Ghostbusters : Deleted Scenes (Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver) Found On This Site

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Ghostbusters : Deleted Scenes (Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver)

Watch the clip “Ghostbusters : Deleted Scenes (Bill Murray, Dan Ackroyd, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver)” one of 100’s of similar video clips which feature the popular comedic characters of Doug and Bob.

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also starring Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis, and Annie Potts. A Classic !!! This looks pretty retro, when they put this to dvd, they captured it from footage that had …..well, been around a while, you will see. but i love that distressed look. hope you like . i dont get paid to do anything you see in my videos ……i just do this as a hobby ………..thanks for watching !!
your theories are the worst kind of
popular tripe your methods are sloppy
and your conclusions are highly
questionable you are a poor scientist
i see
and you have no place in this department
or in this university
um does that include dr stanson you
better believe it
you said you floored him at the regents
ray i apologize
i guess my faith in the board of regents
was misplaced
you know i have to laugh
they did this to galileo
it could have been worse dr bankman
they took the astronomer filius and
staked his head to the town gate
i’m a qualified psychologist i have a
i believe something happens you don’t
believe anything happened here you
didn’t believe me at the office you just
came over here to see what you could get
off me dr venkman please i mean just
because i’m a classical musician doesn’t
mean i haven’t been around
i’m the chairman of the largest
paranormal removal company in america i
believe something happened here
i want to help
you think you can do something
i’d stake my reputation on it well what
do you want to do
what i’d like to do is spend the night
get out
aren’t you glad we waited
i don’t know
it probably would have been the same
[Applause] your clock broke what
nice going honey it was brand new
i didn’t break your precious clock roy
now where are you going to the bathroom
where do you think
are you all right
i don’t believe it i don’t believe it i
don’t believe it
oh operator there’s something in the box
oh no i don’t know i don’t know i’ve
never seen anything like it oh my god
ghostbusters please hold
ghost bless this hold please
ghostbusters can i help you
well is it just a mist or does it have
arms and legs
just a minute let me see
yeah well
it looks like the first time that we
could get to you would be a week from
yeah i’m sorry we’re totally booked till
all i can suggest to you is that you
just stay at your house until we can get
to you uh-huh yes thank you ghostbusters
sorry to make you wait
okay i would agree with you
on the us decision to rebuild nicaragua
but i disagree on the other thing i
think that a good karate guy is always
going to top a heavyweight boxing no no
you take any martial artist black belt i
don’t care how good he is what degree
you put him in a ring with a power
puncher like chuck webner what that
would devastate him every time okay i
agree with that but i think that
shanghai hong kong and kowloon are going
to be your three big terrible bargains
this year run run get out of the way
come on
[Music] i was rushing around all the time
oh yeah
we got work to do
now what do you need from me
just let us kick some ghosts will you
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don’t understand it why here why now
what goes around comes around your honor
that big lazy susan the karma just keeps
spinning around sometimes you grab the
wrong end of the stick maybe it’s
nature’s way of telling us to slow down
hold back in the old pleasure throttles
you have to admit it is kind of humbling
we’re humble already i want you to take
this what is it
it’s a souvenir from the world’s
favorite flushing meadow in 1964.
it’s my lucky coin
i shouldn’t take it we might not be
coming back
take it anyway
i got another one at home
didn’t your mama ever tell you not to
get involved with no ghostbusters now go
on home
be gone
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on let’s run some red lights
[Music] [Applause] service everybody
okay whatever happens let’s be
let’s get smart let’s hop on a plane
right now and go to australia indonesia
until this glow’s over you know you
could have a bright future with this
company except for that attitude
i was just this moment considering you
for a major promotion within the company
and now i don’t know
come on guys let’s do this one and go
[Applause] get out of here
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] dana it’s you
did did you and i
you know did we
no lewis
how about a cup of coffee
oh no i’m sure
hey don’t worry about it a million
fishes in the sea

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rick moranis funniest clips [vid_tags] #Ghostbusters #Deleted #Scenes #Bill #Murray #Dan #Ackroyd #Harold #Ramis #Sigourney #Weaver

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