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Ghostbusters – Drunken Review

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GHOSTS! Don’t cross the streams! And who could forget Rick Moranis winning our hearts with his dorkiness!
hey guys how’s it going I’m calling and
I’m shown and today we got a guest with
us I’m lish her name’s lunch ah alright
today we’re watching ghostbusters
Buster’s average table library
strange ha ha ha because you’re the new
Ghostbusters theme is done by fall out
boy I didn’t know they need to do it
isn’t that awful this way is he getting
swine that’s lad well he was vinco and
he does sux line on him so then Quinn
gets slimed Mert the MER Dilma ready
well this is great if the ionization
rate is constant for all active bladder
unity we could really bottom yardage
scientific jargon no statue oh that’s
the statue thing aah aah how was it done
mixing please I bet you like to read a
lot to print is dead sweater vest Jimmy
I read alarm over to her too that’s what
was that we were silent but I use my
spare time I also play racquetball do
you have any hobbies they also play ring
Wow I collect spores molds and fungus
sexy uh so a que I know how to [ __ ] party and this voice said Zhu oh that’s
a thing we drink for drink ever
generally we don’t see that kind of
behavior major appliance who actually
look this wasn’t here there was nothing
here there was a space and there was a
building or something with flames coming
out of and there were creatures riding
I’ve got boiling and snarling and then
we really I say to do for them what I
had work all right everyone drink which
has the same ish has the pie that’s in
the fridge container with the pie in the
fridge wish I the pie and the casserole
dish she has a pie casserole fish drink
so so we got the ghost oh and we found
your maiden she was just dead you don’t
know yeah but it’s like whoa wasn’t it
dad made which in no way was related to
us I think he can hear you right don’t
move Bill Murray gets slimed every bill
murray slime that’s great actual
physical contact let you watch review
your yeah please wait out here we’ll
take care of everything what don’t cross
the streams oh don’t cross the streams
as thing ah try to imagine all life as
you know it’s stopping instantaneously
and every molecule in your body
exploding at the speed of light that’s
Jordan Jordan you just missed out
Caitlin did they jargon it obvi please
take you to thank you I assure you mrs.
Van hopper there is no problem with the
room it will be ready won’t be a time as
soon as your guest on with this Lots
broke something out oh this is not you
baby so much room to put the top down
sir what you had There who is what we
refer to as a focused non-terminal
repeating phantasm or a classic pseudo
Jerry science unit is he getting a ghost
[ __ ] that’s it I thought oh oh my god
haha i bet that’d be really cool why is
that would any feel I don’t that would
just be so like someone blowing on your
debt okay I found the name is all for
you oh we’re shipped around 6,000 BC
Barney zool was just sad again I’m
working on that what you get together
thursday night I think ignited Oh in the
back yet right there we mean the big
let’s say this Twinkie represents the
normal amount of psychokinetic energy in
the New York area according to this
morning’s pseudoscience charging there’s
no way approximately two statues that
much cargo at all and
nice doggy cute little pooch maybe I got
a milk-bone Souls one weakness is milk
bones okay fine I’ll go get someone else
literally no one cares about him what oh
god she’s possessed by zuul that’s the
thing drink for the word key monster
come on I want to talk to Dana Dana this
relax come on Dana Dana can I talk to
Dana Dana Dana there’s gonna be some
real problems apartment 10 touch a slide
to the right now hahaha sex your cha-cha
real smooth oh god no this is a rule
I am the keymaster I am the gatekeeper
oh oh that’s too that’s to lose face
it’s like it’s like drinking true
you they just picked like the most
important word coupling yeah like
possible hey hey it’s like that guy
weird he’s now gonna [ __ ] you to open up
the demon yeah
well I’ll give him that the chasm was
pretty cool yeah I love this movie the
effects are excellent anybody that’s
haha fish k the bully boom Gozer
whatever it wants to be or whatever it
is it’s got to get by us right are you
no then are you other guy yes okay yoga
one you win you win if I go back that’s
yeah well not on what is that it’s the
Stay Puft Marshmallow Man drink for puff
portions of marshmallow man Dave puff
mush state public string for the fire I
have a radical idea the door swings both
ways we could reverse the particle flow
through the gate how will cross the
streams hot season crossing the streams
my cross the stream you’re gonna
endanger us you’re gonna injure our
client the nice lady who paid us in
advance before she became a dog not
necessarily there’s definitely a very
slim chance for survival
I think so drink again because the
strands are physically crossing
Oh kissing ah it’s over just like that I
thought the special effects were great I
thought the acting and humor were above
par like I really enjoyed this movie I
think it’s a family classic my favorite
part was actually right at the very
beginning with in the library I thought
that was my entire sequence in the
library where they’re going down to see
the ghost and they didn’t know what to
do and they’re very new and green at it
that was my favorite part I really liked
this movie I’ve never seen Ghostbusters
and there’s lots of goats and bloated my
favorite part was rented this in the
hotel the ghost was gobbling all the
food he was greed Ghostbusters is as
funny an action-packed it was fun my
favorite part was when Rick Moranis
ended up being mckee master and
sigourney weaver was the gatekeeper that
was pretty funny and well done and like
the most like well done dick droke there
is I think I wish Gozer was more in it I
would prefer to have dozer and the Stay
Puft Marshmallow at the fair again maybe
a little bit overwhelming but i think
that the they were been able to pull it
off there should have been more go
Marcus Margo fat they shouldn’t have
captured the green guys agreeing I
dates and become their pet I’ll get my
least favorite part of that movie is it
like it didn’t feel it didn’t feel like
the end boss battle had any stakes it
just felt like they’re like oh no she
dodged just two times and then we just
beat her by shooting at her all at once
the third time thanks guys for watching
I’m glad y’all came around I’m wish
comment like and subscribe and we’re
gonna just keep on trucking and making
these videos hoping to members busters
hey guys hahaha we’re back ah let’s
start that again

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