Crazy & Dangerous EP 53 Rick Moranis ATTACKED!!! As Seen On

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Crazy & Dangerous EP 53 Rick Moranis ATTACKED!!!

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My new birthday, subway bread, Matrix 4, & stalkers.
up what’s up just testing the mic that’s
all i’m doing
what’s up everybody what’s up what’s up
what’s up hopefully everybody gets their
notifications they’re supposed to get
yeah let’s see
oh i got mine so it works
i just got my notification just now so
it works
we don’t know if you guys are doing what
we’re telling you you have to click
on the right click on the [ __ ] belt
and the bell you have to click i just
got my notifications
yeah two people did as well you have two
people that as well we have to remember
that not everybody that chats
is here right some people just watch
just watch yeah you know what i’m saying
what’s up pathfinder what’s up pat find
the blue arrow what’s up
see you click the bell but nothing no
then how did you how did you i mean
would you have us on 24 7 waiting for us
to appear
how did you get notified then that
finder how did you did you press the
he got his notifications what i’m saying
how did he how is that he getting me
but how did the one that did it how did
blue arrow still know that we’re on
unless he has the damn computer on to
our channel 24 7.
that makes no sense to me anyway
before we get the show started i gotta
let him know
of the little controversy that happened
the other day on my chest go to settings
go to notifications select the option
for subscription activities
and boom that’s it yeah and also
catching up
oh yeah oh okay well everybody follow
anybody who wants to get notified from
now on follow us
it’s just saying yeah follow what
pathfinder x just said
the other day good old han solo
started getting on my nerves okay i
wasn’t drunk
i had just matter of fact i just cracked
open a beer
he kept i tried to explain to him that
not to be telling us or rather telling
me on my show
i’m here too i didn’t want to do it in
here what we’re supposed to talk about
okay you see what i’m saying i go
i decide see like this
like on this channel right we decide
yeah and i’m sorry if you feel that
you’re being helpful i understand you’re
trying to be helpful
but it gets annoying after i told you a
billion times
10 20 times 30 times i’m telling you
this not to do it
and he kept on doing it so i took away
his moderator status
then he got blunt hurt
called me a name okay and then i clicked
them off
now it’s possible he’ll i told him not
i told him he’s not welcomed here either
yeah but it’s possible
yeah he’ll show up so you know you
decide what you want to do if that
okay but but for me i’m done with them
uh uh uh i’ll get to that topic in the
morning i’m sick of this [ __ ] yeah all right okay so wait a minute i
got to know this
blue said he had to click on i had to
click on my subscription to see that
you’re live i got lucky
okay all right well thank you for the
explanation but yes follow
pathfinder yeah follow all that nonsense
what he said yeah because apparently
youtube is doing this
to a lot of people including me
i gotta know [ __ ] sorry rick moranis you
weren’t gonna be the number one story
but this is more important
subway what the [ __ ] is going on with
subway bread
what do you don’t tell me some nasty
[ __ ] i’m disgusting
i’ve been eating there for a long damn
i gotta know what the [ __ ] i was eating
all right
ireland’s supreme court oh boy
has ruled that bread sold by subway
contains so much sugar that it cannot be
legally defined as bread oh but only
over there
no all of them
see i always thought there was something
funny tasting about their bread
they made that bread yeah they make
their own they didn’t get it from no
there was no dispute that the bread
supplied by subway and its heated
sandwiches had a sugar content
of 10 of the weight of the flower
included in the dough which means it’s
more than 0.2 percent
than what they’re seeing okay so they’re
but isn’t the whole point of a subway
sub is to help
uh lower your weight yeah they put a ton
of sugar in it
that’s why they’re saying they can’t say
that it’s brick that legally cannot
be called bread come over here
come over here say you just i’m gonna
close my eyes right
no no no close your eyes just put you
and move your head over here
i’m gonna pretend you’re jared from
[Laughter] so all this time especially and i’ve
slowed down
since the pandemic i’m gonna ask if you
ate from there but last year i was going
in there
at least once a week i’m so glad i don’t
eat at some point
but i was eating a lot of the reps but
what about the reps is that bad too
oh this they don’t say nothing about the
rats this is the holy [ __ ] in terms of weight sugar is not a
still saving calories from right
now speaking of weight
believe it or not this shirt
is only 2x
and he knows i used to have to get 3x or
bigger yeah
look at that now you know it’s been a
while you know
so um it’s usually 2x back in the day
right right you know i’m saying but now
loose on me i can move
i just got to break it in you know how
shirts feel funny yeah yeah yeah but
look at that yeah
this man had an entire argument with me
like two days ago about a sweater about
my size and sweaters
i don’t know well unfortunately buddy oh
i will literally see it drive your house
burn it on your front step well i’m
going to give it to you in front of you
in front of your eyes then okay but i
did get an excel sorry
you have to deal with that okay i’m done
with excel is way too big
because i’m paranoid it’s gonna shrink
but so i’m not paranoid that mine’s not
gonna shrink because i’m not polyester
what if if you don’t want it after the
fact that i can keep it
there’s a nice one
that you have to wait for so you might
want to stay away from someone
oh well yeah now that you’re telling me
that i mean i just
get in the jesus christ just keep
getting the wraps
let’s keep the wraps that’s it like i
said they don’t say nothing about the
the bread i always thought i mean that
is interesting i always thought there
was something about the bread that was
you read that [ __ ] but i couldn’t hear
it i haven’t been on this channel as
long as the other members but i’m happy
to moderate for this channel
i get the flow with your contact i used
to be thr i changed my name
okay oh yeah i remember thr all right so
uh with
tatolini’s permission i’m putting it
right here
and add moderator okay blue arrow you
are now a modern moderator now
and real quick i’ll give you basically
the same breakdown i gave the new guy
um you know people anybody getting there
and stupid
insulting talking [ __ ] get them out yeah
you have the power now to kick them the
[ __ ] out
wow man subway that’s really
disappointing man
i’m not glad i don’t need something i
believe this subs are mostly all bread
remember the the mcdonald’s debacle some
years ago
it was they had a new commercial
nuggets now it was white meat oh yeah
yeah and we were like
what what meat were we eating before
now it’s 100 white meat yeah
well so what was half of it before yeah
i’m telling you man i’m glad you’re
enjoying our show with pass finders yeah
yeah yeah
what the [ __ ] now 100 white meat we
couldn’t believe it
and they were posting about it in the
commercials i would we questioned it
we’re like what the first time i heard
that commercial was the first thing that
popped in my head yeah what the hell
what the [ __ ] now i was 100 with the
rest silicon
that’s it funny as hell
hey ultimate what up ultimate was there
when i had to get rid of
han solo so he knows all about it
i love the rabbit hole on youtube
where you know you’re watching a video
and [ __ ] and you don’t mean to
but one video leads to another video
and then you discover some [ __ ] that you
didn’t know about
right now without getting any [ __ ] details with some complicated [ __ ] i
wrecked my brain
to get to this information all right
to [ __ ] [ __ ] work it out the way
it works out
so make this long story short
the calendar that we use now in today’s
or at least here in the west is called
the gregorian calendar yeah
and we’re basically and this is crazy
okay basically what happened
the powers that be started taking days
well first off first they took a whole
year of the original calendar out
i’m not sure what the name is i don’t
think i found a name
okay to get the 12 months now if that
wasn’t bad enough
they started adding days and taking
they take taking days away from certain
months that had only particular days
and putting them on other months
along with changing the name
specifically of two months
to name it after their caesars julius
caesar that’s where we get july
and augustus and we get august
okay so i
so with the information i was given on
i broke it down i used
the month the original uh calendar the
way things were
with with the year back in there with
the 13th year back in there
with the days the way they were normally
and all that
what month is this
in the original calendar that was being
used before they change it to gregorian
this is december
the first month of the year back in the
before they change [ __ ] is march
how’s was about to say yeah the next
why you might be thinking why well some
technical [ __ ] had to do with what’s
called the equinox
that’s why spring happened they start
getting hot again starts getting warm
they were going by back then they were
going by the sun yeah and there’s
you see what i’m saying
so following the guy what he said
on the youtube channel on the uh the the
video i see
i was actually born on april
28th going by the original way the
calendars used to be
okay um i’ll show you the video
afterwards just to have for
um but um oh yeah and supposedly
that would make me a tourist now but i
don’t agree i am a tourist i don’t think
i’m a tourist i still think i’m a
but that’s a whole different topic so
after doing that i said to myself what
could possibly be the
reason that they changed it
now we know the power is that b there’s
only one answer
you know what come on thing simple
no no i know the powers that be beyond
them i mean the people that have the
power tattoo
okay i almost said the word
why would they change [ __ ] control control
i don’t know why but it’s strange it’s
it’s almost as if now
things are getting back to the way they
please just let me notice how
lately they’re combining christmas and
you mean in the stores in everything in
the stores in the movie
nightmare before christmas it’s kind of
cool now you know what i’m saying some
it’s really strange what’s going on well
i’ve noticed
around this time you go to sam’s club or
anything like that
and you’ll get halloween
thanksgiving oh yeah all mixed in that’s
all rolled up into one all right
i think there’s something to it i think
it’s part of controlling us
okay oh one more little detail so
going using the gregorian calendar what
i’m going to call the false calendar
the false i think
i would have been born on february it
says i was born on february 25th
right now check this out using the old
we’re in december now yeah next month is
actually january
january not november right
well you right december becomes february
okay and then that would make but
go back to february february
jesus was born on february 25th not me
jesus was born on february 25th that
will make it where december is now
because he didn’t say changed the
numbers this was about the months the
month yeah you see i’m saying so
technically jesus was really born on
february 25th
whatever year that was back in the day
but i don’t know i i i
find that [ __ ] interesting because i
like discovering [ __ ] yeah yeah you know and it’s not going to
change nothing
it’s interesting information ain’t going
to change it but ain’t going to change
it no but it’s interesting to know yeah
and i really really want to get in
research and you know check it out
yeah because i know it has to do with
the control i just have to figure out
why do what they want us to follow
because the holidays all come from them
that they kept yeah all the pagan
holidays yeah
and then they combined the pagan
holidays of the winter with jesus’s
birth yeah
they mixed it all together and [ __ ] you
know what i’m saying so
it just has to be a reason why they want
to keep us dumb because we know they
want to keep us done
so i always thought
that about i always try to figure out
what kind of game or control do they
when changing the time oh you mean the
uh the
daylight say united states did that
happen yet because
back in the day they said back in the
day they did it for farmers
yeah but if you researched back in the
day the farmers themselves didn’t want
they didn’t want it either the
government still did it
and it still happens today so kelly
let’s just get out of it what do they
get out of that there’s something
there is something yeah there is
something going on there is some
[ __ ] going on now the um
i heard one preacher and he’s getting
dead now but on one of his videos
uh that he used to do in uh conferences
and [ __ ] he said that uh they’re trying to fool
men on earth are trying to fool god
you know saying they’re trying to be god
and they’re trying to fool
everybody from worshiping the real
living god
yeah i don’t know if that’s true i just
thrown that out there you know what i’m
you know i do believe that there are
people in control actually
and i’m talking about the head what the
i’m talking about the people you’ll
never find out you’ll never know their
nothing the people that really want [ __ ] yeah i know for a fact
that they believe they have divine blood
you remember the da vinci code yeah well
that’s supposedly the people that he
ended up helping
yeah all right the people that yeah
they’re the illuminati right
so tom hanks damn tom hanks yeah you
actually if you look at the movie
that’s the bloodline of jesus these
people are using that
and say that they are related to jesus
and that makes that’s the reason they
can move
is it one of them the the lady yes the
lady that was with him yeah
ended up being a child or the
of jesus or descendant of jesus
descendant and then that group
was there to protect him yeah but if i’m
correct if i remember correctly they’re
also family members they’re related
yeah so that’s a good movie a lot of
people are sleeping
i got all three did you see the third
one ever
i think it’s called inferno i think i
it’s really good it’s going to plague
like what’s going on now well plague is
somebody’s about to release a play and
kill everybody and some
some lady had um the premonition of it
and it’s him basically trying to stop it
from happening
but it’s a i like those da vinci code
movies i’ve never read the books but the
movies are good
no i like the movies oh
let me see what’s right let’s get to
what we were supposed to talk about
first okay yeah forgot sorry you got all
scared about the bread
and sorry rick rick moranis rick
moranis new york
this man don’t bother nobody man came
out of
retirement just the other day and pop
he gets attacked and he sucks in new
now you know me i’m very skeptical about
these sort of things
but let’s just for the sake of argument
say that this actually happened
okay that it was rick moranis that got
or knocked out think about that [ __ ] but why pick him that might not bother
why now
what i told dr leaning before we started
getting it before we streamed started
it’s got to be one or two things as far
as i’m concerned
either that dude knew
who is that he was attacking
or it was a complete what they call um
random act of violence and once i’ve
seen the picture
the clear picture of the dude that did
it everything
made sense black lives matter you
see now i’m not blaming all
black lives matter but you see this is
you got such a bad reputation right now
because you got the one or two that do
it the wrong way
exactly exactly now is it possible
even though i can’t see it but is it
possible that rick moran is
saying the n-word and the guy
ran up to him i don’t know i’m just
looking i’m playing devil’s advocate
anything is possible no but i don’t
think works like that
you know you don’t really know people he
actually stopped that thing i believe
because his wife died
yeah supposedly yeah and uh he didn’t
want his kids
him always you know acting and then
and [ __ ] and not being around his kids
and that’s why he did it that’s why he
left it
well now that they’re growing up i guess
you know new ghostbusters who’s gonna
come up with timing
now he did a commercial with the the
deadpool yeah the deadpool dude
for a bank or something just last month
it was it appeared
so he’s trying to get back in and make
some money and [ __ ] yeah and then this
idiot just came out of nowhere
but i will say this i will just this
doesn’t help
any of the protesting examiner this
doesn’t help it
i will say this
and now that i they have that clear ass
picture of the dude
guarantee is gonna happen
once he has been arrested well if they
have the clear picture i need to do the
oh no no that’s my camera the idiot must
have walked
and another camera working cause he
wanted the same damn
[Music] either him when he was going over or
never he’ll be arrested soon he’s gonna
get arrested
and i want the fullest extent
of the law yeah convicted
i don’t care why he did it
i don’t care for the [ __ ] out of the
or he blaming rick moranis for
ghostbusters too
i don’t give a [ __ ] all right
and i like those busters too you know
just something you know i didn’t like it
when i first seen it but i began i
grew to love it you know you know you
have to like what you get you know what
you’re doing
what they get the mom say you get what
you get you get upset right i’m at that
point i’m a child again
but anyway fullest extent of the long
electric chair i know it ain’t gonna
happen yeah he’s gonna do some time
but he should do some hard [ __ ] timing what’s that prison in new york is
that still open
rikers is that the one
right the one that tupac went through
what was that one
i think it is okay we’ll send them there
send them and i hope i hope
there are a lot of ghostbusters fans in
the prison
doing time and i hope they have their
way with this mother’s
effort we’ll try to keep the show clean
because they’re not for kids
right youtube
rikers island okay thank you yeah right
angels and demons that’s the one very
so that’s all i gotta say about the rick
moranis you have anything to add
no just
out of all the [ __ ] people in the
world that’s the person you go ahead
of all the people
all right got something else
oh there’s a quick thing about matrix
oh yes the matrix four two
actors are not coming back you see you
showed up
you see the pathfinder
as your duty this is your first one
get rid of this idiot han solo
pass uh here we go do your job pass
finder come on pass finder you’re taking
too much time
patch finder he’s not the first he’s not
doing what you call it
oh blue arrow where did you vote
there you go sorry your butt got
hurt first i remove you as moderator
and now i hide you from the channel
there you go blue arrow
you better be taking a mad [ __ ] you his first day on the job is what the
[ __ ] imagine if i made him a bodyguard
i gotta go the hell
exactly a keyboard tough guy
yeah that’s what it is blue arrow what
happened yeah he was supposed to take
him out
and it would have been great it would
have been your first job
i would have had more respect for you
well does he know how to do it do you
know how
look you go to the little dots right go
to the little dots
and then that gives you all the the the
dots next to the name of the person
you’re going to delete
and then you decide to put them in
timeout remove
them hide them yeah that’s you know
you should have told me i would explain
that [ __ ] in the beginning
all right all right matrix four there’s
two actors that are not coming back
all right can i guess first yeah
lawrence fishburn
at all that’s what i mean that means
he’s not there no they’re they’re
telling me two people that aren’t coming
back and one that is
okay he’s not on the street the girl
uh trinity carrie and uh yeah she’s
coming back
oh she is yeah okay i know who
but he might have died in the movie the
first one the ball-headed guy the
who made deals with uh agent smith
he’s italian um oh baby uh joe
pantolo that’s it uh he’s not coming
back okay
he didn’t die though right that’s why he
died or something well they just said
he’s not coming back okay and the second
one damn who could it be
isn’t it i guess but he died in the
who else could it be whoever it is is
insignificant because those are the main
main points you go oh agent smith
he’s not coming back duh duh he gets
busy coming back
the joe one is good i guess that but of
course agent smith ain’t coming back he
was a [ __ ] program right they destroyed it right
you see them one of your favorite movies
yeah but i mean
they can remake the program and bring
them back
you know he also did the agent smith the
voice of megatron in those transformer
moves dude
yeah and for some reason you kept on
doing it but he said just like doing it
he was only like for cash or whatever
it’s funny though because before that
transformers movies began
after i watched the matrix i always
thought that he
should have did megatron and then he
actually did it
and before they brought the old optimus
voice back
i thought it was going to be george
clooney doing the voice of optics
which i think i would like that too i
don’t know about that yeah
would be cool i think really
i mean at some point you’re gonna have
to get somebody else right that means
like what 80 90 yeah that just gonna die
so i don’t know what’s gonna happen
um okay so what was the reason
that’s it that’s the big deal right
there yeah
she’s coming back so but suppose
did they mention lawrence fishman
because he’s up there in age 2. he’s
real fat so
he looks like what’s his name that’s the
voice of darth vader
oh yeah yeah um i don’t know but
i’m gonna tell you honestly he’s a big
fan uh
and i own all the movies i got another
so i do own the damn matrix but i’m not
real fan of the first one um
i think that the other the next two are
a little better they were a little
um and i love the animatrix i don’t know
if you’ve ever seen that i’ve never seen
that was real good because i showed you
the origin
of how the machines took over and [ __ ] that was real good um so
what more can be done dr i mean i know
you don’t care
and me neither i really don’t care but
what more
what i mean i think they told us
you know i mean they’re like part four
what is it about
yeah what are you doing now because
everybody’s happy now right
that zion has anybody you read anything
oh no i’m in the dark oh i do know
that the two guys who made the brothers
who made the movies the original ones
are now women
they are transgendered go for them both
of them first one of them did it
and looks like the other ones hey that’s
i mean they can afford it with all the
money they need all the money they got
you know saying they chopped it off
they’re not there they’re not really
i don’t know man something should stay
the way whatever whatever you want
whatever you want to do whatever floats
your boat i’m just giving out
information that’s all i’m doing
all right so what do you say you think
that they can come up with something
oh i don’t know what they can come up
with so they do it
i thought everybody i thought it ended
and everything was good
and that’s pretty major though if agent
smith ain’t coming back and it’s
official right
like he was like the main back yeah he
was like the main one
like the who’s gonna what you’re gonna
do now yeah who are you gonna get that’s
gonna beat that
you gotta be badass
unless i’m giving you an idea
unless keanu
somehow returns but instead of being the
savior he’s actually like a john connor
piano’s gonna be in it yeah but that’s
what i’m saying but he died in the other
so i’m saying this resurrected kiana
could be the bad guy
now and also you gotta remember they’re
telling you who’s not gonna be
in it but they’re not telling you who’s
gonna do it but you know piano is in
there for free
yeah he’s doing
that and the other what’s it called
which yeah at the same time ah that
reminds me there’s an
app that you can put on your phone and
you can put your face on john
ah yeah while he’s fighting or shooting
can you put your face on
well we’re talking about film
let me get into um was animatrix before
the movies
it came out and the matrix
came out after the first one i know that
for sure
maybe after the second and third as well
i’m not sure about that
pathfinder got some maybe neo will be in
that’s true that’s true oh do you know
do you know about neo what it means
and then they released then they made a
movie with the jet li
they were trying to rip off the matrix
movies it was called the one
remember with the theaters and that [ __ ] yeah yeah
it was like a wannabe version of matrix
you seen them
yeah have a team yo you’re thinking of
jackie chan
no no jet li you sure
yeah jackie chan hold his [ __ ] oh no i don’t get little holds in the
jacket all right let me
let me look you gotta be a picture of me
[Music] oh you mean this guy no it should still
be because i didn’t
i don’t i
that’s him that’s him
are you sure not that granddad that’s
what that’s how old he is bro
no way
you know what that means that means that
he when we remember him and what the he
was known as hell
he must have already been like 45 50.
yeah he might have been in his 2050s
[ __ ] if that’s him now well he could
also have a sickness you don’t know
that’s what i think that he’s sick
keeping it hush and they’re keeping our
look at him young yeah he don’t look at
his 50s
you don’t even look at the [ __ ] 40s
maybe 40s
late 30s maybe let’s see what looper is
saying oh come on that’s all with an
no no it’s not for success for just
forty dollars a month
that’s one thing leigh leianji is one of
the most well-known faces in martial
arts movies
but you probably know him better as jet
li from martial arts movies in the 80s
and 90s up to modern-day franchises
viral the photo which showed that five
foot six star hunched over with short
gray hair and glasses
made him look remarkably older than his
age these relative absence from american
movie streams in recent years
coupled with the implied notion that he
was gravely ill
helped the image to circulate rapidly
a man who had convincingly defended
entire nations on the screen
looked like the sort of person you would
help cross the street fortunately
things aren’t nearly as bad as they
might look while an overactive thyroid
can cause drastic changes in one’s
weight and breast and heart rate
it’s a treatable condition while the
disease has required lead to change up
his lifestyle it’s reportedly never
threatened his life
as his manager told the washington post
he has hyperthyroidism that he’s been
dealing with for almost 10 years
it’s nothing life-threatening and he’s
dealing with it he’s all well
so there you go
man wow
and i know that channel
jackie chan got a hole in his head oh
from my accident
yeah every time you do like
on a show and they’re interviewing them
there you go
and it goes um oh i heard you got a hole
in that he takes the recorder’s
finger and he puts it in there oh [ __ ] he goes there’s a [ __ ] hole in here
oh yeah and he’s broken almost let me
[ __ ] bat
oh yeah i’m sure he’s in sun devils now
hey do me a favor bring me back one of
they’re not too bad i’m just missing
that extra cake
i usually get strawberries but
i had no choice i just didn’t feel like
drinking regular beer today
so what are you guys saying
is mulan a good movie wouldn’t know blue
arrow because i have not seen it yet
hassan what’s up guys been a fan long
fan long time of the podcast i just made
made a youtube account to comment keep
keep up the great work [ __ ] censorship
youtube thank you
thank you mohammed let’s see bro
jet lee’s daughters are fired
you meant fine or it just means the same
really oh you seem like you know we got
a deadly daughter jesus christ
and i gotta see i gotta see me too i’ll
tell you one thing
i did see a picture of um
pacino’s daughter some years ago
the classy yeah elegantly beautiful
italian girl
let me see uh a little jet lag
that legion really yeah
deadly first one
who’s that the girl in mulan
right there
looking at pictures yeah she okay right
so i asked you about this with other
ones did i
ask you this question already have you
ever been with a chinese girl
asian no no would you be interested yeah
so my uh uh what is it my uh
bucket list okay
i got a long bucket list
yeah all right and that one honestly
so is that the girl in mulan
i don’t know that she said no to yale oh
yeah actually that’s what i said but
this one is just shorts here
oh she said no they have to go to
harvard okay no disrespect uh mr lee
one of our uh uh people here they’re the
ones that directed us to look at your
beautiful daughters very beautiful
they’re beautiful all right let me go
leave it there in case i have to look up
all right all righty all righty
yeah that’s not right he’s that he’s
like 57 but he looks 90.
okay we now know that’s because of his
condition yeah i don’t know if you guys
are paying attention to the audio of it
uh he got the thyroid problem yeah
hypertension i think it was
so it’s not life-threatening but it it
messes with your bones and [ __ ] he looked awful yeah all right try to
try to uh have a thyroid thank you thank
this thing’s out real quick
so last night i watched the double
feature on the good old projector
my little cinema i got down there
and i watched uh i don’t know i was
removed for something which
is october yeah so oh no that’s all i’m
gonna be watching this month yeah i’m
not gonna say [ __ ] um
double feature of blair witch project
and um and a movie called the craft
that deals with witches too but yeah
teenage witches that look good
they look good
just a couple of things
if you’ve seen the blair witch they
start losing all hope
you know yeah and like you know they
they’re convinced they’re gonna die one
of the guys actually disappears and [ __ ] yeah
so this is what i gotta say these are
teenagers all right
all right losing all hope they afraid
and [ __ ] and you know they damn horny
you know they have to be in 110 and you
know nobody’s pleasuring themselves
all right well you know and i know they
would have been [ __ ] i don’t give a [ __ ] [ __ ] what is after
if the blair witch i don’t know another
so they’re in the woods they’re scared
of the blair witch
afraid of it because of the story that
they heard about the [ __ ] area right
i’d be more worried about grizzly bears
they remember what that grizzlies did to
that dude
yeah jesus christ [ __ ] a blair witch
all right they weren’t even prepared
then had no guns
at least take one damn gun with you okay
but that answers your question
between the bears the coyote but they
didn’t show no bears or coyotes
bears coyotes wolves
blair witch her cousins and god knows
what else is out there woods
the last thing i’m thinking about is
[ __ ] i want to get the [ __ ] out of here i
should have never came with char in the
first place
bigfoot teenagers are different aliens
plus she’s lucky that she had those two
guys okay because they could have been
[ __ ] they could have raped their ass
and left it for dead
they were friends who would have known
though who would i’m
trying to put some realism into this
movie because i like the movie i like
them i love me too
but i’m just like yeah you know it’s
like when you think about it
it is kind of ridiculous and you know
there were cell phones back okay oh no
no no there were cell phones back in the
early 90s
because i remember they were big as [ __ ] no no i remember people had a
red but not everybody how about a cb
okay toki cb you need a car
no i used to have one in my room i used
to have one i could hear the truck
drivers and everything
yeah walking talking who are you going
walking talking the person standing next
to you
or maybe that’s maybe that’s different
but help a man bro you’re going to the
you’ve never been there before well okay
all you have is and that’s another thing
that’s another thing the map
the guy starts breaking down talking
about he kicked the map
what you had done what did you do with
that man
they started fighting yeah two of them
started fighting because one said that
they gave the other one the man
because they couldn’t find it anymore
yeah they could offend so
at some point later after all the
the other guy says uh sorry it starts
giggling and laughing
and he starts telling them that he
kicked that stupid map because they were
useless they weren’t helping us in
anything what would you have done any
guy they started attacking him they ran
over hitting
oh one more thing that girl had a fat
ass man yeah and they and she knew it
every time they could they showed her
fat ass walking around and [ __ ] oh my gosh i only have seen her one
other thing later
in that steven spielberg um um
miniseries on sci-fi taken
oh i haven’t seen it she ends up i’ve
seen the movies taken but i never
no no no not the liam neeson [ __ ] yeah
you mean yeah you mean the
they made a show no it’s called take it
right but it came out way before that
move it’s about alien abductions
and um there’s a whole generation of
people family
from the beginning to the end of a
family that had to deal with the aliens
abducting them and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the girl from blair witch plays
a bad uh bad girl she plays uh she’s
she’s related to an insane [ __ ] he used to kill people in fbi yeah
really good too they show you from the
beginning they show you roswell
her grand grandfather he was a nut but
he was looking for the cia or fbi
and he was killing people he didn’t want
nobody to know his job was
to keep him quiet and quiet yeah you
know what i’m saying
it’s really good i’ll do you the series
i got it on dvd
um okay so after that oh in the house
one more thing about blair witch
how the house they ended up yeah
so we’re supposed to believe this is
all right no civilization nobody around
but one damn house
and here’s my problem it’s not like a
[ __ ] uh
cabin in the woods or some [ __ ] like
that this place is furnished
had sex it’s the electrical [ __ ] coming
up they had some sort of [ __ ] electricity going through there
i don’t know well i don’t care
i’ll it up too they hadn’t they needed
to go to a place that needed a house
abandoned so they found one and it
wasn’t in the woods where they were
filming so
you know it’s out of you know yeah yeah
that’s all you know
but still i noticed let’s
that’s what i’m here for and i of course
um the craft okay now that’s
a three teenage week yeah four chicks
it’s um the girl with the nice ass
eyes from um um what’s that movie
american history x that guy’s girlfriend
and there’s there’s one
there’s one chick that looked like she
ain’t acting
that [ __ ] crazy little [ __ ] that’s her that one right yeah
you can tell that [ __ ] yeah yeah you
can tell she’s an actor
yes yeah yeah that [ __ ] crazy in a
[ __ ] she wanted to water
for that i think that’s what she wrote
for yeah she was a water boy
oh yeah yeah i heard about it i didn’t
see that movie but i heard about you
within there
that’s her that’s the evil one yeah then
you got the fine ass yeah red-headed
my god what happened to to the crazy
[ __ ] oh yeah they’re all the only one
that was more more successful than them
was the one with the big ass tits that
ended up in the screen
yeah she’s got a big ass tits oh my god
when she got that
surgery done and and oh no the the magic
helped her heal her they start my god
nev campbell’s titties
that’s right left cam and then the the
black girl i don’t
know at all who she is what happened to
her i’m sorry i never seen her
yeah i’ve never seen her again um
oh and the blonde but the blonde was one
of the witches
but she ended up in um
the um the movie of the brady bunch she
played um jan
no not jan the other sister oh okay yeah
um so anyway so you know not much to say
about this movie
somebody says chicks yeah that’s an old
movie yeah yeah it’s like 96 i think
um good looking as hell
you know it’s all right you know it’s
but in one part i don’t know if you
remember this is where i need your brain
in one part of the movie the evil girl
the crazy one they’re talking about and
her mom
find out they’re getting an inheritance
from the guy that she her mom was with
who died of a supposed heart attack yeah
when we all know we were the evil [ __ ] i didn’t yeah
um and the guy comes to tell them
that you know how much
and i know for us this might be a like a
lot but i think about 1996 okay
right 175 thousand dollars
in 1996 is that a lot of money
because they ended up at the [ __ ] condo
in a building the mother bought our own
they were spending money like a
[ __ ] in 96.
really now it’s not considered nothing
to us it is to me and you because we
yeah but so what could you so
okay with 196 will you would you be able
to put a
down payment on a house and you still
have money yeah yeah
really yeah you could do that now
i’ll be able right now to put a down
payment on the house and still have
most of that money really
because i’m when i’m as i’m watching
this like doesn’t sound like it’s a lot
i mean
it’s not a million but you still got
over a hundred thousand sitting in your
bank account
yeah that’s good
you won’t remember all these little
slashers that came out after screams
that were
oh yeah yeah yeah the funny ones i know
what you did last summer
every legend valentine cry wolf
yeah cry roll for [ __ ] uh i know what
you did last summer with all right
cry wolf actually cry wolf that’s the
that’s the movie that started this
[ __ ] trend that i hate to this day
the pg-13 horror yeah just call it what
it is it’s not a horror movie
it’s a thriller okay yeah thrillers are
pg-13 right
okay chrysler is great cry wolfe i
remember because i watched that [ __ ] movie
what the [ __ ] is there a horror film
this is a thrilling
valentine was just bad i went to the
theater to see that garbage
and it was awful uh urban legend was
good the first one
the first one i liked it because you had
that crazy yeah yeah you ended up
actually in real life running over a
you know the vaccine the noxzema girl
yeah man was she beautiful yeah she was
in the first one they should have
continued using it
i don’t know well don’t let me
and that’s the one i didn’t like at all
the last song they were okay but you
could tell they were trying to rip off
the first one was okay
after that i still remember what you did
last summer
and you know you remember two years ago
and remember last week
yeah i think i got those movies
somewhere at home
i think i got him somewhere um but uh
this but you know what that they they
were so bad though that they made fun of
him and scary movie
was that well they were making fun of
all these movies but yeah scary movies
making fun of my home
he doesn’t but uh believe it or not
this guy doesn’t like the screen movies
i love
all the screen rules i got the whole
damn thing i got the whole
and the last one was the for me
was great i watch them i’m just saying
i’m not i don’t love these movies
they’re making a note uh scream where
are they at now
the last one was what four and that took
like 10 years before that was made
yeah so now but here’s the the thing
with this new screen though
that’s worrisome is the guy who created
he directed them all of them and he’s
where’s craven oh yeah what’s crazy
create that
that that that that i think the freddie
dude the grand the creator of freddie
it’s pretty cool
yeah creator freddie yeah he died so
i don’t know who they’re gonna get i
hope they do a good job
but i like the ghost face killer i don’t
know i like
franny i like part one
then i started getting into it
after a while i got stupid i
i go up to three yeah the dream worries
was great
and after that i’m done yeah but i can
watch all of my comments i can watch all
of jesus
the dream master was okay but they were
beating a dead horse
continue continuing the story yeah
and which was the other one the dream
baby we’re talking with them with the
baby well i think that was
i’m confused i like freddie versus jason
that’s why
jason was in it yeah it was all right
and i know that wasn’t the jason we
and even dick i think not a hundred
percent but i think i read
somewhere that they’re coming out with
for that remember at the end of that one
freddie wink yeah his head jason was
holding his head yeah really
so i think they’re coming out with a
part two of that movie you probably read
that like three years ago
yeah yeah probably a long time ago oh
let’s be real about it okay pinhead i
never got it
what ruined freddy okay
and then this is in general ruined
freddy was when they tried to
add too much reality to it and now you
know now he’s a pedophile
that remake yeah
the worst thing that could they did they
could have done all right
you can’t do that people don’t i mean
okay people we know freddie killed
children but now you’re saying that you
messed around with them
you know what i’m saying that’s too much
realism people don’t want that that they
straight away
too far but i know what they were trying
to do
i understand too i understand i know
what they were trying to do
because people were getting sick and
tired because all the movies were saying
[ __ ] go to sleep you die go to sleep you die
go to sleep you die you go to sleep you
they had to okay we gotta figure
something out we gotta
create it then we’re just trying to
recreate but i i enjoyed the
it was sort of like uh no bro i want to
and that’s it i got
tired of that [ __ ] but it was the whole
point was the way you died
in your dreams you died a certain way
and then in reality it looked like
something else
you made it like a suicide or an
accident and [ __ ] um with with that said though i will say
there is a franchise that i really do
want them to
bring back just start from scratch don’t
it doesn’t have to be connected
final destination i love those fights
because that they’re great they found
creative ways
yeah to kill them like that’s what i
want yeah and then and when freddie
they stop being creative yeah well it’s
done for sure now because the guy who
that yeah he did um
bring back final destination you know
that one’s easy you know what i’m saying
you know
and uh oh and keep uh uh candyman is the
yeah cause that’s awesome he’s involved
see when i’m driving go live when i’m
i get behind one of them big-ass trucks
go to them logs yes
i gotta change lanes that’s part two man
i changed lanes i never know that’s
really happening to me
i watched part two for the first time in
this place back in the day yeah
that was awesome those movies are like
yeah they’re great and then in part five
the twist
oh you’re like oh [ __ ] cuz that’s the
last thing on your mind yeah
it shows you that you don’t pay
attention right because if you if
if you watch part five there are
clues to let you know yeah you know
saying that that’s not what you’re
actually right
yeah time and place is different yeah
but you know you’re not paying attention
right yeah you just want to move yeah
and the 3d one we can watch it on this
oh yeah the 3d one
i seen that at your uncle’s house it
just was on tv
i had never watched it before it wasn’t
on 3d though it was just regular we
could watch it on this tv
okay that’s the one with the racetrack
yeah i like that yeah
i got the glasses what about the chucky
movies my favorite is the first child’s
i enjoyed part two to an extent but
after that one the friendship became i
like i’m gonna let him
talk about what’s wrong with chucky go
ahead i like part one
when it first came out like that’s it i
never gave chucky another chance
that little [ __ ] this big
okay and he faked united the dog i’m
gonna pick him up
and throw him so far he’s gonna forget
where i’m at
he’s never coming back bro i’m not like
i’m not gonna die
because that dog jumped on the bed
okay did you see the new version did
i know i didn’t i know i saw one i’ve
never seen another movie
that that’s it i’m talking about the new
one they came out last night no i
haven’t seen any of them either neither
did i i don’t like to
i thought you can explain to me how they
now my daughter’s favorite
is chucky she was this big
i said jackie should be the first one
jumping on the couch okay
like aren’t
and before we change topic i want to say
one more thing about this whole
none of these uh versus movies
okay are never going to be as good as we
want to be no
i don’t know why no it works in the
comic books
it works in the video games but for some
reason in movies
they lose something i don’t know what it
is like when you first see it it’s
awesome because you’re watching two of
your favorite characters five yeah
you know but um the last thing i heard
about that [ __ ] was it was supposed to be michael myers
versus um ash from evil dead
the the guy with the the the the
champion oh yeah i would like to see
michael myers go to this one
yeah i don’t know any
but see that’s still that’s the [ __ ] anybody who goes up against freddie
you’re never going to kill him yeah the
freddie’s in the nightmare yeah
anybody that goes up and uh against
jason you’re never going to kill until
he’s already dead yeah
now michael myers is alive yeah he’s
just crazy
yeah so you can kill him he’s just been
lucky this entire time did you see the
trick the teaser for the new one
you know what you halloween no
um they kinda he
escaped that damn fire how i don’t know
he got lucky [ __ ] no no you know what you know what it is
do you want to see it or should i tell
tell me so okay remember at the very end
all the
the mother the grandmother and the
daughter on the back of the truck
yeah okay and they they go back to they
show that scene again
and this time as they’re driving or what
they’re being driven away yeah
you hear the fire department that you
see the pla the
the the bomberos i’m coming towards the
house going to the house and the run the
different direction
oh [ __ ] i guess they pulled out the fire
before he died yeah
but uh unfortunately it was supposed to
come out this halloween
but because of the pandemic yeah yeah
the only good thing about that is if
there’s anything wrong with the movie
they got more time to work on it
yeah snip something right yeah edit
all right i hope it’s better than the
left i got a question yeah not only for
you for you guys too
a versus movie versus okay
and don’t have to be hard no no i only
got one
who would this person first who would
you want this person to fight
okay right the predator
the predator you guys
who would you like to see the predator
go up against the predator who would you
like to see that’s it
yeah okay pathfinder said robocop
yeah i guess they will be kind of yeah
they’ve been the most
that’s what i know the winner i can say
this one yeah i i i i
i i was watching the tv series today um
terminator ah terminator would win
though the terminator
i think the terminator would win but no
i mean the predator has to be a vehicle
because the terminology oh yeah but wait
a minute he’s a [ __ ] cyborg right
so he can see when the predator does the
camouflage [ __ ] the terminator will be
able to see
yeah sherman is always looking at red
now you gotta see something
he’s gonna say he signature or something
but both
but the book like the tournament is
gonna be accurate so
the predator he got that little thing
over here yeah yeah the the the
advantage the predator will have
now terminator wouldn’t be able to fight
an alien because even after it kills him
it would then kill him
there’s no way that acid for blood ain’t
gonna [ __ ] burn down the terminator
it’s gonna hurt
oh yeah yeah yes that’s because i’m far
away yeah that was
the problem the damn predator was having
with the [ __ ] alien because even when
you kill him you have to get rid of the
[ __ ] the [ __ ] acid predator versus batman
oh that was a comic book they actually
showed it oh didn’t it yeah and i i i
don’t remember but i think that
obviously batman of course they have to
oh yeah either that either he won or it
was like um
like a thai [ __ ] and the alien game
batman some props i would give it i
would say ty
because in the movie that’s what they do
they also had one
somebody actually did it there’s a video
of it
like a fan made video batman versus
and that’s what i remember of that video
was pretty good
they gave you know they they showed
reasons why batman would win
advantages wolverine would have you know
saying so i saw a video
that would be awesome batman versus
wolverine movie i saw i saw a video of
the hulk fighting superman no i seen
that too that was like a cgi
yeah yeah yeah yeah it was cool to see
yeah the thing with that one though
superman okay superman has gone over
yeah yeah superman will win
it’s gonna take him a while ain’t gonna
be quick yeah ain’t gonna be easy it’s
not gonna be easy because
[ __ ] him up yeah and remember with the
hulk the matter he gets
the stronger he gets okay but superman
[ __ ] called superman he’s superman i
now and the thing is the hulk if he need
to rest
he’ll take a jump end up in japan yeah
but also i can’t do that
but here’s another question with
superman versus hulk
superman is allergic to the kryptonite
the kryptonite
kryptonite y because it’s radiation oh
that would
focus radiation and the hulk was created
through nuclear radiation
and a matter of fact in the dark knight
returns when superman was fighting
batman your hulk will win
that fight well check it out
and dark knight returns to the comic
book i don’t know if you remember um
the nuke goes off right and superman is
dropping back down
it sucks all his energy the nuke another
it’s like another sun yeah and it blocks
out the sun because the sun is the
that gives them
yeah the nuke blocks out the sun
and then he all his energy gets sucked
out only looks like a [ __ ] skeleton
and then we land back on earth after a
couple of hours then you’re regenerating
it yeah you see what i’m saying
the sun comes coming out um yeah so yeah
but the hulk would win
not necessarily it would be weak
the hulk is radiation he’ll bit 500
yeah but he’s not kryptonite maybe a
covered in some sort of kryptonite
what else though now things got me
thinking about this [ __ ] i have a comic
book an old friend gave me gave to me a
predator versus
judge durant and dredd wins i had one
president judge right is a
is a badass but i i don’t believe okay
but we think
are we thinking of the same and i’m
thinking of jeff dredd
i see the rest of stallone in the movie
yeah but there was a newer one that came
you ever see that one i know there was a
new one with the late
uh uh a girl with them yeah
they were going against some lady girl
yeah she had a whole gang yeah i told my
look can i call my daughter mama
you could see a man that’s another good
movie and i think i gave you the 3d
version so if you’re ever interested
you’ve got the 3d version right here
somewhere but um
car urban car okay
but um yeah so i don’t know frank
just do it what verses
would you like to see yeah two
icons of movies that never been done
we thought we thought of hulk and
superman and uh
terminator versus uh versus predator
yeah terminator versus predator
terminator i mean uh what’s the other
robocop versus terminator i mean freddie
popping your head
robocop versus terminator what happened
oh yes in the comments who won i don’t
uh clinton from the workshop
christine versus what the car yeah
the two things that should have killed
the christine the old hormone and the
no this is the one i’ve always mentioned
i just remembered i can’t believe it
and we talked about it in one show not
only the blob
versus the thing ah yeah we did
something that’s a real yeah that would
be a good situation
because anything goes in that much yeah
it’s [ __ ] you can [ __ ] go into
dementia yeah trying to figure out who
would win because both
have really good points yeah who would
win you got
the thing that can become anything and
absorb whatever it
it it uh it you know takes over and then
you got the blob that breaks down
whatever it [ __ ] it breaks it down whatever it [ __ ] yeah whenever it touches it just
takes it but the thing could become it
yeah we came to this conclusion the only
that the blob could win it has to absorb
the thing
before it was able to complete
judging changing into it but it’s
impossible yeah
it is the blood would turn into the
theme i would think that they could win
anyway that’s a crazy one that’s a crazy
one that’s like i hate the history books
i got one for y’all blade black vampire
versus wester from resident evil
my money’s on you see yeah because
wesker was almost like
um on blade of being this dude yeah yeah
wesley snipes
right and wesker from the game well
wesley snipes is only a vampire but he
has a lot of [ __ ] skills skills um
later in the games he actually
transformed yeah
yeah you know i don’t know i don’t know
about that that’s a hard one
yeah years ago i i told you
i i asked you what you thought of uh
versus jason
wesker had also has super speed and
teleportation i think
he could dodge bullets yeah it happened
in the games
well that was westbrook oh
yeah that’s true you know
oh i do okay
for the past couple of years here in
long branch
[ __ ] it new jersey yeah
they’ve been trying to build a community
where next to uh
little partners called over there
um pleasure bank oh yeah that’s the one
that’s the one that i always get
confused with this place where they do
when they used to do that big carnival
water every year
yeah yeah and stuff like that that’s
going to become
they’ve been fighting it the pleasure of
your partner’s been fighting it
but it’s over they’re going to build a
community through it okay
but why is it is it the whole reason is
that you’re late
and are they
the multi-million dollar swim facility
will feature a large pool
a kiddie pool the play area for children
concession stand and the shaded area for
okay and they’re hoping and they’re set
to be done and open by next summer all
now my question to you i’m not getting
that boo
all right and i think i know the answer
my question to you this is a community
pool right
yeah that means anything you don’t have
and do you have to pay an entrance fee
oh they insane but probably yeah oh you
do have to
they didn’t say but i would say yes all
right look
and i don’t want to get political you
know me i try to stay out of politics
but i know and he knows
who’s gonna be in that damn pool oh yeah
i know
i think i know because i don’t want to
sound like
racist no no no racism involved it just
so happens
though you know with everything going on
in the country
the whole you know the the the the uh
um and the situation with what i will
the uh the illegals that’s what people
call them right that’s a nice way
yeah that’s what i think that’s the yeah
i mean let me give you an example
90 percent of them is gonna be over
there that’s gonna be because they go
i don’t care who any other because i
probably won’t even be around
i don’t care because i just finished
saying i’m not getting in it yeah
i don’t want somebody peeing here
sitting over here spitting over there
and throwing up over there i’m not
them but we have a place down here
um you guys must know about it trump’s
what is it is it
stepson yeah trump’s stepson
no no uh son-in-law son-in-law
the son-in-law owns caution
kushner owns the area where we live
okay doesn’t order oh no broadway
no no no the pure village oh hey yeah he
almost previously yeah yeah
i don’t know [ __ ] would have it bro he
gave up he gave it up
he knocked everything down and gave the
whole thing up oh okay now somebody else
is trying to get the contracts to go
well good luck um so just as an example
so nearby that pure village place okay
matter of fact we
have to pass it when we’re coming over
to his place yeah
we have to pass this what what was a
was installed yeah you know and i found
it you know for looks i’m guessing
it was really it looks to me it doesn’t
look nice yeah yeah
it’s used as a water park during the
i’m sorry not in a racist way i’m puerto
rican we’re puerto ricans yeah
we’re hispanic yeah we’re just saying
we’re just stating facts
all the illegals in town go over there
like it’s a free
uh water park water park yeah they’re
all there
and didn’t people start complaining
about it when it didn’t happen yeah
because even food trucks now parked
there knowing that they’re all there
you have to understand these people come
from third world countries
they don’t see [ __ ] like that over there
that was just for looks
yeah if you want to sit there and watch
the water okay
not bring your 90 kids and anybody
running around half minute
bro this summer wasn’t too bad
but last year where i live
across the street a schoolyard
became a [ __ ] track and field picnics
[ __ ] for real man they were mad
you know what that stopped it from not
being this bad this year this summer
the panda that’s it the pandemic
yeah because it would have been bad it
would have been bad
and then you know i honestly and i’ll be
honest with y’all i don’t care i don’t
you know i i yeah i mean i don’t care
you know i understand that these people
they don’t know what this [ __ ] is they
think it’s for you know
public use you know but i don’t know
let’s see if i had any more
while he’s looking for that i want to um
restate the special evening the special
on my channel on october 13th
he doesn’t even know about it he’s been
here for the first time
i will be doing a ceremonial ritual
on october 13th this halloween
to get rid of all my enemies it’s gonna
be a curse
i’m gonna curse my enemies uh i don’t
even know what i’m gonna say
how i’m gonna do it i’m preparing it but
uh i have order
i already ordered my holy palpatine robe
it’s coming
oh yeah i’m going all out i got the
uh tarot cards that i’m going to use not
the ones i brought the last time but the
real ones
the heavy duty mystical shield i’m not
on it
to join the like the live stream oh i do
have often
you can you know chat and [ __ ] no i have
off that week yeah
yeah i forgot what day the 13 sits on
wednesday wednesday
so you can tune in at least and if you
want to chat they’ll deal with it the
12th is on the tuesdays that’s my
birthday oh okay happy birthday value
it’s going to happen soon but anyway
there you go just wanted to keep you oh
and the reason why i’m doing that
drinking because again he don’t know
what’s going on
um stalkers the stalkers now
have come on come out of the woodwork
they have been
you gotta start i have a stalker um
keeps calling me now at uh usually at
night time
he did a couple like six calls this
morning uh it’s the 12th of the tuesday
i don’t know if it is or not i don’t
know whatever but uh
instead of getting the authorities
involved i decided to use the spirits oh
yeah yeah you’re right
to invoke the spirits to protect me my
birth of
monday and um and bring a danger to my
enemies so that’s why i’m doing it
all right and um
you like your topic no no all right just
one quick one
i don’t know there’s two good ones here
a lot of people ask why is there so much
why is there so much hate so much
fighting and violence
and my humble opinion is because
maybe not us but the the the young
being brought up now
they’re being taught in school
there’s no god things don’t matter
we’re like animals do what you want feel
good [ __ ] it
i was saying this i will say this
when we were their age we did what we
but we still have respect yes there’s no
we still had respect
these kids now zero
nothing they know one thing nobody can
me no matter what i do yep all right i
gotta do courthouse
yep and that’s what they do
and bluehour is right parents don’t
teach them how to be human
you know you know what they teach them
to be animals
they’re letting them do whatever the
[ __ ] they want and here’s this is and
that’s part of the plan
they’re teaching the schools and the
parents are teaching the children of
today to be animals
now what’s going to happen you guys
thinking you’re having a good old time
disrespecting the police committing
crimes killing innocent people doing
your protests and punching rick in the
punching rick moranis in the face and
running away you’re having a good ass
but you see you’re actually giving the
to be worse yeah because that’s what
they’re going to do
they’re going to get more aggressive
they’re going to call it something else
and what happens with animals when
animals get out of control what do we do
you kill you kill them or put them in
cages cages for animals it’s called the
for us it’s called prison you guys are
falling for the trap man
all you young cats out there doing what
you’re doing
you’re falling for the [ __ ] trap but
i don’t give full blame to the parents
okay minus sake of your parent i’m a
single father three kids
you have to remember
what we used to call what our parents
used to call
discipline when we were kids it’s not
called child abuse yeah it’s no use
okay but what’s called discipline back
let me uh
don’t forget right now
no it has to be a drink and then you
can’t make a
discipline when we were kids
is child abuse now
right we [ __ ] up my parents could take
us to the bathroom to the bed
you even say that you’re gonna do that
to that kid now and all he has to do is
pick up the phone
i remember um
i said something to the cross guard
across the
across what they call that the crosstalk
yeah the crossing guard
one time i was my friend i i started
acting stupid
so then the the [ __ ] but it was a
she called the cops they took
me to the house in a cop car you got
your ass picked
yeah but i also because some of my mom’s
puerto ricans and i’m sure
you went through it too uh uh had a neo
on right wrong right yeah but they also
had a step
in front of the virgin mary yeah yeah
the statue yeah i had to do it so that
[ __ ] happened to me
you had to do it oh my god being young
in this day
made such a thing to see what the next
generation’s going to go through
thank god i’m getting low i agree how
old are you
i’m gonna be 45 october 12th damn you oh
he’s are you over to me shut up i’m not
i was born with my new date
birthday april yeah but the year
[Music] oh but that that’s what it is you can’t
to kids you know you have to talk to him
look what you did with that [ __ ] you dad
you shouldn’t hit them
you know what i mean but i’m old school
when my kids say [ __ ] your dad
i’ll go to jail but when i come out
that’s when you’re coming out of these
somebody else is
i’m not scared about jail [ __ ] that but
that’s what it is they really tied the
parents hands
to where the parents really can’t do
[ __ ] yeah
and then but the same people that tied
the parents hands
when the kids do something wrong blame
the parents that they tied the hands of
it’s all part of the plan
it’s all part of the plan it’s all part
it’s crazy
and you know they have to usher in a
stronger tyranny to control us
it’s crazy so they’re loosening the
leashes all right it’s 41.
oh [ __ ] you’re old man and he’s got a
okay blue arrow you all
let let’s get back to my moderation what
was the year on that piece of paper
1981 let me see it all right all right
you’re right
i i i lied 83 i was born on april 28th
okay okay um one more topic
and i guess then we call it a day i want
to thank everybody that tuned in so far
yeah um do you remember the movie
from hell with johnny depp
i’m not even sure if you ever seen it
it’s about chapter ripper oh
maybe stop talking maybe you never mind
well no
it’s not really much but i’m gonna make
a drink but
i’m just gonna say damn i’m reading the
the the the graphic novel that that
movie is based on
and the star is not johnny depp’s
character it’s jack the ripper
he’s the star of the goddamn look he’s
talking throughout the whole goddamn
thing telling you why he’s doing what
he’s doing
what it means what it signifies it’s
[ __ ] crazy anything
rad or movie objective ripper
yeah but the movie made it look like
[ __ ] johnny depp yeah
so now i’m reading the graphic novel
that it’s based on and it’s completely
i mean if they if they were to make
a straight adaption of that book it
would at least
be like
a trilogy of movies because it’s so
[ __ ] long
it’s unbelievable
you just reminded me of what i picked up
dr ripper
i i find him fascinating yeah dr ripper
i think he was a doctor a surgeon yeah
that’s what the book says
netflix i got a notification so i can
and uh an old stallone movie
looks like everybody’s watching it on
the left oh i know what you’re going to
talk about i see you
no no dragon
that’s the one i heard that’s the
what’s the loans in there when they get
trapped in the
oh you have a ton of the tunnel yes i
heard about this remember that i’ve seen
it i’ve never seen it but i’ve never
seen it never seen i’ve seen that move
that’s a good [ __ ] move yeah that
just required it just got it and
everybody’s going crazy watch he’s
saying it’s called daylight
that’s right directs no it’s detachable
i’ll look it up uh
resident evil infinite darkness trailer
i haven’t seen it
yeah it’s a cgi
but they’re stuck under a bridge no
they’re in a tunnel
not a bridge i remember daylights
[Applause] [Music] mario he who say hi what up man
i think it’s called detachment i don’t
know i think i don’t know
i think one of you is right i don’t know
what’s higher is that yeah you’re faster
with your phone
detached in the room
detachment by tony is
starring adrienne brody what did he say
daylight daylight
all right he’s ready for that one
all right that’s fine you were right
it’s on netflix and everybody’s going
i watched back when it first came out a
long time ago it’s a good [ __ ] movie
okay they get trapped in a tunnel i i
remember vaguely but i never watched it
but um i think i’ll do a double feature
the daylight
and the other movie i talked about icu
where it’s like stallone’s only horror
movie yeah
where supposedly there’s a killer and
and he’s just alone or something yeah
yeah do a double feature yeah maybe
we’ll watch it tonight i don’t know
all right y’all cliffhanger yeah that’s
a good movie cliffhanger was great
before you guys and anybody on here not
getting notifications
scroll back to the beginning
of all the comments pathfinder x
explained exactly what you got to do
go to settings go to notifications right
okay this is what you got to do go to
settings go to notifications
select the option for subscription
and boom that’s it and also click the
okay so go through our flight special
guest come over here
go back to the top read that where it
says go read that real life
go the third one the first check the
third check yeah read that really
finer yeah yeah the pathfinder x
yeah no we don’t go to settings go to
select the option for subscription
activities and
boom that’s it oh yeah also click the
so scroll back do exactly that and
you’ll get the notifications he’s
we’re all putting our masks on now
[Applause] i just ordered this special customer
i want to get the one with uh
this idiot in the movie your son
oh hector with the man
i said hector hannibal yeah
there’s also one where i think it’s the
joker smile yes there’s there’s a whole
bunch of them
yeah all right all right guys look tell
your friends
like subscribe do that for the
and we’ll get you up next time peace

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