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GRAVEDALE HIGH episode 5 THE DRESS UP MESS UP Staring Rick Moranis Presented By

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GRAVEDALE HIGH episode 5 THE DRESS UP MESS UP Staring Rick Moranis

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[Music] oh
it’s about our school that we’re singing
where the myths
[Music] [Applause] [Music] please take a seat yeah we’re dying to
meet you
[Music] [Applause] go with the spirit
[Music] hey man let’s beg this focus small it’s
crawling with human dweebs
i’m not crazy about this place either
but we’re not leaving until we find a
birthday present from mr schneider
well i really can’t stand much longer i
have to finish making my dress for mrs
durch’s fashion show
[Music] get a lifeless do you think we care
i’m gonna check out some new cds that
yo that’s cool teach digs music
[Music] can i help you find anything man
yes uh which cds are on sale
anyone you want man
maybe mr schneider would like the new
julio to all the ghouls i’ve loved
before darling
barbara said
now this is music
the bleeding ulcers gee i don’t think mr
schneider’s into them dudes schneider
get a wife cleo i’m shopping for dozer
[Music] what kind of bag paper or plastic
ah you got it
i get some great tunes or what
dude we’re supposed to be shopping for
mr schneider
great idea
don’t forget we’re all chipping in for
his gift
let’s try gadgeteria they’re bound to
have something useless and expensive for
mr schneider
but what about a pair of these
windshield wiper glasses
i think he’d much rather have this auto
let’s see what this baby can do
i love the eyebrows but the lipstick has
got to go hey mr schneider might like
this a handy mic you’re traveling
through another dimension not only of
sight and sound but of useless products
there’s a signpost up ahead
you’re leaving the gadget zone well
perhaps mr schneider would enjoy one of
these domesticated symbiotic canine
companions beam me up reg huh
[Music] oh wait
well i guess a pet’s out of the question
hey yo schneider’s already got a
teacher’s pet you reg huh
hey dudes long time no pizza
maybe i can score a garbage pie here
whoa this menu’s in martian
it’s in french you heathen
you won’t find a pizza in there
hey but we found the perfect gift
we can treat mr schneider to a fancy
birthday dinner here at la hot pants i
must advise you this french eatery is
tres expensive but they serve snails man
and they ought to serve us okay sid pass
the hat i’m in and i’m out of here get
up yo man wait for me here now i must
hurry back and finish my dress this meal
better be worth it
yo i’m in should i make the check out to
you cleo see you around sweetheart don’t
spend it all in one place well it looks
like everyone’s paid up everyone except
my good friend doozer dudes or we found
a present for mr schneider who cares
look what i found are these killer boots
or what and check out these earrings
great now where’s the money for
schneider’s present
money ah i guess we kind of spent it
well i guess you won’t be joining us for
mr schneider’s dinner party a party
without the dudes get a concept i’ll
come up with the cash trust me
[Music] killer dress alert down dozer you’re
broke remember not for long i’ve got an
idea i don’t want to hear it
isn’t there a cash prize that that
fashion show blanche has been babbling
about yeah but the rules say you gotta
sew your own outfit
hey who do i look like betsy ross we
just buy this dress we use it to win the
fashion show price get enough money for
me to go to schneider’s dinner then when
we turn the dress for a full refund and
we get back to classes money are we
brilliant or what why do you keep saying
we because we’re in this together good
[Music] um
[Music] how many times have i told you not to
keep sugar cubes in your locker
you know how it attracts ants
so class what other types of animals
help us have better lives jp can you
think of any um let me see leeches i’m
very close to my leeches
hey yo what about vampire bats nothing
better for lowering high blood pressure
if you’ll get my point
uh unfortunately i think i do vinny but
i was thinking more along the lines of
this animal looks like a weasel to me
man close frank and tyke it’s a mongoose
in india it helps control the population
of poisonous snakes
[Music] sorry about that duser but don’t worry
the only mongooses around here are
locked up in the city zoo now you tell
dews is the one that should be locked up
she almost made me ruin my fashion show
that’s lunch kids but don’t forget the
fashion show in the cascaderia where our
own blanche will be competing for that
hefty cash prize oh i don’t care about
any old money i’m all concerned with
making a fashion statement all we’re
concerned about is the money right cleo
careful with that trust user oh
how did i ever let you talk me into this
[Music] and now here’s our sunday century
modeling the sporty riding ensemble with
color coordinated boots and an adorable
ooh that alpha mate talk about a clothes
horse and here’s our own blend showing
off her handmade shroud skirt with
tarantula swim it’s a look no sevens
ever thought
[Music] hey mr schneider today i’m serving a
feast even you can’t resist why don’t
you try some of my red and dandy pasta
or a little buzzard beak stew can’t get
any fresher than that can i pour you a
bowl oh no thanks sal i’m brown bagging
it today
just remember dudes the second you’re
off the runway we return the dress and
get the class’s money back
trust me i can’t move
and here’s natasha nekinski in the
height of session wearing her blood red
crisp length evening gown tell us dear
where did you get that matching mongoose
actually darling i swiped it from the
zoo uh
stolen mongers
mongoose oh no
[Applause] these girls are really into my food
[Music] hey how am i supposed to get up there
and win looking like this yeah and how
are we supposed to return that dress
looking like that
[Music] [Applause] [Music] i ain’t taking back no dress looking
like this yet it’s full of vents and it
smells rotten
yeah i broke it in for ya can we have
our money back please
get out of here
[Music] and thanks for shopping at dance this is
what i get for trusting you
[Music] how am i ever gonna face the other kids
after losing their money
only one o’clock the dinner’s not until
seven that’s plenty of time for the jews
to think of something you’re thinking is
what got me into this mess i’m going
back to grave don’t confess
no way we’ll look like a couple of
[Music] don’t worry i’ll get the money back oh
yeah like how
i can get a job right here at the multi
multiplex movie theater
oh come on doozer you’ll never sell that
much popcorn by seven o’clock
hey you’ve never seen the dudes in work
mode just cover for me at school i’ll
have the dough by dinner time trust me
i hate it when she says that
[Music] first let me say you all did a great job
drawing up your family trees first up
our own everyman frankentype and after
looking at his family tree i can finally
say i know where he’s coming from
good job vinny this goes right to the
heart of the stoker bloodline hey thanks
teach i really had to dig for some of
that info huh reggie of course did his
usual thorough job every werewolf under
the sun uh the moon is present and
accounted for well actually mr schneider
sir lack of space required me to delete
an entire wolf pack of second cousins
i’ll use a wider screen next time reg
and i’m sure we’re all familiar with
cleophatra’s proud history
of never making it to class on time oops
i’m late right yes but not as late as
your friend doozer
know where she is
i i mean no i i mean she’s working
that’s good news on her family tree i
hope uh right
she’s trimming it hmm
well in the meantime let’s take a look
at gill’s family tree or should i say
reef oh that’ll be theater 37 up the
stairs and a half mile down
sounds like a better stock up for the
an extra large tub of popcorn miss
is that it for what no i’ll take some
yogurt duds juicy bears a double
licorice log and two bags of sugar juice
oh and um
a diet cola yeah right
is this your idea of courteous service
making our customers faint go live the
blimp went down a zone that is not the
multi-multiplex attitude you’re fired
[Music] i know you will be very happy working
here at fatima’s hair and nail polish
fatima knows how to take care of her
you are one of my people
great maybe you could loan one of your
people some money
[Music] work first pay later as fatima’s people
start out at the bottom
with the toes
and make sure you get all the lint out
from underneath the toenails
whoa this bag speed smell worse than
timer’s breath
[Music] those beeps stink or what you are no
longer one of my peoples out out
[Music] this doesn’t look good dude it’s already
four i’m running out of time and places
to work
so you wanna wrangle grub with snakey
pete’s burger pit hey little cowgirl i
gotta admit girlie that their snake week
is a mighty fine gimmick
oh what the hold down you’re hired
great you won’t regret it partner
whoa simmer down little philly you can’t
work at snaky pete’s looking like that
trot on back and tell erleen to fix you
up ranch style okay class bring your
quizzes up as soon as you’re finished
don’t tell me you guys are done already
we are now man
okay well maybe a pop quiz was a little
rash i mean i’m only human
this isn’t funny kids i smell something
burning and it better not be me
happy birthday mr schneider
oh how’d you kids find out it was my
you shouldn’t have
and i sincerely mean that how do you
like your cake mr schneider sir blanche
made it by hand
so i see thanks blanche i really
appreciate this you should mr schneider
i don’t make my compost layer cake with
toxic frosting for just any old person
lucky me come on mr ass blow out the
[Music] yo better try again peach
[Music] i trust you remembered to make a wish
i did
and it was just answered have a good
weekend gang i’m out of here hey not so
fast teach we’re not through with you
somehow i knew that
that’s right the gala birthday fun is
just beginning for our grand prize
winning teacher mr max schneider yeah
we’ve got one gnarly surprise plan for
you tonight teacher dude
you mean besides being bound gagged and
blindfolded oh the fun’s just begun
yeah but it’s gonna be a barrel of
laughs doozer doesn’t get back with the
so what are we waiting for man let’s cut
the cake
[Music] there you go a triple alamo burger with
bacon cheese guacamole and sprouts hey
how about hosing down this burger with a
little ketchup and mustard missy
tarnation you’re mighty quick on the
draw little lady catch
partner is a great job or what
yes ma’am there’s gold in them our tips
and you’ll strike rich once dinner
stampede commences i hope it commences
soon i’m running out of time well you
won’t be running out of guacamole here
[Music] hey kids is the blindfold really
necessary yo we got the idea from your
class on the french revolution this
wouldn’t be some silly guillotine joke
would it no way man this is much better
all right peach prepare for the big
a french restaurant
what a relief
you want to see surprise where do we get
the bill where is that dueser
i’m touched kids but isn’t this place
kind of expensive oh we all chipped in
mr schneider sir it was cleo’s idea mr
schneider’s right maybe this place is
too expensive my fault let’s go
hey teach don’t worry about nothing we
got it covered yo
garcon party online for dinwa and make
it snappy huh
do you have the reservations
well uh
uh yes we do mr matridge sir i
specifically made them myself under the
name mr schneider sir
you did very well walk this way
if you say so man
hey these lobster dudes say they’re on
death row totally bogus come on gil
before somebody mistakes you for the
catch of the day
[Music] you can’t get me no way
you’re dead you got that right hot dog
but i never
don’t expect a tip from me young lady
get a life and a new kid while you’re at
[Music] no it’s after seven and i don’t have
enough money to pick leo back yet i’ve
got a warner and buy some time
[Music] i’m alone
frank and ty please take the bread
sticks out of your nostrils
those disgusting people are making me
lose my appetite
well i haven’t lost my appetite raising
face what’s eating i’ll check it out
little dude
well i’m hungry i want snails now
put that away jp they provide knives and
forks here
cleo over here
over here
no outfit where’s the money
here i’m working on the rest keep
stalling you’re joking right this
wouldn’t buy a glass of water in this
place dude
for me
let’s go
[Music] hey what’s the big idea these snails
aren’t moving
you’re absolutely right jp if i were you
i’d send them back
good idea man let’s see the mirror mail
frank and tyke no
[Music] that’s the last stroll
frank and type this is a fine restaurant
we don’t throw things yo heads up teach
[Music] hey gilman are you thinking what i’m
come on kids behave
hey lobster dudes it’s retrieve toys
[Applause] [Music] this is all your fault you your
wow ow
don’t worry we were just leaving
well look on the bright side at least we
didn’t have to pay
before mr schneider’s birthday dinner
was ruined hey that’s okay i’ll settle
for an alamo burger over at snakey
[Music] a burger
yes i’ll have the alamo burger please
what are you doing here rattle bring all
the burger joints in all the world we
have to walk into this one what are you
doing here duzer right as if cleo has
include you and already shh
okay i know what i’m busted so i
borrowed your jeremiah to buy the breath
our money what dress
the one i wore to the fashion show so i
could win the cash to buy under
schneider’s dinner but the dress got
wrong and you couldn’t get the money
back right
it was all my fault i shouldn’t have
given dues or the money your life cleo
i’m the guilty party i’m gonna be
slinging burgers in this joint until
you’re all paid back with interest of
interest maybe i can interest you in
[Music] hey kids one of your favorite rap groups
has a new show on nbc so get ready to
rap with kid and play coming up next
only on nbc
[Music] you

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