Justice For Rick Moranis Presented By www.bobanddougmckenzie.com

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Justice For Rick Moranis

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Beloved actor and 80s icon Rick Moranis will now get justice. Thanks to you, they have caught the suspect. #RickMoranis #Celebrities #Entertainment

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  1. its brainwashing propaganda BLM White privilege the belief that William Shakespeare was black that every great man was black all lies wile the world is getting the great reset by covid19 and the globalist elite they think they can crush white people like ants or vermine diversity does not exclude people equal rights equal treatment its racist to exclude and the far left SJW so called Feminests do not want equality are Racist

  2. Ok wow youtube obviously didn't like my reply to this video and deleted what I said. But I'm going to repost it:- The black man may have been caught but I bet he was released not long after. Injustice is happening, it seems to me there are two laws:- there's the black people law and the law for everyone else. The law for when black people commit a crime against anyone else seems to be:- black people are free to commit crimes against everyone and there will be no conciquences for their actions. The law for anyone else the commits crime against black person seems to be:- the person who committed the crime against the black person need to be lynch mobbed through the streets and then publicly executed by the black person, the execution needs to broadcast worldwide and all people better support the black people for doing this. NO! This is wrong! It shouldn't matter what your skin type is or sexuality is or gender identity is, ect. We are all subject to the law of country residences (State and Country of residences for America). Why should this guy get away with attacting someone else?#Justice4RickMoranis
    Ps I am going to take snapshot of this post so if youtube deletes it again I can easily repost it.

  3. "Fled northbound on foot" ….at a leisurely walking pace,…..(probably on his way to the mailbox to send his ballot for Beijing Biden)

    Let's make sure NY's police department and legal system know that this remains a high visibility issue.

  4. Please nothing will happen to him. We will get another lesson about white people bad, anti-black racism and the systemic oppression that the suspect has suffered at the hands of bad, straight, white males. Nope. He'll walk away without consequence and demand reparations…which will be hand delivered to him by…fill in the blank.

  5. Time for a sequel this one will be called honey i stretched your ass good luck you peace of filth say what you like about prison it really can widen your circle of friends

  6. It's shit like this that make me wish I was there to try to stop the guy, I may not have been able to detain him but I could have slowed him down enough for the police to arrive to arrest him.

    Im glad he was caught.. If this ever happens again, report it immediately if you see it.

  7. This reminds me of a court case back in early 2000 were a six foot teenager mugged a 80year old pensioner. The press cried racism and paint the teenager as a victim and being discriminated against because he was black and the victim was white man, until the camera footage got leaked showing this kid spot the old man putting money in his wallet(which he was struggling to do due to his althrytis) casualy walk over snatch the money from his hand and push the old man who was half his size to the ground then calmly walk away without a backward glance. The pensioner broke his hip and was hospitalised for six months.

  8. Rick is lucky actually! Crowder has an episode where the guy got snuck upon and clubbed with a brick, looked like he was murdered in broad daylight just crossing a street! And the footage is from the perps friends laughing at what looks like murder! This is not ok by any measure, they never caught them even though they should have been able to from the account. Let the folks that kept finding Shia Labeouf's flag, look for these "bad guys."

    But I ain't one to gossip… .

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