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Gravedale High 09 Streaming On This Site

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Gravedale High 09

Enjoy the media clip “Gravedale High 09” plus many related videos which showcase the well known hysterical characters of Doug and Bob McKenzie.

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Gravedale High (also known as Rick Moranis in Gravedale High) is an animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera for NBC Productions (the latter company owns all rights to the series). The series premiered in the fall of 1990 on NBC and lasted thirteen episodes.
[Music] greetings humans this is frankenstein
there’s a lot more of me coming up so
don’t touch that style man
[Music] now it’s time to
it’s begin our school that we’re singing
where the myth is
[Music] [Applause] please take a seat yeah we’re dying to
[Music] [Applause] the you and chilling
[Music] isn’t nature wonderful kids
i love it here in thin peaks park
well if yes me man all this nature stuff
uh on the contrary franken tyke i found
a number of wonderful scents
[Music] for example two raccoons a deer and a
pack of wolves partied here last night
whoa and i can see why furry dude
termites are in season
see frank and tyke the great outdoors
hold something for everyone ah well it
holds too many animals for me man they
just don’t like me
and i just don’t like them either man
take that tree rats
[Music] hey man give me back my hair
[Music] [Music] thin peaks diner and just in time for
teacup right liverpool i am so hungry i
could eat a horse
just kidding hoover
for now
[Music] well well if it ain’t my old rival
colonel fester saddle sore
what are you doing here same as you red
knuckles gonna enter my horse over there
and the big staple chase race over and
over and downs
i hear tell no one can even ride that
nag well rayhad i may be a fool but i’m
gonna give the old boy one more chance
and if you don’t win mate it’s the glue
factory for you
see at the races red good luck who needs
luck hey liverpool you got it guff i
fixed it so hoover will never win
more coffee laura and another slice of
that excellent rutabaga pie
coming right up that makes 37 slices of
pine 42 cups of
coffee okay what’ll it be
i’ll have a piece of pie darling and
some tea for my friend here oh sorry but
we’re fresh out of pies
[Music] [Music] i hate the wet look man
[Music] back up horse lips i’m in no mood for
another animal attack
hey stop slobbering man get a load of
does this horse have bad taste or what
frank and ty where’d you go oh man i’ve
been out getting trashed by every animal
in this
forest see what i mean man hey yo this
one seems to like you yeah well i don’t
like him haven’t we had enough nature
man i went out of here okay frank and
tyke we were just leaving
[Music] [Music] i never thought i’d say this man but
even school is better than the great
outdoors i don’t know little dude to eat
sure we’re good i even got some grub
worms to go
[Applause] hey cut it out gilman
hey what are you doing here horse breath
[Music] jack cut it out you drooling dweeb
where’s your hall pass frankenstein and
who’s your friend he’s not my friend man
and i don’t have a whole path then i’m
taking you to headmistress crohn’s
what a kick hmm i could use a guy like
that on my football team and i brought
back these pine cones from our nature
walk i brought back these beautiful
that’s you and they bring back my
beautiful allergies
that’s who hey yo look what frankie
brought back frank and tyke this this
may sound harsh but you can’t bring a
horse to class don’t tell me man tell
him this horse won’t leave me alone
and i believe i know why frankentike’s
hairpiece is made from horse hair this
horse obviously thinks frankentyke is
related of course you know horse i ain’t
getting rid of my hair man horse hair or
no horse hair this horse has got to go
come on flicka come on trigger come on
mr ed
[Music] now be a good horsey and get out of my
i guess this calls for a more direct
okay you can stay for now
but as soon as we break for lunch i’m
gonna start looking for his owner
yeah well that’s not soon enough for me
okay kids when you finish this math quiz
raise your hand and i’ll collect it yes
reggie do you have a question uh no mr
schneider sir i’m done i hate math man
who cares what the square root of nine
hey get your feet off my desk
and that’s my pencil man three
hey you may be right man i think the
square root of nine is three here try
the next one buddy
[Music] whoa look at that line man sal must be
serving something really good but by the
time we get there it’ll probably be gone
hey where’d everybody go we’re right
here man you know you’re okay
for an animal man how about some lunch i
got a big juicy butterfly steak for you
tenderized let’s see department of
missing birds cats dogs goats ah here it
is horses you’ll never find out marsha
find out what
if i tell you he might find out
we interrupt this stupid soap opera to
bring you an important news bulletin a
horse is missing hoover a thoroughbred
racehorse who by the way has never won a
race was last seen in the strange small
town of thin peaks
in peaks
that’s the horse if you have any
information please call this number 1
800 hoover hey i need to use the phone
can’t you see i’m busy you human slime
human why are you what was someone else
no not you ma i didn’t call you human ma
you made my ma hang up on me you
meddling wimp
1 800
[Music] are you sure this is the right address
gun well that fellow schneider said the
schools at the top of cemetery road
better slow down liverpool i just felt a
blimey if this is a school i’d hate to
see the students
[Music] let’s just get hoover and get out of
here you must be colonel saddle sore and
you must be mr schneider this is my
horse’s trainer liverpool what sort of
school is this gov
and what’s that i hate it when that
don’t mind clawford it’s just his way of
thanking you for running him over
him now what about that horse of mine he
seems to have taken a liking to one of
my students and i don’t think the
feeling is mutual
[Music] nice kick man that’s 15 goals in a row
pickle my innards you sure can kick you
ever give any thought to playing
well son least think about it
hey man where’d you learn how to play
kick the coach
got you now you bloomin nag
what do you think you do it to my
horse it’s not your host keep away
easy franken-tyke colonel saddle sore
owns this horse his name is hoover and
that’s his trainer they’ve come to take
hoover off your hands i don’t want him
off my hands hoover’s my friend man but
i thought you wanted to get rid of him
ha we’ll take care of that
[Music] did you see that man hoover says they’re
gonna waste him
frank and ty don’t be so melodramatic
hoover’s a valuable racehorse right
colonel saddles or it would be if
anybody could ride him as it is now he’s
just a four-legged money pair come on
mate we’re going to uppity downs then
after you blow the race i’m taking you
to the glue factory
glue factory over my dead body
let’s get out of here
[Music] away little bugger is stealing over
frankentike come back here
[Music] thanks man
[Music] man we sure ditched those kicks didn’t
[Music] major oh
[Music] major
no get out of here save yourself
gotcha shall we press charges against
the little horse thief gov now wait just
a minute press charges well i want this
little fella to ride hoover in the big
steeple chess race and up and it down
him are you out of your blooming mind
that green kid’s the only one who can
ride hoover if he wins the race i’ll get
back what i paid for this crazy horse i
ain’t no jockey man but for my pal move
here i’ll do it not so fast franken tyke
uh i might be persuaded to let my
student ride but only on one condition
if hoover wins the race he gets put in a
nice safe pasture
blimey red isn’t going to be happy about
[Music] come on hoover time for lunch
mmm this stuff doesn’t look half bad
[Music] sorry man
no wonder you hog these oats frank and
tyke they’re delicious hey don’t talk
with your mouth full man
talk foolja it’s me sid
we thought you all could use some help
getting ready for the race i’ll take a
poover’s legs and i’m gonna make this
horse hard to try
original and i’m gonna teach you how to
ride him properly
[Music] lucky for me these jumpers have a squash
more room in the crotch
i’ll show you how to ride man
careful song don’t want to wear yourself
out the day before the rails
that nag hoover’s looking pretty good
out there liverpool which is more than i
can say for that jockey liverpool i
thought our deal was you’d keep saddle
source horse from ever entering a race
but now with that gremlin aboard hoover
looks like a winner
i’ll make sure that ugly little troll
never sees the finish line
[Music] sure was nice of mr schneider to let me
sleep over wasn’t it man
[Music] [Music] there he is grab his feet
[Music] blimey where’s the rest of him i’ll go
back and get it you bring the truck
[Music] hey whoever stop kicking man
huh hey where am i
let me out of here you’re starting to
get me mad man
[Music] good night
[Music] he’s been this way all morning mr
schneider ever since he found out his
mic was missing
tragic indeed
i should never have let frank and tyke
sleep over
uh excuse me mr schneider sir but i
should be able to pick up frankentike’s
unique scent
[Applause] that is if i didn’t have hay fever
hey yo looks like hoover’s catching on
is he part blood horse or what
[Music] we’re running out of time son if hoover
can’t find your little green jockey soon
he’s gonna miss this race ah there was
only some way to delay the race leave it
to me mr schneider
the horses are approaching the starting
and what magnificent echoing specimens
they are
[Music] probably the finest lineup of horse
flesh ever resembled in one venue
[Music] whoa hoover i had the weirdest dream man
tell us later chucky dude you’re like
way late for your race yeah we gotta get
you dressed i made these silk jockey
shorts just for you frank and ty no way
am i wearing no clothes man
oh yes you are
[Music] and that reminds me of the time i had
tea and jam with sebastian who cares
start the race we’re tired of waiting
so am i wait here comes hoover thank
goodness my voice was getting a little
[Music] i want that horse and jockey stopped
i’ll see to it past speaker
[Music] yeah this outfit scares me too man
[Applause] [Music] fancy meeting you here mate
have you seen lots of these times
i read this section
[Music] like a fish what a backstroke
[Music] hey tweets good
and it looks like topher has hit the
no he’s skating double axel into a camel
and a reverse what a routine
[Music] hey man this people chase stuff is fun
what’s nick
is this fun isn’t fun the best thing
[Music] [Music] nice try little green guy but i guess
you can’t win them all but you gave it
your best shot frankentyke
how could you do this to me selling easy
pops red here pays the big bucks
hold your horses there’s been a
disqualification for changing jockeys in
mid-race the winner is hoover
now don’t forget your promise colonel
don’t worry hoover from now on you’ve
got nothing but green fails to look
forward to
i guess this is goodbye man you’re the
only animal who never tried to trash me
see what i mean
you know frank and tyke you look pretty
good in a ponytail
[Music] [Applause] hey kids coming up next is one great
hour of nintendo excitement it’s captain
anne the game master and adventures of
super mario brothers fun-filled hour
coming up next only on nbc

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