DayZ Standalone Episode 6: “Who doesn’t know who Rick Moranis is?” Played by Joshor The Mighty! Streaming On

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DayZ Standalone Episode 6: “Who doesn’t know who Rick Moranis is?” Played by Joshor The Mighty!

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6th installment, Me and my bro playing DayZ standalone and having a conversation concerning Rick Moranis and Freddie Mercury. Actual play time is about 1 hour.
I had to record this this is 2 zombies
and they appear to be making out
that’s so sweet young undead love
he said now
hello everybody and welcome to another
episode of the clown fish brigade
playing dayz standalone I’m actually
right by the frigate right now by the
ocean I’m going to creep up and see it
look if there’s anything going on I’m
running pretty much by myself right now
I’m going to try to camp out and Benzino
there’s not that many people on so we’ll
see if I run it anybody but this this
frigate seems to be like a hot spot
people love to check it out so clear i
might as well check it out make sure
everything’s on the up and up over here
I think there’s a gun and like the Maine
a gun does spawn in here I think
there’s a backpack in wall
when they get base building going this
is going to be such a cool place to set
up a base in
rivet city
pacsun this is a great place for
starting players to head up
black accent
I hate fighters who are so vulnerable
when you’re on a ladder
so I got all flipped out about somebody
coming onto the ship and it was turns
out it was my companion their party on
weight already on Garth I’m coming down
the ship right now
and there he is in the red backpack and
m4 scary-looking dude and he’s flipping
me off yeah I guess that’s why doubt in
the open especially red backpack so
you’re sticking out like a sore thumb I
need my red backpack it’s part of who I
am I’ll tell nice well say hello which
will be part of my in perspective
experiment number that’s what do you
mean and I’ll be like I’m trying to
learn about your more specially a mental
problem if you do that and I might have
to pop you listen science I hear
clownfish I do too I think that might be
just above i have another minus oh there
you got it come on she did i hear
another one I got it she’s dead she’s
loud Mosin is supposed to be louder I’m
sure everyone heard that I hope they did
and no the sheriffs in town then
sometimes a gunshot can be just as a
deterrent for that’s kind of cool wait I
almost feel like taking a climb up up
there and seeing if I could see anything
I’m gonna do it don’t fall I probably
will I’ve had this character for a long
time though so not that one wait am I
gonna do this
it seems like the letters inside of the
things we can’t do it although you got
it yeah you can do if it’s weird though
that it’s set up like that don’t climb
up the ladder with me on it please no
fun sad because it is there a firehouse
in this here town I don’t think there is
no but there is a cookie mart and
there’s a swole I see like places where
people would want to let’s go ahead and
get down and take a look
later right
zombies are coming for me so I’m gonna
pop on that so they get near me that’s
fine we just had to do thats a dude
that’s a new spawn being chased by a
zombie I’ll save you you got it
my shot sucks I try this game ah you’re
let me try it let me try to snipe this
one running at you ah [ __ ] I can’t cuz
okay it just kind of stopped got it oh
yeah nice if that didn’t keep running
away and he saw people with guns and
heard a rifle go off he didn’t see he
probably scared that’s fine
sure there’s no toilet do didn’t run
away i would have given in the pepsi and
a sandwich you give away those you give
away the store away too quickly you
should talk to them first make sure
they’re interesting before you give them
anything well nude tricking got nothing
it’s probably thirsty and starving
except he’s maybe maybe he’s a bandit
that just got killed you can tell a lot
by somebody by talking to them David’s
don’t get killed you’re right to just
snipe people forever and exactly if all
the people looking for David to get go
that’s kind of how it feels like
sometimes because bandits shoot on sight
and we don’t or I don’t at least so that
you would have been perfect opportunity
and I did do it shooting fresh spawn is
like just craving and shitty don’t ever
if you’re gonna shoot somebody on site
what poached me if somebody punches you
than their fair game but like if you’re
gonna hunt somebody on somebody that can
hunt fight you back
that’s all I’m saying so I’m surrounded
by [ __ ] if you don’t get that
reference if you’re like in your early
20s and you don’t get that reference I
officially hate you in your horrible
person by the way there’s people out
there who would watch this idiot who
don’t know who rick moranis even is oh
my god you’re probably right cuz he has
enacted in like years because he retired
from acting but he was so goddamn
amazing when he did act because I turned
into a dog and he shouted something
Thank You Louis that was short and
pointless I like crawlers actually I’m
gonna go ahead and put my gun out and
try to jog oh no one I’m not jogging I’m
sprinting i’m gonna try to sprint and i
don’t know why i’m saying i’m gonna try
to sprint because i am actually
sprinting preparing to sprint sprinting
now Ludacris feat go buckle this I want
to show that in real life for ya me too
why’d you say that is this the real life
this is a sassy caught in a landslide no
escape from reality open your eyes look
up to this if you don’t know what we’re
singing right now I hate you don’t go to
hell yeah just go right the hell do not
pass purgatory mercurius go to hell
all right that’s what you do ask people
we find on the road if they knew who
rick moranis and if they say we shoot
them I know most of before that cuz I
hate sushi then you begin we’ll find out
there’s really a bit on alou is there
bad person pretty much for so there’s
amish minus one is running oh Jesus why
stops and he notice them because they’re
playing they’re playing uh they’re
playing I shot by the way haven’t you
ever heard of the game red light green
light yeah hey I just better run a
grouch Oh hold on don’t move oh I
already took care of him so right at me
didn’t he is down killing zombies making
the apocalypse safer for everybody
except for bandits Vince go [ __ ] themselves people got a little Rick
Moranis and people who don’t know who
rick moranis Azure Freddie Mercury for
that matter yeah help Frederick mercury
was before our time really and we both
know who he is she’s [ __ ] timeless
because he’s [ __ ] he’s a [ __ ] boss
that’s why

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