it’s just been a very wild
week on the internet especially with our
president being sick with kovid in
the hospital right now so uh well
might upload

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