Categories: Rick Moranis

Live Action ‘Aladdin 2’ Coming & Sony Developing Live Action ‘Spider-Verse’ | Nostalgicast Ep 20 Live On Our Site

Home » Posts » Live Action ‘Aladdin 2’ Coming & Sony Developing Live Action ‘Spider-Verse’ | Nostalgicast Ep 20 Live On Our Site

Live Action ‘Aladdin 2’ Coming & Sony Developing Live Action ‘Spider-Verse’ | Nostalgicast Ep 20

Watch the YouTube video “Live Action ‘Aladdin 2’ Coming & Sony Developing Live Action ‘Spider-Verse’ | Nostalgicast Ep 20” as well as 100’s of other similar clips which include the loved hilarious characters of Doug and Bob McKenzie.

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Rick Moranis is confirmed to return for the ‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids’ sequel, Disney is now developing a live-action ‘Aladdin’ sequel not based on either of the animated films, ‘Clue’ remake will be starring Ryan Reynolds, there’s a Batman themed restaurant opening in London, and we discuss some potential reboots in development in our ‘Who Can Go For That?’ segment.

All this and MORE on this episode of the Nostalgicast.

04:28 – Rick Moranis is confirmed to return for ‘Honey, I Shrunk the Kids’ sequel
09:48 – Disney has green-lit a live-action ‘Aladdin 2’ not based on either of the animated sequels
17:52 – ’Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ is getting another reboot and supposedly, it’ll be exactly what the fans want to see
22:13 – ‘Clue’ remake will be starring Ryan Reynolds, but will no longer be directed by Jason Bateman
31:20 – A ‘Rocketeer’ sequel is currently in development for Disney+
38:11 – Netflix will be developing a number of Roald Dahl novels into animated films and shows
46:27 – Live trailer reaction to ’The Iron Mask’ starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan

1:04:12 – New ‘Who Can Go For That?’ segment: ‘Bride of Frankenstein’ reboot starring Angelina Jolie, Sony wants Andrew Garfield back for a potential live-action ’Spider-Verse’ movie, ‘Event Horizon’ remake starring Milla Jovovich, and a ‘Mars Attacks!’ remake with Tim Burton to return as director
1:45:35 – ‘Batman’ themed restaurant opening soon in London


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#AladdinSequel #LiveActionSpiderVerse #ClueRyanReynolds
[Music] all right welcome to nostalgia cast your
weekly roundup of the best and most
up-to-date nostalgic news where we
discuss the stories and give our
thoughts I am your host who builds a lie
around this fall and I know Andrew price
when Gotham is in ashes then Tyler pelo
has my permission to die ah you think
can be joseph is your ally you merely
adopted kelpy Joseph I was born in kelpy
Joseph loaded by Camby Joseph I didn’t
see Kelby Joseph until I was already a
man and by then it was nearly nothing
but blinding and dad beats aka Kirk
Punjab we don’t break that cup is bane
German Bane become German yeah yeah I
don’t like I have spoken done nothing
like Vernon Hertzog mixed with the guy
from from Django Unchained what’s as
they come
Christoph Waltz first of all it’s a very
little a little – a little – my players
unlike you guys I don’t find value in
cutting other people down I find the
value in other people and push them up
and compliment how the compliment Rises
never been a true thing from you that’s
literally that we did an episode where I
went around and complimented everybody
what have you done if you think back and
really think concentrate all in all the
ballbusting i’ve ever done to you over
the years i’ve never criticized anybody
skill at anything because is so
important to me that even joking around
I don’t it’s off-limits to me to make
fun of people’s skills and talents
our veins this town being the bane of
Mike I was gonna I’ve you know I’m gonna
say something but I’m not going to now
after after Andrew said that yeah
Angie’s the most like you know a legit
person in this block radius like city
block there’s no there’s no need to
pander to him guys what you mean you
just did you know what Andrew you’re
bein is wonderful however our market
demographic says that they’re not in the
market for Bain ATM at the moment so I
don’t care what they’re in the market
area yet but a Bain ATM are you sure
although I will I will all joking aside
a woman that was not my best I kind of
got off into like a weird are you
definitely human thing yeah we got off
into a German thing yeah okay I was
doing a German accent the other day and
like I just I couldn’t get it out of my
head we hear that though no I was I have
this joke with my friend where cuz they
dark horse the the comic publisher they
have all these different comics that
they are sort of like their cash cows
like they used to have like Buffy the
Vampire Slayer and and all these things
and there was a stint where like they
kept losing all these publishing deals
cuz they lost the Star Wars license
because whenever Disney bought Lucasfilm
and then they lost Buffy and so me and
my friend had a joke where for some
reason in our minds the CEO of Dark
Horse is this little German boy and
later hosen he just had this joke where
he would be sitting in his office like
staring down at his feet and then look
up and go boy I don’t know what that was
just I do like the thing that we used to
do if we could all just agree that star
wars 1 through 3 being DC Canon
completely makes sense now if DC made
those movies dark broody dumb [ __ ] that makes a lot of sense the prequels
with Hayden Christensen oh yeah yeah
yeah now I get you yeah yeah I got you
so before we get to the stories we got
to come back to this we got a revisit a
story that we talked about on last
episode I don’t call it a comeback call
it a comeback Oh specifically call it a
call it a comeback that’s what it is
last episode we talked about how it was
rumored that Rick Moranis might be
returning from his seclusion to be in
the reboot of Honey I Shrunk the Kids
titled shrunk and since then it’s been
confirmed or Moranis is officially
returning we did it under what he looks
we did it specifically is it exciting is
this is it as exciting as him returning
for strange brew – what is strange brew
is a classic strange brew is an early
80s Canadian movie that he did from his
SCT sdtv character the Mackenzie
brothers yeah and it was like it was
those two like beer drinking Canadian
guys who were like oh yeah take off yeah
take off father him him in Dave Dave
ominous but then the movie is also just
a weird remake of Hamlet weird it’s a
it’s like it’s like a family
yeah it’s Hamlet I bought a beer brewing
company yeah yeah it’s pretty it’s
pretty genius so how are they gonna do
one of those one of those square record
players on its side the the kids are
listening to why do you think he’s
coming back I don’t know I guess maybe I
mean it’s probably just as simple as
like just this time when they asked him
he just said sure it’s probably just as
simple as that cuz I get left because of
his children right he wanted to be a
full-time dad well cos his wife he died
right and so he wanted to just like
devout devote his life to his kids but
I’m sure at this point his kids probably
income that’s their way they’re probably
this is problem well I mean because they
but they just asked him to return to
Ghostbusters like not that long ago and
he said no to that so there’s like
there’s literally months between the
last time he said no and then this so
the what what the reason is before why
he decides decided to say yes you know
maybe there’s some deeper reason but
it’s probably not it’s probably just
like just they just happen to catch him
on a good day and he just said okay and
shrunk I imagine he’s gonna be the lead
well and in in Ghostbusters he would
just be a returning that sort of like
nothing’s been confirmed about what he’s
going to do and shrunk oh yeah so might
be anywhere between he’s a main
character – like he just has like a
cameo do you think this is a right move
because this shrunk shrunk is gonna be
kids movie
as much as a as much of a kids movie is
the original ones yeah okay
so it appeals to us yeah as well yeah I
mean yeah I mean I love honey that I
Shrunk the Kids honey I blew up the kid
I’m alright with no yeah I mean it’s
it’s it’s it’s a completely different
movie it’s like even though it’s in the
same even though it’s in the same
franchise and it has the same concept of
what happens the movie itself is a
completely different type of movie
because the first one is like an
adventure story about kids like
basically lost in a wilderness because
they get shrunk in the backyard and then
the second one is like a Godzilla movie
yeah it’s like it’s a giant baby carrot
terrorizing Las Vegas yes all under the
auspices of I did it again yeah like
that literally is the scene where he’s
like remember when I Shrunk the Kids
honey I blew up the kids just called
there’s a room full of blood everywhere
oh my god you mean he got no there’s a
Whitest Kids u know sketch like that
where it’s that one of the guy has his
kid at the park and then all the dads
are sitting around they’re like hey
what’s wrong with your kid and he’s like
huh he’s fine he’s like no something
wrong with him he’s just laying there
and he’s like oh [ __ ] I think he’s
broken and then he takes him to a
mechanic and he’s like my kids broken
and they’re like huh let us see and then
they like lay him down and then they
just rip him open blood starts shooting
out and they’re like huh wait a minute
this is a kid and he’s like yeah and
he’s like I thought it was a car and
he’s like I told you it was a kid and
he’s like oh well he’s dead now and then
he goes home and he’s like hey honey
she’s like oh well you know what’s going
on he’s like huh I killed the kid and
she’s like oh my god you know what I did
my parents were visiting I picked him up
from the airport took him out to a pizza
restaurant put him in the oven and
cooked him and then there’s like we’re
just a book we’re just a couple of
scatterbrain and that’s the end of this
love it alrighty but anyway no they
didn’t he grows to the giant baby and
then he’s basically walking around Las
Vegas destroying things
it’s called blue BL Opie blue
oh honey I blew up the kid oh wait he
says I want to see the bloody eye blue
it’s like every every scene the kid acts
like he’s doing a blooper reel like he
can’t help but just pretend that he’s in
a blooper reel got so many possibly I
blew up the kids is nowhere near as
enjoyable as the first one and then
honey we shrunk ourselves also just
nowhere near I mean the first one is
just it’s a it’s a it’s an epic
adventure story and then this and then
the second and third one are just like
an A for effort for them trying to like
put a new spin on it and not just do the
same thing over and over again but
they’re just not anywhere near that’s
not fun to Rick Moranis he’s he’s missed
coming back definitely it’s so first
story not necessarily surprising
probably all saw this coming but Aladdin
too is officially happening but it’s not
based on the animated sequels we’re not
getting the return of Jafar
wait so because of the age difference
I’m assuming you guys know the sequels
very well and that they’re
straight-to-video right
oh yeah there’s return of Jafar which is
the second one where cuz at the end of
the first I lied and he tricks him into
wishing to become a genie yes and then
he’s and then he traps them in a lamp
yeah and then in the second one I forget
exactly I used to have it on I mean I
still have it on VHS it’s somewhere in
my parent’s garage or some like that I
forget how it starts but basically the
second one is like he’s he’s still a
genie but he somehow gets freed or
something where he like oh we get said
he gets a master who biz like evil or
something yeah yeah yeah and so it’s
like them basically against this like
all-powerful Genie Jafar and then the
third one is the Prince of Thieves and
it’s about Latins father who’s like the
Prince of Thieves and it’s interesting
because the the first one the return of
Jafar that one like basically
kick-started Disney’s like massive
straight-to-video sequel thing because
it because it was so it was so
successful like it was like it was like
a huge success in terms of like VHS
sales and so they basically just after
that movie came out they just made
sequels – it’s crazy – straight to VHS
sequels for all of their movies it led
to them almost making a straight 2
BHS sequel the Toy Story and Pixar
didn’t want to do it cuz they were there
at the time their their policy was no
sequels yeah so they were like we’re not
doing that so Disney was like alright
and then they fired at Pixar they
severed ties with him and then they were
gonna make Toy Story 2 on their own as a
straight to VHS sequel and then while
they were making it
it got so difficult to do because they
had no experience with doing the CGI and
immediately Pixar could do so they were
like oh hey Pixar yeah please do this
and then Pixar was like we need a lot
more money yeah and then they’re like
alright so they gave them a bunch of
more money so then I started working on
it and then in the process of working on
it they were like [ __ ] this we’re gonna
make a real movie and then they made Toy
Story 2 which is regarded as hard fought
Godfather two of animated Sentinelese
that’s great
tourists are you guys fantastic yeah so
I like that but they’re not gonna be
based on that this is gonna be a an
original sequel that’s just you know
spun off of the first live-action latin
movie well at least that guys getting
work again know hired a pair of writers
to pin a script that is an original
story and not based on any of the
animated sequels according to news
reports for variety Disney has hired
John Gatins who wrote flight and aundrea
Burrell off who wrote spit out of
Compton to write the script for into
flight is late Enzo yeah that’s a great
movie this is gonna be a fantastic duo
putting them in lastik sequel this is
gonna be the black Aladdin’s shrine with
he’s the prison please he flies the
carpet upside down and then the song
that’s like you were drunk weren’t you I
was actually just reading the script for
flight the other day because I got my
box of screenplays out of the garage and
I was I was reading flight I have it
true that there in the margin it’s just
written maybe he does cocaine here yeah
okay that’s all the script is they
solutely that’s all he wrote and then
they just completely improvised the
whole movie
what oh come on Kelby come on are you
can we do a little ASMR you’re a year
older but not a year wiser not at all
I’m black I don’t age for another ten
years Kobe’s birthday yes yesterday yeah
so yeah the the movie written by as a
writers of flight and straight out of
Compton which I mean not the blackest
movie ever because I mean the writer
afraid of Compton is a white woman so
big surprise which is odd I was I
thought that was so strange ever I read
that but they were they were making a
NWA movie and it was written by just a
white Jewish lady hey she knows our
voice she has her finger on the pulse
but I’ll say this I didn’t expect to
hear about an Aladdin – but it makes
sense you know as soon as you said that
I just saw how much money it made and I
remember looking it up you know around I
think maybe the third week and I was
just like what a ham and I wondered if
it was the fact that people liked the
movie or if it was because of Will Smith
and I’m not a hundred percent sure cuz I
don’t know because bad boys didn’t do
that but do you think that Suge Knight
will commit vehicular manslaughter on
the set of Aladdin – if if he doesn’t do
that it’s not gonna be good yeah it’s
facts that’s the secret behind every
great movie is that Suge Knight was oh
and I’m sorry this I’m lost
good night he’s in prison now because I
killed a guy on the set of straight out
of Compton mm-hmm no not a Chris Brown
party you ran over a guy with his car on
the set of the movie because he was like
on the set consulting nice crazy and he
and there was like some guy that talked
[ __ ] to him or something and he just ran
him over and killed him yeah he’s
actually counting anyways yeah I would I
would go watch it
I enjoyed that first Aladdin movie it
was really good
I mean it wasn’t good but isn’t
entertaining I didn’t see it except for
her I think we talked about sometime so
but yeah I saw the Prince Holly musical
sequence and I thought that it was just
like kind of boring it’s like I can’t
[Music] yeah yeah well you don’t remember
because you know I remember because I
I’m forgetting his name was Prince Ali I
thought you’re talking about the other
guy the bad guy yeah that those kind of
sequences but there are parts of the
movie where they kind of go into a
cartoony type thing with Will Smith so I
wonder if they’d have to do all-new
music thing yeah yeah they would
yeah because the thing is the also even
if they did do the Disney animated
sequel state none of them were musicals
oh okay
so because I caught that you know
probably cost too much money to write
songs and record them and stuff so they
don’t even but there’s no news of who’s
gonna be doing the composing of that or
those no that’s all it’s just the the
writers and then Guy Ritchie is
returning to direct bizarre it’s so
bizarre that he directed ad know that
was like the chase scenes were one of
the best parts that’s good at chasing an
obvious set my favorite my favorite Guy
Ritchie movie is revolver that used to
say rock and roller did he do not rock
and roller what’s – Lock Stock and Two
Smoking Barrels a lot Lock Stock and Two
Smoking Barrels great snatch is great
The Man From UNCLE is really good
underrated yeah very underrated yeah I
didn’t see King Arthur no obviously it
flopped but I like I like I like Guy
Ritchie so I wanted I’ve always wanted
to see it I just haven’t gotten around
to guess that knew a gentleman I haven’t
seen like a revved up Matthew
McConaughey that looks like he’s gonna
do a good job in a movie since the
gentleman since a trailer for the
journal come on you saw him in that
Lincoln commercial right driving out in
the desert my my widens and I see the
constellations in my soul buy this
Lincoln yeah it is accurate yeah what’s
hot today I’m elated
there’s a Texas Chainsaw Massacre reboot
in the works
what we don’t have enough of those
Legendary’s closed a deal for Ryan and
Andy toe Hill to direct a reboot of the
classic 1974 horror film The Texas
Chainsaw Massacre the pick the pick the
movie oh my I don’t I don’t know what it
says it’s short for picture yeah I know
but it’s so stupid it’s just such a dumb
way of saying it the movie will be
written by Chris Thomas Devlin and bad
hombres fede alvarez and Rodolfo
cyclists producing through their overall
deal with legendary the tow hills vision
is exactly what the fans want Alvarez
said in a statement it’s violent
exciting and so depraved that it will
stay with you forever
the original 1974 tobe Hooper if movie
followed two siblings and three of their
friends on route to visit the
grandfather their grandfather’s grave in
Texas who ended up falling victim to a
family of cannibalistic Psychopaths and
must survive the terrors of Leatherface
and his family yeah so they they’re
rebooting this again dad so ii know it’s
like the millionth reality was
leather-faced that movie there was a
movie called Leatherface right yeah
that’s a reboot but then there was like
there was the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
reboot like back in the early 2000 yes
with Justin Timberlake’s wife what the
[ __ ] is her name Jessica Biel I don’t
know I forgot that yeah man and then
there ya Leatherface and then like there
was also I mean there’s like kind of
pretty much reboots like Texas Chainsaw
Massacre 3d which was like in 2012 or
something there’s so there’s been so
many reboots of this movie I mean what
is gonna be done differently what are
you gonna need to use new chainsaw space
well I think in the idea behind this one
is that they like so there was like the
original run of Texas Chainsaw Massacre
which was like the first one
yeah which is regarded it is like one of
the best horror movies ever made and
then like the sequels which like got
increasingly more kind of like 80s campy
and like they’re certainly not as good
as the first one but they sort of have a
place in fans hearts in their own right
and then they like rebooted it the
Jessica Biel one or no no before that
they did Texas Chainsaw Massacre the
next generation which I love that one
there’s one with Matthew McConaughey and
resume and it was like it was written it
was the first movie since the first one
that was written by the same written and
directed by the screenwriter of the
first one okay so the guy who wrote the
first one he wasn’t really involved with
any of the sequels and then he wrote and
directed the Texas Chainsaw mask of the
next generation and it’s [ __ ] weird
like weird Matthew McConaughey has it
yeah I love it it’s my favorite one
Matthew McConaughey has a robot leg
better than the original I like it
better than the original one that’s kind
of like okay that’s a blasphemous they
say but I I just I just love because
it’s so [ __ ] strange it kind of like
turns it into this weird sci-fi thing
where it’s it defies explanation yeah
and then like the reboot with Jessica
Biel which like a lot of people like but
a lot of people will hate and is like
this [ __ ] sucks
and then like everything after that has
just been like [ __ ] and now the idea
behind this is that they’re gonna like
return to form and make like a genuinely
fucked-up true to the original we’re
gonna go to the roots and yeah yeah
question for you bad hombre whose
company is it I was trying to figure it
out yeah I mean it’s not anybody like
it’s not a recognizable name but but
they’ve they’ve been involved with a lot
of movies recently yeah it’s like an all
like Latino owned production company no
based on oh yeah this is what this is
yeah this is the thing they’re most
known for they produced The Evil Dead
remake and then they produced don’t
breathe which is directed by the same
guy okay now I’m like okay I know I know
that name yeah we talked about it
because we were talking about the fact
that there’s gonna be a don’t breathe
sequel is don’t breathe John Krasinski
know it’s quiet don’t breathe this is
about a blind guy who has a woman
trapped in his basement and two people
that are yeah so they’re doing that and
like I said like they don’t breathe is
great and like i actually never saw
their Evil Dead remake but a lot of
people loved it like it’s certainly it’s
nothing like the original Evil Dead
movies but it’s like in its own right
it’s like a it’s like a [ __ ] up like
balls to the wall like it’s like gory
cap crazy horror movie interesting so we
talked about this several episodes ago
and there’s more news about it so
originally we talked about how they were
doing a remake of clue
and Ryan Reynolds was gonna star and
Jason Bateman was gonna direct it so
Jason Bateman has dropped out and now
James Bobin is gonna direct it and James
bomba didn’t is he directed the Muppet
movies like the Jason Segel Muffit
Muppet movie I was crying and the ones
after it which I never saw the other
ones I only saw the first Muppet movie
because I loved Jason Segel but I’m I’m
hot and cold on Ricki drew base I just
really had no interest in seeing Muppets
Most Wanted so Reynolds remains the star
attached while his company will produce
the film and yeah James Bobin is gonna
is going to direct it Reese and Paul
women who scripted the two beautiful but
Ted Deadpool films will be writing the
screenplay along with Reynolds that’s a
pretty stacked partnership I would love
to see it if like it was just clue but
then like Deadpool was just in it
clue starring Deadpool that would be
great I missed that I would loved Jason
Bateman to do it because I’m a Jason
Bateman fan yeah yeah maybe he would be
in it with Ryan Reynolds so that’s a
bummer but this director he did them up
it so yeah yeah yeah I mean I’m not I’m
not super excited about this because
this movie feels redundant with knives
oh yeah and like I saw knives out and
like I [ __ ] loved it it was my
favorite movie of the year in 2019
really more than parasite I you said
that exactly are you gonna keep samurai
saw knives out I said it’s my favorite
movie of the year and I think you said
even parasite and I said I haven’t seen
it since that time you said you still
haven’t seen Paris oh that’s on you I
have you children to small children
combined nervous they would love it
they’re smart I don’t want to read they
understand the classes a movie the
movies my time or I’m able to watch
movies is like while I’m working like
when I’m working I’ll just put movies on
it’s a two hour movie but I can’t I
can’t watch I can’t watch a movie that’s
in subtitles while I’m working that’s
fair I am so like it’s it it’s a
situation where it’s hard for me to
watch foreign films because yeah I
really need to sit and like watch them
in concentrate make of movies and
American but aside from that you’re
saying if fields are done it because of
knives out yeah cuz like that movie was
just basically clue yeah I see that on a
podcast you
me more saying that on you and Jeff oh
god you can probably do it a different
way just like they did
friends with benefits and then like a
week later that other one had no strings
attached and movies and I will not hear
anything they’re both painful they’re
the same movie but they’re done one of
them is like one of them is oh is Ashton
Kutcher and then the other ones just
relate you’re like one of them one of
them has Natalie Portman and one of them
has Mila Kunis Mila Kunis Timberlake and
Ashton and that’s so weird it’s so
Justin Timberlake oh you have Gyllenhaal
and what’s a Maggie and that and no
they’re in my version that they’re in
that one where they hook up I wish I
knew how to have casual sick again
you guys really wait I want to bring up
about clue as a side note the clue the
game I think maybe they revamp the look
of it like maybe like seven or eight
years ago cuz we got clue for the family
but you know how like it looks all old
and British and stuff yeah they redid it
so it’s all young people and the cards
like Colonel Mustard is like a young guy
in like a tight t-shirt like how are you
a colonel yeah as well all of it and
it’s all like it’s all like good looking
like young Millennials from like 2000
and it’s all really kind of douchey yeah
it’s not my clue yeah
one time I one flew on the first turn I
hope everyone [ __ ] hated you for that
they were just they were their minds
were blown but I mean I was a it was a
peer it wasn’t like I was good at it it
was a pure coincidence it was like it
was a one-in-a-million thing where it
was when I was a kid and we were plant
my family was playing it on Christmas
Day like somebody had gotten clue and
we’re all playing it and we started the
game I was probably in like second grade
level I was home-schooled but I was in
second grade level and
the first turn I don’t know if I was
joking or if I just didn’t understand
the rules or whatever as a kid and I
just like I guessed I like made that I
made a guess of who it was and everyone
was like looking around and then they
were like wait a minute
I don’t I don’t have that do you have
that and they’re like are you kidding me
and they opened up the envelope and it
was right and I won the game on the
first turn nice and they were impressed
and disgusted at the same time
no I the first time I watched clue was
wait I was way too old to have not seen
it by then but I was super obsessed with
Doctor Who still and I thought it would
be way better if they made this doctor
clue and each each person that suspected
of murder is another iteration of the
doctor stuck at a time time oh yeah in
the same in the in the tardigrade
episode that would be a fantastic
episode and that’s all I ever the doctor
would never kill he never kills never
holds a gun well no that’s what I’m
saying and it would change between you
have to be the master yeah that’s I mean
that’s one of the things is like one of
them is the master one of them is the
war doctor and then one of them is a
you’re welcome and look that’s what he’s
here for yeah wait you just insulted me
I’ve already explained this I never said
that I don’t make fun of people
of course I do I do it all the time I
never make fun of or insult or act
disingenuous about people’s skills or
talents if you do something you make a
genuine effort of doing something that
is a skill or a talent I would never
jokingly make fun of it or criticize it
it’s still hurtful I don’t I I don’t
think you understand that
Kirk is not jokingly making fun of your
bank no I I just I’m not saying that he
was joking to me I’m saying I would just
I would never make fun of somebody’s
attempt at doing something right that it
requires skill or talent it’s off-limits
to me
well clue guys I did want to see Jason
Bateman directed because I’d know that
he at heart is more of a director
an actor I heard him talk about it when
he made spelling bee bad words bad words
bad words like I’m only acting so that I
have a platform so that I can eventually
be a director wait you said you liked
bad words
I love bad words I thought kind of like
I thought bad words before it came out
and then with a Q&A with screenwriter
did he the movie could never be made now
I mean it’s not even that old it’s old
it’s only like four years old but if it
came out now it would be a huge
controversy oh man I didn’t watch any of
it but I was a part of the publicity for
it I was at a hotel and they came like
the publicity people came and asked us
to hold bad words up on a side and they
asked pictures of us so I was I was a
part of like a billboard some way but I
don’t know I don’t have any like
pictures of it
welcome to LA yeah that’s cool yeah so I
was hoping that this could be his
directorial smash through to the you
know public especially since he’s in is
he directing ozark or he has another
show that’s why he produces it and he
tends to direct the first and last
there’s another show to that people are
raving about Arrested Development no
it’s your mother’s that show where he
gets like falsely arrested for like a
murder that he couldn’t have possibly
committed or something that was a show
it’s a show it’s like the shows the show
were like I don’t I’ve seen the trailer
for it it’s like somebody gets killed
and then like they find DNA evidence the
outsider yeah that he was there he’s in
that he’s a director this is not the
Outsiders no the outsider okay and I
guess he’s acting in it too but uh yeah
he’s a director in it doctor said I
ain’t ever gonna walk again
not even with crutches I could never
tell if your eyes were a shade blue or
green up holy boy you guys have never
seen that I think I’ve shown you the the
got the guy who sent in his audition
tape for the oz The Outsiders yes and
he’s like the worst actor ever know
bad I forgot that’s what you were doing
until you just mentioned it and now I’m
like oh wait that is genius yeah okay
great news for like four people in the
entire world there’s they’re they’re
developing a rocket – you’re – yeah it’s
in development for Disney plus the plan
sequel to The Rocketeer is reportedly
back on track and a slight director JD
Dillard is volunteering to direct the
project himself
this part is dumb it’s just there they
announced that they’re making a
Rocketeer – and then this director
basically just tweeted like I want to do
that wait the director that tweeted I
want to do that yeah it’s unrelated that
they announced that they’re that they’re
making Rockets here – they have a writer
but they don’t have a director announced
yet and then like somebody – this is
this director was just like I’ll do it
I’m a tweet around I will make it my
personal goal to not stop until you are
not allowed to direct rockatuer – Wow
are you insulting him on his talent no
because he doesn’t he hasn’t he doesn’t
care about the property at all I would
never allow anybody of those four people
is what you’re getting at I love this
mover at movies of all time I I don’t
know why they’re do so I want them to do
it like they were gonna do Tomorrowland
but better whenever Tomorrowland suck
Tomorrowland sucked exactly so instead
of a coin what is this do it I won’t
stop until that is not allowed to happen
rap they just called me everything you
bought so what’s his name as a
great-great-granddaughter cuz it’s been
a long time since The Rocketeer came out
the great-great-granddaughter finds like
the helmet and the suit and the jet pack
that’s the there’s a shirt that you’re
literally describing a show that exists
there’s there’s a Rocketeer animated
cartoon oh that’s literally exactly what
you’re talking about Tyler came out in
91 are you looking it takes place in the
40s that’s just because you love the
original or you’re like oh what are they
gonna do with it
both I mean cuz I never really read the
comics but the comics are like kind of
their own
my friend loves the comics they’re like
some of his favorite comics and he loves
the illustrator that created the
Rocketeer and like the comic like I’ve
I’ve flipped through and read the comics
a little bit and they’re just amazing
they’re just they’re just an amazing
feat of illustration the movie is great
I love the movie I you know I rented it
a million times the video store when I
was a kid I watched it over and over
again it’s directed by Joe Johnston who
directed the Captain America the first
Captain America movie and it’s just it’s
just like a near-perfect film except
that it’s boring
it’s not boring at all it’s not it’s a
hundred percent not boring I just don’t
get it
I feel bad for you can’t understand it
it’s it’s it’s a great great movie
wait you’re showing me that eighty
percent people like this and it’s a it’s
a sixty percent and it’s a leap and it’s
specifically a movie that’s a labor of
love like you have to like this movie is
great because everybody involved with it
just loved the source material so much
that they made this just like slavishly
perfect interpretation of it did I which
is why I would stop at nothing to stop
you from directing it because you don’t
care about The Rocketeer you have no
interest in it at all imagine I went in
there rocketed up man like you pitched
your idea and they’re like he gets it oh
for sure it would be rocketed to Stein
50 cent
that’d be the equivalent of David Goyer
writing [ __ ] Batman and Superman
movies man we just named a 90 something
year old gonna do Lisa weapon anything
is possible but he directed the first
ones so I mean I want you to get the job
just so that Andrew can apologize yes
facts so it’s gonna be a series cuz it’s
on no it’s gonna be a movie and movie
there was it’s it’s it’s a movie for
disney plus not for theatrical
distribution I’m sure Brigham Taylor is
gonna be producing Noah Weinstein is
gonna be producing max Winkler and
Mike’s Matt Spicer are writing the
script I don’t know who those are oh no
no no no back in back in 26 16 it was
announced that Disney had green
the sequel to the original movie called
the rocketeers with max Winkler and Matt
Spicer penning a script that was put on
hold now my god there’s a new thing The
Rocketeer – that’s being put into
production with Isaiah Squire writing a
new draft of the screenplay
oddly enough Blake Griffin is attached
to like play I’m assuming play The
Rocketeer know he is a like every other
NBA player he’s got a production company
so maybe he’s attached as a producer
that’s because he was attached as a
producer and star years ago for a reboot
of white men can’t jump
and it was through his production
company but they haven’t done anything
with that mm door [ __ ] he’s focused on
trying to get that ring he’s never get a
ring never ever so yeah I’m really
excited I’d love that
yeah it says producing um The Rocketeer
is just one of the it’s one of those
movies once in a life those every couple
decades a movie comes out like this
where it’s just so perfect and so just
like made for such a specific type of
person and it completely tanks makes no
money it’s a huge bomb but for like a
couple people out there it’s like their
favorite movie and it’s like The
JOHN CARTER it’s like in that vein of a
movie this is you Disney is going to
ruin this and you are gonna be so sad
because of it you are shocked about the
original and you love it so much this is
gonna be real I would be sad if they
made it and it sucked I would just
disregard it especially cuz especially
cuz it’s just on Disney Plus text again
say take that back I want that Disney
Plus no mom thought it was the Africa
but yes oh my god I want you to do that
so bad I’m gonna do it right now oh
that’s great is the right Twitter
account to post yeah and 2020 what’s
gonna happen he’s gonna do this and then
sudden Disney be like wait let’s talk
the first person that said anything
about wanting to do it and get the job
will sweeten the deal what do you want
and yeah he gets the gig just based on
that this is the best thing you’ve ever
done Kelly yes so well done last episode
we talked about how they were doing a
remake of Matilda for Netflix and now
it’s been announced that they’re
actually going to reap B bit be remaking
a bunch of different classic Roald Dahl
stories Netflix announced that it’s
planning to adapt a whole catalog of
dolls children’s stories into animated
films and series the list includes
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the
meat of the Big Friendly Giant the twits
Charlie and the great grant glass
elevator George’s marvellous medicine
boy tales of childhood going solo the
enormous crocodile my son loves the
enormous crocodile which is the greatest
story cuz it just ends the the enormous
crocodile ends with an elephant throwing
a crocodile into the Sun and he [ __ ] dies the draft and the and the Pelle and
me Henry sugar Billy and the min pins
the magic finger SEO trot dirty beasts
and rhymes do that carry ilion’s of
dollar do you know what’s missing though
the most the best one I’m sure you know
it Danny the champion of the world yeah
yeah I mean he’ll and also and also like
James of the Giant Peach yes I think
Disney is making a James the Giant well
I’d are doing that that’s like an old
story perfect we make in like 2011 oh oh
no this some but green green giant tree
or something like that
Green Giant yeah I love that movie do
you said George’s marvellous medicine
about Jack the giant slayer no that’s
probably from like 2011 or 2012 would
there’s trees and leaves and I know it’s
a Disney movie I’ll come back to it is
George’s marvellous medicine boy or
George’s marvellous medicine and then
boy tales of childhood because you said
oh yeah yeah George’s marvelous met
and then boy tales of childhood I just
okay guys I misspoke
George’s marvellous medicine home on the
road just sounds like Traveling Salesman
I want Danny champion of the world okay
quick what is that Dan show the world is
it’s a very it feels more British than
all his other stuff too which is crazy
it’s the story of a widow a widower and
his son who live in like this they live
in like a van and then down a garage and
they repair cars and bands and stuff
like that and then they find out the
young boy finds out that it’s dead it
goes out at night and hunts of pheasants
I know very British and then it it’s and
it’s this whole thing about like the
tradition of pheasant hunting in Britain
I know I’m not selling it yeah you
definitely get it it’s a really good
father-son okay story it that’s the main
thing it’s a really good my wife loves
Roald Dahl I mean I do too but she’s a
huge role dolphin fun fact Roald Dahl
why did it it’s like blame person I just
felt like a weird brain fart criss-cross
yeah there’s Christopher Lee case of
early Christian early so you know
Christopher Lee he’s like a horror
staple right yeah I mean he played he
was he was Dracula in the Hammer horror
movies and he was Count Dooku in the
Star Wars
he’s Count Dooku a robot no that’s
that’s that’s General Grievous Count
Dooku is is Christopher Lee and he was
also he’s Saruman in the Lord of the
Rings movies the movie I was talking
about was the odd life of Timothy green
oh yeah yeah that’s what I thought you
were using where he has leaves growing
out of his body
oh yeah so Roald Dahl Christopher Lee
and Ian Fleming the writer of the James
Bond movies they were all spies and the
British military in the 40s and 50s and
they worked together
I didn’t forgot about that about Rahl
doll and Ian Fleming yeah in real life
yeah is it a man From UNCLE like a true
telling’ of James Bond stories like what
these are like what actually happened or
something like that like it’s a it James
Bond is fake well the uncle is real
right I don’t know is that true I like
I’ve never heard that is their version
of I mean Man Man From UNCLE was a show
back in the 60s question for you you
said I don’t I don’t know
that is a fact you said Charlie and the
Chocolate Factory was a part of that
yeah yeah well Roald Dahl wrote Charlie
Charlie the Chocolate Factory and
Charlie in the great glass elevator and
uh Willy welcome the Chocolate Factory
combined those two into one do we want
to see that yes
why wait do you seem like you have a
what do you mean do we want to see
another one I’ve posted the Johnny Depp
one I if they split them up into the two
movies that they yeah yeah cuz I mean
cuz cuz the thing is like the Man From
UNCLE he’s it’s it’s a it’s a British
show but the Man From UNCLE was American
he’s like an American
you’re messing things up I’m messing
things up that is my father there’s
something like what inspired James Bond
was a real a real organization that Ian
Fleming was like I mean I mean Ian
Fleming was involved in The Man From
UNCLE he helped create the concept okay
but I don’t know what you’re talking
about with it being like a role I look
in doing but yeah I mean I I loved Willy
Wonka the shock the factory it’s so
great it’s great even though I know
that’s Charlie Duchamp Factory Willy
Wonka the Chocolate Factory is the
original one with with Gene Wilder Gene
Wilder what did you see the difference
Chuck one completely different Lou so
there’s Willy Wonka and the Chocolate
Factory that’s the original one yeah and
then there’s Charlie and the Chocolate
Factory was based on the book and that’s
the Johnny Depp one they’re two totally
different things
yeah Willie walk really one of the
Chocolate Factory was the first thing
that’s the thing that we that wasn’t
just a reimagining Willy walk in the
Chocolate Factory
like a dark weird version no Willy Wonka
Chocolate Factory was they basically
took the to Charlie in the Chocolate
Factory books
Charlie Chocolate Factory and Charlie
the great grass glass elevator they took
elements from both of them they wrote an
original movie that was very wildly
different from the books in fact it’s
it’s completely different it just has
the same concept okay and they mash the
two stories together and then they come
it’s completely I mean
Roald Dahl hated it because it was so
different than his books and then it was
a musical – so it was music and Charlie
in the Chocolate Factory which was
directed by Tim Burton
it was in a direct adaptation of the
first book yeah oh okay okay okay just
taught me something today because I was
a little confused they did add the
musical sequences with the Oompa Loompas
singing but otherwise it was an actual
adaptation of the book whereas the first
one it takes a couple elements out of
the books but ultimately it’s like a
whole different thing it’s like it’s a
satire of consumerism that’s basically
what it is not as earnest as the books
yeah I love the person and I thought
that I thought the Tim Burton was okay
it wasn’t I didn’t love it I didn’t hate
yeah I’d never watch it again have no
interest but no I’m yeah I don’t know I
don’t really care for them to remake
those movies I want to see the remakes I
want to see stuff that I haven’t seen so
I don’t need to see James and the Giant
Peach or factory ones
let me see stuff that from the book that
haven’t been done anybody know what the
magic finger is real quick that’s right
here that was what I needed
Kirk flipping you off but you should
feel okay about it because we’re not
talking bad about you exactly so that
should feel fun he called me a great
janitor not a shitty janitor somewhere
else I would like to see a good
adaptation of The BFG
because though the the Steven Spielberg
one was not good I heard that was bad or
yeah it’s a big [ __ ] guy cool so uh
we’re gonna take a quick break and then
after we come back we’re going to watch
a trailer for the movie that just
dropped like yesterday I think called
the iron mask which is this I will watch
when we come back amber back this
movement saw a trailer drop it’s is
yesterday out of nowhere and I was just
like what the [ __ ] is this so there’s
this new movie it’s coming out this year
it’s called the iron mask and it stars
Jackie Chan and Arnold Schwarzenegger so
I immediately peek up cuz a perk up cuz
I like you saying peek up I peek up I
I’m about to fall Jackie Chan and Arnold
Schwarzenegger maybe my two favorite
actors hahaha in what light
method actors there’s my two favorite
actors of all time
like [ __ ] Daniel Davis and yeah exactly
that cobbling [ __ ] like Tom Hanks
Schwarzenegger when you grow up Denzel
could eat a dish actually think I’ve
talked about I think I’ve told the story
on the podcast before but just to
quickly reiterate it I went to an event
like a early focus group screening for
this movie I forget the name of it but
it was starring Arnold Schwarzenegger
and it was kind of like the second or
third it was like the second or third
movie he had done like after coming out
of retirement acting retirement it was
like this character drama about an
Austrian man whose family dies in a car
or a plane crash on their way back from
Austria the crash happens because this
character played by scoot mcnairy love
dude the accident he gets he’s air
traffic controller and he there’s this
thing that happens where he’s left alone
in the control tower and he’s
controlling all these different flights
and he gets confused and he accidentally
causes two planes to be on the same
level and they crash so he he’s
responsible for it it’s about these two
characters and the scoot mcnairy
character he basically has a nervous
breakdown and just becomes like a
catatonic traumatized mess his wife and
son leave him and then Arnold
Schwarzenegger is coping with the death
of his family and it culminates in
basically like the scoot mcnairy
character starts going to therapy starts
improving and finally he’s like mending
fences with with his wife and there’s
like gonna get back together and then
Arnold Schwarzenegger tracks him down
and kills him basically because that’s
because it’s an Arnold movie Yeah right
it’s not even in like an action way like
he just shows up at his apartment and
like the wife and the son have just come
over and they’re like we’re gonna try
this again and then he gets a knock on
the door and he opens it and it’s arts
person eager and he’s just like oh
you such-and-such he’s again and he’s
like my family was on that plane and he
like stabs him yeah a long time ago
years ago by what went to an early
screening of this with Tyler so he’s
staying after for the focus screening
and they’re asking us questions and
asking us to give our thoughts and input
or whatever and Tyler’s like he raises
his hand and he’s like why don’t you
just have a different actor and I’m
number one number one he’s at my school
know about Schwarzenegger first and
foremost the the immediate thing is like
I looked over to like Tyler that is not
the four they can’t change that actor
that’s not gonna they’re wanting this is
my first one guy they’re wanting
feedback on something they can actually
improve like oh maybe like cut out some
of this part or whatever like that’s
useless feedback they can’t change the
actor in the movie but also it really
gave me a sense of like the generation
gap of like just how like even with
Tyler only being like five years younger
than me even that amount of time it just
makes a world of difference in terms of
like like our worldviews and like the
things that we were raised in because I
just realized like he just has no frame
of reference for like there was a
certain period in time where like if you
were a kid Arnold Schwarzenegger was the
greatest [ __ ] guy Everson I love
Arnold Schwarzenegger and everything
before 1998 I am you know what I mean
once once he did disagree with yeah once
he did that one where he has a clone
that takes over his life what is that
called six today the sixth day garbage
after that you ruin everything about him
for people who really liked his movies
before when you continue to let it be
enacted but there’s like a certain
there’s a there’s a certain time a
certain formative time where like when
you were grew up in that time like you
will watch art sports [ __ ] in anything
I grew up at that time I mean I grew up
when he blew up with Conan the Barbarian
and so I was like 13 or so I was the
perfect age and I was with him probably
until after like
eraser yeah I like to race razors good
that’s really good not saying that I
would love I love anything he’s in or
I’d love but your I will watch and enjoy
anything with Arnold Schwarzenegger or
Clint Eastwood in it I don’t care what
it is I will watch it and enjoy
did you watch did you watch the mule I
haven’t seen it yet yeah but I want re
orgies I wanted to see it though [ __ ] it was everybody I never I I have no I
have no interest in watching a Clint
Eastwood movie a directed Clint Eastwood
movie after like like I saw American
sniper and I think this is [ __ ] terrible but if if Clint Eastwood’s
gonna be in it
I will [ __ ] see it but yeah so for me
it’s like anything he’s in I don’t care
I will [ __ ] watch it I did watch how
you did so we’re gonna bait so anyway
this dropped yesterday and like I said I
got Jackie Chan and Arnold
Schwarzenegger might be my favorite
actors of all time
so I so this comes out I’m like what the
[ __ ] is this and this is this movie is
this trailer don’t say no this is what
let’s just watch it’s like well I’ll
just I’ll just said I don’t want you to
I love it I love it so far mine so we’re
gonna watch this let’s call it the
movies called the iron mask can you tilt
the screen down a little bit okay
so I’m watching this yesterday and I’m
just like what is happening got Jackie
Chan playing some like wise old kung fu
master you got horse no you’re playing
like a [ __ ] British soldier guy yeah
he’s dedicated to the road yeah got like
the man in the iron mask type character
Guildenstern for the man in the iron
mask Kill Bill I don’t think this is for
American audiences I mean it’s
definitely not and elsewhere arms first
later looks [ __ ] great holy [ __ ] I
have to sleep
and he’s like weird I said about Arnold
Schwarzenegger because this looks
come on this is I want to see this so
bad so good this is what The Last
Airbender should have been this is just
everything that I want this looks so
good everything that I want everything
that I am so sorry for what I did to
Swartz [ __ ] and Jackie Chan flying
around fighting oh my [ __ ] your kungfu
masters flying around [ __ ] dragons
flying through the air
crazy-ass mystical Eastern [ __ ] happening it’s everything that I wanted
this is and to go back to what you said
Kelby immediately after I watched this
this is the text that I sent to my
friend I sent my friend this trailer
they link and I said I don’t know what
the [ __ ] this weird CGI salad cynically
cranked out to a deal to China [ __ ] is but I want it I want it so bad it’s a
movie that is just here for entirely
made to do well in Chinese markets and I
want to see it so bad I loved every
frame of that all right hold on a minute
Kirk you’ll get your moment but Kelby is
about to burst with some real Realty
over here let’s hear it
go Kirk oh let’s do that because like
he’ll be kind of stew in the yes because
it’s gonna it’s gonna be controversial
I’m gonna go just go real quick okay it
looks silly yeah and I don’t really I
don’t really care about it that’s just
my opinion I’m not like angry about it
I’m more confused about it than anything
because I have never heard that this was
even a thing so I think yeah it’s for
China it’s for overseas but it looks
silly and I I don’t really want a part
of it I’m asked
there’s the man in the iron mask which
was it’s a that’s a Jeremy Irons it it’s
an Alexander Dumas novel great novel the
guy who wrote the three musketeers the
books and it was adapted into a movie in
the 90s with Leonardo DiCaprio playing
the man in the iron mask and Jeremy
Irons and a bunch of other people
yeah does that mean it’s the three
musketeers movie so yeah no Oliver
platen oh yeah and Gerard Depardieu and
Charlie Sheen Medaille news were great
weren’t they crazy oh yeah I but yeah
this this looks too ridiculous for my
case no I’m I feel bad about everything
I said about Autosports integra I don’t
need to confirms a lot about it but I
want to hear what can be really well
talked about it
I think Arnold Schwarzenegger is acting
his pants off I think I’m happy to see
Jackie Chan but this looks like the
biggest piece of crap ever made I’m so
dumb and so stupid and just hears colors
and ha ha ha and Jackie Chan and just
like it’s clearly somebody’s just like
yeah we got to spend this money or
yeah Karen we gotta pay in taxes that
looks like pure garbage it in fact looks
so bad it looks like a movie within a TV
show that people are like let’s go watch
that new Jackie Chan movie and they
watch that looks like it like if someone
said here’s a spoof movie out of it like
god that’s clever yeah it feels like a
spoof to me yes you two are like a
microcosm of the Western viewer I think
that’s exactly Mart yeah the reason why
that that doesn’t really mean anything
to me cuz it’s just clearly the movie is
just not for you yeah that’s what we
said nah but you know what there’s
something about the visuals to me that
seemed off like it seems like expensive
but you say you’re saying that’s what we
said but there’s very – very clear
differences whenever you don’t like or
not interested in a movie when a movie
is supposed to appeal to you and if in
your opinion it fails at what it was
trying to do yeah that is I don’t like
this when something is not for you it’s
a different thing I normally said the
words it’s not for me
I literally so help me I don’t think
it’s now Kelly and I are is one Wow I
don’t I don’t think it’s not for me I
think on a visual end it looks like a
mess I think it definitely isn’t for you
because the the we’ve even said that the
reason why the movie appeals to me is
because it’s our old Swardson ager and
Jackie Chan and it’s specifically
because that’s ridiculous and insane
that’s that’s why I want to see it but
I’m – okay
visually it looks bad but I don’t I
thought it was like a step a couple
steps down from the last Jumanji movie
and that’s why it appeals to me oh boy I
would still watch it though I won’t
watch it I definitely I will watch it
but it looks it looks like some fake
thing like it doesn’t it does look
really fake but I am assuming that’s
part of why you guys like it 100% I
think it’s at it’s supposed to look
mystical in it and it hits that mark
yeah I also this is gonna sound in this
vein I don’t like Arnold this wacky I
understand that he’s played wacky parts
I know I saw a kindergarten copy I love
twins too
– mum not a doula but this this wacky
version of Arnold I’m actually here for
it now I was like I was I think it’s I
don’t want him to do any serious stuff
cuz he can’t pull it off but that was
just from seeing him say a few things
and like I mean I don’t I don’t agree
that he can’t pull off serious he was in
a movie which that movie wasn’t really
good but he was in this movie called
Maggie which is about a man whose
daughter is slowly turning into a zombie
and I thought he was great in it the
movie was not good but I thought he was
great I’m okay with his character here
cuz he shows me range that I’ve never
seen from from Arnie before I just think
the visual he lets you call it Barney
that’s my guy nice I just think the
visuals just look so slightly above
cheap but so far from expensive that I
mean it just that’s what is appealing
Henry that’s why I want to see can you
find out like the budget on it or is it
not even released cuz that would be
really interesting to me because they’ve
made it on the cheap I’d be like oh okay
I bet you try to make it on the cheap
right it’s probably super expensive but
it’s a huge movie like like the reason
why the the visuals look like I mean
that’s what that’s why it appeals to me
like it looks like a movie from like
1999 and I’m [ __ ] here for it it
probably does have a large budget but
I’m imagining a Jackie Chan singing a
big part of it internetworking Jackie
Chan hasn’t been the biggest thing in
America in a while so I think this could
be a big comeback for him if it is
coming out in America or if it’s coming
out with wide release honest watch- just
came out of terminator which I’m taking
a guess that it was a success so he can
ask they’ll make it in English just
lease it overseas why would they leave
on IMDB I don’t think I don’t see movie
feels like it’s totally not for the u.s.
I feel like it’s the for the visuals
alone I feel like if you remove like the
dragons and the magic and stuff it feels
a lot like the sky captain movie like
that I think using this movie I always
think it’s guy captain of tomorrow mmm
with Jude Law and grant Paltrow I think
Angelina Jolie and Leonardo DiCaprio
yeah this I think this movie like
already came out in China cuz it says
2019 on IMDB I thought that I think this
movie like already came out and then
like now it’s just coming out in the
u.s. okay it’s it must be doing the
title of it is journey to China
the mystery of iron mask and then it’s
retitled the iron mask for the United
States and it’s like it’s like written
and directed by Russian people it’s DC
say there’s somebody together somebody
having that’s how they get it say it
sounds like somebody gotta spend some
money real quick yeah 49 knew it 50
million is what I called it it costs 50
million okay yeah so far it cuz it has
come out already and so far the
cumulative worldwide gross for the movie
is fourteen million dollars for awesome
my point is proven and you know China is
a bigger market the rest of the world is
it’s in English do they make good put
here right but do they make English
movies for the Chinese market
specifically like or wouldn’t they just
make it and no they the the Chinese they
love American movies that’s like they
don’t want to see they want to see
American Western cinema with like but
like that takes place in China like they
like it’s a weird thing that they’re
into yeah I mean it I call the 50
million makes sense I think 20 of it
went to paying for the actors I think 20
of it went to CGI and costuming and all
that jazz and the rest they just spits
on who knows what but a 14 million sound
but right once it comes to America and
make up another 25 and oh I bet you it
makes less than that I’m being gracious
to be a huge flop
I want to hope the two of you go see
together and report back no joke I would
love let’s see is there is there a movie
like sky captain and not catch me if you
that has Leonardo DiCaprio playing
captain a like a airship catch me if you
can catch me if you can he was a captain
and he played up oh he was he faked
being a pilot yeah I could have sworn he
was in no it’s Jude Law yeah that’s
no it’s not even it’s not even on I’m
here it is but it I don’t think it has
any reviews good Hayden shot yeah no
reviews this is probably one of those
just movies they’d be making and you you
know how there are actors you just see
they have a credit and you’re like when
did that come out and yeah all right
so now it’s time for a regular segment
on the show up next we’re gonna do on
this segment we take a look at a bunch
of rumored or unsubstantiated reboot
news and we go around and we give our
scores of can we go for that so each of
us will give our score I can go for that
or I can’t go for that we’re gonna
briefly run through the stories and then
we’ll go through and ask everybody
whether or not they can go for it that
was a very clumsy way oh yeah I’ll get
better introduced we’re baby Stefan this
is our first segment first one there’s a
Bride of Frankenstein reboot starring
Angelina Jolie reportedly in development
Universal Universal is cooking up a
Bride of Frankenstein reboot with Amy
Pascal on board to produce the studio
has had the movie in the on the
backburner for quite some time now so
far there are not many details about the
project were available but the studio is
looking for Pascal to do something
different with the upcoming reboot
Pascal is yet to come on comment on the
matter as for who could start in the
movie insiders have claimed four years
that Angelina Jolie wants to take on the
role Angelina Jolie reportedly will only
starred in the Bride of Frankenstein if
the right creative team is in place
Bride of Frankenstein and the Immaculate
patient of the breath can we tweet out
you wanna direct okay and then angelito
Lisa I’m on board quickly Universal the
Bride of Frankenstein did he bring it he
was like I did the first one so well and
it didn’t turn out at bad at all I’m
gonna create a wife for myself is that
how the story goes for the Bride of
Frankenstein or did somebody else make
the Bride of Frankenstein not realizing
that it’s the monster he created he
created the bride for the monster to
basically be like give him like thinking
like oh if I give him something to love
yeah right okay so again what I’m saying
so her name is bride then it’s yeah it’s
the bride gotcha okay cuz I might bring
a sign is just basically a like a movie
title is just from marketing because you
know that well that’s yeah but that’s
what I always think that pretentious
like fans like to point out is that the
monsters not called Frankenstein’s he’s
a Frankenstein’s monster
it’s like he’s his son so he’s also a
Frankenstein you know cuz it’s not don’t
over thank you Frankenstein Frankenstein
so Kirk I can’t go for that I not that
interested in horror or classic horror
and Angelina Jolie who is fine I’m not a
huge fan so this is all kind of like
okay just for someone else I can’t go
for that I can go for that I think it
makes sense
casting Angelina Jolie me as a director
that’s that’s a good combo right yeah
and since she’s been doing the kind of
darker content with Maleficent and she
just kind of has that facial feature
just like casting wise yeah yeah cast
make sense you know I guess it would
just have to be really well-written for
me to care to go watch it but and direct
it I mean if they asked me to direct any
day no I got a pen a script I mean yeah
I guess so I don’t see the problem with
it well I go watch it
will I be enticed to go watch it can I
pause for a second so you can’t your
diction yourself you can go for it but
you’re not gonna go see it I can go for
it being me he can go for it but he’s
not here oh my god killed me okay I’m
gonna I’m establishing rules
now you’re missing the whole point in
this gentleman this this segment can
never be from a business perspective
this segment has nothing to do with that
segment as a hundred percent would do
you want to see this that is that is the
parameters of this segment from this
point on so knowing those parameters I’m
so in the middle uh are you like riding
the fence don’t care but it also sounds
kind of cool
look into your heart I probably can go
for that I think on a very specific
night I could I can’t I can’t go for
that I don’t care I want as much as like
it is perfect casting I just rather her
just post pictures like for Halloween or
something and then then put this effort
into making a good Frankenstein movie
and objectification what for me it’s a
little bit more complicated than just
one or the other
so my but let me explain oh I didn’t get
all here but I said never would I do
that I I said you can’t this is about
your opinion on whether you want to see
it not whether like oh the market
condition I’d never know before they
said you’re you’re good with it being
made but you don’t want yeah you don’t I
don’t know if I want to see it cuz it
sounds good but I’m like I would I go
out of my way to see it I don’t know so
the universal stable of monsters is one
of my favorite properties ever I love
all of the old universal monster movies
name em all well there’s you know like
the Dracula Frankenstein the Wolfman
know that’s that’s a different thing
the mummy the Invisible Man and then all
the offshoots of that you know the curse
you know the Bride of Frankenstein and
all these things
Oh The Creature from the Black Lagoon I
love them it’s just there there are some
of my favorite things
grew up watching these movies and they
definitely informed a lot of my own like
sensibilities as a person who’s both
creatively and also just things that I
like to watch the Bride of Frankenstein
is great it’s you know that the 1935
movie is a great movie now in the recent
years with Universal trying to do this
monster universe where they’ve tried to
do a reboot of the mummy and then
Dracula and like put them all into one
universe like it’s largely been a huge
I mean Dracula untold sucks The Mummy
movie with Tom Cruise [ __ ] sucked
it’s not the one with Russell Crowe as
well right I don’t know I didn’t even
see it I don’t mean like I just mean in
terms of like it bombed it was a
critically and I mean if I’m right in
that in that mummy movie they already
they tried to make Russell Crowe Jekyll
and Hyde as well like they tried to
stuff more things into it I’m sure they
probably did try to set that up so
people hated that didn’t look
interesting to me from the trailer at
all Dracula until I did seen that
[ __ ] sucked and then that like that
Frankenstein movie with my Frank it’s
with two-face yeah that was terrible
so they’ve they’ve been trying to do
this like dark universe and it’s just
completely failed so if this movie was
being made in that context of like okay
here’s another movie and this like dark
universe thing we’re trying to do and if
it was a similar attempt at it as like
The Mummy Mummy as Dracula untold then
like I definitely can’t go for that I
also I really Angelina Jolie being the
Bride of Frankenstein I really can’t go
for that either
however alright so they have they have
the new they have the Invisible Man
movie coming out Elizabeth moss and it’s
directed written and directed by Leigh
Whannell who he created saw he was
co-writer of saw he wrote the insidious
movies he directed like the second and
third one I haven’t seen yet obviously
because it’s not out but that movie
looks [ __ ] great and it looks like
they were basically like I had this dark
universe thing isn’t working out so
let’s just like give this to like a
smaller director and make him let him
make some kind of like different little
small thing and that movie looks [ __ ] amazing I want to see it so bad quick
question what is the difference between
that and visible man and the Kevin Bacon
Invisible Man
let’s Holloman oh how limit Holloman is
great Holloman
is directed by Paul Verhoeven which is
one of my favorite directors of all time
Holloman ism is great that movies great
but that’s movie that movie is inspired
by the Invisible Man that’s not the
Invisible Man that’s I’ve been thinking
it was the Invisible Man this entire
time and it’s been the Holloman so my
points not valid at all but but but the
but the Invisible Man movie with
Elisabeth Moss looks great so they made
if they were able to like make a you
know cinematic universe of universal
monster movies like in that vein and if
this was similar in kind of tone and to
that then like I would definitely be I
could definitely go for that I feel like
but have they tried in a full answer but
if they try to make it as this big thing
in the vein of like those higher tier
Universal movies that they’re trying to
make that have all just kind of failed
and flopped then I can’t go for that so
it really depends on like how they’re
attempting to make it I feel like I want
a definitive answer I don’t think he can
go for it I feel like you can’t go for
it I don’t want to put words in I can’t
go for it depending on the circumstance
it seems more you’re more leaning
towards can’t go for it I mean they’re
probably going to make they’re probably
going to try to make this as like a big
thing in the fan of another one so
that’s the case then I have no interest
in it hmm but recently who did the first
movie that would be real at the real
mummy come on with Brendan Fraser
Brendan Fraser said he well that’s not
the first mom I know it’s not the first
Boris Karloff’s the only one that
matters though no Boris Karloff is and
will for always be Frankenstein I don’t
care to see him wrapped up in toilet
paper as the mummy okay I like Boris
Karloff as what I first saw him and I
don’t want to ruin it with anything else
you it ruins it I’ve seen I’ve seen
clips of the mummy that the boy that
Boris Karloff was in or whatever and
it’s not it’s not as good as
Frankenstein hey miss Frankenstein you
ever wonder why he still don’t make wait
the mummy is as seminal
as the Frankenstein movies and they came
out around the same time he was telling
I don’t want to see him as two different
you know like serial acting okay all
those all those all those actors all
like they crossed over like like Bela
Lugosi you play who’s like the most
definitive Dracula
he also played Frankenstein like they
all crossed over and played the
different character I’m sorry that I
don’t live up to your standards I just
would rather what I was getting at
Brendan Fraser those movies are great
though well the first two Sony
reportedly wants Andrew Garfield back as
spider-man no as good a job as Tom
Holland is doing on his own spider-man
fans would love to see him team-up with
his predecessors as Peter Parker Tobey
Maguire and Andrew Garfield following
the animated spider-verse movie
introducing the concept of multiple
Spidey’s to audience audiences it really
doesn’t seem that far-fetched that a
union of the three wall crawlers could
happen and it appears that so Deus Sony
is keen on the idea according to sources
Sony is apparently raring to go in a
live-action spider-verse film and yes
the plan would be for it to feature
Holland Maguire and Garfield
interestingly though you’re we’re
hearing the studio is particularly
focused on getting Garfield have
involved again maybe they feel like they
owe him after his amazing amazing
spider-man franchise was cut short when
they made a deal with spider-man with
Marvel to reboot the character in the
MCU so basically they’re just this rumor
is that Sony is kicking around the idea
of doing a live-action spider-verse
movie and if you haven’t seen it into
the spider-verse
is an animated movie that that Sony came
out it’s the best spider-man movie
that’s ever been made and it’s it’s
loosely based on a series of crossover
comics between the main line Marvel
Universe spider-man and then the
ultimate spider-man universe Miles
Morales as spider-man where
Peter Parker spider-man from the main
universes come into the ultimate
universe and they’ve teamed up and they
made this movie sort of loosely based on
that and it’s about Peter Parker from
the main spider-man universe coming into
the ultimate spider-man universe and
meeting Miles Morales who is the
ultimate spider-man and then other
spider-man’s from different universes
come in and they all team up to fight
kingpin and and and Doctor Octopus and
so now they’re talking about doing that
as a live action movie where essentially
Tom Hollands spider-man would team up
with Andrew Garfield and Toto prior
spider-man but if they did this this
movie would not work without them also
bringing Miles Morales into the mix so
then they got it they got to get a Miles
Morales and do that a live action Miles
Morales we all know who it should be no
because he’s way too old now cool who do
you think you think Tobey Maguire can
continue playing spider-man but you
can’t bring in somebody who’s just as
old as him Miles Morales is a teenager
oh I’m an idiot okay
there was a [ __ ] Gambino obviously yeah
that’s the thing is like Miles Morales
is half Hispanic but that’s the thing
though is is in the like years and years
ago before they rebooted a spider-man
and made the amazing spider-man movies
with Andrew Garfield there was a huge
campaign and for Donald over to play
spider-man and then he it obviously
didn’t happen and then he went on to
voice Miles Morales in some of the
animated movies and then also in was a
homecoming oh yeah yeah but it yeah in
that one he played he played Miles
Morales as uncle as a as a cameo well
I’m in homecoming I know in I’m
spider-man homecoming Spy did yeah
didn’t you play a guy with a gun like a
thief or something yeah but he he played
he’s he’s playing Miles Morales his
uncle Miles Morales is uncle in the
comics is the Prowler who’s like he’s
like basically a gangbanger who starts
working for kingpin and he’s wears this
he’s basically like that he wears just
costume and he has like claws and he’s
like a you rides a motorcycle and in the
in homecoming
Donald Glover is playing a character
that’s like loose
the referencing that cuz you know when
he catches them he’s like I got you know
I got I got a nephew that lives over
there so he’s kind of like it was like a
wink in the nod of like oh this is this
is Miles Morales is uncool
his characters half Latino yeah his name
is Miles Morales yeah he’s his dad’s
black and his mom is Puerto Rican oh I
thought the sorry which one’s the 2099
character I think he’s he’s uh he’s
fully like Cuban or something like but I
was gonna bring this up last time we
were talking about about spider-man cuz
there’s like a YouTube channel talking
about it now but I wish I had said it
before oh he’s he’s Mexican but in the
Morbius trailer they have Tobey Maguire
spider-man on a poster and now Morbius
put out more pictures of the set and
it’s the Daily Bugle from Tobey
Maguire’s spider-man it’s not the new
one where it’s like a blog posting place
so I wish I’d brought it up but I think
that’s I think they are gonna do this
and I think that’s how they’re gonna get
it in I think they’re gonna use the
multiverse of madness to tie-in Morbius
to the Marvel Universe and then have all
three spider-man’s that’d be cool they
could do it and it would they can pretty
they can pretty much do anything because
of the way the established rules of the
comics is like there’s all these
different continuities and they can all
cross over basically by whatever logic
that they create and then I mean
ultimately it kind of leads them towards
a phase where they could do the the big
crossover event with a doom you know
crisis that’s a DC thing it’s where all
that is worth all of the good and bad
guys get put on the one planet in one
universe and they ought to fight each
other and and it’s all led by Doctor
I forget I don’t know I’ll put it in the
comments if you guys really want to know
but I’m here for it sorry
I can’t go for that too many spider-man
too many I know I I don’t want all of
those I don’t want all those Spidey’s
give me just one I like spider-man I
will eventually see into the spiders
haven’t gotten around to it yet
arachnophobia no I do
there’s too much add too much I don’t I
don’t want to have to think about who’s
from where and you may have different
costumes but don’t care okay I don’t
care it’s it’s too many Spidey’s that’s
fair that’s fair well maybe you wouldn’t
like spider-verse then there’s like
there’s like seven spider-man oh yeah
boy um I can’t really go for that it
just sounds like they kind of ran out of
ideas and I don’t ever want to see
Andrew Garfield another spider-man movie
he’s fine and whatever else he does
y’all let Jamie Foxx really ruin those
movies for you because he Andrew
Garfield’s amazing no it just it didn’t
make sense to me as spider-man I just
was just like to me spider-man has to be
that nerdy kind of like a little boy and
then when he puts the costume on he’s
not so much a man but he he finds like a
different type of confidence in himself
so that’s what the story or spider-man
was to me so just seeing Andrew
Garfield’s just such a pretty looking
guy and just so cool and like oh that’s
how I just was just like that’s all okay
that’s that’s what people say that’s
like the consensus there is that he’s
just too suave and good-looking I didn’t
like will be much wire is far more
good-looking than then he is as Andrew
Garfield is and Tobey Maguire is a nerd
for three minutes in the original movie
and then he’s [ __ ] jacked he looks
I don’t know what you’re interested in
but Toby when one car looks like garbage
you’re insane so so I can’t go for that
okay I definitely can go for that I’m
here I’m always here for it I say bring
back [ __ ] Eric Foreman as venom from
that universe – he has a real name I
can’t remember it for the [ __ ] life
Topher Grace thank you I loved it all I
loved that entire that entire thing you
like spider-man 3 I like spider-man 3 do
you ask me some about you you know and I
liked both Andrew Garfield spider I’m
just I think I’m just here for
spider-man okay I definitely can go for
that there is never too many spider-man
too many spaz bottom there can be as
many spider-man
as possible and it will never be enough
spider-man I feel like it lessens the
importance of the spider-man when you
have multiple spider-man you don’t get
no because they’re all they’re all do
they’re all different and unique like
Miles Kane they do different stuff yeah
Miles Morales can shoot electricity and
he can turn invisible wait a minute I’m
sorry he can shoot electricity is it an
electric spider webs he just shoots
electricity shock and then that’s not a
he’s an eel spine still does the same
thing as every others okay so in each
universe the spider that turns them into
the Spider Man or even sometimes Nadia
spider is a different version of the
spider giving them separate individual
powers yeah there’s there’s a there’s a
version of spider-man that was created
by Gerard Way
it’s a Japanese girl her name is penny
Parker and shucks who doesn’t get bit by
the spider or maybe she doesn’t forget
but she’s a she’s a young Japanese girl
and then she wears a big spider robot
mech and the spider robot mech is
controlled by the actual spider who was
just her friend
it’s her sidekick and she can give me oh
yeah she does get bitten by a spider
because she can communicate with the
spider and the spider lives inside of
the robot and it controls the robot and
then she gets inside the robot and
fights bad guys it’s so all the spider
men are different then there’s like
spider they’re all different even though
I appreciate that they’re all different
it’s too much yeah there could never be
enough spider go ahead Andrew Garfield I
I think is very underrated as I think he
was a great spider-man I I thought the
first amazing spider-man was okay I
thought the second one was terrible but
Andrew Garfield as spider-man was great
I don’t I never agreed with that with
the consensus or the or the criticism
that he wasn’t nerdy enough because I I
think that I don’t think that that type
of nerd exists anymore I don’t think
that that’s an anachronism that that
type of like glasses-wearing dork that
gets wedgies and things like that I
don’t think that’s a real thing anymore
I like the things that I was into that I
was like nerdy for and got like made fun
of when I was a kid are popular now like
like being a nerd has been very has
become a popular thing now everybody is
a nerd so there’s no that’s it that’s it
that’s that doesn’t exist anymore the
the the type of nerd but if he doesn’t
have to be
that he could have just been less cool I
just he wasn’t cool I don’t see where I
don’t think he’s cool
what how they how they interpreted him
being a nerd in those movies was that he
was basically like a goody two-shoes
like what like he he was the type of
person who whenever like the bully was
like being an [ __ ] he would stand up
to them and so because he would like
because he would stand up to them and be
on the side of good he was ostracized
from the popular kids because he
wouldn’t like he basically wouldn’t like
assuage their kind of shittiness so he
so that’s that’s how they interpreted
that character as being an outsider he
wasn’t he wasn’t a nerd like a
nerd like Peter Parker was in the
original spider-man or like the ultimate
the first ultimate spider-man comic he
was like a freak you know like freaks
and geeks he was like there’s the
popular kids there’s the Nerds and then
there’s the freaks and he was a freak
and and III think he was a great
spider-man so I so I think he’s
underrated I think that he you know
giving him his due of coming back and
being in a better spider-man movie I
think would be great I also love the
first two Sam Raimi spider-man movies I
love topi McGuire so I’d love to see him
coming back in and I think that’d be
amazing especially considering with that
especially considering that they’re
bringing back Jay jonah Jameson and
having a man from whiplash yeah what the
[ __ ] tell her no JK JK Simmons are
having jakey Simmons playing oh so you
know yeah bring to our back yeah yeah
yeah I think this would be I think this
would be really cool if they did this
right and I’d love to see it I would it
would just be such a it would be such an
intersectional crossing of so many cool
things that I think it’d just be really
cool to see but they got to get a miles
tail or earn a mile so they got to get
up Miles Morales in or otherwise played
by Taylor what what if he was the only
cartoon oh that would be insane like I
mean I’d be cool but they would never do
like even in a tree damn it I don’t go
out there for like a main line
spider-man movie
yeah I can go for that definitely and
also you know that so andrew garfield
spider-man he create he builds his
and their machines but the top that’s
the real that’s the real way that sucks
no it’s it’s actually it’s it’s way
better so that’s how that’s out Tobey
Maguire found out that he had
web-shooters in the first one my my my
friend has a has a philosophy about
superhero costumes and how a superhero
costume is supposed to tell you
everything that you need to know about a
character at a glance so the reason why
the the man-made web shooters are better
than the organic web shooters from the
Sam Raimi movies is because they state
they they show you that he is a is a is
an engineer basically they’re they
they’re they’re indicative of the fact
that he’s able to create these machines
and invent things whereas the Sam Raimi
spider-man the fact that they’re just
organic it just it doesn’t say anything
about his character because they’re the
the organic web shooters are just
basically given to him they’re thrust
upon him he just wakes up one day and
he’s a perfect [ __ ] Spider Man
whereas the Andrew Garfield spider-man
or this Spider Man from the comics he
wasn’t just given these web shooters he
had to build them and make them himself
so they say more about him as a
character than the organic web shooters
a quick question what do you think about
the current Spider Man that’s pretty
much in an Iron Man suit I like I like
the spider-man movies I like Spider Man
homecoming I didn’t far from home I
didn’t really care for that much but I
really liked homecoming but I yeah I I
don’t really like the idea of him just
being given the iron spider suit because
I want to see him make his suit I want
to see him build the web shooters I want
to see him having a costume that like I
said is more indicative of him as
earning as opposed to just being given
the iron spider suit which is like the
iron spider suit is cool but it doesn’t
really say anything about him at all
it’s no it’s not a reflection on him as
a character whereas like homemade the
homemade suit the homemade web shooters
all that stuff it speaks more to him as
a character that was one of my things
with a Tobey Maguire inspired a man when
I like found
the comics didn’t have the organic ones
he made a costume that didn’t have
anything right here to let the webs out
I just be open it real quick it was
there was nothing that and in with D
like the the comic what he had to create
something that went over it which makes
more sense to me and looking back at it
as I like that also that also the
organic web shooters are kind of like
creepy the the real the comic spider-man
or Tom Hollands spider-man or Andrew
Garfield spider-man like they have
super-strength and they can stick to
walls but they have no like the fact
that like Tobey Maguire spider-man like
had like webs like he’s like a he’s like
a freak like like he’s a fling
spider-man yeah but that doesn’t that
isn’t a Batman doesn’t have [ __ ] wings basically a French story he didn’t
get bit by a bat he got bit by some
money yeah but he got spider-man
spider-man gets bitten by radioactive
spider and but his powers aren’t really
spider like yeah he has super strength
and he can crawl on walls like those
those aren’t like definitively spider
like quality by T sense despite but the
spidey sense what do spiders can spider
since danger that’s not a thing yes then
vacate my knowledge is spider but yeah
the the fact that Tobey Maguire like is
Kent like has like holes in like in his
wrists that shoot out like that’s that’s
creepy and weird awesome so there is a
there is an event horizon remake
reportedly in the works with me Milla
Jovovich Ida star in it and what will
surely be music to the ears of many
we’re hearing today that a remake of the
1997 sci-fi horror movie event horizon
is on the cards this is a separate
project from the recently announced TV
series we’re told and better yet the
hope is to get not only to not only get
Paul Tobias dubbed Paul WS Anderson back
to direct but have Resident Evil star
Milla Jovovich just take on take one of
the lead roles which is weird that’s
it’s a strange thing because so Milla
Jovovich is Paul W and W s Anderson’s
wife Paul WS Anderson directed all the
Resident Evil movies
which she stars in but then Paul WS
Anderson also directed the original
event horizon and is pretty much the
only good movie he’s ever made so it’s
like they’re talking about a remake of a
event horizon but directed by the same
director and then starring his wife okay
isn’t Pandorica or Pandorum a remake of
this movie like a an offshoot remake
it’s just a similar story oh really
yeah I mean it event horizon I love that
movie but I mean I guess I’d like to see
a remake of it I don’t know which one’s
the one where they either they build
they build a machine to talk to the
aliens like to go into warp speed that
the aliens send them how to how to make
a ship that can communicate it blowers
no it’s it’s got a [ __ ] she’s a really
good director now she used to be an
actor contact contact is that contact oh
my god that’s what I’m thinking of I’m
absolutely comparing event horizon I
don’t think I’ve seen rising then oh my
god I just arisin it’s like a horror
movie your brain yeah I just read this
thing and reminded me of Pandorum okay
I’m here for it oh you’re what I’m here
for it so you’re here for the nepotism
you’re well you can I’m here for it
you’re what I am here for it you’re what
I can go for that
yeah oh I know I saw vent horizon cuz
Laurence Fishburne’s in it yeah and I
saw at 97 Samuel yeah okay I saw at 97
and I was like this is really good
haven’t thought about it til you just
brought it up right now
but since I had such a good response to
it when I first saw it in 97 I’m here
for it no I’m not I can go for that okay
yeah all right bubi that was a legit
good movie yeah yeah I was entertaining
Verizon yeah okay sounds like you’re
here for nepotism I haven’t always
nice I know so that’s why you’re here
[Laughter] I’m here cuz oh yeah that’s one Burger
King that’s not getting cleaned right
now that janitor guy I don’t know very
much about Resident Evil and affiliate
movies but I did just Google Milla
which is a name that I’m familiar with
but I’d never seen her and she’s so
that I will watch whatever she’s in so I
am here for that you should you should
watch dazed and confused
no no nevermind you should watch you
should watch The Fifth Element oh
multipacka what that’s a good movie I
want I want the sixth element and it’s
just it’s just following what’s his
name’s character around as the
flamboyant go man
yeah that goes love that character I
want to see him doing like all kinds of
other things
oh she’s not beautiful you tell me I
have no opinion about well you don’t
have you have face blindness yeah
exactly I face blindness I can’t see her
I can’t see your face no I just I don’t
care after watching her and all the
Resident Evil movies she just sucks so
don’t talk about my girl and like and I
don’t want to see her in this item not I
can’t go for this um I mean being in a
bad movie does not make you bad Milla
Jovovich is not she doesn’t suck she’s a
she’s good what other movies has she
been in that’s that are good first other
than confused that’s it
I haven’t I I can’t remember who she
isn’t a contacts she wouldn’t remember
and is that is she’s also been in a
movie call like that is her husband who
is Edward Norton is in jail and then she
has an affair with DeNiro
yeah that movie that’s such a bad she’s
just terrible in it I’m like okay I
don’t care I don’t need to see her
anything else yeah after watching seven
[ __ ] dumbass Resident Evil movies oh
yeah she’s in this movie called the
perfect getaway which is which is a
weird and really good movie I haven’t
seen it what’s about I don’t even I
don’t even know how to describe it
this couple goes out on vacation
stiva us yes Steve’s on it’s good and
Timothy Olyphant it’s a good it’s a
strong I’m there for the cast other than
yoga Mitch but are you of a [ __ ] i watch i watch the perfect getaway with
my parents and like I just expected
nothing of it cuz it just seemed like a
type of moving my parents were into and
then I proceeded to see just one of the
strangest yeah it’s a weird thriller is
good I feel like I feel like you need to
make amends with me know I feel like
Milla Jovovich is a generic version of
Liv Tyler yeah so okay so so the most
part I can go for that I will say that
like even though Paul WS a WS Anderson
directed the original event horizon
aside from that I don’t like Paul Davis
@ WS Anderson as a director so we do a
predator know I mean he directed all the
he directed all the all the Resident
Evil movies he directed that like reboot
of the three musketeers also starring
Milla Jovovich
never heard of was Anderson directed
ultraviolet also starring Milla Jovovich
great husband we all should be like him
and Milla Jovovich got her husband so
he’s even better now that’s what I’m
he gave her all to work made her all the
money who’s that and where you keep them
that’s why he keeps oh he directly he
directed the first Mortal Kombat movie
you see and he did direct he directed
the first aliens predator thank God yeah
Tyler in other other than event horizon
I look I love Mortal Kombat like you
know but like it’s not a good movie
other than I’ve in horizon everything
he’s directed has just been [ __ ] so that
means you are I can’t go for that cuz
you know I like the movie and whatever
sure it’ll probably suck but i’ll be
i’ll be interested in seeing it you and
me oh yeah [ __ ] you Tyler thanks
Mars Attacks we might remake reportedly
in the works Tim Burton may return a
Mars Attacks remake is being considered
in Tim Burton could return sources say
that Warner Brothers has interest in
in the 1996 sci-fi comedy movie and
they’d like Burton to get back behind
the camera nothing’s official as of yet
from what we’re told this would be a
modern-day remake of the original but
the details we’ve been given in there if
Jack black decides that this is his
final movie I’m there for ya he was like
one of the main characters in the first
one he would come back as he would like
he like he would like Reata my’s in
front of everybody
20 years later and he’s like what up and
then there reott aking and he gets
shattered again why you don’t want to
see Jack Black shine I want him to
retire like he wants to do actually I’m
supporting a boy you know I’m saying I
can go for that same exact reason for
event horizon I saw this movie in 96
loved it haven’t thought about it till
right now but because of the good
feeling it gave me I’m here for it I
mean I can go for that Mars Attacks okay
it’s really funny it’s really good it’s
really good
Jack Nicholson is the president it was
great Oh Sarah Jessica Parker’s in it
she’s great okay well I didn’t hear you
say anything about militias Ave she’s
gonna be in this one
so I can’t go for that for that reason
alone that’s it that’s my girl
yeah I like it I’m here for it I just no
you’re not you’re I’m sorry I can go for
that other than one little Kavya – Kavya
yeah do not put your wife in this movie
Tim Purdon won’t because he doesn’t have
a wife whatever your ex-wife it doesn’t
do not put Helena Helena a little poem
Carter is that what her name is
no Onam Bonham Carter do not a good
actress she is not anything one
character wavered of first of all that
doesn’t mean anything so there are great
actors who only are able to play fine
you’re right I’m second of all it’s
tired of she is good this he’s not good
he’s good he’s good
she’s a good actor no she’s not she is
all right I I’m I can go for that other
that one caveat I’ll see you Helena
bonham-carter in anything she’s not my
favorite actress in the world but yeah
she’s greicy Helena bonham-carter on the
streets I can’t go for that for a couple
reasons number one Mars Attacks I like
Mars Attacks it’s kind of like Helena
Bonham Bonham Carter’s not my favorite
movie in the world but I like it a lot
but it’s the movie exists as a strange
wonky thing I can’t imagine remaking
this movie and capturing the same weird
lightning in a bottle of this movie was
fair enough fair enough I have seen
psycho attacks second of all second of
all that’s that that joke is first
offensive champagne second of all you
can’t remake a movie with the same
director what’s the point
Oh Tim Burton did the first one too yes
oh that’s why it’s so you feel the same
thing about event horizon yeah it’s
weird that’s why I said that’s the one
thing that’s kind of making me not want
it because it’s like what is the point
of remaking a movie with the same
creative team you like if it’s not being
with if you’re if you’re the idea the
concept of a remake I mean the business
constantly make is reintroducing a thing
to a new audience and making more money
off of it because people don’t like to
watch old stuff because they’re [ __ ] idiots but the creative reason for
remaking something is reinterpreting it
with a new creative team so what is the
point of remaking a movie with the same
person I hear what you’re saying I think
if that’s if that’s happened before well
he wants the opportunity to put Trump’s
face on something that he’s gonna but
what I’m saying is I I don’t think
that’s uncommon to have is it to have
the original creator remake it yeah it’s
happened in horror movies right not
really they do see ghouls with the same
did John Carver to redo okay I think
it’s fine because they’re the creative
team is here so they’re aware of the
current climate so they could just
reimagine it a different way and just
say if you made it if I made it today
what chain
is what I made and then they would do it
yeah but that’s that’s kind of the
antithesis to how art it works
another team you’re not supposed to get
infinite attempts at something you make
something you just you you leave it you
let it exists and you don’t return to it
like that so say the art that’s not you
can’t make the rules I mean that’s not
that’s just that’s not rules it’s just
you know
nothing has ever done you gave you if
you sat if you said an obsessed over
perfecting something you would never be
finished with it you just have to be
like okay this isn’t finished but it
this is where I’m going to leave it this
is where I’m at this time with all the
flaws that it has I’m gonna let that
exist like you’re not just to be able to
go back and be like George Lucas it and
be like whoa this would have been better
if there were seven more stormtroopers
in this shot and if the [ __ ] honeycomb monster max rebo guy was like
more animated and singing a different
song like it’s it ruined it now people
talk about ruining childhoods or
whatever if like when they remake these
things that ruins our childhood or
whatever that’s not real you can’t ruin
your childhood like a remake of
something doesn’t affect the original
thing that you love true but when you go
back and change something then you are
kind of ruining its legacy and this
isn’t exactly the same thing as George
Lucas going back and changing the Star
Wars movies but the same creative person
going back and being like I’m going to
remake this and get another shot at this
thing that I made I just don’t I’m not
saying that you can’t do that or it’s
dumb I just don’t see the point in okay
and that has been you go for that
Oh can you can you go for that oh oh can
you oh can you go for that oh oh oh can
you oh can you go for that can you
google for that can you go over that
last story this one goes out to all the
today’s out there that’s hard cuz I have
no interest in this whatsoever but a
freak like you be into some [ __ ] like
this there’s a Batman restaurant opening
in London I’ve so much to say about this
DC fans will soon be able to eat at a
Batman themed restaurant the
establishment is called Park Row and
will be opening in the Soho area of
London the Wonderland Restaurant Group
has partnered with DC on the project
which will let comic book fans eat in
Gotham for a night while trying food and
drinks named after some of the most
iconic characters of all time however
the name of the restaurant is a bit of
the dark on the dark side since it comes
from the spot where Bruce Wayne’s
parents were brutally murdered Park Row
will offer an immersive experience for
Batman fans the 18,000 square foot
basement location is made up of five
restaurants and three bars and we’ll
have many references to the Dark Knight
the penny Worth’s restaurant which is
obviously named after Bruce Wayne’s
Butler Alfred will serve British share
sharing dishes while the Penguins
iceberg lounge will offer an
international food menu and feature live
entertainment Harley Quinn is getting
her own I’m a sock a restaurant and a
cocktail bar old Gotham City will be a
bit will be available too it is
described as a villainous speakeasy
do me a mikaze whatever okay man you say
that is if I is called Hamasaki yeah
yeah okay it’s going to look beautiful
it’s going to taste like [ __ ] I’m going
to because it’s a themed restaurant it’s
too many restaurants to manage so I
think it’s more of a theme park with a
bunch of restaurants you know it’s five
restaurants right but they’re not all
one restaurant no but there’s five
different restaurants all pretty much
being managed by one group so there will
be different chefs and stuff like that
but it’s going to be it’s going to be
it’s the Cheesecake Factory of a
restaurant I want to see the kitchen
nightmare episode record Ramsay’s like
this [ __ ] Robin burger tastes like
[ __ ] yeah and you want to kill my
biggest my biggest objection is that
they’re doing here’s my question okay
and I’m a kasi restaurant is it it’s
basically a Japanese room I don’t know
why they didn’t give the restaurant or
Austin Powers yes say it say yeah baby
say it tune in next time for the
nostalgia cast what you want to
subscribe to this discuss when this
sirloin steak is in ashes you have my
I’m trying to finish my thought I got
interrupted by a a weak Bane imitation
okay is but I do have a question
uncalled for
does does Harley Quinn have anything to
do with Japanese culture
yeah in kind of a weird way okay colors
I think that that character is just
associated with this kind of like weird
Japanese cultural appropriative vibe so
isn’t it worse doing yeah it’s kind of
like a like she’s like she’s kind of
like in some of the comics and things
she’s sort of like presented in that
like she wears like fashion that’s kind
of inspired by that like Shibuya
Japanese Lolita kind of fashion trend
okay and but she’s obviously not
Japanese yeah okay that’s a problem but
also anomic aussi Russian is typically a
sushi restaurant that’s very small and
I’m a kasi is it translates to whatever
you’d like so basically you’re going in
there and you’re going chef make
whatever you are going to make for me I
will eat it have you watched night diner
no you gotta watch it
okay I want some Netflix there’s two
seasons I’m gonna check it out you’ll
[ __ ] love that I can’t wait so a chain
restaurant that is typically a tiny
restaurant where you go do a sushi bar
and interact with the sushi chef and you
are literally just taking what he will
feels like giving you in seasonal that
doesn’t work for a chain restaurant
that’s horrible this this is a one this
is one
I know and that’s one wrong thing to put
in a chain restaurant what what are you
talking about a chain restaurant I mean
I’m sorry a theme restaurant oh okay I’m
it’s five restaurants I meant that I
thought my mistake my mistake
I think it would make more sense for the
penguin to be this just because like the
ice theme like that like it could be
cold in there and the sushi would would
stay better in a penguin it’s not good
kid I feel like it’s less appropriative
right like it’s true I think it’s an
interesting idea I mean here in LA they
had a breaking bad experience restaurant
that was a pop of Thor dude loves
talking about any chance he gets to see
Bryan Cranston he wasn’t there
but but it was a pop-up right yeah what
was I can experience for like a month
yeah yeah it is this one like here to
stay yeah yeah oh see MIMO okay well I
guess in that that seems to elaborate to
be a pop up yeah too much money yeah
yeah it seems I don’t know that’s kind
of a weird idea now that I think about
it if it was only here for a limited
time then I guess that’d be cool but
like I never thought about Batman and
thought like oh maybe I’d want to eat
you know in Gotham yeah it’s like that
odd concept did one didn’t but if if it
were could altar was supposed to be like
basically Chicago like a big bar suppose
in Chicago New York but but metropolis
is New York and Gotham is Chicago I
thought but I wouldn’t want I would much
rather eat in like a Marvel Universe
place cuz the colors are brighter and
characters are slightly friendlier but I
guess so you know I if if I would to
open up a Batman themed restaurant I
would probably serve like pizza or like
steak sandwiches or something something
a little bit more like gritty but what
do you think Todd I can’t what this
conversation about odd concept yeah yeah
I’m just bad this makes sense weird I
mean that’s odd
hey they could have done like a DC sort
of thing where I see feel like Batman
specifically is a little too much that’s
pretty strange you raise a Papa
like you’re saying but I could yeah yeah
I feel like they really miss like I
don’t see this being around 15 years
from now they’re gonna jack up the price
on those items so hard way so are you a
fan of it some little communicate it I
hate it oh yeah were you agreeing or
disagreeing I was I that sounds good
this is gonna sound off I hate this idea
for this restaurant and I hated your
idea food that was going to replace it
yeah yes but I feel like this was
complementary pizza for Batman like like
slack cuz I thought Gotham was in New
York so I was seeing passengers hurdles
restaurant I was thinking like I said us
like slimy New York food like dollar
pizza and stuff like that that’s what I
meant by okay you know culturally okay I
mean if it was if it was pizza is gonna
be deep dish which by the way is not
pizza it’s gross that’s wrong and all in
all the ways Kirk Kirk yes
have you been to Geno’s east of the one
here yes not yet we’re going
we went there the other night fantastic
it’s great yeah it’s the Ritz legit it’s
from the original genome if you live if
you like pizza soup this is why you will
never be on the fluid podcast
you got to go to Geno’s he’s guarded
juiciest that’s a plan we were through
the night it was it was it was amazing
was kradic it was but that there there
there get theirs they’re smart because
they’re basic there right now it’s
dine-in only that’s what and that’s why
it’s so busy because that you can’t take
out smart all right sorry we’ll save
that for the food podcast that tellers
not allowed on all right so I guess even
from Todd this is a bad I do not
understand this at all um but instead of
going to this batman restaurant go to
Gino’s East which is not good don’t we
try to London it’s not the best
deep-dish pizza but it’s the only one we
got here yeah it’s only gonna are in LA
you really there’s one in terms of
authentic yeah there’s one and Los Feliz
search they can’t remove the name of
them and they use a cornmeal crust a
masa masa
but a cornmeal crust is not Chicago
stone and there used to be taste taste
Chicago which was terrible it was a gel
90-110 Jomon taneous yeah deep-dish
I met him which I thought Dania yeah Joe
Montaigne not Joe Montana Joe Montana
he’s an actor oh okay
which I thought was good until I had
real yeah I went to Chicago and had
Giordano’s and I was like hey Chicago
[ __ ] sucks yeah so yeah I think
stakes for listening if you like this
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