Dave Thomas: Keynote As Seen On bobanddougmckenzie.com

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Dave Thomas: Keynote

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EMPEX NYC is a regional technical conference focusing on Elixir, Erlang, and all things BEAM. Held annually in New York City, we’re a premier conference for the curious programmer.

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  1. I love people/talks that think outside of the box, look at thing in a different way and challenge commonly held beliefs, even if you don't agree I think it's enlightening, most of this went over my head but whilst it went over it, it also expanded it.

  2. I enjoyed his elixir learning book. But I had a problem with what is worded by someone else on the elixir forum:
    the “you all are doing it wrong, but don’t worry: I got The Solution right here” format of the talk is not something that I usually enjoy because it often generates cult of personality, and we really don’t need more of that
    (https://elixirforum.com/t/should-we-adopt-daves-way-of-building-applications-as-a-series-of-components-daves-talk-has-now-been-added/14428/104 ). There have been made more interesting remarks about the talk in this thread.
    Joe Armstrong (erlang creator) had an interesting reaction on this talk also: https://twitter.com/joeerl/status/1003237611400548352

  3. Agree with most things except not putting code into its own subdirectory. Putting application code in the top level is a recipe for disaster as it means that it is impossible to reserve names in the future for new files; consider if mix.exs had not been introduced yet … the (imaginary) application called "mix" would be a confusing mess. No, for frameworks that include framework scaffolding, the application code must be in a well-known directory. It is also not desirable to put the scaffolding into a well-known dir, though this at least also "works", as that limits name choices for all applications. There are also complications arising from erlang code being in src/, and c code in c_src/ …

    The configuration / node setup concepts are also non-starters as it attempts to put the the run-time variability of deployment with the invariant application code. In an era of kubernetes and similar, that makes absolutely zero sense except for the most trivial of applications. For exactly zero of our applications, nearly none of which are web apps, would this even possibly work. Cluster and application configuration really needs to be as dynamic and run-time as the modern deployment mechanisms in common use are. So while I agree we need something new for configuration and cluster definitions, what Dave suggests here is not it.

    GenServer rework: yes please. The rest, I hope the core team thinks about the current shortcomings Dave points out but ignores his suggested remedies.

  4. I think this approach is worth the effort. Especially since the core team is embarking on incorporating releases into mix. Looks like this subject is getting a lot of attention by the core team though, which is good.

  5. Similar to part of Node's philosophy. Seems like it would work, but it would require the entire culture of Elixir to shift massively, which seems unlikely, unless jvalim sells it.

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