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Little Giants Drunk Movie Review As Seen On

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Little Giants Drunk Movie Review

Consume the media clip “Little Giants Drunk Movie Review” one of countlessour library of similar movies which showcase the loved comedic characters of the McKenzie brothers.

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Join Mat and Vetta as they discuss the 1994, Little Giants. Ever since childhood, nerdy Danny O’Shea (Rick Moranis) has felt inferior to his brother, Kevin (Ed O’Neill), a former college football star. Danny runs a gas station, while Kevin coaches the local youth football team. When Kevin’s team rejects Danny’s daughter, Becky (Shawna Waldron), because she’s a girl, Becky convinces her dad to start a rival team, though the city can support only one. To prove himself against his brother, Danny begins coaching his team of misfits for a playoff game. All this will be discussed by this duo as They talk about everything while enjoying the pleasure of getting drunk!

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#MovieReviews #spotifypodcasts #Podcast #Football #FootballSeason #LittleGiants
hello everyone and welcome to another
episode of BS drunk movie reviews this
is a weekly podcast and we to upload the
video version of this to our YouTube
channel so you can check us out there
make sure to like And subscribe all that
good stuff my name is Matt and as always
I being joined by my sister and co-host
on this adventure vetta what’s up
dudes what’s up all right on this month
our our uh theme is football and so we
are going to be talking about the movie
Giants so before we get into this movie
I want to ask uh Veta the most important
question of the night and that is what
are you drinking hi I’m drinking Raman
Co it’s been tasting really good lately
so I’ve just been sticking with it plus
I didn’t have the ingredients that I was
GNA for the the cocktail giant or uh
adult dreamsicle
I didn’t have the ingredients and I
didn’t want to go to the store and get
it so I totally get it I’m the same way
I’m just like whatever I am drinking an
Angry Orchard I know you don’t care for
them but I like them they’re delicious
and I’m G send you like Stellas don’t do
it it’s fine but I just feel like it was
it was like home toy hom toown and
everything so I was like I’m gonna drink
this it’s quite delicious two two whole
apples to make one bottle of anry oh is
that what it says yeah oh yeah two
apples in every battle Yeah
I don’t I commercials what are those
anyways okay so what you watch when a
movie’s on free form or some
[ __ ] on
tuby okay so Beta had you you’d seen
this movie before right yeah a long time
ago I completely forgot about it and
then I went oh my God it’s like the kids
version of quarterback princess with
Helen Hunt do remember that I don’t know
what you’re talking about but yay okay
you’re way too young for that then my
[Music] bad you’re you’re right show
again it’s it’s totally cool it’s
totally cool why we’re talking I’m
looking it up because I’m like now I
have to watch that movie okay
so um did you like this movie I mean
it’s a fun kid movie it’s got its issues
it does have its issues my wife did not
like this this was the first time my
wife stand up the test of time he did
not like it at all so I was like like I
was like oh okay so all right so long
story short it’s about two brothers uh
Danny O’Shea and Kevin O’Shea which I
did not believe those two are brothers I
even in a movie acting I’m not buying it
yeah right on um but they are they are
total opposites in terms of like their
look and personality and Kevin goes and
wins the Heisman Trophy which we have to
hear about all [ __ ] movie and then
Danny just stays in his hometown and
buys the gas station everything so the
uh which is job yeah absolutely so Kevin
he wants to start a peeeee uh football
team what’s that what are they called
Rocket football or some [ __ ] like that
anyways so he wants to start a peewee
football team and they’re called the
Cowboys and he uh doesn’t let some
groups of kids in so then Danny he
starts his own Mis who’s by a girl
because of course girls can’t play
football I beg to because I had a
daughter who played football and she
kicked ass not in a boys league right
yeah she did oh she yeah she played from
third grade up to like seventh grade and
then she decided they all went through
gross spurts and were way bigger than
her it was G to go from them squish her
squashing them like a bug to them
squashing her like a bug yeah because
they’re now they’re now they’re built
like brick [ __ ] houses okay so and then
so they now they’re gonna so they can
only have one team per her town so
they’re can only pay yeah so they’re G
so they have to battle it out in one one
big championship game and the winner
take all kind of thing so we get these
so he gets all the losers and everything
and um they don’t call him losers they
call them Misfits Misfits whatever
anyways like Santa’s workshop and this
is the Island of Misfit Toys right on so
I want to real quick touch on the
brother Dynamic real quick at the very
beginning of the movie because Kevin was
a real [ __ ] dick hole in this movie
because I’m sorry if my brother even
even if he was a shitty player in
anything I would have picked him first
no matter what and Kevin did not he was
all about winning instead of like don’t
you feel like that that’s kind of true
because not everyone’s built or raised
on the same thing like I feel
like we were raised on the family first
aspect even when they’re wrong you’ve
got your family back and then you berate
them at home for being an idiot but not
in public so not everyone’s raised that
way there you know not everyone sticks
up for their family and is right or die
I guess I gu like I may hate you and
call you an [ __ ] but [ __ ] you do
it I’m coming for you yeah yeah we’re
gonna break your [ __ ] hand anyways so
okay so now then we jump forward just
shitty brother he’s just a shitty
brother he is a shitty bro and kind of a
shitty human being I’m sorry right he’s
totally a dick like he’s definitely one
of those oh my God you rock you want to
check tape yeah and he chooses gum like
an [ __ ] too you know where they those
guys that like they like move their draw
like get the [ __ ] out of yeah you’re
like you’re like you suck I hate you
already I love how this is Ted Bundy by
the way playing this role that’s what my
wife she she’s like is that Ted bunny
I’m like yeah he went he went like
downhill after this movie in terms of
like his characters because he went from
a a guy that wasn’t a loser to a loser
anyways okay but a real family man so
okay so so they’re now they’re in we’re
in like he hates his brother yeah
present day or whatever anyway so
present day we’re at this um audition
for tryouts for the
audition ah [ __ ] you okay so anyways so
I loved how ice boox the girl how she’s
like just like manhandling all these
niame yes such a bad
nickname um and I loved how her her
she’s she’s standing up for all the
losers in the group sorry missfitz they
don’t get picked for the team and
they’re like oh well is me and that’s
another thing about the Kevin guy he
didn’t even pick his own niece for the
team and she was clearly a good player
all because she was a girl and I’m all
like I thought you wanted to win [ __ ] face obviously oh yeah but people can’t
get you know that’s that’s a old story
oldest time you know she’s a girl she
can’t do it I do have to say though at
like you said with your daughter when it
came to high school she would have had
to bail out because oh no she bailed out
before then she knew darn good and well
yeah because if if if she hadn’t a
bailed out um what was his name Spike um
he would have um manhandled her in which
I want which by the way I want to talk
about spike in a minute because oh yeah
could we see his birth certificate
please because because I have so many
things to say about him anyways
so I do I do also like when um well not
like it but you ever notice how like
Kevin O’Shea he’s all like he’s all like
um we need to start because the girl
didn’t get on the team he’s like we’re
gonna start cheerleaders and I was like
you know that’s not actually not that
bad an idea to start cheerleaders and
everything but uh obviously the girl
because that doesn’t mean that she needs
to be a cheerleader right I mean and
that’s a dick sexest thing to think that
all girls want to be
cheerleaders oh right on uh I mean was a
cheerleader for a small portion of my
life my daughters have were my daughters
have all been cheerleaders still looking
for that if you’re not a member of the
patreon please feel free to join we have
had many uh requests for my old cheer
tapes maybe if I get drunk enough
someday it will make it with commentary
sweet PE uh I am I am going to be
finding that as soon as possible I just
just you gotta go through mom’s house
I’m not our parents have a lot yeah our
parents have a lot of VHS tape you do
not even understand like you know how
when you when when Belle went into the
library and Beauty and the Beast and it
was just like wall to wall like a whole
wing of a castle that’s how it is with
VHS days at our parents house it’s only
it’s the basement and it’s all the wall
VHS they weren’t very great at labeling
you were lucky if you got the year or
it’ll be some obscure labeling of like
the Twins and you’re like okay what what
about the twins right so okay so then um
so the they start to recruit all these
little these little losers for their
group I I have to say I particularly
love the kid on the the the Meer horse
that was he was the the Cowboy Kid he’s
all like do do you know what football is
no do you know how to play no do you
want to play on our team no great you’re
on our team and I’m like uh he said no
like no that’s I was like he does not
give consent [ __ ] to be on your team
but he went on there anyway so I was
like well I guess he’s you a big
pushover apparently he doesn’t
understand consent
either right on and then um they got the
nerdy kid which I just have to say that
nerdy kid that was like the co- coach or
whatever yeah he was very obsessed with
uh the annexation of Puerto Rico because
he brought it up every five minutes and
I was like yeah we got it you don’t like
Puerto Rico [ __ ] do you not kind of
get a Mighty Ducks feeling oh my gosh so
much Mighty Ducks like like they did
that I think they even did that that
thing where somebody got spun around and
they were like that little thing and I
was like what’s going on here I was like
this is very much like okay one thing
also the kid um I believe his name was
Danny didn’t like Mighty Ducks to have a
cowboy in it who last yes we are doing
Mighty Ducks at some point in time now
that you mention it on the patreon it’s
a it’s a franchise we’re going to do
we’re going to do it now that you just
mentioned that I’m so excited you’d have
no idea okay anyways Okay so one kid
that shows up is Dany right I think his
name is Danny anyways and his dad leaves
him to go on like a business trip right
and then later on we see his dad get his
his plane ticket passport off of the
mirror and then he goes off on a trip or
whatever right before the big game he’s
like be back in a couple of days I’m
like um you show up like the next day at
the next day at the game and you said a
couple of days so what happened to your
trip [ __ ] my question with Dan is he
finally realized this is important to
his son yeah which should be who cares
about paying the bills yeah which by the
way fathers are important so I kind of I
kind of I kind of like not cheered up
but I got your you’re living the dad
life for sure doing a great job thank
you I thank you I appreciate so okay so
one thing I wanted to comment on Danny
was where’s his [ __ ] mother because
it looked like he got left at that house
by himself while his dad was on trips
and I was like like he was Kevin from
Home Alone yeah I was all like yeah dads
are important but so are like adults in
your life you need them
around like how many movies are we going
to knock off in this movie so far we’re
Mighty Ducks we look like we’re home
alomi it what’s next oh my gosh I don’t
know that princess movie that you
mentioned okay so the last member that I
want to talk about and I don’t remember
his name but he’s been in a bunch of
movies was that
little shut up and let me finish [ __ ] face was that kid with the big ass glass
and the bow cut I don’t remember his
name in this movie but I just want to
say right now I love this kid I was all
like why can’t this kid show up more I
mean now he’s an adult and [ __ ] but I
was all like I just really like love him
so much and um is that
Jake no not wait was Jake um uh the
Casper kid I I don’t know I’m just
throwing names out there I’ll be honest
all right hold on I’m GNA find out real
quick while we’re talking about this
but um okay so they assemble their big
their big bunch of losers okay his name
yeah Jake you’re right Jake Burman T
played by Todd Bosley God I loved this
kid growing up like as as a as a kid
seeing this Nery [ __ ] skinny kid I
was all like Yay he’s one of us um okay
so there so there’s Shenanigans a foot
right and they first they find Junior at
the store because junior is throwing um
toilet paper rolls right and Junior is a
good quarterback so they found their
quarterback and he’s the kid from Casper
right he’s he’s Casper but like the
human form of Casper before he dies and
everything which um which my wife kept
my wife was is that jtt and jtt and I
was like like that’s not Jonathan Taylor
Thomas that’s not that’s not jtt okay
she and is that Casper I was like that’s
Casper that’s Casper you’re like ding
ding ding and we have a winner exactly
so it’s like how many 90s kids are you
GNA name before you get the right
one we should turn that into a game show
actors child oh that’d be so good that’d
be so good okay so they find their
quarterback right and then there’s like
a new kid in town who’s like a football
like Nega star and his name is always
there’s always a new kid yeah which I
want to talk about Spike but first I
want to talk about when they went to go
get Spike right they are driving through
town all right and the I Shrunk the Kids
um guy I don’t remember his name he Rick
Moranis thank you yeah he is he’s on a
go-kart and I just want to be all like
get the [ __ ] out of here with your
go-kart [ __ ] but at the same time I
loved it because I was like I was like
it’s so fun it’s so stupid did you go oh
man I want a go-kart I do want a go-kart
but I was like I live in the city so I
don’t know where we would drive it I
think it would be illegal but it would
be I would I do want a go-kart um but I
thought too it’s like the child and me
went yeah and then I love how Kevin
O’Shea he gets I love how I saying their
names their full names uh he gets stuck
by at this train tracks but Danny OA he
goes through the little bar and almost
dies in my opinion um and gets to spike
and his dad first now I just want to say
right now Spike dad is a bad parent okay
because he’s like what does he say he’s
like he’s like at night I massage his
hamstrings with buttermilk and I’m like
ew you’re gross you’re like a dirty are
you planning to fry him up like a nice I
was just like when are you gonna start
[ __ ] him you big weirdo this is weird
and he’s like he’s like he could do 10
uh uh p uh pull-ups at at age four and
I’m all like [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ve got a
5-year-old that [ __ ] can barely pull
himself up off the floor get out of here
and so um so I and so I want spike I
want to talk I want to spend some time
on Spike because spike is a psychopath
okay I did not like this character
because first off I don’t like anybody
that talks to thems in the third person
and he kept saying Spike’s unhappy Spike
doesn’t play with girls was like why is
Spike talking about Spike when you are
[ __ ] you’re going to be a dick when
you grow up you’re going to be that dick
that’s like what was that movie we
watched with the guy that kept referring
to himself in the third person he was
dating Catherine
higel oh that was Valentine my Valentine
he was like Jason thinks you’re hot I
was like oh my God this is gonna I was
like Spike you’re gonna die you’re gonna
be Jason and you’re yeah you’re gonna
you’re gonna die you’re gonna die Spike
because people are gonna be pissed off
about the third person [ __ ] yeah my
whole thing with that was I was just
like okay so I’m like I’m like I
understand that that like maybe I don’t
understand but excuse me but Spike okay
first off he’s all like excuse me
sorry he’s all like sitting here all
like like I don’t play with girls and
all this thing and everything and um and
the the the the geeky kids all like now
with him we can finally finish the
annexation of Puerto Rico and I’m like
what’s up with this kid in Puerto Rico I
don’t understand and so
he doesn’t want to play with ice box
because she’s a girl but he’s she’s all
like I’m gonna manhandle you and he’s
like every time they called her ice box
I was like that’s the best you could do
writers that was the best you could do
yeah and he’s like he’s like uh he’s
like he’s like Spike must be mistaken
Spike doesn’t play with girls and she’s
like G ey he’s like he’s like Spike
Spike’s unhappy and everything and
um uh but yeah so Spike I I feel like
Spike he peaked already at what 10 and
I’m all like that’s so sad Spike spike
has peaked spike is sad so um bike’s
gonna do just like his dad and live
vicariously through his child and talk
about how your high school years are the
best years of your life yeah which I’m
all like oh that’s so that’s so sad but
I mean like it’s so sad but I mean like
at the same time I’m like maybe Spike
went on to do great
things sper alert he didn’t because uh
he’s been in other movies and he didn’t
stay Spike
okay um okay all right so a little bit
of a cutie py I’m just saying Spike as
an adult the actor you think so okay Hey
listen to each his own okay so I want to
talk about two instances before we move
on to um the real football player
showing up right okay the first instance
is I loved the scene where Ted
Bundy is um he stand okay so he’s in his
Liv what I thought was his living room
apparently it’s not it’s his den in this
on the second floor of their house which
is so weird and um his wife has the
couch cushions and they have a picture
of a pirate but it’s supposed to be ice
box in her helmet but it’s a pirate and
was like that’s weird and he’s having
his teammate his his team try to tackle
his wife with the couch cushions and his
youngest daughter is recording and then
finally after one kid doesn’t succeed
right he goes let me show you how it’s
done and I was like this is turning into
domestic violence real [ __ ] quick
like I was all like I was like I feel
like he wanted to really tackle his wife
in real life but he couldn’t because he
was gonna get arrested I went um
children have your phones ready and then
I went oh wait they don’t have phon yeah
yeah because it’s like 93 I was like
which by the way I was like 10 at this
point in time which which I saw this
movie when it came out I love this movie
sorry I think that’s the only reason I
seen it is because you know how Fridays
were movie night in our house I think it
was you guys’s turn to pick because I
was in high school there’s no [ __ ] way I would have seen this willingly
right on oh don’t lie you loved it and
so he goes to tackle his wife and his
wife being the smart woman that she is
she jumps out of way she’s like [ __ ] this noise and he tackles the the thing
but he goes through the window down the
roof um knocks his balls into a tree
limb which I was like how how [ __ ] um
Three Stooges is this and then lands in
the pool and I was like this is fun and
everything and then of course the
daughter recorded it so she’s uh
watching it though they’re like watching
it on replay and I was like I like this
is whatever it’s fine I love it anyways
so okay so the second thing I want to
talk about is their car wash okay now I
I don’t know about you but I totally
think car washes are fine but um they
won five bucks and I was like okay but
there’s like no hot [ __ ] here uh for
the cars so I’m like fine but then um
that one guy shows
up which is like the co- coach of uh of
the cowboy oh yeah that guy and he’s
being a mega dick hole like he’s all
talking about how he’s like if I was a
chi a chicken and they were my baby
hands I’d take them out I’d lead them
out to water and let them drown I was
like these are children [ __ ] they’re
not chicks what are you talking about
what I’m like I’m pretty sure you’re
like a serial killer yeah he is like I
was all like I was like you peaked at N9
years old because you’re way worse off
now than you were in that flashback at
the very beginning of the movie remember
because he picked him first for his team
he’s like oh yes and I’m all like you
looked like way better then than you do
now fat [ __ ] and everything so how bad
is that when you’re like looking up back
pictures and you think that ni
you pe you Peak at nine and 10 years old
it’s so sad so sad so sad gosh made it
to Middle School yeah yeah right I mean
like I personally feel like I peaked at
26 but you know whatever it’s fine
you’re doing
great I think I peaked at like 35 right
on you made it longer than I did okay so
um okay was there any any parts that
stuck out to you at all before we get to
I feel like this was just everything
every time it brought up the girl I’m
like ice box I hate even saying her name
I’m like oh my God could we just hate
females more could this is such
a women in sports hating movie like God
forbid she doesn’t want to be pretty
pretty princess going yay team like I
mean and her dad’s all supportive and
stuff but I’m also like you have her
dressed up like a tomboy you can’t tell
her that she can do anything she wants
and be anything she wants
[Music] and no I’m on the same boat I’m on the
same boat I mean I don’t I have a
feeling my daughter’s not GNA be into
football but um if she was I’d be like
yeah go [ __ ] those [ __ ] up you know
what I’m saying like like and no mercy
like you rip their [ __ ] heads off and
everything so but um and then if she
turns around five years later and wants
to be a cheerleader you’re dad who’s
cheering on cheerleaders exact I would I
would I’d be like i’ be I’d be on the
like put him in a
grab yeah you would be dressed up in all
of your gear and people be like which
one’s yours and you’d hold up your
megaphone and you’d be
like yeah I can hear you because you’re
too loud and you’re far away from Wreck
anyways it’s fine um I would be that way
because I’m I’m one of those people um
so okay so I loved how I loved how they
called what did they call the kid the
fat kid um they called him voltar did
they call him volar and and every time
like I love how Spike was like uh yo
jelly rolls and he’s all like you rang I
love how he said You Rang after
everything I was like that’s funny that
kid’s funny he said You Rang I was like
why don’t they just call him like quasi
Moto yeah right and then his dad okay so
his dad and Kevin
OHA they come and and get him from the
the team he’s quitting the team and so
at that point they get into like this
huge fight and I was all like why are
you guys fighting I mean I understand
the script says you need to fight but
it’s like why are you fighting and I’m
all like like they’re all like like like
the the the quarterback guy leaves and
and then the girl ends up quitting
because she’s all like maybe if you
weren’t staring at his dick all day and
I’m all like hey you guys need to calm
it down okay
then sorry I was taking a SI and then um
oh sorry I need to get my another
one so they end up like like quitting or
whatever and I loved the little the
little wimy kid that finds the
professional football players how he’s
all like he’s like it’s a free country
and I can cry if I want to I’m like hey
don’t be a [ __ ] right now this is not
the time okay you’re can say there’s no
cry if Tom Hanks can tell girls there’s
no crying in baseball I’m pretty sure
there’s no crying in football just just
saying exactly and that kid I just want
to be like hey hey mous kts this is your
time to stand up to the to your friends
and be like hey I’m not a [ __ ] I eat
[ __ ] you know what I’m saying you know
what I’m saying so okay so what were
your thoughts when he found the
professional football players I went oh
because they’re just hanging out in this
Podunk town just waiting for some band
of R and hey we need inspiration for our
team of Misfits can you come tell us how
you guys were all award at one point and
now you’re all famous and you’ve
succeeded in life I’m like this is the
worst right so I I loved how
like it’s like Mighty Ducks remember in
Mighty Ducks with amilio Estes takes
them to see the North Star real
[Music] okay so I yeah I loved this part only
because I loved how with like the fat
kid all he had to do was tackle that
that blonde hunk by the way
hello yeah when he’s like he was like
he’s like tackle me he’s like he’s like
just do it he’s like don’t be afraid and
he’s like I was like I was like I jump
on you too [ __ ] I was like you’re hot
I was like can I tackle you yeah exactly
and then finally he was just like ah and
he’s like he’s like yeah and everything
and I was like yeah I was like uh so and
then he’s like he’s like uh he’s like
good job and he’s like remember uh it’s
it’s 80% football’s 80% mental and 40%
physical and I was like somebody doesn’t
know math because the math the math is
not mathing [ __ ] like it’s a good
thing you’re so pretty and good at
football because no other career is
working for you honey ex exactly I was
like I was like I was like yeah and your
brain is 0% dead okay because I was like
uh so and you could tell that the fat
kid got that he was like wait what that
doesn’t make any sense like he didn’t
read the other parts in the
script they’re like they told that that
football player just say this and see
what he does the kid was like totally
what that doesn’t make any sense you
know he was carry the
one no yeah and the one was like I was
never the I was never always the biggest
or the fastest or the smartest but I I
believe within myself that I was a giant
wait what he’s all but my I had the
heart yeah and I’m all like I’m all like
um you’re not the biggest the fastest or
the smartest so um you’re a loser right
so like whose dick did you suck to get
be yeah that’s what I was like I was
like what position do you play then I’m
so confused on your role on the team but
but whatever I don’t know all the team
players memories water boy yeah and this
was just another um another part where
that [ __ ] geeky kid could bring up
the annexation of Puerto Rico and I was
like hey it’s a state I think it’s kind
of a state I don’t know but whatever not
quite a state but it is a US Territory
why are you trying to annexation it what
is going on here with you kid you’re
racist anyways it’s fine it’s fine
anyways okay so can we all right I want
to talk about one more one more thing
and then we’ll get to the big game okay
okay I want to talk about Becky ibox and
her her her transformation SLG going
through this I’m I’m a I’m a tough chick
to I um find Casper really hot to I’m a
Cheerleader okay so she sees so before
she sees Casper which by the way I have
a real problem with people talking to
themselves in movies because I’m all
like listen I talk to myself
but I’m like by myself when I talk to
myself I’m not in a grocery store being
all like he’s so sexy wait Mt doesn’t
fall for sexy boys I’m ice boox oh but
he’s so cute I don’t nobody no I don’t
do that nobody does that except for
people in movies so um what did you
think about and she was eating Donuts I
loved that that was great I hate when
people talk to themselves in movie I Am
the same way and I feel like if you
think someone’s talking to themselves in
in public real life they turn and then
you see the earbud and you’re like and
you’re kind of you’re like oh thank God
they’re not crazy standing next to a
psycho is gonna eat me right on
sometimes I do talk to myself I’ll be
like where did I see that at I’ll be
talking and somebody will look at me and
I’ll just like oh I’m on the phone but I
don’t have an earbud in my ear I just I
just I’m on the phone and everything and
they’re just like oh okay and everything
you know it’s so stupid okay point and
then they see you later and they you’re
just like you’re just like you’re
crazy so then she’s so I love the scene
where she’s sitting by the river or
whatever and she’s walking watching
those two people um make out which I’m
like hey don’t be rude that’s a private
moment yeah and then Casper comes over
and he’s like ew gross I’m like oh get
the [ __ ] out of here Casper you were
about to to start suck wants to suck
face with her yeah yeah and he was about
ready to jump on that that cheerleader’s
[ __ ] the other like like two scenes ago
so I’m like don’t even act like you’re
not interested okay you were getting a
heart on that whole time you’re like
what 13 at this moment please stop it no
please it’s hard all the time exactly
ain’t that the truth when the wind blows
I’m all like I’m ready daddy’s ready
okay anyways so then are weird yeah
we’re not weird we’re just horny
[ __ ] okay so then it goes from that
too she wants to now be a cheerleader
right because she wants to impress
Junior that’s his name oh yeah because
now she’s all of a sudden discovered
that getting the dick is a good thing
yeah yeah and then and I just want to
say right now I did not think Becky was
attractive personally I thought that she
was she wasn’t ugly but like I thought
she was better I thought it was better
when her hair was in a ponytail like off
her face and her bangs were just like
not not good in my opinion I was like
you need to get rid of those bangs um
I’m not a huge fan of bangs to begin
with so so then um but then she becomes
a cheerleader right and I’m just like
honey you’ve got linebacker shoulders
you should be linebacker in this movie
and I went doesn’t this defeat the whole
point of this movie yeah right and the
team she started the team by lying about
it supposed to be you can be anything
you want to be you do you and now all of
a sudden she’s like no I just want to do
The Stereotype because he’s super cute
right okay so now that we’ve got all
that [ __ ] out of the way let’s hop over
to the big game right the big game so
they’re all upset that um
Becky’s not playing
right but they they go out and the first
quarter or
whatever they uh they suck they’re just
like no good whatsoever they they just
get pumble and um spike is like I’m
gonna rip your head off and then Jake’s
all like tucking his head under the but
by the way I love that part so much when
he like I’m gonna rip your head off and
he starts tucking his head underneath
the thing that was great there nowhere
to go with it
yeah and so um they lose the first
quarter right so during the halftime
they go into the the um the locker room
inspirational yes and he’s and he’s tell
and he’s like you know one time I beat
my brother going down Devil’s Pass uh he
ate my dust like you beat Kevin OA in
Devil’s Pass and I’m like it sounds not
that great guys and like what’s Devil’s
P right and he’s like he’s like and then
one the the the dorky kids like one time
I did a backflip off the diving board
and my brother chickened out and they’re
like oh man your brother’s in the
Marines I’m like his brother didn’t
chicken out his brother didn’t chicken
out chicken out he was trying to make
his little brother feel good about
himself yeah exactly exactly he’s like
and then the the fat kid’s like that’s
nothing one time at a carnival I beat
both my brothers in a tow a cow dung
toss I was like ew you’re
right I was all like that’s disgusting I
would never touch uh anything that deals
with poo I’m
out yeah and I loved how I loved how I
GNA one more thing about Jake because I
love this character so much because I
love that actor he’s like one time me
and my family we went fishing I’m the
only one that didn’t throw up and I was
like oh good for you you took some Pepto
bismo before aat with or your family
there which his mom turned into a real
[ __ ] psycho real quick I’ll tell you
what yeah loved her though okay so they
go back and their whole thing is like
just one time and I’m all like well you
guys are gonna win this game so you’re
gonna have to do it like a hundred more
times because you got a a championship
to go to maybe they’re going one victory
at a time maybe maybe I don’t know okay
so they play this second half and
they’re doing like better and
everything um but Spike oh Spike pulls a
shitty move where he tackles Junior
after the play is done and and yeah
that’s that’s a flag yeah because his
dad was all like you need to take out
their quarterback and then but Kevin
O’Shea on him good on him he did call
him out and was like hey um if you do
this again you and your son are out of
here yeah we’re about
integrity yeah which I was like every
football player ever yeah exactly so um
after that happens Becky is pissed she’s
like oh you hurt my [ __ ] boyfriend
can you guys see my ass what the Yeah
you [ __ ] up his his dick hole and I
need that [ __ ] um so she goes and gets
her her her um um her Jersey on right
yeah her she suits up so um so yeah she
suits up and uh so she goes on she’s I
love how uh she’s got the the the the
tut two on and [ __ ] and uh wait can I
side note that is legit my daughter used
to play hockey when she was little with
a girl that no matter what they were
doing whether it was practice or a game
she always had a [ __ ] skirt like a
Tut two skirt or a sequin skirt she was
like I’m a girl and I play hockey like
every time it was hysterical so I get
the tutu it’s adorable right on okay so
they the one thing I want to touch on
and then we can talk about them winning
okay is they put they put ala-ser in
their mouth and because they want to
intimidate remember it’s it’s 40%
physical and 80% psychological no other
way around whatever anyways so either
way the MTH doesn’t that up it’s yeah
the math is not mathing um I just want
to talk about this because if I had seen
somebody foaming at the mouth I would
not be scared I’d be worried I’d be like
you guys are gonna die you have rabies
like ex exactly I would like the whole
time I’m like I’m like I was I was just
like watching I was like I would not be
scared at all I just be like these kids
are sick they they ate some they need
some milk you know what I’m saying I
wouldn’t be concerned that they’re
intimidating I’d be like concerned for
their health I’d be like should we get
them help what’s happening do they have
Ries what exactly so they end up winning
the big game does that happen when you
eat alaer do ph up
the I I honestly I don’t know I don’t
know I don’t I I’ve never taken alasel
sir I just do the Tums exacts
yeah maybe we’re not old enough for ala
selers just
yet okay so they end up winning the big
game right they win the big game and
they’re the team now and Danny um he’s
all like you can you can come and your
kids can join our team they can join the
little giants right and Kevin’s all like
you know like hey we were just oh
because they made a bet we forgot to
mention they made a bet before the game
that it was against Danny’s um gas
station and Kevin’s uh
Car Sales place or whatever and yeah the
Ed and Kevin’s all like we were we were
just joking he’s like oh no you’ve
always got a job at uh at uh Danny
O’Shea’s um thing and and then he says
oh and then something that happened at
the beginning we forgot to mention was
he’s they were the Kevin O’Shea was like
you see that water tower our names the
the Kevin o the O’Shea Brothers is going
to be on there and everything and then
it says Kevin OA the whole movie he’s
like one thing I would like to change is
and then it says the O um urbania which
is a horrible [ __ ] name for a town by
the way uh home of the O’Shea brothers
and they change it and
everything yeah because the the loser
brother and I use the loser Loosely you
can take it for either brother but the
weaker brother beating the bigger
brother is that’s what he wants that’s
the big give he just wants them to be
equals right yeah you Shrunk the Kids
you’re not equals okay you’re obviously
smart and then you blew the one up to be
like [ __ ] Godzilla you suck I love
both those movies we should movies but
um okay was there anything else that you
wanted to talk about uh about this movie
I this movie was at the time I
mean it did not stand the test of time
in my opinion this movie literally
looking back is the makeup they took
like all of the good parts of like five
different early 90s movies and tried to
make it into one and I’m like it doesn’t
work at all right I mean I’m not a
fan so you would you suggest this movie
no no would you’re a dick hole I love
this movie dick hole no not possible um
I I loved this movie because it was just
so like I don’t know it was fun and so
stupid go out and watch the other movies
that they stole the ship from to make
this movie I don’t want to [ __ ] I
want to watch this movie with Spike the
spike I love spike I love spike and
Junior and Becky I loved it I love and
volar you R love that is great though
that’s going to be my response to
everything you say in the future right
right on so is there anything else you
want to say about this movie before we
wrap it up well other than um my
brother’s shitty opinion don’t see this
movie I’m saving you time go watch the
Mighty Ducks go watch Home Alone go see
quarterback princess go watch any other
kids watch Rookie of the Year other
there are so many others that rank way
higher than this he’s SM you can watch
you can watch all those movies and this
one don’t listen to her yeah just so you
can see that I was right and this one’s
not oh my goodness you’re ridiculous
watch any movie with that J kid in it uh
I love
him all right you guys we’re gonna wrap
it up there thank you so much for
listening to us you guys make sure to
follow us on Twitter at BS drun pod to
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facts and stuff we’ll tell you a lot of
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leave you but most importantly you guys
don’t forget to drink recap review and
repeat bye you
[Music] [Applause] guys

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