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GRAVEDALE HIGH Episode 7 Fear of Flying Staring Rick Moranis Provided By This Site

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GRAVEDALE HIGH Episode 7 Fear of Flying Staring Rick Moranis

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GRAVEDALE HIGH Episode 7 Fear of Flying If you like my content please like and subscribe Thanks for watching #rickmoranis #gravedalehigh #monsters #animation #cartoon #90scartoon #saturdaymorning #saturdaymorningcartoons #monsterhigh #classicmonsters #universalmonsters #90s #1990s #vhs #vhsrip #creaturefromtheblacklagoon #dracula #vampire #frankenstein #mummy #retro
[Music] [Applause] oh
[Music] [Applause] please take a seat yeah we’re dying to
meet you
[Music] go with the spirit
[Music] okay kids let’s see how your midterm
science projects are shaping up
well it looks like frankenstein’s
ejector desk is operational
and how’s your pyramid power tv coming
along cleo it still needs some fine
tuning mr schneider all i can get is
that game show’s 25 000 year old pyramid
things a pharaoh would say
boy that dick clarkoffice doesn’t look a
day over ten thousand
check this out mr schneider i finally
perfected my portafan okay sid you’re on
say hello to auto clapper hey you know
what it ain’t easy finding the perfect
woman there was this one girl but i
couldn’t see myself asking her out
i told this other girl i was a
millionaire but she saw right through me
well i still have to beat the heckler
out of him
uh keep working on it sid over here mr
schneider i’m going to prove that money
does grow on trees
let me know when it’s harvest time jp i
could use a little of the green stuff
check this out teacher dude i’m gonna
break the sound barrier on my new fan
powered skateboard
uh gil at sea level the speed of sound
is 740 miles per hour whoa
then i’m looking at some serious
practice time
sorry i’m late mr schneider sir but i
was working overtime
uh on my science project oh yeah looks
to me like you’ve been goofing off
reading comic books man
space red the flying rodents
ready space rat is no ordinary dweeb
franken type he’s my favorite comic book
hero and the whole basis for my science
project let me guess you intend to fly
like space rat precisely and i’ve
duplicated his ultralight power wings to
do just that hey yo did someone say
power wings check these out
[Music] well vinny you’ve landed just in time to
tell us all about your science project
yo my project is being cool and as you
can see peach i’ve got it down to a
well i’ve got you down for an f unless
you find a real science project to work
on uh mr schneider sir perhaps vinnie
could help me get my space rat wings
operational i’ll buy that what do you
say vinnie i don’t know teach i usually
fly solo you’ll get the same great
reggie does as i was saying when do we
take off partner
here’s the play it’s naruto up the
middle on 13.
the middle of what the field nardo the
let’s look dead out there we want to get
this practice in while the weather’s
up one up two
[Music] [Music] see rage there’s nothing to it all you
gotta do is flap and fly you make it
look so easy then
it’s a snap reg now you try it roger
vinnie i’ll activate my space rack jet
pack for maximum lift off power three
two one ignition
well looks like i still have a few
glitches in my jet pack
[Music] yo i’d say you’ve just been unglitched
flying is a lot harder than it looks
alright nerdo go out for the bomb
i got it
[Music] oh
you made me drop the bomb you flying
twerk nobody messes with nardo
uh it was an unfortunate accident mr
jock sir hey yo no nick you got a
problem you’re talking to me batboy oh a
full sentence very impressive i don’t
like you coffin face you and me are
gonna settle this monster the monster
hey cool with me huh
oh really vinny this altercation is
totally unnecessary i’m perfectly
willing to apologize to mr jock here can
it work yo back off brain dead that’s it
i’m challenging you to a little game of
flyer splat right here
uh fly or splat uh what sort of game is
that we fly up
we fly down
and whoever stops last wins
unless he splats uh
penny no
hey nardo you’re holding up practice and
you two losers back to your cages
fly or splat after school three o’clock
unless you’re checking
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh great there goes our science project
yo there goes my a
[Music] yo
oh no vinnie got struck by lightning
vinny are you okay
it takes more than a little static to
put a dent in the vin man huh wish i
could say the same for your wings huh i
can fix the wings vinny but are you sure
you’re all right
hey yo don’t worry about me just fix
your wing thing so i can get my a oh no
problem wanna help
later reg right now i gotta blow dry my
wings so they don’t get mildewed oh yeah
well see you later i am vinnie thanks
for sticking up for me
time to drive these babies
i feel kind of queasy
that’s a long way down
[Music] this is definitely not cool come on
vinnie you’re a vampire you’re supposed
to fly
but i i can’t tell
face of stoker
you’re losing it
yeah i’m telling you man vinnie’s going
to bury that grizzle head nardo right on
row roto’s pretty rough there’s any now
hey man i was just telling these guys
how you’re gonna whip naruto uh sure no
problem well looky here if it isn’t
batwimp and the wonder dweebs still time
to back out stoker hey a vampire never
backs down
uh perhaps we could all discuss this
like reasonable monsters yeah right you
and me a three stoker fly or splat
yo well the way i’m flying looks like
i’m gonna be splattin
well schneider is this survival maze a
great science product or what
interesting but what does it prove
it proves that a dead cat is no match
for a dead
[Applause] [Music] does this rate my theory or what i’ve
got a theory about lunch teacher dude
the longer you wait to order pizza the
longer you have to wait to eat it yeah
man let’s get pizza delivered from papa
igor’s great order me the valdez special
it’s really oily
i like that
eating in is a good idea i’ll tell you
what if you all want to work through
lunch on your projects i’ll spring for
the pizza whoa radical teacher dude can
you pick it up too i hate waiting for
papa igor to deliver hey man let’s have
vinnie pick it up no one flies in pizza
faster than he does
well vinnie care to make a little pizza
run uh yo teach i i really should stick
around and help reg with our project huh
that’s okay then i can spare you for a
few minutes get going stoker yeah we’re
we can save the tip yeah
you can do it
i’ve never seen vinnie pull that stunt
before it’s no stunt mr schneider sir
then he’s lost his ability to fly
vinnie what happened why didn’t you fly
i tripped on the windowsill what do you
i think we should add poppy eagle to
deliver the pizza no lie little dude
come on vinnie level how long has this
problem with flying been going on yo
what problem
i believe i can explain mr schneider sir
vinnie flew into a thunderstorm this
morning and got zapped by lightning well
he better get unzapped by three o’clock
i’m telling you all the vin man is cool
then you won’t mind being checked out by
a doctor there’s a very good monster
clinic near the east side cemetery and
puppy eagles is on the way sounds good
to me let’s go
i gotta see the chiropractor my back is
killing me
dr kraken will be with you shortly
[Music] [Music] thanks
[Music] fatso what are you looking at five eyes
hey man it’s my dentist dr jackhammer
hey doc
don’t forget you owe me a root canal man
mr stoker dr jekyll will see you now
good luck vinny
yo i’m cool
i say
things are good and sharp that’s normal
no reflection
normal for a vampire
wing reflexes normal
so i’m okay right back well i can’t find
anything physically wrong with you but
we do have an excellent psychiatrist on
staff who yo vinnie stoker don’t need to
see no head doctor cause i ain’t no head
cakes huh of course if you’d like a
second opinion i’ll consult my colleague
mr hyde
[Music] what seems to be the problem
no problem a good psychiatrist couldn’t
tell me vinny stoker
do you love your mother yo i’m batty
over her hmm
very interesting vinnie tell me the
first thing that comes into your head
when you look at these cards
[Applause] [Music] now what do you think when i do
are you crazy
[Music] [Music] just as i suspected you have fear of
flying and your time is up
[Music] [Applause] [Music] in layman’s terms the jolt from the
lightning bolt scrambled vinny’s brains
and now he is afraid to fly but what can
we do doc
i’m afraid not much until something
can unscramble this voice noodle
he will be grounded
[Music] now please pays a receptionist we take
cash or monster charge
grounded why don’t you just drive a
steak through my heart
and you think you’ve got headaches
excuse me
come on vinnie let’s go
and don’t worry we’ll find a way to get
you airborne again well jenny better be
flying by three man bernardo’s gonna
turn him into that sushi
hey my gentle desk will get you flying
guaranteed but remember vinnie you’ve
got to start flapping as soon as you
reach maximum altitude a no problem reg
ready for lift up man hit it
[Music] come on vinnie you can do it flapping a
easy for you to say
you ain’t so high up
[Applause] [Music] well any other ideas
[Music] well you’re doing great vinny just don’t
look down now we’re gonna jump a little
higher and you’re gonna spread your
yo no problem great now i’m gonna let go
and you’re gonna start flapping
big problem
think i’ll sip this one out
[Music] any other ideas
here vinnie maybe wearing space rats
headgear will inspire you yo at this
point i’ll try anything well this
blindfold is bound to help now you won’t
have to look down well yo that’s a
relief i hope your idea works kill
painless teacher dude shark wind sailing
is just what the doctor ordered hang on
thing dude whoa
go vinnie go
hey i feel like i’m flying again cool
guess i don’t need this geek hat anymore
i think we’ve had enough flying lessons
for one day
just relax vinnie we’ll try again
tomorrow yeah sure peach
except after three o’clock today there
may not be a tomorrow
hey man you’re out of time it’s fly or
splat forget it then he can’t possibly
face naruto in his condition
yo i got no choice a vampire’s gotta do
what a vampire’s gotta do then i gotta
go get a good seat man and i’ve gotta
tell mr schneider sir what’s going on
hey yo don’t snitch me out reg i don’t
want peace to try and stop me
oh what would space rat do in a
situation like this
i’ve never seen those kids move so
fast you’d better get moving too or
you’re gonna miss seeing my star
gargoyle fly the wings off your bat boy
why but then he can’t fly
[Music] okay batboy ready to rumble he’s ready
as i’m gonna be lied but vinnie
what do you think you’re doing he’s
gonna fly or splat with me
fly but vinnie we both know you can’t yo
teach i’ll handle this my way
yeah you human fly spec let these boys
settle their differences monster the
any last word stoker yeah i got three of
sorry vinny i can’t let you fight my
battles for me yo rage take a hike not
this time vinny well it looks like it’s
you and me buster
is he stupid or what he’s stupid
i’ve got to stop this
you’re not stopping anything you
meddling human hey let me go
i ain’t challenging no flying weasel
you wanted a rumble so let’s party you
want me you got me
let me go cadaver reggie don’t do it i
can’t watch
me either man
uh-oh richie’s wings just bought the
yo no
yo rage hang in there i’m coming
[Music] i can’t do it reg but i gotta do it
[Applause] ladies and gentlemen you are witnessing
a true monster moment there you go space
rat penny where are you going to take
care of some unfinished business huh
vinnie stoker has conquered his fear of
flying at a most opportune time way to
go vinny now get down from there i guess
his neuter is finally unscrambled
[Music] no vinny don’t
[Music] a flight attendant please bring some
black coffee to the cockpit
[Music] they’re coming down still time to
chicken out back brad
yo after you
are you okay hey yo i’m a lot better
than he is
uh coach i think i lost
yeah but at least you’re no chicken hey
cock-a-doodle-doo huh no you’re not
chickens you’re both dodos for trying to
resolve your problems with a stupid
challenge yo it was pretty dumb hey put
it there nado
reggie for your science project i’m
giving you an a as usual and you’re
getting an a2 vinnie which is very
unusual hey yo that’s cool but i would
have gotten an f in flying if it wasn’t
for my pal reggie here i’m glad you got
your wings back too vinny just try not
to take any more dumb challenges okay
yeah here you ditch
and where do you think you’re going now
mr stoker i seem to recall someone
ordering a pizza pizza hey
[Music] [Applause] yo what’s up this is will smith but my
friends call me the fresh prince but now
that i’m in my new crib you can call me
his royal freshness right so yo watch
the fresh prince of bel air
monday on nbc

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