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Little Shop of Horrors part two stream! “Little Shop of Horrors” Live panel review Live On This Site

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Little Shop of Horrors part two stream! “Little Shop of Horrors” Live panel review

Watch the media clip “Little Shop of Horrors part two stream! “Little Shop of Horrors” Live panel review” as well as many related movies showcasing the well known hilarious characters of Bob and Doug.

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Join us for part two of our review of the 1986 classic “Little Shop of Horrors”! Starring Rick Moranis, Ellen Greene and Vincent Gardenia. Everyone is invited for the fun. I will include a link for the panel if you would like to join us there!
#littleshopofhorrors #rickmoranis #ellengreene #horror #comedy #musical #stevemartin #frankoz #live #livestream #horrormoviepodcast

Pop Culture Curator on Twitter
[Applause] thank you
our Tuesday horror sci-fi stream
and um I know a lot of you if you were
here last week you guys know we kind of
slowly sort around into overtime we were
not able to complete the movie so
tonight we’re gonna be doing part two
and I promise we’re gonna get through it
faster than we did last time it won’t be
another four hour uh
basically that’s a chore but it’s four
hours it’s a tour nobody wants it
through a four-hour stream so I’ll keep
shouting at myself tonight to stay on
thank you
yourself please this is this is
basically the continuation of your
birthday stream a film you really love
so let’s let’s keep the Good Vibes going
because that’s what this film is really
absolutely yes yes I’m hoping I hope
everybody enjoyed it as much as I do
um if you don’t uh your your opinions
are welcome I have
a poll if anybody would like to vote on
it you can vote now or you can vote
later depending on
um you can vote on what you think of the
movie or what you think of the stream
either one you can give the movie an A
and give me an F because I won’t shut up
sometimes that’s right hello Mikey how
you doing yeah
I’ve been through a lot of uh lung
problems myself and survived one of the
worst forms of pneumonia I’m just going
to ask you to be a bit careful for
yourself because I can hear a bit of
problems in your lungs right now okay
yeah I took my pill today it’s just you
know how it is you can’t get over it
yeah exactly
um and I and I apologize because I
usually try to mute on that car
a little bit guys
I know and it stinks because I love to
laugh yeah but it does it makes me cough
but uh fortunately I had the uh
wonderful gorillas random thoughts here
to help me with the chats tonight so I
appreciate that gorilla
and uh I first and foremost I want to
thank everybody in the chat for being
here I know some people were waiting a
while for the stream to start and that’s
very kind of you
um and I know like I said a lot of you
were here last week if there was anybody
that was not here last week I encourage
you to watch that’s
stream maybe it’ll show you the first
half of the movie we got through about
approximately 41 minutes
last week and that’s where we’re gonna
pick up and we’re gonna uh pick up where
we left off
and uh I wanted to say um most of all
hello to my fellow fantastic wonderful
panelists gorilla how are you doing
oh I’m doing all right
uh there
nothing like having two days of days of
yep that would keep you on your toes
yeah good thing about car cars cars uh I
can’t have much more damage on it
yeah I know I’ve had cars like that
where Hales is usually an improvement
well this one here is it’s it’s rusted
out on the bottom because I got what you
call Minnesota rust
well half the Bumper’s missing from a
raccoon and then uh all once I dented in
dented in from a hitting the deer at 80.
and then one door doesn’t is not wanting
to shut now
ah yeah that can be a pain
the nemes Mississippi how are you doing
today tonight let me know where you’re
I’m surviving pop doing well buddy glad
to be here
oh I’m glad that you are here and thank
you for returning Nemesis at a personal
note to you is I am officially working
on the horror intro
in fact just I just spent the last about
hour and a half getting clips from
different horror movies so I’m kind of
like picking up what it in my opinion
are some of my favorites
so I’m gonna put like several Clips in
there and then try and pick which ones
and figure out what order to display
them I should have the intro ready by
next week
I think I have an idea what music I want
Mikey how are you doing there and thank
you welcome to my uh horror sci-fi
stream Mikey
oh thank you so much yeah horror is a
big deal with my wife Suzanne and I so I
enjoyed I’m the right wife I always had
trouble finding women that like horror
my goodness you lucked out didn’t you
yeah Halloween’s her favorite holiday
yeah I took a date once to see uh it was
a double feature it was uh I don’t know
two little movies called The Texas
Chainsaw Massacre and zombie I never saw
her again after that I didn’t get it
ask her I think I see where he ran into
an issue
oh why I don’t think there’s anything
wrong with it I enjoy the movie I had
already seen it several times
for some a movie like that you really
gotta establish that
the person likes the door
well I thought when you show scary
movies she’s supposed to hug you
oh yeah you’re right you got it kind of
go away welcome how are you
I’m doing wonderful thank you for asking
oh yeah it’s my pleasure Mikey yeah I
think this is gonna be fun tonight
hungry how are you doing good to see you
well it’s it’s great to see everybody
here I love this panel I love everybody
on it I’m again I’m very happy to make
your new acquaintance Mikey and
and I’ve seen Phantom Boomer in in chats
before and we’ve got along great and
this is just a movie that has been
incredibly dear to my heart ever since I
saw it in the first week it came out in
Australia and uh I mean I saw the
theatrical version and then I tracked
um the the version with the ending we’re
going to be talking about tonight which
is actually a little bit more no
spoilers but a little bit more closer to
people who love Monster movies and it’s
just it’s just a delight to be able to
share this with everybody here on the
panel but also everybody in the chat and
hopefully we’ll get a lot more people
maybe listening to this maybe take you
know a little bit Christopher Walken uh
looking at it uh after the stream
actually goes through and uh rub as
certain people would say but
uh there was I said oh wow uh I said
this um the last time we tried this uh
this is a 10 out of 10 movie for me and
I will I have no compunctions about
saying that
all right and uh the Phantom Boomer how
are you doing there good to see you
like I told you earlier I now have 20 20
Vision in my right eye left
congratulations on next Wednesday
I’m a happy camper went out and looked
at uh pretty much decided on what kind
of vehicle I’m going to get and I went
and looked at a couple of those and uh
gonna be in well to me the right price
range will be a lot cheaper than what
they’re going for but uh
car prices are insane so
that’s why I’m driving yeah it’s truly
it’s tough right now
yeah like what
the true eyeballs on what I want to get
now I feel more comfortable getting it
through if I get something through
carvana or one of those other services
what is that you know car what sorry
I don’t think I’ve heard of that one
well you ordered the thing online and
they deliver it to you
is that brand new or used used I don’t
know if they do oh no no no no no I
gotta inspector my used cars
if you can send it right back if you
don’t like it you got 30 days to turn it
oh okay well my dad used to say he liked
oh yeah you get a lot better deals yeah
I knew several people that have done it
and they’re really happy with the
I know but it just seems like if I when
I go to inspect a car it takes me
about 30 minutes because I like a
and if I I would find that less than an
hour but if I don’t decide to that I
want the car that seems like a lot of
trouble to have it [ __ ] back and then
wait for turn around and all that
but I guess you have more of a variety
obviously if it’s on the Internet or a
variety of juice from oh yeah I’m pretty
sure they have the checklist already
don’t they no no see here’s the thing is
the accidents are only in the history if
they were reported and a lot of people
don’t realize that so A lot of times
you’re gonna get cars that have been in
accidents and you won’t know it until
you find out the hard way
so that’s why I’ve got to examine the
car myself they make it uh they make it
really easy to uh hide the dents yes
they do yeah
I even have a pen
I’m sorry
yeah I’m sorry I have a pen that I can
go around the entire car it’ll tell me
where there’s been damage exactly what
which will tell me exactly the history
of the car
um yeah if anybody I’ll make this fast
because I first thing I promise was
tangents and here we go
but there’s a great uh YouTube channel
called the car Angel the guy’s a
professional car buyer he tells you what
to look for what you watch out for and
that’s where I learned a lot about it
like if you get you want Road rashes you
get those little specks on the hood of
your front that means you know it’s been
on the freeway a lot
if you you break pedal if it’s worn down
on one side that means it was used in
the city a lot
it’s great things like that that most
people don’t realize what’s that
I was just going to say pop since you’re
bringing this up and since we have so
much great
um retro stuff in this movie uh
including the motorcycle but we’re
talking about cars did you know that
there is a um uh
oh am I echoing or is that somebody else
no we’re fine I’m not sure on my end all
right if you’re not hearing the echo
that’s coming from you
no it’s Mike Mikey there I don’t think
he has headphones on so Mike might be
picking up the occasional chatter
oh okay but what I was gonna say is
there’s actually
um a site that goes back of more than 15
years which is like car IMDb which is
you can actually look up the cars that
were on certain TV shows and movies and
I love going to that because I’ll see
This Magnificent vehicle I have no
understanding of and I will think I need
to know where that was featured what
movie that was in what TV show that was
oh very cool
yeah it’s very cool
yeah I just wanted to say quickly uh to
Phantom Boomer congratulations on your
site thank you my my wife has uh both
2020 and her eyes now she used to have a
terrible eyesight and she got through
his face hello Jill
start at the chats at the top here so
say hi everybody
and apparently Mikey decided to put
Spanish in there I hear enough of that
at work yes
yeah it says uh don’t forget that Leroy
Stubbs from the Motown group The
Temptations did the voice of the plant
Audrey 2 plus Steve that was the Four
Tops a good one
oh Four Tops he was you right yeah yeah
feed me see more feed me blood
and uh limit says hello four well
welcome lemon welcome hello hello my Mrs
hi pop Mikey says hi Citrus prevention
Mikey says good to see you again
Phantom says howdy does uh you too Mikey
and Mikey is one of my this is one of my
favorite musicals it says hello phantom
limit says elephants hail plaques for
hell yeah
extreme disclaimer alert dance son of a
[ __ ] that’s early in the Stream
[Laughter] [Applause] Placer they got some Gray Goose
but I might be switching to some
butterscotch here
item two opinions are just that
I do three this is Pop Culture stream
how and then pop culture saying welcome
everybody Mikey says Hell Black sword
black sword says item four the panel
Mike it says hello again pop
sir says we broke off at the 41-ish mark
of the film
yeah thank you placard
great toe see you all it looks like I
did a misspelling there sorry my left
hand is not as good as it used to be
your toes are excited to see us all yeah
my toes are really excited
um look at getting ethernet cord that
should help with your with your internet
cutting out ethernet yeah okay
yeah and uh we figured it was a server
trouble certain ones work so I hope this
is the best Nemesis says three people
already my goodness thanks for being
here everyone
says uh short recap see more Audrey and
Mr mushnick are the main protagonist
elements a great chorus guys uh croons
and our heroes the Dennis has made an
appearance along of the glimpse of into
one of two then then uh he says uh
Audrey two two e’s powers of
struck by a naive
then uh Mikey says hello Nemesis of Eden
black she says makes you it’ll have to
do then I wait another fun-filled stream
Mikey says we find out that the dance
and Audrey are an item
Mikey says item five no spoilers please
for those who haven’t seen
it’s a spoiler review
a romantic Triad in which Audrey is torn
the twit
the cruel and sadistic dentist and the
gentle and tongue-tied Seymour well
let’s start across the lower attain our
we’ll see
then Phantom Boomer says howdy plaques
or Nemesis of Eden and gorilla plexus
says hail Phantom Boomer plexus says it
is assumed that one has done homework
and watched this film before checking in
at a
entry of the stream item five is mute
good point partnered I retract my height
of five
and uh plexus says I’m still open the
further itemization should they be
presented then practice says thank you
Susie for your contributions are noted
this film gets an a for me as this
wonderful Broadway musical as well as
the awesome film of adaptation like he
says you’re welcome plastic says the
musicals provide an uplifting tone to an
otherwise oppressively dark comedy
and uh plexus says please define your
welcome that means you’re welcome
and he says you’re welcome thank you I
am learning
yeah limit says hail plaxer plexus
WB element pi plaxer says WB equals
welcome back
here our bike it says Fox WB means
welcome back thank you Mikey season four
acronyms are not my strongest suit I
might require a better tailor
no better Taylor than Savile several yep
all right Mikey you want to continue
this with my throat’s getting tired okay
uh I am aware of the Barber’s razors
close shaves and Windsor knots they’re
not advisable those
nice joke yes
shall I reiterate the itemized list
I I had a rating list it’s a rating it’s
a rating right
right okay
all right
thank you yeah son of a [ __ ] another
one topic diligence
[Laughter] all right
I’m gonna blow through my my liquor
budget here
item two opinions are just that
good to see you
hey there
yeah did I say that right that’s
it just flows off your tongue
uh item three this is Pop Culture
curator stream item for the family I
think we read this
uh well I think he was okay let’s put it
in again hell okay thank you
kind of optional I think
now the stream elements is running
oh I just woke up
more cowbell
yeah m-o-r-e but I don’t know what that
means congratulations on site Santa
Boomer I don’t know what’s up it’s an
ill joke it’s an SNL joke from way back
oh okay okay that’s
a bit funny for 20 years so I hope it’s
before 20 years
an automobile dealership
oops okay there’s stream elements uh
thanks to all for being here Nemesis of
wait a minute Mikey and Zachary well I
know plugs are done
I’ve tried
uh oh yeah I got I fell into the dollar
store I picked these ones up for 20
yeah I like to go find some for myself a
great boxer he was like going on my show
too I know Jill I’m so sorry
Little Shop of Horrors is a period piece
historical accuracy oh yeah look welcome
into jail welcome welcome
good to see you thank you for being here
first time I’ve ever looked forward to a
stream or surgery okay
howdy and the derivative Jill hello
hello hope you’re doing well at the
derivative Hill nemesis
at Phantom Boomer interesting surgery is
normally avoided
and Jill says hello adventure and
Boxford and Nemesis of Eden absolutely
seriously what a great turnout tonight
guys thank you
thank you for joining us bird I hope
you’re doing well
I know it’s late for you so I appreciate
it bird I can’t believe your audio
maybe back from it a few feet yeah I
actually am
am I coming through okay myself yep yes
Mikey oh good thank you uh yes
is that it
five hail
and plus it says Hey Alberta pretty fine
and bird pray says hello anti-derivative
and boomerang plazard
and kept Infinity hello Captain good to
see you sir
hey Captain Sydney but are you seriously
putting a pineapple on a man Pizza
it’s like over there and I’ll slow down
the screen that kind of pizza back off
gorilla throw some bacon and some
jalapenos on there
now we got fighting words now here I’ll
throw down I will defend it to the death
up a bit okay Phantom Boomer
that sounds like you’re doing good
I mean I think there’s something going
hold on let me add you again
there we go I boomered yeah it plastered
I’m usually overdriving the ways my desk
is now the mic is not super close I
cranked it up a bit and Phantom says
howdy to Camp to infinity and tail cap
flexor says Hellcat Affinity herb Rush
welcome welcome Hey anyone
oh well good to see you
hey thank you for joining us
it says Boomer Nemesis of black sword
yep and uh Jill’s putting spoilers in
the chat
nice on jail nice one
Soylent Green it’s made of people tell
them it’s made of people
[Music] episode where they’re serving people to
serve man they’re serving people they’re
serving human beings yeah that’s uh this
is actually the plot of the soily green
now boxer says I shall keep well no
result in green is is Soylent Green is
people it’s made of people and with uh
to serve man it’s a cookbook was a
famous one yep
here’s my channel there for our my
reviews and watch parties and shorts oh
I love your channel gorillas really two
hi her Bush hey Captain finity
I hold it to your own conveniences
gorilla listing the items is not part of
the game however further adorants are
audio seems that level performances
overall at the moment knock on wood
hell herb bush
it’s a cookbook all right that’s awful
and that item one only if you only
he won’t he won’t sit there and try to
get me to go burn through my liquor
budget in the one night
hey if we don’t get started poor old
gorilla yeah he’s gonna have to start an
actual Moon signs moonshine still so we
gotta get started
we have one
I love you bro oh my gosh
okay everybody so we’re in rare form
tonight I gotta say you are in rare form
well that form’s probably going to get
more rare as he drinks I guess huh yeah
hey I got told I’m a [ __ ] I’m a funny
better be a funny drunk than a mean
drunk right
[Music] okay everybody
um I’m gonna be uh starting the movie
here in a moment
all right I have a quick disclaimer I
wanted to share with everyone this is
because last week I unfortunately did I
didn’t keep tied enough control and it’s
totally my fault so it’s myself to blame
I keep tied up control over the Stream
So for that reason we ran overtime and
also we weren’t able to complete a
simple 90-minute movie which is
ridiculous so I promise tonight we’re
gonna move at a good steady pace
and so without further Ado I’m going to
cover this uh
really quick
welcome to the show Indian all opinions
are welcome however we ask that you give
your preliminary opinion at the
beginning and save your final opinion
for the end of the stream when we vote
we welcome questions throughout the
viewing but we ask you don’t come on the
if you did not like the movie at all
in the poll panel members please
remember to stay on topic as much as
also be polite and respectful to others
please keep your language appropriate
for the rating of the video we are
covering thank you and enjoy the Stream
I’m ready to talk typo I’m glad I
spotted that
all right so congratulations we’re now
doing part two
a question yeah Mikey are you using the
actual microphone pure microphone
the microphone is tied into my uh you
know into my video
um there is a option I can put into
settings where it says Echo cancellation
yeah do that okay
give me a moment
it’ll help it’ll help it’ll help I just
put Echo cancellation on
yep and plaxter says I State items when
actable and plaxter says item four echo
my key
it’s okay he’s got his hand on it it’s
done I hear no Echo now right no one
else right Mikey talk no hello hello
no Echo there we go
and it’s fine Mikey we all learned the
same way I did the same thing when I
first started
so bad all right so whenever you’re on
the panel double check that that’s
clicked yes I will thank you gorillas I
will check that welcome back nemesis
welcome back nemesis
oh if you’re having an issue I hope
hopefully that’ll maybe get corrected
I did say hello to everybody and I
believe I said a little of the chat we
read the disclaimer okay so now without
further Ado I’m gonna go ahead and
you’re ready to share the video
Okay so
last week we left off to me it’ll pop up
here shortly there it is there we go
we this I went back just a few seconds
because basically last week we left off
where Seymour was starting to talk to
the plant but I went back just a few
seconds and I do have the subtitles on
so this is where uh Seymour does not
realizing yet that the plant is sentient
or detox this is the scene where he’s
going to discover that
so but the plant Falls over uh faking it
like I did it’s ill to get his attention
and he tries to offer blood
from his fingers but the plant isn’t
having any of that because that’s not
good enough and his fingers are already
covered with bandages
and this is the first point where we get
the uh plant talking
with feed me
and he realizes too you talk you open
your trap your thing and you said
that’s where you surprised the plant
comes to life
and of course he tries to squeeze more
blood out of his fingers and it’s not
really enough and the plant is a little
over ego over eager
and that’s where he says I’ll go to
schmendrix and pick you up some nice
chopped sirloin
but of course appliances no must be
and Seymour doesn’t want to hear this
I think he wants it alive
you try to maybe if he wasn’t in a
Skid Row maybe he could find a farm
farmers and buy live pigs or something
yeah get out of the damn city which I
suggest anybody who’s in the city get
out of the damn cities but that’s just
uh just to back up Audrey here uh
Seymour did establish that he thought it
was some variant of a venus fly trap and
carnivorous plants eat live food they go
in live they get digested
it must be human
so even if you offer like a live a
different animal it’s it prefers human
right no dead flesh
and we get our first
from Audrey
Hurt Me All Night Long
movie especially as Pop is going to lead
up to the second half of the song and
you know what I mean pop
you know what I mean when they start
oh this is a development character
situation in song
[Music] hey uh hungry
yeah Joe said I knew hungry would be on
two side but so I don’t lose myself uh
audio acceptable please continue pop
culture Julie has woven has fell over uh
Seymour they have freshest and Source
our particular choice points for Tui
tightens off
right on but thanks here’s Santa Boomers
okay so um this is where we can already
see that the plant already pretty much
Seymour hasn’t realized it but the plan
has complete control over him
and in fact it looks like the plant’s
already much larger and stronger than
it’s pretty much telling me it can do
whatever it wants
yeah this is really weird
that’s where I really miss this voice
yeah oh yeah definitely the Deep
residents yeah he was the bass voice for
the Four Tops
yeah and in the earlier scene in the
movie where they show uh
uh him buying the plant that’s when the
Four Tops get their Cameo when they’re
standing next to a Street Lamp
that’s right
and we’re gonna get some references for
us oh
[Music] people Hedy Lamarr things like that so
you guys are gonna wonder who that was
it used to be a beautiful women woman
back in the 50s 60s
our power was before Johnny Carson
close look look at those teeth
come on boy
I forgot to mute myself
you don’t hear me did you
sure I really didn’t notice I’m not sure
I guess not
well I got up because I I haven’t heard
the kid in a while apparently apparently
I told because I told him no two of your
switch tonight because he forgot his
spelling words and he went to bed
emulations and the plant just get all
excited when he says that
right now
a second right here this is the absolute
Faustian bargain and pop knows what I
mean by that and so did you definitely
definitely I don’t
[Laughter] you bugger 86 I’m assuming that guy that
that is murder right yes right
that’s right he says
and Palestine is a term it’s it’s
obscenely deal with the Devil
basically yes fascinating I’m learning
yay I am learning I am learning
Goods but also the song right now as as
Seymour is facing a much bigger aspect
of the plot than his character has
needed to face before the music starts
pumping louder it starts getting more
Bassy it starts getting more aggressive
and the plant movements thank you Frank
Oz you bloody genius the the plant
movements are getting more aggressive he
starts oh I’m hungry now look at the way
the plant is almost dancing with Seymour
but they’re
they’re writhing like snakes
yes yes tentacles they’re almost
tentacles made out of vegetable matter
and of course he’s playing on uh
Seymour’s weaknesses and things that he
wishes he had because he’s obviously
poor and a virgin
well and don’t forget you guys know
James Dean had no teeth right
who’s James Gene
an old actor from the uh
yeah he died at a young age
oh I’m feeling old now
hey in all fairness there’s a reason why
uh Germans back every week when we do
Cinema Sunday
yeah all right but I just want to say
this in terms of James Dean references
in this movie James Dean actually had a
slight horror connection where uh it was
it was
um Insider baseball that he was having a
very very shall we say hot
um relationship with uh Milo nurmi who
was Vampira in the 50s
oh I didn’t know that oh yeah and then
and for other people who don’t know
Vampira if you look at the Ed Wood movie
that’s the uh the gothic hot chick in
the Ed Wood movie all right so yeah he
uh he definitely had all right with a
waste of like eight inches around or
something like that yeah
exactly and and okay she was weird
she was gorgeous
um but you know so if you have any
Insider baseball stuff going on with
James Dean in this movie it kind of semi
relates to milonermy otherwise known as
Vampira it’s a reference to a reference
to a reference and this is the kind of
stuff I love about this movie there are
references upon references upon
you can tell they definitely knew what
they were doing
yeah I’ve just seen a lot of Easter eggs
oh Easter egg is a term didn’t actually
exist when this film was made that’s
that’s true well it meant it meant
literal Easter eggs right it didn’t mean
like something in a movie or TV show
yeah it did not mean hidden references
for the puns and the fans but we get it
oh let’s go on this is a good bit
and it’s still parking motorcycle that
controls everything in his life Audrey’s
girlfriend is his motorcycle all of it
is plus Fonzie magic the way he Parks
the bike
Yes mine doesn’t work like that
I guess Tesla needs to start making
who’s going to want to drive think about
it who’s going to want to drive a silent
motorcycle I mean come on
I would they’re out there I’m sorry I
pull them out there now
sorry doctor I’m sorry this was so hard
to take
and they they might as well just be
driving on moped and we all know what it
means when you drive a moped oh wait
about YouTube I better not finish that
sentence right maybe most people
most people where I live they modify
their motorcycles where they’re loud as
possible and it’s nerve-wracking and it
gives me a headache when they like they
pull up next to me and they
intentionally just
and it’s like uh come on
I love that oh dude I hate it that’s
like I would I wouldn’t I’d be the
opposite that’s why I want the silent
motorcycle give me the motorcycle from
Acura like
that’s what I want I love it I love the
sound of a Harley
yeah right next to you
yeah dude
oh okay
I would have liked to have one of those
side cards you don’t like to play the
Batman and Robin drove in that would
have been cool
get a year old I have
seen a few of those in my lifetime
and of course she falls off the uh the
bike and he’s blaming her
open the door you little [ __ ] I’m trying
doctor I’m trying way over the top
performance by Steve Martin
and of course my God his hair is out of
place get to buy talents quick to buy
talents it’s an emergency what
oh Shame Shame poor Audrey this is
side the moment that happened and we
know what happens in the song coming
next I’m like yeah okay get Seymour to
take care of this problem
exactly right
now he’s convinced at this point yeah
it’s perfect timing that’s all he needed
push him over the edge
the guy sure looks like cat food to me
I’m doing it for you and this is what
the plant
right this is the plant gets totally
excited and we get our first glimpse of
exactly how strong it is
we got a ton of people on death row that
have been convicted of heinous at times
all right we got plenty of people on
death row row that’s been convict of
heinous crimes
we got a plant these people so why not
we save the taxpayers money and just
send the plant to around to different
amen there we go problem solved hey
gorilla is spoiling the ending of the
movie no no no we already established
this was playing these people so no
they’re just kidding man because we we
know the ending that that pops has asked
us to watch the uh we know there’s going
to be a lot of plants at the end I
didn’t spoil nothing I just said I come
up with the solution to Seymour’s
dilemma at the moment where he needs to
feed the plant
you’re spoiling anything by giving it a
hints but just remember the more you
feed the plant
just remember the more you feed the
plant the more you’re gonna get more
the problem
right like if you it’s
it’s like the Tremors from Tremors too
where like you feed them and they puke
out more and then you feed them and they
puke out more and it just doesn’t stop
good call good call okay thank you uh
Phantom Boomer and it looks like Seymour
is ready to go
oh he’s ready to go
oh yeah we bought back at the doctor’s
I swear that’s the dentist
yeah Bill Murray right and this is
totally improvised by Bill Murray the
senior you did a great job
yeah it was all done in one take hold it
this is hilarious for the girl the way
he sticks his finger almost in her mouth
thank you
he’s actually yeah you guys removed the
he’s envious of this year
because it’s a very very lucky
I don’t know about that yes he
arthroated next
all right
does Zach have an appointment He’s
already suspicious
it’s also delightful because we almost
never see uh Steve Martin with such dark
hair because his hair went silver gray
so early so this is kind of just a
visual treat absolutely
oh yeah it is yeah because what’s
interesting is it made him look when his
hair was gray it made him look older
than he actually was so here he looked
more of his age
wait pop didn’t they say originally that
before uh Martin took the role I thought
he was going to go bald and then he said
oh no no no he says I want I want a
different colored hair that’s what he
I don’t know I hadn’t heard that you
mean he was going bald in real life or
they were suggesting maybe the character
was bald
they were suggesting that maybe the
character would be bald like you know
like uh like blofeld or something like
that so that would not have worked
um Mikey if if what Steve Martin what
you’re saying if Steve Martin said no
let me just go with colored hair what’s
the go I think Steve Martin’s uh
interjection there would have been the
absolute right choice because you can’t
get better in that this is this is like
I hate to use this term a satanic Elvis
in this movie yes
totally agree
definitely it’s more like if Elvis was a
like if he was Pure Evil
yeah straight up
straight up for sure and a bit of trivia
the dental tools used in Oren’s office
during Bill Murray’s famous scene would
again appear in Batman 1989 they’re the
tools used on Jack Nicholson’s Joker
after he fell into the chemicals
Tim Burton got a hold of those items
yes and also Jack Nicholson played Bill
Murray’s character in the original movie
it was his first acting role
cool and he did do a wonderful job
he did
or else catch up on the chat real quick
thank you gorilla yeah go ahead girl
plexus says uh Cosmic tears have an
unlimited number of
86 is American English slang used to
indicate that an item is no longer
available traditionally from a food or
drinks establishment yep
or referring to a person or people who
are not welcome on a problem premise
right so they say you 86 of them yeah
providing a plethora of knowledge yes
yeah thank you plaxter
has uh Nemesis it also fulfills mine
only to understand the reflexes
and the Elvis plus Fonzie
characterization was genius
and uh plaction against the pompous
all right
was an absolute necessity yeah
it’s a it’s a hairstyle that was very
prevalent between 1956 and 1959.
guy or woman
these days I think it looks ridiculous
on people but you know some people still
do it I think they do it because they
think it makes them look taller
yeah and also uh because we’re of an age
pop culture we remember when rockabilly
came out you know like the Stray Cats
and everybody was doing it back then and
that was a couple that was a couple of
years before this film came out so they
were kind of like enticing certain
people to come and watch the film
because Steve Martin had a pompadour he
looked like the Stray Cat Strut you know
you remember that song
brought that back Brian Setzer he
brought it yeah
and the rockabilly chicks were hot I’ll
just say that and let it go okay
my wife is hotter by good BTW
very cool
uh the dentist’s office originally was
more grungy and blood splattered but
those details did not go over well with
the test audiences so the set was
cleaned up and the scenes re-shot for
the final film
Bill Murray scene in the waiting room
was filmed as scripted but there was
virtually no written dialogue when his
character got into the dentist chair
except for ecstatic cries of pleasure
over the course of the two days that he
filmed Murray kept riffing various
ad-libs which presented a challenge for
the editor to assemble a coherent
version of the scene
which makes sense that sounds like
something he would do earlier
Ergo Murray for improvisation for sure
plus we’re making the editors earn their
but I mean I mean there’s what you got
to look at what he was bringing to the
table where he says oh you’re something
special oh you’re something special and
it just really challenges you as a young
person watching the film to think what
is he talking about
it still makes me laugh
well and what’s funny too is that’s just
it when the doctor when the dentist uh
orange gravello sees that this guy’s
enjoying it it’s like that is not at all
he is not into he likes to see people
suffer he doesn’t want to see anybody
having fun and enjoying it
so that’s why it’s he’s immediately like
what get out of my office
[Laughter] no makes me love it’s just great yeah I
was laughing through this whole scene I
will admit
I do every time
I mean
he’s putting everything he’s doing
everything himself the bib around the
neck position
can I add something pop here that’s
gonna be a very Politically Incorrect
but then again please look at the
company we’re keeping it’s not going to
matter right uh
he’s Bill Murray is talking with a woman
at the hairdressers
the whole time and you know so yeah
I was telling my family about somebody
who met someone from another family
about how special you were and how I was
just not enjoying what I the service I
was getting from blah blah blah blah and
and he’s talking like a chick at the
hairdresser just some guy who just wants
to hear you scream you know and so
there’s this weird encounter right yes
in this whole scene and Bill Murray is
going for it and you could not write
this scene between two men in in any
Hollywood film today
I I totally agree
hey look at that look at that sneer on
Steve Martin right there yeah it’s like
it’s all you thinking I’ll shut him up
here I’ll shut him up little does he
so is this a guy who likes to get off on
like that’s his uh night nail experience
where where in order to get off you have
to be enduring pain
yes that is what I believe Bill Murray’s
character is all about that’s look at
him like how he grabs the shoulders like
oh my God you’re just like it says
hungry was saying back in the day that
was quite shocking stuff not so much
nowadays but challenging the status quo
and nowadays it’s just a tumbler cliche
but who cares right we love the movie
I would not let any one of those things
near my mouth
not either
oh it’s funny too the men had pompadours
the women had the beehives
exactly we oh boy oh let’s we’ll save
beehives for another show okay behind
go ahead
I have an old picture of my mom from the
60s red hair big old beehive on top
oh God you say you got you got a woman
with beehive hairdo uh the cat’s eye
sunglasses and a skin type skin print
dress and go-go boots that’s right
oh dude the motor is running but let’s
just keep going
we will spray you with the hose hungry
if we have to yeah
I know it’s big enough but go ahead
hey uh hungry for getting I have access
to the fire department
I was right here because he keeps going
through these different tools inside no
not enough not enough
and and the Bill Murray’s character even
is as somewhat surprised by some of
these uh tools that he sees
I mean it’s shock it’s shock but it’s
anticipation on Bill Murray’s face
right and this pushes them over the top
because he sees his tool and it’s like
ecstasy for him
who needs Viagra when you got a tool
like that yeah no kidding hey
[Laughter] disgusting have to say
did that part oh
well like it’s funny because like you
look at this movie and Bill Murray makes
this scene lighthearted jovial like it’s
a joke but like in reality it’s
basically like hostile or it’s torture
porn like this dude’s like you’re
dealing with like mouth stuff and that’s
very specific
but it seems to affect almost everyone
it was NewsHour back in the in the 90s
uh when the the dentist franchise
started there was a bunch of horror
films about the dentist Corbin person
was the uh the actor in the dentist
and Dr giggles
yes Dr Giggles good call
yeah Corbin burnson is a sadistic
but he’s also a bad actor no offense to
anybody out there who likes Corbin
Bernstein I’m just jealous because he
married a man that pays a beautiful
woman from The Flash TV series he
married her and I don’t understand it
yeah it’s like okay
Amanda Page she was on The Flash TV
series from the 90s yes oh from the 90s
right Speedy Kate she married Kevin
Klein instead of me I mean it’s like can
you believe it
was he
Slinger huh
trading orders
you pause it on the perfect sign here
because it was like gosh I gotta do it
his hands like right over his belt
perfect pause right there
and we got some uh I guess we could go
ahead and catch up on the chat after
this scene is done because it’s so funny
well let’s just do it now now here
paxter says tall hair tall hats tall
heels height is a social indicator of
implied station
Nemesis says people try to emulate the
Giants of old
plexus has agreed whether of conscious
effort or not the abolition is there and
Fanta Boomer uh said the high school I
went to the beehives were a great place
to stash razor blades
and plexus says absurdism of the
situation drives this particular humor
uh Jill says I missed the bilberry part
because my daughter wanted to play hide
and seek but I love that part most
hilarious part of the movie the saddest
is it the same thing
and it’s perfect yes
have you learned to play hide and don’t
I didn’t answer my I did that to my
nephews I said let’s we’ll play hide and
don’t seek they said hiding for over an
hour waiting for me to come find them I
was so quiet and peaceful in the house
there where they’re all sitting there
hiding and waiting for me to come find
oh I just love that comment from Jill I
mean I’m not I’m not gonna talk about
how this relates to certain Star Trek
stuff but you know exactly what I mean
don’t know what we’re talking about for
sure hungry yeah yeah she do yes
but it’s a perfect it’s a perfect
analogy of this scene it really is
and also right here you have two
ultimate professionals I don’t care how
people look at them later on after 2017
I don’t need to explain that but look at
the trust that these guys are giving to
each other physically for this scene it
takes a lot of trust to do this because
something can go very wrong in a second
or maybe maybe we’re friends ever since
right they were friends ever since
Saturday Night Live days
oh that’s so great Steve Martin’s on
Saturday Night Live a lot during the era
when Bill Murray was still on there
we are to watch them crazy
for 38 years all right 48 years I’ve
been friends for 48 years
I told them
oh God
these frames pop
but all the all the things fall out of
his mouth that’s that’s the killer you
know what what you know what made this
this like so much better if you want to
start moaning go oh more more more more
I want a candy bar I mean for the
younger people we used to get treats if
we went to a horrible painful dental
situation you know they would they would
give well lollipop we used to get right
yes I used to get a cherry lollipop
every time I went to the dentist
so you’d have to come back
it was a business practice that’s right
future investing
it was takamas down so we weren’t crying
too much to have said our mothers who
had brought us to the dentist in the
first place that was the whole situation
all right well and they want you to
forget about the horrible experience you
just went through yeah so you’ll come
back later
[Laughter] exactly you so hopefully all you’ll
remember is the lollipop right yeah
get out
get out and of course Bill Murray’s
character is confused
[Laughter] so good it’s so good
let’s see as a gravela doesn’t like that
because he’s
I have to tell each and every one of my
friends what’s this oops
[Laughter] is that a drill bit he was trying to
is that what that looks like a big old
I can’t describe it but unless there’s
some kind of pictures of some sort
oh Pinchers okay right he opens and
closes them see
and he goes right back into the Elvis
body language almost dancing the scene
at this point right the pose right it
started getting ready to do Jailhouse
sorry about that
I thought I muted my phone
you’d scream right yeah but you’re good
that’s what I’m looking for that’s
exactly the doctor wants
this kid
that [ __ ] right out of there
that is right that that last frame is
right out of an EC comic book from the
1950s before they got censored
yeah that censorship was ridiculous
now obviously a dog’s enough
Brill it’s Rusty and dull they don’t
make them like this anymore and it’s a
foot powdered uh powered one he knows he
has to pump the device like those old
sewing machines we had to pump the uh
he’s doing the Elvis sneer combined with
the Billy Idol sneer which was ripped
off from Elvis it’s just layer upon
and of course he thinks he’s talking
about a gas for him
but yes his abusive as he pet some
[Applause] it makes me think of blue velvet by
David Lynch
oh that’s true that’s a fantastic movie
I showed that to a friend and he said
don’t you ever show a movie like that to
me again and I’m like oh sorry about
no more David wins for you I guess
I know raise your hand that was yeah
that was out of the question right I
barely got him to see blue velvet
do you know that I only got through one
season of Twin Peaks because of David
I can believe it bro I can believe it
I ate a lot of donuts
oh I love that man it’s so funny this
part oh my gosh
the beauty of this thing is he’s
actually causing his own demise because
if he wasn’t messing up his own Knights
risk uh mechanical situation Seymour
would never have the chance to pull out
the gun
no it’s very convenient that like well
that’s exactly already
and then yeah
yeah yes go ahead
well in character wise as as the
audience it just wouldn’t look as well
if Seymour just shoots him with a gun
and kills him it’s like no you know
that’s not quite what we’re looking for
Seymour at this point he’s still a good
because remember nobody’s died yet at
this point
well in there in life the question
though because like if you did shoot um
he’s not alive anymore right and so if
Audrey requires fresh blood living blood
does that count does a freshly killed
human quartz count or does he still have
to be alive and digested that way
we don’t know enough about Audrey’s
biology really to no no no no just wait
them since I’ll point something out
yeah but can you just take a moment to
notice that how he’s holding the gun
there is totally wrong
first thing is he has a trigger finger
on the trigger before he’s ready to
shoot that’s a big No-No second of all
he’s not supporting his other hand there
so that thing’s not not only is it going
to have a lot of uh
um recoil on it that but also he has a
good chance that gun may be
malfunctioned because it because it’s
not to have an extra support on it
yeah also I don’t know if this means
anything guys but uh if you see where
the phone is on the wall I don’t know if
that’s accurate I’ve never seen a
dentist’s office even from the 50s it’s
supposed to have a phone on the wall
like that
I agree with you
um I I’ve been at a couple of old
dentist’s office in two countries uh
basically the uh the phone was always
with the secretary the receptionist
nowhere else always yeah all right let’s
catch up with chat while we’re waiting
for pop culture here
sure uh Nemesis says conversely though
if Audrey was a massive masochist
means she would be a perfect match for
him yeah nice nice nice nemesis
that plaction says repeat customer four
steps tooth extractor [ __ ] hyena
rotating tool how many of evil kind of
evil blue velvet 1986. great movie
here’s bird appraised pray five champ
for his bed live streams and uh watch
parties and
and him going totally ape [ __ ] off Terry
myself and in one episode even getting a
[ __ ] you out of 10 so uh make sure to
check that out
Clarkson says he is overcoming saying
for an exceptionally traumatizing
situation he shoot out the the door
yeah yes exactly
and then you got Oiler Greg’s channel uh
also oh did it pop up another one yep
spoiler Grace Channel
okay one big guy I was I thought it was
uh interesting was they never really
they never really show where Seymour
gets the gun it just pops up out of
but I guess being from skid row it’s not
too difficult
well uh would you live there without a
oh I wouldn’t but Seymour doesn’t seem
at the time did we carry a gun maybe
it’s Mr mushnik’s gun
that’s what I wish they just pulled out
on him later
I I honestly thought that was going to
be just what they used to call a shop
thank God and we’re gonna get to Mr
mushka pretty excited to see him have
you in case he gets robbed
and he’s a cynic Mr mushnick is a big
city and of course he’s waiting to talk
yeah we know what’s coming up we know
what’s coming up
right and and a fantastic uh performance
by the late Vincent gardenia I mean he
was like perfect for Mr mushnik
yeah he was perfect I agree
you know that she also wait till I turn
this gas of course the knobs
did the uh same role Mr moshnik in the
Broadway production of it he also is
motion into that
so yeah he was perfect for it
for him no I didn’t know that thank you
for sharing that with us yes I
remembered that Helen Greene was the
same role but I did not know that I did
not know that Mikey so thank you oh yeah
you’re welcome it was a great problem I
watched it on the PBS station it was
great oh you lucky bugger
I’m so jealous now
yeah those were the days
Public Broadcasting
fun free stuff and there it is what did
I ever do to you
what did I ever do to you that’s what
you did to her
oh a person who oh her that’s right
version you had to think about it
I tell you I’d love to Rick Moranis in
this role he was just absolutely
wonderful for it I it’s my event
everything which is perfect it was just
nobody else nobody else
so I hope they put a dummy in that bag
for that scene oh they did yeah they did
yeah I can’t see uh Steve Martin doing
that stunt yeah
even though he does a lot of Pratt films
in his career yeah I understand yeah
you’d have to pay me a lot of extra
money to do that
well they’re not gonna take a chance to
getting injured
oh no there’s a good chance
Island uh are we are we coming up to the
supper Time song now
yes pretty soon
ow I think so
admissions happens to hear some noise in
the back yeah here’s a question I had
for you guys why would uh Audrey 2 say
earlier that he prefer the fresh blood
you know fresh meat but then when he was
presented it he didn’t take uh Steve
Martin’s character all in you know in
one fill a little swoop of eating he
told him to chop him up so that actually
does make his uh meat uh dead meat and
blood you know
I always wondered about that I do think
that’s an inconsistency Mikey and I
thank you
you go pop
maybe he’s not big enough yet maybe he’s
not big enough to eat a whole body
it’s not like growing pains like you
know you start out with mushy food as a
toddler and then when you become an
adult because we’ve seen what the adult
version of Audrey’s gonna be which is
the size of like 10 city blocks
but then tobacco remember tonight he’s
go ahead
I was just going to say to back up Mikey
um we’re gonna see him chowing down on
full bodies in a few moments
um so I think what happens if you
remember here’s what happens in this
order he he cuts up the dentist
feeds him by pieces to the plant and
it’s not until the next day that Mr
mushnick says I saw you last night and
now the plant is much bigger
yes so now so the next day the plant is
larger so that it can take on an entire
body at once I think that’s the answer
thank you pop thank you yeah that does
make sense pop but like I said it still
seems like a inconsistency to me
dentist got his look how eager the plant
is reminds me
my dogs my puppies when I yeah it
reminds me of my public teleport is now
hey that’s like Shadow there there when
the when it’s dinner time that that dog
dog ate for all in all three dogs’s
good point good point and also I mean
and they’re showing us
for people who’ve owned dogs isn’t there
like a step-by-step leading them up to
what they eat the moment they’re fully
oh that bad oh my god did anyone ever
have to sleep on a bed like that
oh I know and I was also in the military
yeah reminded me that when I was in the
Air Force in in basic training
but it’s
it it works so what did the jail jail
was more comfortable right as long as
the mattress is in good shape yes
the one in the job as long as the
mattress is in the shape it’s okay but
you notice that they’re establishments
are not hungry sorry gorilla of course
the one in the jail isn’t supposed to be
comfortable that promotes
hey that wasn’t that bad of a weekend I
will I just turned out I knew how to
play play uh Spades a lot more than I
thought I did I want everybody to serve
for the weekend
the important thing is were you
gorillas well that’s why we have some
free funny guys in there I knew how to
play apparently I knew how to play Space
because I want everybody’s dessert for
the weekend so ah
so he’s just watching uh Audrey to uh
munch munch munch
well they established that he’s
traumatized about what he did he didn’t
sleep at all he just sat there all night
until the sun came up
welcome back nemesis
welcome back
hello nemesis
yes but you
I know I back swiped on my phone and
then immediately kicked me out of
streamlabs I was like oh
damn it
that can happen
you know it’s a great course in the
background watching
tell me what this is
thanks I’ll play
things all over the floor I think well
let’s catch up on chat because we got a
new person here in the chat
Tui is also an influence upon the lad
then the bargain stepped up a notch or
three and welcome Sean Carlos Corbin
good to see you
Corbin fernson played a good cue though
then uh plexus has two he needed to
cement the bargain and drive these
emotional Hooks and just see more deeper
uh plaction says whatever bargain
multiple layers of depravity and
self-destruction yes Sean
cool okay because I’ve heard the
references I just wasn’t fully aware
you realize that all seven of us or six
of us are going to be able to pronounce
the word Faustian by the time we’re done
I’m not I’m not trying well I always
like I always assume Faust was like 50
in you know because that’s what it is in
German but like it makes sense
this thing
young people I don’t know what to do
as you said earlier hungry there is no
hose big enough for me sir
you don’t lose the internet today
[Laughter] [Music] thank you
I was gonna say Nemesis of Eda did Adam
teach you that with his mouth
I’ll never tell
and there we go the truth secretly I
wished it
oh man that’s so much fun
I love when you guys make me laugh it’s
so much fun when you make me laugh it
really is I I love these streams they’re
just so great well this part right here
speaking of laughing and crying and
feeling good I mean what we don’t get
these days is a payoff to a setup and
we’re this is the ultimate payoff to a
setup we are getting the people we
wanted to be romantically intertwined
finally accepting each other
romantically even though they are
Misfits even though they don’t belong in
the society they have been thrust into
and it just makes my heart swell five
times bigger than it could be
and they’re even also each of them think
that they’re not good enough for the
they think the other one is
a certain they call it a certain
inequality for how they feel towards
each other
one just can’t stand that the one likes
her the other just doesn’t believe that
he could truly like her for what she’s
done in the past
real crazy thing
beautifully said Mikey thank you yes
yes well and it’s really nice too right
like if you look at this and like it’s
very reminiscent of everyone nowadays at
least everyone I know even like the good
looking beautiful models like Audrey or
the Nerds
like everyone thinks that they’re not
good enough like it’s like everyone has
self-esteem issues everyone doesn’t
think they’re good enough and don’t
deserve enough people like
uh I’m going with this
hey and never since I have to disagree
with you on that there’s a couple people
I know who could be knocked down a pig
or two
oh well this is true this is very true
but the vast majority the people who
matter no I can’t say that that’s that
isn’t true either there are plenty of
people who
they have that
attitude for a reason that it’s it’s all
bravado it’s all ego right yeah now this
is the Suddenly Seymour song and this is
my favorite part and also my wife
Suzanne’s favorite part of the movie uh
musically wise is this uh interplay
between the two of them
yeah it’s absolutely I agree I love it
it’s a great song
truly is
I mean it’s the first time the movie
she’s been happy
I I don’t mean to overly sell the film
but this is a moment where people who
have never felt acceptance they are
finally accepting the idea of acceptance
and that is a huge thing for sci-fi and
horror fans you know because going back
to 1931 with
um uh the monster in in Frankenstein all
he wants is acceptance that’s it and so
this has been a a situation A sub-genre
idea if you will in science fiction and
horror going back decades where okay I
might be messed up but do you accept me
and suddenly you feel that acceptance
and you want to sing that to the rafters
you want to hear the pillars of Heaven
shake with how appreciative you are that
somebody saw you for what you just
wanted to be
I agree
also I think one of the best examples of
this later on was when you had West Side
Story yeah you remember West Side
Stories plot it it just like Amplified
what this gave and delivered was you
know in a big way yes true
but we have to we have to respect Mr Oz
here because although this is really
innocent and although this is really
romantic and although this is hitting
all these metaphysical and philosophical
notes he is not shying away from that
cleavage either
no there is no she had a good body
it’s just it’s just right because it’s
not tasteless they showed just enough to
show that she’s very beautiful and and
it’s not uh
well tasteless I guess you trashy so I
appreciate the way they have her dressed
it’s not grotesque remember and now it’s
not grotesque it’s not cheap and only
that they’ll remember now the body she
has is something they won’t show in
Hollywood now right current Hollywood
that’s not allowed anymore yes and also
not only that very reminiscent of her
character in the area right like she was
dating the dentist this is something
he’s probably making her wear
yes like
the household common 50s white dress
right there was no cleavage there was
nothing there she’s all covered up and
that’s what she wants but she’s
projecting this image of what he wants
instead trying to please him
that is a great point and what she’s
doing now I think you would agree I’m
just basically carrying on with your
point it’s circumstantial it’s not
pertaining to her interior psychology
it’s circumstantial whereas when she’s
singing about a place that’s green we
see what she wants to wear
exactly yes exactly yes where she even
says I look like Donna Reed right which
is yeah apparently role model
Donna Reed cook making Betty Crocker
right right straight right strictly
straight out of the 50s and 60s I love
and uh Audrey too remember when we did
I mean if you look at her from a from an
ankle she could definitely pass for Hedy
Lamarr no question
yes or Jane Mansfield
or Jay Mansfield we’re not quite Jane
Mansfield not quite Jayne Mansfield
nobody can match Jay Mansfield
I say about that pop
oh no there’s a big difference anybody
has seen the famous photo with uh
uh oh yeah the Italian actress the
beautiful uh what’s your name Sophia
given the side eye to Jane Mansfield oh
and Irene is is a magnificent Beauty
she’s got the body of a goddess but you
look at that famous photo with she’s
given the side eye over to Jay Mansfield
a million actresses I could name off the
top of my head but you know this
character with all uh with Audrey
otherwise Ellen Greene I mean she’s kind
of playing up to all these these women
in the the late 50s to early 60s who
could have been Stars if they were not
born on Skid Row which we have at the
right oh God I love it yeah I completely
I love Audrey I love Ellen Greene
everything about this movie you guys
talk I’m getting ver clamped I’m gonna
cry for a moment I’m gonna mute all
righty well he’s uh muting himself
uh yeah boss is a protagonist in a
classic German Legend based on the
historical Johannes
I’ll say that one more time Johann Faust
go ahead
oh let you read this one thank you
okay the erudite Faust Devon placard is
highly successful yet dissatisfied with
his life which leads him to make a pact
with the devil at a Crossroads
exchanging his soul for unlimited
knowledge and worldly pleasures
absolutely true Audrey wants to be on
the cover of Better Homes and Gardens
that’s true too though she could have
said she wouldn’t be on the cover of
Life she could have done that too
I’m gonna share something really quick
care away
looking for girls wow this is what I was
speaking of
uh my wife is still sexy
it’s a very famous photo right and
Sevilla is I mean she was really well
built but no anybody next to Jane
Mansfield is like yeah
nice try
guys there’s a current actress out there
that could pass for
Sophie seriously uh if you
if you uh the James Bond movie with
Daniel Craig uh Specter and you see
Monica Bellucci oh my gosh
oh Monica classic he’s a classic yeah
I’m just saying
it’s a pass for Lauren easily uh the
polite word Mikey is statuesque
[Laughter] [Applause] let’s keep going guys
come on guys okay and I love this here
the look and the reaction
even from Seymour because I remember
when I was young and I remember this is
what I felt like a few times not knowing
that it’s not going to turn out but
true love and he’s like about reading
stuff in front of a movie car he doesn’t
even notice
and the plant knows it’s got him hooked
at this point
oh no I’m just curious about something
with all the bloody sentiment did you
think that maybe Audrey 2 was a little
bit telekinetic with him too with uh
telekinetic you know he is no well Kelly
yeah yeah okay this is that guys uh well
we’ll see you Jill she says uh wow so
weird I got to go my mama’s taking me to
go see John look for right now this is
the funniest thing I’ve I’ve done I said
yes anyway thank you very much
and I expect I expect to review
it could be a short one or long one but
ton minimum
she’s been joking and Jill is one of the
funniest people on the internet make no
mistake she is yeah
yeah and this is usually her movie night
so I do really appreciate her uh being
I’m moving on her family night sorry
and of course Seymour is totally in the
days I’m uh just like heading back
towards the room
totally in love
and look what we have in the shadows
oh this hurts this one hurts this part
hurts oh yeah that’s when everything was
going crazy everything was perfect right
oh this hurts
it’s fair again okay what I’ve seen I’ve
scared him
I think
The guilt-tripping Happening Here
oh yes because he already knows what is
no it’s not like he’s gonna he could
have already called the cops but that’s
not the point he wants that plant yeah
we know we know I know pop but the thing
is he’s working that adopted father
angle because earlier in the film he’s
like he gave me a caught he gave me a
penny a day
oh he’s working it a piece of bread
he’s got your number now
I love this song too my God every song
is Iconic in this movie
so you jumping
you got nowhere to run
and kill him there’s the gun
so it makes sense see so see more return
the gun back to its place when he came
I think it’s super time
and the plant is you’ll see is much
bigger than it was the day before and
look on the left now we have those other
buds I guess you could say
his little uh choppings and we’re
building anticipation
yeah anticipation and suspense that’s
how they do about this movie too uh
as far as budget
they used several plants obviously to
represent the different sizes which I
thought was fantastic that they went
through the detail of doing that so not
only does the plant get bigger but it
matures and it changes and looks
different every time you see it
and and the craftsmanship of this movie
um how many stunt members
I could look it up how many people it
took to operate it for some of the
musical scenes
right I need to look it up to see uh
actually I remember years ago uh I had
saw the behind the scenes by the way
guys a lot of the people who do the
mechanical work for obviously
do that after
yeah yeah you could do that after if you
want after the after the review
because I don’t know where we’ll be
come on it’s terrible what uh Disney did
the prank cause it’s heartbreaking if
anybody’s ever seen there’s that where
he released is when Disney bought the
Muppets he said to send me George Lucas
said it’s like he sold him the white
and it was the hardest decision he
regrets that he said Jim Henson would
have been around he never would have
done it yeah yeah
everybody talks about the franchises
Disney destroyed you know they those
Star Wars uh Marvel and Pixar everybody
forgets about the Muppets I don’t know
that was the first one that they
stood up and destroyed spit out
yeah and here we are at the separate
time and I love the outfits on these
can you go back can you go back one
frame one frame please one frame look at
that we see leaves we’re looking through
the leaves to the Greek chorus oh
yeah that’s a great use the framing and
everything that’s a great narrow shot
yeah it really is yeah
everybody lies you know crowdmark it
kills me to do this right
by the way this thing was difficult for
them to see was difficult for them to
film by the way
several uh
what’s that sorry I was just gonna well
I I’ll make my point after you say what
you’re gonna say please go ahead
well go ahead because I’m looking it up
I want to read it verbatim from where I
found the trivia the thing is right here
at this point we see a massive shift
visually and therefore subtextually with
the Greek chorus because suddenly they
are wearing very seductive purple red
sequin dresses which imply okay you’ve
given in to evil now it’s not romance
it’s not you know this is sex not
romance and and the way they are coming
into this scene with with Seymour giving
into what’s about to happen with him
realizing his adoptive father is not the
nice person he thought he was it is
layer upon layer upon layer upon layer
and it’s just it’s actually beautiful to
watch but it’s very hard to take
emotionally yeah and when I watched I
just want to interject one last thing
when I watch this at the Broadway
presentation of it they have the plant
or the guy who was dressed up as the
plant they had to wheel him in because
he had all the attachments plus the
units that were attached to his one leaf
so when they rolled him in a gardenia
standing there with the gun and
everything else then they had to plan it
to where gardenia would make a misstep
and fall right into the guy that was
that was the plan so it was interesting
so one guy uh controlled everything huh
wow yes thank you for that information
Mikey I never would have been able to
take that I need to try to look for that
with appreciation thank you Mikey oh
you’re welcome you’re welcome all right
sister appreciating things let’s
appreciate the chat here with you
gorilla okay I appreciate everybody in
the chat without you we wouldn’t be here
well if someone else read this one
said to ask Buxom voluptuous blood
surgery oh yes
oh yeah three of my favorite words
I’m glad you can spell Luxor loaded one
later oh that’s so cute
okay how much is Tui influencing moshnik
or how much is this the real much Nick
oh this is the real mushnik pods Buds
and seedlings
uh purple sequins dresses sequence thank
you yes sequence I say second but I know
it’s the other way lost average and all
the vices are now presented yeah
okay so
um coffee pasta oh dear Frank for the
scene during summer time
for this scene here when mushnik is
offering Seymour Way Out director Frank
Oz originally wanted to use
over-the-shoulder shots but Rick Moranis
and Vincent Gardini cracking each other
up so we had to use close-ups
Madonna wanted the part as uh
the filmmakers originally offered the
role of Audrey to Cindy Lauper
oh no that wouldn’t have worked the only
right the only reason why she didn’t
play was because she couldn’t commit due
to her recording and turning schedule at
the time well thank God that happened
thank God
[Laughter] right that’s how his yeah
oh my Lord I’m not coming down on Cindy
Lauper I’m just saying my love of this
movie means thank God you know it’s like
if somebody from Charlie’s Angels had
might have been cast as Princess Leia in
Star Wars no effing way
and a word of credit I want to give the
movie there are no blue screens or
obstacles involved in any of Audrey
two’s scenes the plant was made in six
different stages of growth
and there were three different versions
of mushnick’s shop making it possible
for two units to work with different
sized plants at the same time each of
the talking plants had to be cleaned
repainted and patched up at the end of
each shooting day which could take up to
three hours depending on the size
and pop you did say there was a bunch of
public hearings that actually worked the
legs and everything else absolutely and
there were some scenes like especially
later on during mean green Mother from
Outer Space where they they made the
shop itself a miniature to make the
plant look larger
that’s true Brilliance Brilliance and
that is that is so true to a lot of the
science fiction and horror films we love
whether you’re using Force perspective
or whether you’re doing a combination
shots of created backgrounds live action
figures and then mixing it with a
stop-motion animation like Ray
harryhausen so you when you know you
know and you see a film like this and
you spot it and you’re just feeling the
love of the filmmakers towards the
audience and it means so much it means
something attention to detail yes and
the soundtrack I believe this movie did
receive an account
[Music] the song Mean Green Mother from Outer
Space won an Academy Award yes it was
just so good
and this is the scene I was I had to
where Vincent gardenia made a flub on
one take of the Lion
I’m sorry what’s that
hello yeah I think there’s something
wrong with my mic yeah
no we’re here yeah Pop I can hear you
up I think Mikey is roboting a little
bit though
went to gardenia made a flub
in this seat here on the take of the
line teach me your secret gardening tips
he kept he said dining tips causing both
himself and Rick Moranis to break down
laughing this ruined every subsequent
take so Frank Oz had to separate them
and get their close-ups separately
that’s the part I was looking for
the gift saying dieting tips instead of
gardening tips though that’s I want
considering the plot of the film though
no wonder yes it is
well don’t forget that uh Frank Oz
before he did this movie he actually did
see the Broadway presentation of it and
that’s where he got the idea for a lot
of the casting for a lot of the people
that he wanted in the movie
if I’m wrong but he he saw it and he saw
the limitations of the stage play and he
thought if we’re doing a movie we really
have to respect this story and expand
what it could be visually yes you’re
exactly right hungry and that’s exactly
because it all had to happen like like
because it right because it all had to
happen on one stage for the play and I
don’t want to I don’t want to say there
it is one musical against another but
that’s also what happened with Rocky
Horror Picture Show you look at the film
it’s actually a very expansive film
compared to the uh the musical on stage
but this takes this takes it 10 steps
um in every way and now I’m going to
shut up and you guys speak I’m about to
get verklempt again
I was gonna say that don’t forget this
is the same director who did A Fish
Called Wanda so
who plays Seymour on stage
different actors you know what I don’t
know I know it wasn’t years different
yeah and later on uh Jake Gyllenhaal but
it was different natural depending on
where it was performed
yeah in London it was different that was
the one I watched was the London
presentation but that’s why I was so
surprised that gardenia reprised his
role that’s why I was so happy about it
now of course he was younger but I mean
he could just throw on a mustache and be
believable anyway
you’re enticing him
look at this oh oh it’s just perfection
it is I love it it’s very alluring
what was this look and
the Silhouettes of these women where
we’ve seen their faces beforehand and
all these women were very young they
were they ranged between 18 19 and 21
okay but now they are being Beyond age
at this moment when they’re showing the
evil like evil is Ageless uh seduction
is Ageless and so we see them in these
Silhouettes but these these shapely
forms contained within these dresses and
my God it just works
yep yeah this works perfectly oh yeah
look at that beautiful
in the London production he felt
backwards so actually they changed that
made him go forward but in the London
one fell backwards yeah now of course
the legs were mechanical go ahead
gorilla I was just gonna say can’t we
just all agree that Mr Mustique or
deserved that because he treated Seymour
worse than vertebrate five truths of the
orphans right
yes yes
it was a betrayal it was an emotional
and psychological betrayal that had
there they are disappearing in the
shadows I love it yeah
but it’s hard to say was he always like
that like was Mr mushnick or was it just
the money that’s at the beginning of the
scene turned him this way like that’s
great is a pretty fallible thing right
excellent question
oh is that Phil Hartman coming up now
we have our montage
Montage of corporate back asswardness
yes yes
basically all saying the basically and
we all know is they’re just going to
take advantage of him he’s going to make
very little of this if he steins
what are you doing is signing away the
yeah he’s gonna be like George Romero
with Night of the Living Dead pop
yes and there’s our beehive hairdos and
the glasses like you were talking about
and remember that when they used to have
a room full of women on typewriters
and they’re like the Army in the
military use that for decades and
decades to send letters to families when
soldiers died hand type letters yeah
those are definitely lost times they
call them typewriter pools and one of my
uh my godmothers yes with them yes
I used to maintain the typewriters
wow that’s how I started in the business
as a typewriter mechanic
interesting that’s very cool yeah that’s
very cool that’s very impressive
so let me ask you a question uh
Phantom Boomer let me know if I’m right
about this because
I heard that because so many people
complain over the years
why are is a qwerty keyboard in the
order that it is and from what I heard
that originally they did that because
typewriters when they had typewriters
they put the words so that you don’t use
two common letters together otherwise
they would commonly Jam where you would
talk like t-h-e-i-r and if those two
keys are too close to each other they
would reach up when they get ready to
hit the drum and jam together so I heard
that it was strictly by Design
because the keys were in does any of
that make sense
it does it’s I don’t have all the
details but I’m sure it has something to
do with the letters you use the most the
original typewriters the characters were
on there in alphabetical order
but they already have two people
complaining about octopus not in
alphabetical order and it’s like I have
to explain well you know
when you hit two letters back when they
had an arm and you hit two letters that
are common to use next to like th a s
then the the two uh I’m not sure but the
arms whatever those are called will get
stuck yeah I mean how many kids didn’t
uh see an old uh typewriter and just
start banging away and all those things
would just cluster up and jam together
right and servicing schools for typing
classes those kids would find so many
different ways to destroy those things
[Laughter] do you want me to try some influxer it’s
uh he’s got like about five or six oh
yeah let’s get caught up in the chat
thank you one sec okay
um you want to do it gorillas do you
want me all right oh you can click on it
okay I just had to get back to the
screen here
start alrighty here we’re
all right so spelling via copy pasta
grammar by accident
then he says I cannot Envision Tui other
than the booming bat
bass voice thank you
um sultry reveal of tui’s power
have emotionics horrified response is
worth the forward fall into the mall of
Terror yes
thank you damn keys are tragic within a
mechanical typewriter absolutely
uh create a methods of twisting
typewriters into inert metal objects
nicely said nicely said
yes and before we get off typewriters
I’m just going to say uh what what I
wanted for my Christmas gift my big
Christmas gift when I was 12 years old
was a 1912 typewriter so I understand
the difference because oh my God you got
to be very careful with something that
antique and that precocious in regards
to the use case
and and uh one thing I learned about
this movie is that a lot of uh people
that wanted to become gardeners they had
to learn about what was involved with
all the process of you know growing
plants and so forth but when they saw
that word Horticulture they were like Ah
that’s it
but look at the sculpture I mean all of
these things had to be sculpted before
they were made look at these leanies
look look at look at the tendrils I mean
this is this is actually fine art that
was added to a movie for our enjoyment
absolutely I love the detailers all of
Craftsman I mean Mass it’s just it’s
well and uh a lot of this came from Jim
Henson’s Creature Shop so
a lot of it
that was particularly impressive too and
and now Audrey is outgrowing her
environment its environment I don’t I
don’t know it’s Audrey II male female or
just an it with like no no gender what
what are we calling yeah they never
clarify that they never clarify yeah
they never clarified that I mean
uh you know a black man that had his
voice but uh but he can reproduce so is
it okay if we call Audrey it Audrey too
I mean it is that okay yeah well that’s
what I think or asexual yeah yeah
[Laughter] asexual works for me
right because all flowers have male and
reproductive parts of the flower like
it’s obviously
I think plaxter agreed with us too he
said two years and it isn’t it so from
now on uh just as apologies to any
lurkers I’m going to refer to Audrey 2
as an it that’s just the way I’m Gonna
Roll you guys go
okay that’ll work Audrey won a she
Audrey two in it
yes isn’t it
what no it no fortunately that didn’t
exist back then
[Laughter] you know but gorilla’s gonna gorilla’s
gonna be
gonna be here so often and I love that
about him
oh and this oh this is so heartbreaking
this part oh the whole point is right
the whole point is they want to know
more and more and more and Seymour can’t
tell them
I mean no I would like to just point out
Audrey yeah
I mean I mean he’s carrying so much
emotional baggage on his shoulders right
now and I think all of us had to go
through that at some point in our life
so it just makes us feel for him even
more right
yeah and right I want to point out what
Nemesis did look how she’s dressed now
that or uh scrabella was gone
put on a nice dress she covered up the
she looks like a right so thank you for
pointing that out Nemesis yeah
definitely thank you Nemesis
paint blouse
all right well let’s see
it looks like a sweater maybe a sweater
and a skirt blouse yeah okay a sweater
blouse sweater blouse yes you’re right
the thing here is that at this point
what she’s wearing is incredibly
romantic and it’s got nothing sexual
about it at all
exactly she just looks
homely is not the word it’s
hungry help me out here you’re the one
with the big lexicon
okay are you asking me for a description
of what she’s wearing is that what
you’re asking me for
it’s not homely it is domestic and
there we go thank you
yeah there’s nothing sexual and also
yes I I mean I I don’t like to I don’t
like to use
um certain overly traditional terms but
the Blushing Bride which often meant
okay you know you didn’t give it away
before you got married which is ironic
ironic for for for Audrey in this this
story but the point is that’s what she
wanted to be she explains that in this
this and other songs where she wanted to
be someone who didn’t have to be
I hate to use this term but sexual
before she wrote she met the right guy
and settled down with him and now she’s
she’s fulfilling that Promise by
dressing this way as she sees Seymour
and it’s just heartbreaking and
beautiful and and just oh I’m getting
for Clinton again
see you later have a great night
when she sees it did you say goodnight
to somebody
no I said that uh someone entered the
chat no nemesis
yeah I said uh hello to camcam am I like
muffled or oh no Barbara you say goodbye
okay no hello cam cam sorry about that
but yeah
early tomorrow so good night cam cam
glad you’re looking you’re coming and
said hi
so here we go
three more is trying to sneak out like
the plant’s asleep but I don’t think
plants sleep
no they kind of do they go into like a
rep cycle if you will like whatever you
right they do hibernate at night and
then they they wake up and the sun comes
up you’re right about that
and also that’s really funny
that’s really funny pop because you and
I have probably seen carnivorous plant
horror sci-fi films before this came out
so yeah they don’t they don’t sleep like
we do they don’t so that’s great I love
that well they don’t they don’t rely on
the Sun for energy this one relies on
so I’m thinking
see how you do this now it’s like
we can’t see here
I want to go back one there Pop I like
what he said there
go back back one more
he says oh cook the crap bring it on the
oh yeah
I mean at this point at this point in
the film The kid gloves are coming off
and the reality is setting in right yes
he knows that he’s in big big trouble
this is where the plant is telling him
out Ryan right that I’m in charge now
the friend knows what’s going on the
plant knows that Seymour was planning on
walking out then
don’t do me no favors
the lighting and the coloring here I
mean Audrey too
barely contained was in this environment
and you can we they the filmmakers are
anticipating we know she’s gonna it is
gonna break out it’s gonna break out no
matter what happens in this scene
it’s huge look at this today
in the director’s cut yes yes I thought
I wonder what they did with that
afternoon he was done filming all right
should we uh catch up on chat real quick
yeah go ahead no
yes thank you
[Laughter] horticulture
those largely these might have been
molded off from real ones that’s pretty
true two he isn’t it we all agreed on
humble understated domestic doctor okay
uh there’s Captain affinity’s Channel
check it out it’s pretty cool check out
catch Affinity everybody if you have any
questions about time travel
yeah pop culture curator high pop panel
and chat good movie
tomorrow have a good one
yes take care of time cam
hail like can Pam’s crash courses closer
later at camcam’s crash courses
add plastic ale Kim Kim said Phantom
rumors September crash course good night
drop the like cheers thank you game cam
plans wait for this thank you thank you
yeah uh Phantom Boomer hail take it easy
yes they do
and the Genies out of the bottle and the
balance of power has tilted
plus it’s so eloquent oh yes isn’t he
it’s absolutely true absolutely yeah
yeah yeah
now now I I don’t know why but I get the
feeling that this
I don’t know if it’s from the angle or
whatever it’s just the way that I’ve
seen so many movies I think this is a
I think you’re right
you’re right I agree
I think this is the point where it was
like I mentioned earlier where
some of it was many sure to make it look
well what I remember it runs itself over
yeah I just want to remember one thing I
remember about the behind the scenes of
the movie is when you look at scale when
you look at how big Audrey tooth Grows
Right stages different stages they had
to make the sets smaller every time so
when it gets to this really yes the
plant bigger and his head smaller yes
yeah that’s what Frank Oz did was he was
able to miniaturize the set and bring it
down to smaller pieces and then he could
have the bigger Audrey too show up to
make it seem like Audrey 2 was much
bigger and could stand out so
may I ask and and they were
really quickly this is the point where
we are seeing Day of the Triffids stuff
by the way I’m gonna mention is they
have a lot more freedom of this
sorry what was that
oh uh I was just gonna say they have a
lot more freedom with scale and forced
perspective as soon as they get the
humans out of the room
so that makes it much easier with
supermartin up there that’s when this
is much easier to show up with
Miniatures and you wouldn’t know the
difference right now if you compare it
another way Phantom uh if he was still
in the room you’d have to keep the
regular set but as soon as miranus left
everything was reduced everything was
miniaturized ever everything
and like you said that’s my fourth
perspective and your scale
you know the room the scale
by the way you guys are I know this is
going to be crazy you think I’m insane
but there’s actually uh probably about
four or five miles from my house at the
corner of
Bancroft and I can’t remember the other
street but there’s actually a phone
booth on the corner you believe it or
not not a booth but you know what it’s
not the glass Booth of the door but it’s
actually a phone booth it’s like it’s
and it’s like I feel what I have seen in
yeah when was the last time you guys saw
a payphone
he still has one but it’s like this it’s
just like uh well what would you call it
called something they’re like well not
tourist attraction but just something to
look at
that yeah up here up here in uh where we
are in Scarborough Canada outside of
Toronto we still have a phone booth
actual opening the you know pulling the
door open and it’s something about less
than five miles away from us where we
live it’s just knowing the rates these
days is probably five dollars a minute
I don’t know about that no they’re
they’re like a quarter
no no they’re like 50 cents for us yeah
oh yeah and then what it’ll say is it’ll
say well uh the operator will cut in and
say please deposit in the dollar two
dollars three dollars
yes and I’d love to see here
go ahead go ahead well I love how it
checks the coin return to see through
his extra coins and you’re like why what
do you have to gain from
but it’s a great in joke there because
people would always do that when they
went into a phone booth they would check
the coin return
oh come on pop culture you and I both
know that for comic books Etc we would
go through all the pay phones we could
find and see if we could scrounge up 50
yes yes
[Laughter] I’d probably join you guys always wanted
a payphone in my house I guess now that
wouldn’t make much sense
everywhere oh she still got her stuff
dog and the empty bird cage but look
she’s packing it’s like now she’s
finally going somewhere it’s green
and look at the dress my God she looks
um happy finally the to the whole movie
she’s finally happy
bloody Audrey to why’d you have to do
this to her no
no notice that let’s make up and she’s
not wearing the makeup like before and
she’s not having to cover any uh bruises
or black eyes
right and her lips are so pale compared
to the the very heavy red lipstick she
had earlier
yes yes
oh what’s so sad
it is and she totally surprised of
course I know and it’s laughing you
notice how it’s laughing
and she dropped the phone
here’s something that bothers me why is
she dumb enough to go over there and
talk to this huge plant
I think she’s surprised at this point
and she doesn’t know that it’s dangerous
remember she doesn’t know anything about
it so she doesn’t know that it’s
dangerous yeah right well well uh Mikey
there I can turn the question back on
you well I see more dumb enough to go
over and talk to it
I’m Mikey
no way
are you scared
he would be in the same room as that
I can grow up with the original black
and white Outer Limits are you kidding
Mikey would never be there
that’s like asking me if I would be
doing the Twilight Zone at that time
when Billy Mummy was the kid you know
that uh I had to telekinesis and
everything we wish him into the
yes and he actually reprized that role
two more times oh that’d be great if he
does I would love it I’d watch no he did
he did oh he did he reprized it again as
a man with Cloris Leachman and then
again where he had a daughter who had
the power
wow oh but you know which was his real
daughter which I think is now uh
uh I don’t remember the name but there’s
something wrong to point out but I just
realized the first time I can’t believe
I didn’t realize it sooner what color is
her dress
uh sort of white
but it looks white now watch this I’m
gonna go back a few scenes
where she drops the phone receiver
there oh bluish bluish those are the
blue Shades or is that the table is that
the table that’s next to the mirror or
next to the window
that’s not her dress no
thank you and then yeah but there she
lost her dress she doesn’t have the
wedding dress on
she does well I don’t know about the
wedding dress
oh yeah Daddy does she must put it back
on again oh oh Audrey too is being so
naughty here this is not right this is
not right that’s right poor thing well
she’s confused she doesn’t know what’s
going on this is this is too much to
comprehend at once
this is
and the thing that actually really got
to me when I one I was in my teens and
watching it every time since is I mean
clearly Audrey 2 does not have the same
sexual desires that we have being a
completely alien com a combination of
alien uh entity and Earthbound plant
right we saw the combination earlier in
the film where the zap comes down hits
uh the plant at Chang’s right and
creates this new Beast so it can only
possibly be feeling her up in this way
in this scene just to put her in her
place and be evil incarnate that’s
exactly what it’s doing because the way
the dent is treated her right he’s
demeaning her and yeah yes awful
and I don’t know why but I picture this
scene this reminds me so much of a
flashbacks of the old monster movies
like King Kong where the girl would be
um it would be stop motion even the way
she’s moving it would have been like
stop motion with King Kong and feyrae
yeah scene right there yeah Japanese
Touhou movies uh you’d have a little
um a little figurine uh being arrested
by the monster
or uh if you guys remember the stop
motion uh the movie them that had those
big ants in the desert oh yes yes oh we
will be showing that we will be showing
that if I don’t uh PVP is gonna kill me
so yeah he keeps yeah
there you go pop culture that could be
his birthday
PVP he’s so excited over it it’s funny
because he kept naming off at least a
dozen movies and I was like okay pick
one let me know and then he responds
okay I’m making up a list now I’ll send
it on Thursday I’m like oh well I don’t
know what to say to that calm down pick
one movie but he gets so excited that’s
why on the last chat I think it was my
loss of space stream I keep trying to
encourage him to start up his own
streams there’s so much he wants to
share with everybody
yeah yeah
he should do it do it on PVP if you’re
listening do it yeah
where are you you should be home from
work right now PVP so hopefully
everything’s okay
well let’s find out if he’s in the chat
here by catching up on it yeah
yeah good job gorilla the Placer says
the day of the trifids 1962. Snippets
pay your phone from before the turn of
the century
do you not accept the collect call from
those numbers
now if you’re smart enough now now if
you’re smart you call collect instead of
giving them your name just go hey I’m
over at somebody’s house I’ll be there
be home by this time as you name then
they just said do not accept the call
they then they got the message
the way we got the way we used to get
the message was we didn’t want to pay
for the call is you would see the
operator I want to make a
person-to-person goal for John even
though John’s you know you made it up
and when they call the other number and
they say it’s a private person uh the
person called for John the first this is
a wrong number and then there you got
your message across
that’s how we used to let people know
that we yeah we got home okay
uh Audrey is in shock
oh this is all placard by the way and
this is where he’s telling her
go ahead sorry
oh no that’s okay I was just saying
critical thoughts and rational uh
thinking go out the window when shock
kicks in that’s what 100 yes and he said
not to dress it is a tablecloth
and then Audrey you know there’s one
kind of horticulture
[Laughter] admiring the cut of meat oh yes
you’re right though he’s it’s like he’s
admiring his dinner right before he eats
it yes
from 1954. by the way that also had
James Arness
yeah James no no oh wait James Whitmore
James Arness was in The Things From
Another World
oh that’s okay that’s Peter’s Graves
that’s James arness’s brother
yes and also
um well there was a trio Brothers there
was James Arness Peter Graves and uh oh
the guy who played in the SWAT Series in
the 70s
Steve borster
Steve Steve Forrest and Dana Andrews are
brothers Steve Forrest okay gotcha
if we want to talk about families and
horror later on not tonight we can talk
about the carradines
well I want to mention is if anybody who
remembers Jane Andrews I saw a movie
where he took I was surprised because of
I never thought because of all the kind
of roles he usually plays like a
scientist or like a businessman but I
saw an old movie black and white where
he took off his shirt and he looked like
Sylvester Stallone I’ll put it that way
I was like what
so he was definitely into physically
working out
but but you would never know by most of
his movies
it was bigger than most actors at the
time yeah I was gonna say it was
another quick breakfast some of you
remember you know Bob and Steve McQueen
in his early role in that I just like
we will be covering the blob one and two
yeah and we won’t be covering the son of
The Blob by Larry Hagman but we’ll be
doing one now I mean the blob and the
Remake is what I mean sorry
but but also but also also pop if we’re
going to talk about guys that got their
their start in in Monster movies we got
about we got to talk about tarantula and
Clint Eastwood yes
and also uh although he did not get
credited in the proper way he played the
uh scientific assistant also in that
film but let’s keep going with this
juicy scene if we may okay here we go
and this is where he he’s telling this
is where she’s finding out the truth
come join your dentist friend and Mr and
mushnick ha ha
that’s awful
they’re right inside now we’re getting
into the point everybody where the movie
separates into two different endings so
there was a director’s cut it was aired
uh a test audience and they absolutely
did not like it they did not like the
original ending so they had to go back
and reshoot a quick ending which I’m
going to cover after this movie’s over I
have the original the yeah the
theatrical ending which we will show as
well but I want to show the popular in
here first but this is the substance
well I was just gonna say I’m super
upset because I started with the
theatrical ending and it’s fine but like
the fact that people didn’t like what
we’re gonna about to see it just blows
my mind but whatever oh yeah but what do
you think I I remember now okay the
theatrical ending and I saw it two or
three times at theater Blitz on video
many times and I thought well I guess it
was a good ending but something was
missing it seemed kind of lackluster
like it was all just wrapped up really
so it kind of makes sense that it wasn’t
the original ending I mean this movie is
so well thought out
the thing about Nemesis and the way it’s
reacting to the two endings is just
striking me as if Nemesis is saying you
gutless pieces of crap you couldn’t
handle this
is like really we need the happy ending
oh wow we’re gonna throw out this visual
display of Jess all right right behind
you awesomeness yes but whatever I guess
people normies aren’t up for that stuff
right there’s your happy ending right
it’s like there’s your happy ending and
what should we get a two-minute ending
and goodbye everybody see you later
but let me ask you guys if you were to
think about it
yeah what’s up yeah I was gonna say
Nemesis if you looked at like some of
the movies today when you know like
Kevin in the woods or uh you know don’t
blink everybody died in those movies
like every single person did so if they
were to film something like this today
you can’t be you’d be guaranteed that
Seymour would die and everyone well the
difference is those movies were written
written to where you wanted the
characters to die they did intentionally
but this is the opposite of that that’s
what makes this one so shocking and
jarring for the audiences yeah right
right but I wanted to ask you guys this
now think about it because I want you to
go back and think about everything all
the movies you’ve seen out of all the
movies you’ve seen
which movie has a better alternate
you know where the audience rejected and
they went back and reached out I think
this is the absolute best and I remember
on eBay you guys remember there’s a
short time where they released and I
have it it costs a lot of money out of
bid for it but originally before this
version was available
they had the DVD of the theatrical
ending but somewhere buried in the
Easter eggs was the director’s cut but
it was a black and white without sound
Frank Oz heard that it came out and got
upset and threatened to see the studio
so they yanked him off the shelves and I
bought it because it’s very rare
and then he he said if anybody’s ever
going to release the director’s cut
it’ll be me which he later on did and
which is what we’re looking at now
did you guys think of a better alternate
ending in the movie
yeah actually I was gonna say I was
going to say to you Paul about that uh
there was actually a great movie which
had uh Tim Curry in it called clue and
it had oh yes
right but they showed all three in the
theater they didn’t keep any out
yeah I know but that was what was so
it was so good endings
so what I’m wondering is if
you think of any movies where
the ending was better than what the
exactical cut was yeah
we watched 14
no one with Samuel L Jackson in it and
it had a better alternate ending seen it
seen both endings understand what you
mean I agree with you but uh for for me
what I’m gonna add because only because
pop asked okay was there was the
Darabont film called the mist and there
are two very distinctly different
endings to that film
his family because he thinks it’s over
and he finds out it’s not so is that the
one that oh pops way to spoil it bro oh
my God
well I don’t know I don’t know what the
other ending was so I apologize but so
am I right uh was that hungry boy was
that the one that yeah because I was so
surprised when I saw it
it was amazing
a lot of people people like us prefer
that hardcore ending but there was an
alternate ending where it was not that
hardcore and people were rescued and
everything was okay
[Music] [Laughter] dude I’m as hardcore as you don’t pick
on me I know and by the way everybody if
you’re listening out there in TV or
YouTube land it’s not that we’re
sadistic it’s just that we like to see a
little originality and surprise where
everything’s not predictable and wrapped
up like a bow all the time
sorry Bob
I love foreign movies with subtitles
because you always get a surprise at the
end it’s not always cookie cutter like
these are
but I mean this is it goes back to like
what you’re saying about an ending that
is not going to be cookie cutter
Etc if you go back to the original 1968
Night of the Living Dead that is a
horrible bloody ending and that’s not
what anybody in America or Australia or
England was expecting in 1968. all right
but the fact that there was no test
audience and no alternate endings that’s
what we all got thank goodness and
here’s me my dad taking the family uh to
the drive-in and then this show are some
Disney I don’t even remember some Disney
movie the different options were some
Disney stuff this and that and this and
neither living dead and I was like come
on Night of Living Dead oh no no
but come on guys wake up my dad was too
squeamish he just he couldn’t handle any
of that stuff
which brings up an excellent point pop
most people are too squeamish everyone
wants to did you go to a movie to escape
from reality no one wants to go and see
buddy blow his
anyway we don’t want to no one wants to
go and see the dark Bleak ending because
we’re trying to escape that whereas I
didn’t want to see Lady in the train
I wanted I live in dead not lady in the
[ __ ] trap
damn it no offense to Disney or anybody
who likes that movie but I’m looking the
entire time I’m turned around in the car
looking at my living dead on the screen
behind because it’s a drive-in and it
was on the screen on the opposite side
I loved it
there you go you got to interpret it in
your own way like it’s a whole different
movie for your first experience right
right so I watched nine Living Dead to
the tune of lady in the [ __ ] so there
that’s how amazing
did any of them line up like Dark Side
of the Moon and uh Wizard of Oz or no I
wish all I know is every time I looked
over lady the [ __ ] up one of them all
to die
movies that my uh my parents took me to
in a movie theater uh that scared me one
was Exorcist and the other one was over
3D Antichrist
for the premiere
I was nine years old I loved it well you
enjoyed that
[Laughter] [ __ ] this is setting us up for this ending
now isn’t it oh my God I remember I was
probably maybe four or five when my mom
let me stay up late to watch
Frankenstein versus the space monster
and I’m like oh yes I’m in love horror
yes here I am that piece of crap I love
that movie
I was gonna say like you know since
you’re obviously a monster fan like you
know that the original Godzilla versus
King Kong was supposed to be Godzilla
versus Frankenstein right
right which they eventually remade with
Frankenstein conquers the world
yeah amazing
I’m a huge Touhou fan yeah let’s not
let’s not mix Touhou with this what
we’re watching tonight
they’re all kinds you right but I know
where what we’re doing is this movie
here at this team they’re building up
dramatic tension and we’re taking that
away so let’s try to keep the momentum
less momentum our way through the chat
here thank you and I’m gonna right
Nature’s calling thank you Google I’ll
be right back sorry guys yes 1958
tarantula 1955. the alternate Little
Shop of Horrors ending is as uplifting
2011. yeah never even heard of it
the hardware ending of the Mist 2007 is
similar but skewed and toned to Naked
Lunch 1991. yeah I agree
yep and so I don’t want yeah you know
plaster this has been sitting here for
an hour and a half at least she lost two
hours here this has been sitting here
for you oh wait I’ll even make it bigger
for you oh man go go
but now that we’ve done that you’ve had
to drink we have to talk about one of
the most awful points in the direct in
in in the original cut of this film
which is about to happen
what are we talking about
the chomp chomp on no come on this is
this is amazing yeah it’s tragic we know
we wanted her to live but probably for
the best all right did anybody else
expect her to die like as soon as you
realize that she’s going to realize that
the plant eats people and then that uh
Seymour really liked her that she’s
gonna diet the film
well unfortunately for me I didn’t well
I mean I knew what was going to happen
due to a pat like just knowledge of
media but like the version I watched was
the theatrical cut so
the first time I saw it she didn’t well
she didn’t die
yeah cause I predicted this way at the
beginning as soon as they start falling
for they really established that they
really liked each other the plant ate
people I was like yep she’s gonna die it
wasn’t as shocking as it like at the end
of uh Boyle’s dog when the uh the whole
for in the last scene there I was like
they [ __ ] hate her I can’t believe it
they ate her
I saw that coming with the boy and his
dog well no I was expecting her just uh
like to go hey look what I got from from
inside the shelter there there’s a crap
ton of food and they’d walk off on their
merry old old boy there I would expect
them to eat her yeah don’t forget don’t
forget that before this happened you
know you saw that Montage of all that
Fame and fortunately was accumulating
during that time he was ignoring Audrey
that whole time everything he was going
through because he was being forced you
know to sign well he didn’t want her to
know he didn’t want her okay first of
all sorry I just got back but you gotta
remember they were focused on him and he
was so busy and distracted by them and
he still the whole time is trying to
keep the secret away from Audrey last
thing he wanted was for her to find out
the truth and the plant knew that that’s
why I waited for him to leave
yes yeah and uh plaxton says do not
blame me pop culture has been up to
osmosis time
I try I try thank you plock suit
and a boy and his dog 1975 which is in
the public domain
Harlan Ellison and I love that movie
it’s great and you know what hey without
a boy and his dog we would not have had
Miami Vice
yeah that’s true
hey do they do they eat the gals in the
Miami Vice also
in a different way
do you guys know why Miami guys came
about Miami Vice do you guys know why we
even got the show at all
Hawaii Five-O went off the air and they
were looking for a reason to use that
studio without having to dismantle it
so they they said we need another show
that’s set in in Hawaii and that’s the
only reason why it came out
that’s pretty cool
cool okay so we caught up yes we are
okay here we go sorry guys go ahead okay
so here’s where Seymour comes in just as
Audrey’s being chomped
and he pulls her out poor Audrey
and notice the teeth how much they’ve
grown since when Audrey was a lot
smaller yeah
now you’re okay yeah thank you see more
take me to the bed don’t
right and now we’re on the director’s
cut now remember now this what we’re
seeing now was not in the theaters
so don’t bother with me I’ll be out of
here I’ll be out of your hair in no time
yeah the epoxy said Don Johnson played
Vic the boy in the boys dog yes yes
but I’ll tell you another movie he was
grading in later I’ll tell you that
oh you don’t want me to get another item
not yet
beautiful painful sequence before we get
to the giant monster moment and then
we’ll be okay
it’s awesome come on I mean what’s
interesting too is it sticks to the
ending of the original movie
you know I know but we see the little
bit of blood on her abdomen and it’s
killing me oh it is you know it looks
like she’s she’s barely just a few
scratches yeah apparently she’s totally
and she knows
internal bleeding and damage right yeah
I mean right exactly
Nemesis could not let me have my mushy
romantic moment
[Laughter] there we go yeah this is the version I
the Israel is not it is not
oh okay well this is the original
version we will cover the one you saw
and look at that red door very Telly
reminds me of the red door from Rocky
Horror Picture Show when meatloaf comes
out you know what and also I think
Kubrick was like oh this this looks good
what about Eyes Wide Shut
oh yes
ah the fascinating movie but we’re not
gonna get distracted by that
no I was bored as hell I had to sit
through it twice and I was like but you
know it didn’t it didn’t help I’ll make
it fast I don’t like Tom Cruise and I
don’t like Nicole Kidman so I was just
out from the beginning but this this one
right here is so terrible because they
wanted the marriage and he was carrying
her over the threshold in a wedding
her yes
it has control of his future
it’s almost like marriage
is going to control your future
metaphors man
oh I mean it’s perfect right like you’re
feeding the plant you’re getting rid of
the body you don’t have to pay for a
funeral it’s perfect
she’s she’s the perfect fertilizer for
plant food is what my wife said
Mikey you’re the nice guy in this panel
I’m sorry
I see I’m slowly corrupting
is that Christine I wonder
yay no that’s oh that’s a uh no that’s
the that’s the car from food Chevy
that’s the car from Cujo
no that was a station wagon Cujo wasn’t
a station wagon Oh I thought it was a 55
or 56 Chevy 58 Plymouth Fury I tried to
buy one a couple oh yeah that’s what
that’s what Christine was okay no I
appreciate it but that was an old Chevy
station wagon yeah
this lighting is incredible in this
scene great
oh it’s amazing
what all of the set work is fantastic
but yeah I can give us some set design
um we can believe that right there he
could topple over and his head could hit
the pavement first and he it would all
go away but no he doesn’t get that
no no
and I want to shout out speaking of a
fantastic movie where the entire thing
is shot on a beautiful Sound Stage I
recommend rear window if anybody’s
you’ve never seen that oh yeah yeah I
will be covering how well the layers and
depth of all the different characters
and buildings and the interactions with
within one set Alfred Hitchcock from
like to see him he was the master
but as you said when we did part one
here uh pop right well going back to
part one this is also doubling back on
itself where the city itself is the
character alongside Rick Moranis and
right here the city and the sets are the
character and you said that uh when we
did it last week
by the way this actor here from homes
and yo-yo somebody brought that up the
other night
uh this actor here when they had to
reshoot the ending he was not available
so that’s why we got James Belushi in
the in the reshoot
exactly funny my response too
[Laughter] it was like nobody’s why that man had a
career was oh his brothers did okay I
guess we’ll take the next best thing I
oh yeah huh
there we go and here’s where he explains
it to him look now these things are
popular and they’re all over the place
anymore somebody Seymour hadn’t realized
uh pop what is the name of that actor
that he’s talking to on the rooftop
I will give that to you right now bear
with me here
he’s more of our character Act
Paul Dooley Paul Dooley in the original
cut of the film Paul Dooley played the
part of Patrick Martin when the cast and
crew returned several months later to
shoot a new ending Julie was unavailable
so Jim Belushi stepped into the role
Dewey received a special things Credit
in the film and his scene appears
in what we’re now looking at here that
was available on the original DVD
release the 2012 director’s cut is what
we’re seeing restores Dooley’s part and
conversely it’s Belushi who receives a
special thanks credit
and this part right here just chilled me
to the Bone when I was re-watching it
because this part is so Invasion of the
Body Snatchers
oh yeah totally a hundred percent
you tried everything you could to make
everything be all right no the vegetoid
aliens they have already won
that’s right this is where it all starts
from crashing in because Seymour had not
realized the entire scope of the picture
yes yeah right like because we only got
to see the we only got to see this
Audrey too like we didn’t get to see all
the other objectives that got beaten
down at the same time it wasn’t just
this one and it was a step no no no no
no there was only one there was all
these are Offspring from seymours
think about it if they were all over the
world Seymour wouldn’t be getting all
his attention he’s getting also get you
because that’s the only one
but the point the point they brought up
earlier in the film is he would go to
Chang’s for cuttings and they
specifically said that and later on uh
like with this scene they’re implying
that there were cuttings of Audrey and
they could use that there are
implications here
or another well like anybody else are
saying okay we don’t need you we can
just take cuttings and we can
um clone them ourselves because I used
to I know how to clone plants
and this property has in his hand is
when they use in the alternate ending
look at that it’s just fine because it
knows so so basically uh Seymour is the
Kevin McCarthy of the Invasion of the
Body Snatchers in this movie
yeah probably
I would say so
I feel like see well yeah okay
who’s the dude who yeah he’s the one who
ends up running through the streets
being like they’re here they’re here
right yeah Kim McCarthy you’re okay
you’re next yeah
and thank God Joe Dante fell in love
with him and featured him and almost all
his movies I’d love that and also Kevin
McCarthy did a little bit part in the
1978 yes Recreation of Invasion of the
Body Snatchers
yeah Donald Sutherland where they
actually show in San Francisco
with the crowd chasing after him yes
oh I love that it was like the best one
of the best
in it right yeah yeah it was fantastic
in it but that that if you saw invasion
of the body’s not just black and white
as a kid and then later on as an older
kid you saw 78 you got that hint you got
that Easter egg as we would say today
and it it just gave you goosebumps you
know it did and another another example
of a remake being good
you know [ __ ] yes
Evil Dead today pop
thank you
a version of evil deaths or does all the
evil deaths we did
you did that’s how that’s how I
introduced my horror stream as we did
the first what’s the first three uh Evil
Dead movies oh I better look it up on
your channel then I don’t know they’re
on my channel and we had a blackout oh
it was so fun
it was great man and you know boy
oh the wrong final girl pop I said it
before I’ll say it again wrong final
[Laughter] we’re talking about world Conquest yes
and I want to thank you laughs
look at them
look at the painting on those hand
painted teeth yep the detail yes
here we go mean green Mother from Outer
now there are a few swear words during
this song So when the song won the
Academy Awards and Levi steps showed up
the Academy Awards and recording the
song they changed the words around
you can find that on YouTube yes they
oh did we we did determine right that
Levi’s Subs was Four Tops right not
Temptations yes
okay here we get the final reveal
there it is
this part is so Day of the Triffids it
really is it is
look at all that moving oh that’s
fantastic puppet works
and with the reveals above the baby
plants oh they’re babies so great
[Music] I love it
yeah it’s awesome now and it’s funny
because like these this this bed not has
like permeated into even video game
culture like you look at the thing here
it looks like the piranha plant for
Mario you look at the little mouth
pieces and there’s it’s
regular Nintendo stole it directly and
has placed it in the last level and
there’s a bunch of them and it’s really
nice to see
because like oh it’s just such a
fantastic creature design she’s just so
good it’s it’s just so good and when
this song is happening look at how fast
the lips on Audrey 2 are moving to
compensate with the song it’s amazing
it is
yeah it’s a great uh it was a great
moment of puppetry I agree absolutely
wonderful I mean CGI does not do this as
well never never
depicting gravity it just doesn’t it
never looks realistic like when you see
the same movie you can tell there’s
weight behind it
right yeah that’s a big thing
it’s a good point
you can tell Pop as you have said
gravity there is weight pulling it down
and it’s got a struggle Against Gravity
yeah you know visually we believe it’s
there I mean when I was seeing this in
the theater and re-watching it I just
could not believe how physical and how
real this creature was absolutely the
audience I remember hearing grasp in the
audience when all this was happening
this was like nobody was expecting this
at all which is that’s how you make a
well don’t forget that about five years
before or six years before uh Jim
Henson’s uh shop did The Dark Crystal
and those were believable the skept Seas
and everything so when you have this uh
you know Audrey this was definitely
believable like you thought it was a
huge monster Bland
100 agreed Mikey like when you had those
giant rabbit walkers in Dark Crystal and
those are guys those were guys using
stilts and absolutely
gotcha I gotcha man I 100 agreed
so everything was great about this thing
this movie was just like I said I love
the Broadway thing when I first saw it
but I tell you the movie was faithful to
it and it was perfect it was just
it has all the elements everything like
everything that you won in the movie
the guts here to make it so believable
that they are destroying sets and props
to make it happen look at the
destruction the annihilation that is
happening here it’s glorious
why pay to have the whole whole set
destroyed there when you can just
incorporate in the movie and have
everybody go yes yes yes yes yes yes
right on gorilla right on
right on but I mean the thing is here it
took so much forethought and so much
money and to create things and then
destroy them this is pure Artistry pure
look at that even the breath of the they
thought about the detail that the breath
being emitted from the plant look at
Seymour’s hair
so it’s like it’s actually like it’s
breathing I love they went to that much
and goodbye so do you think it’s
breathing out oxygen because it’s a
plant still yes yes and it’s exhaling as
it’s talking
it’s a breath of fresh air or is it like
that plant that you find in the
rainforest that smells like rotten
corpses I feel like that’s more the deal
well if it smells like Robin corpses and
it’d take a lot more effort for it to
attract all those people there
yeah but at that point it was just
eating blood gorilla
I love the glasses here because this is
like the whole thing about sharks that
eat everything and then stuff comes out
of them they could not digest
yeah exactly like in the movie Jaws they
would do that right and you notice that
the inside of the interior of the plant
mouth is all red now from the blood
for Seymour
and now we get the alternate song
because after I watch this movie I
immediately went out and bought the
and when we get to the song here don’t
beat the plants we’re like wait I don’t
remember seeing that in the movie so
that’s how I knew something was off
and a tribute to Patton the movie with
George I was thinking that too I know
all right well we’re going through that
there uh
let’s see plexus says eyes wide shut
from 1999
Christine was 1983 and kudos 1981.
‘s rear windows 83.
oh maybe he had a backwards
that’s okay uh yeah I was just talking
you guys are gonna think I’m I’m crazy
but I was just tweeting back and forth
with D Wallace from the howling and Cujo
and she asked a question what was the
best movie came out in HP I said well
Cujo naturally wow
she still looks fantastic no plastic
so that should be the new topic in
Hollywood fantastic no plastic after
they should say all the women now right
and uh pop pop uh by the way Christine
had one of the carradines Keith
yes yes
and also fantastic no plastic I would
like to bring up Carolyn Williams who
was in uh Texas Chainsaw Massacre number
two number two and she was just in a
cameo what was that movie oh Renfield
yes yes Renfield all right immediately
and I think wow she still looks great
and sounds great yeah but it was
unfortunately a very small role
she’s a Texan she gets like she’s she’s
like 90
you and then 10 a little bit woke but
you know ninety percent instead of ten
percent what do you want right it’s okay
uh go ahead uh gorillas
Invasion of the Body statues 56 and 78
people dead 81 Mario Bros a 83 arcade
game Little Shop of Horrors 86 theater
yeah Mario Brothers
flexors these sets were built to be
destroyed it smells like frustrated
Comber Greek chorus
more like fresh cut arteries
oh my God sometimes Nemesis I think you
just want me to reach for my blood
pressure medicine but it’s beautiful
[Laughter] well I’m glad you enjoy it ah look at
that ah freaking out okay right between
her legs
[Music] a lot of the bunch of the movie went
towards the ending which was really
really sad that it was taken out of the
theatrical yeah yeah
that’s one way to get
to go what’s up tackles right through
the legs there
are probably to do it
yeah it’s Evil Dead Style
oh I love this oh this part
oh yes
there’s a part coming up where is
actually very much Godzilla before
that’s awesome
uh it’s so good
yeah oh man
this reminds me of what Ray harryhausen
would have done right
that was that go back one frame go back
go back go back uh no when it’s walking
right there that is right from beast
from 20 000 fathoms yes yes walking
through New York
which they stole from Ray Bradbury story
The Lighthouse which he sued and won
yes thank God
oh I love it I always love crowd Panic
scenes and Stampede I don’t know why and
Alexa just thinking crazy but
and don’t forget the Wilhelm screen
we’ll have him scream
okay nice one
yeah oh great I love that
yeah so they started
see is it no it isn’t okay now me
everybody the whole crowd’s running in
One Direction I’d take a cut down an
alley and move my way away from the
we’re doing is away from the crowd we’re
going in all directions no they’re all
going in the same direction like I heard
a cattle you’ll notice that okay okay so
they’re all going the same direction
which is away from the plant so you’re
gonna go towards the plant
no no go sideways and move my way
through alleys kind of out of segment
because the plant’s watching the crowd
you’ll notice this you’ll notice this
you’ll notice this like especially
during like riots and stuff everybody
runs the same direction you go in a
different direction because they’re all
going to chase the crowd
well that’s true
wow but you have better protection in
the crowd versus like trying to run off
and single yourself out from the pack it
all depends right if you’re running from
one day and you can get away sure but if
it’s like a bunch of little things no
stay with the crowd okay
Jason and the Argonauts
no but that was I’ll take my chance
going on my own it’s got own there
because like especially when they’re
trying to round people up or you got
something trying to eat you they’re
gonna go for the big bigger prize there
because they got a bigger chance of
catching catching the people in the
crowd than than they are just chasing
after one person
right well so instead of instead of
going after people are going to go up
they’re gonna go up to the slow fat ones
and also Paulo
ideal joke if you ever encounter a bear
right and hope you’re faster than your
we’ve already we’ve already mentioned
this watching this but this is where
they’re pretty much telling us straight
up this is all a homage to Ray Bradbury
I mean sorry uh Harry hurry hurry hurry
hurry houses ready hurry house you want
to get confused because Ray harryhausen
Forest J Ackerman and Ray Bradbury were
very close friends for many many years
so I’ll often get the names mixed up
because I’ve read so many stories about
those three of them hanging out together
but also pop it’s a tribute to just a
few of the Touhou movies like uh you you
had about five frames beforehand uh one
of one of the new Audrey’s is sucking on
a smokestack and that’s right
this is a smog monster
and you notice the Blue on Blue in it
causing the building to explode
exactly so they’re also enjoying
themselves they’re having a blast doing
this yeah oh this they’re having the
time of their life this is this is like
just a field day for them yeah it’s like
reminds you the dentist they’re enjoying
watching these people suffer and
watching them run I guess they just get
give a whole new term to the a whole new
to the term [ __ ] it was that was a dirty
[ __ ] it’s like oh
this is just glue
my God
that’s just great this is fantastic
these plans to go ahead and eat every
human on earth right
oh straight up that’s his only that’s
their only food source
[Laughter] I noticed they use right like it’s very
there were some old sets from West Side
Story right but if you remember King
Kong and then 1933 version he picked up
the trains all the people in there and
shook it
and they’re playing with that with the
train when they open their mouth and the
train goes right into it I love it look
at that I would also talk about deep
picks up the train and tries to eat it
in his mouth and that’s a tribute
all these soldiers just I’ll Toho right
here I’ll Toho totally
amazing uh
amazing seriously
hey what do you mean by Touhou
oh the company that produced Godzilla
Japanese and many other Japanese film
company that made all the Godzilla
movies and a lot of those right it’s
called Touhou they still own the rights
and now they co-finance with legendary
pictures to make the new movies but they
also make their own films like shin
I’m assuming you enjoyed it hungry oh
God you do not want to get me started on
Shin gojiro you don’t I but I do though
we should do a stream sometime because I
I plan on covering all the Godzilla
movies on a stream
I have them all in my collection I have
only Godzilla movies but I have to say
this I like shin Godzilla but I didn’t
like shin Ultraman
okay we’re gonna have to happen to that
one later but
there’s going to be there’s going to be
another shingo zero film coming out
November of this year
and that’s amazing before we before we
get into that just look at this shot
right like please whatever they offer
don’t feed the plants and it’s it’s this
the end
and he’s on top of the Statue of Liberty
it’s just oh my God right and this scene
here because it’s breaking through a
screen like if you’re in the movie
theater I love this
great to see this on a movie theater
always reminds me of uh
we talked about the other night with
William Castle gags after this reminds
The Blob and gags like that where they
would try to bring the audience the
movie Into The Audience the audience
into the movie
right it’s beautiful it’s perfect
we’re blood dripping
[Laughter] Subs of the Four Tops there we go
that explained it we finally got our
oh I love gardenia are we doing on the
chats there gorilla oh we had three of
their their minute ago
all right all right are they gone
no no just give me a second here
I’ll be right back guys
all right I’ll be right back
yes Tisha Campbell no
all right price of the bargain being
paid running of the balls
and Jason’s Argonauts 1963 and shin
Godzilla 2016.
I love Shin Godzilla I really do uh dude
it was so cool like
what they they and it’s like oh it felt
like a Godzilla movie because it’s
Touhou right and like it’s funny because
like in that movie you there’s like 15
20 minutes of Godzilla and the rest is
all humans and politics and drama and
just how enacts with the government is
it dealing with certain things now it’s
just Escalades and then Foreign Affairs
it’s just such a beautiful movie yeah
one of one of my favorite Godzillas is
actually uh Godzilla uh where they they
introduce Mothra that was like oh yes
do you mean the one in uh the Remake in
the 1990s uh my friend which one the uh
the the original
because I generally go 60s and I can
enjoy uh some of the 80s and some of the
um and I’m enjoying I’m looking forward
to what they’re going to do Touhou I
mean not legendary pictures yeah what
Coco is going to do with subsequent
giant monsters
um but I I absolutely adore Godzilla
versus Mothra I uh
wrongfully title Godzilla versus the
thing in the United States when it first
came out
funny hungry because like I like what
legendary pictures has done with Mothra
like in the latest one in uh with Kong
versus Godzilla and how
they made her or not because she was in
Congress because Godzilla she’s in the
second one uh king of the monsters and
how she’s actually formidable whereas
like before she was kind of I love
Mothra to death like just she said that
she’s the protector of the Earth she’s
amazing she’s she’s my girl when I play
at the NES Godzilla I play Mothra team
Mothra all the way but
um when they made when they made the
original Mothra movies she was
relatively threatening but they got to
where they were making her more cute
fluffy and childish some of the plots
really delved into you know for little
especially when they showed the Japanese
twins you know what I’m talking about I
mean I like the Japanese twins yeah
well so do I but I’m just saying it got
to the point where mantra
okay to put it uh quickly when they
started making the bad guys the heroes
uh just I don’t know it kind of didn’t
just fit I gotcha that’s why I like the
legendary pictures version because she
said they turned her into a badass she
has a stinger she’s formidable again She
Glows she goes Super Saiyan supermod
right it’s awesome well I mean I’m sure
you also enjoy the Rodan from the
legendary films oh dude I enjoy
all right but the problem is you guys
gotta remember in in the recent movies
even though I liked them we have not won
but we have two girls who are the secret
to everything and that okay that
absolutely ruined the movie for me so I
can’t go back and watch it
nope because that’s the biggest that’s
the biggest they spend more screen time
on them than everything else so I can
never go back and watch those movies but
for that reason I’m tired of the little
girl who happens to either have uh
telepathic powers or is a secret to
everything especially it’s that little
annoying little I’ll be nice
the thing from stranger things I’m just
yeah tired of seeing her on everything
they’re oversaturated the same actors or
oversaturated but I can’t stand
and believe me and I’m coming be from a
fan they spend way too much time on the
little like I said girl in a secret for
everything that it just turns me off I
don’t care what the movie is but it’s
done with as soon as I start that’s why
I didn’t like Logan
We’re Not Gonna
I don’t know enough about that to argue
okay we all know the history of well
I’ll make this fair if y’all know the
history of Wolverine he was trained as a
soldier was a killer he was tortured he
had this entire history behind him but
no we get a Canadian girl we got a 10
year old girl who jumps out and she
knows all these fantastic movies moves
without everyday kind of training and
once again she’s another little Ray was
just the whole plot revolves around
getting her from point A to point B and
we’ve got to protect her puke
oh okay so I I will I will back you up
on all of this uh Papa I just got to
close off on my thoughts for Godzilla
and Toho Etc the thing is with legit
with legendary I do not like a Godzilla
looking like a funky
badass Gator everybody okay there Villa
does not look like a gator Godzilla is
not a gator on the crocodile he’s not an
iguana which is what I [ __ ] hated
about well I agree I don’t like the
design either I agree about that and by
the way I knew before I saw the movie I
knew Godzilla was gonna win by the way
because Godzilla is a lot of people
think a lot of people still think that
Godzilla’s a female
and about a female going against a male
who’s going to win every single time in
modern day Hollywood and I knew that two
years before the movie came out who’s
gonna win okay so so don’t serve me on
that because we’ll never get done but
the thing is
no we won’t
[Laughter] was asexual remember he had that little
baby right over there everybody hates
Godzilla’s a female because of that one
stupid movie Son of Godzilla
but the whole point is Godzilla should
look like Godzilla or gojiro okay the
original uh Japanese
like the legendary stuff for every
monster aside from Gojira which does not
look right
I agree with that
yeah and and also welcome back uh
Nemesis of Eden sorry welcome back
Nemesis and the focus on the bloody soap
opera family stuff I just can’t deal
with it anymore all right can we wrap
this movie up before we get yeah
let’s finish this movie and we can talk
about that after thank you gorilla yeah
these guys way to get it all off topic
here with your Godzillas I know I’m
doing the same thing I did last week
slacking in the chat oh yeah my goodness
as a reminder John Candy was offered the
role of Mr mushnick turned it down say
don’t you have something else and they
said well we have weird wink wink
Wilkerson and he said I’ll take it weird
wink Winkles yeah there’s Paul Dooley if
Christopher guests
he was just fantastic
or what the short little bit that he was
the Broadway
thing was in the credits there just a
little bit
where I mentioned the Broadway credits
yeah there it is Off-Broadway that was
the WPA theater
in London was where it uh was still on
Broadway but they put it in London so
that’s what I saw I was just trying to
identify it cool thank you thank you
gotcha no I appreciate that okay now
we’re going to
if I can control this quick enough here
without getting now we’re going to get
to the alternate ending because we had a
bunch of coward audiences to do it and
like the theatrical let me resize here
for the frame
yes you can
and here we go okay okay
uh Phantom Boomer you said you like
sitting better
now that I’ve seen them both I like the
big messy Godzilla ending better
two horror fans we do but this Right
audience is the time well here we go the
Snyder verse I like bat Fleck I like
what was that my goodness sounds like a
space dock
oh yeah that’s where you electrocutes
it’s just you sex Machina it’s just to
like accidental ending
yes inconvenient all wrapped up with
you’re like what wait what all this and
and what
right because there’s no implication to
it maybe if they had shown like the
electrical cable or I’d like alluded to
it earlier in the film
there was no setup for this payoff
well there’s not
and it’s like unbelievable because he
has the entire roof fall on him and I’m
like okay
he’s dead maybe it’s up to the girl and
he’s like he gets up and he’s like I’m
what what’s this part I never said we’re
all fine everybody’s fine
the audience is the test audience is
right gorilla the test audiences didn’t
like the original ending so they cut it
up and they shot this months later and
this is what they put it to theaters
this is what we got at the theaters for
many many years before we saw with the
director intentionally or in originally
intensive so there’s a happy ending
where Audrey wasn’t really killed so uh
AC Moore wasn’t killed and they go back
to that house it’s somewhere that’s
because this was part of her imagination
might go back
and from [ __ ] Paramount
yeah they did rewrite it gorilla that’s
the whole point is that the audience
hated it yeah the modern day writer from
today go back in time to 19 whatever and
from Paramount to rewrite this
yay SQL base hooray Audrey’s real name
right right the secret will never see
thank God
they did uh they did a special uh when
Levi’s Subs did pass away rest in peace
when he did pass away I do recall they
did a special uh the Grammys did and
they read they reenacted his singing
part for The Little Shop of Horrors
with his voice hopefully not somebody
uh his voice but they reenacted it
because he had died so they kept his
voice but they uh good they just re-shot
you know like a whole scene from it with
him in it well with his voice in it so
cool that’s great I wish I haven’t seen
yeah I want to find that myself
I saw it once and I was just like okay
let’s see that again before we go go do
uh final thoughts here
uh Martha versus Godzilla 1964 Godzilla
versus Martha 1992 because they can’t be
not to be mistaken because it can’t be
freaking original with titles Mothra
yeah right Sans Raymond Burr right all
the same as item one come on oh come on
oh son of a [ __ ] go up for that come on glug glug glug
all right
gorilla see it I’ve been puffing the
whole time so I can’t what do you mean
the last one for tonight I’m just
getting started
oh dude
except if you count a few chips there
you go
what does he say plots or the item 13
. oh yeah I appreciate your itemized
list in triplicate please
yeah because you build up for that whole
thing and you’re like what
yeah straight up it’s just like oh
anyone has played Pokemon oh because
right all because now think about this
all that we all us the fans endured and
suffered that we thought that was the
only ending for years and years because
of a handful of idiots that were
probably in Los Angeles who they the way
they do it is they’ll say hey we’re
happy they’ll catch people on the street
team where we got test screening of a
movie you’d have to come and see it oh
yeah it’s so I’m Victorious I don’t
y’all see anything
so because they signed and checked the
card saying I don’t like that it hurt my
because of that thousands and millions
of people over years had a suffer with
that horrible shitty ending a little bit
to break pause he agreed he he was mad
that they had to reshoot the ending so I
give them credit for that yeah
there’s those itemization is done to
keep I have to ask you had the
extraneous activities girl hey are you
guys at least entertained by it are you
at least entertained by it yes yes
it made this uh it made this uh your
activities grow well maybe uh streaming
the gorilla I think the point is that
you did a fantastic job tonight gorilla
and I we all appreciate it
yeah man
good gorilla yeah right and you’re not
yeah they so I’ll say yeah man
yeah man
okay so I’m going to cover here let me
go I had a poll in the chat I hope you
had the opportunity to be able to do
listing out there in the chat I had a
chat had an opportunity to vote and let
me get that hearing in the poll
and I’m gonna show that here if I can
all right
by the way another thing if I hope my
stream didn’t make your experience and
you’re enjoying the movie less than what
it was
um I’m always hoping my streams will
improve your opinion if you already give
it an A or an A plus and that’s
fantastic hope that you enjoy along with
this and I’m always hoping that if you
come to my streams and you have like a
social opinion or you didn’t like it my
streams will maybe change your opinion
make you like a little more that’s why
we try to go through all the detail with
the hind behind the scenes and trivia
so what grade would you give Little Shop
of Horrors
uh we have 18 boats a plus a minus to
55. B plus to B minus 44 and then we hit
zero going from C to F which that highly
pleases me I really appreciate that so
we got all A’s and B’s thank you oh I
forgot to vote
okay so all right so let’s go on the
panel here uh gorilla what do you think
I know you originally when you first saw
this movie you said you weren’t a fan
but is your opinion this is now your
final opinion not your preliminary so
what do you think
I’m gonna go with what I was saying
or into horror like you and hungry are
but you know I’m not a big music for for
us I don’t have the ear for music but
like a lot of people there like I like I
do like music but I don’t like music
because that makes sense oh come on
everybody come online you’re playing
It’s Raining Men and I’m just kidding go
ahead sorry
hell hey we did not we did not hit the
400 by the end of February
I told you if I hit the 400 I just hit
the 400 now at the end of April but uh
with that 400 by the end of February I
told you I would sing it we did not read
I’m gonna hold you to that okay no we
have to have a holy goal now because now
let’s say uh 500 by the end of August
sounds good
I’m sorry I don’t know the back story
behind that I got drunk one night
and uh apparently you got
apparently got video that uh I said if I
275 subscribers by the time the ball
dropped on New Year’s Eve I would sing
Barbie girl and since I’m a man of my
I think Barbie girl on the Stream
so I know
oh dude I know a heavy metal version of
it if you want to make it a little
better for yourself no it’s too late now
I want to hear a Ted Nugent version
but it
more if I was seeing it live kind of
like how I seen Bye Bye Birdie live
because the only other musical I really
watched was uh uh it was a special
Whorehouse in Texas and just the just
the title of it got me to watch it my
teenage years and if you could figure
out why and I had something to look at
in that that movie there to kicked my
eyes off of the music to get my grip but
no if I take the music out of this you
know just focus directly on the plot
instead of like the music there I guess
it’s a it’s a a b plus to an A minus
there if I
gotta abstract the music out of it
got it thank you and I’m hungry uh
please tell us your opinion if you
haven’t already that’s a plus plus
I think you guys kind of knew what I was
gonna say and that’s pretty much it I
mean triple a triple plus I mean uh as I
said to pop beforehand before he asked
me to be on the show and the first one
um this is one of the rare times I think
a film set out to do seven things
properly and did those seven things
properly so for me this is a 10 out of
yep I’m not gonna argue with that I
completely agree
numbers to beaten please share us with
uh with us your opinion what did you
think and you could be honest oh
okay automatic app triple F Matt it was
just terrible
is that it for fantastic
why am I even
thank you I love me too I’m pretty
um no I love everyone here you guys
on the panel chat thank you so much you
guys rock this has been wonderful
um as for my rating for the movie
um for the theatrical cut I’ll be honest
really brought it down
B minus for that one
I’m kind of in the line with
it seemed rushed a lot of things seemed
rushed with this movie
um we were supposed to hate Steve
Martin’s character but we only got like
four scenes with them yeah he was a
slime ball and he had the whole song
about kicking kittens and like torturing
animals and boy I love paint and I’m a
psychopath but it wasn’t enough for like
to get the satisfaction that it was just
like okay and it just seemed like with
the ending it was rushed for the
theatrical cut it was just like oh okay
all of a sudden
he’s talking up zaps it plant blows up
they get married movies over so it’s
just like okay that’s really
but had I seen
the original ending first it would have
like that one watching the movie through
and then ending with that definitely
takes it up to like an A A minus
um it’s solid it’s beautiful as a Kaiju
fan I love it it’s dark like and
everything about the movie has been
fantastic like I don’t I’m not a musical
fan I love music but it just
there’s it’s a fantastic musical film
like if I were to recommend it to
someone who doesn’t really like musicals
I could recommend this one right like
there’s very few movies that I could do
that with this one repo the Genetic
Opera yes
right like yeah
hello hello
really quiet
okay so Nemesis thank you for your
review and Panda Boomer tell us what
I’ll be blessed
what’s your opinion
you love it Boomer
I’m gonna be plus rock this kind of
thing a Rocky Horror Picture Show an
A-Plus but
I don’t I like this I especially the uh
the original ending I like it a lot
um with the original ending but uh there
we go
for this type of goofy musical I like
Rocky better
that’s fine and I love Rocky Horror
Picture Show too yeah I can’t count how
many times I saw at the theaters so yeah
no argument there
and I my parents always had music
musicals running so I kind of grew up
with them
and I’ve got a folder on my server that
has I’ve got Singing in the Rain I’ve
got it all yeah I even have
uh the gorilla the one you mentioned
what is it again oh yeah not yankadoodle
dandy what is it again uh Bye Bye Birdie
that’s it yes I have the movie with uh
Jean Stapleton which led to her role on
All in the Family no
[Music] I was gonna say first of all that uh to
gorillas uh you try sending a little
Nelly part like I did for the time warp
song in Rocky horn Patricia
so what
you try those because they had somebody
dare me to do it and I actually saved
her part which song Sorry which part
I’ve never seen Rocky Horror Picture
Show so oh and we get immediate guest
from the audience
hey can we cover uh cooties sometime
cricket cricket
is I’m just kidding oh it is
well let’s let’s uh try to cover movies
that were well received and that were
my question
no let’s director video
but let me ask like okay so okay so
because of uh thank goodness
sorry what was that is uh Sesame Street
with Jim Henson uh you didn’t really
know what to expect from the kind of
movies that he Direct
cooties was for breakfast I thought for
sure hungry said
yeah Frank
they put together uh every bit that you
wanted from a movie like that everything
perfect you had the perfect drama uh the
horror was you know spoke for itself
everything was needed and the plot twist
was interesting
I’m looking it up and goodies was pretty
I’m looking it up and kitties I I
enjoyed it but I pray God’s had no
oh sorry
well I mean I gave I gave this an a
because I always enjoyed this like I
said the uh Jim Henson Creature effects
practical effects
on the Broadway
right and we’ll never see and we’ll
never see Talent like this again
they’ll never do the movie like I mean
seriously everything’s got to be CGI and
green tree now or it’s just yeah
if somebody had asked me what kind of
musical type movie like that I would
first say Rocky Horror Picture Show and
then I
would say Little Shop of Horrors
I agree
I didn’t okay I’m sorry about off topic
anybody’s in Cannibal and Musical
yeah well musical type movies but
they’ve got everything questioning right
but okay everything but I’m not a fan of
South Park but those two guys made a
comedy western called cannibal the
Musical which is actually very funny
amazing I have to check it out then
where it’s a Western comedy musical so
all right the guys at South Park made it
I’ll check it out
that’s right straight up hey that might
be a suggestion for one of your Sunday
streams gorilla
I don’t know about Resolute germ he
didn’t seem to like comedies gorilla
what’s up with that
uh yeah what’s up with that
you didn’t like I don’t think he likes
the creators of airplane
well no he didn’t like he said he didn’t
like airplane Naked Gun or top secret so
that yeah that’s all created by the same
no but my question is then what yeah
exactly when it comes to Comedy
I’m not quite sure
about it is more of the Sci-Fi that’s
those Spaceballs
yes baseball’s easy suggested that
because that got put completely on the
list when I said I didn’t see it
that’s fine I respect all opinions
so pop question for you have you seen
sunshine I hope everybody know
I just had two things going on what was
that I’m sorry
that’s okay and I didn’t mean to
interrupt I was just asking if you guys
have seen the movie sunshine
I think although I’m looking
it’s the one where they have to go yes
yes and I liked it
okay what did you think of the twist
or the twist third act I’d have to watch
it again I only saw it once but I had to
watch again before I could give me that
review but I know
yeah we could easily cover that one it’s
a it’s kind of like a I know it’s
listening to soccer I feel a little bit
it could be considered a horror suspense
definitely yeah it’s kind of in the same
vein as uh Event Horizon
right except that was written by Paul W
S Anderson which means without a script
so I’m not a fan of Pulp WS Anderson
we made sure
I still love Event Horizon
a lot of people do so I’m not knocking
Jill loves it the one of her favorite
films yeah Paul was out of script
Anderson no
I’ve seen sunshine and I respect it but
in a very different way I would not
equate it to Event Horizon
um but I I like the pacing I like this
the sense of forcing us as the audience
to experience what they are presenting
to be outer space life I like that
and Laurence Fishburne did a great job
in that hungry
in Event Horizon yes he did uh a lot of
the actors did a good job in that one of
them from MTV not so much baby bear not
so much baby bear oh God
is baby bear as good as Aquafina or the
I hate baby bearing Event Horizon I’ll
just be honest I don’t like to I know I
know the guy talk about casting yeah
Jack Noseworthy is the name of the actor
I know he went through a lot of hard
stuff but see we didn’t know that until
about two years ago an event horizon is
over 20 years ago so I mean I I can’t
take that into account in regards to his
portrayal and all his acting I just have
to look at dude you’re an MTV Punk get a
get out of my face get out of my face
I had to ask so somebody somebody has
the uh well uh I don’t want to say I
don’t want to insult anybody
but the lack of self-awareness to call
himself baby there is that right no that
was in the script that was in the script
he’s called baby bear in the script and
oh okay gotcha I thought you meant the
actor’s name no no no no
the character
um and Jack Noseworthy is the actor Jack
Noseworthy who um started out on an MTV
uh teen soap opera and you can imagine
how much I love those pop
do your favor
who’s making him nose-worthy but I don’t
want to go too far off topic but I’ve
noticed there’s a new movie out online
called Paint which shows that fantastic
guy with the fuzzy hair used to do a lot
of painting on PBS but he’s funny
right but he’s betrayed by the guy with
the with the with the no the putty nose
uh Wilson right he tried to off himself
and I sold them like no no they did not
hire him no are you serious
hey with Bob Rosser have you ever
thought that although he always paint
scenery and all that you ever wonder if
it maybe Bob Ross was a serial killer
and secretly yeah
as soon as your paintings of where all
the bodies are buried right no he was
using that to
help with the PTSD he had from being in
the war
it’s funny because I used to teach uh 3D
uh uh
our design
okay this is gonna go uh Bobby for a lot
of people aren’t going to understand
this but it’s like hyper studio and
early quick time and stuff like that
with apple when I was teaching and I was
teaching how to draw on the big screen I
I had you know this big screen with
computers and I was teaching kids how to
uh it was everything from kindergarten
on up so it was that little house with
the windows and the birds and the Sun
and I had a lot of teachers say you
sound like Bob Ross and it’s like oh
I’ll get you for that and I’m kidding
would you want to go ahead and update
the rest of the chat I think plaxton
said a lot but also lemon pie gave her a
review yes please I love the people in
the chat thank you hi lemon
thank you Miss gendered limited there
I’m not quite sure though
lemon is a boy
also uh Mike you might want to apologize
to Lemon you misgendered him oh my gosh
that’s a crime in Canada that’s a crime
in Canada here we go
the mountains
yeah right yeah they’ll ride that noose
right after me gosh
all right
619. pan
panelist.exe has encountered a problem
with Michelle restart momentarily at
earliest I sure did
uh cooties no no no no no no no no no no
no no no we’re not talking about the the
Netflix thing we’re talking from the
Cannonball the musical 1993. it was an
interesting movie this Musical musical
and uh a musical and a western that’s
kind of like uh country and rap mixing
of course Tom McDonald had managed to
pull that off but that’s a whole
different song
there’s a couple of good country rap
artists actually no no no it’s half
country half rap like
Tom McDowell does the rapping part and
um uh uh John Rich does the country part
on and it he does a music where to make
slime look up End of the World by Tom
fascinating I’ll have to do that yeah
a little pie nothing left impressive
be impressive okay
Event Horizon 1997.
Solaris 1972 2002 stalker 1979.
lemon pies waving
Little Prices I’m a real bored Hollywood
made of wood anymore
and here is Jill’s Channel
yeah I like your channel it’s cool oh
everybody’s everybody’s channels here is
awesome everyone that I I subscribe to
everybody here not mine thank you
not my Channel or my channel my my
channel only exists so I can be on
YouTube to be on panels and streams like
this to help you hungry is what’s as
much as you have to say I thought you’d
have like a thousand live streams
I’m only here to help everyone else out
that’s the only reason I’m here and for
the love of horror and Kaiju and science
fiction I’m just here to make sure that
the people that sit there and go like
Emma God like oh my God it’s a rubber
suit like oh my God I can’t handle it
just shut up that’s why I’m here
if lemon pie is in fact a man I am
lemon pie is whatever lemon pie wants to
be on the day that’s the way lemon
yeah Pinocchio
hey I live in Canada give me a break
I I don’t know I don’t know how severe
the penalties are up there
I’m proud of this before Thank You
London Pine
I don’t know how that believe me I don’t
know how bad the penalties are here but
uh we’re starting to lose a lot of
Canadian artists lately a lot of them
are passing away it’s very sad although
they’re just kidding how long is there
that killed me as much as Bowie Mikey
yeah Gordon Lightfoot with uh one of a
yes it was yeah it’s just you know
another thing that’s a dying breed is a
songwriter you know someone who can
actually write a story and and make it
part of the song that just doesn’t exist
anymore tell a story
he really did
and for the Canadians here also these
guys are a bit older than Gordon
Lightfoot but I I have always been ever
since 1986 a massive fan of The
Tragically Hip and God Rest Gordy God
Rest Gordy amen yeah
that was that was my wife Suzanne’s one
of her favorite groups was tragically
hip when Gordon died he said a lot of
Canadian Music Died just with him yeah
uh lemon pie says no problem Mr fourth
no I am man every day I am a man a man I
said I want to get next to you
thanks leopard pie I don’t feel so bad
all right I’m gonna have to bow out here
pretty soon though well I’m gonna be
wrapping it up to gorilla and by the way
gorilla for you it’s almost midnight so
especially thank you for that yeah
and thank you gorilla and also I mean
let’s be fair to you gorilla pluck sword
made sure that you probably drank twice
as much as you normally would tonight
sir our bartender for the night right
the bartender from The Shining yes
all right
room for one more honey
okay so gorilla before we go tell us
about your Channel
uh so I try I’ve been trying to do
shorts but I’ve been kind of slacking on
that that lately but uh
Wednesdays are uh end of the [ __ ] world we’re on our last four episodes
then we’re going to uh then we’re gonna
do the five episodes of uh five days to
midnight for our watch parties
uh Friday Friday we are reviewing The
Walton’s episode the deed there so don’t
come for the review for that one come
for uh germs rant on government
overreach on that one
uh Saturday I should be streaming
Saturday but it all depends on what time
I get back from seeing my daughter so
I’ll play Babylon five then on Sunday we
are watching Milo and Otis
then I’m gonna try to get a gaming
stream in in on Thursday I’ll try
but you know I I schedule something then
something always comes up
well I have to have a shout out this is
something that that caught me
and I want okay I’ll make it fast
you’re what you did a watch party of top
secret the other day yeah okay top
secret was loaded with many many jokes
but you one something I never would
imagine is you actually made one of them
even actually funnier and better
because the times have changed and this
would not have happened if you hadn’t
seen the movie before which you had not
seen the movie before so anybody who’s
seen Top Secret pay attention
so when they show the scene where it
shows the German announcer talking to
the audience he said and now we
our East gentlemen Whitman’s Olympic
team and then it shows all these
muscular guys come out with wigs on
obviously men and of course us old guys
who have seen the movie we’re like yeah
that’s a joke because that’s something
that we always imagine women uh German
women were always masculine but with
gorillas it was so funny it made me
laugh a second time because
we now introduce the East women’s German
Olympic team and then gorilla says yeah
that’s what it’s like now what she means
because now I got surgery well I said uh
Hey look it’s a modern day Olympic team
right exactly so that joke has totally
changed meaning and now it’s a different
laugh at a different meaning I never
thought that would have happened I’ve
seen top secret I can’t count as one of
my top two comedies
so you’re right you’re totally right
gorilla that joke before it was an
anatomy because
I’m sorry to keep going on and on but
it was always a joke that they made that
German women people thought they were
masculine they didn’t shave their legs
and all that but now it’s a totally for
many when you say that’s a modern day
Olympic team because of the sex changes
which they never would imagine when they
wrote top secret does that make sense to
anybody or just me
no I’ll take Soul sense
this person is why I said it
so I I appreciate your observation
gorilla now okay I’m Gonna Move Along
quite briskly here I want to respect
everyone’s time hungry boy please do you
have a Channel or anybody you want a
shout out
um I have a channel that I want
everybody to ignore and I want to shout
out everyone who’s speaking with this
um no honestly I mean I I do like I do a
video clip talking about comic books or
uh the creation of illustration art
every six months or so so bloody ignore
the channel but I like being a person
who can be on channels like this on
Jill’s channel on claude’s channel on
occasion rare very rare occasion
um and I like helping the people that
bring the proper understanding and
appreciation of genre culture to people
who might not have an opportunity to
enjoy it like you know I mean pop and I
could talk about uh
human eating plant movies aside from
this one there are a couple all right we
can talk about that we could we could
talk about
pre-howling uh werewolf movies we can
talk about that and I want I love
talking about giant bug movies giant
monster movies Touhou movies I can talk
about that I don’t need to do that on my
channel I’d rather grow other people’s
channels so you know anytime anyone
wants to talk about Frankenstein
conquered the world from Coho bring me
on I will be totally on for that them
I’m totally there tarantula 1955 I’m
totally there you want to talk about
Mario Bava movies Baron
bloody bloody summer I am your guy bring
me on but my channel means jack [ __ ] the thing is is
regardless of your opinion about your
channel you mean everything to me and us
yeah so I want to appreciate and thank
you for your input and your time spent
with me I I really appreciate it because
like everyone else your time is valuable
and I love your commentary and your
Insight thank you very much you’re very
kind and I love yours in equal measure
back at you uh
you’re a great friend
and uh you have a good tasting you look
see you I gotta give you a compliment at
your channel here and I know you’re
gonna blush too bad too bad too bad
um the thing is when you talk about
stuff like Lost in Space you’re not just
doing it as a suck up to Nostalgia
you’re actually taking the time to look
at why the show was good what made the
show Good what made the actors actually
pay attention to it and bring A New
Perspective to young people for why
these things should be appreciated and
for that I appreciate you my man
and I have to say I agree I’m really
surprised about the great turnout we’ve
had with Lost in Space I was really
hesitant at the beginning because
there’s not a lot of videos on YouTube
but it’s been turning out really popular
and and the audience is growing wider
and I’m getting subs from it so
people should have been researching Lost
in Space a long time ago
I know I know except the remakes
Etc yeah ignoring the remakes but
another thing too is is to when you when
we all do videos when I my point with my
videos is 99 of the videos on YouTube
they’re watching along the movies yeah
that was fun yeah that was great that
was fun that was great yeah I liked it
or I didn’t like it but I want to bring
a behind the scenes the history of and
trivia that most people don’t know to
hopefully make them enjoy it if they
don’t or make it enjoy it even more if
they did
so I want to thank you guys for that
because I couldn’t do any of that
without your support and as this is a
joke pop it’s a joke okay I’m making a
joke here if you ever
if you ever want to do a debate stream
about shin uh Shin Ultraman I’ll be
there I’ll be your Huckleberry I’ll be
okay I’ll make it quick I just didn’t
like that it would the audience the
extra cast of the subplot was reduced to
like kids and uh juvenile it’s it’s like
it was severely reduced in budget and
focused on the plot I know
I do love it I love it honestly I come
at it from a you know an illustrator
perspective and if you don’t like it I
respect that opinion 100 this is not the
Picard Wars here you know it was like
God delivered to Kong or Congo whichever
that last one was if you would just
delete the humans then I love the movie
a lot more get rid of that subplot
subplot subplot people I’m gonna take a
subplot that’s why I don’t like TNG
subplot damn you
oh I’m so sick of being plots and
subplots oh well when they take over the
movie where the subplot is 75 of the
running time of the movie and the mini
plus 25 then no that Tunes I’m I’m tuned
out and I’m done
to be fair that’s how the original
Godzilla was like Godzilla didn’t he you
had like four or five scenes and
everything else but if you remember
right but you’re right but the humans
weren’t cute and the girl was empowered
everything was a secret to all this who
was so exact genius and everything
sorry go ahead yes no no it’s it’s the
humans were if it was written well it
would be fine these new movies would be
a lot better and would be more tolerable
right go ahead sorry Nemesis do you have
uh do you have your channel is that how
it’s named exactly Nemesis of Eden
it is yeah I should probably like do a
channel rebranding which it’s not
nothing no you don’t have to in fact I
was gonna say did I get to you yet
Nemesis tell us about your Channel
good job
well thank you thanks for making me
um yeah I do video gaming predominantly
um been playing a lot of Borderlands 3.
they’re all getting copyright claims so
if you want to see and hang out just
check the live streams it’s fine
whatever there will be plenty more games
Nemesis fight them oh dude it’s I don’t
know what I just don’t know what it is
like yeah I don’t it’s a blanket claim I
can help you out with it
well we’ll talk about it later
um and I appreciate that thank you so
much yeah we we’ve gone through uh we’ve
gone through YouTube jails and stuff so
gorillas and I have experience yeah well
I had to fight every single walked into
until finally I stopped showing clips
and I and I give a special [ __ ] you to
Warner Brothers every single Walter’s
always paid tribute right yeah that’s
right I even called them out I even
called them out on uh YouTube but they
are on Twitter but they ignored me
Bob was the only one that liked it what
Warner Brothers ignore gorillas random
thoughts oh my God
and those dicks
yeah I want to find out that Warner Bros
doesn’t like like people reviewing the
reviewing and promoting their content
exactly right yeah it’s fine I’ll never
talk about The Waltons again like right
no things we don’t need your money we’re
making enough as it is right all right
hey let’s catch up on the chat real
no I am a man every day I’m a man a man
I said I want to get next to you
and it’s an STD song yeah
uh consumption was not the intended
result Mr Grady will see you now
um Shankar says I’m sorry I missed the
top secret
one of my favorite movies ever
Sean Carter hail same here yes land of
Vining great
[Music] they did the real women’s team did yeah
oh I’m sure they’re all on steroids oh
no no they’re all in testosterone now
they’re all on uh
land where one more blocker sorry trying
to escape no matter if you tunnel there
it is or take a running jump at the wall
the guards will kill you if the
electrified fence doesn’t first yeah
there it is
there’s the right there’s the exact uh
land of is Germany right
is a fantastic panel that was assembled
here tonight thank you very much thank
someone else I agree lemon thank you yes
uh Gojira represents an ongoing
existential crisis few appearances upon
screen heightened the scare yes I agree
right like if it was 90 minutes of
Godzilla it would be boring and like
you’d be dull and numb to it
when it shows up
got a presence you’re just like you’re
old and all focus is on there Nemesis is
that your actual uh YouTube uh website
that is my actual YouTube channel yes
please check it out like And subscribe
thank you so much and of course wonder
if I said okay I wanted to make sure
people knew it was a song or else it was
just creepy to say
Temple Pilots song lemon pie I I do know
some of my 90s music okay
I’d like to add something to Nemesis
here uh I I appreciate that you’re much
younger than me but we appreciate uh the
Touhou stuff and the Kaiju stuff in the
same way and we can look at Shin Gojira
and say okay it was very important that
this this this monster so to speak was
not actually in the on screen for 40
minutes out of the screen time or it
would have meant nothing because the
whole point of view when you look when
you look at Shin I’ll just call him Shin
for right now okay
um and he does he does this the the beam
from the mouth that slices through
kilometers of buildings and hits the
helicopter it’s much more much more
devastating to us as the viewer uh with
with the sound effects that went along
with it then if this had been ongoing
for 50 minutes out of a 90-minute uh two
hour film
a hundred percent the Phantom Boomer get
to give uh his review
I was waiting for Phantom Boomer to go
I think he did yeah it went wrong well
that’s okay don’t worry about me I’ll be
fine no no no no no no no no we care
about you yeah everybody
no you
okay before I get into things I just I
just want to recommend from 2000
Supernova starring James Spader and his
one and only Action Hero role
um the other thing it’s got going for it
is a very hot looking Angela Bassett so
I don’t know yes
a hot looking facet that’s interesting
oh Angela Bassett right so is it Anyway
I didn’t even recognize him when I
didn’t see the credits and it just
popped up on the screen because he was
all trimmed down he was wearing a nice
toupee and uh had muscles it looked like
different look for James Spader anyway
um my channel is the Phantom Boomer
explorers and I look at vintage science
fiction currently
looking at working on three movies that
Ivan tours produced in the early 50s we
just did Gog we did a watch party for
that I’m going to do a watch party this
weekend probably Saturday at 6 Pacific
for the magnetic monster oh nice nice
yeah and
um and then when I’m done with that one
we’ll follow it up with riders to the
Stars which is the first of the three he
did I think God I’m doing it kind of in
reverse because I think Gog was the last
um very cool they’ll be doing that uh
it’s just Rolling Along
um eventually probably gonna do some
film Noir because I love those old black
and white detective movies
the same here will be doing a lot of
those uh down the road and
um I want to do uh science fiction
movies that feature only time travel
with malleable timelines just so make
sure cat Infinity shows up oh
interesting conversation when it comes
to the captain
he loves malleable timelines right he’ll
keep you on your toes when it comes to
as well he loves that one too oh that’s
I’m gonna tie him down one of these days
on time down unfortunately watch Time
Crimes damn it yeah oh I love that one
oh I’ve recommended that to him like six
months ago same here same here
I’m crying but he brushes it off like he
has it more important thing to do so I’m
like okay never mind
are you guys ready for me it’s what he
asked for it’s a club
I’m ready Mikey okay it proves what he
says you cannot alter the past it’s
everything it’s everything he talks
about that’s what I try to tell him
and also Captain the way the way the
bandages get more bloody as the film
progresses oh dude spoilers spoilers
playing the whole movie for me
anymore right remember everybody uh a
gorilla it’s midnight for him so okay
next uh tell us about your channel your
Mikey Mikey yeah
you ready okay so I didn’t want to hold
you guys in any more suspense first I’m
going to mention to you uh when you were
talking about Don Johnson the boy which
he said would eventually lead to Miami
Vice uh the best performance this is
honest to God truth the best performance
I’ve ever seen Don Johnson do was when
Django Unchained came out and he played
the southern plantation owner that is
the best one
the best one by far
that to me was his uh ultimate moment
that that you know all those years of
acting all those you know kind of
schlocky movies and things he did and he
came to Django Unchained and played the
perfect southern plantation owner who is
also happens to be one of those leaders
of a KKK group and it was just hilarious
I and Jonah Hill was in that too and it
was a hilarious interplay between those
it really was I I appreciate it but uh
on my channel uh when you guys do uh
please check out my previous uh webcams
and live streams so you should get a
general gist of random topics and things
I like to discuss to put my two cents in
like I said I don’t care if uh YouTube
monetizes me or not really doesn’t
bother me uh we had a great last webcam
where we talked about future talk and
that was wonderful and I appreciate the
people they know who they are that all
showed up and it was great uh we’re
going to do another one it’s coming up
on Wednesday May 17th it’s going to be
at 5 p.m Eastern Standard that’s for
Central and two o’clock Pacific time
we’re going to talk about everything
involving Indiana Jones we’re gonna go
to the movies we’re going to go to the
young Indiana Jones Chronicles with Sean
Patrick Flannery
and all of the uh information that needs
to be uh you know happily discussed uh
till we get to the ultimate movie the
doll of Destiny which is going to show
up on June 19th which is approximately
two days and one month from the time I
do the stream so we’ll all be caught up
by that time so I hope you guys wow I
think you’ll realize by the box office
results and it’s it’s the dial of douche
baggery but we’ll see
well I want you to come and give me all
your opinions on it everything will do
just throw everything at me
I I just love that Disney is getting
what they deserve that’s all I have to
say yes about that matter
okay so all right thank you everybody
and most of all uh to the chat sorry go
I was just gonna say Mikey can you throw
your channel link up in the chat
yeah actually I will throw it in the uh
hold on your Maggie say hello in the
main chat I’ll make you a ridge so you
can put your your uh link
same with Irene I’ve been I’m sorry I
was scrolling back through the chat I
didn’t see Phantom Boomers things show
up in streams
on stream yards yeah
but yeah
to say hello and I’ll make you a a
wrench and you can put your league yeah
stream elements it should show I
absolutely will uh
sure I’m sorry just give me a minute
don’t apologize you’re fine I gotta I’m
just I know I feel bad for gorillas my
good friend and we’ve got uh hopefully a
good uh Gilligan’s Island stream coming
up tomorrow so he’s got a long day
I haven’t even watched those yet tonight
or yet uh
total ass man
I don’t even know what episode yet I
haven’t even looked it up it’s like I
always expected ones
okay I’m saying hello Yeah I apologize
once again guys we have another four
hour stream oh you’re fine yeah look we
were done an hour ago cut yourself some
slack we were done an hour ago
we’re just having fun I know but I keep
thinking about people do tune out so I I
need to figure out a way to start
putting uh time stamps in my chat I just
I just don’t like you picking on
yourself this much that’s all
yeah yeah you’re awesome Bob don’t come
here for a reason I don’t want I don’t
want to disappoint yeah but yeah thank
you and by the way I have to and I’m
gonna remind everybody
I have the best panels I can’t believe
how lucky I am
okay there it is oh uh lemon make sure
that you put a space between the
ensues and support
you’ll be able to find it still
okay waiting for this oh I’m gonna
just put a space just type the space
between those the E and the m
M yeah
where is it there it is hello okay
all right Mikey you’re now a moderator
so feel free to drop a link
all right I sub to Mikey and I have sub
to Phantom Boomer sorry I’ve meant to do
that I guess I thought I was sorry man
by the way I want to appreciate I want
to shout this out and mention that you
guys really did really good because my
disclaimer at the beginning I know it’s
kind of new and it’s very awkward and I
hate doing it but you guys really stuck
to it
uh you’re a fantastic the criticisms
and your reviews your preliminary and
your final reviews and we kept on point
pretty much even though I don’t know how
can you imagine a 90-minute movie
we have eight uh eight hour stream it’s
like that must be either a good movie or
are we completely stupid or what I don’t
know it’s a good movie I see so I seen
someone ran for like 10 hours on one
movie Once
God did no more Star Trek generations
oh no no I’ll take Generations over Star
Trek five
uh well yeah that’s it that’s a good
good New Year debate I can
probably agree with that I did not like
charging your card
the problem with Generations why
everybody hates us because uh they gave
the most iconic Star Trek uh character
ever one of the worst stupid deaths
right a piss off by the way that was a
it originally happened with Soarin and I
remember because it was so dumb Soarin
played by Malcolm McDowell shot him in
the back and killed him
and then there was an interview before
the movie came out saying and then
Malcolm McDowell said yeah I’m the first
person to kill Captain Kirk and the
reporter said what you are a white lady
wait tell us about it yeah I shoot him
in the back and when Paramount heard
they said oh we better go back because
the fans aren’t happy because the fans
were immediately upset and they were
shot with a stupid where he plays and
hugs the bridge or like whatever that
damn thing is on his way down so it was
I would rather just see Captain Kirk
shot in the back
I loved his original death where he died
saving the ship he sacrificed himself
saving the Enterprise B yeah
it’s him falling dying like a [ __ ] fantastic scene with this you’ll have
the machine or sorry have the uh ship
blasted away and somebody says to Scotty
and check up I think we lost somebody I
that’s what Scotty had to say about
Captain and it’s so fit in when he said
uh I know like
I’m so fit so thin too like in uh
Star Trek five he was like I you are
they were uh bones is chewing them out
for fun like how he goes I knew I’d say
I know I’m always safe when I’m with you
too too it’s I’m gonna die alone God and
then there when I realized that the ship
was in trouble he goes down to save the
ship then they’re like
he’s alone right now
right that doesn’t have to half that
decades blown up blown out into space
here yes everybody in the whole ship
right hey does that to save the ugliest
I’ve never got
and then they [ __ ] ruin it
yep and that I completely agree with
they pissed they pissed off the whole
gate when it comes down to it he should
have refused to take that goddamn roll
he was an idiot little Nimoy and the
rest of the new to turn it down they
were smart but he’s like no that money
money money money money
yeah so screw him
and shame on Jimmy Duhon and for Walter
King even accepting the goddamn
it reminds me of when the 1998 Lost in
Space movie remake [ __ ] a Cuba golden
movie came out they offered cameos to
the original cast and the smartest ones
Jonathan Harris and Bill Murray said
screw you this is crap
and they refused
so yeah William Shatner should have
never ever accepted that role in that
movie you should have said no just leave
Captain Kirk dead in our minds and we
want to remember them
or is the last time we saw them we don’t
want to remember them as fat lazy
and by the way and the only reason why
William Shatner was in that goddamn
movie sorry for the swear words is
because times of a car can’t fight and
he’s like I can’t fight the Sauron I
need somebody who is a man who can
actually do fisticuffs can you do that
for me even though you’re 30 years older
than I am
sorry on a tangent no offense to the TNG
oh the pain the pain right that’s the
that’s the card right there oh the pain
oh wait wait wait a second we’re
surrounded by uh three Klingon warships
and two Romulan battles hold on I need
therapy where’s gaining we’re we’re in a
counselor Troy and by the way all the
bad guys they’ll sit and wait while we
do our therapy before anything happens
but now let’s go into the subplot
if you want to see the eighth the a plot
we’ll do that right before the
oh God
sorry everybody no offense to you guys
that like TNG I love you guys I just
and then by the way um
it’s like you should probably cut the
stream here
yeah okay like yeah forever you’re right
yeah for sure dude we can more hours at
a point
so thank you everyone for being here
you’re all amazing and everyone on the
panel gorilla hungry Mikey Phantom and
of course pop culture you Gem of a
person thank you
Nemesis by the way everybody I want to
announce he’s my new fellow co-host on
the horror sci-fi streams next Tuesday
I’m working on my introduction
sorry go ahead Mikey
click click click click bang bang bang
somebody’s working feverishly on a
keyboard go ahead it wasn’t me
no I don’t want apologies someone was
trying to talk
oh sorry but I just want to say that I
uh Nemesis uh Nemesis is a true fellow
fan with horror and and then I’ve been
promising him for weeks and I feel like
I’ve let him down but I haven’t I don’t
have my intro ready but I’m going to and
so if any of you guys have seen my
intros for my Star Trek and for jills
and whatever else the expect a new one
next week I’m working on it now so
I I don’t want you to think I’m not
giving you the credit because I I do and
I appreciate you being here
oh Pops I don’t think that at all I you
take your time buddy like I know I know
it’s all good man it’s like it’s you
don’t have to explain and don’t put
yourself down it’s you’re well an
amazing person who are super busy it’s
fantastic I’m just happy to be here
thank you so much well same here and
with you I’m excited that I found a rare
and a fantastic super co-post who loves
horror like I do we just lost somebody
which one was that but it’s late
okay so anyway so uh thank you everybody
especially gorilla it’s late for you my
goodness it’s too uh it’s mid 12 14.
so thank you gorilla and I’m gonna end
this stream and bless you all especially
everyone in the chat please join us for
our next one and but tomorrow if you
want to uh continue to find out what
happened to those Castaways on that
little island Gilligan’s Island join us
tomorrow at 7 pm Pacific time with
gorilla and myself
and uh with that I’m gonna say bless you
and thank you all and I’m gonna end this
podcast all right good night

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