Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 53 “Shrinking Kids Growing Prices” Presented By

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Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 53 “Shrinking Kids Growing Prices”

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In Disney Detective Rick Moranis returns to an iconic role, Disney park prices are on the rise…again. Tinker Bell finds true love decades after first meeting each other.

Our new segment Star Wars Insights takes a trip down memory lane to that fateful day when Mace Windu got his purple saber and a bomb shell revelation of a key character in the latest Darth Vader comic that could shake the Star Wars Universe to it’s core.

We take a look at the new Stranger Things teaser and catch a glimpse of Robert Pattinson as Batman in Entertainment News. We’ll finish up with a couple of unusual Insightful Picks of the Week, a recap and short video of Zolocon 2020 and review some of the upcoming conventions coming to our area.
[Music] insightful podcasts by informative host
[Music] insights into things a podcast network
[Music] welcome to insights into entertainment a
podcast series taking a deeper look into
entertainment and media your hosts
Joseph and Michelle Waylon a
husband-and-wife team of pop culture
fanatics are exploring all things from
music and movies to television and
[Music] welcome to insights and entertainment
this is episode 53 shrinking kids
growing prices
I’m your host Joseph Whalen and my
versatile and creative co-host Michelle
Waylon it’s always it’s always
interesting to hear which adjectives you
will be could you tell I’m running out
of adjectives can you tell we need to
play mad libs a little more the green
and happy
oh you’re purple today purple a ghostly
there you go so today on Disney
detective we will be talking about some
Honey I Shrunk the Kids reboot news as
suggested by the title Disney’s raising
ticket prices unjustifiably once again
which is a very Disney thing to do then
we have some touching news of Tinker
Bell nature that will talk about it then
in our newly christened segment Star
Wars insights since we’ve had so much
Star Wars news or until we call it
something else until we come up with
something better yeah we have some
flashbacks for samuel l.jackson and a
major darth vader bombshell to talk
about and then in our entertainment news
we have some stranger things news to
talk about and we get our first look at
Robert Pattinson as Batman I have to say
you know not to spoil the segment or
anything but he’s not bad-looking his
bad yeah not at all then we will finish
up with a couple of off-the-wall out in
left-field picks of the week I think yep
kind of outside of our normal comfort
zone okay so shall we get started
sure all right
go for Disney detective so this was a
kind of heartwarming to to hear Rick
Moranis will be returning after a
24-year acting hiatus to star in a Honey
I Shrunk the Kids reboot Rick Moranis
obviously for those who are fans of the
original starred in the 1989 classic
Honey I Shrunk the Kids
and then there was and then in 92 there
was the sequel honey I blew up the kids
and then there was actually a 1997
direct-to-video sequel honey we shrunk
ourselves so the reboot is gonna take
place decades after the first with Josh
GAD starting starring sorry as Wayne’s
grown-up son dad actually had tweeted
the news expressing how happy was to see
Moranis back on screen and starring with
him to quote him he said to say it is a
dream come true to once again see Rick
Moranis on the big screen is an
understatement of the decade but to say
I get an up seat view of him returning
to play one of the most iconic roles in
the is the understatement of the century
welcome back hero the first movie
obviously for those that might not have
seen it follows wayne szalinski who’s a
scientist who accidentally shrinks his
kids and the neighbors kids and
basically the kids are you know going
around their backyard really and trying
to you know find their way so the mood
the new movie is set to recreate the
premise where Josh GAD who is playing
Nick szalinski accidentally shrinks his
own kid setting up the new story you
know why they got Josh GAD to play
because he does everything well no cuz
we need onson was already doing
so it’s father Wayne Johnson’s and
everything or just Josh yeah that would
have been interesting to see him well
he’s already doing the the Jungle Cruise
movie so you can’t do too many too many
Disney movies so this is actually the
first onscreen role for Moranis in 24
years after he decided to take a step
following his wife Anne’s tragic death
the actor lost his wife who was a
costume designer back in February of
1991 to breast cancer and they had two
children so he kind of slowly left
public life to focus on being a single
father and just never you know he said
he never really retired it just kind of
appears here and there you know he said
I took a break which you know turned
into a much longer break but I’m
interested in anything that I you know
would find interesting and I still get
the occasional query about a film or TV
role as soon as one comes along that
piques my interest obviously his return
comes months before the new Ghostbusters
movie after life hits theaters which was
obviously another film franchise that he
was part of but he actually won’t be
part of that movie to quote him from a
2015 interview he said that I wish them
all well I hope it’s terrific but it
makes no sense to me why I would do one
day of shooting for something I did
thirty years ago while obviously he left
to focus on being present for his
children he didn’t express regret at his
decision he said I was working with
really interesting people wonderful
people I went from that to being at home
with a couple of little kids which is a
very different lifestyle but it was very
important to me he added I absolutely
have no regrets whatsoever my life is
wonderful so it’ll be cool to you know
to to see him back you know on the
screen and and you know I remember
obviously watching you know watching it
as a kid you know I don’t think we’ve
ever shown it to to our daughter so
it’ll be a
thing movie 2 to bring back so a good
family movie night thing to see the
original before we go to see this yeah
yeah so good for him he’s such a nice
actor you know he’s so gracious and and
he’s he’s a good actor you know when he
plays characters he he immerses himself
in the characters that he plays and he
doesn’t so which is why he was such a
good fit for this role to play this this
– its dad yeah it was a role he had
recently taken on in real life yeah and
he really embraced it and and you know
did a fantastic job with it so it should
be good to see him do it him again
yep what else do we have oh look at that
Disney raising prices again let’s talk
about that because we never talked about
that no this never happens so Disneyland
not Disneyworld Disneyland in California
has increased its prices again with
tickets now costing up to two hundred
and nine dollars so the Disneyland park
in Anaheim has increased the prices of
its day passes annual passes and digital
max passes Disneyland had introduced a
five-tier pricing scheme that
classifieds tickets ticket prices as
being peak days and off days while the
prices for tickets and low demand days
such as midweek and March didn’t
increase and have remained at a hundred
and four dollars per day now tickets for
peak days such as the weekends increased
by five dollars from a hundred and forty
nine dollars two hundred and fifty four
dollars where mid-tier prices of one-day
tickets range from a hundred and
fourteen to a hundred and thirty nine
dollars just for one day but the most
expensive ticket is the one-day hopper
which allows guests to visit both
Disneyland and Disney California
Adventure now the cost starts at a
hundred and fifty nine for low demand
days but goes to a hundred and nine on
high demand days and those tickets were
actually previously a hundred and fifty
four and 199 respectively
so a spokesperson for Disney in a
statement said a visit to our parks is
the best value and entertainment bard
none and we offer flexible choices to
enable families to choose what’s best
for them oh that’s so that’s doing it
all for us they’re doing it all for us
and it’s funny cuz you know we had
talked about this and a friend of mine a
couple of friends of mine at work had
talked about it because they’re planning
they’re both doing Disney World now I
haven’t found anything about Disney
World prices going up yet but you know
it’s going to because there’s no cuz
it’s Disney in that and that’s what they
do and you know in talking about it you
know we were saying yeah okay you know
how much does and and we even brought it
up to because I think you had mentioned
that there was an article that you read
that kind of gave the comparison of okay
well if you go to a sporting event right
you know how much do you pay for seats
for a sporting event that’s only and
that’s a two or three hours they they
that took the assumption that the parks
were fifteen hour events and they said
okay well you’re paying a certain amount
of money for a concert or right wording
event for three hours we’re gonna take
that price and fly it over fifteen hours
right it’s like well no because it
doesn’t work that way because right it’s
a vacation right but I could kind of you
know I could I could kind of relate and
the other thing too is that with
Disneyland Disneyland isn’t as much of a
vacation destination as a Disney World
is if I go to Disneyland right and a
third of the park is shut down for
construction and I go to a sporting
event and I go watch you know we’re in
the Philadelphia I go watch the Eagles
game half the Eagles game’s not gonna be
shut down for construction I could
guarantee you that right so I get a full
dedicated three hours of them putting on
a show for me whether it’s a sporting of
and a musical concert whatever it is
right I get their full undivided
attention and I can’t say I get that
from Disney because Disney constantly
got services offline definitely I
definitely agree with the if you have so
many things shut down because of
construction there should be some sort
of you know discounted ticket to that
now on the day to day basis things
stuff shops right because you know I you
know back in the day worked in an
amusement park you know in the amusement
park industry you know growing up and
constantly we’d get that complaint you
know at guest relations well
such-and-such was shut down like yeah
well we had no control over that and you
know the ride was working first thing in
the morning and the buy point you’re
comparing apples to oranges here they
all probably have is that okay so let’s
say that that Magic Kingdom’s of fifteen
our destination mm-hm
how many of those hours am i standing in
line well and that was the thing that we
were talking that we brought up at work
was that okay so for I’m there at the
park for fifteen hours but how many
hours am i waiting on on a line let’s
get on Peter Pan
cuz it’s always a 90-minute wait right
so I’m waiting an hour and a half to get
on one ride right and then you’re gonna
try to compare this to a sporting event
or a concert where I get to my seat and
I get to see the whole thing in one
sitting right it’s you’re you’re you’re
way off base number one with that
comparison and number two they come up
with this this excuse of well we charge
more during peak hours so that we can
regulate the people in the park when
they don’t regulate the people in the
park right and that was and that was the
other thing is okay so you’re raising
your price okay so some people might
decide not to go because you raised your
price but the other people are still
gonna go like when we were down in you
know in in Disneyworld for
Christmas that was their peak season
tickets were a hundred and forty-nine
dollars for one day
we knew we were only doing one day and
at first I didn’t want to do the park
because I didn’t want to spend 149
dollars for the day and then you were
like hacker would be down in Disney and
it’s galaxies edge and it’s Christmas
and hohoho we you know and what do we do
we spent that much but see the thing is
if you’re going to use that as the logic
then park capacity can’t be the same as
than any other time right if you’re
charging twice the amount of money the
end of the park then you need to let
half the number of people in the park
right and right what they do is they
charge twice the amount but they allow
the same number of people to come into
the park and it ruins the entire
experience for everybody who’s in the
park right and that’s where and and we
had that same kind of issue with New
York comic-con they obviously oversold
by so many hey thanks they obviously
oversold you know the amount of tickets
and they didn’t have to they could have
said we sell so many thousands of
tickets per you know per day and that’s
it now the the thing with with Disney
and their Park tickets is a lot of times
you don’t know unless you like when we
bought our ticket because we were just
going for the one day we had to specify
what day we were buying our ticket for
right but if you have an annual pass if
you don’t have a block you know a
blackout date you can go whatever day
you want if you buy a multi-day ticket
you know
yeah Disney’s gonna know over a certain
amount of time how many people are gonna
go but they’re not gonna know the exact
you know number now granted you could
not sell day passes you know for that
day but you know for them to say oh we
can only let so many people in for per
day but if you already bought your
ticket and you
you know have an annual pass then how do
you you know and I cannot that logic so
that I can understand that logic to a
certain extent for safety reasons right
but when you’re gonna say and you’re
gonna claim that you’re charging more
money to deter people from coming and
you let still let the same number of
people in the park yeah
then you’re not deterring your it’s a
money that’s all it is because no other
day throughout you know the year does
Disney close for classes except for New
Year’s Eve and I can almost guarantee
you those that those capacity numbers
are fire hazard numbers that they have
in there oh I’m sure and if Disney could
cram more bodies in there and take more
money for it they would yeah
so anyway prices going up in Disney’s
cuz you know they need it right so
what’s our next our next few is a really
good feel good story and you know with
Valentine’s Day that just passed and
love in the air
so Margaret Carey who was the model for
Tinker Bell and is a Disney fan favorite
got married on Valentine’s Day to a
long-lost love so she actually was the
reference model for Tinkerbell in 1953 s
Peter Pan and she recently reunited with
a lost love and they actually at the
time when this article came out they
were actually planning on getting
married in the spring but they actually
got married on Friday on Valentine’s Day
so for Peter Pan
Carrie was filmed by special effects
crews performing different scenes with
oversized props to kind of get an idea
of how to draw Tinkerbell and and
everybody so she actually you know she
didn’t just sit there and you know look
pretty she actually did a lot of
physical work too you know to bring
Tinkerbell you know to life she ended up
you know working doing some films later
with Mickey Rooney and Eddie Cantor she
had roles in the Little Rascals and the
Andy Griffin show
well back in the 1940s she and Robert
had met hey eight years had met when he
was a student in Southern California at
the University of Southern California
so they dated but unfortunately he ended
up accepting a job in Northern
California and she stayed behind in
Southern California to work on an ABC
sitcom so they kind of lost touch she
ended up marrying a television director
in 1951 and they were together for 37
then after her first husband passed away
she remarried again and they were
together for 12 years and you know she’s
been single since then well last year
Robert was in Amsterdam with friends and
noticed a store that was called Tinker
Bell’s toys and he commented to his
friends that he had been in love with
Tinker Bell all his life and he said I’d
never forgotten her
well mutual friends kind of you know
looked her up online and and found her
website and you know basically you know
tried to get the two of them together
and it seems she still had a piece of
jewelry that he had given her 70 years
ago when they were dating and she said
you know that you know she never forgot
him and they made several phone calls
and finally they got their schedules
together and they met and she said as
soon as we looked at each other it’s
like you know love at Second Sight it’s
like the Disney Store a Disney story or
a hallmark movie he is 94 she is 90 they
got married on Valentine’s Day and she’s
been living out in California all these
years but traveling to different
conventions and different Disney things
well he lives in Sarasota Florida and he
just bought a brand-new house for the
two of them
she’s making her way out to Sarasota to
live with her new husband so now that’s
that’s a cute story yeah yeah yeah it
was all over Facebook you know this
weekend various people because they had
some sort of Disney Legend event and
that’s when she got married you know
then and they threw her a little party
and you know it’s never too late to find
true love
yep so very happy for that no nice all
right that’s all for our Justine that’s
it for Disney news so let’s come back
with star wars I need to come up with a
transition it’s about samuel l.jackson
so obviously he’s very you know he’s
keeping busy he’s in upcoming movie with
Chris Rock but fans actually found some
video on reddit that captured the moment
when the Jedi Master asked George Lucas
for a purple lightsaber and people are
absolutely like going gaga over this
because it’s just like so cute and so
simple but yet you know it let’s take a
look at it alright take a look at it we
had to talk to about your light color
it’s a lightsaber color well good guys
are good guys are green and blue bad
guys are red
that’s just the way it works GO PURPLE
if you think you might get purple
[Music] [Laughter] so if you know if you couldn’t hear it
he said you know send you all Jackson
saying you know who talk to you about
lightsaber and you know George says no
the good guys get green and blue and the
bad guys are red that’s just the way it
works any kind of like no purple let’s
see what we can do you know it’s like
okay that’s cool you know yeah that was
a nice little you know sunette now I
feel you know because I when we made our
lightsabers I had picked a purple
lightsaber so now I know do you feel
very samuel l.jackson like I do I do I’m
gonna go snakes on a plane and other
various very well the other interesting
thing in in with his lightsaber was the
when the prop masters ride the
lightsaber they had engraved something
on the pommel the bottom of the
lightsaber right that was a reference to
one of his other movies which we can’t
really say you can go look it up and
find it it was a pop fiction a pulp
fiction right right and if it’s pulp
fiction we definitely can yeah but but
it was just it was kind of funny you
know all the stories sort of came out
around the time that I think it was
Attack of the Clones came out because he
didn’t really he did a wield a
lightsaber in Phantom Menace yeah get
his lightsaber until get to use his
lightsaber until Attack of the Clones
okay so while the story sort of emerged
around that time right right it was just
neat the the the flavor that he gave to
the centrai one talked about that yeah
density that he always brought to the
set yeah everyone sort of paid tribute
to him like you know pay homage to him
on this right right so that was always
yeah so that was a cute little clip that
that surface so so what is our Darth
Vader bomb show so obviously there’s no
new Star Wars movie coming out for a
while so
you know everybody’s kind of looking for
for new things some people aren’t
obviously well there’s a new comic book
series from writer Greg Park and artist
Annina in so I always grew up lastname
so and it basically follows darth vader
immediately after the events of the
Empire Strikes Back and showing how he
had coped with Luke’s refusal to join
the dark side hey spoiler not very well
as it turns out so he embarks on a
mission of revenge to track down
basically everybody who hid the boy from
him and everybody who made him weak and
basically destroy them
so Darth Vader probably didn’t expect to
come face-to-face with an unexpected
ghost from his past life as Anakin
Skywalker but it’s just what happens at
the end of the first issue of Star Wars
Darth Vader the series team’s Darth
Vader with a talkative data droid Zed
six seven and Vader’s revenge mission
takes him to Tatooine we’re visiting his
hometown and he starts having flashbacks
of the time that he spent with Amidala
Padme Amidala
so one crucial flashback comes from
Revenge of the Sith when Padme rejects
him on Mustafar and it echoes what he
just experienced again with Luke on
Cloud City and we see him imagining her
in a place of Luke falling down the
shaft but there’s no one on Tatooine to
punish because he basically heard he got
rid of them but Zedd 6/7 discovers a
security system and shows traces of
where Luke had been taken after Padme is
death however the droid discovers that
the recordings for after her death are
missing but that tells us something that
someone wanted to hide something perhaps
she did return or perhaps someone else
came after her death Zedd 6 7 adds
before finding a transmitter to track
down who the security
device is reporting to and that takes
Darth Vader to another area and after
his killing his way through everything
he comes face-to-face with Padme Amidala
so is she dead is she not we saw her
funeral and her death after you know she
gave birth to the twins but you know
basically you know the cover of the
issue shows you know that I’m a doll
that Padme plays a significant role or
is it someone that looks like her could
it be her handmaiden who was a decoy
when the whole thing was was going back
and forth in in the original trilogy’s
where the prequels I’m sorry so the you
know the story kind of goes to say you
know you’re there’s there hasn’t been
confirmation if it is Padme did she
you know faked her own death or was it
really the handmaiden or is Vader just
hallucinating on crazy he’s a crazy man
it’s a crazy old man and you know seeing
his wife so you know it’s something
obviously as the story goes on there’ll
be more about it but kind of a
interesting little twist to everything
even what they’ve done with some of the
other things you know bringing back
Darth Maul giving him spider legs and
bringing back Palpatine now everyone’s
coming back you can’t die in Star Wars
any more you don’t really die so it
would not surprise me that that she’s
alive and and you know the funeral that
you see in Revenge of the Sith very well
could have been her a decoy right right
so much makes you think was Anakin
actually with the decoy or was he with
Padme it’s really complicated right
right who’s Darth Vader because you
don’t you know you never know who’s
under you know everything maybe Anakin
really died and this was one of
Palpatine’s yeah because you know he was
played by someone
completely different in Return of the
Jedi than he wasn’t Revenge of the Sith
so look nothing like right right you
never know you never know never know so
that’s it for Star Wars insights we will
come back with our entertainment news of
the week all right tell us about some
stranger things so the trick teaser
trailer dropped for season four of
stranger things and basically it
confirms what everybody was you know
kind of rumored about is that Hopper is
alive and of course you have to be the
teaser trailer which was entitled From
Russia With Love reveals a brand-new
setting for the series a snow-covered
landscape of Russia and we kind of in
the the last couple of episodes of
season three we we saw that that was
kind of where they were going with it
because you knew the Russians were the
bad guy and the last the Russians are
always the bad guys at American
television well in 1980s yeah you know
and so the the scene the the series
ended and you could see that they were
back in Russia you know and that there
was somebody that was in a prison cell
but you had no idea who it was they
didn’t you know mention anything so you
know as you can see the the trailer
behind us you know there’s a chain gang
and you know you need it with a Russian
accent someday we’ll have to tell that
story but anyway at the end of the scene
it does a close-up and it’s it’s hopper
we’re in the final scenes of last season
they’re dealing with this
nuclear reactors thing no no star trek
work and you know the whole thing blows
up and you figure that he’s dead and
that he got blown up but obviously
something sucked him from that universe
to someplace else or whatever so you
know you have a goatee so you can tell
he’s the alternate universe no cuz he
his hair was all shaped because he used
to have a goatee and he didn’t look like
he had it looked like you shaved so I
used to always be the telltale sign of
the alternate universes if you had a
goatee so yeah so a premiere date hasn’t
been revealed yet but probably looking
at either later this year or early next
for that so okay interesting so tell us
about the Batman so now we’re finally
getting a first look at Robert Pattinson
z– Batman it was a very 55 it was a
another teaser trailer it was a 55
second trailer where really it kind of
it wasn’t until like the last 10 seconds
of it that you really could see anything
because it was just you know a dark fade
getting a little bit lighter and then
all of a sudden you see him you know
coming forward and and there he is
you know as the Batman and and kind of
not you know still looking like you know
a guy in his 30s or 20s like he didn’t
have that I’ve been Batman forever kind
of look that’s a different series right
it was you know I’m a younger version
you know and and kind of cool like not a
full face looks chiseled like his
features are so pronounced right but
that wasn’t really this was a mock-up
these pictures these were you know but
when you when you watch the video again
you know it takes so it’s a 55 second
video takes a while to get to where you
actually you know see him a little bit
of a mask you know not the whole cowl
and everything so kind of like you know
I’m not you know the teenager from
Gotham I’ve kind of moved up you know
but still kind of kind of gritty so no
pimples on this battery pimples on this
Batman okay well and that was all for
entertainment news yep how exciting
short and sweet we will come back well
we got all this other stuff to talk
about he’ll come back with our
insightful picks of the week yeah go for
your pick of the week so my pick of the
week was we had a a pre Valentine’s Day
date because it’s really crowded to go
out on on Valentine’s Day oh and it was
a Friday night so we picked an activity
that I figured I would do as my
insightful pick which is something that
this was your first official time doing
and this was my third time doing and
that is axe-throwing
nothing says loving extra I’m gonna
bring Constance with you oh man I
should’ve brought her upstairs
yeah that was really kind of funny too
because I brought my little stuffed
stuffed character of Constance
who is the bride from the Haunted
Mansion who walks around with an axe so
that was kinda but she’s used to kill
all of her husband’s right that’s kind
of the important part of that moral of
the story right oh so tell us about ax
so ax throwing is a is a craze that’s
kind of picked up in most cases it’s
really started from the red fairs any
any Ren Faire you go to throughout you
know the country has ax throwing or
knife throwing or something kind of
along the lines of that and over the
last couple of years it’s kind of grown
as a activity for you know get-togethers
for friends team-building with
work they actually have an axe throwing
league a lot different than a bowling
league there’s usually alcohol included
which that kind of scares me that people
would go and throw axes within our area
there’s actually two companies that are
around one of them who we went to on on
Wednesday is primitive acts they only
have two locations within South Jersey
they have a Glassboro location and a
Blackwood location but the other company
is bury the hatchet and they actually
have 17 locations nationwide mostly on
the East Coast they have a couple in in
New York they have a bunch in North
Jersey Central Jersey South Jersey they
even have a location in Florida and
Kansas so it’s kind of spread spread all
out and I’m sure there’s other companies
out there these just happen to be you
know the two that I’ve used you know
before for a lot of acquisition I have
it’s a good stress reliever you know and
actually it is a cardio workout even
though the axe itself isn’t very heavy
the constant throwing going and picking
it up and everything you do get get a
little workout you know we were both a
little sore yes I’m sure Lizzie Borden
would definitely attest to how much
exercise you oh my god that’d be awesome
to do one with Lizzie Borden like and
she’s like you get your picture taken
with Lizzie Borden Lizzie’s axe throwing
roughly you know it costs about you know
both tend to range from the $40 for two
hours unfortunately the more people you
have that go and play the price is still
the same
so you know our suggestion would be
obviously to try and do a smaller group
because then you get more time actually
throwing the axes for the amount of
money you know we went we ended up
having a Groupon offer that was a
two-for-one so it was 40 dollars for the
two of us
for for two hours and that was probably
more time than the two of us actually oh
I was really exhausted when we got done
yeah so we probably could do you know
most places do do like a half hour
increment or an hour or two hour for you
know the lane and it’s fun to just go
with friends both places allow you to
bring food there BYOB it’s just like a
fun you know activity definitely gets
your your stress out one of the things
at primitive acts that I saw on their
website is they actually have I can’t
remember what the name of it was called
but if you didn’t want to just throw
axes and you wanted to actually like
break stuff
that they actually had like a special
cage and I guess like a sledgehammer and
goggles where you could actually let out
your frustration in the destructive zone
I think is what they called it yeah it
was a whole new thing you know we you
know we thought about oh maybe we’ll do
this every couple of months just as a
fun little you know activity to get out
of the house you know and do so you know
we’ll see I’ve like I said I’ve done it
before with girlfriends of mine you know
we were talking about at work a lot of
you know you can do it as a team
building the one time we saw a bachelor
party and a bachelorette party was there
you know when we went it was a very slow
night it was just the two of us there so
that was kind of cool because you know
we had the lane just to ourselves we
didn’t have to share the bodies were
buried in the back so all right cool
nice pick
thank you please pick
[Applause] so my pick this week is actually a
merchant that I have recently done
business with and was very pleased with
it is darman’s props from his Etsy shop
darman’s props is a merchant shop on
etsy specializing in screen accurate
leather work based in Jacksonville
Florida they’ve been selling on at sea
since 2016 with over 3000 sales yielding
over a thousand reviews they currently
hold a five-star rating from their
customers when I started putting my Star
Wars themed costume together I came
across some of their work for a few
specialized pieces of the costume I
wound up making two separate purchases
from him the first of which was a neck
seal piece that was meticulously made by
specifically to my custom measurements
satisfied not only with the quality of
the work but also the reasonable price
and the delivery time they were my first
choice when I needed to come up with a
few finishing pieces so I sourced two
accurate screen accurate leather belt
pouches from darman’s as well with an
event coming up Zolo con as a matter of
fact which we’ll talk about shortly I
had planned on having the costume for
the show
sorry reached out after I made the
purchase and asked whether or not I’d
have the the pouches in time
Bobby stout who is the shop owner
responded to my question almost
immediately when he found out I needed
the items and realized I wouldn’t get
them in time based on his regular
production schedule he rushed to get the
handmade items finished ahead of time
and overnighted to that then to me at no
extra charge sorry I’d have them in time
for the convention that was really cool
I was totally blown away by the level of
customer service that he he offered me
and the quality of the items
he offers a wide selection of screen
accurate items that are all handmade
from belt buckles to belts to holsters
to pouches you know he does fantastic
work they’re all for the most part
sci-fi themed a lot of Star Wars Star
Trek themed items on there I was already
a satisfied repeat customer based
strictly on the quality of the work and
the price because all of his prices are
very reasonable but after experiencing
the outstanding dedication to customer
service he’s made me a lifetime customer
and I thought his handiwork in his
customer service dedication you should
should be showcased a little bit so very
cool Dorman’s props on etsy wwsz comm
shop slash darman’s props dar m ANS
props all one word and that was it for
my picks very good pick
moving back with some after thoughts so
recap of Zolo god I’m gonna miss that we
won’t be talking about that until next
February yeah
so you want to just cut to the video
sure let’s watch the video and then we
can let me see oh wait it’s blowing up
on the wrong screen or on the wrong tree
music let’s go here we could do a little
rewind and then we could do it
[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that was Zolo so that was solo common
so that was held at the fuge
which is if I should I can throw this up
real quick so that is a scale model
that’s down in the lobby of the fuge and
that is basically the main room that the
conventions held in and the centrifuge
arm and capsule and everything is still
there yeah if you go back and you watch
the the video you can see and what is
kind of neat is that you can you know
walk upstairs they have a couple of
different ways to get upstairs
and one of them when you walk you can
actually and that’s one of the pictures
that you view that you saw was inside
the capsule you can actually look and
say you know the the inside of it and
and not a whole lot of room you know and
then you know so here it is so here’s
where you can you know see there’s
there’s a little seat that you know the
astronaut or flight you know the test
the flight test dummy had to sit in and
then what’s kind of neat as you go you
know into the room and it’s the control
panels it’s all the you know original
you know control panels are still there
and and so that’s kind of you know the
one of the aspects that that’s just kind
of cool because you know you don’t
expect I’m gonna go to a toy show and
see you know all of this history yeah
you know that in there and the other
thing that’s that’s really neat is as
you’re walking around there’s pieces
from the test facility that are on
display around right some of them have
plaques describing what they are so it’s
like a little museum trailer you know as
well so so really kind of cool again one
of our our favorite locations for us
it’s about an hour away you know it’s
funny you kind of drive you know on the
highway and then you take some back
roads and then you’re
you’re like where the heck am i and you
come up and here’s this you know Navy
testing you know facility just kind of
in the back of no place else it did seem
like there were a few less vendors there
this year attendance didn’t seem as it
didn’t seem as crowded this year it was
steady but not crowded right like past
years that we’ve gone it’s been elbow
elbow in there right so we were trying
to figure out you know cuz it wasn’t
really weather-related it was a decent
day for February there wasn’t two days
this year which was probably it right so
previously it was a single day so you’re
probably getting your whole crowd one
day you’re spreading your crowd out over
two days this time and that’s probably
probably why you know they have a little
food vendor there so you can get you
know some snacks you know no major food
while you’re while you’re walking around
and stuff you know some of the vendors
you know we only see at this location
because of it being out in you know in
in the middle of nowhere
some you know we’ve seen in other places
a friend of ours has a friend who has
been doing the toy show route so he was
there this was like the second time that
we’ve seen him at a different you know
venue and all types of things so you got
a couple of people selling comic books a
cell you know a bunch of people selling
you know brand new toys obviously tons
of people with with pops
the vinyl pops and stuff and then a lot
of people with their you know own
creations yeah you have a lot of artists
there you had some cosplayers there I
had some classic toys there you had some
new toys there so a nice range it’s not
just you know one type of comic book
person they had a comic book vendor
there as well yeah so a little bit of
everything you know for for everyone you
know our daughter does you know she’s
not into little pet shops like she used
to be now she’s doing
Legos and they had you know people
selling Lego kits and then loose Legos
and that’s kind of what she’s into now
is the loose Legos because she’s in that
creative mindset of doing that there
were a bunch of baby Yoda things
stickers t-shirts I ended up picking up
I meant to bring baby Yoda from
downstairs upstairs
somebody had crafted at a clay and he
had baby Yoda and it’s and he has the
frog in his mouth that’s right adorable
so you know so I picked up that and a
couple of other you know little things
you know so we all came home with
something something cool and and you got
I ended up getting you for Valentine’s
Day a interesting version of Darth Vader
that we’ll have to share but I don’t
have one camera angle okay I’ll keep
talking and we can you know so we can
yeah so this was something we’ve seen
this before
this type of artwork but I’d never
bought one and one of the vendors had it
and it was a decent price and I went
okay I’ll buy you for my Darth Vader for
Valentine’s Day and try to cut myself
it’s a really cool mechanic alized
version of darth vader all metal yeah
and it’s just it’s just the artwork you
know the the talent it takes to build
something like that the time it takes is
just incredible yeah so that was to my
Darth Vader you know for Valentine’s Day
so nice so Zolo con 2020 had a good time
yeah sure did so what else are we plug
in here so within the next couple of
Monster Mania 45 will be March 13th
through 15th in Cherry Hill at the
Crowne Plaza Inn on Marlton pike that’s
one that we go to you know every couple
of years we go they they do it
in the Cherry Hill area usually in March
and then again in August various
different celebrities if you go to
Monster Mania dotnet it’ll tell you you
know all about it with the different
prices and everything and one thing that
we forgot to mention the end of March is
one of the locations in Delaware that we
like to hit that they do a toy show on
Saturday I’m sorry a train show on
Saturday and a toy show on Sunday and
that’s the the Delaware train show will
be on Saturday March 28th from 9 to 2 at
the nurse Rhine Center on DuPont Highway
and Newcastle admission is $5 and then
on Sunday is the April Fool’s comic toy
show and that one is also $5 children
under 12 are free $10 for early buyers
with an 8 a.m. admission and then $5 if
you come after the fact so that’s one
that we like to hit as well more so kind
of flea marketing I guess you don’t
really find that many new toys it’s
usually old you know use toys in most
cases but usually a decent variety you
know and there have been times when
we’ve gone and you know we haven’t
really gotten anything but you know it’s
it’s not too far for us it’s maybe about
a half an hour there’s also a farmers
market up the road that sometimes will
but the dealers that the toys you are
always willing to deal to say yes is a
good break you can always bargain you
know and you know some of the people and
usually with them it’s usually the same
same vendors throughout the you know
it’s the same guy so you know again you
know good deals to be had
so then after march is done then we move
into April and we have the great
Philadelphia comic-con in the at the
Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks
then the dark some arts and crafts which
will be in Philadelphia on April 19th
then we got June with pop mania con 1
which is the sister to monster mania
that’ll be pop culture II not just
horror stuff and then obviously Keystone
comic-con will be the end of August and
then rounding out the end of September
we got retroactively 2020 all right
that’s that’s a lot of conventions
coming up in sure somewhere in there is
wizard world that we probably won’t be
going to again right but we probably
should should a little sluggard will
plug it just cuz we’ll see what the
prices are see if they price themselves
out again probably yeah but hey if you
go to Disney it’s probably only like $50
more $20 more for Disney I think that’s
all we have for today I think that is it
I think we are done our contact info oh
that’s oh yeah just in case just in case
you wanted to contact so you can email
us at comments at insights into things
calm or on twitter at insights
underscore things our videos are
available on slash insights
into things on the web at WWE it’s into
things calm the audio version of our
podcast are available podcast on
insights in the entertainment comm and
on facebook we are
backslash insights into things podcast I
would one afterthought here on
programming note I thought I had
resolved the issue with the video
subscriptions on the podcast I did not
we are continuing to post them to our
YouTube channel but I’m in the process
of trying to set up a new hosting
provider for our video pod
so I hope to have that available for us
by this time next week so that’s it
okay other one of the books have a good
week everyone
[Music] [Music] you

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