Lonestar ElixirConf 2017- Closing Keynote by Dave Thomas Seen On www.bobanddougmckenzie.com

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Lonestar ElixirConf 2017- Closing Keynote by Dave Thomas

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Lonestar ElixirConf 2017- Closing Keynote by Dave Thomas

Dave Thomas is a programmer, one of the founders of The Pragmatic Bookshelf, noted author of The Pragmatic Programmer, Programming Ruby, and Programming Elixir, as well as many other books and articles.

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  1. Why should I use this Stepper when I can write all this stuff in the plain Elixir?
    defmodule PlainElixir do

    def fizzbuzz(number) do
    case { rem(number, 3), rem(number, 5) } do
    { 0, 0 } -> "fizzbuz"
    { 0, _ } -> "fizz"
    { _, 0 } -> "buzz"
    { _, _ } -> number

    def encode(list) when is_list(list), do: rle(list, [])

    defp rle([], result), do: Enum.reverse(result)
    defp rle([a | tail], [{a, n} | rest]), do: rle(tail, [{a, n + 1} | rest])
    defp rle([a | tail], [a | rest]), do: rle(tail, [{a, 2} | rest])
    defp rle([a | tail], result), do: rle(tail, [a | result])


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