Episode 51- Streets of Fire Found On www.bobanddougmckenzie.com

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Episode 51- Streets of Fire

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Willem Dafoe. Pleather overalls. What more do you need? Okay. How about an awesome soundtrack and Rick Moranis? Fine, we’ll throw in Bill Paxton and explodercycles.

1000 Wives of Weird can be found on:





hello shopkeep i’m shopping for some
tires today oh lovely well we have these
tires over here these are good for snow
driving okay uh what about these ones
here oh these these are good for
off-roading i need something that’s good
streets of fire
i don’t want to see an ordinary film
i’ll see something extraordinary
[Music] your sacrifice completes my sanctuary of
one thousand testicles
you ever feel as if your mind had
started to erode
let’s rock indeed welcome to 1 000 wives
of weird the podcast where we discuss
weird film i’m billy martel and with me
as always is brad hefner and today we
are discussing a a weird film from the
80s we’re going right back to our first
episode we’re going back to 1984
which is your repo man and buckaroo
banzai and buckaroo banzai we’re going
back to the era of tracks
and we’re gonna be talking about a film
with where the plot described by its
director walter hill is the queen of the
hop has been kidnapped by the leader of
the pack and soldier boy comes home to
do something about it yeah streets of
fire a rock and roll parable a rock and
roll favor a rock and roll fable do you
want to take that again
no i’ll i’ll just say leave that mistake
in there okay rock and roll rock and
roll fable one of the reasons why i
bought the movie
i mean with a tagline like that how can
you go wrong yeah it’s
very briefly aside from walter hill’s
wonderful semester how would you
describe this plot other than that
i don’t yeah it’s a
rock and roll starlet gets kidnapped by
willem dafoe yes and her
ex paramour comes back into town to
fight the baddies and rescue her and
there’s a bunch of great music and great
music it’s it’s in a fantasy world where
everyone’s it’s sort of like if you’ve
ever seen the film brick which we need
to bring on the show at some point where
it’s in high school but everyone’s
acting like adults this is sort of the
opposite where it’s like
it’s not in high school but everyone’s
acting like they’re in high school one
of the writers larry gross said that
this movie was an expansion on the world
in the movie the warriors i can see that
which i have not seen is another movie
out like brick that i have not seen but
another description of the film’s vibe
from again the director and writer
walter hill said that the film came out
of a desire to make what he thought was
the perfect film when he was a teenager
yes things that were great then which i
still have great affection for custom
cars kissing in the rain neon trains in
the night high speed pursuit rumbles
rock stars motorcycles jokes and tough
situations leather jackets and questions
of honor
and then when they were looking at the
dailies lair gross turned to him and
said this movie is somewhat weirder than
we thought which is about when brad and
i come in yes but yeah so before we get
too much of the plot summary too much of
the spoilers as usual but we do as
always recommend that you watch these
movies and get your own opinion uh
before we spoil them for you but
regardless we’re going to give you our
spoiler free thoughts at the top as
always brad would you recommend streets
of fire 100 yes um
it’s not uncommon for me to bl blind by
blu-rays in fact i’m mostly blind by yes
uh buy something without having seen it
prior you more than most i think most
people like to avoid spoilers you like
to avoid spoilers more than the average
person you like to go into things
completely blind and a lot of these
at times they aren’t available for
streaming or rent or whatever yeah but i
was cruising letterbox looking for
movies for this show
and i come across streets of fire with
with its beautiful stylistic almost van
gogh like poster
and using pointillism in that in that
poster i don’t think van gogh used
pointillism i i think he famously did
but he did a bunch of dots i think
that’s what van gogh’s famous for i
think that’s correct okay but i don’t
know enough to argue with you that’s all
right and then i saw i saw the cast
which includes wilm dafoe
rick moranis oh my god bill paxton yes
bill paxton’s very small part very small
but man and directed by the great walter
hill who you have most certainly heard
of wrote and direct the warriors yes a
80s sort of deliverance crossed with
platoon movie called southern comfort oh
which has a lot of great actors in it
probably most well known for 48 hours
which i’ve not seen with eddie murphy
and nick nolte right yes yeah brewster’s
millions oddly enough extreme prejudice
which has a stacked cast but
is not i didn’t enjoy it much he he
contributed to the story for aliens oh
and he
wrote and produced aliens three
interesting interesting okay and he also
did a
movie called the assignment yes which
has been living in my head for a long
time though i haven’t seen it just
because the premise is so [ __ ] weird
yeah why don’t you want to tell them the
assignment is a movie i heard about like
not too long ago and it
it’s a movie starring michelle rodriguez
who is as an action
not an action star because she doesn’t
she doesn’t get to star in movies but as
an action actress is someone i’ve always
been kind of a fan of who is a hit man
not a hit woman a hit man who wakes up
one day to discover that she has been
forcibly gender reassigned yes into a
woman and goes after the
surgeon who did the surgery to her
without her consent sigourney weaver to
get bloody revenge that premise is so
odd and
upsetting yeah that is and
tone deaf i want to say
i don’t know i don’t know what the [ __ ] the idea is walter hill
great filmmaker doesn’t seem like the
greatest person around i would agree but
it’s also the assignment came out in
2016. true and he did write it and in
2016 he was
74 years old right no but like he i was
looking in behind the scenes information
about this movie and he oh he seems like
a bit of a prick he seems like he’s
always been a bit of a prick and you
know that that does happen but yeah but
streets of fire is not a prick and then
i i watch the trailer for it which i
usually do not do right again you don’t
want to get spoiler i was so curious
about it and i watched it and i was like
i think i even like texted you i sent
you the trailer and i texted you was
like i’m getting this
it’s a rock and roll fable you’re right
you know you were stoked about this
and i actually got it in case you’re a
[ __ ] 1000 watts of weird head and you like to
construct a timeline sure i got it
before we recorded our first episode
with spring and i had brought that along
to the recording in case we wanted to
watch something after yeah we didn’t
watch that i went home and watched it
next time we got together i made you
watch it yes and my life has never been
the same it’s just fantastic it’s not a
perfect movie no but and there are
things we’ll talk about the music is
some of it doesn’t do it for me
but a lot of it’s great it’s most of it
is phenomenal over the top it’s this
weird pastiche of western and high
school rumblers and
[ __ ] the costumes are
nuts and
everything is it’s just so pretty fun
it’s so fun in a way
that like
i would love a remake of this film it
but i don’t think anyone would let you
have this much fun walter hill got to
make this movie because he was just
coming off of 48 hours which was hugely
successful and i don’t think this would
have ever gotten made if he hadn’t found
that success because this is oddball
it’s not again we deal with variations
of weird this is not holy mountain no
but if you watch this you’re going to be
what the [ __ ] this is a deeply weird movie it is i i
having some distance from this film
for a while we kept talking about
bringing it on the show and you said i’m
gonna let you bring it on the show to me
you said i’m gonna let you bring it on
the show and i was never sure
whether or not i should because as the
distance moved on from it i remember the
arc of the plot yeah and if you just
describe like
the basics of the plot as we did on the
top of this episode it doesn’t sound
that weird no it’s the experience of
actually watching it like if when you
it’s letting it everything wash over you
and be like yeah this is
it’s a deeply weird movie it’s something
that i should be calling stupid yeah but
i can’t because it’s so damn good it’s
so damn good and i think it is
it is it is weird in in i would put it
on like tron levels of weird where like
yeah the the bare bones of the plot are
extremely conventional sure but the
visuals and the the
the guts it took to make a film like
this yes the weird amount of money that
got thrown at this crazy ass idea yeah
is insane and it’s i so yeah i recommend
this 100 as as hard as i could recommend
anything yes there are definitely flaws
in the movie it is not perfect and there
are a couple of things about it that
have not aged well but by and large a
majority of this film is this window
into this present day set or at least
80s present day set yeah fairy tale
universe where both the 80s but also the
50s also the 50s also also the wild west
the wild west the 1920s like it’s oh
that reminds me that walter hill also
did last man standing which is great
poorly critically reviewed but i loved
it which one’s willis uh yo jimbo remake
which was actually a remake that’s right
adaptation of dasho hammett’s red
harvest yes so in a way last man
standing is a
more true adaptation of the source
material than yo jimbo than yo jimbo or
fistful of dollars right yeah yeah yeah
that’s just
wow what a fascinating trip that is that
whole sentence was the world of streets
of fire so i was just talking to stephen
recently has he seen this uh steven has
not seen this but he has seen a movie
that we talked about recently buckaroo
bonsai and he’s a fan of that he’s on
letterbox huge fan of it he that’s one
of his it’s one of his family’s favorite
movies it’s one of his dad’s favorite
movies of all time and so he did not
agree with us of course and he and i
were talking back and forth because we
disagree and we can agree and and we can
be okay with that you had to explain to
him why he’s dumb yeah exactly i was
insulting him as what was happening but
he was saying the same thing that i
think we were talking about with that
movie is like it’s weird that this movie
has this whole universe that lives
inside this writer’s head and it’s
almost like [ __ ] i wish we could have
seen more of that universe yeah and
now you and i didn’t vibe with buckaroo
banzai no but i vibe with this oh we
vibe real hard this is the movie where i
feel like that where i’m like well that
was sort of [ __ ] i want and yeah the
walter hill did have an idea he wanted
there to be a huge series based around
tom cote the main character this film he
wanted like he even like i think he put
a note at the end of the script that was
like this is book one of the adventures
of tom cote the move the story will
continue in book two i wish i want that
series so
bad yeah i wish that would have been
like an indiana jones like another uh
sure although
drop michael parray dropped michael
parker who is the big dud of the movie
he’s the lodestone around this movie’s
neck michael parry is the actor who
plays tom cote honestly if this had been
from the adventures of mccoy oh my god
that’s what i wanted better because
that’s what i really want and again we
will get into spoilers in the section
you’ll know who mccoy is and a lot of
people are just listening to this just
imagining like i’m talking about dr
leonard james mccoy from star trek
around a rock and roll landscape
just like he’s got the boogie woogie
fever he’s got this
jim he’s dead he could die from boogie
woogie fever that is also sounds like a
great movie though just like leonard
mccoy just wandering around being yeah
real being the only person
being the only person in this rock and
roll universe who doesn’t like rock and
roll at all
well maybe you would like to see whisper
snappers man i love the world of this
movie i love the creativity of this
movie and it it does kind of feel like
a movie that should have blown up and
turned into this i can massively
expansive comic book universe there are
many very legit reasons why it didn’t
yes my god this movie is 1984 was a bad
year for starting franchises buckaroo
bonsai streets of fire oh man did they
ever want to make repo well they did
they did try and make repo man well they
made john repo girl much much later yeah
when alex cox was making real bad movies
in front of a blue screen in his
basement pretty much micro budget movies
micro budget movies like micro naughts
but less fun yeah i will probably watch
that someday i don’t even know if it’s
to a procure anyway but sadly the only
continuation of streets of fire is also
a much lower budget sequel made not by
walter hill but by somebody else in 2008
oh it really called road to hell
i’ve never heard of this you’re the one
who told me about this
yeah you did back when we first watched
it and i looked it up when we were when
i was taking notes on this movie the
only thing that comes back from this
movie is michael parray he comes back to
play tom cote again
and in a plot where he has to save the
daughter of the rock star from this
movie and they play some of the songs
from this movie including our favorite
one and it i i looked up that scene just
to watch it because we love that song
yes and it is [ __ ] depressing oh wow
okay it’s not a good time i just i
really forgot that i learned about that
and told you about it that’s okay i must
have blocked it out for a reason and now
you’ve uncovered my trauma yeah clearly
yeah no this this is this is me pushing
your buttons yep this is this is this
episode’s the opposite of therapy i’m
going to bring up oh no all your bad
drama oh [ __ ] it’s psychic driving
but yes let’s go nowhere fast yes blast
into the plot of one of the greatest
movies you’ve never seen just another
background thing oh yeah go ahead yeah
walter hill wanted to make like a comic
book movie that’s right i did hear about
this but he looked through comic books
at the time and was like these are all
didn’t like a single comment like a
single one but he wanted that sort of
vibe feel yeah and it’s also he
he wanted because this is
a high school story
even though michael parray is like 28
lane or diane lane is it diane lane or
diane keaton it’s not diane keaton but i
always confuse diane lane and diane last
it’s who it’s whoever played superman’s
mom and man of steel because the first
time we watched this i couldn’t get past
the fact that it was superman’s mom from
man of steel so i even though like her
performance in the movie is fine and i
quite liked her the second time i
watched it the first time i watched it i
kept thinking like ooh like just like
leftover hatred for the snyder verse
kept spilling over into my viewing of
this movie it’s diane lane that’s it
okay but she was actually 18. yes she
was but everyone else was
she was the youngest member of the cast
but she was simultaneously
one of the most one of the most
experienced in terms of actually she had
just worked with coppola yes which is
how she got the job they were like oh my
god you worked with coppola the other
thing was that even though they’re in
high school yes that’s how i got started
up talking about ages gotcha michael
parray was like 28 diane lane is like
walter hill didn’t want this to be like
a bloody film he didn’t want there to be
a lot of killing he wanted to keep it
which i think is part of why i like this
movie i think yeah i think that’s a
positive with this film in a way
especially for a filmmaker like walter
hill who likes his blood in action or
yeah that’s sort of a brave choice like
yeah and i do think that it hurt the
i think that i think i think because
some goofy [ __ ] happens yeah where it’s
like they should be dead yeah no in in
the in in the 80s the 80s was one of the
the last times when gore was actually
i mean gore is still a selling point now
for people like us and for a lot of
people out there but it was the last
time that i feel like studios
went for that sort of thing where you
have movies like
evil dead 2 or
movies like die hard and commando where
they’ll just be like these splashes of
violent like horrible
mutilations happening on screen it’s
just like yeah that’s what the audience
wants i mean you’re ignoring
quentin tarantino in the 90s that’s very
true that’s very true but like i feel
like that was something of a selling
point when it came to action movies in
the 80s in particular
and like late 80s early 90s maybe
because this is 84. i’m completely wrong
and that
larry gross anyway is quoted as saying i
think if we put more gore in the movie
people with more people with a watch not
even more gore just like
just some blood spray just have tom cote
go ham with that rifle but instead just
like i was talking about with buckaroo
banzai this movie is very a team where
there’s a lot of bullets flying and a
lot of property being wrecked but
nobody’s permanently injured nobody goes
to the hospital nobody is killed but it
feels like it’s
so much more natural to this universe
than it does with buckaroo bonsai yeah
it’s also very much like the the
universe of going to western since this
movie is so heavily western inspired it
feels like shoot the gun out of your
hand exactly it’s the lone ranger it’s
like i’m gonna i’m always gonna use gun
i’m always using guns but somehow i’m
never going to kill yes yeah all right
so let’s get into it let’s get into it
one of the greatest movie openings ever
i was about to say one of the greatest
openings in cinematic history
specifically one of the greatest musical
openings in cinematic history there’s
the star wars theme kicking in over the
title crawl the jets snapping their
fingers and west side story we learned
that any movie where queen to the
soundtrack and then there’s this movie
we learned that this is another time
another place which was a caption that
was inspired by star wars by star wars
caption that had come out a few years
earlier they realized that i don’t
remember if this was from walter hill or
larry gross but one of them was saying
that they realized oh yeah you don’t
have to set movies in reality
and your fantasies don’t have to all
happen outside of a castle in a forest
somewhere you can just set us fantasy
anywhere what if we set a fantasy
in a city yeah hill said that he was
also partially inspired by cocktail in
his movie la belle in lebanon that’s
sorry no but it makes sense because la
belle and lebet his version of the
beauty and the beast which is the second
most famous adaptation of that story
aside from the disney version
famously starts off with a
narration and a title crawl that says
when you’re watching this movie
please watch this movie with the mind of
a child and accept this world as if you
were a child hearing the story basically
that is what the movie’s saying hey this
doesn’t take place in chicago where some
of the location shooting took place this
movie takes place in another time and
another place and it is a rock and roll
fable and that’s a one-two punch yes
that immediately is like
i think you’re either on board or not at
this point yeah like if you if you see
another time another place
streets of fire a rock and roll fable
that’s either entirely your jam or it is
not your jam yeah and maybe you’ll get
on board later once things actually
happen sure but i know for me i was like
yes yeah yes i’m ready for this ride i
can see someone like the first time we
watched it i liked it a lot less than
the second time i watched it for the
show understandable uh i still really
liked it but i liked it way better the
second time and part of the reason for
that is that while the vibe of a rock
and roll fable is great
there are things that detract from it
and again we will get into it
the title was again the streets of fire
this was an intentional reference to the
bruce springsteen song which they
thought they were going to be able to
and then they were not able to use it
apparently because bruce springsteen
didn’t like that he wasn’t going to be
in the movie well he wasn’t no just that
they weren’t going to use his vocals
they weren’t going to use his vocals
they were going to use someone else’s
vocals because they were going to have
one of the characters sing it and who’s
going to be uh diane lane
the movie is a musical which was
apparently a last-minute decision based
on the success of flash dance
which is crazy to me because the fact
that it is a musical feels so integral
to the universe of the movie that i
can’t imagine it any other way
apparently it was a fairly late stage
edition absolutely yeah but this is not
a musical musical it’s not like cats or
dear evan hansen no there is only one
non-diegetic musical number
most of the other musical numbers in the
movie take place like there’s like
through performances on stage
but it is still a musical because there
is that one non-diegetic musical number
okay have we mentioned that
joel silver was involved with this film
no remind me who joel silver joel silver
is one of the great super producers let
me let me read off some of his producing
credits yeah go ahead 48 hours weird
science commando lethal weapon predator
die hard road house lethal weapon 2 die
hard 2 predator 2 lethal weapon 3
demolition man lethal weapon 4 the
matrix jesus this guy is just like
dominated popcorn cinema for years one
of my favorite movies kiss kiss bang
bang sure and those that was just
producing credits here’s executive
producer all right streets of fire yeah
joel silver apparently by the way is the
reason why uh rick moranis is in this
because he and rick moranis were friends
yes yeah okay that was the only good
uh executive producer credit he had oh
just just reason i know there’s
there’s some duds on here uh hey joel
silver knows how to distance himself
from work he’s not as proud of
apparently oh yeah he also produced fred
claus uh
i haven’t seen fred claus maybe it’s
amazing it could be you’re right i just
whenever i think of fred claus i think
when jean ralphio is coaching tom on his
uh best man
want to do a von quote either which i do
from crashers or swingers
fred claus
i’ve heard that paul giamatti is a
fantastic santa i believe it in that
movie but he’s paul giamatti i’m not
sure he’s capable of a bad performance
true much like rick morana so the music
immediately starts up as the credits
come up it’s just a big like
it like it’s it’s it’s kicking in it’s
it feels it has the same feeling if
you’ve ever watched the animated
transformers the movie from the 80s when
that opening title starts and you just
hear like the the dramas come dump dumb
dumb and like the little guitar riff in
the background before it gets into that
you got the touch uh not even that song
yet it’s like it’s a cover of the
transformers theme song by a band called
and it’s just one of the coolest movie
openings of all time but it’s that
feeling but before we get to the song as
it’s building we see a quick montage of
flashes of some of the most incredible
sets you’ve ever seen in your life and
all sets all sets there are apparently
some shots in the movie that were
location shots
very few but mostly sex most of this
movie it all takes place mostly outdoors
in a city and almost all of this is sets
the movie was something like 14 million
over budget by the end of it because
this is walter hill’s apocalypse this is
this is walter hill’s apocalypse now
where they were essentially like like
gotham city in the tim burton batman
movies they built an entire city
to the specifications of this magical
500 extras yes to populate the city yes
they the ads entire job was just
directing all the extras which
apparently was a nightmare they yeah
they just they they created a city that
looks like
it looks like new york it looks like
chicago which is what it was meant to
look like it looks like all of these of
course it’s not chicago it’s not new
york it’s another place in another time
but they created this whole world that’s
so specific and so
my god i love this city yeah i want it’s
one of those places like the rooftop set
in mary poppins during the step in time
sequence or gotham city in the tim
burton batman movies i just want to be
i want to visit this place i want to run
around in this i want like a gta style
streets of fire oh my god
[ __ ] that would be incredible
it would be fantastic i would never stop
playing that game i would stop doing the
show i would only do that game sure yeah
[ __ ] that
right through the hole all day long and
you’re still playing it so my dick would
just be smashed into the ps4 you would
have two copies yes one to play and one
to [ __ ] like a true collector right like
a true collector exactly exactly but
yeah we get a little montage we see we
we get the
but we see people around town like
getting ready to go to this show this is
the big show it’s ellen aim and the
attackers oh my god the local girl makes
good you can’t miss ella name and the
attackers man she’s from there yeah they
know her this is a religion brad how
would you describe the aesthetic of this
universe it’s like if the 80s met the
50s and tom cote looks like he’s from
the depression yes and
mccoy looks like she’s from
the korean war
and ellen aim looks pure 80s yes and
rick moranis looks timeless as always as
it’s it’s hard to pin down because it’s
such a pastiche it like it’s like it
they said hey i want every part of the
20th century in america in one area yes
it’s from the 1910s to the 80s all of
that in one city pretty much in one
world and you you get vibes of that in
this opening like you see a very
traditional diner yes where tom cote’s
sister runs it and works it and that
riva riva yeah great character i love
reva reeve was the best and that looks
very 50s
but the venue looks very 80s like it
looks very uh contemporary the the venue
i believe is one of the only real
locations that they have is like a real
theater that they rented but every car
you see driving around is like the 50s
yes so it’s it’s like very a very old
50s everything has a layer of dust on it
an inch thick it’s sort of the gotham
city aspect yeah it’s yeah dark and
gritty and there’s like there’s there’s
a roof to the world everyone’s always
going under a bridge at all times
they’re filmed under a huge tarpaulin
that that’s right yes i didn’t
understand that when they were talking
about it they just sat a tarp oh
literally just a big tarp yeah so
they’re just filming inside of a
gigantic tent yes jesus
so and it’s it’s this is a wonderful
trick that the movie plays again
no one dies spoiler alert uh you don’t
see much blood uh-huh but already this
aesthetic this darkness is making us
think the movie is much grittier and
darker than it actually is it gives the
again that idea of like you can do
fantasy without doing it in what is a
dungeons dragon setting a traditional
fantasy setting with this idea of like
this is a city
scape that gives you the sense of i’m in
an enchanted forest
or like i’m in a
in the old west i’m in a saloon or
something like that and it’s it’s so
[ __ ] good i i wrote down a tr again
trying to just trying to describe this
vibe because it’s the only time i’ve
ever seen the survive anywhere
rockabilly slash used future of star
sort of like that
that’s part of it but it’s not it’s
again it’s such a wide past dish that
you just kind of need to see it but uh
some of the only dialogue we get here
rick moranis is introduced very quickly
he’s getting the rare opportunity for
rick moranis to play a complete [ __ ] a complete [ __ ] and also
someone who
habitually stands up to the tough hero
yes which uh honestly
awesome i i loved it i loved it
so much and this was this was i think
this was before ghostbusters yes and
this was before he became a disney
mainstay right so this was very early
rick moran very early rick moranis he
was known but he wasn’t ghostbusters he
wasn’t the international sex symbol that
he would become exactly yeah yeah
international sex symbol rick moranis
rick moranis would go to press junkets
for honey i blew up the kid
and he would do the iggy pop where he
would just take out his dick right and
lay it on the microphone right yes he
would do exactly that and yes as a as
opposed to diane lane who would just go
around doing the ozzy osbourne biting
heads off of bats yes finally uh the
build-up gets to this absolutely insane
crescendo and uh the announcer comes on
and says oh we find out from rick
moranis that the show is doing the show
is a complete passion project for yeah
for charity yes
he calls the cherry project i think the
idea is that they’re in an area where
people can’t afford their normal ticket
prices gotcha but like he’s they’re not
actually making back much on the show
ella name is here because this is where
she came from exactly and the announcer
establishes that by saying and now back
home again the one the only
and then we get
the best thing ever this is if you don’t
fall in love with this movie by the end
of this song called nowhere fast yeah
written by meatloaf songwriter jim
steinman also bonnie tyler songwriter
jim steinman it feels like a bonnie
tyler song too he wrote both bad out of
hell and uh
it feels like both of them so he is
one of the greatest songwriters of all
time there’s jim steinman and then like
a little bit lower down the list you
have amadeus mozart and ludwig von
beethoven yes
but like
it’s when i first watched this i was
like this is the most perfect song that
mean loaf never recorded and it makes
sense because of me love songwriter yeah
and meatloaf did do a song called
nowhere fast that has completely
different lyrics different lyrics
completely different i knew that it was
like slower i didn’t know that he did
different lyrics completely different
lyrics that sucks yes i knew that it
sucked before but i didn’t that know how
bad it sounds this song
if america made this the national anthem
i would be proud of my country again i
would never kneel again
exactly for anything for any reason just
in case somebody thought i was
protesting the national anthem right
yeah just for any reason like if you’re
familiar with meatloaf you know that
like sort of the vibe it’s very much is
it’s very like this epic
epic song about the most powerful of all
power balance it’s again total eclipse
of the heart the bonnie tyler vibe like
this song gets into my soul
it’s a power jam it’s a power jam and a
half um
i just lying in your bed and on a
saturday night you’re sweating buckets
and it’s not even hot
those [ __ ] two lines like you’re so
evocative lying in your bed and on a
saturday night oh my you’re young you
should be out there and you’re sweating
but it’s not even hot why are you
sweating because your brain has got a
message and it’s sending it out to every
nerve and every muscle you got
you’ve got so many dreams that you don’t
know where to put them so you better cut
a few of them loose oh god and we’re
also getting into like testifying the
dreariness of the of the landscape where
it’s like oh man you want to get out
but you’re not going to so you might as
well let it go and it it’s
we’ve talked about how difficult it is
take notes for this show when it’s a
movie that we like this scene i was
taking notes this scene came on
i involuntarily dropped my phone out of
my hand which i was using to take notes
and just like
clapping my hands were in the air raised
towards god i was just like exalted and
then i wrote notes based on what i could
remember and then re-watch the scene
again and then finish the movie and then
watch the scene a third time
my gut like this is
now unfortunately this is sort of a
blade situation where this is the peak
of the movie
the rest of the movie is all great but
this is so [ __ ] amazing but this is i
i wrote down this is the holy mountain
this is yes this this scene is
should be studied in a laboratory like
this should be worshipped by film
students we should wake up every morning
and watch the scene before going out and
studying movies dying in the city like a
fire on the water let’s go running on
the back of the wind
there’s gotta be some action on the face
of the earth and i gotta see your face
once again
and i don’t know where i ever got the
bright idea that i was cool
so alone and independent
but i’m depending on you now
oh god it’s so good and my favorite the
song is called nowhere fast
yeah yeah yeah nowhere but going nowhere
and we gotta get away from the past
there’s nothing wrong with going nowhere
baby but we should be going nowhere fast
but we should be going nowhere fast and
my my favorite invert like a little
tweak on the lyrics
everybody’s going nowhere slowly they’re
only fighting for the chance to be last
there’s nothing wrong with there’s a
great wear slowly
and everyone else is just fighting for
the chance to be last
and then there’s a tremendous breakdown
at the end
god speed
god speed
speeds beat us away
my god a lot of me singing during this
episode that’s okay
that’s okay uh my god i but
the cinematography for for this movie is
fantastic especially the concerts
and this like part of the power of this
is not just the song but like the
editing yeah the uh the action by diane
lane as ellen aim and her backup band
this is apparently a role that diane
lane did not take did not take lightly
like diane lane gave a [ __ ] about this
performance and and when she found out
like that there was a part up for her
you’re supposed to be playing a rock god
she was like i want to do that yeah and
i want to do nothing but that she showed
up she tried real hard for the audition
she came in character in costume already
uh and she and she
sells it like she’s oh she i love she’s
not doing her own singing in the scene
no no one does uh and but she is like
and she’s clearly not a dancer or
anything but she’s like absolutely like
just [ __ ] getting she wouldn’t win a
lip sync battle yes no absolutely
towards the middle we see that a biker
gang is approaching in shadows this is
the most chilling villain entrance of
any movie like like darth vader coming
through the smoke in the blockade
in in in uh in the beginning of star
wars in the tante four this is like they
the the bikers roll up they come in
coming on the street in complete shadow
you own their backlit vague outlines of
them but as the song is slowly coming to
a close the lights very slowly come up
on the most pasty pale willem dafoe has
ever been and so young such a young such
a young all the lines you’re used to
seeing in willem dafoe’s face are all
smoothed out it’s a terrifying smoothie
he has a hairdo
that’s like a it’s like out of a [ __ ] anime yeah like it’s not spiky it’s just
an anime interpretation of a greaser
yeah it’s it’s david tennant’s hairstyle
from that one episode of doctor who
where he was in the 50s the one with the
tv stealing people’s faces he’s just
like the the rare smooth pale greaser
willem dafoe coming out of the shadows
with just this intense
hungry look on his face and even though
the song is is exalting you towards
here he comes from the depths of hell
but it’s so perfect because like it’s
talking about getting out there going
fast even if you’re going nowhere and
here’s the [ __ ] motorcycles and
here’s the [ __ ] here’s the bad boy
here’s the devil and as
satan as the song is closing out yeah
willem dafoe playing the
wonderfully named character raven
shattucks raven shattucks oh my speaking
with anime [ __ ] that’s someone that yugioh would play
cards against speaking like the greatest
porn name never used
i mean raymond shattucks is the perfect
name for anything like
what if you were going to meet a name
man named raven shattucks
on what circumstances would you not want
to meet him like if you’re a
professional of some sort if i was a
professional of some sort and i wouldn’t
want to meet raven i wouldn’t know if he
were professional like what like what
profession could he possibly aside from
gang leader right yeah raven shattucks
the the richest man in the world raven
a helicopter pilot helicopter pilot uh
raven shattuck’s uh
detective the most powerful stunt man in
the world hell yeah he can be set on
fire without needing a suit for it
i mean i go to a
watch repairman named raven shattucks
right raven shattuck seems too big for
normal professions he should be a crime
fighter i mean that’s why he’s a gang
boss that’s why he’s a gang raven
shattuck’s dual master
the only man that maximilian pegasus has
ever feared raven shattucks raven
shattuck no it’s a perfect comic book
named dr doom’s mentor raven shattucks
exactly but as the song is winding down
before we get to that uh i it’s a couple
more things about the scene because
again this scene this song is so
powerful that we see that it actually
makes rick moranis character smile it’s
so powerful it makes his heart grow
three sizes i figured it was sort of
thing where he’s like rick mirandas and
ella name are an
yeah rick moranis character’s name is
billy fish billy and i kept perfect i
kept telling you to call him billy the
fish oh but he’s just billy fish sadly
uh again these names are perfect yes
even in their simplicity billy fish
ellen aim
wonderful names i figured billy fish was
smiling because he’s like
there’s a woman i love
she’s performing like a goddess i i
think that’s part of it but i think that
there is something about like her talent
she is so genuinely
the goddess of rock and roll in this
universe that there is something about
that that just like magically takes all
of the
all of the [ __ ] artifice that makes
people negative away from them and turns
them into the best versions of
themselves and the next the only time in
this movie where we see billy fish
nice towards anyone is the end which is
the next time that we see her perform in
cont in the universe of this movie but
yeah but the song as you mentioned the
filmmaking on display in the scene is
[ __ ] incredible which is funny
because walter hill said that he didn’t
know what he was doing when filming the
scenes really never filmed musical
numbers before
okay later on he asked someone who had
been in the business in the 30s making
musicals how did you guys do that
because i have so much i had so much of
a hard time the one time i did it and
they said well we rehearsed a lot and
he’s like that’s right we didn’t do that
we got the songs like an hour before we
shot and then we figured it out as we
went that’s nuts which is insane
fantastic so good but that speaks to
what a great filmmaker walter hill is
yeah and a song going nowhere nowhere
fast is performed by ellen amen and the
attackers in universe and in real life
it’s performed by eleano’s voice as a
combination of two singers uh lori
sargent and holly sherwood they went
back and forth taking lead on these
songs but they also
even on songs where one of them is more
the singer than the other one their
voices are still somewhat combined where
they decided that they liked the
performances of one better than the
other on certain bits and they edited
them together that’s why it’s so
powerful and also used two ladies it’s a
song that’s literally so the soundtrack
of the movie is
literally so powerful that not one human
being could do it as flawlessly as they
did and they use computers to do it just
like tron together when whenever they
did a song in this you can tell it’s all
them together because on the soundtrack
it’ll be credited to fire inc
incorporated which is the name that they
gave the the robot fusion of these two
the band behind her both on screen and
on the track is a uh punk band called
face to face and they do fantastic and
diane lane is great
holy [ __ ] they have these
are giving it their [ __ ] all their
dresses buddy holly and they are giving
it rock star 100 and i love them with
all of my heart all right is that
everything that’s everything that i
wanted to talk about with that scene but
yes the song ends and defoe yells go
and the his men rush the stage beat up
the band and rick moranis and take ellen
hostage william defoe straight up donkey
kongs this woman woman and i want willem
dafoe to play donkey kong now my god and
i don’t want to be i don’t want him to
voice donkey kong no you want i want him
to be captured and no no i want him to
be in a griller suit oh
[Applause] with like the face cut out so it’s
willem dafoe’s face
or at least his eyes and then you have
the monkey mouth no i want his i want
him to be in like a suit he’s like ah
i’m gonna throw a barrel at you
robert pattinson went on record as
saying that willem dafoe has more energy
than any other actor he’s ever worked
with so i think that willem dafoe would
be down i’m sure he would i’m
willing to foe seems to be down for
pretty much anything seems like it yeah
i’m sure he has a quote but that quote
doesn’t seem too high because they got
him for the first john wick they gone
for the first john wick for a fairly
small role they got him for [ __ ] uh
that vampire movie with ethan hawke that
i forget the name of right now but is
hokey fun he’s barely in that one and he
plays an elvis obsessed vampire hunter
okay it’s the best part of the movie
aside from sam neil being sam neal
because he’s also the best part of
anything he’s in sure but yes the the
biker gang oh my god i’m sorry go ahead
daybreakers daybreakers is the name of
that vampire movie sorry this is a
donkey kong movie because tom cote is
going to fight willem dafoe with a
hammer at the end oh my god
we just cracked the code [ __ ] we see you walter hill we see you
[ __ ] he wanted to direct that
bob hoskins piece of [ __ ] and instead he
got he got stuck doing this yeah he
wanted to direct super mario brothers 10
years in the future now i’m pissed off
that this that the the hammer fight at
the end of this movie doesn’t take place
on top of a half-finished skyscraper or
like on a scaffold or something just on
a big like a bunch of steel girders in
the air and they’re like oh my god i’m
almost falling off the entire time i
just wanted
to jump over one barrel just just one
they couldn’t even give us that
yeah yeah they this this this biker gang
they steal the bombers the bombers is
what they’re called they steal ellen aim
they they they they they cause a huge
riot everyone’s freaking out punching
people they’re decking people they’re
they’re they drag a man down the street
with their motorcycles they go out into
the into the public area and they’re
just causing chaos i think they even
throw a couple of bombs maybe maybe i
don’t quite remember they rip a lady’s
shirt open kind of yeah kind of but they
do again like no no real explicit nudity
or or explicit like
a little bit of new d later kind of
remind me of this is a very obscure
reference i guess but it just it it’s
what i kept thinking about through the
whole movie the the biker gang from the
pilot movie for the 90s flash tv show
is very similar vibes where they don’t
real they’re not doing anything that
would actually gain them any profit they
just like going into places and wrecking
[ __ ] yeah uh because they’re they’re not
a real biker gang they’re not a real mob
they are the butcher
they’re the butch cavendish gang they’re
they’re coming in and they’re they’re
wrecking [ __ ] they’re wrecking the
settlement and this is not a real
cityscape this is a little old west town
out on the on the frontier somewhere and
everyone in town in this little area of
town knows each other it’s a very
tight-knit community like it would be in
an old west town or a small town or
small medieval settlement out there
again this doesn’t take place in chicago
this takes place in a fantasy world uh
it operates on western logic hill said
in an interview every film i’ve ever
done has been a western the western is
ultimately a stripped stripped-down
moral universe that is beyond that is
whatever dramatic the germanic problems
are beyond the normal avenues of the
social con control and social
alleviation of the problem and i like to
do that even within contemporary stories
a young lady who was at the concert who
we met earlier
she knows that she’s in the western
universe and she knows when there’s one
riot you need one ranger and she sends
out another typewriter for the for the
man with no name of this universe whose
name is tom cote because as always the
man with no name definitely has a name
in every one of those movies but she
calls out for she she literally writes a
letter again this is a western she
writes a letter and sends it off and on
the ground it was 1984 there were only
so many things she could do sure she
could call him she could call her but no
this is a western she writes uh she
writes a letter and probably we don’t
see this but probably sent it over the
teletype and telegram into the telegram
and he comes in on the night train from
in from santa fe or whatever the [ __ ] and and comes in and be we’re gonna get
into tom cote in a second i do want to
say before we get to him
his costume is iconic okay yes like i
said he looks like he’s from the [ __ ] depression yeah no he looks like he’s
but speaking of hammers he looks like he
was working right next to john henry on
the on the [ __ ] railroad
he’s got like he’s got this big old
trench coat and he’s got the
the shirt with like the cut off sleeves
except when they’re not and the overalls
and like the old-fashioned suspenders
where it’s like two like two button
clips yes and uh
like a loose cord he looks like he
should be
in a movie about like
unionizing the minds exactly he’s the
first person the pinkerton’s killed a
strike break right right like that or or
or maybe he’s gonna be uh yelling
outside a window yelling stella or
something like that he just he’s yeah
definitely that sort of vibe but it
looks like he would fit perfectly into
the firefly universe oh 100
this movie this character you can tell
that the costume designer was given the
thing hey
here’s a picture of john wayne in the
movie here’s a picture of clint eastwood
in the man with no name trilogy i need
you to capture this vibe but it needs to
different west coast america
during the last uh yeah east coast
america during the last 100 years or so
that’s the kind of but more towards the
50s or 20s that’s the vibe and then they
immediately understood the assignment
and completely captured that and i just
want to say that immediately because tom
cote sucks tom cote does suck and
michael parray sucks yeah uh tom cote as
a character does indeed suck on his own
he wouldn’t suck
as hard if he was played by anybody else
yes michael parray has the look he has
the look at 100 percent he looks aside
from like a weird patchy beard yeah
aside from the weird he looks like
casper van dien with a patchy beard sure
who’s some who’s who’s like on some sort
of like he just went to the dentist and
he’s still like asleep he sounds like a
drunk sylvester stallone god yes yeah
and i i think i know what happened
because there’s a lot in this movie that
feels very john wayne like this is not
referencing the 70s music western this
is very much referencing classic
westerns and i think that when they met
with this now their first choice was tom
cruise yes i am not a big tom cruise fan
i’m not either i would have been
interested to see him in this role sure
he would have been better than michael
parray i think but like i’m not he would
have had more charisma yeah i’m not i’m
just not a fan of tom cruise’s acting no
generally not general which is why i’m a
fan of the mission impossible movies
because he doesn’t do much other than
like the physical stunt work and those
stiff running aside from stiff running
in the with in the stun work which he’s
good at but they were looking at so they
were looking at other actors because tom
cruise was off doing some other movie
and they’re like okay
and and michael parray comes in and he
has this very slow monotone deep voice
delivery which works and i think they
were looking at that and sometimes and i
think they were looking at that and they
were like hey
this is kind of giving me that sort of
john wayne kind of thing because he also
talked really slow and a deep voice kind
of a monotone delivery
and john wayne is not a great actor
no he’s not a great actor not a great
not a great human being
but we’re not going to quote uh repo men
here yeah no
you read my mind i know i know every
time john wayne comes up i know what’s
going on although
whether or not that was true that is not
why john wayne no not at all no no he
was a bad for other reasons look up the
clip he he had about uh about race
relations in america uh look at the time
when he wanted to beat the [ __ ] out of a
native american woman yes
sucks but but john wayne did have
one some of the greatest directors in
history telling him what to do and two
some kind of charisma yeah on screen and
michael parray just doesn’t no he’s a
dud mike the dud of the film he is so
bad i will say again watching this the
second time through for this show
he didn’t bother me as much as the first
time i agreed although this was my third
watch yes and like now i’m just because
i expect it i expect him to be a dud and
i’m more accepting of it once you decide
that you like a movie it’s much easier
sort of sand off those rocks stand off
the rough edges when you’re still trying
to decide whether you like a movie or
not anything’s going to come up as like
a legit thing that you need to pay
attention to in terms of like hey what’s
a point against what’s a point
i usually don’t like belittling actors
but then i i read a lot of stuff
from michael parray’s interviews where
he comes off as a real [ __ ] tool so i
don’t feel as bad about it yeah before
we move on from tom cote while i was
watching it i was writing down lists of
actors who were who would have been
available at the time that i thought
could have played the part better my
a tier pick for the part is i think
obviously kurt russell yeah like he he
was born to play parts like this yeah
but the two other people that i came up
with were emilio estevez from repo men
okay he clearly would have was too busy
doing repo man
repo man i’m sorry and the other one was
patrick swayze
and lo and behold who did audition for
this movie
is patrick swayze and from what i was
able to glean they just didn’t accept
his audition
and that is [ __ ] foolish
well joel silver would make up for that
when he produced roadhouse there you go
he must have remembered him and was like
hey the biggest mistake i ever made
let’s correct it right now i also want
to point out that aside from the
songs in this movie the score is written
by rykutter
frequent walter hill collaborator
very famous blues musician famous for
that slide guitar oh nice i believe love
love a good slide to guitar there is a
lot of guitar in this it’s very sort of
that sort of like uh very western
strumming western bluesy yeah very good
very very very good at setting the tone
the apparently we’re not the only ones
who are disappointed in michael pereira
uh there’s a lot of
producers did not like larry gross the
co-writer of the movie
hated michael pereira and takes every
opportunity to blame the failings of the
movie on
uh on michael perez solely
he is a convenient scapegoat i don’t
think he’s the only reason this movie i
blame him for 9 11.
but he’s this is a direct quote there
was a chance of something great and but
early fundamental disappointment with
key personnel and then in parentheses
because this is from a book he wrote in
that case the star michael pereira
steeled all of us to face the chance
that it might turn on not turn out that
it must like if i
if someone i knew wrote a book
and i had worked with them in some
capacity sure i would probably read that
book and be like wonder what if they say
anything about me
that’s like
and then just as i was
saying this and like thinking about this
we get michael perez only really a good
scene well well in a second but first
right before that scene happens a credit
comes up that reminded me that bill
paxson was in the movie and i was like
[ __ ] bill paxton was right there you
[ __ ] bill paxton’s part in this
movie is great and i wouldn’t want it
played by anybody else he’s in like
three scenes but he’s only in three
scenes and it’s bill [ __ ] paxton like
come on and he has a dead tooth tom
meets up with riva in the diner that she
works at like i said this is probably
michael pereira’s strongest scene i
would agree with that and probably the
like the best brawl scene the best brawl
scene in the movie there is an action
scene that happens about midway that’s
my favorite okay but the uh but in terms
of a brawl i agree with you this is
quite a good scene some toughs some
toughs coming to the designer uh they’re
they’re uh it’s a different gang not the
bombers it’s the road masters
and they come in and
riva is completely unimpressed because
riva is the coolest person on the
[ __ ] planet and she lives in
[ __ ] town in [ __ ] town right next to
shitberg but yeah she she
she tells them the bombers have brought
this act already all you’re doing in
here is looking like punks
and and they start to mess up the joint
they’re going to mess up the rape riva
yeah and tom cote comes over looking
bored as hell and uh he does do that
well yeah he does have that mainly
because swagger mainly because he has
one face that he makes the entire time
but it does
in this scene at least it looks like he
has swagger he takes the jacket off
revealing those cut off sleeves and then
he just like slaps a man just slaps the
[ __ ] [Applause] he literally slaps him into submission
and i [ __ ] love it it’s a great
introduction to the character and then
he more traditionally fights the rest he
picks up a hat a hat stand and just
starts beating them like a baseball bat
he chucks a guy through a window it’s
great it’s a nice little bar room brawl
in a diner tom takes riva out of the
diner and shows off his hot rod which
riva tells me he needs to sell to pay
for her window that he just well i
isn’t that the car that the road masters
drove up in he’s like this is my car now
oh i didn’t catch that i think you’re
right pretty sure that’s i think you’re
right because he does say that he stole
the car
i just didn’t pick up that he stole it
from them yeah and he did arrive on a
train so why would he have a hot rod
outside the diner no it was on it was on
a carrier car it was on oh okay yeah
sure no no no yeah he you know he steals
this car from the road masters because
he’s the he’s the only master of the
road in this movie hell yeah and riva as
they’re driving away riva fills him in
on the recent kidnapping of ellen cars
pulled over by the only two cops in the
city yes it’s a john wick-a-verse is it
john wikiverse or again a a western town
where you always have just like one
sheriff and one deputy
that’s that’s the vibe and we have the
classic 80s casting of one white man one
black man one white man one point i’m
glad we have this uh black fella here
because we will not see another black
person until quite late in the movie for
a while the black guy i
forget the actor’s name but he’s the uh
one the one of the main cast members
from the v miniseries from the 80s and
the white guy is the sex-obsessed
boyfriend of sarah connor’s roommate in
the first terminator movie okay is what
i know him from and it appears to be his
other biggest role i don’t know why
i assumed you’re going to say he was
also multiple migs in silence
and i got really excited
multiple mix comes up so often multiple
migs is the mvp of that film
he throws [ __ ] in a person
he kills himself yeah i mean [ __ ] it’s a rock star story this is it’s a
yeah absolutely it’s a rock star story
uh multiple migs a rock and roll fable
we should we should do multiple makes
the musical oh my god multiple migs
going nowhere fast
i throw my [ __ ] at you
and you
and you
oh my god and now it’s there and there
and there
i can smell your [ __ ] from here
but yes uh the sheriff and the sheriff
and his bubble bumbling deputy they
warned tom because they know tom he’s
from around he’s from here everyone’s
from around everyone’s from around here
where else would you be and he they warn
him that they don’t want any trouble out
of him keep your nose clean even though
like they’re doing nothing about raven
shattucks yeah they’re doing nothing
about him well he’s he’s out of
this movie again kind of like what i’ve
heard about the warriors
they’re not really in towns they’re in
districts okay they’re in sort of like
these little fiefdoms these little areas
that that are these very
the very small close-knit areas they’re
the precincts that that are considered
like one settlement then there’s another
settlement and there’s another
settlement the bombers are from a
completely different settlement which
i’ve written the name down of later okay
and and so they’re probably the minute
they took ellen now that they’re out of
their little fiefdom they couldn’t take
they couldn’t go after them i i also
feel it’s more probably a riff on the
idea of like
oh even the cops don’t go there oh yeah
yeah there’s also that this this movie
is definitely well this movie is uh
at heart a western there is also an
element of like the teen
rebel teen movie like what’s that one uh
there’s there’s you could definitely
catch vibes of rebel without a cause the
wild one the wild one the blob like like
else there’s definitely elements of that
in this scene with the cops is
definitely one of the strongest moments
of that it does feel like hey they’re
pulling james dean over again
they’re pulling the main characters from
the blob over and being like hey no more
road racing backwards yeah
oh my god tom cote’s here oh yeah yeah i
get uh pulled over by cops quite a bit
oh my god you know i’m swerving around a
lot oh my god i think it’s just because
they know that michael perez in town and
i’m a badass and i’m gonna
throw some punks through some windows i
like to uh my michael parade how did you
get into my house i’m tom cote oh i’m
sorry you just said michael parade was
in town oh i’m sorry
you did [ __ ] sorry
wipe all that wipe all of it i’m so
sorry that’s okay i i was i was i was
laughing i like the idea that michael
pereira prefers to think of himself as
tom cote because it’s just a better
reality i might try to bring tom cote
back in
later we’ll see like doing that voice
yeah it’s a fun impression fun voice i
like i like that voice uh but yeah riva
sets tom up at her place we get some
exposition i like that tom is pot is is
very sex positive about his his sister
having sort of relationships yeah folks
he’s sort of like i’m not gonna be
getting in the way of you with some guy
am i yeah i don’t like the smell of [ __ ] so uh if you’re [ __ ] like just let me
know i’ll put a clothespin on my snout
uh and she’s like ah no i i haven’t had
anybody steady for a while he’s like
same here because he’s been in the army
right yeah but it turns out tom and
ellen used to date and rivas thinks that
they should have stayed together but
they didn’t work out and now alan’s been
dating her manager billy fish
and tom says that they didn’t work out
because she was always more interested
in going somewhere yeah she was
interested in her career yes and not tom
cote right roustabout which it turns out
later she was very interested in tom
cote she just wanted him to be okay with
her also prioritizing her career yeah it
was very much of like hey i’m going come
along with me friend right and tom cote
is an [ __ ] so he didn’t want to go
along with yeah do you think walter hill
understands that like
tom cote was super wrong in this
situation no i don’t think he does i
think that you think this was a much
more complex situation in his mind i
don’t know walter hill in real life so i
can only speak to what i have the vibes
i pick up in interviews and the vibes i
pick up from this movie itself so i take
everything i’m about to say with a grain
of salt i get the sense that walter hill
is a deeply sexist person
and i believe it and like in the
wikipedia article that we both read yes
it’s like one of the producers was like
people think walter has this problem
with women and he’s like i want to prove
him wrong with this one right and he’s
no if any of you with your princess
peach character if anything this movie
is more of a thesis statement about why
he hates women and i think i i think his
misunderstanding was like oh my movies
don’t have enough women right if i put
women more in the center but still keep
doing my [ __ ] yeah no he
this movie feels very much like
scripts that another famous woman-hating
creative gene roddenberry uh would write
stories in star trek that he would write
that were
stories that he was trying to prove hey
i like women women are great yeah and
they always came off as super
misogynistic yeah gene roddenberry
was pathological in his hatred of of of
ladies but
and i get very similar vibes from this
yeah so he had gotten kind of a
reputation as a woman hater and then he
was making this movie and uh certain
things happened we’ll talk about later
ended up with it having more women than
normal and i think that he thought hey
this will prove it when really
as we go forward if hey
if you’re in a relationship with someone
and they their career is taking off and
you don’t think that the way that your
life works and the way that their life
works are going to be copacetic and you
that because of that
and the relationship the relationship
won’t work that is valid that’s
completely valid but
in this situation the relationship was
ended by her
because she got that idea and she left
in this movie spoiling it right now
eventually they get back together and
then cody breaks up with her for the
exact same reason
and it’s treated like a good thing the
only problem with their relationship
that made tom cote so mad
is that she made a decision
if the
reason why tom cote’s mad and the reason
why walter hill thinks that he’s right
to be mad is because a woman made a
decision about what she was going to do
with her own life okay that didn’t
involve him and that is the real problem
with tom cote
once he’s making the exact same decision
she made
it’s the right thing to do obviously it
was always the right thing to do he’s
the drifter yeah yeah he’s he’s he’s the
man so he gets to make those choices
but yes and also i do like that
throughout this movie we get many
verbal callbacks to going nowhere fast
like she’s always wanted to go somewhere
that’s why they couldn’t work they
didn’t work out tom heads into a saloon
and meets up with an old school chum of
his collide
played by bill paxton played by bill
paxton the nerdiest bill paxton has ever
looked and the highest hairs ever the
highest his hair has ever got a
pompadour he’s got the only pompadour
wilder than willem dafoe’s in this movie
yeah and he’s got like a blanked out
tooth as you said
and uh he apparently he and tom cody
used to get up to some shenanigans in
and now he’s playing full-on aliens bill
paxton [ __ ] performance uh as he sort
of razzes a a bar patron who’s this
young lady mccoy mccoy tom orders a
tequila from bill paxson and we meet
mccoy who i says the the real hero of
this movie absolutely best character
played by amy madigan who is a tough as
nails coded lesbian uh the character was
originally written as a man whose name
was i believe like santos or something
like that
wrestler maybe and they
she came in ostensibly to audition for
the sister part and instead gave a big
argument for why the the santo character
should be
could be could be a woman and that she
should play it and i think at that point
this is the thing i was talking i meant
said that we’d talk about later walter
hill said that would prove i don’t hate
women and immediately jumped on that
and she becomes the greatest character
in the movie i can see that yeah but i
and then also rewrote the dialogue for
the character to make explicit reference
to the fact that even though explicit
explicit uh reference to the fact that
the two that he
the main character and this character
are not going to have sex okay
yeah okay that was explicit yes no not
explicit reference to her being gay
they’re very they’re sort of she calls
herself a soldier there are subtle rep
which she was actually in the military
but also it’s using the euphemism it’s
code and also there is a scene again
probably was not probably was not in the
script when the character was a man
where he says to her she she asks him
for a place to stay
uh do you got a bed somewhere and he
says oh you’re looking for a quick
tumble and she says i don’t wanna i
wrote it down because i love that i love
the way she talks we’ll get there okay
we’ll talk about later but yeah um
there’s no explicit reference to her
being gay that’s just a vibe
but i let’s give walter hill some credit
okay even if it was like i’m sure it
partly was like
yeah let’s make it a woman let’s get
more women in the movie he still agreed
to it he was like still like he he
missed out
he listened to this young actress coming
in and talking to him this established
filmmaker and was like
yeah okay that’s all right he rolled
with it
you’re right that is that is a lot and
and that
especially for the time yeah for the man
and i again
i wish she was the main character of the
movie but i will take any amount of
mccoy that i can get absolutely she gets
into an argument with clyde and clyde
tells her i don’t like your face get out
of my bar and she turns to tom and says
you know everywhere i go there’s always
an [ __ ] and then takes clyde the [ __ ] out she knocks it out hops behind the
asks tom what he’s drinking grabs a
bottle of tequila they hit the road and
then orders tom out of the bar come on
with me uh they get out of that saloon
it just what a great introduction to
this character it’s wonderful and like
you said the best character in the movie
amy madigan does
fantastic i love it she’s she’s got this
very sort of stoic grumpy face a lot on
dirt the entire movie and it’s so good
she is a woman that a man would tell to
smile more yes absolutely she’s she
gives this me the same vibes as the
drummer from scott pilgrim versus the
world oh yeah yeah that’s sort of like
we are sex but bomb and we’re here to
sell out and [ __ ] you know like that
that sort of vibe but yeah make you
think about death and stuff turns out
she mccoy and tom are both veterans of a
recent war
are they veterans of a war or were they
just in the army
they were
she says that she’s here because she ran
out of wars to fight
and he says it could be like tracks and
be a soldier of fortune that’s true and
he says that he was in the military and
liked the guns but didn’t win any medals
yeah it makes me think that tom cote if
there was a war yeah committed hell of
warcraft oh hello war crimes him and tom
savini back to back
slaughtering civilians just slaughtering
left right and center oh man
i don’t know when the falklands was
but now i’m imagining
i’m imagining tom savini
and the character tom cote
just butchering
tom oh tom i fully believe tom cote is
tom tom cody is a real person in my
heart the falklands was 82. okay so tom
tired of the makeup game
missing the [ __ ] teamed up with tom cote went to this
argentinian island and just started
slaughtering people not even for america
in the name of the british guy the
british government michael pereira lived
as tom cote for a full three years
before this movie came out to prepare
for the role uh
yeah no this is uh tom cote here i just
wanted to do your house hope you don’t
mind yeah it’s mine are you guys talking
about my movie streets of fire yeah yeah
yeah absolutely
are you talking about my war career i i
guess it did come up yes yeah no i
fought in a lot of wars i fought a lot
of wars kill a lot of people sometimes
they weren’t even like
i don’t even really know what a war is
like what is the war like if i kill a
man in a bar is that a war uh you’re
asking some heavy philosophical
questions here so let’s say i drown a
man in a urinal is that a war
where’s where’s the urinal and who told
you to kill us man
it was in korea okay where we had a war
we did have a famously we had a war in
korea yes but it was in 1980 oh i don’t
think we were having the korean war at
that point well no but was that a new
korean war
not that anyone’s informed me about well
i’m beginning to think that there’s a
lot you don’t know
i’m beginning to think that rambo 2 was
just based on your life maybe i haven’t
seen i’ll have a lot of time for movies
right yeah
killing people in urinals yeah yeah and
just driving cool cars yeah hanging out
with my lesbian buddy mccoy yeah right
okay it took me a while to realize she
was a lesbian yeah yeah 10 years
she’s not exactly subtle about it dude
all right sherlock holmes
you’re cool
well we’ll see if see if anyone else
thinks that this should have been
obvious in the scene mccoy asked toms if
he’s got a spare bed and tom asked mccoy
if she wants a quick tumble she responds
with er you may have a rough time with
this one and i don’t want to hurt your
feelings but uh you’re not my type
my god it’s great it’s great and i just
realized reading that line trying to
approximate her voice this is a natasha
leone character yeah it’s very much very
much so
but like
kudos 1984 for even this little bit of
representation just this tiny bit i
don’t want to assume walter hill’s
opinion on
in the communities but i’m sure they’re
the best he did make the assignment
again he was like 72. he probably didn’t
even [ __ ] he probably doesn’t even
remember making that movie he was
[ __ ] in an iron lung
and they’re like hey walter we need
another movie from you the genius
behind 48 hours
like i imagine everyone in the iron lung
sounds like darth vader yeah no that’s
what it does to you that’s what it does
to you even though your head is exposed
it’s just the compression
that makes your voice sound that it
makes your voice sound deep mccoy shacks
up with riva and tom and yeah oh and tom
has another great thing here where he’s
he’s he’s he he takes it very well he
doesn’t question it does he’s a bro
about it he takes as well he’s like ah
it figures i haven’t had much luck with
women lately maybe some other time huh
and mccoy says completely deadpan i
doubt it but anything’s possible
i feel like she’s had this conversation
with many yeah he’s like in the universe
of infinite possibilities maybe but not
in this lifetime oh everything
everywhere all at mccoy
i love mccoy so god damn much she’s the
best character but yeah tom volunteers
i’d say it goes her yeah billy fish yep
raven shaddocks raven shattucks is up
there i i don’t know raven shattucks
then billy fish i that’s
i’m more on board with that list and
then like uh riva like maybe just below
the three i love me some riva riva is
my god uh and then ed begley junior’s
and begley jr is a different movie
we’ll get there we’ll get there uh tom
as he says tom volunteers the sisters
couch to mccoy and we see that however
much he may protest tom is not over
ellen as he he gets ready for bed he’s
taken his shirt off still not over ellen
i have a picture yeah
you want to know what i do that picture
uh not the way that you said that
question i don’t are you sure uh you
paid me ten bucks i’ll tell you well now
i definitely don’t wanna
hear the doozo do you [ __ ] know how
much gas is right now i’m not giving you
10 bucks to tell me what you do to your
picture pervert
i feel like you’re insulting me but i’m
not sure
and you know me i’m a man of peace right
yes so i don’t want to assume right and
make an [ __ ] out of you right yes and
then i have to punch you yes
yes i know that
you’re not famously a man with very
thick skin as i will get into later
uh but uh you have thick skin
what do you have psoriasis
thank you i guess
i i worry about you a little bit i we’ve
we’ve barely talked about you okay you
look like a diabetic
i don’t know what that means tom i don’t
know what that means all right we’ll
just talk about my magnum opus okay
streets of i will i will gladly talk
about that tom we see
as i said we see that tom isn’t as over
helen as he claimed uh and still has her
picture in his wallet which leads into a
flashback uh i assume it’s a flashback
anyway of another song never be you
written by the great the late great now
tom petty
uh the flashback inspires tom to get
busy planning to rescue ellen and he
yeah inspired me to get busy
ten dollars i’ll tell you what i mean
thank you no thank you tom thank you no
thank you uh he meets up with a mechanic
named pete who is essentially i guess
john leguizas characters
yeah we both had the same thought uh
where he just supplies him with a [ __ ] ton of as he points out custom weapons
we’ll find out later although this is
not explicitly stated that apparently
custom weapons means that they shoot all
of them don’t shoot bullets they all
shoot grenades yeah i wrote down this
movie as what i’ve already said but the
movie is a perfect fusion of a western
and a 50s troubled youth movie and i
love it so much tom meets up with billy
fish yes and uh says that he’s going to
get helen and he wants 10
sorry yes i keep making that mistake
he’s going to go rescue ellen and he
wants 10 grand
that’s reasonable sure why not that’s
you know when the first donkey kong
arcade machines came out right you had
to insert 10 grand
in order to get mario to go up that
[ __ ] scaffold still in quarters so
you had to have like just like it was it
was like those photos of the poor
germans right before world war ii just
wheelbarrows of quarters taking over to
the arcade and you just had to keep
putting them in and you still only got
three lives it took two hours to play
one game of donkey kong yeah but yeah uh
billy fish is so rich and so
uh out of touch with with with the rest
of people that 10 grand doesn’t even
make him bad an eye he says he says 10
grand and he doesn’t even blink he’s
like easy
yes that’s easy but you need to but he
says i’m not gonna i’m not gonna pay if
i if i don’t see results however sorry
what were we about to say
we also learned that billy fish is also
a local
yes he is well he he came from the town
not this area but the area that the
bombers are native to this horrifying
hellscape that the bombers rule with an
iron fist and he calls it
the [ __ ] yes he says that place is the
[ __ ] it’s it’s called the battery this
is where i wrote it down was good the
area is called the battery so tom knows
that billy’s from there he says he needs
a guide billy says you couldn’t pay me
to go back there it’s the shits and this
is he only says it twice yes but this is
basically billy’s catchphrase it is
basically his sketch i love it and rick
moranis gets to be an [ __ ] and it’s
wonderful i don’t remember what we were
talking about in a recent podcast where
i was talking about oh it was it was
buckaroo banzai okay we talked about
buckaroo banzai we said that uh our
favorite actor in that movie what’s his
john lithgow john jonathan lithgow has
this shakespearean ability to take the
very odd language that’s used in that
and deliver it like it is poetry yes and
he is and he does it in a way that none
of the other
great actors in that movie yeah seem to
man should be able to capture that’s how
i feel about rick moranis in this movie
i i agree with you the dialogue in this
movie is similar to
similar to buckaroo banzai very arch
it’s not written from a place of this is
how people talk it’s written from this
is written how like an archie character
talks yeah like it’s just a collection
of of cliches what’s the best
description of this movie it’s it’s like
uh r-rated archie yes that is a great
way to and not like riverdale like good
if archie had a gun if archie
if archie were in the universe of
warriors that’s what this movie is but
yeah so but no he the the dialogue is
all like like he and and and rick
moranis are going back and forth with
this patter
kind of talk and riva’s like i can see
you two aren’t going to get along like
everything’s spoken in trailer lines and
rick murray and
michael parray says this stuff and it
sounds like a bunch of [ __ ] yeah
it’s like a parade [ __ ] falls on the
floor’s on the floor
rick moranis makes this sing
[ __ ] comedian like pete possible
speaking shakespeare yes poetry like
he’s a comedian he can he’s an improv i
think he’s an improv guy uh yeah no all
he’s a sketch dude his most famous
character the strange brew characters
were created just because on the sketch
comedy show that he invented them those
characters for he and his partner
invented those characters for they were
told they needed a certain amount of
canadian content gotcha so every episode
they would just improvise those
characters for however long it was so
like in the episode he
he gets a script yeah which i
did not arouse the best confidence and a
lot of the people involved including jim
steinman yeah who wrote the two big
songs he jim steinman read the script
told them honestly i don’t think this is
very good and they said don’t worry it’s
the visuals that are going to make the
film which is a fan of the movie they’re
right but also like rick moranis rick
moranis has the chops to be able to take
this and sell it the way he needs to
sell it amy madigan as mccoy is selling
it in an entirely different way i would
agree she’s a part of the universe yeah
billy fish is almost like
yeah i understand what’s going on and
it’s [ __ ] stupid yes yeah not not
that we’re saying rick moranis is saying
that no we’re saying billy fish billy
fish is above this two-fisted adventure
he didn’t even want to come to this town
this is charity work for him he doesn’t
want to go back to his [ __ ] roots no
[ __ ] place he got out of there he
doesn’t want to go back
that would be going nowhere fast man but
uh if
billy fish hires him and after some time
twisting he agrees to go along and be
the thing they cut mccoy in for 10
10 they cut mccoy in for ten percent
rick moranis is i’m sorry billy fish is
immediately dismissive
to uh mccoy he says why are we bringing
some skirt along which uh i love mccoy
so much it was one of those things like
drawing in on uh emily’s book uh where i
was loose i made the same mistake uh
aunt lucy’s book where i just was like
wanted to jump through the screen and
say yeah angle billy fish the minute i
started being mean i wish
and grant mccoy does it again later
mccoy i wish you could stand up for
other [ __ ] out more i do kind of wish
that but mccoy stands up for herself she
gives more than she she gets she gives
as good as she gets oh billy later
uh but yeah billy says that if ellen is
anywhere she will be in torches a club
in the middle of a factory an abandoned
factory in the battery that has no class
and is in fact the [ __ ] i wish you said it more again
twice but i want
desperately i want a
tv show of streets of fire oh hell yeah
where nowhere fast is the theme song and
every episode you just have like this
character at least once per episode it’s
the shits or not
he shouldn’t be like a regular but he
should be recurring oh yeah yeah like
every so often like he’s managing a lot
of acts so like yeah oh [ __ ] i gotta
bring tom cote back in right because tom
cote is a drifter he’s not gonna be ever
the same place every episode he’ll keep
running into him because they keep
traveling around yeah and the
relationship with ellen will go through
highs and lows and everything i yeah uh
if that show had been made in the 80s it
would have sucked but oh yeah i like i
[Applause] so they go to the battery yes billy and
billy questions uh how they’re supposed
to take on a whole gang of thugs on
motorcycles because if you start killing
bombers they’re already going to be
worse again incredible line delivery
from rick moreno’s if you start killing
bombers they’re going to be in worse
shape than we’re going to be in worse
shape than we’re already in and in my
favorite line delivery michael pereira
has in the whole movie it’s not good but
it’s still it’s an incredible line he
says we don’t have to i don’t have to
kill anybody motorcycles don’t run so
high once it shoots holes in them
uh and again let’s let’s before we move
on and we need to get moving yes but i
love it that this is [ __ ] rick
moranis and he is constantly going
toe-to-toe with michael pereira a very
sort of
he has a bit of a himbo vibe going on
yes great he has the patchy mustache but
he has the look he has the swagger and
here’s billy fish just giving him [ __ ] at every turn and there’s a little bit
of jealousy we’re going to see like
between him and the ellen ames stuff
yeah but it’s almost more narcissistic
than anything oh it’s definitely more
definitely narcissistic he’s on the same
level as tom cote absolutely absolutely
[ __ ] great it’s only like in the
second half of the movie that any kind
of insecurity creeps
really billy just thinks that he is the
most powerful man in the world as we
will see later on when he’s involved in
inch situation with a strong person who
is not uh who’s not tom i will say in a
bit of a disappointing turn i found out
that michael pourray and rick moranis
really did not get on yeah on the set
rick moranis would just like roast
michael perry
actual like
art imitating life situation but also
like at first i was like oh it’s not
it’s not cool that rick moranis was
bullying this young actor who hadn’t
really had a lot of work before but i i
read more into it that’s not what was
going on this story is from michael
parade by the way he’s saying in real
life you can just beat up people who
make fun of you i didn’t understand he’s
saying in movies you can just do that no
he said and he said in life
he said in life if somebody was
insulting you but you can’t do that to
comedians and then he’s
uh he said
and rick moranis was insulting me and
he’s a guy who couldn’t get laid in a
whorehouse with a fistful of 50s which
immediately raised a red flag for me and
then he gave an example of one of the
insults which was rick moranis upon
meeting him saying
are you really that cool or do you just
act cool
which just sounds like something i would
or brad would say
which sounds to me like maybe rick
moranis was just lightly joking around
the whole time and michael poray is so
thin skinned and unable to take a joke
that he
thought that
like he caught he in this in this quote
he calls rick moranis an insult comic
which is so
i don’t know it just it immediately was
like oh
i don’t have to feel bad about rick
moranis i just don’t think michael
pereira is is
very in touch with reality but whatever
as they’re driving along into the
battery the scenery again in this movie
is drop dead gorgeous our heroes post up
outside of torches inside a band the
only band that plays itself in the movie
the blasters
is performing a song called one bad stud
not one of my favorites oh i like it i
it’s fine it’s a good rockabilly song
yeah no but at the same time like
oh i’m not a big fan of rockabilly which
is gonna be a problem for the movie we
covered next oh i can’t wait i i
actually quite like rockabilly but the
blast i like rockabilly too but like
oh after nowhere fast i’m like give me
more meatloaf [ __ ] oh fair fair enough
yeah understood
but it does fit for the vibe of the vibe
of the scene and you have a
lady stripping naked
she’s apparently the the body double
from flashdance is the one doing the the
stripper dance cool yeah we said that
mccoy is the real
hero of the movie and a real human being
and and she is but the
star of the movie enters the scene now
which is willem dafoe’s leather overalls
oh yeah
these are [ __ ] amazing [ __ ] amazing i’m pretty sure i saw these in
the trailer and i think something that
sold me on it i remember us talking
about them a lot before we watch the
movie they’re kind of they they just
they’re kind of like they remind me of
barbara crampton’s fetish wear from from
beyond it comes right up to the nipples
but doesn’t quite cover them yes but the
straps cover the nipples the straps
cover the nipples and it’s like this is
all he’s wearing and it’s like
in the scene yeah
like i i can’t my god it’s so sexual and
again for a man who is not trying to
make like a a
fetishy movie yeah
somehow he landed on the most fetish
[ __ ] thing i’ve ever seen where it’s
just yeah a man
in nipple high pleather overall
absolutely it’s it’s
and he he blocks him it’s [ __ ] rocks
willem defoe’s hot in this movie you’re
like raven shattucks
raven raven shag me sure
raven shattucks has been keeping ellen
tied to a bed still wearing her dress
from the concert for however many days
it’s been exactly here’s my question
that i should have brought up earlier
yeah how many days reba sends a [ __ ] letter to tag
so like how like how long has this been
going on like yeah it’s it’s not made
explicit how long it’s been
what they’ve been doing to ellen if
anything uh but we we we see in this
scene that raven comes in and forces a
kiss on her and he says that he wants
ellen to be his willing lover for a
couple of weeks good on him and that he
if she gives in he’ll eventually let her
go so apparently she they haven’t done
anything to her and he’s not going to do
anything to her until he gets explicit
consent kidnapping
bad yes um
basically threatening someone yeah bad
yes but still being like hey yeah
i don’t want it unless you want it right
points for raven shattucks i guess like
the same kind of points we give to
walter hill the mo the same kind of
points i give to the cop from up i guess
sure but yeah so uh
point out ellen is having none of it
she’s standing up for herself even
though she’s tied to a bed and uh raven
continues forcing kisses on her in the
scene before leaving to go and enjoy
boys poker night now you know yeah that
the forced kiss is something that
neither of us like no whenever it
happens we don’t like it yeah but
usually the force kissed when we don’t
like it comes from the good guy yeah
that’s kind of the part it’s sort of
nice it’s sort of nice that like it’s
not good no but like in this movie for
the most part i think yeah the forced
kisses come from the baddie it’s kind of
like point that i made when we were
reviewing street fighter where sarugi
sells a woman into sex slavery and
surugi is the main character of the film
but we’re never meant to think of saruki
as anything but a villain no but usually
forced kisses are a good guy thing yes
and that’s why you don’t know you’re in
love with me yet in this movie the
forced kiss is a bad guy thing and that
honestly makes it a lot better i also
want to point out that the piano player
for the band at torchy’s has very rich
evans as mr plinkett vibes yes and he’s
also great he’s just like a great show
earlier outside tom and his posse pile
out of the car they travel into the
steam-filled factory area where they
meet a homeless dude played by ed begley
uh named ben gunn in the credits after
the uh the uh person on the island in
treasure island oh okay yeah is the
person left behind by uh the old pirate
crew no i’d say he’s probably
fourth on my favorite characters
he is incredible
and he’s just ed begling it up just
having so much fun he’s the other i will
say he’s the other actor aside from rick
moranis who gets how to deliver this
dialogue at best and he has some of the
greatest lines where he uh rick moranis
is just like insulting the [ __ ] out of
him and he just looks at him like he
says oh you’re dumb and short real short
he reminds me of the three
uh the three witches from uh scotland pa
one it reminds me of the drifter that
homeboy meets in halloween three
yes yes and two
edge begley handles rick moranis better
than tom cote does
he does and ed begley’s like smeared
with chimney soot like [ __ ] dick van
dyke literally like yeah he’s got like i
don’t know if they put in context but
something about the way his eyes are are
just like super piercing in this maybe
ed begley just has beautiful eyes and i
never he does have beautiful eyes uh but
yeah i have them in my dresser uh he
says and as they give as they pay him
for the information he gives them the
same information that billy fish already
gave them and they still make billy fish
pay him for the information and billy
fish even like says he says that they
said they were at torches i said they
were torchies why are we it’s great the
most relatable billy fish is in the
entire film but uh as as they give him
the money he says keep gotta keep hey
gotta keep moving forward that’s the
whole point of things again going
nowhere fast is the theme of the movie i
also want to point out that this op is
taking place at 10 p.m
is it really yes okay which is not very
late no but it’s like
also so high school it’s like yes oh my
god 10 p.m the witching hour
yeah my curfew’s at 11. so we gotta go
blow up motorcycles at 10. that’s right
you’re you are still a teenager after
all these years i joined the army at 13
like it’s the [ __ ] civil war
tom sends billy to get the getaway car
and be meet them back there at fit in 15
minutes while mccoy uh and he work on
taking on the bombers directly mccoy
heads in the front while tom sneaks
around the back and let let me point
this out about the bombers
if i if i can say one thing about them
say what you want they love driving
their motorcycles back and forth
incessantly in front of torches yeah
well sometimes they go off a ramp this
something you have to know about the
bombers is they’re not just like a gang
they are a standing army yes there’s
there’s like a a hundred of these
[ __ ] so some of them are inside
torchy’s having a grand old time in the
poker table enjoying the stripper
enjoying the band but you know you don’t
want to
you don’t want to break fire codes so a
lot of them are outside just doing
tricks on their motorcycle in front of
torches exactly so tom posts up on a
roof tom post boy goes inside and she
gets accosted by a horny dude a horny
dude the blasters are now playing a song
called blue shadow uh mccoy goes along
with this horny dude and allows him to
take her into the back and then pistol
whips the [ __ ] out of him knocks out
another [ __ ] knocks out another
[ __ ] so she can go and and and i
thought search for ellen but it turns
out she just well mccoy
mccoy’s part of this plan makes no sense
this whole plan makes no sense like
because she’s going to go to the poker
room and hold up raven shattucks yes
that not even take their money no which
you should have taken their money mccoy
totally should have taken that well you
should have taken it she should have
been like because they’re offering her
the money they’re like yeah yeah take
them off and they’re not holding us up
and they’re not oh and they’re not above
that they steal from cops later but like
they so it’s like mccoy should have been
like i’m not here for your money mm-hmm
but yeah i’ll take it but yeah but she
she bursts in on the poker game holds
them at gunpoint raven is
not impressed unimpressed and seems
disappointed by this
like raven’s character teddy lost
fascinating you could be so much more
willing to foe’s performance has such
internal life to him
i [ __ ] love it raven shattucks would
be the big bad
and the dragon yeah of the series raven
is ostensibly from his actions just some
gang leader just some punk but like the
way willem defoe plays him he is darth
vader he is like he’s like the samurai
lord that that lone wolf and cub need to
face at the end of their journey yeah uh
but yeah tom is posted up on a building
as a sniper he catches sight of ellen
tied to the bed and
starts sniping bikers off each of his
makes the bikes makes the bikes explode
coming this fall exploder cycle i got it
by yamaha uh but yeah they they yeah
like you said he has rocket bullets
rocket bullets and nobody dies it’s very
18 or it’s like everyone manages to get
off the bike before it explodes the
explosions in this movie are the best
kind of explosions they are spectacular
they are so much flat and here’s where
i said it when i watched it with you
yeah i say it when i watch it by myself
i go
streets of fire
in my head i kept thinking i wrote this
as my letterbox review it’s the dumbest
joke but just like a takeoff of that one
scene from friends
where joey’s reading little women and
he’s just like these streets
how of fire are they
but uh but yeah he’s he’s sniping these
bikers off there’s tons of practical
explosions and then this is where the
whole plan falls apart tom teleports
inside and rescues ellen it’s a cool
scene because he gets he whips out a
pocket knife and like there was an
earlier butterfly knife thing yeah
before with the rose mask yeah so he
took the butterfly knife from the road
masters he cuts her bonds they get her
out of there uh mccoy psychically
realizes that tom cote got ellen out and
she’s like uh bye [ __ ] or whatever
she says and and leaves and she does not
say bye [ __ ] you she does what she did
that’s the energy of what she says our
heroes run and fight their way out of
the building they’re punching people
this is the best action set piece of the
movie for my money yes especially once
tom cote gets outside yes he tells them
you guys get out because atlantis has
driven up in the car yes he sends uh
mccoy and ellen all along with him he’s
just like
yeah i’m gonna stay here and let these
boys up a little bit more i tom cote
alone i’m going to take on an entire
army of [ __ ] bikers and win while you
guys get away and this this is not a
self-sacrifice he’s just wants to
[ __ ] fight people he’s just that
powerful uh and then yes he he just
starts like taking his rifle like a bat
and knocking [ __ ] off of their bikes
he whips his rifle around like like
arnold schwarzenegger and t2 just
uh just cracking that that reloader and
lever action that lever action thank you
i don’t know guns and and firing it at
tanks of gas exploding
hold on hold on hold on hold on sorry
i’m getting ahead of myself
i just want to point out that during the
sequence yeah tom again tom cote is
single-handedly taking on this gang yeah
because conveniently the gang does not
fight together no tom cote just like
starts beating up on one of them yeah
and you think that a gang would
understand that like yeah
if we banded our forces together
maybe we could take on someone who is
more powerful than us as an individual
no they don’t do that but yes it’s it’s
mom cody ends up blowing up the entirety
of the battery it’s martial arts movie
rules they also sort of like sort of
walk from side to side in a holding
pattern until one of them falls and then
another one comes but yeah uh tom’s
still on the gas and then he shoots the
pump and [ __ ] everywhere blows up
torchies and all i can imagine and
granted i realize now that torchy’s is
in the middle of an abandoned warehouse
yes probably does not have an official
proprietor yes but i just imagine some
poor small business owner who’s like
whose bar got taken over by the bombers
and was like
oh no just i’m imagining first the
bombers now the bomb i’m imagining that
character who ran the the uh
the soda shop and happy days just sort
of coming out there being like oh my god
you kids what have you done to my place
no it’s do the right thing
it’s [ __ ] danny aiello and the and
the bombers are just like sit on it
potsie but yeah uh tom steals a bike is
about to get away and then raven gets
his coolest scene in the movie as he
walks still in his pleather overalls out
of the fire looking around with the face
of someone who has finally met a worthy
just this chaos chaos finally spider-man
they called it the battery but i’ve
never seen any battery here until today
until today finally i’ve met my match he
comes up and is just this operatic
villain moment and he says he tells tom
i said what’s your name and tom says tom
cody says oh you have two first names
that’s dumb
he says i’ll be coming for her
and i’ll be coming for you too
and tom replies oh this would be such a
good donkey kong movie oh my god such a
good donkey kong but tom replies yeah
and i’ll be waiting and raven
smiles like this is exactly what he
wanted it’s we’re going to see this in
the final flight yeah but anytime
ravens like so cool
it’s like willow defoe immediately
clocks michael parray as not a good
actor and he’s like
[ __ ] okay yeah i’m gonna have to really
[ __ ] try yeah yeah so i don’t look
like [ __ ] like in scenes with you willem
dafoe in this movie is like
the the villain from the hunchback of
notre dame disney movie like he’s that
that much
frollo yeah like that levels of epic
villainy in this performance uh the
co-writer of the movie larry gross said
that he thought willem dafoe was the
best part of this movie
one of them one of them yeah definitely
uh mccoy raven shattucks the music the
cinematography the choreography um
there’s a lot of great there’s there’s a
lot of greatness in this movie but
willem dafoe is uh always the best as
far as is one of the best parts of any
movie he’s in so of course like here’s
what’s interesting about acting is
we both agree that amy madigan is
fantastic as mccoy absolutely and we
agree that rick moranis is fantastic as
billy fish absolutely we agree that
willem dafoe is fantastic as raven
shattucks yes they are all three doing
different types of acting
that’s incredible that’s incredibly
accurate yes because amy madigan is like
i’m gonna live in this world yeah rick
moran this is like i’m going to be above
this world well that’s what the
character calls for yeah and willem
dafoe is going
i’m going to own this world
i’m going to be king [ __ ] [ __ ] mountain
i am emperor palpatine in this universe
yeah no he’s he yeah absolutely more as
they get away more shots of the
incredible city sets
now i will say in the back half i feel
like the movie does kind of fall off a
bit for me i
i still enjoy it especially he turns
into a completely different movie in the
back half
at parts yeah i still enjoy a lot of it
well in in the first the first half of
the movie is again this this is a this
is a collection of movies that walter
hill saw when he was a kid so the first
half of this movie is the searchers it’s
uh it’s this yeah hey this woman was
kidnapped by a violent evil force we
have to go and we have to get her back
uh in the in the logic of the searchers
okay uh using the logic of the movies
being made in
this second half of the movie
is stagecoach it’s
it’s the long or silverado it’s the long
wagon train journey now we’ve got to get
elean back to the stage we’re traveling
through enemy territory we are
uh it’s a collection of kooky characters
all together in this in this enclosed
environment the most important character
of the film soon most important
character coming through uh because they
have even though it took them barely
five seconds to get to the torches
apparently there’s so much battery they
have to travel through to get back to i
think richmond is the name of their
place no
what this movie is is the warriors again
there you go
there you go they have to get home as it
turns out billy this whole movie didn’t
that ellen and tom used to be a thing uh
until he’s told in this scene by mc and
mccoy realizing that she now has
something to [ __ ] with billy about
decides that that is going to be her
life’s goal to make billy feel as
insecure as possible by just like even
though she doesn’t know
[ __ ] about the relationship between
ellen and tom aside from a couple lines
she shared with reeva earlier she keeps
what a great love story for the ages tom
and ellen shared
uh just making billy feel as small as
possible and again kudos to the
character of billy like
again he gets baited a bit but so he’s
so narcissistic that he’s still like
i’m better than him yeah yeah yeah no
immediately immediately he be like this
is definitely the smallest we get to see
billy but he’s still billy he’s still
he’s still billy the fish as i i
refuse to call him anything but uh that
ellen does take tom aside and wants to
bury the hatchet from their relationship
but tom is too much of an [ __ ] to let
that happen yeah i i just thought you
know like i can do better mm-hmm
yeah right i meet a lot of women sure
as this movie keeps insisting yeah no uh
name a woman
uh ellen degeneres i met her ever cool
name another one um
i can only think of can only think of
ellen degeneres now for some reason okay
oprah winfrey i met her you met okay
all the women you met all of the women
name a third one uh raven simone i met
cool all right
uh anyway any fourth one i i think we’re
done with this segment
in the first non-diet in first and only
non-diegetic musical number of the movie
as our heroes travel on foot through
what appears to be a red light district
out of the blade runner universe uh
ellen sings sorcerer by stevie nicks
uh they run into a young lady named baby
doll the most important character in the
film vital crucial crucial if you want
to understand any of the themes or
symbolism in this movie
baby doll is your rosetta stone learn
cinema learn baby doll yes uh she’s
played by eg dale the daily favorite
voice of tommy pickles voice of tommy
pickles also the voice of buttercup of
the original three powerpuff girls
and again she comes up and says hey who
are you guys where are you going and uh
billy the fish or billy fish responds
we’re nobody going nowhere again going
nowhere fast uh baby doll turns out is a
big fan of ellen has recognized her
and lets them know that the cops are
after them for burning down torchies
which the fact that there are any cops
who care about anything and this illegal
happening in this movie does not make
sense to me although they do explain
that the cops are just like basically
another gang
i mean
they are they are yeah but like in this
movie’s universe as well they are also
that and they’re just kind of looking to
uh you know
[ __ ] with people yeah but yes uh so they
beg for a ride from a man that they run
into with a van named bird who’s a
driver uh and a member a driver for the
band and also a member of the band
called the sorelles and i love the
sorelles and the rails are made up of
some very familiar actors yeah a bunch
of character actors none of which do the
actual singing for the sorelles no
unfortunately and there’s a we’ll get it
we’ll get into it as we go but i just
want to some of the sorels mckelty
williamson who played bubba in forrest
gump awesome robert townsend a very big
figure in the 80s most known for his
movie hollywood shuffle okay stoney
grand bush
stoney jackson is their leader their
front man bird and the rest are backing
singers yeah one of them i love the
sorel i don’t remember which one of them
one of them is one of the two agent
johnsons from the first die hard okay uh
so there’s there’s that as well but uh
yeah no the sorelles are great they’re
again they’re in this broken down
mystery machine van yeah and they’re
they’re they’re as they mention uh
because at first of course as you might
be they’re a little bit peeved that they
get kidnapped because after asking bird
nicely to use his van they just hold
them at gunpoint and take their van
they’re annoyed by being taken hostage
but then they realize that they’re
holy [ __ ] they’re like hey do you need an opening
act yeah because they decide to turn
this kidnapping into a networking
opportunity might as well hey that’s
that hustle man that’s
all about that hustle they perform a
great a song i really enjoy called
countdown to love yeah sort of a doo-wop
number sort of yeah sort of do off and
they’re doing it acoustically obviously
because they’re in the band yes and
my big disappointment is on the
soundtrack it is a full instrumental
version like
it’s not the acoustic version it’s still
it’s still a great doo-wop song yeah
but i i want
i want that version for my movie it has
all this cheesy synth in it yeah and it
just makes sense because it is a
soundtrack of streets of fire but like
at the same time yeah in the movie the
sorel’s vocals are performed by a man
called winston ford okay who just
[ __ ] worked at a radio shack oh my god and
good for winston ford yeah but not so
good for winston ford is the big number
the sorrells do at the end
on the soundtrack it’s not his version
countdown to love is his version okay uh
and i believe he also had a backing
group because it
it’s a doo-wop number he has a backing
group sure but yeah no they perform this
song i love it
and even mccoy loves it she she’s
driving the bus yeah and she goes
it’s pretty good guys yeah
mccoy is hard to impress but you know
when she likes something she likes
something but uh and she’s she’s also a
big fan of ella name when she meets her
as they’re running out of torches she’s
like she’s like hey big fan
uh but yeah our heroes encounter a
police barricade
they have billy go and like sort of try
and talk them out but billy bailey again
like no [ __ ] fear in the face
absolutely not not like he’s not like oh
man i don’t know what to do tom what do
i do right now billy is a [ __ ] billy has he’s not a good man but he’s a
man he has nothing but confidence in
himself he he goes right up to them
smooth as [ __ ] they come on board the
he’s like yeah yeah no major for the
sorelles you never heard the sorelles
like yeah so we got a problem here do we
need to come to some sort of financial
solutions like hey i i don’t uh hey all
i know is we’re late for a gig so do we
do do you have some something you want
to say or do we can i come to some sort
of financial arrangement or something
like that like absolutely in control of
the situation at all times the cops do
accept a bribe almost immediately but
then they’re like hey
why did you want to bribe us so bad yeah
they’re like hey and then they they i do
think that they make explicit reference
to the race of the sorelles
yeah oh no they do yeah
a very old slur yeah that i did not
recognize and didn’t write down because
why would i it’s like from the 30s
gotcha the weird thing about this this
movie’s available for rent on amazon
prime which is how i watched it and it’s
not available with subtitles
so there were a couple of lines i wanted
to read because i wasn’t sure what they
said and you just can’t yeah so they
they decide
hey we’re cops here are some black
people let’s do what comes naturally so
all hell breaks loose everyone breaks
from the planes like let’s beat up some
cops they’re about to [ __ ] up some [ __ ] and in a scene that has aged incredibly
well like fine [ __ ] wine tom and
mccoy are like well plan b and whip out
whip out their cannons and just start
bullying the [ __ ] out of these cops yeah
they just like you have they have them
drop their guns they have them lie on
the ground they steal all of their
wallets and then they just start blowing
up their cars
running over their cars with the van it
was so
[ __ ] satisfying yeah it was great it
was great and like the only thing that
could have made it better is if the
sorelles also got to bully the cops i
understand they’re not the heroes of
this movie but that would have made me
happy so happy but yes unfortunately
because of
the kind of movie this is they don’t
kill the cops and so the cops are alive
and then they get to call and they call
in which means that now after already
having to dub they already had to dump
uh the the hot rod that they were
driving together now the batteries
have to drop the bus and make the rest
of their way on foot uh they grab a
subway ride the rest of the way and the
sorelles are you know struggling
musicians yeah they’re like all their
their equipment all the clothes their
clothes all their sheet music and the
car all because of these honkies all
because of these [ __ ] honkies man
mccoy valiantly tries to wing man tom
with ellen but loses her temper too
easily when ellen doesn’t
acquiesce to that which i thought was a
cute scene
mccoy mccoy doesn’t know how much of a
dick tom is she only knows that tom has
been nice to her so she thinks that
ellen’s being unreasonable but no
is tom who’s being unreasonable uh our
heroes return to town they march right
into the police precinct and file a
report on ellen’s kidnapping and rescue
as you do as you do after you’ve burnt
down a quarter of the city
uh ellen and billy go to leave town
immediately with ellen telling tom that
she hates him for taking money to save
fair yeah because especially because tom
has been holding that fact over her like
oh yeah i would have let you die but you
know i like money like he’s been really
playing that up as they’ve been
traveling yeah uh raven gets a meeting
with the police officer in charge whose
name is officer price
this is the guy from v that we mentioned
okay officer price he gets a meeting
with officer price and he says me and
two of my boys are coming into town and
we’re gonna kill tom cote
if you let me do it
you won’t have any further trouble from
uh so do your job man keep the peace
which is
especially in light of recent events at
the time of recording this
[ __ ] haunting tom is depressed
because he’s too much of a dick to make
things work with ellen
mccoy tries to cheer him up but tom just
starts being a dick to her too yup uh
and drives her away and then riva says
the smartest thing anyone says in the
whole movie you and billy are just the
same you’re both selfish yeah uh and
then the scene cuts her off before she
can continue to beat sense into her
brother is it here where we start to get
rumblings of the riva mccoy relationship
or at least the attraction um
i never got any rumblings of that right
that’s a lie we both talked about this
when we first saw it okay not at this
viewing then i forgot okay
no i definitely shipped riva and mccoy
like they have some moments i would
absolutely love to see your relationship
there uh i think that the biggest moment
we got we already skipped over is when
michael’s going to get sorry tom is
going to get his guns they are he keeps
cutting back to a scene of riva and coy
walking out of the apartment together
and just sort of talking about tom’s
history but no i definitely got i
definitely got riva mccoy vibes i mean i
would love that they are fantastic and
they would be fantastic together we
definitely talked about this on the
first video i’m sure that we did i just
i didn’t remember but officer price
shows up to tell tom what raven has
planned and tells him to get out of town
and leave raven to him we’ve
transitioned to the third western we’re
making a we’re making into this movie
and of course it’s high noon yes uh tom
goes up to see ellen before she leaves
one of my favorite moments in the movie
okay because baby doll is still hanging
around oh that’s just right
despite being baby dolls got on the van
with them and has just been with them
doing nothing for the rest of the movie
uh and barely having any lines she has
one bit where she gets her biggest [ __ ] she doesn’t like ellen and she’s like
hey i i try to write songs like you and
i just can’t do it the rhymes and
everything yeah sounds like i don’t
write my songs
you make them your own when you sing
them you make them your own ellen’s like
i guess ellen i don’t feel too bad about
alan ellen has a lot going on and she
doesn’t need to be like trying to
placate a fan girl right now so so baby
doll’s still there yeah and tom cote
comes in and he says she opens the door
and he says to her
what the hell are you still doing here
and as if baby doll realizes she has no
point in the film she’s like hey i’ll
see you guys later yeah and then she’s
just gone she’s gone it’s like bye baby
doll thanks for being part of the movie
i don’t think she even shows up during
the climax no yeah she serves no [ __ ] point and in the climax every character
comes back except for ed begley jr and
baby doll [ __ ] maybe they got married
maybe that’s why they weren’t there
they met and they fell in love
what the [ __ ] um anyway but yeah he goes
up to see ellen before she leaves and
this is when i realized is during the
scene i realized that there’s a fourth
movie they’re remaking i’ll get into it
in a second uh he back to the future yes
they’re pre-making they’re pre-making
that yes billy the fish tries to pay
tom and he takes no he is the thousand i
o mccoy yes the rest i’m gonna throw in
your face throw in your face and he
doesn’t apologize to ellen in this scene
but he take he he he throws the money
back at billy and he goes up to her and
says that uh he really loved her
and basically just throws the blame for
the relationship ending entirely on her
which she did she did end it but still
and then [ __ ] walks right out of
there and this is enough
for ellen him throwing the money back
even though she didn’t get an apologies
enough for her to be like right back on
the tom train she runs out and meets him
in the rain outside it’s a sad scene so
it’s raining uh says like what could i
have done what why
what could i have done to what did i do
that was wrong and he doesn’t answer her
they just make out in the rain and then
they have sex and she’s like uh let’s
run away together and i realized it’s
the quiet man
okay i’ve never seen the quiet man again
just like we were with michael
he’s trying to recreate
[ __ ] john wayne in this relationship
he’s trying to recreate the dynamic
between john wayne and marine o’hara
what with the and since you don’t know
uh the quiet man i won’t get into it but
like it’s i think you mean
the quiet man but the relationship is
she’s this fire brand that needs to be
put in her place gotcha there’s this
thing about like the the
miscommunication between them is about
money and him getting the money and then
throwing it away is how they get back
together the big scene where they kiss
is in the rain
here’s the thing about the quiet man um
the quiet man is a classic movie that i
love the relationship in that movie is
toxic and rapey and it only works
because that movie was released in like
52. yeah this movie is released in 84.
even as much as the 80s had a [ __ ] hard-on for the 50s we’ve moved on stop
that uh but yeah so that’s that’s that’s
why this relationship is so [ __ ] up
because they’re trying to
recreate a relationship from a movie
that had a relationship that didn’t
[ __ ] work in the first place but yes
ellen and billy have sex she wants to
run away with tom and tom is immediately
over the relationship he’s won the
argument and now he’s done
pays mccoy the money actually
apologizing to mccoy because he cares
more about mccoy than he cares about
ellen apparently uh and then he asked
mccoy for relationship advice mccoy says
that she used to be in love with a guy
who treated her bad and then she ends it
with of course that was before i was a
soldier which is the bit that you were
talking about
soldiers definitely code there um
but yes uh tom enlists
uh mccoy’s help for something he i don’t
want to do he takes ellen on a train
ride saying they’re running away and
then literally
clocks on the [ __ ] definitely a throwback to westerns oh
yeah like i need to knock this broad out
so i can do what’s best for her exactly
yeah very again very the quiet man just
dragging maureen o’hara through the
[ __ ] sheep [ __ ] on the irish
countryside to show her that that that
you’re you you listened uh man the quiet
man has so many problems yeah he knocks
her out and leaves her with mccoy
so he can go back into town and face off
with raven he can’t but he can’t get
back on the train that he wants to
because the bombers have set fire to the
train tracks yep uh which is not really
important it’s not really important
because he just shows up later anyway
we have learned that he can teleport
from earlier so but the raven and his
raven and his two bombers arrive in town
for the high noon showdown and raven
summons the bombers oh wait a second the
cops come to try and arrest him and when
raven realizes the deal isn’t being
adhered to he summons the bombers with
an air horn that is clearly just
covered in tape and is like spray
painted bronze yeah but it looks like
this weird steampunk thing yes and it’s
an amazing character flourish that makes
no [ __ ] sense it’s my favorite thing
it’s a wonderful prop it’s one of those
like little details that makes this
world feel its own thing
uh like you wouldn’t find that anywhere
else like even the movie actually set in
the 50s or the 20s no one has that no
one has this [ __ ] bronze air horn
that they use that they use to summon
the gang yeah it’s [ __ ] brilliant and
it’s [ __ ] raven shaddocks it’s raven
that’s my favorite john green book is
raven shattucks all the way down it’s a
quite big departure from his usual style
billy in an uncharacteristic act of
selflessness or maybe just because he’s
he’s the hero he’s the most powerful
human on earth he’s the he’s the hero of
the movie for himself he is like in the
diner i think and sees that raven
shattucks is about to cause trouble sees
this army forming behind him busts out
the door stomps with all the authority
of the [ __ ] king of the universe
right up into raven’s [ __ ] face
yes right up into
short tiny rick moranis
right up to raven shattuck’s face is
like hey buddy get the [ __ ] out of my
again it doesn’t say that but that’s
that’s the that’s a vibe that’s the
energy and raven just i think like just
full 300 kicks right to the curb knocks
rick moranis right down but uh tom cote
shows up in short order uh well clyde is
there to see what was going to happen
when this happens when he sees
billy get knocked down the army show up
we think he’s running away he’s not but
he runs off oh he’s swarming a posse
he’s [ __ ] forming a posse
[ __ ] but yes tom apparently
regenerated in between scenes because
not only does he suddenly have his hot
rod back with no explanation but also he
suddenly has sleeves again yes uh and he
shows up he takes off his jacket
revealing his sleeves and he comes out
of the car and he marches into the arena
raven says i brought something special
just for you tom and officer price in
another one of the greatest lines and
one of the greatest line deliveries in
this movie
passes tom on the way into the to the
death pit
into the into the way into the thunder
dome and he turns him and says well my
plan went to [ __ ] let’s see how you do
kick his ass and now
we have
i don’t
this was this tickled me so much
every watch yeah it’s a sledgehammer
fight yeah it’s a [ __ ] sledgehammer
fight yeah my only gripe because some
some uh bomber goon throws them both
sledges yeah this is the special weapon
that he brought just for his fight with
tom but i wish this was like somehow
more germane to raven shattucks like
he executed [ __ ] or he hobbled
[ __ ] we saw that the hammer was
a thing with it oh did earlier no i’m
saying that this is what you want yes
exactly yeah you would like
there was something involving hammers
that was important to him earlier you
called the duel i choose the weapons
yeah there you go there you go uh but
yeah no it i i do think that that would
be great like if that were his signature
weapon yeah this scene is iconic it’s
great all on its own it’s great here’s
what i was referring to earlier okay
michael parray is underselling because
he’s a [ __ ] dud
like he’s trying yeah and meanwhile
willem dafoe realizes he’s up against a
dud yes so willem dafoe is overselling
like a [ __ ] yeah no this is his
facial expressions are insane this is uh
i don’t watch wrestling but my friend my
friends who are fans of wrestling the
way that they’ve described if you had
john cena or roman reigns on one side in
the michael parade bit versus i don’t
know a good wrestler on the other side
it was just like
just like the they know that they yeah
they’re trying to make up for the
balance of energy the face the face has
to go over so the heel has to make it
look like these lame-ass moves that
they’re doing are just the most
incredible epic moves ever and they’re
just getting wrecked that’s what willem
dafoe is doing in the scene and he does
really [ __ ] well it’s it’s good the
scene survives on the bet on the sweat
of willem dafoe’s birthday it does it’s
goofy as [ __ ] if you’re really paying
attention to it this is my third watch
so i was like yeah i was this is zooming
in on that the first time i watched it i
remember thinking the scene was really
lame the second time i watched it uh i
loved this scene i loved it the first i
still love it i’ve always loved it
because it’s a [ __ ] sledgehammer
fight yeah where do you and i think that
that is something that i heard that i
read somewhere walter hill saying where
else are you gonna get this that’s why i
picked it but just
just how much willem dafoe is trying to
sell this [ __ ] yeah and eventually tom
cote like disarms him
and tom cote is like
he does the honorable thing where it’s
like okay i’m not going to smash your
melon like gallagher yes i’m going to
toss my hammer aside and again there’s
this this internal life that willing to
foe’s character has you see on his face
the fact that tom cote didn’t kill him
that’s an insult it’s not it’s i don’t
know that’s it not not from tom cote tom
holly isn’t thinking of his that by
william defoe’s in
raven shattuck’s internal code of honor
that you do not do see i disagree with
you okay i think it’s more that it’s
just like oh tom cote is the dumbest man
alive because i’m raven shattucks the
most dangerous man alive so i’m gonna
[ __ ] take advantage of this the way
that i read it he doesn’t seem happy
that he threw his hammer away he seems
furious like he goes full like no he
himself amazing [ __ ] scream an
amazing defoe face and just launches
himself in see i again i took it the
other direction was just like now it’s
time for my berserker now it’s time for
my second form
you disarmed me but now i’m becoming
more powerful
yeah uh yeah raven shattucks goes into a
rage in dnd terms and uh he’s gonna be
rolling he [ __ ] and then he rolls
some new attacks
and he rolls an unarmed attack also
during this fight while they’re fighting
clyde shows up with with the posse he’s
gathered together a whole bunch of
street tufts they all have their their
their their rifles and they all get to
get together they now we have a standing
army as well and now here’s where it’s
the best where i was like i know how
this ends
but just like
there’s cops
there’s an armed gang and now there’s an
armed civilian militia yeah this is
going to become a bloodbath right that
will take years to sort out right and uh
but it doesn’t it doesn’t so uh there
the end of this fight is is great um tom
beats the [ __ ] out of raven until he’s
until raven is literally just sitting
standing there doing the mortal combat
waiting for the special move yeah wobble
and then tom goes up to him and
lightly shoves him and he just crumples
again in a scene that
walter hill
probably loves the quiet man and he took
a lot from the fight scene between
john wayne and i forget the other actor
victor mclagan i think is the other
actor’s name from that movie which is
also famously the inspiration for the
fight scene from uh they live they live
but uh yeah the bikers not wanting a war
and out of respect for tom’s victory
jesus christ they bear him away yep they
they pick up raven and they leave town
peacefully uh leaving they they they’ve
the the
rules of the combat exactly it goes back
like the 1950s ideals the western ideals
if they allowed raven his shot at tom
cote whatever the outcome they were
going to leave them in peace and since
they abided by that in the end they’re
going to leave
uh they’ve they have gotten rid of the
cavendish gang for now
uh and uh yeah and you were hoping for
more of a dark knight rises sort of like
war in the city kind of thing i wasn’t
hoping for that i was just like
if this happened in real life
there would be dead bodies
everywhere yes yeah and like everybody
would be shooting at everyone oh yes
absolutely but now we we get one last
concert we get one last concert
including what i think is probably the
biggest hit
absolutely is you will hear this in
supermarkets yeah the sorelles do an
amazing number and these gents are all
just like character actors yes but they
do amazing [ __ ] choreography and we
know that from walter hill that they
didn’t rehearse very much so this is all
very like the song
about choreography the song i can dream
about you i can dream about you
yeah if i can’t hold you tonight
that big that big uh hit that you’ve
heard on every uh the 80s 90s and now
is from this [ __ ] movie now again
much like
much like countdown to love this was
recorded by fred winston yes but
why and i think he had a backing band
with him for this because this is a big
doo-wop number oh yeah yeah um
this was written by a man named dan
and dan hartman did some sort of
shady contract [ __ ] yeah all perfectly
legal because it’s a contract but he was
sort of a dick about it he was big in
the music scene before this but he was
like okay
on the soundtrack it’s going to be my
vocals yeah not fred winston’s fred
winston can be in the movie but i get to
be in the track that’s going to be get
the widest distribution and it is very
hard to find on it is impossible as far
as i’ve seen yeah to find like even just
this scene of the movie yeah so you can
watch the amazing choreography these men
are doing yeah no they’re they’re really
doing choreography pretty well best fake
bands i’ve ever seen yeah i would love
to see these dudes in concert right no i
would i mean like
[ __ ] uh this band especially if they
were opening for l name in the attack
exactly i would love that and i i
actually love uh i can dream about you
much more than i like the ending song
i i enjoy the ending song more with each
watch yeah but it’s still
it’s not as strong as nowhere fast
nothing is astronomers
and i can dream about you has that
[ __ ] amazing choreography and the
amazing energy of these
men yeah but uh yeah so tom connects
with billy uh backstage before heading
out billy is now the manager of the
sorel’s in real life yes uh not just in
lies and billy’s telling tom’s like hey
unl and i understand there’s something
there and like bill billy’s billy’s kind
of turned over a new leaf he’s like oh
sure no billy’s just said
i’m gonna be respectful billy’s the
[ __ ] hero of his own movie where he’s
like absolutely i don’t need to compete
with you yeah exactly you want ellen
take ellen yeah i’m not gonna be like
a jealous [ __ ] sure and but tom is like
hey uh
ellen needs you and and and
billy says yeah i know she needs me she
wants you
which is
full billy but he says yeah uh ellen i’m
gonna leave ellen and you can explain to
her why because i’m tom cote the worst
yes uh but he he leaves and runs into
ellen uh ellen doesn’t get a say in her
personal life in fact again the reason
why tom was so mad at her earlier is
because she
decided to make a decision about her own
personal life and that’s not allowed uh
but yeah uh
they they leave they have alaska’s
and then ellen plays us out with the
song tonight is what it means to be
also written by jim steinman simon with
the same sort of meatloaf vibes to it
again not as good as nowhere fast but
still pretty great it’s i enjoy it more
the more i listen to yeah it’s [ __ ] ridiculous
uh of course it is it’s just diamonds
the only line i can always remember is a
and the boy is the next best thing
to an angel oh god
yeah it’s it’s again i think it much
like nowhere fast this is this is
another sort of like a big sweeping
thesis statement on the movie as well
because it’s uh whereas yeah where fast
high school drama and [ __ ] yeah like
this this is a world where there are
almost no adults they’re like maybe five
adults in the whole movie everyone’s a
teenager but i still love this sequence
because one the cinematography the
concert cinematography is on point the
sorelles come back out yeah they’re
acting as backups with the face to face
they’re [ __ ] incredible they’re
dancing they’re doing dance choreography
in the background yeah and i’m like
it’s it’s great i would love
i would just love if there were a fake
concert film of just the sorelles
absolutely because it shot so amazingly
and like the backlighting the smoke the
lasers it’s all so [ __ ] good it’s so
good um but it’s so much fist pumping so
much everyone just fist pumping all the
time some [ __ ] 80s uh tom and
mccoy leave town together in what is now
mccoy’s hot rod yes she she stole it
that’s and that’s the end of the film uh
a couple of things before we wrap uh
streets of fire was intended to be the
first in a projected trilogy like we
said called the
the overall title was going to be the
adventures of tom cote the titles for
the other two movies in the trilogy were
tom cote against the world crime league
exactly no the far city and cody’s
i’m larry gross about the night that
they found out that the movie hadn’t
done so well
uh joel got off the joel silver got off
the phone with universal and said we’re
oh we sat down i remember in a little
park in downtown l.a and we started
giggling and that way people do when
things are terrible
there’s a song in the movie called
tonight is what it means to be young and
i remember in the park joel saying today
is what it means to be dead oh clever
and an unofficial sequel was eventually
made as i mentioned earlier called road
to hell which was made in 2008 directed
by albert p yoon
and with parade playing cody and deborah
van volkenberg sorry that’s all right
and deborah van volkenberg whoever that
is playing uh his sister riva cody i
think she played riva in the original oh
okay so right so riva comes back that’s
good but it’s about him protecting
ellen’s daughter
uh and ellen’s daughter performs both
nowhere fast and tonight is what it
means to be young which of course in a
movie where michael parade is old as
[ __ ] no longer has any meaning
but uh that is streets of fire any final
thoughts uh about that uh brad
no i think we covered everything pretty
much i love this film you should
definitely watch it it’s so much fun
it’s so much again like
like we talked about on holy mountain
you can’t say most unique or most
singular no but these are movies that
make you want to be like
yeah nothing is more unique than this
it’s so like you’re not going to find
another film like this
maybe maybe more so than holy mountain
but it’s yeah with this you’re more
likely to find a movie like this than
holy mountain but
but for it to hit on all cylinders with
the music the cinematography the the
production design it’s not going to
happen this movie is what this show and
the your entire concept of the hunt is
about yeah it’s about finding
the [ __ ] that’s not necessarily like the
most artsy or the most or the most
insane or the most
portrayed it’s just finding that good
[ __ ] that nobody [ __ ] talks about
it’s different
and that’s not [ __ ] hits this movie
is not the warriors it’s not
a [ __ ] uh a die hard or 48 hours this
movie it’s a rock and roll fable this
movie is nothing but streets of fire and
that is
in that is special that’s exactly that’s
worthy of celebration more special that
it collapsed in on itself and was not a
huge hit like yeah this is a big swing
yeah and the big swings that don’t
are my favorite because you took that
[ __ ] swing yeah and it didn’t pay off
but we got what we got we got streets of
fire and that you can never take that
yeah you can’t until legally
according to the constitution right you
cannot the constitution of canada yeah
yeah yeah in america you can do whatever
you want yeah uh but yes so uh that is
streets of fire and thank you very much
thank you very much for listening
bye bye

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