Little Shop of Horror (1986) Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene, Steve Martin, Bill Murray As Seen On

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Little Shop of Horror (1986) Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene, Steve Martin, Bill Murray

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Mean green mothers from outerspace Sonia Mansfield and Margo D. dork out about 1986’s LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, starring Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, and Levi Stubbs as the voice of Audrey II.

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[Music] welcome to dorky now my name is sonya
mansfield and feed missy more
feed me all night long that’s right boy
and joining me is my podcast
i love this movie so much joining me is
my podcasting sister from another mister
and the co-host of dorky now margot d
hello my friend
that’s my old green
that’s a very good impression sure
dorking out about 19
we’re gonna talk
i love her so
much in this movie we’re gonna gush
we’re gonna go wait
we are dorking out about 1986’s
little shop of horrors
um it is an adaptation of a off-broadway
musical that was based on a roger corman
movie from the 60s i didn’t
i don’t know how i didn’t know this but
the off-broadway musical
is like it’s with alan alan menken and
howard ashman who did like little
mermaid and beauty and the beast i’m
like how did i not know that little shop
of horrors
was these guys until this viewing
i don’t know i don’t know i
hate myself for that it’s directed by
frank oz
it’s miss piggy it’s fuzzy bear
it’s fuzzy bear yeah but he yeah
it’s yoda
directed this but he also he’s done
movies like the dark crystal and
uh dirty rotten scoundrels which is
really funny and what about bob which i
think we’ve gotten requests for so oh
yeah that’s on the list and i’m baby
stepping up doing the work
[Laughter] i haven’t seen that one in a long long
time i don’t know if it’s aged well but
i loved it at the time yeah dirty rotten
scoundrels too where he’s like rupert
don’t take the cork off the fork
may i go to the bathroom
thank you so gross
this movie stars rick moranis ellen
green vincent gardenia
uh steve martin levi stubbs uh the lead
singer of the four tops or i should say
one of the vocalists of the four tops i
think they all took turns singing uh is
the voice of audrey too
i love this movie did you see it in the
i don’t think i did that’s what’s funny
is i didn’t see it until and i don’t
think it was a big hit i know it was a
hit in new york it was right off
and it’s i don’t think it hasn’t been on
broadway i think it was a broadway run
for a while but it didn’t do well the
first time i think it did well when it
was on vhs yeah just one of those things
but and then i watched it over and over
and i’ve seen it so many times and i i
haven’t seen it in a long time
and i and they’re redoing it in new york
they have another
revival going on right now and people
keep telling me how great it is
the first you know couple of beats and
i’m just like oh my god i love this one
so much it’s one of my favorite musicals
i also i saw it in the theater i was
seeing everything in the theater at this
point i would have been i would have
uh i would have already been 16 i would
have turned 16 at this point and i
usually was i would ride my bike to the
movie theater and see movies which is i
believe aliens came out this year and
alien like i i saw aliens like
16 or 17 times in the theater i just
kept going back over and over but i i
saw this one in the theater
i super loved it i love musicals like
and musicals
weren’t still aren’t like super common
in theaters so
was all in and i remember mtv would play
the music video for dentist all the time
i recorded this off of hbo and then i
would just watch it over and over but i
had not seen it in a really long time
once it started i
i just like the beats like it just
almost muscle memory watching this movie
of and just how much i love it like i
just love it we were talking before we
started recording about how it’s like
it’s 90 minutes
it’s tight and it moves and the songs
are so good and
everything is perfect for the casting
ellen green
is still in green
she’s so
[ __ ] good in this her
audrey oh my god
she was in pump up the volume
she’s she’s audrey
vincent gardenia
and she’s stating if they live down on
skid row
down on skid row
i mean all the
choreography all of the i love the uh
the it’s chiffon and uh god damn it
ronette and crystal
yes the they’re the greek chorus the
girls that sing
they’re funny and one of them is tisha
campbell yeah it’s tisha campbell
uh trish is it trisha arnold and
leakes i think
they’re great they’re so good
they are so good their outfits are
beautiful and great i’m sorry michelle
it’s michelle weeks i apologize michelle
weeks okay sorry
rick moranis is funny as seymour
i love we we talked about rick moranis
recently because we did an episode on
parenthood and he’s in it and we’ve also
done an episode on streets of fire which
also has rick moranis and kind of a
different role for him
rick moranis in
this movie
just my type
like i love like nerdy
with the glasses and the sweater vest
and i’m like
you’re just my type
he’s this guy they’re all they work at a
vincent gardenia runs a flower shop
and it’s not doing very well and
and he
sorry rick moranis is is seymour and
he’s jesus and he finds a plant
and he there’s
and the plant is special and he puts it
in the window
and it’s because of an eclipse of the
sun the solar eclipse and
keep and he brings it in and then
there’s the whole sea with feet
feed me all night long long you can do
it i mean that god those songs are so
freaking good
levi’s dubs voice is so [ __ ] perfect
for this place i should say to like they
filmed this on a soundstage at pine
studios in england
it looks incredible yes
it’s really
unbelievable the choreography is great
everybody there is like a really good
singer and dancer yes
all that’s like just the the costuming
the art direction
is really really great because it does
look super grungy
but she so he’s in love with her
and she’s dating a dentist to steve
who’s this dick he’s a dentist he’s like
a monster
who’s beating her and
he is so funny in this movie though like
and scary
and scary and scary
yeah i i think my dad hated this movie
because my dad hated dentists because he
had a bad dentist experience when he was
a kid
um he had a dentist that wouldn’t use
pain reliever like novocaine or anything
yeah no that’s a monster that’s a
monster i would not want that i debated
watching this movie with my 10 year old
and then decided against it because it’s
hard enough to get him to go to the
dentist and i was like
i was like this would mess him up i was
like by the way he would love the plant
he would yes he would love audrey too
and like on this viewing i was so blown
by the puppetry of the plant
well it’s a jim henson productions yeah
so and they so that’s those kind of um
special effects they’re doing practical
effects and it really looks so but the
problem so this is the story is that the
the plant first needs blood so seymour
has to cut his finger to give the plant
blood and the plant grows bigger and
bigger so cute it’s all
it’s adorable right
it’s nursing from his finger but then it
gets bigger and bigger and it grows
and audrey is dating this abusive
dentist and seymour’s in love with her
and she’s an abusive cycle yes and then
the plant demands blood like human blood
wants meat and wants human meat and so
he he convinces seymour look because the
shop valves then it gets really popular
because people like oh my god what is
that plant and christopher um guest is
in this movie the
marie is in this movie john candy
there’s so many cameos in this movie of
just people that just show up and like
we said it’s tight if there’s not a
scene that like doesn’t belong or is
padding like everything moves the story
along but he falls he’s in love with her
he’s that always in the shop is super
popular but seymour’s working himself to
death and the plan is getting huge and
then the plan is demanding a sacrifice
like it wants
bodies so
it’s so icky like
i mean he’s
seymour is literally like
uh nursing him with his blood
yeah eventually audrey 2 starts talking
and says like it must be blood and
and it must be fresh that’s the thing
and so he talks him into
the abusive boyfriend
right and when you’re all like and it’s
great because there’s a scene for bill
murray is waiting in the dentist’s
office and he’s like he’s somebody
that’s what’s the word masochistic like
he wants to beat the dentist and he
shows up and he like knows all the
instruments and like sets himself up and
just like is into it
all of the things that he is yelling
from the room where he’s just like i’m
gonna get a candy bar candy bar and he’s
like thank you
thank you like all of it
[ __ ] kills me it is so
funny and steve martin’s like get out of
here you sicko
and steve martin’s a sicko because he
loves inflicting pain like he has you
know probably a lot of people who
haven’t even seen the movie know the
song where he’s like you’ll be a dentist
and he’s and he’s horrible like he’s
like treating these people like he’s
just like
just twisting like
wrenches in their mouths and ripping out
their teeth and he’s the one sucking up
the gas and not giving them the gas and
he’s a sicko and he’s calling bill
murray a sicko but
all of that stuff the all of the bill
murray stuff makes me laugh so hard like
just how excited he is in the waiting
room like just like sitting in the chair
but he’s like pranced on top of it like
he’s just like a bird like he’s just on
top of the chair
and then he so then he gets so he kills
and he feeds him to the plant and then
vincent gardenia witnesses it because
seymour lives in his basement
and so that mr mushnik gets upset he’s
like you’re a killer
oh my god seymour you’re a killer and
then he gets eaten by the plant yes
and then he wants the plant wants more
because it’s getting bigger and bigger
and bigger
and then the plant
and then so seymour is like holy [ __ ] i
gotta get out of town so he tells audrey
let’s you and i just take off together
the plant so they’re getting ready to
take off and then the plant calls audrey
that lives across the street once again
like the idea of this giant plant and
it’s got a little tiny phone
like up to its mouth and he’s like i
need some water like it’s just
the imagery
the plants it’s great it’s so good it’s
so good and then they play the song is
mean green mother from outer space so
now which is new to the movie didn’t
exist in the show so that it made it to
the academy awards and then because it
has a couple of dirty words they had to
change it but yes it’s it’s my favorite
song in the show it’s so good well
there’s so many great songs there’s so
many i had forgotten how many great
songs there are like
mean green mother from outer space is
really good i mean all of it skid row is
good grow for me
yeah suddenly seymour supper time like
it’s all good it’s
it’s such a good
it’s such a good soundtrack like every
song is great um
i loved
uh rick moranis and ellen green in this
much so much i love their characters i
think they’re very sweet
i did want to say that like he
technically doesn’t kill anybody
because the steve martin character
is wearing like this crazy gas mask
that he like invented and he kind of
overdoses but seymour does chop him up
with an axe and doesn’t and doesn’t try
to save him which no he doesn’t call an
ambulance or anything right which is a
funny scene because seymour or i’m sorry
because the dentist is laughing himself
to death basically he’s like oh i’m in
trouble now oh
i guess he’s breathing in this gas but
he does chop him up which is [ __ ] gross super gross
but you know you got to feed the plant
you got to feed the plant
yeah audrey two is important i mean they
yeah and then the plant so basically the
plant is from outer space and it’s gonna
eat up audrey but they they rest they
how do they blow them up or they
yeah there’s um
there’s like an electrical cord like a
power line that’s down and he grabs it
smashes it onto the plant and it it
explodes but not before he sings mean
green mother from outer space and then
he realized that’s when seymour realizes
there’s all kinds of little baby plants
and they’re they’re all singing together
it’s pretty good it’s pretty cute i’m
just it’s adorable everybody everybody
drink i
when i saw this in the theater like i
really really loved it but
it’s not until now how much i truly
appreciate the work they did on that
plant in the puppetry of it and the
interactions between the actors and
the puppet
feels it because if they did it now like
it would all be cgi
and it just yeah this feels so real
it’s and it’s just so well done and like
the little
just how it like opens its mouth and
moves its tongue and what it looks like
inside looks really
gross and weird and it’s so good
yeah and in the end in this in the
broadway show
she’s eaten by the plants
in the movie they’re like they can’t do
that so they they get away
and they do live you know somewhere
that’s green there’s that whole the
sequence her song is her song is so
sweet it’s just like you know there’s
plastic around plastic on the furniture
and like pine-sol scented air and like
she just wants dinners yeah she just
wants this like boring
yeah well let me rephrase that people
would think it was boring but it’s like
she’s led such a shitty life that like
that’s all she wants she wants like a
boring safe
clean life and like that’s what he wants
to they both are so
they both had such sad lives and you
really care about them and i i did read
about that original ending where she
gets eaten
and seymour dies and i guess they did
film it and a lot of their budget was
used on this ending where the plant
eat like eats her
seymour dies and the plant takes over
the earth and like smashes buildings and
all this stuff
i would hate that ending and i know like
people i know that like people who love
the off-broadway show like were super
pissed about this like happy ending and
i’m like but i care about those
characters so much it would bum me out
if they died
yeah and there’s something like
different about a show where it’s
already artificial yeah when you show up
you can already you know what i mean
like it’s it’s on a stage for pete’s
sake like you’re in uncomfortable chairs
and stuff like that like you can already
right you know what i mean whereas in a
movie it can feel a little bit more
immersive yeah and i don’t want to see
them die
but they end it just fine like they do
have their little suburban paradise but
then you see the plants in the garden
and it’s gonna happen again
i think it’s a per i think this ending
is perfect and yeah once again i know
that the original ending has defenders
that’s fine that’s just not what i
wanted for this movie i like this ending
i like that they’re happy again and that
they’re gonna have to deal with an
audrey three i guess yeah you know i
i like that
i want that for them
but i thought it was it’s just it’s
super catchy
it’s the costumes are great the
performances are really wonderful it’s
super funny
i just i can’t even i’ve not no knocks
against it like seriously i just love it
it’s so perfect yeah i mean
the i i laughed out loud a lot
rewatching this like all the all the
stuff with steve martin is scary and
funny at the same time because
i like her and i don’t want him smacking
her around obviously but i also think
he’s the whole dentist thing is very
funny to me all the bill murray stuff is
funny i was happy to see john candy show
you know it’s the radio station yeah dj
i love you i love rick moranis i always
do i’m always happy to see him i think
he’s got a really good voice
you know he’s actually i
i’m sure i was very surprised when i saw
this the first time that he could sing
because to me i was like
it’s lewis from ghostbusters
you know but i didn’t know anything
about sctv or any of that i maybe i had
seen strange brew actually now that i
think about it but
he’s he’s so
he’s so good in this
do you remember the song take off
take off
to the grave white dog i think he’s in
that i think you’re right bob and doug
bob and dog were
they were like uh wayne and garth
they were the wayne and garth originally
they were in the 80s wayne and garth i
was thinking about wayne and garth the
other day because we do need to do
wayne’s world wait wade’s world because
i watch once a year i watch queen at
live aid yes
and there’s a new digital version that’s
out on youtube
and it made me think of wayne’s world
and then that made me think of
strange brew which made me think of
takeoff which has getty lee doing the
chorus oh my god it’s so good and bob
and doug call each other hoser they were
in sc tv and they were very canadian
they had a talk show yeah and they were
their movie strange brew is definitely
i knew a lot of like stoners in college
that loved to re-watch strange brew over
and over
that was their thing
it’s very canadian very canadian what is
your favorite song on the soundtrack
of this yeah
i do like mean green mother um
uh uh some fun now is a really fun one
with a it’s sort of like a transition
[Music] i love that [ __ ] i think uh the original
the top of the song the little chop of
horrors is just a really good story it’s
so good
it really gets the mood it’s all really
good i i like that i like the ballads i
yeah every you’ll be a dentist
and that was the one that played on mtv
by the way it’s hilarious to me that
that played um on mtv like yeah mtv used
to do that they would play videos from
movies yeah and yeah i love i love mean
green mother from outer space i also
love the one i sang at the top i love
feed me
yeah you know i
i think it’s me i just think it’s really
funny like
the whole song is
it’s really good
yeah i worked at a i know i’ve said this
before but i worked at a store at
stoneridge mall bragging about my
credits and
we sold like dance wear and athletic
wear and then during october the entire
[ __ ] month we would sell
and we were allowed to play movies to
and so we would one of the movies we
would play we played beetlejuice young
frankenstein kiss meets the phantom of
the park um and we would play little
shop of horrors and so i’ve seen this
we would just play it on the loop
because it has very little cursing and
and so i just i know a lot of the beats
of this film and so i didn’t watch it
for a really long time because i didn’t
have to i’d seen it so often right but i
was so pleasantly surprised like i put
it on now and i was like oh this movie’s
really good it just
really just really puts and it puts me
in the mood for fall yes
yeah yeah it’s
it’s decorative gourd season
[ __ ] this is perfect this is
the perfect movie to watch to get in the
mood for fall and
yeah we should put some more fall movies
on the list but we should
beetlejuice should be on the list i we
have not done that one yet and that one
would be super fun
it’s a good movie and i love michael
keaton he’s really great we love him
but yeah
i did not know that this is the only
movie that steve martin and bill murray
have done together
they’re great
i get i couldn’t believe that goes i
want you to go
good point i wonder
yeah yeah you’re right but they’re scene
frank oz he don’t he directed a movie
and i don’t know what it’s called but it
was with marlon brando
and brando was a total dick to him
and kept calling him miss piggy
like he had so little respect i know
we talked about brandon what a creep he
could be a little dick sometimes and i
just was like you know he’s a really
good director like this is really well
done yeah
it’s got a great pace to it yeah and his
other movies i mean
muppets take manhattan
great great little shop of [ __ ] great
dirty rotten scoundrels great what about
bob i haven’t seen it in a while
probably great
um he did in and out
with kevin kline
that’s a movie to discuss because
wow i
i don’t know how well that movie will
but i think it aged out of itself like
the weekend it came out
there’s like parts of it that are really
good like because
joan cusack in that movie
is hilarious he’s hilarious
and i love kevin kline i love tom
selleck yeah i i love tom selleck
despite myself like
the actor the human i’m like
he’s really good and stuff
um yeah so what about bob in and out he
did a movie called death at a funeral i
actually haven’t seen that one
me neither and
uh but he’s he is a really good director
and how dare
marlon brando
did you see the clip i posted it i think
it was like something i retweeted and it
was christopher
reeve and he was on david letterman and
it’s like early early 80s
and he was so handsome
david letterman said what was it like to
work with marlon brando and this is back
when people used to talk on talk shows
and talk [ __ ] like care
and he said i thought he was a pain in
the ass
and he said really he goes yeah i
thought he was lazy and rude and had an
attitude as like i’m just taking the
money and run i’m just and he said
that’s his attitude and i thought it was
terrible and he said i really liked
would have liked to have sat and talked
with him and learned from him yeah but i
thought it was really really bad
and and and letterman didn’t even know
how to talk to him after that because it
was like it was so truthful
like he was so used to people just
sticking to their like
they’re talking points or just being a
butt smooch like oh it’s brando you know
godfather right blah blah blah and he
said because no i was really
disappointed i’m like you know who’s
christopher reed he’s really young he’s
handsome he’s twice the size of brando
he could take his ass you know so he was
like yeah i’m just gonna tell the truth
yeah good for him yeah so good for him i
love christopher reeve
all right i know that one was tough
yeah i read that gene wilder and tim
curry were both
considered for the part that steve
martin plays
they would have been good yeah i’m like
either of those
would have been great
and then i read that cindy lopper and
barbara streisand were also rumored to
be offered audrey
i think city lopper would have been
perfect yeah barbra streisand not even
close i don’t think
she was too old for the part at the time
and cindy lauper would be great because
she has the accent and the choice
but but ellen green come on yeah she’s
the only one from
the off-broadway show that’s in here i
think and
yeah the sa i mean the singing voice is
amazing and then
the speaking voice for audrey is so good
oh my god she’s great and i i just her
wardrobe by the way i would i would wear
a lot of the things you would wear
everything let’s be clear you were you
had envy but i love where she talks
about like
do you know how i met oren that’s the
evil dentist she says like i used to go
to this
bar and i wear my cheap clothes not this
nice stuff that i usually wear and it’s
like what she’s wearing
i guess would be described as tacky by
some i don’t think it is because i love
it and i would wear it but um
her wardrobe is spot on and and so is
rick moranis in this like his character
his little bow ties and his sweater
vests and
nerd core i mean it is it is absolutely
nerd core which is clearly just my type
because i’m like
smash smash
yeah you
you tap that i totally would um i read
that there was talks of doing a remake
did you hear this
no okay and that they were going to cast
from yeah um who played elton john as
and scarlett johansson was going to be
and i’m like
[Music] it’s already been done
it’s perfect just the way it is
it’s it’s a period piece for one thing
right so what’s the point of redoing it
if it were like
too dated looking like if it looked like
1986 that’d be one thing but i don’t
understand no it’s perfect
yeah i but
i mean it’s not i mean whatever yeah and
then they were going to get billy porter
to do the voice
of audrey too
and actually this one i’m like i i would
want to see this
chris evans was in talks to play the
and i’m like yeah yeah i’d see that
i take back everything yeah i’ll see
i’m like
i don’t want to see it i don’t think
they should do it i think this movie’s
great it’s it’s not needed it’s not
necessary exactly but i would see it
because i’m the [ __ ] out of it because i
want to see chris evans as the dentist i
do want to maybe he would tap dance
instead and i would totally be okay with
maybe they should do one of those like
tv versions of little shop of horrors
like they did for like jesus christ
superstar and sound of music
and they could do it with chris evans
and i will watch it
that would be they should they should i
think it’s the music in this thing is if
you’re not into musicals trust me
just if any and you’ve never seen this
give it a chance because the music is so
good it’s so catchy
it’s so good i think it’s super catchy i
think in a lot of ways this is almost
like a musical for people who aren’t
into musicals
yeah if you like pop music
yeah the mute because the music super
catchy and like
there’s like a sci-fi bent
to it with the with the creature and
this isn’t funny yeah this ain’t your
mama’s musical
tough titty
he says [ __ ] the puppet says [ __ ] y’all
it was
uh mean green mother from outer space
was nominated for best song it did not
win this is what actually this is why
the movie ended up got moved up the list
because last week we talked about top
gun and maverick and take my breath away
was the song that won
best song and i’m like that it makes
sense to me but it’s no mean green
mother from outer space
it was also nominated for special
effects but it lost to aliens
which is fair i mean super fair like
yeah aliens is dope and i think maybe
[Music] if they’re if you’re going to break it
up maybe your practical effects and then
different digital effects maybe but
the oscars are long enough too
we have never done an episode on aliens
that would be fun
excuse me you’re fine
yeah i just was adjusting my mic sorry
if it’s loud you’re okay
yeah i would totally that’s one of my
favorite movies yeah we did an episode
of that with um the previous host um but
i would love to do it again and talk
about it with you
yeah that would be fun aliens is one of
my favorites too
do you want to hear some of the other
movie musicals that came out in the 80s
of course okay
i want to live forever
they’ll remember your name
the blues brothers
one of my favorites yes i have actually
been thinking about showing this one to
my 10 year old
because he is
really into disaster movies and car
crashes and that’s why i’ve shown him
speed and smoky in the bandit and i
think he might like blues brothers
it’s got some long parts yeah i think he
because it’s the movie’s like two and a
half hours it’s a little too long but
the car chase at the end is worth it for
him i think so too
yeah i might go for it maybe i’ll go for
it tonight uh annie
i love annie
i had that i never seen the musical but
i had the album when i was a kid yeah
i’ve seen the movie but i never
saw the musical uh a chorus line
god is that terrible i i’ve seen it
i saw it in the theater
isn’t it terrible
i didn’t know it was at the time i was
like what am i watching like i once
again i would have been 15 when a chorus
line came out so i was like it all takes
place in like one room and i didn’t know
what i was seeing like
no the the a chorus line i’ve seen i’ve
seen one of the you know the
reimaginings of it um
on broadway
it was a phenomenon when i was a kid it
was one of those that you heard about
but you know my parents went to see it
and it was the commercials because i
grew up in new york they had you know
they do commercials for the broadway
shows and it was out for years and
everybody talked about one
singular sensation
and it’s about it’s only about the
backup well you realize later too it’s
like it’s only about backup dancers too
yeah they’re not even like leads
but the movie is just dreadful it’s
slow and painful anyway i still sing all
the time though gee i hope i get it i
hope i get it i get it it’s got great
news no it’s a marvin hamlisch it’s
really great music it’s just the movie
did not do it justice yeah
for sure
i’m not a big gentle person i like
barbra streisand and i’ve have friends
that are big fans of this movie but it’s
not my favorite what about you
uh i saw it one time and i was like i’m
papa can you hear me
once again not
it’s not my jam we did an episode on
this one the best little [ __ ] house in
yep so cute
yeah dolly parton
uh labyrinth
that counts
uh i like labyrinth um
i think it might be creepy now because
david bowie’s basically trying to like
kind of woo jennifer conley and she’s
quite young
she’s playing a cheap kid
she’s like 14 or 15 right yeah
but maybe he was into that
true he’s just playing himself yeah that
was him in the 70s uh i should re-watch
it i actually
i wonder if
maybe i’m not remembering that right but
i think i am
we did an episode on
all of these last three actually xanadu
love love hairspray
perfect movie
perfect movie
and then a movie i love and you don’t
greece too
we go back to our in our archives we
have a discussion about greece and
greece too
i unapologetically love greece too i
think i liked it fine yeah by the way
yeah no you didn’t you don’t hate it i i
think i said you hate it you don’t hate
it you’re like uh
you’re like it’s fine but it’s fine i
just don’t get the
but it’s fine yeah we don’t have to like
everything no we have to agree on
everything or the show is ruined
so can i tell you about the top 10 songs
when this came out please
so it’s december 20th 1986.
number 10
the next time i fall in love peter
cetera and amy grant oh my god that song
it’s like
everywhere yeah everywhere
mall song i worked at the oh my god
total mall song great description in the
store outside the store
in the parking lot over the speakers
[ __ ] me that song okay
i love this stand by me benny king
because of the movie yeah it was
such a good movie we’ve gotten requests
for that one my sister in particular has
asked us oh i
i totally be into it sorry i lost it
okay here we go
love this song but one hit wonder robbie
neville celebi yeah total one-hit wonder
but i was into it
uh uh huey lewis in the news hip to be
square i love huey lewis in the news
here’s another one my favorites billy
idol i do love billy idol me too
i think underrated to be a lover
i love that song underrated billy idol
another one hit wonder gregory abbott
shake you down okay i just wanna shake
you down well
is the perfect song and i will it’s a
good jam
love it
duran duran notorious
duran duran is still rad yeah they are
uh here’s a song could not get away from
wang chung
everybody have fun tonight that’s number
okay not only could you not get away
from the song but the video was on mtv
all the time and there was this whole
yes because it’s just weird like
the weird editing of it it was like kind
yeah it made people like have seizures
and made people sick not me but made
other people sick but the song was like
an mtv which was a thing
there was always one video every year
that made people sick somebody did
something do you remember like there’s
some video somebody did a new trick or
something and it means
sick it was more than their thing that
year it was wang chung
yes let me bring it back sorry it keeps
going down uh number two
this song
bruce hornsby in the range the way it is
it’s such i mean i i understand where
they’re it’s it’s about racism by the
way the story yeah but it’s just like
it’s one of those songs like it’s a
yeah why do you why do you like racism
margot is that why you don’t like this
i’m a terrible terrible white lady i’m a
karen that’s why i hate this song i
don’t know it just it’s such a nothing
song to me it’s just like it it doesn’t
offend me but it’s just sort of like why
are we still listening to this all these
years like i i have a friend who loves
bruce springsteen like obsessed with me
no bruce springsteen and this is me yeah
i know but i always i always
pretend to mix up bruce springsteen and
bruce hornsby in her presence just to
make her angry
so you sing the way it is yeah like i
was like i love i love his song mandolin
rain and she’s like
like she’s
like such an [ __ ] that’s hilarious
and there’s another song you couldn’t
get away from
the bangles walk like an egyptian
how is it that that song is still
every time i listened to the 80s channel
on siriusxm i was like oh my god they’re
playing this [ __ ] song again
you kind of knew then
like oh [ __ ] i’m going to be hearing
this the rest of my life
watching like every time i put on the
80s channel it’s walk like an egyptian
and every time i put it on the yacht
rock channel it’s lito shuffle by bus
gags i’m like
what the way
and walking on sunshine too yes
yeah no you like it but a part of you is
like oh boy but i’m gonna be here in
this yeah i like the bangles too by the
way i really do i do too i support the
bengals i’m pro-bengals but i was like
there’s something about this it’s so
insanely catchy it makes no sense
yeah it there was a lot of songs like
there was a lot of songs in the 80s that
were like
songs that telling you to dance a
certain way i mean i guess it’s always
been that way we had like the hustle and
the twist and all that stuff from years
before so
it’s not like it was novel only to the
80s but we also had one that was like
everybody walk the dinosaur and i’m like
what the [ __ ] does that mean yes
and macarena and the macarena that was
was that 80s or 90s i forget but it was
the thousands yeah it was a thing yeah
it’s yeah it’s so funny how that happens
becomes an earworm and then yeah you put
on a channel and then it’s like i
listened to the 70s you know that and
the other day i was in the middle of
doing something and i really wanted the
channel i wanted my music and all of a
sudden it goes so many nights and it’s
you light up my life and i literally
off alexa
i was like six or seven when that song
came out and i hated it
no alexa no
alexa sit
bad alexa hit her with a rolled up
newspaper bad alexa bad alexa bad bad no
that’s not a good song
but those were those that was the top 10
pop that works america a really good
list i can’t believe mean green mother
from outer space isn’t on there but
what is wrong with people i don’t know
but still
mandolin rain is
well that’s good
somebody’s like i need to i need to own
this single at least uh at least some
bruce springsteen’s on there
let’s take a break and then we’ll come
back and talk about what we’re working
out about
did you watch discovery channel i
watched this last night
the um army hammer no documentary i was
gonna watch it this week
it’s uh pretty gruesome i have to say oh
all right i’m gonna mentally prepare
myself for that mentally prepare
yourself it’s three parts it’s about him
i oh my god i had no idea i mean
and of course you know when he was first
outed as a creep
and we were like he was talking about
the cannibalism people kind of made
light of it or because it just is so
absurd right it it doesn’t seem real it
doesn’t seem real it’s [ __ ] really
it’s real
it’s and he’s super creepy and abusive
but he comes from a very creepy and
abusive lineage
and it starts with his great grandfather
and it goes way back in his family
and the entitlement of all these men and
how they treat women
it’s bad [ __ ] and i don’t want to give
too much away because it’s a really
interesting story
and i want to you know i think it’s very
i know one of the women
that didn’t appear in the documentary in
this i i didn’t find this out until
later so
you just don’t know this one of the
and she’s pursuing charges by the way
um and it was in the la times this
morning said that she didn’t participate
the documentary and she’s upset that her
lawyer did
and it’s gloria allred so gloria allred
i think shows up with a microphone
attached to her i think she has one
attached to her body she does
permanently i think
like dr joyce brothers was a joke like
she would always just show up at the
doctor joyce brothers
i have a mic with me there’s a simpsons
episode with that um
she i think like yeah all red just knows
when there’s a mic and so that’s her
so she’s
not happy about it so underst i didn’t
know that until
um but a lot of women
are participating that
they said that he had an abusive
relationship with them and they
described the grooming process and what
went on
and then you meet his aunt and what she
went through
with her brother with her father
and then her grandfather and then
the family and then it takes some twists
and turns that you’re going to be like
[ __ ] that’s like
yeah it’s all right
he comes from some
really messed up lineage i’ll just say
that okay so
that’s the thing i was watching
and i’m still enjoying the um
tim gunn heidi oh yeah yeah plume
the uh the
show that they’re doing oh making the
making the cut thank you um i actually
bought some eye shadow
and it’s cheap but it was just but it
was really nice met up they had an
episode where they had to do some gear
and it was like for um if you it was my
my least favorite thing like you’re
going to create a look that’s going to
be going to a rave like you’re going to
be a burning man or you’re going to be
i’m like my like
place you would never find me
a spoiler it starts and it’s at the top
of the show the the main judge is the
dude and he’s like you know how many
notes i took for this none
that goes back 48 hours earlier
so i was like oh i’m in and this is
after the army handler so i was like i
need some like [ __ ] facts yeah you do
it was really good and so i’m still
into that
and uh i’m reading a book
about the zodiac killer for light
reading you know
it’s a comedy
i’m not sure how good it is but it’s
been in like the true crime community
and it’s a guy that claims he solved it
and uh a guy that’s like my very proper
way of saying let me just say his name
jared kobeck okay he’s he’s from the bay
area lived in the bay area for a while
that’s so the killer the the killings of
the of um zodiac
happened in the bay area and so those of
us that you’re from there i’d lived
there for a while it’s kind of in the
dna of people that are up there it’s
this unsolved killing and he basically
came up with this idea that it was
probably somebody that was into fanzines
and sci-fi
so he started it was he wrote this
during the pandemic i have a point he
wrote this during the pandemic and he
just doing research because in the
pandemic what the [ __ ] were people doing
right yes
if you didn’t have a job still then you
had to like find ways to occupy yourself
and he’s a writer so he went down rabbit
holes which is what he liked to do and
he thinks he solved it and
it’s somebody that no one ever picked
before and he’s making a decent argument
so i’m there’s two books one he just
talks about these this is all the people
that he’s sort of deconstructing the
whole thing
i like it because he’s saying like the
guy that killed these these people
was a loser and was somebody that was
you know anti-social right and and not
some mastermind genius they always try
to do that with serial killers and with
big killers because that just it makes
it into the media and sensationalizes
them and they try to he tries to break
it down more
and he also breaks it down more for the
victims so that they seem more human and
then he just goes into what he did he
just basically googled fanzine in 1968
barry okay and it was like the first
thing that hit and then he thinks he
found the guy
and i think you can kindle it i got
paperback copies but
it’s interesting and anyway
more importantly i got a first copy of
my book yes
yes everyone go pre-order margot’s book
yeah it’s called filmed in brooklyn it
looks i’m i’m really proud of it it
looks great it’s coming out it’s
supposed to come out october 17th that’s
why i was really surprised it showed up
the other day i got a few copies from my
uh it was the best surprise i’ve
probably ever had in my life but it was
like something holding in my hands
something that i’ve been working on
throughout the pandemic that’s amazing
yeah and sonia’s in there
and she gave a couple of great quotes to
me and uh the photos look amazing i was
really i’m so proud of it you should be
yeah you worked super hard on it i know
it’s going to be amazing i’ve
pre-ordered mine
i can’t wait
and you’re gonna we’re hopefully gonna
you’ll be able to come out yeah october
i’m hoping to if i do some some sort of
events i’ll i’ll definitely let y’all
if not i mean i’m definitely working to
get some events going especially if
they’re public so if there’s some way if
the if you’re based on the east coast if
not um but if you order them i’m gonna
what i think i’ll do is i’m gonna order
some stickers that i can sign and i can
send them to you so if you that’s a book
a great idea
yeah you could put it on there or you
could just have a sticker that’s awesome
you’re smart
well sometimes no all the time
but that’s those are the things i’m
working out about those are all good
things i know you’re dorking out about
this too what do you think about the
preview for the real house housewives of
salt lake city
um because beverly hills is becoming a
huge weird bummer and a bully session
like yeah
i watching heather gay take off her
glasses with a black eye what is that
made me laugh
uh jen shaw saying but i’m innocent
she’s spoilers
and then it’s like the arrest
development kind of voice
she she actually pled guilty in july
yeah spoilers she’s not yeah
uh i it’s you know something about being
in the mountains yeah i love it like
it’s i think it’s going to be great
they’ve been filming forever
it’s a good cast
they’re wackos they’re adding so it
looks like they’re adding what two new
they’re trying out two new people
and so
jenny is not coming back is that
mary oh mary did that’s right married
mary cosby yes that’s right married her
grandfather step grandfather
um did is jenny coming back i didn’t i
don’t remember if i saw her in the
who’s jenny
with her
husband that wants sister wives
oh you know what i didn’t even miss her
you’re right she you know what the one
who claimed he wants sister wives i
didn’t even see her no i think she did
also did something racist yes she did
yes she did right
yeah yeah i don’t think she’s coming
back there were two new women in there i
honestly i don’t care about anybody
i’m like i just they could just go with
the originals that preview i was like oh
[ __ ] like i texted you i was like it’s
[ __ ] on like
i can’t wait until real housewives of
salt lake city comes back i’m all in
there they’re crazy they’re nuts they’re
wonderful they’re it’s gonna be it’s i’m
telling you it’s like the the air is
thinner up there something makes them
all bananas
it’s all that thin air yes i love it
i um
i watched the documentary untold the
girlfriend who didn’t exist
yes the manti teo story i think it’s
super interesting i didn’t know all of
i knew
there was a football player who faked i
was told what i took from the original
story was there was this football player
whose grandmother and his girlfriend
died on the same day and then it turned
out he was
faking having a girlfriend that’s the
story i walked away from
i didn’t know any of the other stuff so
this one was he did he wasn’t faking a
girlfriend he was catfished and this is
explaining how that happened
so a lot of this was news to me maybe a
lot of other people know the story i did
not know the story i think it’s really
well done i think that
i’m reading a lot of interesting
takes on the internet because
i don’t know maybe the documentary
doesn’t go as hard as it should
against the person who catfished him
yeah it’s
it’s a dicey situation yeah
there and i i i hesitant to spoil it for
anyone who hasn’t seen it because even
like in the first like few minutes i was
like well that’s a twist i didn’t see
that coming like
you know i because i really didn’t know
so um
i think it’s really good i think
um i just i like sports documentaries
too like we we talked about this and
what oh and what a creep we were talking
about pete rose this week on what a
creep and i was talking about how i like
sports documentaries so this one was
right up my alley each episode is like
45 minutes and there’s only two so
you could get through it super fast it’s
a good one and then
there are two movies
okay one came out this week on netflix
and it’s called love in the villa
on netflix and it’s a
very predictable romantic comedy
where like a woman books an airbnb in
verona italy
and it’s already it’s double booked with
like a handsome british man
you’ll never guess what happens next
no i can’t even the possibilities i i
just can’t even
so i watched it
it’s perfectly fine it scratches the
itch it makes you want to go to italy
um they are beautiful it’s kat graham
i’ve never seen before because i don’t
watch the vampire diaries and tom hopper
from the umbrella academy another show i
don’t watch so these were new people to
i think it’s very sweet nice romantic
comedy that makes you want to go to
italy i like it so i watched it because
next week a horror movie version of the
same exact story comes out
an airbnb is double booked but things go
wanted to see both i don’t know why but
i made this a thing that i’m doing
so okay i watched love in the villa
first it’s on netflix it’s very sweet
i like things like this um it makes me
want to go to italy real bad
real bad also i wouldn’t mind a super
tall handsome british dude i still
wouldn’t right i’ll take it
um i think it’s fun
and once again it’s like 90 minutes
perfect it’s perfect for that
um oh and that’s everything on my list i
should tell you the titles of my books i
just realized
yes i just gave the author okay so one
of them is called motor spirit the motor
spirit and the other one is how to find
oh it’s a oh it’s a how-to
it’s a how-to
i love
the movie zodiac by the way i
do too if you ever want to do that i
totally would that would be a really
good october one i’m gonna write it
um yeah the because this guy is
unraveling like what the poli and
honestly and i think
john mulaney has a whole bit about like
how did the police solve any crimes
before tna because
man if you weren’t there to witness it
like right holy [ __ ] and like the cops
tochi’s that is named husky there’s a
cop that was played by um
the guy who plays the hulk oh mark
yeah and they make all that gum shoe
stuff like oh you know i’m walking
around san francisco i’m trying to find
the zodiac i’m going everywhere and it’s
like he’s basically like they did a
shitty job like they could not have done
a worse job
looking for the zodiac such a good movie
such a great movie though and it’s
terrifying and i’m somebody who has a
high tolerance for like horror and true
crime and stuff like that i’m reading
this [ __ ] on my vacation right
and those first like couple of kills are
just like because i know the areas like
lake berryessa yeah stuff like i know
how like calm those places are and quiet
and i all i could think about it’s like
a couple on a date just hanging out and
this this crazy person shows up out of
nowhere i can tell you this in the book
he thinks what happens is this guy had
this gear that he went to a renaissance
and that’s why he had the hood and [ __ ] oh my god this is fascinating
so it’s like he’s one of those red fair
dorks that like
they were killing people though it was
just like the the dichotomy of that is
like really
interesting interesting right yeah hey
speaking of mark ruffalo have you
watched any episodes of she-hulk
no but i’m hearing great things about it
so now i’m curious yeah on disney it’s
on disney i watched the first one i
think and i was like
this is really fun
it was like really fun
i i’m gonna keep watching it i’m behind
by the way i’m always behind on most
shows but
when i watched the first one
i really didn’t know what to expect i
just know that people seem to be
enjoying it so i checked it out and i
was like i get it it’s super fun
i like it and it’s nice to see mark
ruffalo again he show you know obviously
shows up because she’s
related to him
an interesting
thing because she like she breaks the
fourth wall so there’s a lot of like
talking to the camera
comedy in it it’s got a weird
it’s got a very strange sense of humor i
like it
i’m gonna i’m gonna keep watching
i’ll be curious what you think
yeah i’m it’s yeah we all get nothing
but time day’s the summer
i’m really glad that we bumped little
shop of horrors up the list this was a
super fun watch i’m
getting in the fall mood so this was a
good one
yeah where can people find you on the
internet margot
you could find me at brooklynfitchick
for twitter and instagram my site is and i am on the
tick tock at margot donahue and you
could find me at the sonya and
the sonya show on twitter and instagram
and tiktok
if you
want to make a request you can email us
at dorkynowshow or you could
tweet to us right on our facebook wall
um if you want some stickers email us
if you could be so kind is to leave us a
wherever you listen to your podcast that
would be awesome it helps us find our
people and it offsets the one star
reviews we get from people the lady
voices bother me one star
what do you call them
oh but hurt okay the butt hurt for grade
yes these people so this was super fun
this was great yeah
it’s time for me to feed my kid so
feed me mommy

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