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GRAVEDALE HIGH episode 2 Do The Rad Thing Live On

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GRAVEDALE HIGH episode 2 Do The Rad Thing

Witness the vid “GRAVEDALE HIGH episode 2 Do The Rad Thing” among our collection of other clips which include the famous hysterical characters of Bob and Doug McKenzie.

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GRAVEDALE HIGH episode 2 Do The Rad Thing staring Rick Moranis If you like my content please like and subscribe. Thanks for watching, #rickmoranis #gravedalehigh #monsters #animation #cartoon #90scartoon #saturdaymorning #saturdaymorningcartoons #monsterhigh #classicmonsters #universalmonsters #90s #1990s #vhs #vhsrip #creaturefromtheblacklagoon #dracula #vampire #frankenstein #mummy
greetings humans this is frankenstein
there’s a lot more of me coming up so
don’t touch that dial man
[Music] uh
[Music] is
please take a seat yeah we’re dying to
meet you
[Music] [Applause] go with the spirit
[Music] warning no swimming sharks jellyfish
riptides whoa
primo conditions little dude let’s hit
the waves
all right i’m finally gonna learn how to
[Music] whoa you just scored your first lesson
little dude
it’s called getting trashed
it’s to be avoided right
[Music] you gotta make friends with the waves
[Music] not to mention the locals hey jaws dude
whoa that dude’s really working the ways
he’s a natural gnarly looking but a
i haven’t seen surfing like that in
years that dude’s my best buddy man
he was teaching me how to surf i got
major trashed
hey man i was just telling this human
dweeb about my first surfing lesson
whoa little dude this is no ordinary
human dweeb
it’s kahuna bob only the most righteous
surfer did in the history of water
well that was a few years back i’m
chilling out in retirement now
[Music] this dweeb is getting out my nerves but
you’ve got a few righteous moves
yourself dude i mean
you’ve even got a built-in wetsuit with
a little help from me
and some serious practice sessions who
you could be the next kahuna whoa
way awesome no way awesome
you’re supposed to be teaching me how to
surf man
sorry little dude but no way i’m gonna
pass up pointers from the kahuna himself
but you promised man
get moving dude you’re gonna miss that
gnarly set
what a day man first i get trash by wave
then i get trashed by my best friend
[Music] iggy where’s your brain today
i thought so you left it in your locker
[Music] franken-tyke you’re late and you’re
ugly man so we’re all agreed
knowing a second language is definitely
which brings us to the obvious next
question can anybody here speak another
they should teach i speak a little
i want to bite your neck that’s
understandable vinny
yes reggie uh well i speak fluent
loosely translated that means there’s a
full moon tonight
i could speak ancient egyptian of course
it’s in hieroglyphics
[Music] this means i’d like a tomb of the view
in schneiders that means i think i’ve
got my work cut out for me
ah frankentyke i see you’ve condescended
to join us
how thoughtful but where’s our favorite
swamp creature gil
hey don’t ask me man i’m not that webb
head keeper
[Music] i guess that’s a sore subject well maybe
you’ll like our next subject
spanish to say good morning
turn to the amigo next to you and say
buenos dias
i don’t have an amigo man how do you say
bogus in spanish
hey sal what’s cooking today i made lots
of finger food
we got finger sandwiches we got sticky
and for dessert we got some nice fresh
oh yum ladyfingers i’ll take a handful
there you go cleo bony appetit oh and
don’t forget
tomorrow we got the elbow macaroni
another helping please
[Music] now that’s one sad little monster poor
franken tigers just lost without kill
yes it must be tough losing your best
friend hubbin
hey not to mention losing your only
friend definitely not
cool reg well i’m gonna ask him to join
hey frank and tyke want to sit with us
you’re looking a little down in the
oh yeah well you look a lot like a dump
bandage brain get lost oh
last time i tried to be nice to that
anvil head
and so he set out in the nina for pinta
and the santa maria
on his daring voyage of discovery
well well mr waterman do you realize
columbus set sail without you
hey tell that columbus dude i’m way
sorry but i was getting the lowdown on
some totally righteous surfing moves
yeah well if you keep this up your
grades are gonna make some righteous
moves too
like straight down like so what i was
getting tips from the major kahuna
kahuna bob uh-huh well take a tip from
kahuna schneider
surf on your own time during school
hours you’re mine
hey i miss you at lunch man here i saved
you a half a finger sandwich
thanks little dude kahuna bob says i
gotta keep up my strength
kahuna bob says pardon me while i barf
[Music] man
[Music] hello waterman residents hello mrs
this is max schneider your sun gills
teacher all right well
and i can’t come to the phone right now
we’re on our annual migration to the
black lagoon
but if you’ll leave a message i’ll be
lucky if i leave this booth
we’ll call you when we get back have a
moist day
so much for help from the home front
guess i’ll have to straighten gill out
if he ever shows up
[Music] [Music] sorry about the shower dudes gill
say hello to sam and dave the kiwi cola
they’re sponsoring the surf championship
this weekend
hey rep dudes hey man the kahuna says
you’re his pick to win whoa
do you really think i’m ready kahuna
does a surfer wear jams
no smile dude
[Music] so
[Music] yay
frankentike earth to frank and tyke that
was the final bell
you don’t have to stay after school you
didn’t do anything wrong today
yeah i missed guilt too you know if he
wants to be friends with that geeky
human surfer instead of me then forget
it man
don’t worry franken tyke this kahuna
business is just a passing phase
gil will be back before you know it
hey you were right man hey dudes
like what’s hops gil this is getting out
of hand
if you’re gonna show up this late why
show up at all exacto mundo
teacher dude i just bopped in to tell
you i’ve been wasting
too much wave time on this school gig
what do you mean man i mean from now on
the gill man
is splitsville out of here city doctor
uh in boring old english if you don’t
mind gil the kahuna says i’ve got
tomorrow’s kiwi cola serve contest like
in the bagola then i’m turning pro so
later school dudes i quit
here’s your history test vinny c-minus
george washington crossed the delaware
by boat he didn’t fly
no wings i thought he was in a hurry
frankentyke you get an f plus the
construction of your sentences was
dismal however the construction of your
paper airplane
shows definite improvement yeah well at
least i did better than
gail i mean i may be failing history but
guilt is history
i miss my friend man
i’m feeling poorly myself girl was such
a gentlemanly creature
came from good southern swamp stock it
[Music] i can’t stand it kill’s more invisible
around here than i am
what are you a bunch of crybabies we’ve
still got a shot at getting gil back
what do you mean by that schneider
[Music] i mean it’s a beautiful day for the
there’s a beach man that’s where we’ll
find gil on that human surfer dweeb
good i’ll get to show off my itsy bitsy
teeny weeny shroud bikini
whoa i can’t believe anyone would be
caught dead in that
then again you’re already dead
whoa can’t you read dude there’s no
place to park
is there a problem
thank you i don’t know what that boy was
talking about there’s plenty of room to
who cares it’s a horrible day for the
hey tell me about it this sun’s killing
not to mention the places crawling with
they won’t bite jp now let’s get changed
and hit the beach
hey look jill’s gonna shoot the pier you
stop hot dogging for these hoe dads and
keep away from that fear
yo look at gilgo yes he is quite adept
at maximizing forward wave thrust while
mounted on floating fiberglass he’s good
darling but he’s not frankie avalon
hey class dudes and dudettes you come to
watch me like work out for the
no man we can’t get kill
man that was a stupid dangerous stunt to
haven’t you learned anything geez
like sorry kahuna dude just trying to
have some fun
the dude just doesn’t listen you must be
the kahuna bob i’ve heard so much about
i’m max schneider gill’s teacher and i i
can’t talk now dude i got a champion to
set straight
whoa you get trashed again we’re wasting
our time man
as long as that dweeb’s around we’ll
never get near gill
calm down frank and tyke we’re not dead
yet speak for yourself man
i haven’t had this much fun on the beach
since i buried long john silver
hey that’s cool
[Music] so
[Music] nothing stirs my soul more than a cherry
campfire howl
what marsh did you get these mallows
from because
they look marvelous
hey thanks for letting us camp out teach
you’re pretty cool
make that cold vinnie indeed
now this is what i call a beautiful
evening cold
damn hi
folks mind if we warm up at your fire
have a seat uh you cold
not anymore hey
little dude you guys still hanging out
smart move teacher dude you’re gonna
have the best seats to watch me win the
contest tomorrow
that’s not why we’re here gil yeah we
came because we want you to come back to
school yeah you remember big drafty
lots of blackboards how about coming
back man
no way dudes kahuna bob says after i ace
the competition tomorrow
i’ll be a legend on this beach say mr
where does kahuna bob live anyway down
the beach i guess i haven’t seen it but
it’s got to be like
one mansion dinner is served
here are the pizzas you ordered i got
one just the way you like it gil
with live anchovies
extra wide anchovies now then
who ordered the toxic waste pizza with
[Music] wanna slice mr s no thanks sid
i think i’ll take a little walk hey i
miss you too little dude
but when it comes to this school thing
i’m like a total wipeout
i’m not exactly the class brain myself
like uh someone dumped me an ansel all i
know is
when it comes to serpent i’m like a
when i’m in the slot like riding the
waves like i’m totally bulletproof
[Music] excuse me i’m looking for the residents
of kahuna
bob gill’s teacher right come on in
thanks and it’s ex-teacher
hmm interesting place you’ve got here
not exactly the house of champions is it
how about some beans
no thanks i already passed up a toxic
waste pizza
i came to talk about gill mega talent
reminds me of myself when i was a kid
surfing was
everything to me i even dropped out of
school to catch more wave time
really so you advise gil to quit school
too me
i never told gil to quit why would i so
he could end up
living like this i don’t get it
you were a big champion and a bigger
chump i got cheated out of all my money
because i didn’t know better and i
didn’t know better because i never
finished high school well here’s your
chance to teach gil what you had to
learn the hard way
gill the buzzes you’ve got this year’s
kiwi trophy locked
mucho thanks oh tv dodo now
about this radical wetsuit later trent
hey man how come you never told me you
quit school
no big deal why waste time in school
like i can have all this serves up gail
sanders hey dude
this beach isn’t going anywhere but
without an education
neither are you whoa there dude
i think you’re like jealous because i’m
the top kahuna now
well kahuna any luck i wiped out man
but there’s always another wave
this is trent flaplit bringing you the
kiwi cola surf championship
boy the surf fanatics are out today in
some of the gnarliest getups this
reporter has ever seen
let’s get out of here man this place is
a breeding ground for human dweebs
well we might as well stick around and
cheer for guilt because after today
why we may never see the boy again hey
then i’m gonna get a better seat i’m now
lining up for his run
australia’s tidal wave wallaby jammin
jimbo mclimbo
if anybody can handle today’s
treacherous water conditions jimbo’s the
dude to do it to it
[Music] out looks like jimbo got jambo that
corky lagoon is up oh corgi lagoon is
but here comes monty zuma he’s looking
no monty gets mauled and now here comes
the gill man
what control what finesse what magazine
is that
go go
[Music] [Applause] waterman’s a cinch to win no one can
touch him this kid is a monster
so tell me something i don’t know
this kid is unbelievable but wait
there’s another wave slider out there
can be
yes it is it’s kahuna bob
but i thought he’d hung up his jams and
retired yeah
so did i like what gives kahuna dude
i’m out here to show you you still got a
lot to learn gail
[Music] hmm
whoa what a bodacious ride
[Music] hey are you okay gilman hang loose we’ll
get you out
come on up
you were awesome out there man yeah
but he was awesomer kahuna how does it
feel recapturing the coveted kiwi cola
later trent
like like wow you totally trashed me
but why to teach you a lesson go buddy
he’ll never be the best without learning
the basics
and that means staying in school
right schneider dude right on kahuna
are we leaving now schneider yes
boneyard i’d say we’re all ready to go
[Music] well class i guess gil’s not showing up
i’ll be your amigo for spanish today
buenos dias frankentike
sorry i’m late teacher dude but i had to
show a new kid the way to school
how’s it hanging dudes where’s this
when is this uh human dweeb
very good frank and tyke but you dudes
are way
tardy man like better late than never
[Music] man
yo what’s up this is will smith but my
friends call me the fresh prince
but now that i’m in my new crib you can
call me his royal freshness right
so you’ll watch the fresh prince of bel
air monday on nbc

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