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Lincoln Instructs Grant

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bob and doug mckenzie theme song Lincoln,Gen. Grant,Gen. Lee surrenders #Lincoln #Instructs #Grant


  1. DDL could have played the part as theatrical and larger than life but instead he gave us a Appalachian soft spoken country boy who has read a ton of books that truly earned his position

  2. Possibly the most beautiful movie I ever saw. Sitting in a theatre in Toronto in Canada, I wept when President Lincoln descended the stairs at the end. it genuinely choked me up. What phenomenal acting there was in this masterpiece. They all would have been proud, I'm sure, to see how they were remembered.

  3. Lincoln never being assassinated Jimmy carter winning reelection george w bush and trump never winning the presidency without also winning the popular vote would have changed history for the better for the usa and the world

  4. Fun fact about the lee surrender scene they don't show, as Lee and his officers leave on horse back, some of the Unions soldiers started to cheer and were immediately silenced by Grant.

  5. I love how some comments are trying to put up the narrative of the “poor south just trying to uphold their state rights and the north unlawfully invaded” — as if the months leading up to secession didn’t happen and the North invaded unprovoked.

    Congrats – those comments fell for and believe the narrative the south wanted to tell.

    It took them almost 150 years, but we are still feeling the aftermath of the revision of history — it does boil down to a single thing that came to define the reason for the war: right to own slaves.

    Hell drawing state borders were defined by right to own slaves — just look at Oklahoma. Ever wondered why it’s shaped like that? It’s because slavery wasn’t permitted above the the state border

  6. I thought Grant arrived late to Appomatox covered in dirt and mud while Lee arrived in his best, clean uniform? Anyway, Lincoln was an interesting man. He wrote poetry about suicide (as he suffered from extreme depression), was not the 100% the benevolent anti-slavery leader the U.S. makes him out to be as he even suggested freed slaves should have been sent to Africa (Americans have the habit of replacing historical fact with black/white propaganda as their rigid mindsets cannot process complexity), and he might have had homosexual tendencies as he shared the same bed with Joshua Speed for five years, and wrote him very intimate, loving letters. It would have simply been better if the British had won the Revolutionary War almost 100 years earlier as they were already taking steps to eliminate slavery (20,000 blacks fought for the loyalists compared to a few thousand for the colonists). The Revolutionary War was more about the Founding Fathers (almost all of whom were slave owners) wanting to prevent the British from eliminating slavery than it was taxation without representation. Had the British won, we could have avoided the Civil War and today the U.S. would have a better healthcare model in regard to cost, access, and outcomes, higher minimum wage, almost no gun deaths, and a stronger social safety net

  7. If I didn’t know who these legends were, I truly would never believe they were British and not Americans, unbelievably talented and the accents are nearly perfection. Amazing movie

  8. It was fair to let the soldiers go free after the war. But Jefferson Davis should not have seen another day of freedom. His actions as a leader lead to our nation's bloodiest war all in the name of protecting the wealthy land owner's institution of free human labor.

  9. U S Grant was also played by a UK actor here hes Jared Harris (King George VI in the crown and the opa pirate leader in the expanse and the main character in the terror miniseries). Oh and lane price in mad men

  10. I know why they made the decisions they did back then and I respect that, living today I think that it was ultimately a mistake. The confederate traitors should have been held accountable wholly and immediately

  11. Fun fact when President Andrew Johnson brought up charging and potentially hanging Lee, Grant screamed at him for it since he respected Lee immensely, even going so far that if he hanged Lee that he himself would jump out a third story window.

  12. Removing their hats was such a hypocritical move after burning down the South killing civilians and blockading them and killing a third of the men in a war of annihilation and subjugation. Of course history is written by the victor and this war was not about states rights and free people choosing their way against an oppressive government, no, it was about the benevolent government saving and liberating people. Tell me how well that one went and what marvellous results it brought for those people.

  13. The thing that this scene does really well is foreshadow the coming difficulties of reconstruction. Look at the way Grant and all his men respectfully take off their hats, holding them at their waists, a gesture of genuine respect to a defeated foe and a sign that they are willing to let bygones be bygones and work together in the future. Lee, meanwhile, only reluctantly partly removes his hat, all the while staring down at Grant with a smoldering look while the music starts to take a more ominous turn. It's a sign that while the Confederacy has been defeated, the force of white supremacy is still as potent and present as ever.

  14. Unfortunately by the end of Grants second term, White Supremacy in the south had regained control. Black rights went out the door.. It wasn/t until LBJ that they were restored. Being easy was a short term solution. Longterm the problems still exist. Rs are now the party of racism and business. Grant exceeded his authority at Appomattox but he was doing what Lincoln would have wanted,I guess. I dont think there was a good long term solution. Grant tried to be friendly at the surrender, but Lee was having none of it. Longstreet was an old friend of Grants and at the surrender they bantered. The only union officer Lee spoke to in the room other than Grant was an ex adjutant of his from when he was the commandant at West Point. This hat episode never happened. Grant had doffed his hat to some CSA prisoners late in the war to acknowledge them. One prisoner said Grant was the only union officer that did this. Chamberlain did salute Gordon at the actual laying down of arms. Gordon replied in kind.

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