1. I was eleven when my friends and I started watching SCTV. Johnny LaRue, Count Floyd and snorting Edith Prickley were my favorites. Quality writing and endearing characters along with a golden age of characters on Saturday Night Live like The Blues Brothers.

  2. Dick Cavett is a degenerate liberal. Why?
    He had Eddie Murphy on his show, and he asked him "Are you offended by the word…" and you can guess the word.

    Cavett did not abbreviate the word.
    And it is not like they were talking about race.

    Cavett pulled that question out of his butt, to get a "What!?" reaction out of Murphy.

    Murphy handled it like a pro. He made Cavett look bad, while remaining professional.

    Again, they were not talking about anything related to that subject, and Cavett just blurted it out — and you could see that he was so proud of himself — that he thought that he was so clever.

    Whatever else you think about Cavett, he exposed his complete disregard for human dignity with that question.

    Folks, ask yourself:
    Would you ever ask someone that question, out of the blue?
    Would you do so in public?

    I realize that this video is an impersonation of Cavett. But you should know that Cavett is a degenerate leftist.
    You can be a leftist, without demeaning black people. But when you do what Cavett did, the adjective "degenerate" applies.

    Imagine Johnny Carson asking "Are you offended by the word…" to a black guest.

    Cavett is an elitist, so much so, that he actually said the above to Eddie Murphy on live TV.

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