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How did I shrink? Did I anger Rick Moranis or something? | Grounded Presented By Our Site

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How did I shrink? Did I anger Rick Moranis or something? | Grounded

See the clip “How did I shrink? Did I anger Rick Moranis or something? | Grounded” and also tons other similar videos presenting the loved hilarious characters of the McKenzie brothers.

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So I’m really small and stuck in my backyard. Where’s Rick Moranis when you need him. Let’s try to get back to normal in Grounded.

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The world is a vast, beautiful and dangerous place – especially when you have been shrunk to the size of an ant. Can you thrive alongside the hordes of giant insects, fighting to survive the perils of the backyard?

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#grounded #survival #survivalgame #live #livestream
round two maybe maybe this works
so excellent condition now
I don’t know if starting that kind of
game I should have logged in but I was
just in a hurry before
so let’s see if that will
so excellent condition let’s see if it
borks everything once I go
on to grounded
maybe it works maybe it doesn’t work
I have a feeling it was because it was
like the first time
and so it was all like
no you needed to not do anything else
while we let your computer
uh explode or whatever
uh all right
hold on one second
back to it
oh wait okay there it is yeah yeah yeah
okay we got it we’re getting there we’re
getting there
uh all right single player
I don’t know why there’s a continuing
new game I guess
all right
I guess medium probably for the first
well definitely
not creative
or custom
why is Pete eating me a little tougher
you know
my name’s Peter my friends hey I’m
Willow hey nice to meet you the name’s
Max name Max natural Smalls
I I guess oh
my dog’s name is Max uh yard world’s
name yard World wow
yeah I spelled that correctly I guess I
could have looked that’s all right
like Rick Moranis from Honey I Shrunk
the Kids what a throwback
what a throwback
it’s cartoons now
the mighty moral Mo bark
yolks at girth
we’re just gonna slowly pull back for
this whole thing
dang I want hot dogs are making me fly
good morning
we have a special
report the police department has
released information that more local
teenagers have gone missing they were
last seen earlier
another game what was that game called
or that movie or that show
stranger things
middle of eating your cereal
so were we that like just eating
breakfast and then all of a sudden
what would be the
the through between there right there
like what’s the connection
[Music] I guess that’s probably part of what
we’re going to find out right
a game that’s so large we are so small
[Music] so much trash too my backyard’s not like
this my backyard’s clean
[Music] oh
oh oh
care package are we in like a
Survival game I’m technically so but
what is that is that me oh is that me
oh were we kidnapped but while eating
that seems a little odd
a little bit oh
explore the surroundings
oh lag damn thank you
where am I where where I’ll be those
no I can’t be
oh this must be one of those those
paintings oh look at you see my feet
everybody else died gonna be famous
I don’t think you’re got your head on
your shoulders at this point
uh let’s see here about oh look there I
options I want to I think I might
I think vsync is supposed to hurt
stuff but let’s make do that see if it’s
smoother on my side
and drop or bring up the gamma
uh would you like to apply them yes
oh look there’s quit and super quick
good options
not quite synced
jump hey look at I got oh I got some
hops heck yes
little green pepper oh
no no no this isn’t looking good Max and
looking good you’re alone
punch these little rainbows
oh what was that
some sort of video I wonder where it’s
coming from
Christ shopping tool I like a drink
I could NAB some plant fiber I’ll take
a signal
ooh snack bars
I have little granola bars
use resource analyzer analyze
someone had to have set up all the
sciency stuff here
but still I’m not exactly sure where
this is and what is wrong science
I got science I got spraying power too
I’m smart cool
so oh so there’s only so many charges
is this a time’s going up huh
locate Source the signal use okay cool
we’ll Rock
a rock
I could throw a rock
like hit rock okay throw a rock
oh a Huck
oh [ __ ] that I hooked it
[Music] I can pick up things
look at my sensitivities up a little
high let me let me
let me change some options uh oh no wait
these are not the options I want
okay no options
but uh the uh or it’s not this right oh
controller oh keyboard here we go
why is there a difference
16 sure let’s see if I can get both
there it is
there you go okay let’s um
nag some stuff I guess
I’ll try to do
analyze it oh I can analyze a pebble
I got a sprig
uh oh
accessing information Pebble confirmed
oh padlet spear Pebble X
and smartness I like smartness I am
and I have this sprig
ah so it charges back up
ah spiky sprig Trail marker roasting
spit spring fence okay cool
so one way from actually getting um
oh it’s a specific time when it gets
more oh okay
[Music] I’m smarter so
craft a pebblex see
I am smart now I can make pebble things
I need two
get some more Sprigs
choirs crude rope so do I have to make a
crude rope then
how do I just it’s just Simple Craft
so now I need
oh it needs two oh
okay well let’s just start picking junk
up I guess you know
pick up that playing fire fiber
yeah give me give me give me
hey we’ll start hooking this Rockets
those little green boys
oh where’s busting tool
who’s got no bust ooh
I need to
I need to oh is that not drunk or
something it’s coming right at me
are you drunk boy
okay that’s not it
yo oh
you better watch it
oh you
okay so far so good
uh so I guess I was gonna try to make
one of those
ah pebblex
I have a pebbled ax
oh neat
oh oh
gotcha right in the face
I got some Netflix
investigate mysterious machine find
water oh wait I know water
I saw water
where I saw driplets and droplets
assuming I’d like the gross water is
probably gross
where the droplet droplets
ah triple droplets
is no lemon crime but okay I think I got
little sir I did it I slipped some water
I’m so impressive oh look at the size of
that egg what ants honestly I’m just
glad he’s not big enough to swish me
there’s an ant
oh big jump
neat I have a thingy
all right I’m investigating
investigate investigate harder
okay so I’m doing the investigation of
the mysterious machine
is this it
is yeah you’re a little sausage you can
get down here you big old sausage
I’m gonna chop you out and chop it and
chop you up
okay hide from me you can’t hide from me
chop you down
oh he died
oh no thank you for the hyphen meat
oh I can pick these up oh I’ve have
Knicks oh and these I think I’ve seen
these before
dandelion tuft
so can I throw these at this
sort of are you ready Glides now
come on boy
yeah I’m gonna give you a tissue to
straight to death
give me that stuff
oh an ant
I want to touch those yet they’re scary
[Music] slurp nasty water thank you
Ron at meat
snack makes me sick this makes me sick
so I’m assuming I don’t want to make
myself sick that is probably a good
you know they used to call me the smart
one nice I tend to believe them
uh oh tropical punch
so how do I make um
food thingy then plant slurry
of grinder
bundage roasting [ __ ] okay
oh interesting
oh these are just a list of stuff so I
probably need a
let me make that
I need some sprigs and dry correct oh
yeah indeed big ladybug
uh so let’s get some pebblets
and it looks like I need some Sprigs
what’s that grasshopper oh is that more
uh okay so so far so good we’re
accepting our overall life
oh mushroom
oh you stuck boy
I’ll help you out
I’ll help you out oh no you did oh no
what happened
yep got him a tissue
all right let’s see if those are edible
how do I eat them oh consume
yeah sort of food
all right so snack nice I did it oh
right I had a granola bar
if I skate and mysterious
get out of here get out here Weevil
that’s what I thought
come around my place
I mean technically it was your place
until just a moment ago but now it’s
oh anti-boys
don’t want to mess with them
pink Punk
Briggs just start the four station this
place so
am I supposed to is it the machine this
oh oh
a tape
I am here in the backyard
the backyard I mean I am
speak from the backyard got it
as I take my first step into the
miniature world
falls upon every surface the subtle
patterns and all of the objects that
surround me the grass the grass even
looks like a structure from an alien
world true wait
every Earth is trembling
it’s an ant
the world is
so I’m tiny got it
uh oh still investigate
I discover a Weeble nose
maybe do I have to go down here
do some button pushing
uh uh maybe this is not it
[Music] huh
I mean there’s this
go home investigate the mysterious
is there a map oh there’s a map
oh was this baseball
Field Station
oh what’s this
punch okay so these are just land
all right can I see that
oh I can’t see that
I heard it bleeping blopping I’m gonna
go research some more stuff
big hops
all right analyze what can I analyze I
guess give him one of
and I powered up
brain power being bigger oh look at that
I can get things
um all right well I guess let’s do
the Rope I guess
learn it learn the Rope even though I
already made it so I should have known
more brain power
I guess didn’t I already do one of these
I thought I did
wait what’s this oh Nat meat oh Weeble
meat all right let’s give him that one
because it’s gonna spoil so I guess
that’s good to do now because it will
okay good
I’m assuming once I set up a base I’ll
be able to figure out a lot more stuff
you’re right
although I’m really not sure about
what I’m supposed to be doing next
because it said
yeah right here right so
no wait no I want there
mysterious machine yeah so that’s where
I was
60 centimeters away I can Bap you on the
butt but I don’t feel like that’s why is
the moment so maybe there was something
else here I need to investigate
do I go in here no
I hear the bleeping
I was outside maybe
maybe I have to get outside
I hear bloop
oh oh
I need it
it’s like laser tag yeah just like laser
looks like the other two lasers are
blocked oh after all that build up this
big mysterious computer doesn’t do
anything right I ate oh
stupid science
you learn to do more stuff than just be
well that one looks easy enough
chop it down
how do you put all this stuff out here
and then you just let a little twig
block you how stupid
do I keep on hitting us
yuck no I pick it up
I discovered grass plank
okay well that one’s connected
that one’s all upset so I guess let’s go
that way
um I’m not picky
oh I didn’t know I was gonna eat that
meat immediately but all right that’s
I guess let’s get some food on the way
and just pick up everything we can see
it’s our survival games right you just
pick up you grab you steal anything
that’s not nailed down and sometimes
even if it is it’s yours
oh take that
exactly you’re dumb give me this rock
there okay
time to go rescue this laser
look at that little red things itching
for a fight what you doing you little oh
you might you did you did and dumb
let the red mites bite
could it bite me or what
oh yeah they’re going after me
get cooked good sliced good diced
get smashed and crashed and identified
good you’re dead
I got Mike fuzz now what’s that good for
I don’t know
I’m trying to do get down here long Mike
are you okay
not for long
oh a thingy mine I have sap
oh lots of sap
lady bugs
I heard the ladybugs a little scary
stop eating this you don’t like copper
they’re bad for you
uh still all
gorped up uh so can I make a
no like my shield already
oh an eye patch
well I guess we have to go down here
I was a little dark
uh craft and equip a torch
oh thank you uh like how do you do this
ear torch
the crude rope
hot craft ingredients
so I could do it from here okay nice
and then
oh it’s getting dark it’s getting dark
probably found somewhere to crash
um all right cool I have lights
get down
dumbest dummies
ah jump scare jump scare
like little spiders
gotcha you gotcha
ooh what are these
stop chewing on these bad for your teeth
also I kill you so there’s that
I want these okay I’ll take them
uh okay looks like machine is repetified
thanks to your hero
I’m the hero of this story
I’m going to save myself
from well I don’t know what actually
science yeah science
uh okay so
I guess at the moment oh what’s that
little thing what’s this
what’s it tell me to do why is it
telling me to do this one
oh okay I’ll do it though I got it
chop it up Slice It Up Hit It Up
Whack It Up
grab that oh no no I love you little one
friend friend yeah he loves it
why dig okay I don’t dig
what you got you have a pebble yeah
Lizzy nice Parable isn’t it good for you
okay goodbye
more mushroom actually let’s get those
what’s this oh this is a footprint oh
that was a trap of some sort it’s just a
I still don’t know why did I Mark that
by mistake
[Music] so tell me to do this for a reason
I don’t know if it’s
appropriate or not but I guess I’ll go
ahead and build yes marking that for
some reason
crafter oh is it tell me oh
I see it’s probably telling me like hey
you need to craft this fiber bandage or
and it’s probably out of that stuff or
ah fiber plant no not really
used in eye patch how interesting
using something
I did it
I crafted it I’m so smart
and brave
well let’s see map
we’re gonna go to here I guess the field
this way yeah because I guess it’s
getting dark and so we’ll need to
get us a place and I guess around here
because this is you know looks it seems
because I can research stuff
um like
dead thing
nice more brain power
more smartness
let’s do a mushroom I guess
why not why not mushroom
more brain power cool cool
what are those
a storage basket ah
okay don’t know what I need necessarily
to build walls and stuff like that but
you know
this place is pretty light at least
I don’t know why
oh that’s a quick select
so if I okay good I can dis equip that
do you equip that
I do need food and things so
let’s eat some mushrooms
no I’m job shocked you’re such a Greedy
um ah weather
and let’s
[ __ ] it
got it
come here Waterboy that was refreshing
it was refreshing okay cool
so let’s do some chop chop chop chop
Slap Chop
okay I have
some things
so crafting
roasting pit
lean to storage basket
so the lean two is
okay can I do it in here no
uh sure
q a oh
okay so I placed it
and then
e to build
or super build I did it I made a thingy
night nice
um I guess let’s build a roasting pit
right next to it yeah well let me right
here okay
uh yeah there we go
got it so what can I do
I can light it oh oh that’s a pretty
bright dang
um e-cook
Blanc Blanc uh oh
very bright
and I guess it looks okay over there
a little bright on my side but it’s not
too bad
so how do I know when these are done
I guess it’ll show me
it’s got like a little chef’s hat
so storage basket
all right
I guess we’ll place it right here
oh neat I can put stuff in here so I
roasted stuff so let’s reset the timer
on it
light fuzz
shift click okay that works
I don’t know why they okay
went from red to whatever is this ready
oh I guess charges goes okay
uh sure Nat fuzz
so so science nothing discovered okay
good Josh good job I did it I learned
nothing uh yeah one of these I don’t
what everything means on orange but you
know we’re gonna get to it ah got this
buzz on the rocks food maybe I guess
and I saw an arrow
okay well there’s more analyzed
yes I put some of this away
uh yeah yeah
at least it holds a lot
can I
where’s my health oh there it is rub
time okay that was a pretty good one
quite a bit at least
do I don’t have a way for water though
yet huh
uh all right let’s
take a sleep
well R set the respawn point and sleep
good morning
see if the
time affects the food I have
pour myself a drink here
off camera
so I think oh hey Mabel oh yeah doing uh
doing raft but
um really small and under dirt and
not raft
grounded yeah
just trying to get all the controls and
stuff like that figured out
cook cook
how’s it how’s it look on your end does
it look all right
oh everything looked like it was lagging
for a second
so it looks like everything kind of
just too too many yeah
too small
oh it’s cooked
it’s cooked
oh now yeah now you have titanium nice
getting it bigger and bigger
how far have you gotten an historian
thank you
let’s see let’s go get some water
oh I guess we can consume
a big
let’s see I just need to find a big old
there you are
[Music] um
got it
there’s no women crying but it’s better
than nothing
you went to Caravan town by accident
well I guess you know whenever you’re
ready you can do it I guess
I don’t know if I did anything to him
I think it’s
be possible to go to story items
uh by mistake
lucky and um and unlucky at the same
all right let’s go in push this a button
and see what happens
[Music] [Music] did you hear something that sounded like
a big bar of explosion
yeah I I did I don’t know who you’re
talking to investigate oak tree
I explodified it
um the only thing I need kind of is
I don’t want oh
that was close
get down on your big old dummy
all right
suit yourself
well I guess I have enough food for
going there and back
so I don’t need to kill anything
actually water
and to not touch the ants
and hopefully
get stuff on the way I don’t know if
this gives you water that
maybe it does or whatever but picking up
where oh where is the water there’s
let’s throw a rock up there there it is
come here
big drink all right we’re full up
nice so now we just have to go to the
thing where we’re supposed to go which I
isn’t am I going the right way
wait Big Oak tree right
this way maybe
wait what
that way
once we build a workbench too I guess
uh yeah I’m gonna build a base
um doing a little little story stuff
first just to get like
you know feel for things and then we’ll
build a base I don’t know how big I’ve
seen some people do some crazy large
things um
but we’ll see we’ll just have to see how
how it goes
because I do need a place like a just a
place for operating things
oh all day until
okay well it doesn’t look like an old it
looks like an activate Hill
can I oh I can’t bust those open yet
listen for um creepy crawless
some noises spicy goodies
oh I just all right let’s pick that up
put it in my pocket why not
oh there’s a thing right oh is that mine
okay oh I don’t like this place at all
oh no
I don’t know about you but all the hairs
on my neck just stood up right then
so we’re not going that way we’re gonna
we’re gonna look somewhere else
okay this looks good free
free free free free free free free free
oh hammer
you make a hammer I guess
I will maybe yeah
um I’m not horribly afraid of spiders
but like I’m not exactly like
let’s play with one I mean I used to
manage a plant nursery and there was a
big orb weaver and um I would knock
um insects out of the sky or the air and
throw them into the or or Weaver and let
them wrap it up and stuff like that but
it’s not like I want them to
touch me
oh look at thingy is that a tooth
you found your girth milk molar calcium
slurp the vitamin infused pulp core to
grow stronger oh okay those are that was
a lot of things
all right oh oh purple I see purple
purple’s good
yeah I’m just got a combination of
afraid and not afraid it’s very odd
like one of those genre I was a lot more
scared but then it I don’t know kind of
went away
oh purple
I guess it’s written reality it’s just
the proximity of the spider to me and is
it a place where like it will make my
go like uh
if it’s real especially but in a game
I’m like a little bit less but then it
depends on how well it’s done
considering it’s bigger than me I’m less
scared of it
oh purple uh oh uh oh uh
well I guess I could just push five all
right Shadows what you got now oh a hole
let me end let me in no okay
creepy creepy crawling this place is
it’s getting bigger Pinker by the minute
man is that what you’re gonna say
oh sciency stuff
oh like an analyst
sure uh
analyze it
I guess it’s a pretty woman
so I’m not sure like exactly where to
build a base
if I need to build it near um anything
particular I guess
a workbench nice
somewhere like relatively close to
things but I don’t know what relatively
close is
uh I guess what research we’ll do one of
Acorn stuff storage chest water
sign frame grinder
and I loved up my brain it’s getting
I learned
um but oh
resource surveyor empowered
power power it please
I mean I gotta push a button
oh about the bush
hello oh clap oh thingies
okay yeah yep yep okay I’ll take yep
okay yep oh okay yep oh yeah okay oh a
drink thank you
thank you okay
so many free oh
warning battery backup failure oh oh and
not good
the pond
hello let me in
in biggin test
uh after successful Administration
expected Tessie okay results failure
ministration successful but in beginning
and further testing was is it possible
at the moment subject was confisticated
by a curious honeybee
recovery unlikely box obliterated
miniature scabs are certainly stuck in
every nook and cranny of the yard great
okay well that guy’s I mean he’s just
find him like oh that’d be kind of
interesting find some random person
stuck in a honeycomb
oh wow
come on get up what happened get up come
on come on get up help help I followed
touch touch touch touch touch touch
touch touch touch touch touch
oh hello
but gurgle I am also a robot
but hopefully I can explain
please do
get your eyes
why are you here in the yard I do not
know in fact I cannot seem to group a
whole much of anything
well aren’t you the most useless thing
in the world
where’s my head
where’d my head go did he eat my head
and what
I don’t know why
he’s shrunk
um like I don’t know about that part of
the surgery uh surgery no
um story so I don’t know why I’m shrunk
them I guess it’s just science stuff you
know and
I don’t know exactly how the end is I
guess make myself bigger but I don’t
know why I’m here like I’m not sure if I
was kidnapped
um that the news at the beginning May
led me to believe that like I was
kidnapped or like I was missing
um although
they had the scene of like a empty or a
cereal bowl
and um
it was like half eaten but like I was
missing I don’t know I have no idea I
have no idea why
maybe I was kidnapped in trunk or maybe
it was an accident sorry you file on the
bad news my new friend
I be off service I don’t know how I
become uh I uh I’m trunk
um I’m not sure if they just pit stole
me and shrunk me or if it was an
accident but I started off in a
briefcase being tossed down into the
yard like on with a parachute so I I
don’t know if they just grabbed me up
shrunk me and just to test me or maybe
one of my parents is a researcher or
oh two how come can I not remember
[Music] oh
my God your biomass has been subject to
covalent spacing reduction via
inter-atomic energy extraction oh I’m
sorry simple that one
yeah it is likely this was achieved
using Dr Wendell Tully’s spacer platform
patent pending okay drinking can be a
traumatic experience for tiny human
brains and memory loss is a known side
effect hopefully your memory will return
in time
so I’m also confused
and inventor okay he is also my Creator
my initial protocol was to serve as the
short order cook of the future you’re a
Burger is burger
oh to assist with his experiments no
doubt my previous work experience has
been invaluable to Dr Tully
oh now that I am processing it I have
not seen him for several weeks
oh and now I cannot recall where he went
it must be Mike
you are here in the oak lab built and
used by Dr Wendell to Delhi to
experiment on all things small
this is the base of operations for
conducting experiments in his yard oh so
I’m in the scientist yard
our prior size you would need to
successfully activate Dr Tully’s spacer
unfortunately my readings indicate it is
inoperable it appears to have suffered
several malfunctions from the explosion
oh I am sorry but it appears you may be
stranded here for some time until we
find a solution
idea yes it is
skin on it and see what we need to do to
get it fixed up hurry please I want to
go home
okay memory fault code 408 B3000 never
that easy never that easy
all right reboot
are you a pirate
memory chips
without those memories
potato chips
good gold
chips you find
Dr Tully has built many more Labs okay
law labs
each lab is used for various
experimental procedures I can upload
their locations to your scabby stay bye
I’m a scabby
yep the the the the the
robots love potato chips you know that
the grease from the potato chips getting
their circuits and help them navigate
memories and whatnot
be 404
oh great
that’s not good luck I was able to
retrieve the location of one of the
the Hedge lab
reservation center of the yard and used
for research on arachnid webbing
great the Hedge near the house if you
head Southeast the lab is located deep
inside the Hedge sending the core equals
to your scabby thank you
from searching the yard for the other
labs except of course thousands of angry
hungry insects
scanner scanner you will need this is an
important one I guess
once you are registered you will be
granted access to the ASL network of
computers too oh grants access to daily
work items American Sign Language nice
to reward you raw science for each
completed quest
in my science shop you can trade raw
science back for survival recipes from
experiments that Wendell conducted when
he was first exploring the yard hold on
to the ASL terminal over there unless
you have any other questions you really
should get started finding those two
I’ll do my best uh
oh my my torch
is he goopy
oh science
I don’t know about down there down there
maybe spider spider is going to eat my
we yeah oh there’s a wall
uh we
okay cool
photo chips Hill oh big eye big stuff
oh swirly science
he I guess he’s my only friend oh yeah
look at him go
uh all right I need to do ASL
oh there oh my head coming and going
oh no heads here
seems a little I don’t know why my head
decided to
disappearing right about now
oh oh Burger Quest
uh oh
okay so I can buy stuff now
multi-source but let’s start with
all right
craft gas
so can I just accept them all
okay I’ll just accept six dude don’t hit
the robot
what no he loves it look see his um
wait it helps him with his uh memory see
look he’s all like it gets all loose up
there you gotta give him a little whack
give it a little whack
that helps see he loved it
he loves it
did I complete it
in progress no okay I was just tell me I
had it okay
oh free stuff mine mine mine mine
mine mine oh gosh I have so many things
to do now
uh okay
oh I need an assistant manager key card
all right
oh shortcut
well let’s
oh let’s leave
I wonder if it’s still daylight
it’s getting a little darker let’s go
ahead and look for
Place Waypoint
wrong button
all right let’s run home and hopefully
don’t die
even the music is not helping me
where was it
is it I don’t see my Waypoint
oh all the way over there
so we’ll have to come back I’m pretty
sure acorns are good for Stuff
[Music] oh I remember I have a bit of like a
workbench I guess we’ll build like a
little um
little base to start off with
and then we’ll go from there
I might as well pick up these Sprigs
let’s go jumping
ladybug now ladybugs I know are very
but don’t don’t touch the ladybugs
they will mess you up
they’re strong boys
and grab all the Pebbles
okay tables
I guess we could
I don’t know if we need pebbles for
I might need a shovel for those guys I
don’t know what they are but I’m
assuming they’re useful
this is water
juice drop
where are you going I don’t need more
but I’ll take another sip
so the juice guy will give me juice I
um I don’t know which one’s stronger
he’s angry
not at me I guess oh he’s look at him oh
they’re enabling each other up and let
I think the spider’s maybe a little bit
stronger technically but ladybugs are
like not
just pushovers like a lot of the other
bugs are just
don’t even have to worry about them I
think because ladybug is so armored and
it hits you pretty hard
um so I could just like this huh is this
permanent wonder
let’s build ourselves
a workbench I need
how do I make this or can I just
ah place the blueprint
well I guess we’ll
[Music] [ __ ] um
and I need some grass planks huh all
right I can do that
smash smash smash
I did it
oh there we go we’re here now Okay so
oh did I just make a spear whoops
I didn’t mean to make a spear but I did
oh these are tier ones I see
I can make arrows
[Music] uh I don’t know but I can relocate it
it’s near this and I need this
to analyze things
I think it just
like the idea I have right now is just
to like start here I guess and then
go somewhere else if I need it
I think I can move it later if I need to
um like a lot of stuff I’m building
right now is not permanent like big
um the map
I guess pretty big
so like I’m kind of in the middle-ish
so I’m kind of like well maybe okay
right here
I don’t know why it goes
red to yellow or red to Green
um but I mean like right now for the
moment just putting up some
oh there’s some science some walls and
stuff like that
and just having a general like
safe-ish area kind of go back and forth
and then like I guess once I Explore
uh figure out you know where I have to
chemistry class was this easy okay I
wasn’t sure if that was like a trap for
like a bug was gonna come out
so it’s like a block
the hook
okay interesting
but yeah we’ll we’ll just build a few
things here and just kind of like a
make a little safety net ish area and
then we’ll
once we do a little more exploring more
uh story stuff we’ll figure out like
okay if we don’t move
I’m not gonna like do a whole bunch of
crazy stuff
but at least enough to get like
of things
oh I can build wall mounts
plant acorns
uh how do you build like walls and stuff
I can build like
me it might loaf oh right my um
this well they they’ll spoil a little
what which one is the
how do I build a thingy though like
walls and stuff
I had to build a
rafting Hammer of some sort
when there’s a pebble hammer
shovel of course those things I’ll need
I guess I could build the hammer now
okay nice I need that for um breaking
some things
I mean I could build an acorn fence
maybe I have to unlock some things
I wonder
uh oh you’re still a thing
neat okay that’s one way of doing that
can I get a
I don’t know I wonder if I can get like
a piece of
grass to put into the science thing
can you research this
oh you can okay so okay maybe this is
how I do it
maybe I could build like walls and stuff
this way ah here it is
okay cool okay so now I can build
walls or things
so how does one what’s this
these are just things
no is it armor health
ah grass wall
I don’t know what the arrow is
but let’s
place that real quick
um go back here
put in a grass door
well let’s see what so how do you make
wood weed stem
Oh wrong button
can I do it can I do some of it
I see those things for that huh okay
well let’s build a little bit of that a
little wall
because I do know that I’m I have to
I have to build light or I have to um
the ants at some point so I need to make
sure I don’t uh
or have something of defensing I guess
smash smash
okay and then
and then a weed stem
[Music] not sure where I’ll find that
I think
that one
oh it’s dry uh all right let’s get
another light going
those are a little bit of pain to make
I just want to make sure that everybody
can see everything you know
well hello friends
exactly no troubles
oh can I tastes good yeah
looks like food won’t be too much of a
trouble this game
considering that the um Weebles die
pretty easy in there everywhere I guess
maybe they’ll disappear or something
like that
there right what am I walking to this
one yeah
dandelion this is weed yeah
nice perfect
all right cool
I have a door
I don’t know what the button is to not
throw that
is there any more I guess maybe there’s
just two
all right
I guess we’ll build it like just a wall
right to
um the edge of this thing
and then we’ll um start building some
armor and other things
Let’s see we need to build
or base wall
[Music] huh
and then which one the other one
why aren’t you stacking on top of that
oh they are
there I needed to go this way
well let’s put some of this stuff
together then
okay place this stuff
grab up all those junk I have
appears like I’ll need to do some
jerking of things they may just make
food last longer maybe indefinite
yeah my house
This Is My Land
I settled it makes it mine
all right
uh Blanc blah blah blah blah blah
one more
very good I guess we’ll just
finish smashing away
plunk flunk flunk
lots of Smashing
who’s making noises
you better watch it
take that grass
so many chunks
all right
so we’re gonna make another uh another
I guess that’s good enough maybe
uh maybe I could do a half wall
maybe not
yes like that just make sure nothing
squeezes through there
sure sure I mean I can still
well I think things can probably still
climb but whatever it’ll be fine
there you go boom Punk
bunk got it
yes we’ll do the same thing
oh you’re trapped my oh no
drop down oh uh come back
get deadified
I guess this is maybe the other one
there’s got to be a different way to
drop stuff
how would you drop it
except throwing it
seems very inefficient but I guess
that’s who I am
that’s who I am you know
you live life on the street
who you become
tough gristles
full of pent-up rage
I guess we’ll door her here
uh where was the door there it is
good enough
yeah it’s pretty good okay you know
first first place to live
it doesn’t need to be the Ritz
it just needs to be home
and home is where
your yard is
that’s not the best layout but you know
I’m not the best builder
let’s grab this up
just make it so I guess it’s probably
not even the
hello I’m stuck
probably not even like going to be for
defense probably just so I can
if I get chased by something run around
uh but I know I need to piss off ants so
it’s probably would help against them
I don’t know how long they stay pissed
you know as I say an aunt never forgets
is the saying
got that
these my pockets are very big
wait what’s it this is a cave
sort of
all right slap it down
uh schlep it down
wood stem I’d have some over here
let’s get rid of this boy
got it
oh okay
um and I just
what do I do
do I have to like actually go here and
do it
uh okay let’s keep on hitting yeah
[Music] okay let’s smash those up
there we go
not exactly the best defense
a couple gaps here and there you know
is what it is
oh I’ll take that that was refreshing
thank you for the drink
I guess I need to finish to the wall I
guess oh I guess I can do it right there
too yeah
uh let’s do
that one
sure let’s make that a little bit higher
I guess then we’ll do
same thing here
there we go okay
no way it’s not bad you know
that ain’t bad it’s
honest work you know that’s what it is
it’s that’s all it is just honest
honest work
look at that
local why am I [ __ ] gonna know what
like who moved in here who moved into
this Ritz Carlton looking play look at
this it’s like it’s fancy
look at me so jealous they’re gonna be
looking around here and be like Whoa man
what kind of spider moved in here hop
for me baby there it is
that old spider it’s just me
okay and I’m slapping the rest
smashify that up
well I guess I’m almost out of inventory
uh do I have any let’s eat some food I
oh oh
uh nope
play to this
oh she liked it
um I accidentally went into third person
and through Max crap how do I undo this
thank you
having a little peek
wait what the heck am I doing
I’m marking a location
crap how do I un
heard person myself
crap what did I do
I was trying to go in ah there it is you
where did I put my stupid thing
through my ax
oh it’s over there I see it
yeah yay
let’s finish our chopping here
and they said it was a bad thing to put
up a fence
all my hairs
all my hairs
oh my Lord my neck is
inch tighter than a
a a good analogy that makes it this
sentence work
oh that scared that’s that’s
mainly because those guys could just
walk up on you anytime
oh good
take those
I wonder if it would attack me or
or what
I didn’t attack it I didn’t attack it so
I don’t know
I don’t want to hit the supporting wall
I think I’m far enough away to hit the
right thing there it is
there we go a wall
oh spider coming walking over it was
like I was like oh I hear some stuff
what could that be
big ass spider that’s what
what is this all about oh you can make
them yeah
oh breakdown stuff cookery
interesting storage basket
ah bigger storage
water container
I guess I need to find a way to make oh
wait um oh
maybe here then maybe something oh this
just gives you access to stuff
make it slurry
used in something
I think I need to do some of this for my
quest so I guess I could do that soon
I can’t really oh a canteen
grub hide
oh I guess I need to oh those are
probably those things uh Underground
uh spinning
[Music] good harvesting huh
yeah a lot of stuff I can’t make I guess
the storage basket I probably can make
another one of those probably just made
make another one well I can see how much
room I have
and I guess we’ll check our inventory
I’m like full stuff
Chow Down
something can go bad anyway so I might
as well use it
um art deposit
nearby hot deposit I don’t know what
that means
oh uh is there anything else I can
or research please please tell me what
it is
a plain palette stem palette dry grass
partition oh
uh okay well then
oh um let’s make
so I have a hammer
ooh oh I need some other stuff for that
um shovel
okay let’s make that
so I can dig up those boys I have a
spear I have a hammer I have a thingy
um we’ll do
other stuff later I guess
um what for the quest
[Music] um
let’s take the
no I’ll need the rock for um stuff
I did
what’s this for
drinkable heels and snack okay I’ll
leave that there and there’s just a
heels and trickle region okay
so we need to make craft piece of armor
so let’s do that
eye patch
plus attack
minus damage resist
mites acorn
gas mask I know that’s a quest
oh cloverhead
older longer and light Hardware so
that’s armor at least
I guess I could make a lot of this stuff
both five of those
uh and then we’ll make
one of those
get some stuff going I guess
or not
uh craft that I guess I wonder if
actually I wonder if both those are head
object or things from ahead hmm
uh where do they go
nice and safe okay
so I saw something said craft eyepatch
and then also
that’s a tack up damage this down
what was the other thing
I don’t know I don’t see it it was a
head thing right
I’m sure someone’s probably screaming at
the computer like oh my God it’s right
there what are you stupid
maybe maybe
I didn’t craft it I really don’t see it
maybe it did drop or something
well regardless
let’s see here
it’s like so it’s
departed stack R okay r
get a lot of stuff here I guess
[Music] um
all right as much as I can I guess
keep a creature
okay how do you peep
uh well let’s leave and let’s peep
so what was peep
let’s see what’s around here
creature location marked on the map how
do you peep it Place way
oh I have to get close enough I guess
uh oh
so let’s go let’s go look at something
and see what it does okay here we go
peep it
I see you I see you aphid
I did it I peeped it oh I could peep you
a weevil I did it
learned what a weevil is
net oh I think I need to kill some gnats
do I I guess I try to Chuck it
oh yeah
[Music] well there echoes
oh good it fell
well okay
uh maybe bow and arrow would be better
than oh I discovered mints
I strong enough
ah oh look at these guys
well I don’t have the the strength to do
so I guess we need to find Clover stuff
and oh hello
get out here boy
cut up
and we’ll just do some Gathering and
some crafting and whatnot so shin guards
will give me another level up or
keep snapping these
oh I need to use the shovel I guess to
dig that guy up
whenever I see one
uh I want to get more I mean the armor
for the I think the acorn stuff is
probably pretty good
I’m lost
old ant hill
that way so right click is block okay
a lot of stuff I have to
get familiar with
[Music] come here
big juice
big juice
[Music] I see them
oh get grabbified
see ya
I’m on it
get poked
you better watch it boy
you’re gonna get
hit up next if you’re not lucky maybe if
you want to be lucky
hey there buddy oh gosh
hi friends we’re friends look at this
I’m a friend
oh you guys eating that oh dang
oh you ate it too oh okay
okay you do you boo you do you
all right let’s go look for some acorns
anything else I can smash up
I’m here now
I can chop this a dandelion oh that’s
just for that
be careful your spider’s about don’t get
too close or they’ll nibble you
a scaredy
Scotty oh what ah
put put stuff it whatever’s making that
noise stop it
don’t know what’s making that noise but
you can stop can I smash you I can’t
take this pebble
I don’t know what you did but you
deserve it
okay something’s been dumb over there
ha I can burst this now
that’s what you get for being an equal
oh I got Acorn bits neat
uh let’s see what are we doing our
inventory apps uh not too bad we
probably toss some stuff if we
get to that point
yeah food doesn’t seem like it’s that
much of an issue I wonder if it’s a
that would change
oh oh
don’t worry I took him out of your um
vicinity spider’s story I did you a
you’re welcome
you’re welcome
what are you doing you want me to kill
you I’ll do it I’m gonna throw this at
you I’ll do it
for what reason don’t know
was he leading me I’m gonna follow him
he wants me to follow him
yes little friend
yeah what do you need little friend
oh thank you for leading me to the water
tastes good
I guess I don’t know if that was really
your goal or
serious creature
helpful little friend
these are exploding oh that aunt’s angry
yeah he’s going after that weevil
I hate each other apparently
ever since the the Weevil Wars you know
I can never forget never forgive
fish smash slam
oh I could hit the I don’t
I don’t know if I need to well
it’s almost angry
or not I don’t know there’s a bird
smash this up
is that it
what’s in this
grub sludge
I’m almost convinced those little guys
are just being idiots
just like you big old dummy
get absorbed
oh my inventory is full well let’s head
so head back and uh go learnify all this
stuff oh they’re my aunt don’t jump on
I think it’s this way
check our map in a minute once we
exhaust ourselves
yeah Monk
here we go oh I’m stuck
so I guess our base is kind of like meh
so far
oh friend
friend until I try to kill him
then we’re not friends apparently
you’re stuck in the ground huh what
so let’s go research what we can and
maybe build another storage
look at that beautiful base we almost
had a spider come in and nibble on us
but he saw this massive wall and was
like no not today and left
he was impressed oh
oh this is open now oh
um I guess we’ll do sludge
let’s learn what this sludge does
grub best
don’t know what that is but I can learn
and Grub hide
grub stuff
my brain power grew
okay cool and then
Acorn bits
learning some Acorn bits isn’t that nice
boost juice
how special
how special indeed
so can I build a bigger
idea of things
[Music] hmm let’s see oh this one right
storage chest
yeah 40 20. yeah
bunk oh
um Q right
oh that’s yeah
wait oh no it’s r
gotta just go do more collecting I guess
we’re collecting more killing I guess
I’m gonna eat that stuff because I think
if it spoils it just probably well I’ll
eat one of them see what happens to the
other one
uh okay
and so I’ll need to build I can build
armor I guess at some point
or at least better armor
although one requests is lower shin
guards so I need to find some of that
more clover
uh let’s see
it’s gone oh I can do sconces
where’s the food one
wasn’t there like a
food thingy
smoothie roasting spit Garden patch
smoothie I don’t really need a smoothie
I guess a sap cat connector or catcher
I guess I need um
gather a few more things okay foreign
don’t need it unfortunately it’ll
probably spoil but maybe I get lucky and
they don’t spoil I don’t know
I’ll hold on to this one
all right let’s go back I guess get a
little more stuff on the way
uh went through the Hedge lab uh of
course don’t know how that works but
we’ll figure it out
uh clovers on the way
well they’re fine I don’t like each
get a couple more acorns I guess see
what happens
okay okay
well I don’t know if I’ll make it back
to the acorn place at this right so I
may just do a little farming here then
some of these are Big some of these are
small but they’re all the same size I
guess in my pocket
okay keep on chopping
I don’t know what I might look that up
like wear a good base places
hey there buddy Hi friend you’re stuck
aren’t you good job proud of you what’s
husky weed oh where’s husky it’s a big
boy weed
okay more of this
Lower Town
population me get all those clovers
are you dumb
you are stupid
pick up some rocks yeah I guess we’ll
arm up everything we need
jump jump jump jump jump
try not to slope through gross juice
okay uh this one
uh they’re supposed to be three maybe no
oh look at this oh oh that’s one of the
what is that is that a speeder
oh I see this is spooter lab
or Weaver what noises
okay yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep
you I was gonna run in there and like
see if I can’t grab that science but
he pretty much said no you can’t I’m not
gonna do it not gonna do it around here
I understood understood
you know what that’s fair that’s fair
that is a fair State amen
it’s dead grass huh dry grass
what’s this this is different oh
dry it
grass chunk I guess
bigger ants oh
oh can I discover this location
oh no no pass pass you can have it you
can have it I don’t want it you don’t I
don’t want it
you know
answer angry at me I got too close to
the base
I understand that I understand the
having such a remarkable person come by
feeling of inadequacies I understand
what ball look at ball
I don’t like all the noises they’re
happening around me
dad the weevil
make yourself feel better
oh okay
I guess I didn’t need to kill the weevil
oh nope
they’re after me
oh you’re just a mite
oh oh get out here boy
open you had me food
I thought you were something impressive
you weren’t impressive at all
which is a big old dummy oh I’m up here
I love nature
big old bumblebee
one of those took off a guy and just
just took him
never to be seen again
I’m in the trees
and I’m back to my face let’s see if I
got any more
research and stuff I think I did
I did not
I mean I guess having here like just
this would be a place to come back to
but I would I probably need to find out
maybe a good little base location and
then like build from there like maybe
over here
you know after doing a little exploring
and stuff like that just then like maybe
put a base here or something
I need to find out if that’s like
good or bad ways because I could be like
um I do need water
oh double b
uh what’s this
spoiled meat what’s this used for
fertilizer oh okay that’s sweet
okay cool
um Rainbow Rocks
my payables there we go
let’s see if we can’t go get some water
see we get lucky on a uh a drop
it’s not morning or anything like that
so that’s where the Dew comes out
but maybe a drop some oh I see them
they’re all shiny
oh all right get the rock out
let’s go let’s go take this tree or this
this drop and show it who’s boss pick
that water
is no lemon crime but that’s better than
and one more for the road maybe one more
for the one time
[Music] thank you all right follow up on water
maybe I should throw a spear at the
oh uh the bee
I don’t know why not I think it might be
good for me
therapeutic you know show the bees who’s
uh I think also we need to build some
let’s do
okay well yeah I got a lot of sap
one sap
maybe like right
uh doors there so maybe there
and then maybe yep and then maybe
here and
now let’s build
uh this stuff so what do I do I have to
have this on me
I guess I it’s close enough
light oh oh okay that works
boom ah Creature Comforts
and I’m a creature
and I’m comforted
did my other sticks disappear they might
no they’re this one okay
so what else do I need to build so I
think for one of the things I need to
build is a shin guard for the
or more
this one
so how do I unclick this
good raw science
on a Google here
look at oh I have to kill aphids oh
well it looks like it’s about time to
a bow
let foundations fortified
gives you the old Razz dazzle with his
clam spatula the itinerary okay
oh so I can get oh that maybe the
mutations that give me like special
hold I hear noises
chittering little noises I don’t like it
okay let’s try to build
a weapon a spring oh I have not fuzz
two Navas
not enough not fuzz could
we see so it is pulling from the other
crafting area so at least you don’t have
to ah yeah nearby storage and range nice
oh and thistle needle so I have to go
find that
so that may be my next Quest is to
so spoiled food
technically I guess it’s useful
I’m pushing the wrong button the r
I hear this noise
I don’t know what it is
let’s put some
shin guards on Smart fast lucky or just
wear some armor
all right well I’m armored up at least
that’s something
[Music] I wonder this how this works
oh hot deposit
okay that’s pretty cool it’s one way to
quickly get rid of the junk in inventory
um I do want to organize some of this
stuff though
oh and look it’s penned the pebblet so
I’ll always go back
so what can I do at night I can make
a so many skittering things out there
so the water container
and hold up to it but I guess I would
need to fill it
sap collector weed stems
attach this to a sap producing root oh
um see if I can maybe I have one right
next to me that’d be kind of cool
these roots
I mean they’re Roots but are they good
not the good roots huh
well maybe that one over there let’s go
has been
um you know out and about
I’ve seen them they walked around
these aren’t good roots
these aren’t good roots
I’ll have to figure that out
so I do have to be careful about the
also I don’t know how you just drop
[Music] oh unload G
there you go
there you go so we could build a
no can’t do that cookery no let me play
I saw clay I’ll pick that up next time
hear the I hear all the skittering I
hear every skitter what is skittering
saw something move over there
I think they’re ants
okay workbench up okay
well I can make a smoothie
for now yeah
uh healing items sorry three items to
craft a delicious smoothie
I guess I don’t have recipes
oh I have okay I have one clay
raw aphid mushroom okay gotcha
Max stamina and heels okay cool
and I can always relocate
I don’t know how close I can reel I mean
it’s not that hard this is all beginning
stuff so it would be that hard to make I
a garden patch
let’s see tables probably not
probably not the first thing I should
or skittering
okay so okay yeah I can do this one
so I could at least scoop up some water
I need jerky for that kind of stuff
so all this stuff has like damage
it says 15 percent
oh 15 resistance
oh this hauling strength
interesting so they all have their
and I need thistle needles so I don’t
know where to get thistles that’s what a
lot of what I need looks like
I guess I could try the shield
so I have a Shields now too
I think I’m gonna put my spear on one
put my shield on too
and then all my other tools after that
uh let’s do this
there we go
that food back there put this healing
there okay I guess we’ll do that so
we’ll have um
do I oh I’m equipped
[Music] stay up
stab go
uh next we can build a
oh they all just give different bonuses
I guess I need to look at everything
just so that
whenever we get something new I’ll know
where to look
okay yep
I was gonna make these
are you okay so I guess I can’t stem
smithing station of course
um okay well look at all this stuff just
to get it out of the thing
same here
or not
how do I get rid of this stuff
well it didn’t matter
and then they use her just yeah yeah all
those things
can I just look at him real quick
all right go that way if I get something
new it will
this won’t go away I don’t know why
uh when I get something new it will show
me so can I make a gas mask
is part of the quest gas mask
ah Nat fuzz so I need to go oh and stink
bug parts
nego hunting for Nat fuzz
and aphids
fuzz Thistle and aphids
also I need to oh wait I guess I could
do one two and three right
let’s put our food and water on the
second bar it’s nice to have like
multiple bars
I guess I could even do that for like
other things
with this here too
okay uh I don’t know what time it is
might as well sleep
sleep eight hours
oh I had to sleep eight hours
I guess I do I don’t know if sleeping is
a big thing in this game
maybe you have to sleep on time or skip
it all together and yeah I know you I
think you can get
um bonuses
um oh do I have anything
cooked well
I’m not picky
consume all this
there we go
anything over here cooked no but
I guess we can cook this real quick
that at least reset that stuff let’s go
get some
I’m going to actually
never mind I don’t have any on me I’ll
have to get some
let’s see here
here’s a couple and let’s go get some
water droplets
uh and I want to move
my rocks to here okay
so water water
oh uh speak the devil
wait where’d you go little boy
little friend
where did you go
oops no crap
I guess I’ll Chase it chase down come
here little friend
I know those noise eyes are it’s too
many noises
uh whatever
let’s go back and see if that stuff’s
cooked eat some stuff and I guess I need
to drink our Cantina
or just hit with it do I have a oh
I wonder if these burn
are they burnt
no they’re good thanks
as heels oh hell
nice oh cool stuff okay
you’ll need to
hello ant no no this is my stuff
this is mine go
still need to find out
how to like properly set up my hot bar
and stuff like that
what the heck is that oh wait I could
peep it
hello what are you hey oh it’s aphid
I just don’t know why I can see it
oh is it can you smell of that is that
what this is oh I see
all right let’s go
find a little water
fill up uh we still need to get another
slurp up so
[Music] let’s see water
get out here please
where’d this other guy go
oh I see one
why are you running don’t run from me
that’s what happens when you run you get
sorry about that let me try it again
okay sorry about that
Big Bird
I see grass movement is it big movement
oh ladybug ladybird
ah stop it
yeah it is
all right I wonder how if I can do this
I guess I should look into making
multiple Spears as well
I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care
okay don’t care okay okay
[Music] what was he doing there
a wolf spider
just just
walking through the the grass just I’m
just chilling over here just chilling
what was he doing there
I don’t like it
I guess I don’t really lose my stuff
killed mites but wait but I don’t know
this is cooked it is cooked
all right
damn give me a plate of this no that
sounds disgusting well
I lost my Stones I guess you’d lose
maybe some things
oh wait my spear is in different space
wait where’s my spear I mean I had in my
hand but
weird I don’t understand that
maybe it’s my Backpacker but it’s also
my hand
also that’s where the spider is so
maybe that’s where the spider is
everything better still be here you
stupid ants
that was the ant’s fault it was uh
something else
I wonder if this is like a path that he
decides to walk or something
um okay let me
I’m really confused why my Spears in my
hand what’s right there but
I don’t know how to re-equip it am I
it’s a shovel
I don’t know
so you can throw it yeah oh well there
it goes then pick it up
I don’t get it
hear it
so I need more gnats well I guess I’m
gonna make some more Spears because I
think they may be better
at least for the moment because I can’t
make anything else
I don’t know how much they stack
but they don’t
no they do seven uh but they do take up
[Music] where’d he go did he go up
Meals on Wheels what who
[Music] gotcha
well all right yeah come on down
there we go now where’d that dumb
boy go he fell too right
oh is that it no let’s spray a thingy
oh he’s stuck up there
stop Defying Gravity you stupid
that’s right you got two insults on you
what do you think about that huh what
are you thinking about that you dummy
come on well whatever I guess
uh it’s only rocks on me
aphid honeydew
I guess I could try throwing this
at the did I see water I did not see
oh just a little overwhelmed right now
that’s all right we got this
we got eaten up by a spider it’s all
let’s aphid hunt
I need a net
takes down some Nets
got it
ah good they do highlight pretty well
oh yeah look at that pretty easily
so I should go crazy with this stuff
all right
stupid spider like just decides like hey
guess what I’m wolf spider I’m gonna
come eat your butt
that’s what he did he came and just ate
me up man he just he enabled me to death
cool all right
so I need gnats
I saw Nats before
they’re flying aha
enemy spotted
in the trees
they’re oh they’re everywhere
and it was fine boom nope missed boom
stop dodging okay fine
jerk wait where’d you go wait hello
where’d your body go I lost all my
Spears kids of you I threw them off into
the distance
oh water
[Music] I don’t like this
so the gnats are just like kind of
chilling a little bit above
release all the spears are pretty easy
to see
I don’t need to kill you I would like to
kill you just don’t need it
so I guess it’s late in the day so
the dude’s not out
or it’s like you know in the morning you
get the morning doing stuff like that so
I guess if I
see that that ladybug
I don’t know what’s wiggling that thing
over there
curious and scared
yeah it’s over there wiggling stuff
hey [ __ ] you protect me
the spider
we’re gonna be friends
ladybug you me
I’m riding my Valiant steed
no no not not this way ladybug that’s on
you if you want to go die
can I get this
be like
that’s both smart and dumb yeah
right right
ladybug where’d you go you’re supposed
to be able to back up
strike strike strike strike strike I got
fiber run run run run we can research it
I am belly into my efforts today
I’ve struck
against the spiders who took my life
now they know they can’t mess with me
ladybug did you see that I took it down
what are these here are these mine
I feel like aha I’m home hello door I
missed you door
g g
let’s research skill skilk
analyze common
stuff spotted silk robe huh
okay uh can I make things
used in blank blank
I guess I can’t make it yet
I don’t know what that was
I do need water I wonder what the
punishment for drinking gross water is
I guess we’ll find out maybe it’s just
you need to um
okay it just makes me hungry I can deal
with that all day long actually
all day long
uh consume grub time run time Tasties
so all the recipes I have are
I guess I can make
boost juice but
who comes to my land
you want to die sir I can make this
happen for you for free
leave me
completely missed this
um okay you are simple to live Precision
engine okay
remember checked in beginning cell
diagnostic before end of day particles
oh cool
I don’t know how I missed that
a b
a strike
I miss
it was close you have to admit that
I mean
as close as something that’s not hitting
it is
um okay so we still haven’t found
you know
Brave dumb where you’re starting to feel
like you know I need to make progress
but I’m also dumb and I’m gonna do dumb
things like the my
stuff at uh
it’s spiders
you’re skittering
I want to kill an ant action now too
maybe an ant you know what maybe an ant
is out up my alley
okay we’re just listening we’re a hunter
we’re Majestic like a gazelle we’re
moving through the grass
remove we move now
powerful or strong
we’re stupid we’re an idiot ah there’s a
big thingy it’s got eyes Instinct on me
we run we’re stuck on grass we move
we’re Brave
well that’s Brave we’re running
oh I see him
he gets one in the face
he took it like a champ he gets this
other one in the face I get stuck ah I’m
uh six
my arrow
or my spear it comes for me why because
this still attaching his head
where are you you coward
run I threw all my weapons how do you
like that
I’m not just a gazelle I leap through
the air oh grabbed it
boom into this face
how do you like that one beaned
would you like another one I can make
that happen for you for free ow ow stop
it now
can’t see you but you can’t see me
what a fool
okay grab this up
he’s stinking up the area
he’s no match for my cunning
my expertise
my inability to leave this situation
that’s killing me
oh no no not too that close
we’re fine
my arrows
or my um Spears are moving
to be more fortuitous for my attack
got him
and the hunter has begun Hunted
I have won this day amazing
let’s claim my victory his guts
My Oh I wanna I want this
my fear of the unknown has become
now let’s go home before I get eaten by
another spider
I think I’m gonna make a whole bunch of
Spears and just start checking them
where’s my home I’m lost I’m scared
um I think it’s this way
big face ball
I’m woke oh Aunt okay let the ampy he’s
we’ve killed bigger prey today our
victory has been assured
let’s learn what we can make with our
stuff we found and we harvested from
live animals this thingy level up
ah intake camera that’s probably a
little bit too oh repair glue cool
brain power
stink bug butt juice
gastro goo and gas Arrow cool
well that was a 30.
okay cool
I did it
huzzah Victory spear
is this cooked
it’s not cooked
let’s cook these I guess so they don’t
okay I guess we’ll hold on to other
stuff I really don’t need to kill that
many things um
I think jerky is the appropriate thing
to make because that will at least be
more permanent food
so we’ll go for that
and I think this does actually attract
ants because um
they were we were sniffing around you
know they’re coming up here stiffer like
what you got what you got cooking good
looking I’m like nothing for you boy
I think they’ll
I think they’ll come over here oh
there’s water
nice and these uh that reset the timer
it looks like it did and I can eat this
one uh I don’t need to eat right now
so let’s not eat this one
let’s rock
be careful
so I guess nighttime do as well okay
no that’s not what I thought was gonna
there it is
okay that’s one
okay two
let’s pick up some rocks
suddenly get ourselves a slurp at least
we have backup slurps
[Music] well
I guess it would hurt to do one more
slurpy slurp
pick up all these rocks
all right listening for uh Baddies
oh music why is music gone
we bravely run back to our base
to hide as a heroic man
amazing oh close the doors
okay good
uh so we have two extra slurps and I
just accidentally ate that great
uh oh right I can do a little hot
I like that that’s that’s pretty nice
alley wheel well doing those
I guess I’ll keep it as a just a Backup
I’m not sure what to do with some of the
food stuffs
uh this can go here oops uh is it not Q
that’s our
[Music] you’re not sure what to do with the food
stuffs that go like is there well I mean
obviously jerky that would be the
ultimate thing to make
uh well let’s see what time it is see
yeah let’s go ahead and sleep
take a nap see your show I’m really
tired so far we’ve been doing good
pretty good
we’re gonna make a whole bunch of Spears
um I guess that’s like maybe the
thing to do
I’m gonna go find some more of some of
ours that we’ve thrown
I wonder
so I wonder if I could
noises noises
ant okay I wonder if I can adjust the uh
because right now is R is to Chuck or
let’s take a drink
oh that’s not drink slurp
what if I could change what that is stop
that dummy
and then I guess
which one’s going to spoil first
this one
really need to find better ways to do
all right let’s just
I guess we’ll put up this food uh
oh no that one is still food
because we’re probably gonna get more
stuff anyway
oh here it’s over here
so we still need to find
what was it vessels
I don’t know if the map has a
yeah I guess we’ll try this way
um and maybe get lucky or unlucky
I don’t know how wait is it thistle is
I wonder if that’s like this will like
near the pond like a fit actual proper
proper thistle
uh so if this is ants okay
oh dead ant free dead ant
oh ow ow stinky how stinky
[Music] take these three parts I guess
something I’m gonna just died
I should probably have made some more
healthy healing things oh
let’s see what’s around here
okay that looks like death let’s not do
death is bad
uh maybe we had to
hello guy
one day I’ll kill you but not today
so kind of close to some bad stuff too
I’m out of stamina nice neuter dude
oh okay
[Music] all right get those guys I need to go
what’s that
[Music] yeah they don’t care about your
one-liners so
I saw the grass moving I don’t know what
it is
it’s right there do you think that’s a
feel like it it’s maybe a spider
nope not a spider
it’s a friend unless you attack her or
[Music] good
all right where’s my stuff here
all right let’s go I forgot to
actually oh thank you
build where is it healing things there
it is
it’s really awkward to push R for that
where’d you go
[Music] okay you can have those
all right
okay let’s build some healing stuff
thistle needle I think that’s maybe near
the water actually
okay so we got extra those
we have ant Parts nice
this gives me a little heal so let’s go
ahead and consume it Chow Down
everything else
that’s it ladybug okay good
let’s go ahead and just cook this one up
real quick
and then we’ll go to the um pond
is this pond
or tree tree
maybe oh pond
what’s this
oh that’s the oh this is the tree okay
so maybe we’ll go here
let’s see what’s that way
see what this leaves us what kind of
trouble we’ll get in over here
because the thistle I mean it is a
thistle thistles well technically not
not necessarily growing near
are in water but can I guess
um I don’t know if that
let’s do one of these oh yeah this is
not the way to do this Travis you were a
dumb man
oh you have you have
bit enough too much to chew
oh okay I did not think I would drop
that quick sure okay
[Music] let them have their place
well crap
oh God there’s oh there’s spiders
everywhere I hate it I don’t like it
there’s noises I hear the noises I want
to run for the noises I’m running for
the noises we are fine we’re excellent
we’re amazing there’s a thing it’s
bombadar beater Beetle maybe stink
I don’t know what those are
fine well calm we’re cool we’re
we’re going
we’re amazing
entrance oh that was a wrong button
[Music] okay
well we’ve uh
gained entry to spider land oh
congratulations everybody aren’t you
happy no these aren’t the pistols I want
uh no I hate this uh there’s the tree
we’ll tree it up I guess
hello little ant why don’t you go find
something to do
not me though oh what’s it
the cowboy can can what’s in here
[Music] and it’s pretty great I I don’t know
okay good good job man
so there’s a
yeah you nailed it so that’s a thistle
why did you chop that down oh wait do I
need like a level two two uh chopping
maybe those look like mushrooms and or
big old popsicles
all right I have a safety ladybug run to
it so that if anybody comes around
they’ll or it maybe
can I chop you
what’s up
oh I could just grab
is that really the how you do this
I don’t know
want it wait how does this work
I don’t know how do I just run up to
these and just grab and every once in a
is that how you farm them
oh wait is it on the stock is that what
I was grabbing
Bissell thistle thistle
Abyssal thistle
I guess we just keep on climbing and
grabbing and climbing and grabbing neat
okay cool
oh so that’s what they’re just designed
so you do this
oh well at least it’s harming it it’s
not too hard hopefully they respond in a
decent amount of time
um at the top
okay cool
I guess we take a look at those
see what they’re doing
we we’re on a dandelion tuft and we’re
flying through the air
are these just respawning things level
very cool all right well let’s get some
of these guys
some nuts let’s let’s pop open these
um and then we’ll just keep on keeping
on Hope
[Music] no
stop tormenting me little stupid aphid
how do I get these down now
for the chop them oh do you just fall
after a while
that’d be very helpful actually
nice so
oh Deadpools
you jumped it
[Music] okay okay okay
he jumped it
how dare he
this game is with pretty and terrifying
that is my review pretty but terrifying
me not me me not me not me
not me okay and that’s why they’re
terrifying all of a sudden hey guess
what spider
a spooter has decided to uh come say hi
and he wants a little nibble
of your cerebral cortex
you don’t mind right
I think I might have to try for the
for those guys that may those May shoot
a little more true than my spear
a little tripping both
uh there’s the juice box that will give
me juice yep there’s a spider can I peep
you from here I wonder can I have a look
add a new one a junior huh
no you’re a bad man
let’s just keep on going
to keep on going let’s let them be you
know let them be until I’m ready to take
them out
right in the forehead
I don’t know how many more I need to
kill for that Quest
hopefully not too many
but I think we’re about ready to get
back to the base
armed raspberry Poncho oh that’s what
that is
[Music] do I get a drinky drink oh I do get a
drinky drink
can I fill it up with this is the
[Applause] Bonk it on the head I guess
nah give me more
interesting so it does have like a
special thing on it now
I don’t know how much
you can get from it
I guess it’s just every once in a while
it will produce Maybe
God I’m in such high alert all the time
in this game
until I
get better at like
[Music] the feeling like I’m a little bit more
I don’t think I’m never gonna
untensify everything
oh Waters
how’s the soda drop
yeah drink a soda drop
oh it’s just empty though
there’s movement over there in the trees
I do feel like it can probably get close
to taking down an orb weaver
I feel like it’s a possibility
maybe even um one of those guys
I think it would have to be
a little bit more ability to shoot
also I do wonder if I can run him into a
spider I wonder if like the spider would
AOE hit him
speaking of
[Music] he’s just walking right in there
look at him look at him go
okay well apparently he’s friends with
good for him I guess
me no I’m just free food for them right
oh but not not later man they’re gonna
be my food
guys a little tough to aim that
just have to aim it but also like the
[ __ ] the r anyway I don’t know why I would
switch it to because like right click
but that’s block
I don’t know
[Applause] oh soda drink oh the best punch to the
gut you’ll ever take
hey let’s
scoop that
what did I get
oh they’re just that okay
uh let’s my base it up
that’s like you think you can go forever
and it’s just like nothing that far
all right let’s head back
what is that noise
oh a scab
oh there’s something here
I see okay
well it’s getting dark right now so
a little bit
but I found thistle so that’s good
we just need a
find a little bit more stuff
but I think you should be able to
oh here’s this little idiot
I should be able to build a bow I guess
I think so
we’ll definitely try though
uh let’s see who do I want to take on I
I don’t know if I have to kill any ants
right now technically but I I guess I
wouldn’t mind it
[Music] like what’s I don’t know what the next
story thing is it’s oh hedge lab right
yeah I’ll have to think about it
but why was I trying to kill aphis I
thought I needed a thing
did I need something oh they have ah
nice lots of things
normal chairpredict Club
Spike strip huh okay
um all right so
sap is something we always have to look
for plant fiber it’s not that hard to
get but looks like it’s always going to
be useful
Reddit Club it’s a number two
okay so it’s not a but I can make an
inside camera I might be able to I need
Berry leather for that stink bug parts
I need to kill another stink bug
um and find a boiling gland
a lot
[Music] oh I need to I need more gnats shoot I
guess that’s what we’ll have to be
looking for
but I can make a lot of arrows and then
with my fuzz nice
let’s see
and of course we have that gas arrow and
then here we have the gastro Goo Ah
that’s a new oh
makes you mean a gas damage okay so
that’s the little Buffs
[Music] Spike trap
a basketball hoop okay
didn’t know I learned that one that’s
sure why not right normal chair
and web and soda drop
bifas when I get
in terms of weapons and stuff like so I
need to be able to make this and this
well I guess the ant Club is just
stronger stuff
I’m not worried about that as much
hauling and strength light armor
I want
a major threat I don’t know what that
maybe I should make this actually
because that would give me at least
better defense
this is heady I don’t know if this make
me slower or what
must make a lot
let’s try it because I want to get my
damage up
or my defense up stuff like that so
let’s do it
craft that acorn
some more
so let’s put away
or um
swap out the eye patch for acorn
Side Effects light armor
oh major there increased desire to be
oh I see gotcha so we it is a trade-off
that’s fine
and what else was there
beatsies this one right yeah
uncrackable you’re tough not to crack
and hard to stun you’re set bonus nice
I guess I need to make another chest
where is it
was that one
[Music] this one yeah
[Music] okay
toss those all up
I guess we’ll put this way
I don’t need this or this anymore
all right let’s go to bed
sleeps morning
very good
all right let’s put one more day into
before we call it for today just like a
fruit pounder
let’s see
I guess we’ll drink this one up
that’s very good for now okay
save on the other one and so
we need in order to build the we need
the mites stuff I think to build the
sprig is Netflix we need Nats
wait no these are might stuff
nothing is really spoiling
so we’re fine we’re fine for a bit
all right I remember seeing gnats like
kind of high so it looks like I guess I
have to go a little high and then
get a little bit better knock him out of
the sky
[Music] oh speak of the devil
oh and then I fall
and oh God
Paul real far
I hear noises oh
dang it why didn’t you just die
dang it come on come on come on you dig
your big old
yeah come back here come back here come
back here
come on gotcha
two down
where did they go
their bodies are the hard part to see
Hilton like right here
they’re not no they’re not stuck up
I should be shining right
[Music] did they just not do they fall under
what’s this oh there’s just air little
air bubbles
uh shoot where’d they go
I was just right there shooting at him I
mean they fell here did they fall in the
water and just despawn
maybe I guess
[Music] I guess we’ll keep on going
and Bumblebee
I kind of want to try to kill one of
those but
I don’t think I’m gonna be too good at
even my current gear set
I forgot why I needed to kill these guys
my aphids at least I thought it was for
a quest
he or uh Nance
[Music] who’s making noises
no I have more Spears over there
yeah it looks like it’ll be easier to
hunt than aphids once I get uh
hopefully a little bit more accurate
hey create
I’m near spiders
I don’t know
the red mites bite
uh let’s see
are gnats
I’m all knits they’re up high yeah they
were they were up high
do they spawn over near something
I mean that’s a b all the way over there
like I’m tempted just to try it went off
at a B
I see one
Toadstool maybe we’ll try up a toadstool
I don’t know
come on
that guy
just my jumping is a little off
what are these all about
level two Chuck
I mean anything I see is just not what I
the ant here is that the noise no that’s
a little stupid oh an apple
or an apple
oh I could chop it
I guess if I desired some apple I could
eat it
where are this
like I’m getting the point where I’m
gonna like I’m trying to kill a stupid
spider at this point
oh speak of the devil God dang
oh oh oh
I want a bow and arrow though
see like why is it I say that and the
spider appears but then I’m like Nance
and it’s like nothing
radio silence
too close too close too close yep too
close too close no too close
too close
he he he showed him he showed him he
showed me he’s so strong
he’s so strong and brave
oh a feather
can I do something with a feather
I bet you don’t have tools for it
level two don’t have tools for it I can
move it I can bump it out of the way
look at that bump
there’s a b
okay I’m up high
may I see the
stupids the little aphids I’m so tempted
to throw well you know what
oh well
they win this this time
they get out of that one I didn’t want
it anyway
here’s skittering
could I hit you from here I wonder
like you oh ow my legs
where the heck are these stupid
like there was a lot of like from day
one I saw like a couple at the beginning
I killed them and they just disappeared
I see the aphids don’t need that aphids
oh there was a noise
oh ants versus them
holy shell
can I crack the show
I can’t crack the Shelf can I go in the
so you die here
spider good job
[Music] I feel like it’s almost something like
I know this game had some issues with
bugs like
on not unloading but like look
getting stuck into
um rocks and stuff like that
and that’s not spawning
part of me feels like that could be
happening but I also don’t want to
believe it
like I saw a couple this morning killed
them disappeared and then now what
so maybe I try
[Music] to get a quick save and a Reload real
quick it’s because I want to try to at
least kill something or get some my
uh what am I
it’s just
oh I can’t
oh I could save
oh create no
can I name it no
save okay let’s try to
try to quit reload and then see maybe if
[Music] if that maybe we’ll respond the Naps I
don’t know I’m just not having luck with
any of the gnats get like being around
there was two I killed in the morning
got nothing from them they disappeared
and now
they’re just gone
unless it’s like a like a timing thing
like a certain time they’re out
but this is like the
basic stuff you need to like proceed in
the game so you think it wouldn’t be
as well like you know you wouldn’t put
like a very rare thing at the you know
very beginning of the game
thank you
weevils are everywhere
anywhere you look you see a weevil
there’s a big old bee
another aphid
is it a morning thing I don’t know
like is it’s just they come out in the
are they
hiding do I need to kill things I’ll
kill things
you need me to sacrifice this Weevil for
you I’ll do it I killed him you feel
better you wanna come out now
come on down
what else do you want me to kill I’ll do
it I’ll kill for you I’ll slay this
whole field
I’ll burn to the ground scorched Earth
I’m gonna climb this thing
if I can
who’s twerping at me
those the guys are everywhere
I don’t know who’s twerping at me but
you know I don’t appreciate it
we’re going to go high on this thing
nope just those idiots
[Music] that’s prettier up here
I don’t see anything
scanning The Horizon
I’ll say gnats Nats Nats Nats what do
gnats like that’s an aphid
do they like water
let me get another one of those
about to break
um this one
because they were near everywhere over
here before
maybe they’re just a morning thing I
don’t know
you’re so grumpy dude
uh let’s go drop these off at my place
because they’re useful
and let’s go on this little Mound thing
and look around maybe we’ll get lucky
like I might need to go further out but
they work can you just die
oh look you doubled up for me here we go
yeah gotcha gotcha
these fall with no problem
all right so this is above my camp
okay let’s go this way for a bit we’ll
just wander around I guess
[Music] let me get this from here
all right
keep doing a little bit of
wandering I’m just trying to listen for
stuff too
did I grab
I did
why is it in my secondary accessory
there it is
dandelion tough
it’s the only problem of just like going
balls the wall YOLO sauce
is spiders the smoothers
because those guys will kind of Chomp
you up
just a bit
I guess I could try to find another bomb
Beetle whatever that thing bomba deer
Beetle that’s it find another one of
those I guess
don’t know where
what’s this
mud pile
those spider webs
a big thingy
go touch the big thingy see what the big
thing is oh
get out of here
safe for you idiots it should be safer
for me right
it’s a little baby spider
kind of cute in a in a creepy sort of
way yeah because scary baby
was I supposed to watch it or something
I don’t know
I don’t want to mess with it because if
there’s a baby there’s a mama
there’s a mama there’s a daddy
everywhere there’s daddy there’s trouble
give me
I guess I’ll just keep on Gathering up
the little stuff I can
oh God
yeah here mites
threat detected what kind of threat
are just these lawn mites I don’t care
about them
I’ve been killing them from day one
ain’t no worried about no mic
boom boom
they’re just lobsters of the yard man ow
you get here get here get here get here
all right let’s
do a little bit of a heel
okay oh
action figure big old head look at that
big old head
what do you think he’s thinking about
huh how he became decapitated
nope nope nope nope nope nope
not yet not yet we’re not ready for that
what’s this leaves
um pile leaves this seems like a [ __ ] spider
people oh no I’m gonna peep heads butt
which one’s this
are you gonna peep at it oh okay okay
can you unpeep thank you
evil evil
oh a thingy
like all this stuff
apparently this is just the spring Zone
oh you got a hot dog
well I think
another forward base Maybe
apple core
Field Station hey
you gotta hide in here
anything to research
what is that noise
there you go
well who wants who wants a piece
you want a piece I give you the whole
enchilada baby
you get stabbed up dummy
don’t even mess with me
you can’t handle me
I’m too good for you
what the trick my hand slipped I pushed
all the buttons
I thought it was something else
hurting movement I was like oh God
what’s happening who’s coming
I still can’t find any gnats though
[Music] didn’t mean to actually dig you sorry
Ally oh
thank you for the water
maybe I made it just only in the morning
or something wait where’s my base
shoot did I get rid of my thing no it’s
right there
I’m blind I’m dumb I’m deaf
there it is I couldn’t see for some
[Music] yeah I just don’t know where they are
I guess I’ll cook up some of these maybe
or these
all right let’s
cook these I guess
put these away
and then
I don’t know maybe I need to sleep real
quick or well whenever it’s appropriate
time to sleep
and then try to
look in the morning
I don’t know I don’t know what the um
what the deal is
I guess I could try for um
ants or something
he’ll heal okay let’s go ahead and just
like a fruit pounder
like that
uh let’s Hot Drop
Hot Drop that was really nice though be
able to
Hot Drop stuff or just get rid of things
as quick as possible
uh sure I guess I put some of this in
oh uh what has left in us nothing much
[Music] oh thank you KP Nation
I bet you were like oh my God just go do
this one thing
yard light okay so we’ll then we’ll keep
up because I just was wondering like
where they
have been I’m trying to make a bow at
least to start off with
[Music] I’ve just always seen him in the morning
so I guess
um I’ll have to Now where’s the yard
well if I had a guess
um tree
yard light this way probably
so there’s the tree unless those will
produce lights or something
well I guess let’s wander around a bit
and go get eaten by some spiders
oh there’s one by the oak tree oh
that’ll be a little easier a little bit
easier to see over there
at least on the um
well I know where some of the spiders
are although I guess they come out
hunting at night
kind of makes sense
not fun yeah it’s stuck in trees
stupid weevils
ah that way
see who I get who I run into on the way
thanks lemon
you must be blind it’s a very pretty bad
base I’m sure right just a sad
assortment of things I mean at the
moment it’s kind of just like a pseudo
temporary thing because
well until I figure out okay what do I
need to do
oh climb
let’s see oh Ladybug hey [ __ ] just wait until they get close and then
get your status down on that sounds like
a plan
now you may you sound like you at least
you know some stuff oh look at this guy
what is he doing on the ground what a
dummy can I get the spiders to attack a
ladybug by mistake and have them go at
also why is this one a rock
I think he may be just having a bit of a
day he you know it’s a little tough for
so I’m assuming
oh there’s a BBB
oh wait maybe
oh there’s science oh spider the web
smoother web
uh yeah yep aha twiggies
well place yes oh
nice I’ve seen some fight I just didn’t
they would
you know like
something’s will or will not like aggro
each other I don’t know how their attack
stuff works
like if it’s a radius or like a a sphere
vocal attack and we’ll hit other stuff
good to know
give me
I’m the science of man
I’m assuming this is what you’re talking
about this will turn on
if not we’ll see it once it gets night
but I guess I should poke around a
little bit
or some things we
it’s getting dark
my good stuff right there
oh look at that thing
let’s peep it gonna have a look around
he got peeped
all right
oh stink bugs and uh red ants stink bugs
didn’t seem that tough out just throwing
Spears at the head
I heard the ladybugs are like tanks
but it’s hard to say because I’ve seen
people play
and it’s hard to say if it’s because
they’re actually really strong or maybe
they were just using bad weapons or
probably try to take on one at some
all right turn on
it’s already
so it’s almost 10 o’clock there
must be the summer
there’s that guy
ant Club is good for killing ladybugs oh
I’ll have to start doing that
I guess I could start taking on ant
piles I hadn’t really tried because it
didn’t really tell me like go kill ant
trowel Gulch
complete Trail marker I guess that one
and then make a gas mask I need to kill
another one and of course the Hedge lab
and then
Ram stuff light on
assuming this is the light
Moon’s out
I wonder if it’d be looked better if it
was um oh lights on ah brightness
I feel like right here is not the good
spot because it’s too bright
got flashbanged
I’m here little Natty Natty Netties
oh wait
spawn you stupid bugs
how dare you was real life and things to
spawn and not just spawn because I want
them to
God it’s like I’m going to the light
can’t tell if those are things he’s just
ah I see
stand on the lips and stuff like that
yeah if it will um they’ll come out
well stinky boy
is there
am I about to be mated with with a oh
oh here
they’ve come
hello nass oh
why oh hello no oh you dummy
oh look at you guys so cute I almost
don’t want to kill you
that’s a complete lie
I’ll get you later
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you
come right here look at this one this is
a good light yeah don’t you like this
one this is a good light get it get it
come on you stupid
what are you doing
don’t make me throw my spiritual do it
stop annoying me
you know I might have lost that spear in
that bug but
that felt right that felt right indeed
oh hello
dang it
am I wearing that cologne or something
no they’re just a lot it’s light why are
you dumb
you should at least make note of like
how smart this is
come here
I’m gonna do it
come on you stupid bugs
oh you got cleavage in your head
I wonder if there’s gonna be a lot of
spiders just like
looking up and like yes more
readers more
I’ll have to get the red ant armor I
guess I’m assuming I get rid of Armor
after killing
red ants
yeah oh hey yeah
that just feels good
after all the stress of like where are
these stupid things
it just feels good
come on get up here
uh I guess I might go down just to see
if I don’t know if like
I had bad luck with I thought some of
them had despawned I don’t have a light
this is all your fault it’s all your
fault there’s a spider now
this is all everybody else’s fault but
my own I take nope nope I take no
responsibility for this take no
responsibility for anything that
happened so far
come get me your dummy
and we’re free now
Oh yay nice
I really hate trying to find their
I hear everything
there’s so many noises and I hate them
the ants
what is it oh that’s a little googly
oh nice
no no no no no no no no no no no no no
bad stay
tell me to throw a spear in your face
I’ll do it
it won’t do much but I’ll do it
I see you up there look at your stupid
uh well you know what I think I have
enough uh fuzz isn’t that amazing that
just just happened
where’s my house
I don’t know why I can’t see it
ow this house
look at that isn’t that just amazing I
just all of a sudden just have enough
now I don’t need to I need I don’t need
to find anymore
let’s just run we’re just gonna run
where are you off to win he’s doing his
own thing leave him alone shut up Max
we’re just gonna run we’re running we’re
running we’re gonna take a little sip
get a little drink
got it oh I heard that don’t care
don’t care Crouch uncrouch let’s go
yep things are happening we’re moving
we’re running there could be spiers
everywhere I don’t care we’re just
I don’t have I don’t have Arachnophobia
but I don’t care for spiders that much
and home sweet
trash pile wee we did it
okay we can make a bow
or something
try and make him shooting bow stuff
although it doesn’t do a lot of damage I
don’t think but from distance
until that’s better that way I can get
more Nets
bread lemon bread
don’t understand
but I will imagine you’re saying bread
meaning you’re doing a good job my loaf
has risen I’ve got dough
I don’t know maybe
I made it
oh I made it up
I craft a boat
all the above perfect
Arrow Arrow
I made arrows
I got lots of junk hot deposit I like
that it’s called hot deposit for some
what do I have to eat
am I hungry I’m hungry
not that hungry
what do I have to do with I have to do
this nothing here
did I complete anything
oh this is just I was like wait I
completed this no I accept it I guess
uh can I make a
gas mask
bad things
[Music] I guess a gas mask is good against the
no I can’t make it I don’t think
no I can’t make it
oh nice
uh well let’s make it
did it
do it do I have to accept it no
okay I did it
I don’t know if I need well
I still haven’t decided where I’m gonna
live torch upgrade
requirements torch Plus
which won’t be a bad idea
or meet you well do torch well yeah
I’ll wait for people in the comments to
yell one way or the other
that’s always the how I choose to live
all right
Light It Up
I guess I’ll just
cook a couple
uh I don’t need this many
did I take the one I had off nope oh
it’s almost dead anyway
are good for um
Bombardier stuff or
let’s are these cooked oh these are
all right
eat one time
I guess we’ll take a fiesta
near the pond and vomited Rock are good
is that for um
I don’t know what would that be for
well Bombardier stuff but I guess I
could go Hulk at some um
some ants see what they’re all about
see if they like me um touching their
backside a little bit
yum yum yummy you get a little more
oh right I have a whole a whole bow
don’t I
there’s one Spire be careful sometimes
algae oh God okay you get algae for
oh hello ant would you like to be an
who wants narrow who wants narrow do you
want an arrow yeah
I said hi
there must be some lag in the single
player game I don’t know what’s
it’s got a little bit of drop off
he must be the
you know what it is it must be like a
a super Andrew what the heck is making
noises stop
stop it all of you
hate you
stop squiggling oh you stop it
[Music] boom gotcha
you make oh
well we’ll have to get there eventually
like you know
Rome wasn’t built in a day
I’m no Roman so it’s gonna take me quite
a while to get uh
anything good here
don’t bad
you had an arrow on your head how could
you do this to me
stop it stop it get some help
oh noises stinky noises my prey has been
run Dodge
he stinks me
I bravely make my Escape
oh oh he’s he’s lying
turned on the lag switch he’s trying to
he’s trying to cheese me
but he doesn’t know I got the sauce for
I fell
he’s stuck he’s fat
lose some weight
stop doing that I’m busy
play with you later
hey guy what’s up what you doing
you all right
Bonk right in the face
this guy is not that bright
that’s okay we like them dumb around
find his eye too
you know
this is the kind of time when a spider
is gonna run up right behind me huh
oh okay guess not
uh aphid slippers oh to make you move
faster and 10 might find us and two
I will have to check to see if I have
that I’m assuming I do
oh look at all the gunk
wait he
is there we did grab them all at once
also did I get stuff from that or
because I turned away did he disappear
there’s no way right
yeah yeah I got stuff
gotta leave the arrows
I wish it was a quick collect
uh okay
Bombardier down
no you give whatever tips you want
um I’ll ignore him if I
don’t want it
is this I mean like at the beginning of
a survival game it’s always very like
what do I do what does this mean what is
and then
then eventually you become the expert
and then people come in and say oh you
should do this I’m like no actually
um actually
um actually I’m the smartest
stupid stupid stupid
hey no
have you ever tried not dummy
I’ll break you wait a minute
leaf shade
this is spider territory
boxed in I sense them
feel them in
in the bottom of my
my girdles
I’m a deer spotted
we’re going
stinky never mind there are things
they’re flying
we need Advantage let’s get the oh a
break oh hello
why did you live stop that thank you
[Music] my arch nemesis
this seems like a bad idea but I’m full
of them woo
missed it
come back here I want to shoot you in
the face
fine oh
[Music] science what are these
infected mites
I feel like I am out of my depth I feel
like I am out of my depth
give me this oh you missed it
I think we’re gonna try one of these
bump got you
a boat
what if I do this huh
I’m not even doing damage I don’t know
there you go Ryan’s face oh hello gotcha
oh we’re having that oh I ran out sorry
hold on please hold on please
how about that do you like that
how about this
hey you just toss it off how dare you
that’s rude uh
that’s right you’re dumb I’m smart
what’s this
additional flavor scheme available oh
I discovered Flying V what does that
mean don’t know Elijah changed your
interface to new visual flavors you can
choose unique ones to use for both
daytime and nighttime and the OS tab wow
what’s this
let’s see what happens when a dumb man
shoots to be in the face hmm
oh crap hey Bam gotcha oh crap
he’s angry
he’s fast oh he’s strong he’s a big boy
we but you can’t take me I’m in there ow
our Escape Plan has been ruined
might save me
aha the bee knew he had was outmatched
and left
I will let him live today
we’re close to home
oh I’m out of breath
what’s that oh it’s my home is that my
well that was successful and the fact
that I didn’t die you are not cooked
what is cooked
I can’t tell oh this is cooked
all right
um oh let’s Hot Drop
Hot Drop
I’ll drop
I don’t think I have well I should
probably have checked beforehand oh I do
have a thingy ooh scan it
analyze deciser
oh look at that stuff I can do now
don’t know what it means but I can do it
and this one too
scan this ain’t head
never done before
hey look at that I’m smarter now bring
power up
pebblet dagger and Guild tube oh
cool cool cool cool well let’s go kill
some ants why not you know what they
ever done for anybody nothing
for nobody
um I need more Spears I don’t know what
happened they just keep on disappearing
for some reason
I don’t get it
all right
well I guess we could try to make I
never made a spiky Club
out of that thistle
let’s try a spiky spiky sprig
where is it
spiky is it one-handed
I wonder
yeah sure sure
ah two-handed
well let’s go see if I can’t put this in
the skull or something that’s cute and
innocent see what happens maybe uh he’ll
explode into little bits
now where would
if I was a dumb ant where would I be
oh hey stop that stop it stop it
stop being so
oh no oh there okay
where would I be ant pile
there was this one right that’s the well
no that’s
old Empire
but wasn’t there a new ant pile over
this way
it’s also this thingy
I go down there if I want to
I don’t want to
oh hey friend will you lead me back to
your home
go go off go scoot
you have three seconds oh there you go
now you got the scent go on
lead me to your pack come on
[Music] hurry
ow stop it
there you go lead me back to them good
boy good boy
there you go
show me where to go
come on scoot scoot come on
yeah you’re gonna be rewarded for this
everybody’s gonna love you
keep on going
yeah huh uh-huh
stop making noises
where are you
all sayings ah you tried to deceive me
by Leading me away
vegan big ant
big ant
big glory for killing
oh hello
oh got you in the face what are you
gonna do about it
stop stop doing those things about it
got you in face again
oh what happened ow stop it no stop
boom get smashed in your face
I don’t know if I like that one
oh hello hello hello stop it
oh stop running
oh hello
got you in the face again what are you
gonna do about it ah stop it
stop doing the things that you’re doing
oh I missed that was my fault that was
also my fault
well that was not
as good
we call that practice
between weapons it’s a three hit combo
I’m wondering if I like I need to just
get better at um
oh I could just walk over them oh
get better at
spacing and timing maybe or maybe I have
to wear armor because the armor I have
right now is the shell armor
I am grouped clearly
maybe I have to
maybe it’s like
Watcher attack Dodge hit hit hit move or
melee stuff
it go away dumbled
I’m over here with
his green body like he Shrek oh they’re
alive for me they’re all Brave do you
think they’re big boys huh okay there’s
too many of them
there’s two and that’s too many yeah go
ahead and jump I dare you I’m swinging
I’m swinging
wait where are you oh gosh oh they’re
all over me
yeah yeah come on do something oh okay
all right we got oh we didn’t dodge but
we’re hitting them and we’re following
and we’re in a hole
we’ve been trapped around hubris
it’s coming he’s he’s lunging how did
what okay he got triple hit man I didn’t
know he had triple hit what is Hell
they cheating over here
I’m turning the hacks on huh
his back is turned perfect time for me
to strike over there and miss everything
oh okay
all right let’s just wait a second let’s
just wait
come with the game plan game plan is
uh put this here
and start throwing them at their heads
it’s winning it’s working
get it back get back what is that BS you
lunged at me
I should block oh I don’t have any water
do I
well I should drink some water too give
me some of this goopy stuff where are
you water
you can have that Spears it’s a souvenir
guys don’t worry about it
keep it keep it keep it safe
um water water water is that my base is
my base there is
add water to drink around here
come here
oh there it is chunky water yummies
it’s not gross it’s dirt water
ah so I actually have to I can’t just
smash him with my fists
stop it
who’s making noises stop it
you win this time ants
why keep my thing man you just stole it
steals freaking
freaking stuff man
oh all right I think I saw that
somewhere that you can do um unarmed
me a plate of this but I guess you have
to like
I guess I need to get more comfortable
with the combat so I know how to Parry
hit I guess I should plan to go get hurt
so maybe I should let’s go do that let’s
go get hurt let’s go get stupid come on
oh it’s unequipped
oh that’s not I don’t care
come on guys who wants to stop picking
things up
new animal
[Music] good night KP Nation hope to see you
around I think I might do this tomorrow
and then uh
Saturday as well
that’s those are my uh
survival-ish days
nice neuter dude
but good senior round
I might need to just play this like by
myself on a different save just to
so I can look more competent
oh thank you for the subscriptions kite
pollination I almost jumped out of my
seat because I thought it was a spooter
bad get here
I want to kill spider but I know my
hubris is
too great
you get the effect from
Barbarian oh is it a hand do you get the
Barbarian because I saw that you had to
get like muted like mutations through um
hitting stuff
so or like just doing things
that one almost broke me water no lemon
crime but
uh okay
so I wonder how I check you
you take ah mutations unknown unknown
hmm what’s this I’m sick
two-handed clubs oh like this old bat
and okay got it so
then maybe I’ll try to
do that
yeah I see it like get better at it you
know first aid playing so again you get
a little more comfortable swinging
dodging back and forth
although it’s probably a lot easier with
other people too
you have a tank or something
what’s a ghost all about
is that my base
sleep time
I’m too awake
did I eat something
how do I too awake was I mean
I’ve seen my like little thing over
there’s yellowish
a two-way what’s that money I’m two away
and let’s go smash something in the head
come here I see you
come here Aunt bam what bam well bam
hello sir sir
let me just follow you real quick
come here girl do you like that yeah you
like that oh you got stunned in your
face dummy
to upgrade your tools with oh upgrade
that sounds like a good thing to do what
this upgrade how to upgrade
why did I build this like this
you know what it’s art that’s why
um upgrade so
is it with the
here are these stupid intakes walking
actually I don’t any more mandible for
that one
wasn’t there a thingy like a
yeah this one so I need brittle
Wet Stone and brittle plating
but isn’t that like
is it with a stone maybe I think if I
had to guess I need to get a level
to this which means probably doing this
stuff I’m imagining to get that stuff
say brittle marble
yeah I heard that the brittle um stuff
is doesn’t respawn and you can make it
using other things but it’s just
basically like once you
if you use it it’s like very hard to get
so like I just kind of what I did was it
looked briefly at things
ah yeah that’s that’s what it is the
grub hide or something
do a quick sleep
hey interesting how pretty this game is
it’s like it’s
looks simple and then you get scenes
like that it’s like oh that’s nice
[Music] let’s do a little consuming rub time
grab time
um well I’m gonna unfortunately say uh
call it right there for the moment uh
it’s midnight my time uh I think I’m
gonna be on again uh tomorrow with this
tomorrow is my random day and I wanna
you know get a little bit more familiar
uh with this game and keep on playing
well try to complete it as well
um Thursday
save it again save it again
will be drg deep rock Galactic Friday
we’ll do some
something what was it roguelike and then
Saturday we’ll do more of this
um let’s see I guess super quick what’s
super quick
yeah super quick let’s super quit it
um so thank you for joining me lemon and
um KP Nation
uh I’m gonna be back like I’ve I did and
pass had a bad habit of
well not when I wasn’t streaming just
not completing games and stuff like that
so I’m gonna
but I like to try and complete it so
you two well I don’t know what time it
is your time but whenever you do sleep
sleep well
I will until next time till tomorrow
till today later technically my time
I was Travis I was gaming
I don’t know
look I got a nasty shirt I’m going to
the to the space
wait for the drop
I’ve had enough yeah there it

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