Categories: Rick Moranis

Jakrew Live: Grounded – The Hunt for Rick Moranis (Mike’s View) As Seen On

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Jakrew Live: Grounded – The Hunt for Rick Moranis (Mike’s View)

Stream the vid “Jakrew Live: Grounded – The Hunt for Rick Moranis (Mike’s View)” plus 100’s of other clips featuring the famous TV show characters of Doug and Bob.

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Tonight at 9:00 PM Central, join the Jakrew Live Crew as we venture into the overgrown wilds of Obsidian’s backyard battleground: Grounded!

Rumor has it Rick Moranis is hiding somewhere in this pint sized wilderness, and we won’t rest until we find him…or at least until a cartoon spider gives Mike a panic attack.

Either way, the hunt is on!

Want to catch the action from another angle? Check out Jake’s screen here:

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i am
alive oh i have a wrong image up there
that was silly hey guys what’s going
on welcome to jackroom live
we’re playing grounded if you don’t know
grounded it’s basically honey i shrunk
it but i can’t even talk what is it
honey i shrunk the kids
so we’re gonna have a little quest to
find rick moranis
and uh i think hopefully
shrink us yeah he’s gonna we’re gonna
find him
he’s gotta be in here somewhere right my
thought is
is that we’re gonna have to find a bowl
of cheerios
and then have him try to eat us and then
we’ll be able to be unshrunk
that might do that you’re thinking
is wrong with my video
well that’s unfortunately yeah right uh
i am uh i am master chills
i am joined by uh evening toast
andrew and dicer
mike that is me
and shortly we’ll be joined with the
wama side
which is
and uh like i said we’re diving into
this this is like my first time playing
this game so
feel free to say i’m
doing it wrong tell me to do it better
he probably is doing it wrong
just i’ll slip the water i bet i better
go we’re all doing wrong probably
because we haven’t found rick moranis
well that’s true we’re gonna find him
don’t take all the mushrooms
why because i need food too
and there is women
oh my so if you are watching us here why
don’t you give us a shout out let us
know you’re here
uh we’ll give you a shout out in our
and uh this video and uh
become part of the stream real quick
jake i think you’re
uh still broadcasting the grounded title
no just in the background this is this
is what uh mr mike
wanted to do i mean i’m not seeing your
screen i’m just seeing uh
your little toolbar on the bottom and
your health bar on the left
yeah and then grounded that you are
seeing right now
you are seeing my stream i am sort of oh
i’m sorry
i’m bouncing between the two something
is something is wrong with my
fancy little overlay here and i was
gonna say
that is not mine it’s actually really
weird because
we’re seeing the the image but your your
is uh the only part of the image
part of the ui small portion of it that
is very weird
i do hope i share the right look on
facebook then
[Laughter] you probably didn’t so if you are
watching uh
mike’s click down the dev join
click down uh go into the video
description you’ll get a link to the
stream with an actual
video ah there we go and i see jake’s
yeah he is yet to find rick moranis
that is amazing like i like your view
i i don’t even know what’s happening
i’m i’m just standing still again
looking at your your video
this is incredible oh there we go like
i i see i see your hud but i don’t see
anything else that’s amazing
there we go there we go
oh no i’m under attack we’re doing
science i think i’ve done it oh
oh something’s attacked me i think i
think i’ve done it i think we’re
attacking you i’m coming to help you oh
oh wait there’s a big over here i need
to i need to craft weapons
where do i do that come here here we go
come here
okay head blitz you’re not getting away
from me this time weeble
no i got i was attacked by a g-nat
a g-net genetic mic jeanette i think
i think that’s a new kind of uh bug
[Music] i didn’t know jeanette’s had fuzz on him
oh there’s
there’s a she didn’t even know what
jeanette was they’re coming at me
they’re coming at me hard fiber
man lawns are gross
oh mike you are very laggy my friend i
i am definitely likes being attacked
i am i am getting watching i am getting
stabbed there they’re everywhere don’t
don’t know there’s so many run run just
run just run
so many
eat mushrooms eat the mushrooms
now do you guys know how to identify
what mushrooms are poisonous and which
ones are not
uh well the ones that i just ate are not
because i didn’t get sick
i don’t i don’t actually know wait rick
no we should find him i’m down
a ladybug just killed me a ladybug
yeah i did attack her
first uh speaking of ladybugs i don’t
know about you guys but
my family is being attacked by late
ladybugs like chris hey womack why did
you hit me
last night i was sitting there watching
tv with my wife and also something
laying on the middle of my forehead
and i whacked it off and it was a
ladybug and i was like
where did it come from also i’m going to
die in 10 seconds
well stick with the group says the guy
who’s off entirely on his own completely
lost in the forest of grass
am i where did you go there you are i’m
gonna come find you uh
i’m dead all right no that’s okay
you had a miserable life anyways right
i mean oh yeah it’s not true though oh
don’t wait
uh hey don’t see my stuff plus
spiky sprig yeah the the backpack says
no stealing
i approached it and it said no stealing
so i’m not gonna steal
thank you alex he was going to
i was just allowed to just to be here
[Laughter] that’s amazing once i realized the game
looking out for ya i had to stop myself
just picking up i’m just picking up all
the headlines over here
yeah we say collect as much stuff as we
can and then we can start down crafting
so that’s cool look at that
public spring dry grass chunk
it’s a dry grass chunk how to get that
uh accident you gotta find dry grass
all right i gotta have two exit left
bumper max
tablet x i’ve got an axe i am all about
that axe
[ __ ] that axe
guys i found a container i found a
container of gum
gum don’t take my planks i worked hard
to get those planks
i found gum all right uh where are we
setting up
base camp here like by the scale
on the scale over here
we’ll set up the scale we’re going to
sit up at the hut
what are we doing mike what are we doing
mike set it up at the hut i
i don’t know okay can i handle set up
all right how do i build uh what are
these things called planks
yeah wrist planks all right build a
okay i need to remember what do i click
crack oh oh a little bit of this menu
grass wall triangle wall inverted
triangle wall
a grass door
roasting pit workbench
grass table that’s cool all right
uh i will do the workbench
i always hit hitting left bumper would
fast navigate
i just watched you like that was
launch did not know that was what that
would happen
or what that would do
all right we need sap and a sprig
all right and now i’m going to build
something else is there
mommy like you’re gonna like what i’m
about to build
i can figure out how to do it do it
oh oh my gosh why are you hitting me
womack yeah
it was not me i did not want it
it was not me this time why did you hit
me okay
is that beautiful what stupid thing are
you doing right now
so when you’re coming down the path you
can go to the door
no yeah we need a door it’s perfect
i am known for liking doors that’s how
you throw them okay
we need to build a tower if we build a
we can get sight lines and if we get
sight lines we increase okay mike
rick moranis all right i will start
knocking things down
like that’s that’s
it’s got like circuit boards and there’s
like a camera
looking at it that’s nifty
all right yeah this is this is a
this is like rick miranda’s level
nice was this quest easier than we
no way all right can we find out
my doors rick find us maybe he’s
maybe he’s shrunk too and like part of
what we’re talking about is to save him
whoa yeah i know look at that
check it out drink dewdrop what’s a
well do you want to do is sometimes
oh did i just fall in love
are these buttons we can push yes
it is or tiny how can we push a button i
don’t know it says i can push
do it oh i need some
i need somebody over here
i’m taking out this dandelion
light joe oh did you push it
laser oh oh i just filled this i’m
inside it
look man this is like scary stuff
look at the laser green what’s going on
look at the equipment
that the thing that shrunk us is uh yeah
we’re shooting up to stuff this is how
we make ourselves big again
look look look look at the direction i’m
facing see that
that life is in the way you guys see me
look at me
look at what i’m facing see the leaf the
the laser beam
is blocked by that leaf we need to cut
that leaf down i’m doing it i’m doing it
you just do it yeah no andrew’s all over
yeah yeah did it what about this one
over here
why is this one doing this all right so
that one looks like i felt something
again faulty power of some sort so we
need to figure out this one the one i’m
facing now
they see us flickering let me try
whacking it
let’s see so let’s follow that if you go
let’s go to that tripod
i ain’t eating no bugs man let’s see we
have to see what’s up with that what’s
the best stuff
we had to troubleshoot we had to
troubleshoot this
we need to call it momma hear the it
that’s what i’m saying i chopped it down
like i trapped on a dana
dandelion tough i’m getting some clover
nice that’s a big whoa
whoa whoa all right so i see um a lot of
burning happening over here
it’s burning yeah there’s the mites are
eating through the cable line
i’m gonna i’m gonna get them you’re like
on a completely different quest than i’m
and it’s yeah what are you weirding me
out no we are nice
we have one objective oh we’re working
on it
this will lead us to rick moranis don’t
you understand
oh i mean i call him ricky but yeah you
ricky you’re on a first name basis all
right so did that work
me getting rid of those mic is that is
that laser beam steady now
oh i didn’t know it was still flickering
right there
no flickering it’s this oh i am stuck
wow there’s women’s over here i’m
killing them
what you know let’s follow them let’s
follow this cable mike
here yeah where are you guys at the
follow the flickering laser from the
tripod yeah you guys are hearing
yeah right here something something is
wrong with the power so we need to
follow the power cable
okay you’re like power
no i need to eat food how do i eat food
there’s how i eat oh i need water
um is it
has anyone found any water anymore wow i
mean there’s dirty water it’ll
make you a little sick like crab things
spiders oh yeah mites
okay how do i eat food is there an easy
way to eat food
i see a water source um on the mountain
so i just have to stare at the screen
and eat a bunch of shrooms
well i like some shrooms the shrooms are
refilling your hunger not necessarily
your health
yeah well i was hungry i’m also thirsty
you’re also very hurt yeah how do i heal
oh i i need to craft something don’t i
we have minecraft
storage things whoa
i can craft a lot now with any kind
i can make a clover table and
i can make a storage basket oh storage
basket we need that i think
oh i can make a windowed grass wall
nice all right so i’ll read you guys in
a second
i’m looking for um my roasting pit okay
looking for
water i know i could make a torch
there’s a torch right there
oh i need sap that’s unfortunate
crude rope
get a bunch of crude rope what else can
oh i can make an arrow
and a bow nice
oh i’m being attacked by something i’m
being attacked by spider
no i’m not coming i’m not i’m coming i’m
coming i’m doing it i want nothing
stacked up at our base i need to find
sap so i can finish
this work bench 16 coming it’s coming
cause i think if you’re on the opposite
side of the world to me
i’m coming yeah my run with my little
legs as fast as i can come in
how much six seconds six seconds five
four i’m coming i’m coming three i don’t
see you yet
two one oh
yeah i didn’t make it i don’t see you
man sorry i
ran i ran hard
me too yeah all right i need to um
respawn and get my backpack because i
got stuff in there
yeah you do all right i know where i
died at least
but i don’t know jake hey how are you
something weird over here we were
so there was a water source nearby so
that’s the only reason i ran all you
over there is because there was a water
it’s the gum i was talking about earlier
gum yeah i don’t know if we can get in
okay so the sun is setting so i think
it’s a good idea if we start
crafting torches somehow i don’t know
what all we need for it
well we need a sap which we don’t have
someone like a tic tac
i don’t know man you disappeared and
once you disappeared you
you were nothing to me anymore
i see a backpack where i died we didn’t
make it all the way to you it was
quite a run
husky weed ooh what’s that give me
there’s a heart here oh yeah did you
guys build a doorway
well we yeah started it was it was smart
stem oh i trapped on a dandelion that
had a stem
yeah where was that i don’t know jake
also built it
oh this water is so good you know it’s
good when it
makes you like oh it’s making me hungry
and the net is attacking yeah the water
if the water makes you hungry it’s not
but i want to eat the parasites that are
in it
yeah i need food yeah so do i where do i
need water
how do i get food well eat mushrooms eat
well i don’t i took all the mushrooms
and i eat them all
i need to find a sprig i can find a
sprig i can build us a roasting pit
i have sprayed i just picked up a sprig
what are you just gonna ask for sprigs
mike get it back here how do i
so everybody watching the stream how you
guys doing tonight
any of you guys played grounded before
yeah right we’re kind of new to it
so any help you want to try to give us
would be acceptable like that
you got ant parts
me oh there’s so many ants
chunk of dry i found a baseball
okay where’s the answer mike
uh buy the baseball i don’t know
this is that i’m right behind you i’m
about to just re
recollect items i hadn’t collected
before because
is this spider value well there’s two
spiders there
i can’t even get around one two to get
it like
it’s just at a bad spot
i found dew i slurped you found dew
is there any more to do no i’m trying to
find stuff to build a new collector
i’m going to build a duke collector at
our base but we need to
upgrade for that oh what did i just fall
oh this is the starting location
whoa look at the size of that egg
where’s our base oh hopefully
i’m just glad it’s not big enough i’m
next to it if you want to follow
a run for my name who just who just saw
an aunt somebody saw an aunt who’s max
wait am i max who am i maybe who are you
you’re pete are you i’m pete that’s
right who’s max
that must be me you just saw an aunt
all right i need like a um what what do
i need to make an
axe we need a um that’s a basically we
need a torch
it’s gonna it’s almost sundown and we
don’t have a light source
oh we’ll have a nice source with this
campfire that’s nice
uh oh we do we have a campfire actually
yeah i just built one you’re welcome oh
i got me i can cook
all right let’s see look
roasting oh somebody else cook
cook no i just i just built a roasted
spit that’s not what i want to build i
want to build oh look at that
and i can’t do that yet no we still need
sap we get sap from oh the door’s
yes yeah andrew andrew brought the last
piece of the puzzle for us way to go
thanks i mean you’re welcome
i told myself i wasn’t going to eat bugs
all right well i hope you’re
replenishing what you just
took off there because you know i put
those on there for myself
well this is
okay let’s go i mean
oh what’s that button do wait guys can
you see me
wow jake look at me i’m on a rake
i can’t actually see you i’m leaving the
world on a race
i’m coming to you right now don’t know
when i’ll be back again we need a
storage container
this is this is kidding come here this
is getting out of control
okay okay i’m coming your stream bring
the stream oh that you were looking at
the stream okay this is
and you and you of course and me and me
of course yeah okay
okay there you go you know what i just
said you know what i just noticed which
i think
is very cool
oh i found a droplet yes i get it though
i just made a ton of dragon ass chucks
no no i don’t i can’t keep dying i just
can’t keep dying
cockroach attacking me i can go into
this is cool how do you
drink the droplet you get that fortunate
to be really close to it what if i can’t
approach it because it’s
knock it down you gotta chop stuff down
oh there it is okay yes i am nice and
oh is that a cockroach are those hard to
uh it was attacking me so did you die
no i didn’t die ran away scared
okay all right crying i cried a little
bit there we go
ready see how i do oh his eyes went red
oh it’s a stink bug
oh that’s even worse oh oh
oh stinky stinky guys
come to
i don’t get more health all right where
are you andrew i don’t
know i’m up the rake i’m off the rink oh
you’re up the rake
all right i need more sprays
i was gonna join you but i realized that
i need um
some some sort of defensive weapon
oh yeah i’m starting to think that a um
ax was not a good choice
here this spear
wow look at you but let’s see rick
look weed killer
i absolutely just fell so
that was amazing you know
that that was my controller i need a new
every week every week do you see this
big killer though i know i know i got up
there and i started seeing something but
it wasn’t coming into focus
and then i fell off and
now i’m scared of the dark yeah i’m
that’s why i just ran to mike instead
was he has a campfire going
yeah that was what i was thinking too oh
gosh paint
i’ll take you mr sprig all right i need
an axe
and a spear let’s see
so you guys know how i’m really bad at
jumping puzzles
yeah uh so i’ve heard
well i put myself in the ultimate
jumping puzzle and there’s creepy bugs
wanting to eat me
oh who put up more wall yeah right
i’ve been i’ve been uh look at you mike
using my door i’ve been i’ve been basing
it up
out here you know all right but serious
how how do i heal myself
oh you want to kill yourself you need oh
i need food fiber bandage i need sap an
even more serious question
did you guys leave me here to die we
might have yes
oh no wait wait
you survive your fall uh i did survive
my fall yes
where did those planks go
um how do i get health here guys
you can you can build bandages
but you need snap for that um but you
can also
refill your hunger and you will
health to a certain that didn’t seem to
you didn’t full up your health though
jake probably he needed to grow he seems
rub hide for that
[Music] am i am i learning uh to make anything
my game suddenly
like a goofy color or maybe that’s just
night time like the menu
changes at night i don’t know well
just fair warning this this ain’t this
weed killer is uh deadly
how’d you walk into it i i kind of
found my way into it everything needs
sap what do i get sap from
trees probably in trees yeah i go punch
a tree
oh blink palette oh that’s for storage
it looks like
okay well that ladybug ladybugs at night
are kind of scary
his eyes were glowing red i mean
being tiny in the grass that night is
kind of scary i’m
still looking for my big oatmeal cream
pie cookie
i’m looking for a bumble uh
listen oh crude rope
is there like a quick button to make
crude rope or is it true
did you just kill me
did you just kill me before i just
helped you up
should you kill me
i’m in shock right now
it’s not too surprising
andrew has his own way of helping i’m in
shock right now
well you can come save me from wanted no
you killed me
mama can you come save me i’m just kind
of far away from your man murdered me
oh are you like dead
yeah i’m running right
like what why are you putting the wall
through the
i’m oh i did it i wasn’t trying to
i died okay what i was trying to die
you have to hold down the revive button
i did
well i guess maybe i kind of trying to
do that
oh it’s for putting stems on okay
oh sorry and then this is oh this is the
blink palette
i get it now i get it now i’ll protect
your belongings
i’m learning i’m gonna i’m gonna put a
blank palette outside
right there
oh the ladybug’s still here we need rope
though how do i get real pets with
how did i get fiber where do i get fiber
that’s the little things on the ground
uh plant fiber is the little things on
the ground yes
there’s a distinct lag between like when
i push a button to delete
a i have a spear now
i mean to be fair mike this is a game
preview i know i’m not
i’m not complaining about it i’m just
noticing i’m
i’m complaining oh this is this is
really deep water
where am i i didn’t know that was there
did you guys know there’s a really deep
water pit over here yeah
well over here it’s not a good direction
right by our base
no i didn’t know that there was space by
water i mean water by our base
we had a base i’ve even been back home i
just i
i built the door remember oh you built
the door
oh yeah you finished the door that’s
right there we got two doors now
on either side i conceded
oh i still have no health i conceded to
having doors on
the path like it just makes sense
i guess it’s okay i mean you walk on the
path you might as well have a dorm
not a huge fan but whatever
whatever i need some more meat where are
some more animals to kill
you guys have any uh little animals you
can put on the fire
i don’t
try girl i like dried grass did someone
chop this
grass down yeah i’m chopping down
mike’s walls okay chop the one that
is i’m suspending that water up there
uh you can also throw you can also throw
pebbles at the water i found
oh look at that
look at that i just did it slurping
tablets needed
where’s the water
there’s the water i won’t drink it on
you i’m like it’s right here
i have thought about it i was like i can
actually use something myself
i think all right now i just need food
yeah kill some little buggers and put
them on the
undead okay i need
oh and my controller is just
wonderful give me some absolutely
freaking wonderful
i like that all right so i gotta go over
here i actually
like i like the way that
harvesting works
i think yeah oh
big ladybug i mean the same one that’s
been chilling
yeah they’re strong don’t yeah don’t
yeah yeah
don’t aggro that i did i didn’t realize
what i was doing was bad nobody nobody
was talking to me well we all told you
not to do it like as
yeah true so yes yeah and we
and both women did state that that they
killed us previously so
yeah anybody can anybody gonna help me i
somebody was literally right next to me
and you just ran away
oh do you need help i mean no i’m
you can chop the little stump to get
fiber really oh look at that
yeah you can where to go my fiber yeah
i was just looking at that and i was
like oh look at that oh that’s how i got
i do the same thing wow and you didn’t
tell us
i thought you guys player womack what a
team player well i i got on a little
later than you guys so i assume you knew
well i know nothing
all right so is there like a fast build
thing or something
what do you mean why do you like having
so fast i’m sitting at this uh
uh trying to build something and i see
i require a crude rope and then it’s got
a little
flashing icon build
i found sap
oh i’ve got a lot of these now nice
andrew come come toward me
i don’t know if you’ve seen this theater
or not you’re in the baseball
yeah the baseball i took a screen i
tried to see a screen shot but
i think if it failed i’m sad oh that’s a
so this is a branch so i found some sap
on this branch on my way up here
chop the branch down i think it’s our
only way up to the baseball so i don’t
we can try but i don’t think we’ll be
able to
no if it’s our only way i’m going to the
apparently again i was wrong that thing
wasn’t and i don’t know what i’m
this is really bad well that makes two
of us
i don’t really know what i’m building
either we need a weed stem
and we need sap to finish our work bench
like i made this this palette i thought
it was for
there’s so many grass planks everywhere
in here that’s what i thought i was
making this palette for
oh my goodness you guys are ridiculous
[Laughter] okay so it says it’s a plank palette
what is a plank palette for
and then i got a stem palette there’s
whoa something just catapulted me
onto a rock that was cool yeah
it was jake’s plank palace maybe
what do i use this thing for the plank
yeah what do i what is this pallet for
it’s for princesses and kings and queens
and stuff
oh okay sorry uh we’re speaking two
different versions of ambush
we are well usually you use them for um
what about this step man i this this
ladybug is really messy you guys want
did you guys want a ton of weed stamps
yes yes we need to finish this
sorry who what was that for i
i threw my axe apparently
[Laughter] [Music] oh that’s funny you guys think the night
is actually
like 12 hours oh i hope not
i don’t know think am
uh if i look at the analyzer it’s 76.
no it seems like definitely 940.
okay that’s weird okay woman
well you know jake have you ever
finished that work might be able to
build something to store stuff
in i need that sap oh well walmart found
he said yeah i found some dude
build on the there is too many things on
the floor in here
there are so many things on the floor
it’s oh
i threw my axe again you know it’s kind
of like how jake keeps the office of
jackrail just
all over on the floor i resent that
i resemble that remark
you do resemble that martin remark mike
you just look so disheveled
don’t understand i know exactly
all right so here have more
grass planks because that’s oh oh
yeah i can make armor oh but i need a
ow what is happening finish our
workbench man
i’m not even near you okay let me let me
run toward you oh i found a map
that’s cool oh
apparently that wasn’t anything special
i’m getting some
green guys
how do i know when they’re done oh it
changes and says have to roast
oh that’s a beautiful thing that i
didn’t know oh we can make a dew
collector now
we’ve been able to make one for a while
we just didn’t know the parts well
i didn’t look okay
on which grass planks can be neatly
okay it is what i thought it was
look what i made how do you stack them
we can go in that tunnel now who
destroyed this wall
i’m trying to build a better one because
it went like through the fire it was
poorly placed the workbench has been
so now how do i place these stems on the
what palette the palette i have right
all right all right all right i just
don’t see where you are
i’m really confused we have so many
things of grass
oh that’s not how you do it how do i
stack them on there
wait somebody guys just did it how did
you just do it
what did you hit what are you hitting
how’d you do that who are you talking to
you did you just put it on there yeah
like that how do you do it oh you have
to carry it and then
if you look at your little commands in
the lower right hand corner it says
the dinghy oh left trigger
i never saw those little thingies there
okay okay
that’s how i found out i through my axe
oh and then you can unload you don’t
have to just throw them okay jake why
did you
why’d you put it outside the base though
well because
mike made the base so small hey where
did my this is not that small
where where where did my stem um palette
all right i’m gonna i have thirst i had
a stem palette on the ground
it was right here we need another fire
to make more light
is anybody gonna fess up to destroying
my stem palette
mike yeah we talked about i don’t think
this thing is taking more
grass i need water yeah it’s not
[Music] i think it’s at it’s a limit yeah
i don’t think it i’m following you on
because i need water too okay
well i had a stem one okay and now i
and i’m kind of disappointed about that
what are you talking about
there is there was another palette i had
for putting the weed stems on
i don’t know destroyed it
and i’m kind of upset that nobody’s
fessing up to it
probably just kind of move my man i
don’t know because you demolish stuff
you don’t move stuff
oh really yeah i’ve been
scouting this whole time i just got back
to the movies
i need food oh an acorn shovel
oh good i could i can make armor now
uh i guess so maybe yeah i mean i made
the workbench
all right i’m gonna how do i put down my
torch and like stop using it
there we go
all right let’s see we need
uh no sorry oh wait i can make that one
all right i got armor for two people one
p person
how do i travel wait a minute that is
how do i drop one
how do you take stuff from your imagery
uh hold the bumper
oh drop left trigger oh wait never mind
i just dropped the helmet for somebody
there there’s another
campfire and i just dropped leggings for
they’re right here i need to find some
heat and repeat we’re on a boat all
i found water wait do we have a dude
okay no we need to find
better stuff don’t take my
fibers oh my gosh
wait what do you mean like can you find
better stuff um
to get i was working on the dew
collector we need uh
eight quartzite and five web fiber
weed stem i think we have and fruit rope
we can make
yeah we used to have a wheat some pallet
and i don’t know what happened to that
mike i wanna i bet you there is
uh web fiber wherever you got eaten by
that spider
seems likely oh it’s black
it was actually i had actually collected
some and they would um
i kept dying when i tried to repeat them
all right i’m gonna make a new stem
palette please don’t
destroy it this time it’s probably good
i didn’t destroy it
wait no i don’t know who did we need a
stacker jake
this is for this this is the weed stuff
well no we also need to weed some
because we’re certainly collect that as
i need some sprigs and some rope our
grass is in the way
i’ll just keep piling on top like it’s
uh just a big
i call this the jake stacking method
all right i see a backpack on the screen
that’s wonk’s dead backpack see some
meat guys
oh if we want to double team the spiders
armor die ant very large
and imposing spiders no don’t don’t
attack me
you almost killed me
[Music] there’s another ant over here sorry
knee jerk knee jerk reaction
oh it was not i was not ready for that
that was
no stop taking them uh-uh no
what’d you do what’s going on mike no
talk to us
no no i need a minute
i need a minute sounds like you found a
and they’re fast yeah they are
they’re they’re fast they’re very good
at killing you
yeah yeah they’re
huh i thought i was being sneaky and
then it just
it saw me and it and then it was on and
then it was on
in in my face and angry
and did it eat you no i got away but
i don’t i don’t know i think i left part
of myself behind
meat give me some meat ah i’m looking at
one of my brown pants
ew i successfully retrieved my backpack
the contents of my backpack job womack
it helps helped you great actually yeah
all right
you let it away you let it away from my
backpack so that was perfect mr ant
worker till the ants
like ambushed i think i i told you there
was two
no no no i was nowhere near you at that
point uh
i’m gonna lose all my they’re stalking
you so
to make rope i always have to go into my
crafting menu
is that right i don’t even know where
i’m at in relation to you guys
unfortunately i’m gonna say yes jay oh
wait hot craft available
so if i go up to this thing
no all right so i got a weed pallet
so let’s find some more weeds again
i’m gonna put some meat back on
with my ant clubs that’s awesome
man you use the head or something don’t
i don’t know i just i just scienced it
nice oh hey those are the stuff you need
to take you work in your house man
i i don’t know what what what i’m
supposed to do
eat i’ve been eating i’ve been at
fuel oh guys i’m out of water where’s
that dude collector at
we don’t have the right rocks to build
boys i’m gonna die rick miranda
save us
jake this deep thing of water is it
healthy water
or is it poisonous i don’t know try it
you might die you might not you might
not sometimes you might not sometimes
you might do
all right so what else can what can i
make with ant stuff defo bad
acorn shovels very good at stunning
all right so it’s the day time again so
we can go back to that um tripod that
was flashing and try to explore in there
here we go there’s some sprigs
thing that actually works for us
ah i knew what short grass storage
springs yeah i mean
you can too but yes i can i can
anybody can anybody can
all right spear first
all right is it later blank palette okay
pink pellet going on out down outside
all right i’m gonna find my way back to
you guys i’m bringing more planks
you know we don’t have enough
no we don’t because we got this oh uh oh
i found it i’m frozen hey do you want to
come with me
i’m oh no i think my game just crashed
am i just standing am i just standing
still on your screen there
yeah yeah okay
well i will uh be back in a moment i
i need a public
all right like any signs like indicating
where we might find rick moranis
i think that big robot oh yeah
i forgot about the big robot thing that
we were the big robot thing that
walnut’s been
itching to scratch i’m just i’m just
waiting for you guys
i’m ready well i’m i’m reloading in
i kind of i kind of forgot about that
that thing
oh thanks i’m all i’m all ready
oh oh oh hello
all right i’ve got two pebblets i need
more and then
oh my inventory is different oh i just
threw my spear
that’s not what i wanted to do
makes more sense guys
oh i’m figuring this game out
that’s exciting you did it i
did do it
where are you little pebblets
heblets for days oh mushrooms mushrooms
sweet sweet mushrooms
mike are you saying weird things
no i’m just saying that like pedlet is a
thing that you can collect and to me
that’s a
stranger hydration hey jake
what are you working on uh getting back
into the game
hold on all right i
guess i can’t put i just got a message
from redeal the fox
wow i remember fox i’ve heard from him
in a while
that’s a guy from our old uh the old
button in days when we were doing weekly
minecraft stuff he played with us pretty
i remember that guy he’s a cool guy
oh sap lots of sap
lots of sap sap in this game is actually
kind of grossly thing like it’s
like blistering boils on rock on
branches yeah
don’t say that again that’s how i can’t
why does it not automatically pop up
that you have a game going
kind of gross all right let’s see uh-oh
i’m actually not even seeing your
session can you invite me to your game
uh invite more yes
invite to party oh a
game silly by two
see if i can join you this way
so i wonder if we should be like
we should be in like a dividing conquer
type scenario
what i think
[Music] this is uh kind of unfortunate
this makes her for great great content
oh wait invite just now
and i accepted it but nothing’s
use the acorn shovel to dig up grubs oh
okay that’s cool that’s interesting
i could do nope did not join
something all right so
does it still show that i’m in the game
yeah i still see you i’m trying to
get you see if you can kick me okay
armor glue okay art base building
dew collector where do you get quartzite
like where do you get it it’s not
showing you anymore jake i can’t catch
you anymore
i want to try inviting you again i can
do that i’m also
trying to search for you
i take the invite i don’t even
controller oh man i’m still kind of high
i’m still kind of freaked out by the
that spider yes
i’m not gonna lie i’m still not able to
this is severely upsetting guys our plan
he’s he’s gone he got rid of me he’s
build a base without him so we can’t
make it look like a cardboard box
i do nothing of the sorts i don’t know
let me see let me see if i can just
invite you maybe yeah try somebody else
are you still you’re not showing me in
the game anymore right
oh a little technical difficulties
flash screen or something could send
people over to my
over uh to my stream if they’re watching
yours they see something
that’s true so if you’re watching my
screen you want to see something
down in the description watch different
it’s mike’s click right on his
watch did you get that honey i got it it
did not work
oh wow i don’t know what is going on
okay you know it does say
upcoming features game invites so
they might not have game invites that’s
the feature right now
nice so i might not be playing that game
i was like quitting and rejoining yeah
like womack did
yeah i’ll put the game in we’ll refresh
your join the list
yeah yeah maybe that’s what i’ll re-quit
it again
the uh the detail on this baseball
that’s really well well cool what’s
going on all right
see eh
and then we’ll we’ll go into this cavern
okay so i think this says chunky chubs
official big league baseball
bigly i think that’s what that says it
says big league i’m just reading
i’m reading that i’m reading about the
i don’t know words
i am scaling this thing not taking a
you know you guys think spiders are
scary imagine there’s birds in this game
somehow that like that would startle me
but i think the birds would be less
are there birds in this game though i
don’t know
says i’m saying that i’m thinking no
maybe birds that’s traumatizing because
rick moranis is probably riding a bird
but he’s a human jake he’d be too big
shrunk himself down say where he
enlarged the bird we’re assuming that
he is full size and what if he’s not
if he’s not i don’t how is he gonna eat
me in a cheerio
or that was the whole point well maybe
there are
other ways i don’t know
all right refreshing the multiplayer
right now i don’t want him to eat me as
a cheerio
hey womack i took the most roundabout
way to you but here i am
nice i made it you you did it i’m going
to invite
jake one more time just to see if you
can join there’s something
right or you just try to join in the
see if you just join instead of the
that’s that’s what i did
i was not able it’s not popping up in
the search and friends
are you able to save the world and back
out oh no
oh no start oh no i don’t know
i don’t know well i mean you um you uh
when you go to your friend list
then you can click on one of our names
yeah and i’ve tried joining you that way
and that’s not working either
oh this is okay
that shit’s because mike is playing on
pc hi yeah
sure blame me who’s whose game are we in
right now is this
and it’s not popping anything up
i am locked out let me get up there
it’s cool though i’m talking my buddy
riddle here we go ready
wait where did wanna go i’m i’m still
on the power cable oh save me
yeah i got you man
thank you i deserved that what did you
so what i just got kicked me too
yeah i’m restarting the game okay
so um would i what i had tried to do
was was from the top of that wire
i tried to throw a spear at you
um but i apparently missed because the
spear bounced off of the wire
hit me in the face and knocked me off of
the wire
and i fell to my death i have one word
for you
oh my gosh that mike who is that
killing me all right let’s see if you
guys can join
my lobby i am joining your lobby
all right i’m enjoying the game
join i’m pete online
i’ll just be the same person again yeah
oh he looks sassy i know
so sassy he has the best style oops
i always play as hoops and mike wanted
to be hoops so i let him be hoops
you’re a nice guy that’s why we’re
[Music] so are we going yeah it’s launching
okay some ice cream
it doesn’t say loading on my screen it
says loading online
that’s all i can see send chat message
leave lobby
player list
and i see people breathing up there we
go loading
gotta love those pre-release games yep
[Music] i don’t know for a game that’s still in
what did i we lose all our stuff
oh we better not have i’ve got murdered
spider andrew’s probably the only one
kept his stuff no i think i oh nope
i have my stuff no i lost i lost my
because i had died and andrew quit the
game before womec officially
your bag is still here though yep
it’s mine i just died to a spider okay
did you guys come liberate my back from
the spider
fast build but it doesn’t show me
how to fast build my come on i’m like i
need your help
i am not no okay okay that’s like a
hard pass
oh is it a spidey yeah you know what
that’s easy i could i could do it here
we go
ready ready i can’t see you so sure
oh everybody i’m gonna do it look at
this i love this mode
arachnophobia safe mode prank
look at this oh now it’s not a spider
it’s just a
friendly little red eye i’ve got to see
this on your feelsberry doughboy
all right let’s go find him let’s go
find the spider that you need help with
here andrew
uh stay out of sight until i get there
because i want people to see
oh i need water
all right there’s another palette now
all right
breath for gracias i want us first i
think it’s about to be completely full
already i think
uh i was worried about about that
happening i’m not gonna lie like getting
into it and then all of a sudden
realizing like nope
i want nothing to do with the spider
that’s oh yeah there it is there it is
are you watching the street look at this
it’s just
it’s just a floating donut
that’s not scary at all
i’m not there yet
it’s just oh that’s it’s comical now
in fact
that’s funny i gotta be up there to help
okay don’t get me wrong i know just get
donuts you might but it’ll still kill
oh i noticed still kill me but it’s not
like scare the actual literal
i’ll try to do pebbles
from a very far distance
look like i want to find some weed stems
oh guys
whoa whoa
i’m guessing he’ll need more than just a
head for that
[Music] i don’t think anybody wants oh my gosh
what is happening
uh i didn’t have about my axe apparently
um oh it’s just my axe is like destroyed
okay that’s why swimming
is stupid
why is it stupid i don’t know it’s not
nice to say i found deep water and it’s
oh i am back at the base i don’t know it
didn’t work
okay so now i gotta figure out how how
do i go that way
all right back to my stream
oh there we go
trying to find oh we can make a lot of
what’s that
that oh gosh that spider’s still here
yeah fine going right back yeah leave
well you can get it later i mean do you
really need your backpack though
it has a bunch of sap in it so oh yes
help him get about his backpack what do
you need to sacrifice yourselves
why is he guarding my backpack i mean he
did the same thing to me
what is that that’s a grasshopper that
is a big
oh no it’s not no that’s something else
but it’s big and i don’t like it
oh oh i don’t oh i don’t like that at
oh i need two more ant parts and two
oh i’m gonna go kill some stuff
oh i don’t oh plant lamp
i already know
all right who’s coming with me to the
end in the factory
back in our eye i mean i’m here you’re
right here
okay all right sure i’ll come but you
can come with me too oh i need water
nowhere near you just though right now
i’m trying to find
like stuff to build a dew collector but
i don’t know where to look
uh what do we need for the dew collector
we need a special rock we need quartzite
but i don’t know where to find your
hmm probably in the ant hills you should
come with me
all right i need water see any do around
i don’t
i just could eat some crappy butter
oh i need more health again shoot how do
you get health
i have i have full health or full
food i’m at my belly you for water
no you need both to heal oh
that seems silly
well i mean you don’t okay
you can’t argue with me andrew dude’s
only gonna show up in the morning i
soon we can build a mushroom garden
well that’d be good
i’mma do shows up every anytime
i want it
i say do come to me
it should come to me shovel
all right there we go
this oh husky weed oh i need a
tier 2 huh
oh i need them i want some ant armor
look at that that’s some good dandelion
that’s what i want nice all right if i
want to build there we go oh
we can build a mushroom garden
it produces edible mushrooms a few times
a day we need eight rope six weed stem
and one spoiled meat and oh
it’s got a bunch of weed stem and an
acorn top which i have a couple of let’s
see the duke collector we need
quartzite and web fiber so we we’re
gonna have to kill spiders to
build the dew collector i think you you
know if i were just from
attacking their webs yeah and you don’t
necessarily have to kill the spider
but good luck with that
mom can you grab this weeb we’d stand
behind you and bring it back to the base
okay sure andrew are you are you at the
base right now
no i’m getting rebuilding my supply
since i lost him like
are you at the base no
oh here it is i found it
and on the other side i have
palette for these things
look at that stack them up
i found another uh
analysis hub oh sap catcher
nothing to analyze oh what’s a smoothie
oh fire
oh yeah
it’s all right up
oh geez oh geez
oh i see a daniel lane right over here
oh it’s like right on our base
i’m standing up this hill but i got away
from the spider
that’s what matters most right now
can i get up there
it’s so dark out yeah i
i need to turn my brightness up
it was so like red we did it but
man look i need to have found you guys
congratulations there it is
if i found you dandelion
see what you’re doing
oh i’m like no stamina because oh i just
catch my breath wait did you just kill
me you just
killed me oh sh
stop [ __ ] okay then
that’s how i said i just i couldn’t get
the water
no that’s a guy because
i can’t believe that that was amazing
oh that’s kind of funny it’s kind of
dark up here i can’t see it
it really is um did you find where the
things fell
cause i do not see past the leaf
oh my gosh i might have actually fallen
into oh it’s really dark
yeah this one’s about light guys we can
skip night time we need to need
beds oh this is a minecraft
uh okay but it is now beds
so i’m gonna build some lean twos for us
where are you guys where did my
dandelion stuff go
i have my point oh thank you womack that
so much better
you just did so i probably would have
not chopped jake had i had that
yeah probably not this is always
gonna make a lantern oh i need water
darn it that would be
super wonderful just have a lantern
outside the base
okay i came up here sacrificed my body
died to get this dandelion and i can’t
find the stems that they it dropped
down there i mean i told you they fell
towards the leaf
towards the leaf doesn’t really help
there’s a lot of leaf
so here’s what i did i gave you a spring
i need sprigs
um okay but basically
yeah i’ve got lots of springs okay cool
when you bring them back to the base
if uh the lean twos are not complete
go ahead and complete them uh they need
two sprigs a piece
and once they’re done you can sleep
through the night and set a spawn point
so when you respawn you’ll respawn at
the base
oh nice suicide
a lot of the bugs go to sleep at night
that’s true
oh that’s they can knock down huh
guys we’re really feeling rick
right now we are you know what
i’m still a little bitter that he shrunk
us so
yeah i feel like he has filled us
guys he’s giving us the opportunity to
swim in a bowl of cheerios
we owe him for that honor
well maybe
but i feel like he owes us because he
got to
you know do his little experiments on us
oh no oh the
oh it might just get attacked by a donut
oh i got attacked by a floating dough
[Laughter] oh man yeah
word to the wise spiders are definitely
more active at night and
even when they’re donuts oh yeah you
know that
even when they’re thomas they’re still
creepy here’s because see here’s what
right you walk around and you think
you’re fine and then you see webs and
you’re like well that’s cool
i’m gonna go try to harvest that
spiderweb because we need it to build a
duke collector
what are you but then you get too close
to the spider web
and then you get workers stop die
workers in the spider
you get eaten by
you know so it was definitely my theory
when i saw the arachnophobia
span uh sensor thing i was like i think
the floating head is more dangerous and
than oh sure well
but at least it’s not an arachniff yeah
it’s i don’t know that it is
oh here pebble i found a pebble but i
need a hammer you need a hammer
yeah the only thing you’ll get from that
is pebblets which is nice because you
can get a large quantity of them but
it doesn’t give you a ton
all right i’m all about not getting a
ton mike i don’t understand
a metric that’s just a public hammer
sweet so now all right i built all the
busting tool oh so i actually
there we go nope spider’s still guarding
my backpack
what a butt someone is trying to rest
i’ll head it back to you mike
yeah someone is there a quick way to
switch between your tools have you guys
figured out
uh left bumper and then select the tool
i think
oh yeah you just have to just select it
see when when your uh joysticks don’t
work very well it makes it a little
difficult to uh do that
so yeah
anyone else tired that’s all i was
trying to avoid
oh two or four ready oh i guess i should
go back and sleep huh
so i’m coming what is your favorite
uh honey nuts
all right where are you
one one correct answer but you know
one correct answer yeah yeah
it’s uh apple cinnamon
[Music] no apple cinnamon cheerios
sleep jake where are you i’m coming i’m
right here
where do i sleep how do i sleep go to
the lean to in the corner
next to the fit the the fire pit
another fire pit okay
respawn point and then i sleep yep
tiny pete’s ready for some tiny rest
did you really come and sleep that’s
that’s really
awkward jake what like we told you to go
to the one by the other fire pit you
definitely just came and slept
with me oh you guys were spooner
[Music] so um
your stream drink well it says that we
are uh jack ray
live where does it say that you tried to
just crash for me
where’s the state jack ray live on the
stream oh
it does i wasn’t the one that set that
that was michael yeah food
all right eating now i need water
anybody have any water on them i don’t
i’m gonna get anybody see me do i know
i i’m working on it
well i’m drinking pool water in the
meantime well you know what so am i
okay about water as i call it to my dog
i found a dandy lion
i need quartzite
yeah do we know what that is no we don’t
we don’t know where it is either
you just killed me again are you serious
stop stop killing me
what is that i am getting annoyed by
andrew all right i’m not going to help
jake what did you do
no now you’re doing it on purpose
i’m not even by you dude no it wasn’t
he just i turned around he’s got a spear
he’s attacking me with
that wasn’t even on accident it was just
straight up
oh i gotcha well mine were legitimately
trying to harvest
that’s the difference i was legitimately
trying to harvest as daniel
i’m i’m stuck in a loop right now trying
to help you jake
but now i can’t find the way they’re
carrying this dandelion
i’m gonna follow all kinds of stem now
oh this is beautiful
might come grab the stem what’s that
over here
uh what’s the way right here ah
this way
and i think it’s over here i think we’re
oh wait this is the ant hill okay let’s
back over here
oh i’m just going to let this go bad
and maybe we could build a mushroom
after all right then uh jason we need to
do um
all right let’s see mushroom garden can
you rejoin or do we need to
pause me let me just try for a second
and then see if i can get in
this is not an indictment on this game
remember this is an early access game
so don’t start saying stuff about it all
jake you need to drink some water
according to the stream yeah
i’ve been needing to drink water for a
long time
[Music] that’s the problem what are you trying
to build michael
i’m trying to build a mushroom garden
oh i got lots of weed stem yeah so we
need weed stem and we need
uh rope uh i got more rope
but soiled meat wow what’s soiled meat
uh you need to let meat go bad i think
all right there’s gotta be a quick way
to build things
like it’s just it’s saying it’s
definitely not working
hot craft available what is hot craft
and i just feel stupid sometimes here
and it makes me feel bad
about life in general i need spoiled
how do we get that
let’s find some things to kill
you go hunting yeah it’s over here
this way in the dead grass area
apparently ants kill the grass oh yeah
here we go
die aunt die oh
sure oh andrew
i’m not here oh
oh that’s a big one yeah okay
they’re off you now come back and save
awesome they’re actually like
killing the grass oh they’re they’re
swarming you again
i need some help oh i’m down
oh i’m running i’m getting all right i’m
guessing nobody’s coming this
to save me at this point yeah i was i
was fighting my way there my
jake i don’t want any trouble
okay here well i also went in there with
armor so that didn’t help either yeah
but i want to get ant armor there’s a
game invites session things yeah
upcoming feature is game invites so i
don’t think
it’s it’s something you can do right now
we i feel like we need to
like expand our our base a little bit
maybe i don’t know
maybe i need my backpack
me too we’ll get backpacks and then re
restart for
for women because we want to lose those
are they they still attack me oh my gosh
i’m still
they still want to attack me
are they still trying to attack you no i
think they’re looking at you
they’re not paying attention to me okay
we should try to continue the puzzles
that are
laid out for us
we should that may lead us to our savior
if that’s if we do i was talking to the
oh yeah i knew that
man yeah oh you have an answer ahead and
[Music] [Laughter] i just got attacked from behind and i
didn’t see it coming
no i’m not all right hey you know what i
what uh these doors
have a fixed hinge unlike minecraft with
the magic hat
get me i’m i’m trying to fight past some
worker and soldiers
i’m not even getting a countdown it’s
like i’m not actually dead
but i’m dead you’re dead
i’m gonna i’m gonna add that up to the
yeah because i don’t feel like they
should still be wanting to attack me
but that’s just me oh i’m dead okay
oh crap i got all kinds of stuff i want
to get in there
i’m going to try a swap if i go to
i go back to me
all right what do we got here oh my gosh
uh no
how do i left bumper
i tried to do a quick grab of all my
why won’t those ants leave me alone i
i want spoiled meat where is it
my body is probably a bunch of spilled
[Laughter] true very true all right so what is this
scanner bracelets
oh man i need more uh might fuzz
i used to have some because i lost it
that’s weird if i had some too
bahama there’s some interesting
information on this all right
are you guys ready for me to back out to
walmart uh
almost almost i got i got one of my
all right ready to go let’s do it nope
just take out
just second second just a second second
i’m going for my other backpack
the backpack will still be there when we
spawn back
nope no he was able to get it yeah i was
able to get mine
all right now the good news here is we
should all
spawn um
in our new uh spawn point
or will we just spawn where we last left
off because that’s where i spawned last
time i joined
you didn’t have a spawn point at the
yeah but i mean i literally um spawned
where i was
all right join in guys join in and i was
even holding
my grasp blades
repeat we’re on a boat
who was left repeat don’t want to do
this joke
[Laughter] [Music] it is i mean the uh the awkward pause i
made it better all right if i
uh if i do say so myself
knock knock oh no
no no no no say who’s there who’s there
master chills boo
what master chills ooh
then say what you’re supposed to say
he just doesn’t matter master chills boo
now say what you’re supposed to say what
are you really that i’m not smart i’m
i don’t understand the word that you’re
saying like for whatever reason it’s not
master chills
[Music] boo hoo why are you crying womack
because of how awful that joke was
analyze analyze it was so
it was so bad you you broke uh mike’s
[Laughter] it’s what am i analyzing what is this do
you guys have any mic fuzz
um i should i should um
aphids oh dude
we need to kill a worker and so we can
mount its head on the wall like a trophy
oh no yes i’ve killed a ton of our
i don’t have any heads though oh not
fuzzy no worker answer the army
okay we need quartzite
like i need to find it i don’t need
white fuzzy
an ant helmet that’s what i said jake
calm down jake
come help me uh i will be there in a
moment i’m
sorry i’m looking to see if i can find
something to kill some stuff with
you will be there for a second 20
seconds he’s gonna let you die
first yeah that’s what i’m hearing take
uh you got 20 seconds to spare how do
upgrade your tools
did you just kill me
you know i i i can’t even see it because
i’m already dead
mandibles back in the game
you know i wish you could see what it
looked like from my screen
because i hear andrew come back here
come back here come back here by me
ready ready yeah
oh you just killed womack
i have very little help now i had a
stack of grass planks i had like does
have food and i lined up and i just i
chucked him at
jake and i hit him like square in the
head and putting some food on the
cooker for you okay oh that was
that’d be wonderful that was wonderful
and then i have no food after that
so enjoy that
eat art and ahead
need more ant stuff
all right you guys ready to go kill some
did you just throw that and chop my head
yeah oh my gosh yes i did
i got you
what did you do you killed me you killed
me did
up you you killed me yeah i did don’t
want to get full health back
damaged okay so now i’m gonna throw this
damaged axe and use a new one
all right is everybody coming to hunt
amps yeah let’s go hunting
i have like no health kill yourself and
then respawn and grab your backpack yeah
or have might kill you
it might kill me pardon me
it’s mike’s favorite thing to do is
betray his friends
oh that’s cool the ladybugs are like
moving the grass
all right so to throw its right bumper
and i think you can right i think if you
hold the right bumper you aim
soldiering it oh the soldier is coming
i’m down jake you’re coming up help me
i’m trying soldier hands down you
know all the other guys quick i’m
definitely paying you back
i’m down
[Laughter] all right hold the give up
fast grab his left bumper just so you
guys know what
when you open your bag left bumper is
gonna fast
grab cause you’re gonna there’s a bunch
of ants that are gonna be attacking you
you try and get your stuff
all right i was attempting to get you
and then they came again
okay so they won’t go any further than
this apparently
yeah i i found they won’t come closer to
me so i can just keep killing them
wait but help me out well i can’t get
why are you attacking me sorry i i i
10 seconds i was literally in a spot i
can’t get you come on
we need you someone keeps hitting revive
trying to thanks walmart
no problem i was in a spot where they
weren’t attacking me
and i was back on them and then mike
started attacking me
and i left it and now they can attack me
hey i’m getting you think i like no
health left now
i’m back in it
i’m just throwing rocks at them
booger breasts come here oh yeah come
here come here help i’m down
where it’s sitting right now it will not
come any closer
i’ve got your hoops so you can get into
a spot
and hit them and just have one person
hitting them
hey hoops come help me i can’t
you guys you guys are like willow
i know i’m trying to help both of you
you guys were overlapping so it wasn’t
let me let letting me revive either one
of you
hang in there i can’t just one of you
get me
10 seconds trying really hard
i’m back i don’t think we can i don’t
think we can get to you safely andrew
okay nobody hit me because i can hit
these guys
okay yeah that wasn’t gonna work
all three of you guys are down at the
same time
we just farming the ants now jake is
that what’s happening here oh yeah i i i
need one more aunt mindable and i can
make a
beer a awesome club
well with the rest of us jake oh then we
can make more clubs
oh got me
i think you’re right though i think like
we’re like on the edge of their
yeah we absolutely are hey andrew do you
want to
like go find out me you want to go find
a pint-sized taco truck while jake hunts
all the ants
oh who’s hitting me with balls or
rocks oh how who just stabbed me like
five times
the only person that has a spear is mike
i just want to point that out there
well if i’m stabbing you like you’re
nowhere near me on my screen so i’m
hey there yeah
there’s someone else too close all right
okay i’m good thanks
[Music] all right inspection second this guy’s
about to meet no
no jake jake i’m gonna lose him if i
don’t kill him now
team player that’s okay get off valley
wasn’t okay
jake i don’t know what’s going on
that’s really weird jake
i was reviving and it would kept popping
me out guys remember
beta game beta or [ __ ] down
this is a great picture all i see is my
hand yeah
there we go i’m still too close to them
you are i’m dead again
in just a second i just switched over to
i was able to move back a little bit
all right
i need to make something make a better
i’m good finally gosh
hey there buddy
i go to my inventory
oh whoever’s mic that is it’s painful
oh jeez come on
crap oh here we go oh i need a workbench
i gotta go back to the workbench real
there we
yeah ooh go one of them got through
see if they can jump past that point
oh yeah all right
[Music] running forward what’s up
look at what i’m using yeah
thanks buddy
oh wait i knew i guess i’m okay
i got you oh i’m dead too this
let me in is okay
peter hang in there you’re gonna be okay
we need like some area effect damage
things here
all right so here’s here’s my concern
in all of this right my concern is that
are like
doing some something we’re doing
horribly horribly wrong
in terms of like progressing
no i i mean i’m pretty sure what i was
doing will progress us
initially but i don’t want to attack
tech ants and stuff
well like i’m just thinking like there
are things that
like we want to build but we haven’t
even like
come close to figuring out like where
those resources are oh
nobody’s gonna get me okay oh i was
right there oh you’re right there i
looked around i didn’t see anybody
yeah so it’s like it just it just feels
like there’s entire like pockets of
that are that we’re supposed to have
access to and we
and we don’t and it just seems okay
yeah i mean it could also be
pre-released as well where do you get a
step from
branches from branches yeah if you see
any branches lying down you’ll feel
you’ll fight it all over it
they’re usually thin branches oh scared
off all the
man i need a bite fuzz anyway
[Music] what’s this better run away
i got changer thanks mike
you were the only one that i didn’t kill
with the decapitation
so i had to level the playing field a
little bit
help me out
um someone make me ant armor
we’re not making any armor yet i’m i’m
trying to make uh
i might fuzz back in the game
my friends big clubs
i might have fuzz all right we might
i need one more mandible and i can make
sure so i’m gonna drop some so
this is my contribution to the armor
all i had that’s all you had mike do you
have any might fuzz
you picked up all six of those right i
think it was that dropped okay i got it
yeah but i think it takes a
whoa what’s going on out there uh ladies
and gentlemen is fighting an
ant all right
all right well here’s here’s the options
oh no i’m down you gave me six a helmet
five so i can make one helmet
i could make arm guards that six only
takes two and you give me six but only
got enough amp parts and acid glands to
two sets of armed guards acid glands
are those are the ants as well i don’t
know where they’re going from home
seven i know i’ve never maybe that’s
what’s been killing us from
from range i have one
ant part which i’ll drop run
that would get me well i mean that
ah i mean i don’t know i
told destin options
i have a lot of ant parts uh
but again i need them the might fuzz as
i have ant knee pads on
well i’ll take anything so
whatever works oh i’m here
ants aren’t mad at me anymore it’s good
yeah i can go in and steal other hard
what do we have lurking around out here
there’s a little buggy give me some
there you go how do you repair
oh right there
answered my own question i don’t see
i found sap nice it drops by my feet
or sap did my pick it out no
you know what sap looks like now now i’m
realizing i’d found sap a long time ago
in let me make it difficult to uh
re-equip my club i guess it’s gone i
where is it we can make a stuffed
soldier ant
all right jake bring me some of those
hand parts you said you had okay
how do we find a new pair all right
let’s see
since they got lost
i’m gonna need some eight parts too i
don’t have any armor
i think i just need three
your mic is uh blown out here a friend
in parts jake three ant parts
you have oh did you guys know there was
a soldier in
that apparently died right outside our
base yeah that was probably uh the one
that the ladybug killed
oh that’s cool i got mandible from it
actually i think that means i can make a
what’s a club
ladybug killed it but they also killed
our wall
some jerks
and okay you just need a part all right
how do you drop them
just one let’s see you
drop just one and you drop all of them
you drop just one
left trigger i think all right there’s
five for
there’s our your reassembled yep
ready to go well i’ll give you five uh
lock they’re probably somewhere because
the all the parts will fly
everywhere when yeah it i just somebody
somebody just picked them up i saw so
they’re probably somewhere the ones i
made for you
pretty sure mike grabbed some as he was
walking through grab some what
ant parts i would not grab many
and i used the two that i grabbed all
right here well
i almost flew inside here ready
wait where are you yeah yeah yeah all
all right who wants a club
we have anything hot craft available
how do you hot craft got it
all right guys how do you just press
press a i think
no it doesn’t do it all right jake’s
really into this hot craft thing
oh i think i figured it out you just go
over to it and you click on it
okay okay all right all right all right
all right cool
bug rubber okay so you still have to
craft everything
you just you don’t have to like if you
need to craft rope you don’t need to go
back to the materials thing to do it you
can just do it yeah
recipe yeah i will say that is one of
the things that
i wish um more survival
games automated like i have all the
resources to craft all of these things
don’t make me select
all those big things
you know yeah no i don’t know
did we ever figure out how you get the
anda knight or whatever you’re looking
uh no but i’m gonna i’m gonna build a
sap catcher
oh yeah we can sleep can we
yeah i’m gonna go build a sap catcher by
uh okay do i do catcher thing
uh we don’t sleep well hang on
my game is getting all laggy
i can’t build a set catcher just
anywhere you’ve got to build it
like probably by a source that’s right
which makes sense well
low energy obamacare kicked out again
[Music] that’s upsetting yeah i mean well it is
11 o’clock so we probably can uh wrap up
the stream here
you can probably call it a night for
this week
yeah i think we might have to revisit at
some point and uh
try to find this rick moranis
okay but now that i made it who wants an
ant club
before we go i’ll take it jake all right
i don’t think i need it ah
inventory yeah
[Music] armor was all broken and stuff oh
it wasn’t equipped
[Music] the spear is stuck in your head i bet
you my armor was broken because of
mike it’s stuck in jake’s head
[Music] oh yeah thanks for the pebble axe the
sphere hey give me my spear back
who’s gonna take my cup
oh my gosh that was that was really
funny the spear was just like
sticking straight out of your head
there’s your your
spear and here’s the axe
who’s taking the the club club’s right
where’s the club right here where i’m at
oh good times wait
good times whoa where did that bounce to
did how much health did you have there
mike i i was near dead
like wow okay get up valley
one hit was gonna do it were you able to
loop back in
oh jeez
okay where i don’t know where it bounced
to it’s right here
right here your pebble axe
does that i don’t know you use that one
okay all right
thanks for joining us for this stream oh
i moved at the right time there
that’s just coming right at me so we
will catch you guys
in the next stream uh we will be
streaming every thursday night
uh if you like this video hit the like
subscribe to the channel join us next
uh also keep an eye out we are starting
a minecraft series
ah you got me this time start a
minecraft series
uh we’re gonna start posting videos
should be tomorrow
and look for a couple videos a week
on that uh first episode yeah a little
we’re still learning but i hope you
enjoy i hope you check it out
uh check out our patreon give us a
support there
and like us on facebook catch you guys
in the next one
peace bye
i just put spoiled meat in this

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