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Dumpster Fire 34 – Forgive My Laughter: I Have A Condition Seen On Our Site

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Dumpster Fire 34 – Forgive My Laughter: I Have A Condition

See the vid “Dumpster Fire 34 – Forgive My Laughter: I Have A Condition” one of countlessour library of related clips which feature the famed funny characters of Bob and Doug.

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Is the Trump we’re seeing now an AI deep fake? Would RBG be ashamed of our tribute? Will Rick Moranis unite the country? Who wants to watch Bridget read Coronavirus erotica?

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Internet is Glorious Clips:
Cowboy Fleetwood:
Gun Man:
Pumpkin Fleedwood:
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Music for Kissing the Coronavirus Segment by “Speak of This to No One” :

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We just want to make you laugh while the world burns.

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i’m bridget fettucy and this is your
dumpster fire for the week of september
to october 3rd and the unicorns dance
while the
world burns
well this is gonna be a fun one because
holy sh
strolling chief trump test positive for
i’m sorry it’s not funny but at the time
that we’re going to record this
we have a president who’s in the
hospital and i just want to start out by
i do hope everybody in the hospital
right now of coronavirus from melania to
trump to anyone else who might be in the
hospital does recover
i wish them well this is a serious virus
that we should take seriously that being
what a [ __ ] show yeah that being said we
also don’t take anything seriously on
show so yeah we don’t take anything
seriously and
i’m sorry but the irony of this it is
not funny that anyone gets a virus
but the irony of someone who
particularly may have called the virus a
hoax or diminished its seriousness
is hilarious that’s true
somebody on twitter uh it was a great
joke i think it was dan savage he said
this is like ronald reagan getting aids
that’s a perfect joke and we’re allowed
to laugh still in 2020 the last time i
checked even if it’s just here in this
undisclosed location with the three of
where they can’t find us yet for thought
crimes yeah
i’ll be it’s literally gonna be me doing
a struggle session on twitter in like
three weeks cut to me being like i
apologize for saying this and that and
it’s going to be
like like chunk in the goonies
okay i’ll stop
it’s third grade i cheated on my history
and fourth grade i stole my uncle back
from so bad i glued all my
face when i played moses in my hebrew
school play so then there was the time i
said [ __ ] on joe rogan
so by the time this airs which was
monday which is
approximately 370 news cycles from today
which is saturday
trump may or may not have recovered we
may or may not be having a judiciary
it is 18 levels of infuriating
that our government doesn’t take this
seriously enough that they’re now all
not functioning and cannot meet
to address the fact that we were trying
to get a relief bill passed
for the millions of americans who were
shut down staying home
and have basically had to completely
uproot their lives
because they were doing the right thing
and taking this
seriously and our leaders are hobnobbing
like the people in the capital in the
hunger games
[Laughter] they’re all shaking hands like there’s
no freaking pandemic
huh unfortunately for everybody
pandemics don’t care whether you believe
in them or not
yeah it’s wild out there and it’s
rapidly changing i
actually have no idea what the monday
news cycle will hold
all we know right now for sure is that
trump may or may not have been on oxygen
you know it came off
uh that we were trying to hide something
which wasn’t necessarily true he may or
may not
be getting better or doing poorly
the effect of the matter is is that he’s
doing really well and
what else do we know we know that he’s
at walter reed memorial hospital or
so they say yes allegedly
we’re getting great reports from the
doctors this is an incredible hospital
walter reed
i mean this is like serious freaking
north korea vibes right now
yeah or like soviet union don’t worry
nothing to see here
there’s no radiation coming from
what kind what is even happening i don’t
the media and our leaders have just
flamed all of their credibility and the
so nobody has any credibility nobody
knows what’s actually going on no one
knows what
what to believe if you are feeling crazy
you absolutely should be
[Laughter] you are not alone i can’t do anything
but laugh
because i laugh in uncomfortable
situations that’s my coping mechanism
that’s me people keep getting mad at me
they’re like this isn’t funny i’m like
it’s pretty funny it’s kind of funny
it’s pretty funny you can’t take
it’s so absurd you cannot possibly get
your mind around it because it’s so
it is the definition of a fantasy which
for those of you who are just joining us
is when reality becomes parody which is
the state we’re in and the
vacuum of diss and misinformation is
with conspiracy theories and my
conspiracy theory is that they’re just
working on the ai for the deep fake
trump that is now going to be our leader
forever god bless our president i will
die for him i will die for that man
he is the hero that man okay trump’s tax
returns were released by the new york
times like nine million
years ago yeah that seems like a really
a news story that came out
um ages ago we’re basically at the point
now where we realize
much of this news is obsolete and it
doesn’t even matter anymore because lol
nothing matters
but we’re basically recording these now
and have been this whole time as
preservation for the aliens
when they’re trying to patch together
what happened to our society
directly before it collapsed
came out allegedly he only paid 750
there was a story that dropped the night
before the covet news of trump dropped
that actually he did pay taxes he paid
it was an irs credit that they owed him
money from
him over paying before but nobody read
that story and
nobody probably will so what we know for
sure is he did or didn’t pay taxes so we
he may like everything in 2020 he may or
may not have paid taxes
and um we really don’t know where to
find anything that’s true and if anyone
has a reliable news source out there we
would appreciate hearing about it
i’m not reliable and i don’t want anyone
coming to me
for any kind of expectations of
but our show is very reliable but our
show is reliably
inconsistent yes our show you can rely
on the fact that we will be mocking
and we’ll fact check 80 of things yes
sometimes we will yeah and we rely on
actually boys to fact check us when we
because we know you’re going to whether
we know you
we live for you dear watchers
all right then we have melania hates
i hate christmas too i never felt so
close to the first lady as i did in this
and in these recordings that her friend
recorded which is a shitty thing to do
yeah you know
about christmas stuff and decoration but
i need to do it right
yeah but 100 you have no choice
you’re a shitty person if you do this to
anyone and
especially your friend and release them
and she was saying that she hated
all the christmas decorations and who
cares i can relate to this
who hurt you bridgette sam speak up so
the i hurt you bridgette can hear you
sam takes it personally because she
takes christmas very she takes
decorating for
anything very serious the holidays
there were a lot of pumpkin skype pie
pumpkin spice candles around here
constantly yeah sam is like she has the
pumpkin spice hand
she has like hand soaps soaps for each
like halloween hand soaps
[Music] but still i was like oh my god this has
like a witch on it this is specifically
pulled out just for halloween
yep nope i i don’t like all that
tchotchke stuff it’s clutter
you call it decorations i call it
clutter i like a nice clean
yes i like nice clean lines and
primary colors not too many competing
not a lot of noise not a lot of visual
the other funny thing about that melania
recording is that she was talking about
how she’s working her ass off and we
called it here on dumpster fire then
only wanted to be a sugar baby and ended
up being the first lady
and having to do actual work she wanted
to sit around
get facials and be hot and pr pretty
and rich i’m
working like a ass my ass in
dumpster fire for president the debate
oh the debates happened too this week my
this would have been the primary story
for this week
if it wasn’t usurped by the [ __ ] show
that’s unfolding now
which is most of our government leaders
have coveted
the debate was everybody’s covered this
it was a good show we all know that i
think that my favorite thing was a
reason article
in which he said he had hope for the
republic because his 14 year old
daughter thought it was hilarious
and couldn’t stop laughing the whole
time which is probably the correct take
how can we take any of these leaders
seriously at this point we can’t
so we should mock them roundly i was
just getting triggered because it
reminded me of my parents
right before they got divorced because
the question is
[Applause] get divorced america maybe i’m all for
it maybe it’s time
maybe it’s time america split up there’s
no easy way to do that though
no that’s the problem everybody talks
about a civil war and i
i urge people to get specific about what
that looks like in real life because
it’s not red state blue state
no it’s rich poor it’s also urban rural
you have 20 minutes outside of la and
you’re in red country
most of rural california is red we’re
blue state but only because we have a
lot of big cities
so i don’t really know what a civil war
looks like other than
the city slicking [ __ ] getting their
ass whooped
by the rednecks
yeah there are larpers and i say
rednecks lovingly because i have a lot
of redneck inside of me
i’ve slept with a lot of rednecks
all right and then we have kamala harris
says the president and his party have
decided to ignore justice ginsburg’s
final wish for her seat not to be filled
before the election
already the president and his party have
chosen to ignore
justice ginsburg’s final wish
to hold off the nomination to replace
until after the next president is chosen
listen up kamala kamala
this is not the make-a-wish foundation
not in the constitution that you have to
grant someone their dying wishes
and i doubt a judge would really want to
destroy her credibility on the way out
by completely undermining
due process of the constitution that
thing which she’s supposed to be
upholding and her
entire career was devoted to although
she wasn’t a constitutionalist she was
kind of an activist judge
so maybe that was her dying wish
but i would like to believe that you’re
not thinking about that on your deathbed
who’s making wishes on their deathbed
the only wish you should be making on
your deathbed
is not to die my dying wish would be i
don’t want to die
call me crazy it just seems like a
tough one to grant mine’s gonna be
they’re gonna miss my halloween soaps
sam sam you basic basic
you’re basic you’re basic you’re basic
all right and then we have the bde slash
rip award
ruth bader ginsburg
she broke boundaries and
she did lots of things for feminism
oh boy i love that we’re such feminists
we forgot to include this one
rbg she was an icon rbg was an icon
tell me more that’s all i got
so she she’s the reason why women are
able to
get loans without a spouse
maybe i should have done a little out of
the house research on our
gb no it’s true they’re very influential
allowing for women’s protections and
rights on their own under the law
right yes yes yes very influential
woman for women’s rights and women’s
segment is an embarrassment i think we
need to cut it
i think it’s hilarious
touch my bells and buttons touch
my bells and buttons down there
like subscribe and comment about your
favorite ruth bader ginsburg dissent
we look forward to reading those
capitalism always wins
kissing the coronavirus a viral erotica
e-book she was supposed to cure the
coronavirus instead she fell in love
with it
this woman wrote this little short
romance novel about a woman falling in
love with coronavirus
in an attempt to try paying the bills
following her job loss
oh we’re just going to read some i’m
going to read an excerpt
it had been so long since alexa had been
with a man that the virus
was the only thing she could get near to
which gave her any sort of throw
the tickle in her knickers when she
worked with the sample
was the only sexual release she had
since the virus had unleashed hell and
taken its hold on the world
and now she held it in her hand gripped
it tight
she bit her lips
she rubbed her hand
she wrapped her hand over her breasts
her nipple hardening
like a tick back
imagine how she would feel if she
touched herself with it
pretty great alexa thought pretty great
indeedily it says indeedly
oh my god alexa lowered the test tube
and unbuttoned the bottom two poppers on
her lap
lab coat pop pop
she took the test tube and shook it the
bubbling creamy liquid
flashed against the inside of the tube
but fizzed up and alexa swore she could
feel the glass expanding
swelling up and down as she shook the
a shock of electricity course through
her veins
eventually stopping as it reached her
it was like she sat on a battery
everything tingled and it felt good but
alexa knew it could feel better
much better alexa pulled down her lab
and pulled her panties to the side her
[ __ ] so
wet the lace glided across her skin like
a fat man on a water
[Music] [Laughter] wow
so you’re gonna have to buy the book if
you want to find out what happened
why is that the image that’s supposed to
conjure hotness
what kind of weird like you’re kind of
getting into it
you’re like yeah okay wait what a fat
man on a water slide it’s supposed to
get me wet right now capitalism might be
the loser in this situation
[Laughter] but you know who’s winning fat guys on
water slides they’re the real winners in
all right and then in california
california adds covid19 equity
all right this is insane basically
the layman’s way of explaining this
equity metric that they’ve added
is that we can’t open the county
until the poor’s stopped dying
and that’s not funny but they’re trying
to get
everything to a certain percentage and
because this is disproportionately
specific populations they decided to add
this equity metric in order to open up
the entire county
but that’s ridiculous because who do you
that will hurt even more like who the
[ __ ] do you think
is going to be hurt by the county not
opening the rich no
they’re all fleeing california and
moving to texas idaho and
tennessee they’re not sticking around
and it’s the poor
who need to get back to work and go and
make some money
and so this thing that’s ostensibly
supposed to help them
is probably just going to keep them
locked in poverty and
i guess apparently we don’t have enough
homeless people in los
angeles it’s such [ __ ] equity
metrics aren’t about public health
they’re about
critical theory it’s applying critical
theory to public health
and that is nice and all except it’s
really just for optics and
ends up hurting the people they’re
supposed to be helping
and i i i really wish king newsom
would get recalled uh-huh also in
[ __ ] that
newsom is pulling california governor
vetoes bill to track how millions are
being spent on homeless oh
so you don’t want data collection in
this instance
except that’s what we need in the other
and we voted twice to increase our taxes
so that we can help the homeless
and it’s a bipartisan bill that now got
vetoed by
freaking king newsome because he doesn’t
want us to track
where our tax dollars are going to help
clearly the problem isn’t getting any
better it’s getting worse whatever
they’re doing with it
it’s getting worse every single day i
just think it’s the big homeless
industrial complex
all these contractors are getting insane
amounts of money to build
two houses to house 150 people for like
a hundred million dollars which you
could build 300 places for
and we have a right to know where that
money is this state is
garbage yeah it is garbage and it and
there’s no checks and balances on your
son you want to talk about
somebody who is a tyrant that has
complete power
over the government knew some more than
more than any leader in america right
now this was a bipartisan bill that
sailed through with no opposition
whatsoever no
someone needs to do a deep dive on the
big homeless industrial complex because
follow the money follow the money i feel
like cardi b
remember when she went off about her
taxes the [ __ ] is my money show me my
so what is doing with my money what is
y’all doing with my
money speaking of people pooping on the
because that’s always our lead in for
doo doo doo doo
[Music] pooper the app that keeps on giving
giving and giving
and giving if you have an iphone if you
have an android you don’t get to partake
and so much fun because pooper is an app
where you can take stickers of animals
that are peeing and pooping and farting
and send them to your friends about
anything that they say
or any articles they might be sharing
with you or any
ridiculous statements they might be
making or any
type of group chat deserves as many
pooper animals as possible in it
[Music] i would poop on every single person in a
group chat
as long as they all had iphones yeah
there’s always that one [ __ ] without
the iphone that puts up the whole group
get them out of there click on the link
in the description below and you can
download it right now
it’s 99 cents
[Music] and then in cancelled
oh i know what vibe i have today i dream
[Music] genie
[Music] i liked her so much more than samantha
wow i’m right here bridgette
you’re fired just for that joke you’re
american cyclist was suspended over a
pro-trump tweet
we don’t really know what he was
actually suspended for i believe they
just said that it was inappropriate
use of social media and so i don’t think
they ever specified
what it was he used a black emoji hand
to wave by
after a reporter said if anyone likes
trump unfollow me now
and he got accused of racism for racism
like the wrong emoji hand color yeah and
for his politics of liking trump which
right and all he said was something
about like
supporting the country with an american
flag emoji it was pretty innocuous
well i’m you know this is where the free
market free speech debate always kind of
collides with technology and social
media because what’s considered
appropriate and where can you really
control what people are saying
i don’t think you should be able to
control the political opinions of people
are working for you if
you are a company outside of work and
what’s outside of work if you’re a
public figure and you’re on social media
it’s all
very complicated i just don’t this is
unsettling to me
and then ireland’s supreme court rules
that subway’s bread does not meet the
legal definition of bread
that’s because they are i’m so bad at
accidents yeah you are
well irish i’m not as good as the guy we
we showed last week not all of us can be
accent geniuses
i was just joking that it’s because the
irish consider beer to be bread
they have high standards for their bread
yeah i don’t know if the irish should be
commenting on what’s food though have
you been to ireland their food is good
but it’s not anything to write home
ooh world traveler fantasy it’s meat and
this bread was deemed to have too much
sugar in it and it’s basically like a
confection type bread
subway knows that their bread is not
food just like they knew
that that dude who is representing them
was a pedo jared
bold word proof we’re living in a
in 2018 joaquin oliver was shot and
killed in
the parkland shooting his parents used
ai to bring him back to tell people how
voting can prevent these kinds of
tragedies from happening to any more
yo it’s me nope nope nope no
no it’s guac no no no no no no
i’ve been gone for two years and
nothing’s changed bro
this video is terrifying we are living
in a black mirror episode in fact i
think black mirror did an episode
exactly with this plot nope no
no no it triggered my whole uncanny
yeah like deeply disturbing
and then in parade of morons cops call a
due to karen
i mean you should probably learn global
you’re the person that calls someone you
know what i mean
someone sound like water bottle on the
street you’re the person that calls them
that’s what you are
all right carrie with like the middle
version of characters have a nice name
were these cops
[ __ ] they sounded like they seemed
like they should be at the very least i
love these guys
you are freaking caron if carrick karen
karan karen is karen and [ __ ] combined
you are a freaking karen if you can go
around with a freaking
camera and you’re tattling on everyone
no one likes a rat
snitches get stitches karen
and then we have dumpster diving what’s
in the dumpster
frenchman says tattoos cost him
kindergarten teaching job
a couple of tattoos that seems like
overkill to me
this is the face of my nightmares
we must keep this man away from the
children at all costs i can’t imagine
why that would scare the children he had
the whites of his eyes
surgically turned black nothing i love
how people just think they can run
willy nilly doing whatever they want and
have no consequences
you can make yourself look like a
monster and then expect to go get a job
in a kindergarten
excuse me sir no no
i’m sorry i don’t need my children
screaming in their sleep
because you decided in your 20s to
tattoo the whites of your eyes
or in your 30s or whenever you’re dead
[ __ ] karen
okay and then what is happening chicago
mayor lori lightfoot enters news
conference dressed up as corona
destroyer to announce the city’s
halloween guidelines
that’s a nice face our leaders
are absurd they’re they’re ridiculous
yeah this is what you should be really
focusing on
as the mayor of chiraq
for real though i don’t even know what’s
happening i don’t i don’t even know
what’s happening here
nope that’s why it’s in this hey we’re
in the middle of a pandemic maybe
they’re just trying to lighten things up
maybe they’re just like you know what we
need a little whimsy here
chicago whatever happened to whimsy it
fell a little flat
it was so awkward across is weird yeah
it was it was
really weird that poor these poor people
and then
we have actor rick moranis identified as
victim of random attack on the upper
west side
jesus i mean who would do this rick
moranis huh he’s just an innocent
little actor on his way home he’s
probably an anti-semite or a crazy
or both it’s either or and on the upper
west side right now because she’s so
it’s like the one thing people online
can agree about
that nobody should be attacking rick
moranis rick moranis you will bring
america together and unite us once and
for all
maybe you should be running for the
unity 2020 ticket rick moranis
we can get behind you and we will all be
seeing because you’re so tiny
[Laughter] and then in beyond parody the south park
pandemic special what did you think of
it bridgette
[Music] as if 2020 couldn’t be more
look there were funny moments i don’t
want to spoil it for anyone but it
kind of sucked and it was kind of
disappointing and it felt lazy
like a bunch of people just sitting
around in an undisclosed location trying
to come up with jokes
i don’t know what you’re talking about
what on earth could she mean
it felt a little bit lazy to me no i
just felt like there was so much
and they tiptoed around it and it felt
pretty safe to me
like they didn’t really go near any of
the stuff it felt safe
it felt safe and a little bit lazy she
has high
high standards for south park i just
felt like it was another one of 2020s
many disappointments
i was going to say i took my life and
now what you’re watching is ai
and now they ran the old bridges through
an a.i bot and this is what you got this
whole time i’ve just been a bot
and now we have a new category called
the making of a eunuch prince harry and
meghan markle reportedly agree to film a
netflix reality show
we have this idea first we had a great
idea for a reality show for prince harry
and it was fantastic it was maggie and
sam fighting over
prince harry i thought it was much more
interesting than whatever they’re gonna
come up with following them around being
woke and annoying
i would also like to say that the making
of the eunuch is the new category for
which we will be putting all things
terry and megan
related they have their own category now
congratulations harry and megan you’ve
made it to the big time here on dumpster
right it’s a nod to a tweet it was
basically like the headline
this was the guy’s tweet right below the
headline was
the making of a unix i love the internet
it’s literally like okay that’s so good
we have to name a category
there’s always one comment immediately
that makes me realize how quick people
are like this one where
just the headline of that first comment
is the making of eunuch
very sharp joke writing out there on the
internet in breaking bridget
people have lost their sense of humor
listen up internet people galore
everyone’s lost their sense of humor
because everybody takes everything as a
personal affront
you make a joke on twitter or say
anything sarcastically everyone’s so
identified with their politics and their
beliefs that they cannot take
a single joke without acting like it’s a
personal attack
there’s a lot of hypocrisy out there
right now and hypocrisy
is ripe for the picking and making fun
of and it’s happening all around us
and every you cannot get through life
without being a hypocrite you have to be
able to make fun of yourself
you have to be able to make fun of the
world you cannot take things so
when it came out that trump had coveted
a lot of people were laughing i think
more at the irony of it
then there were people who were wishing
him to die which is horrible you
shouldn’t wish anyone to die
especially if you’re one of those people
who’s like the cruelty is the point
about trump all day long and then you’re
a cruel person
don’t become what you hate this isn’t
hard but then
on the other side there are all the
people who drink
leftist tears and liberal tears and live
to gloat and laugh
at the suffering of other people
who suddenly grew some empathy and were
like how
dare you laugh at this this is not funny
and not a time
to laugh and clutching their pearls
about anyone laughing at the irony
of this situation which the irony of the
situation of our president getting
is frankly hilarious so
everybody just lighten up it’s not it’s
serious but
uh it’s also kind of funny
and of course there’s gonna be shad and
freud of course there will be
you see it from all sides all the time
it’s like twitter in particular
is like the vegas of the social medias
it’s where everybody goes to be the
shittiest version of themself
and schadenfreude is what drives the
of that entire mechanism the laughing at
other people’s
suffering or ill fortune well you were
saying to trump set this tone himself
yeah people didn’t like to hear that he
makes fun of
everything if biden got coronavirus
we would never be hearing the end of it
from dear leader
ever he would be mocking it he’s my he
was making fun
of biden for wearing a mouse two nights
before he said he had karate virus
i’m sorry that is a south park episode
and hilarious
i don’t wear mess like him every time
you see him he’s got a mask he could be
200 feet away from it he shows up with
the biggest mask i’ve ever seen
he was making fun of hillary when she
had a pneumonia
and she can’t make it 15 feet to her car
give me a break
give me a break
he makes fun and mocks everything he
would be laughing at anyone in this
and people were like well i wouldn’t be
wishing them to die no not everyone was
wishing him to die people who are
wishing him to die
are horrible people anyone wishing
anyone to die
online and i see this all the time even
when people do die everybody’s like ding
dong the witch is dead it’s not good
most people were just like this is
freaking ridiculous
you got to be able to laugh at
everything even the dark the dark
is the funniest i know it really is i’ve
been through some very dark times in my
life and perhaps
this is why i have this coping mechanism
because laughter has
truly truly saved my life and you have
to be able to joke about the dark stuff
we are in some darkly hilarious times
darkly hilarious i pray for everyone who
has lost their sense of humor in this
hilarious time because it’s the only way
you’ve got to
stay hopeful you’ve got to stay positive
you have to kind of keep going
put one foot in the front of the other
otherwise you can let this stuff just
collapse you into a pit of despair and
and that is not good for anyone it’s
certainly not good for you
look around at your immediate life take
stock of your
relationships control what you can
control always look on the bright side
of life old wise look on
the bright side of life that’s dumpster
we hear a dumpster fire we disagree with
everyone and don’t want anyone to die
that’s just our stance well set thank
you if we lose our sense of humor
we’re lost we have some internet as
glorious to cheer you up
after that darkly hilarious rant listen
those soft liberal hands put them on me
on my body
just slowly gently dragging your fingers
up and down my arm giving me goose bumps
you want my gun come kiss me for it
bite my lip and play with my hair for my
fire wrong if you want my gun come spank
me for it
[Music] [Applause] and in fantasy news david french is on
watkins welcome
i was in the babylon b i don’t know that
we’ve been promoting this but i’m a new
voice and a cartoon
babylon b i play a drunk newscaster
and it’s amazing and i love it the
debate was tuesday evening but hopefully
you listened to our warnings and didn’t
watch so instead of showing you the
debate we’ll simply act it out the
economy is great everyone is doing great
except for haters and losers who deserve
to start the economy is not doing great
trump is failing you know
it’s really fun so check that out and
subscribe to the babylon bee
youtube channel subscribe to
and you can see the
unedited version of this show every
single week
on sundays we launch it before we launch
the edited version here on youtube on
mondays so
do that join us it’s also an amazing
community of people
who are just making jokes laughing while
the world burns and we exercise together
me and the ladies every day we do zoom
it’s awesome i’d like to thank you to
zen proaudio for the mic
i’d like to thank better fetishy for all
the research
couldn’t do this without you follow
better fantasy on twitter
thank you sami flaps and folds thank you
thank you maggie thank you and thank you
we have a paypal donation button if
you’d like to contribute
you like what you’re doing you don’t
want to subscribe but you say hey i like
this they’re creative they’re funny they
take away some of the
nihilism for a half an hour a week just
donate it’s right down there we also
took out all of the mid-roll ads because
they were annoying to us
and to our viewers so throw down if you
want if not
we understand we’re here for you we know
it’s tough times out there
but i still i’m gonna need you to make
me rich
and if you want a verified nobody mug
or verified nobody’s shirt which is fun
to wear even if you’re not a verified
nobody it’s a
great shirt to wear people always look
at it too because then they wonder like
is that somebody there are other things
on the site
for merch we have beanies it’s getting
sweatshirts check it out i think that’s
it this has been your dumpster fire for
the week of september 27th to october
i’m bridgette fedesie now make me rich
a fat man on a slip and slide

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Bridget Phetasy

View Comments

  • Disagree. the 1968 pandemic was much worse medically, yet no lockdown. My belief, which I believe is based on reality, is the "cure" has been much worse than the disease, and that it has been a bonanza for the well off.

  • Unreal. That is kind of a perk of winning the presidency, to choose the Supreme Court nominee, when necessary. As if the democrats haven’t jumped on this opportunity more times than they can possibly count in the past. Exploiting the death of what’s-her-name, so very classy. And critical theory is absolute nonsense. Moronic. The most non sensical, nothingness that ever pretended to exist. I was bombarded with this garbage in grad school as a painting student. I actively opposed it in every way, shape and form when I became a professor. Those motherf—kers.

  • One of the most attractive humans alive! Brains, beauty and balls! Humorous as fuck. Love love love this woman.

  • reddit was right, youre not funny at all; what do you do when youre too vapid to have anything to say? show cleavage.... that's all you have to offer lol

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