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Making Rick Moranis Proud | Grounded

See the video “Making Rick Moranis Proud | Grounded” plus our collection of similar video clips which showcase the loved hysterical characters of the McKenzie brothers.

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there it is
okay we are back
yeah sorry sorry ladies and gents
thank God we are back in The Fray
I had to do some quick finagling some
quick business
there’s a thing over here listen I’m not
gonna pretend like I know what it is but
it’s over here
and you can it’s it’s on the radar it’s
a little hot looks prefab looks pretty
a little hot today okay yeah a little
slow happening spot for us to [ __ ] hang out and do cool Biz take a little
looksie poo here hold on
turn this [ __ ] motion blur off though
yeah that’s like the first thing I did
was killed that [ __ ] because we
simply haven’t the time
uh oh death awaits me
red ant part oh yeah this is nice
ASL terminal that’s offline well okay
analyze some resources
tweet right
okay we’re analyze yeah that’s kind of
safety test resource surveyor
okay oh God that thing killed me the ant
hit me with one shot I’m uh just out of
the door of the tent yeah there’s an ant
that’s okay having fun with my corpse
okay I’m gonna grab the rock whoa not
the I said the rock man Ash it’s [ __ ] brains in
it keeps it keeps trying to do me do me
up up with the [ __ ] there we go okay hey buddy where’d you
go where’d you go buddy yeah right he
ran away because he heard you had that
yeah so first things first we need to
figure out uh how to make weapons yeah
and then we’re gonna make weapons oh I
don’t really know yeah it’s back
Oh there’s uh granola bars over here in
the Hut never mind our our six-legged
[ __ ] friend you need to come inside
or he’s gonna bash you to death no
you’re right you’re right
but I had him I was one shot away from
[ __ ] them up with this rock and
here let’s let’s survey this rock what
does this thing have to say about this
oh yeah so you definitely want to be
scanning everything because now it’s
telling me how to make a pebblet ax and
a pebblet spear
is that something
can we just like craft that action
that’s going on here we’ve got the hot
I got one sprig
oh it you [ __ ] okay
all right
sweet yeah now we gotta craft that
pebblet ax
could roll bandage play it slurry
okay delicious slurry who doesn’t
[ __ ] love seriously okay all right
sick so we can make a
do we have a a place to make [ __ ] like I
I’m I think you might just do it in your
not positive
and I’m guessing we gotta just bind the
items we’re looking for
uh let’s see crafting yeah it’s an item
it’s under your select menu
oh I see yeah you actually go over to it
yeah we’re making a pivot sphere okay
gotcha whoa whoa there’s a lot of [ __ ] you can make
just right off the bat
yeah like I want this Clover poncho
roasting spit
and to kick the [ __ ] out of this weevil
this [ __ ] I got my I got my ax baby
yeah did you do a spear
I did I did do a spear I’m telling you
man you need that root
all right
okay so I’m gonna make that crude rope
and I’m gonna make some plants slurry
oh no I can’t
see what else I can make in this tasty
[ __ ] I need uh I need two more Sprigs
oh you’re gonna make a weevil Shield but
I need
rope and hide and meat okay
rub hide all right well
nice I found some mushrooms
if you need to eat sick
I mean
is that a spray no plant fiber I need I
need to badly damage the the [ __ ] blood and bones of my enemies yeah I
need to use the spear to exact blade
engines on all those who have wronged me
okay but an ax would be great for
chopping down these plants which I think
we [ __ ] need
for uh for all sorts Biz yeah we really
big weird [ __ ] get the [ __ ] back here
[ __ ] oh look at this nosy [ __ ] weevil
yeah he’s got he’s got a little nose on
everybody keeps running the [ __ ] away
man I’m yeah I don’t love it
so we need another Pebble and a sprig
and a rope I still need to make this
pivot ax is that oh well I guess no
because we’re working together so you
make the ax and it completes it for both
of us okay I like that
I mean I still need an ax but yeah for
chopping [ __ ] right like you gotta find
and eat some food oh well I should be
able to just do that now
there’s another granola bar inside the
station where we found the recipes
but I should be able to just eat these
mushrooms yeah boom they’re not great no
that was that was directly from the
ground no washing
okay so do I need
through the Rope
uh oh that’s a sprig
a bunch of mushrooms
what do I do to make crude rope I I have
to make this [ __ ] yeah that’s uh
that’s easy
need a crude rope but I have that oh I
just need more more sprigs yeah I’ve
been throwing my pebblets
I mean I was too I get it I I understand
you’ve been playing too much Dying Light
I keep hitting R1 to jump and it’s
throwing the pebblets
I’m gonna have some more hallucinatory
nasty slurp water
no oh come on lady we [ __ ] all right okay so I discovered the
pebble at ax now how do you how do you
take it out
all right so I’m
well we’re chopping now
keep eating these nasty mushrooms okay
okay plant fiber
hey sprig are you a sprig you look like
a sprig you’re a [ __ ] sprig baby all
right man this is pretty sweet
yeah man not gonna lie this is pretty
sweet do we need these planks for
uh I don’t know maybe actually here I’ll
go try and see if I can scan them
it takes a charge that [ __ ] thing oh
it does okay
to know
okay I got enough to make myself a
pebbled ax
I’m gonna use that start chopping down
find water well I mean we did find water
oh we need these planks for for a
[ __ ] shelter okay makes sense
so two okay yeah
all right so just right here Boom Boom
place the blueprint
I need two sprigs and three Clover
leaves huh
three Clover leaves now apparently
okay let’s let’s lay some planks down uh
oh wait a minute oh
over leaves okay I think this is
pointing me in the direction
stick it is too okay [ __ ] yeah
important resources
far away
might have doomed ourselves oh God yeah
this is it just killed me maybe you can
take one shot and you’re dead
so you were you were pretty achingly
close to death oh was I I didn’t even
yeah oh yeah
you’re not having like the hottest day
okay come on buddy come on back max
she’s really struggling out here
okay now I see my health gotcha so I
should probably eat these mushrooms
yeah man chew them up
tasty food buddy tasty food man that’s
not really good it’s not giving me
Health though it’s just satiating my
Hunger come on [ __ ] come on yeah
fumble your ass yeah there you go there
you go
and harvest your [ __ ] remains
oh yeah okay
this is the good stuff
oh okay
oh I’m good to go
yeah good thing we turned off uh
Friendly Fire I feel like there would
have been
at least at least one or two times we’ve
we would have cracked each other in the
face had we not
yeah I think that was definitely
a potential problem oh I see we got
water up there
I wonder if I could Huck my ax at it
yeah boom
I was sick oh
but what happened to my ax
that’s a great question maybe we should
hook a rock next time yeah no okay here
it is
I can see
oh I saw some grass being displaced as
because of a [ __ ] spider oh heads up
buddy heads up seven a friend oh yeah
there are some much larger bugs in the
world well let’s head back to where we
had that that uh blueprint set up
we’ve got our science tent over here I
mean might as well just build here
probably a better spot
run button
yeah uh the left stick
all right we’ll lean to action
yeah rotate it oh right there
looking good
bar right here man oh you should [ __ ] eat that delicious [ __ ] good call
you live
longer that did give me a nice chunk of
uh craft a fiber bandage
can do that I’m sure that would be too
difficult uh oh no we need two sap
okay so I am
analyzing some stuff right now
got all sorts of ant parts we can use
nice uh look for more science equipment
yeah like I gotta find some it doesn’t
take a long time for it to recharge I’m
telling you that right much right now
husky weed
I can make a workbench which lets you
armor and weapons with Advanced
Materials yeah
and a roasting spit so you can [ __ ] uh
do all that bit so you can spit roast
yeah so you can spit roast
[Music] there’s all sorts of armor You Can Craft
You Need To Kill a lot more [ __ ] ants
100 murdered for this
this to be a thing 100 oh yeah crafted
hey here’s the sap I like how you know
after a certain amount of time they just
tell you where the resources are
I’ll admit I’m a fan
God I need
so much more crude rope
I really like the the depth of field
the fact that they have going on
makes you feel tiny oh look at this
baseball [ __ ] this is pretty cool
so I need dry grass chunks and sprigs
God it’s always with the [ __ ] sprigs
man yeah
bandage though fiber bandage crafted
just a scratch
[Music] craft a torch okay we can do that
oh [ __ ] I need two crude rope three dry
grass chunk
where the [ __ ] is the dried grass chunk
that’s what I want to know well now that
we have that as an objective I’m
guessing it’ll appear sooner than later
on the
heck you look like dried grass yes
coming at you [ __ ] oh nice here I’m
yeah I really need a torch now
I feel like something’s following me
it’s not impossible
it’s a [ __ ] weevil
oh [ __ ] off is your weevily nonsense
the stupid dried grass trunk was right
over the water so I’m like
looking through the puddles trying to
like find my [ __ ] yeah yeah you know
right in the water hey that’s definitely
where dried grass usually is
should we sleep
it’s very dark right
I’m I’m feeling now this still says
we’ll wake up in the dark
like at four yeah maybe maybe night
lasts a long time four o’clock in the
not ideal uh I’m going to analyze
this raw acid meat
hell yeah science
I love that nonsense you can make
stuffed acid and acid slippers oh those
are nice
they’re tasty they’re nutritious yeah
check out these mushrooms
too much [ __ ] on them all right now you
can just make a mushroom slurry
okay that’s something yeah and uh
oh no charges okay
dark at 4 30. yeah
just gonna stand here for
two minutes I’ll be right back
a [ __ ] grinder
or I’m going to literally starve to
which would be bad
thank you
oh my God dry grass it’s the most
important thing in the world
back the Shadows oh yes
[ __ ] torch
I can find mushrooms apparently attract
Hunters of insects with the lice okay
well this maybe wasn’t the hottest idea
I’ve ever had but
that’s fine I’m very hungry and I could
honestly care less
okay I made a torch but I’m worried that
it’s just going to attract the attention
of bugs and uh maybe I don’t need that
smoke right now but I also okay someone
is trying to rest find a resting point
to begin resting
okay you know what you’re not the only
one tired it is in fact I have to hit
the hay yeah oh I see some water
little Dew drops oh there’s actually a
lot of them
to know
all right sleep
oh my God
so I’m
so hungry
uh yeah pretty hungry pretty hungry you
want some mushrooms
yeah I don’t have a single one left can
I and I can’t make plants slurry without
a grinder and I don’t have a recipe for
so I’m going on a mushroom hunt
yeah I can’t give you items
I don’t super know
some water is a good idea
hey there we go
what’s up you anti-fuck
come on buddy
I got some dry grass here gonna get some
chunks of it because we need it for
basically [ __ ] everything yeah oh
[ __ ] here we go
man they got to take better care of this
[ __ ] law and I tell you what oh it’s
[ __ ] it’s completely [ __ ] like it was pretty green over there but
over here it’s just like yeah wind blown
Dusty Brown [ __ ] nasty you gotta you
gotta handle your [ __ ] man I need some
[ __ ] dry grass is that what this is
man yes I really need that
trying to make a [ __ ] uh porch is
that what it is yep oh I see it’s this
brown grass becomes dry grass yeah I
gotcha that’s the one
so what we need is some grubzos
so I don’t die
hey buddy
hey aphid friend
I need your delicious flashlight friend
analyze grass plank oh the size of that
spider oh I need armor before I’m gonna
[ __ ] with you huh buddy
I had to go for a little jog in the
opposite direction that’s my plan oh
Jesus Christ
totally normal stuff happening over
I want nothing to do with it
yeah I I concur
do you do we have a marker for the
[ __ ] um
yeah right like I don’t think we do
yeah no idea where I I didn’t think I
went that far
ouch who and and come here [ __ ] oh running away like a like a like a
like a loser what do you need
oh well I need food I need to figure out
where [ __ ] home base is
and uh
and then I guess uh yeah
so you don’t need ant parts
well I do but oh there was like sticks
of them over there and I think maybe one
at a time maybe that’s an old old James
needs it’s just like a single land yeah
here’s this [ __ ] baseball I think
I think that we were around the baseball
where are we yeah yeah here we go all
right we’re on that this is our uh spot
can we put up like a [ __ ] flare or
something like Gotta Be A Way
okay I’m gonna analyze
my fuzz
buzz on the Rocks I don’t know what that
is but
we analyzed it yeah it falls on the
Rocks here it goes literal as they come
drinking this disgusting combination
somehow makes you healthier for a while
we uh we can make an acorn shovel
and that’ll be important for um
shuffling acorns
well there’s some stuff I saw some
resources I was like you need a double
for this
I’m like okay
oh here we go
Trail marker
yeah it is
we need one yeah we need one Clover Leaf
yeah I’ll put it right between our
tents perfect yeah I need to get a
I [ __ ] oh well
okay well I could be hungrier but only
scarcely okay I’m gonna follow this path
and I’m going to take advantage of this
and this is going to be what [ __ ] and drink some of this nasty water
did it give me the disease just for a
second eat or die what the [ __ ] yeah
okay well you’re like incredibly
famished or something
I am yeah
Rob Weevil meat
can I eat that or analyze this [ __ ] oh
there’s no charges okay perfect
[Music] like what do these clovers look like
come on buddy
need a mushroom or something
I’ll find something around here
food food food food food food food food
I can’t remember what the clovers look
what kind of plant yeah flat flat and
green all right maybe this
no it’s a husky weed no or a dandelion
[ __ ] [ __ ] prick you jerky red work
red worker ant
weed stem
oh yeah here we go
oh wait I don’t want this
well I’m dead come get my ball out of
here whatever [ __ ] yeah
okay I’m on the way
okay oh okay I got options I can respond
I can respond that kid case whatever
that is
okay oh that’s what I’m gonna do yeah
you can respond back at the base
which is good because I’m trying to find
the base right now
I’m not too far from it I’ve responded
at the kid case yeah okay
what through here no
the [ __ ] where is our little base of
oh wow they took all my [ __ ] away
yeah that makes sense
I wish there was like a [ __ ] Overworld map just one time one time
buddy I would love if there was an
Overworld map
man I just gotta find our [ __ ] home
base where we have our tents I’ve got
the the beacon ready
where the [ __ ] is it
oh my God
there’s some sort of backpack ass oh
that’s my that’s my [ __ ] there’s a
there’s a there’s a backpack thing as
hot as all my [ __ ] in it nice okay
let’s go on here my energy levels
completely shot
guess I’m eating mushrooms
yeah there’s no goddamn food around here
we need to be able to cook those bugs or
else you know we’re dead basically man
well if we could [ __ ] if I could find
our base
we could get started on that
anyways I found a bunch of [ __ ] it’s Madness
where the [ __ ] oh man
bugs are everywhere
oh my God
okay here’s some [ __ ] oh yeah I’ve got
it thank God
I’m having a day is that the custom
marker oh yeah a home sweet home
and I want to put a nice
well yeah well that’s nice
oh my God a hall marker yeah oh [ __ ] right
I’m coming buddy I got things how sweet
is that we got bugs to cook nice and
so many bugs Christ have killed a lot of
ants um uh
well a respectable amount this ax is
pretty decent yeah I I do I I I [ __ ] have my spear back
The Campaign Of Violence begins anew
I need to make the thing that lets you
do cooking the cooking tool yeah oh
you need a workbench bit Yeah I gotta
build the workbench
um here I’m gonna set it up right
there see that blueprint oh my God
Okay now what’s what’s the super build
about oh it just puts everything you
have into it automatically okay I gotcha
grass plank yeah
oh man there’s a grass planks right
around here but I guess it doesn’t
really take much to get more
oh yeah
so we need sap as the other thing
are we supposed to analyze one of these
as well perfect
The Roasting spit a roasting spit does
not require workbench friends it’s
cooking time all of all these new
recipes grass door grass wall tables
Windows very nice
okay friends we’re cooking
oh [ __ ] I’m gonna cook that bad boy
already know that bad boy
baby real nice real nice looks like I
can cook some
what are these
oh that’s fun to get the little skewer
oh looks like you got a weevil crawling
up at you he probably smells your food
give me a little prick
yeah get back here we want to roast you
we want a spit roast you
the food is ready oh
I’m ready to shout out yeah grab the
aphid thing yeah yeah I grabbed the one
on the right there am I right yeah so
I’m fed I don’t know about you I got
more meat if you want so wait which
which one is cooked oh wait no I see the
rose juicy oh yeah eat that [ __ ] come
here Frick you [ __ ] that’s right
oh big ass ant coming our way red worker
ants yeah let me take your [ __ ] guts
and make some armor out of them
well we need some sap for the work bench
yes yeah we do need sap
stem palette plank palette okay
a little storage basket huh that’s cute
[ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh wait what’s up man I just keep I’m
just learning the game pressing buttons
doing stuff I don’t want to do
head bang okay
how about that
oh oh see
no that no wait this is what I’m looking
for let’s go let’s go with air guitar oh
hey you little prick hey buddy hey buddy
we’re gonna have a little party what do
you think worker ant yeah there you go
round of applause for that kill make
your nasty guts you [ __ ] prick yeah
okay very nice very nice
and let me go with a little head bag
oh what else do we got we got friendly
quick chat
my bad my bad for sure
what’s up
yeah what’s up later
what else we got here
oh you can play in third person entirely
okay that’s cool
how do you do that uh by just pressing
down on the d-pad you’re gonna get a
whole list of executables
toggle trailed backpack mid markers what
open inventory crafting
okay yes for sure they for sure third
person for sure that [ __ ] okay
yeah I do prefer third person
uh a little bit you get a better idea of
the distance between you and the enemies
yeah like your your reach makes more
let’s try and uh I I mean I guess the
customization really comes in like
creating the items but um if we’re gonna
go third person I always I’m like well
there better be a good character creator
if that’s the case you know
I Was a Fool to have ever doubted myself
okay look at this thing it’s a big
can we squeeze in but oh we can uh-oh
this is probably pretty dangerous yeah
right I feel like we’re about to get
yeah you get weirdly claustrophobic
being inside this tiny space
capacitors in here too like what is this
just a computer it’s just a radio
oh yeah okay
hey would you just drink the disgusting
water it [ __ ] up your hunger meter oh
unblock the obstructed laser
it’s a giant fruit punch thing oh oh
come on what’s inside of you so bad
want that tasty fruit punch you nasty
[ __ ] I want to drink you
I should take care of that yep
finals week
that was
oh yeah
got a weevil
okay well
something maybe it’s this
big dandelion it doesn’t seem like it’s
actually touching it though
all right
oh God delicious water
I was so close to drinking that
sure you were and I would have been very
static and very thirsty hey you prick
hey you [ __ ] Auntie prick come here
come here God that’s right oh yeah it
coming at you sap sap sap nice
so I got the sap
oh we have to go home to find what’s
weakening laser okay fair enough
I’m collecting all this [ __ ] sap all
this tasty biz
oh dry grass chunk which is impressive
given the fact that it’s been sitting in
the water for the better part of a day
and a half oh
classic uh I could use a drink
y poo
where are you
oh hello
oh wait
work [ __ ] no lemon crime
we’re gonna make myself a red ant
nice we’re gonna make myself yeah I want
a [ __ ] [ __ ] gear
oh an eye patch
ready crude Rope two fiber bandage plus
a sap
yeah like I want the eye patch
like the crude rope
I need two fiber bandage
oh my God I need sap where were you
finding that sap
I found some on a branch a tree branch
that was sort of lying on the ground it
was rather large
right on the ground
putting on some more armor
heck okay
I need to make
arm guards that’s what I need so I need
acid glands do I [ __ ] know what those
are no but we’re gonna find them
yeah I need some
[ __ ] sack
my foot all right
let’s keep those let’s get on the
lookout for here yeah
what’s this
wait a minute
that was some sort of big electric oh my
God I’m going all the way up it
oh God I’m so high up
I guess
is there anything I can do up here
uh oh
what what’s up bud what’s up buddy where
are you at well I was about to fall off
this thing
um yeah like the big machine in the
middle or well
I don’t know if it’s in the middle but
yeah this big machine here you can crawl
up this cable
and go all the way up to the top
but it doesn’t seem like there’s
anything you could do up here
wait the mites are [ __ ] with the
is that why it’s
yeah man
oh my God keeps throwing my ax [ __ ] yeah down in here
oh yeah some [ __ ] mites
hold up hold up hold up
okay here we go yeah I need a torch so
that there you go thank you
all right guys what do you think yeah I
think it’s okay
yeah ruining our power supply lawn mites
[ __ ] what’s this slime mold stock oh yeah
definitely get that analyzed
yeah that shit’s important for sure
go home and investigate the machine
further well a bunch of big rocks yeah
oh you need a hammer so you can bust
those up yeah right so I guess we yeah
we’ve discovered what is [ __ ] with us
now we need to go figure out how to stop
is that sap
no it’s honeydew
ladybug coming through oh ladybug
come kill it
I mean
yeah I don’t think it’s impossible oh
oh my god oh it’s it’s got some got some
chunks too it’s got some help oh [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ] so not prepared
ow oh buddy uh oh yeah I can see I got
low Health oh okay yeah we’re dead yeah
yeah okay we’re just gonna yeah we’re
gonna give up a ghost that was knocked
out bounced by a ladybug respawn a kid
case what’s the case respond
the thing we woke up in the very
beginning oh okay yeah so
my backpack definitely go get that
backpack huh
you know what I decided I prefer first
person and I just coming right out and
say it yeah I’ve been playing in first
person for the past few minutes I I
agree the the hit detection for the
weapons in third person is [ __ ] out it’s
completely useless right
it’s real bad yeah I definitely
definitely wasn’t feeling as effective
yeah and a little thirsty a little
hunger hey ladybug how’s it going oh
[ __ ] uh oh
I’ve activated our tape recorder
oh there’s I see a B in the great
distance that’s terrifying oh okay well
[Music] yeah I’m sure that’ll want to eat our
and then there’s uh I don’t know what
was happening out there or some some
[ __ ] going down
[Music] yeah I’m doing this on my phone oh okay
the the Discord
yeah yeah so I’ve got I’ve got no no
game audio to speak of oh I’m just uh
I’ve just been listening to your sultry
and uh to a lesser extent my own uh oh
my God I got all my stuff back my backy
pack all right fantastic oh I like that
pizza and armor you got it’s actually
pretty sweet
right yeah I can stick
I just need um I don’t know what I need
uh I need
some piece for the arm guards
I need to craft a piece of water okay I
can craft a piece
come on acid glands Destiny and he
[ __ ] acid lines do you know where to
get those I sure don’t
oh [ __ ] I need to be at the workbench to
make that okay well yep because I’m
going home
and it’s getting pretty dark here so
hopefully I’ll see you there
although it takes forever to get to like
so let’s see what time it is
yeah so it’s 10 just after 10 right now
or no just after eight right now yeah
that’s it yeah
wake up at four I mean
I can make a clover Poncho all right I
can make a crude rope
well I’m guards yeah the Clover poncho
we’re making that [ __ ] it’s happening oh
yeah just two crude rope that’s all I
yeah buddy come on
oh yeah but we need the [ __ ] bench
right okay
yep so
give me my
safe than sorry no it could be my ant
yeah he’s got to go into your inventory
and put that [ __ ] on actually hey what’s
the news I say
[ __ ] like a crazy person yeah I need to
make another crude rope okay
now I can make my poncho
Clover shin guards oh really
just another two thick really yeah like
I need you know [ __ ] Clover shin
guards oh there they are I need
the crude roping some Cloverleaf all
right hell yeah no
okay I can find Cloverleaf I think
that’s doable that’s the thing I can do
oh yeah with the poncho
what’s that yeah that’ll replace that so
no I want my I want my hood
what the [ __ ] is this
what in the lightly salted [ __ ] is
happening over here
it’s just a globe of raw science just
floating in the air just a big pink
globe of science yeah nothing like a
little science as I always say
blob of science yeah absolutely perfect
God the weapon detection at first person
is so much better it’s not even a
[ __ ] comparison come here come here
give me a little prick oh [ __ ] worker
ants yeah that’s right I want to make
that canteen
I’m gonna feast in your delicious flesh
you [ __ ] okay now here we go this is what I
let’s make three of these uh-oh not a
plant fiber
thankfully we’re not short on it out
here it’s it’s a thing you can get
yeah what you got now
come on man give me some clothes
I think you need
generally buy the water
here we go I’m making this a storage
basket I’m gonna put it right next to
that workbench
[ __ ] yeah
[ __ ] yeah
thank you
gotta keep everything else right now
it’s a hot deposit
that’s an incredible question hot
deposit it looks like it will deposit
multiples matching items that you have
in your backpacks
okay that’s actually pretty sweet
amazingly not terrible eat some
delicious [ __ ] aphid roast good call now now I’m all
food it up
if I drink the disgusting water it’ll
make me hungrier somehow it’s kind of a
magical thing but
I’ve done some of this [ __ ] grass
yeah right maybe we should clear out our
home base here a little bit
[ __ ] out of here man looking for a
clear-cut login
should be none of this
plant fiber good great
what we need then is a
if they call it a plank palette yeah
that’s what we need
I need four crude rope
plank palette out back oh yeah that
do you have four crude rope
uh hold up
just two
but you know what I’ll draw I’ll drop
some off
cool I’ll go right in front of the
workbench well put in the storage basket
the crude Robo you can come around back
and just put them into the thing we need
oh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay
oh there we go I should be able to
finish it now
beautiful perfect
just load this [ __ ] up well we can
grab five at a time can’t we yeah
yeah okay
oh six it turns out
all right I’m loaded up baby
yeah we are loaded we are loaded friend
I love it
oh yeah
oh it’s full now
oh [ __ ] yeah
okay well then
just kind of yeah that’s not so bad
this makes things easier oh [ __ ] hey
friend yeah what is this hey friend how
you doing
coming around here we got torches
torches and axes
oh dry torch is about to my torch is
about to die
did I burn my food there’s some food
there if you want it
no another thing I wouldn’t mind making
a canteen
I need oh yeah
two crude rope and three grub hide
although should we sleep
yeah we could do that
I’m ready to eat my pillow I’m so tired
water I need food oh yeah okay
there throw a couple pieces of food on
pretty good
I don’t have anything cooked no
I mean this is probably what bottled
water is
you know what
like how do I cook how do I know when
these are ready
it’ll it’ll when you when you Mouse over
it or you highlight it’ll say raw wheel
meat and then it turns into Weevil roast
oh the one in the middle is ready and
the one on the left is ready it’s just
mine in the end here there’s already
oh come on
[ __ ] oh good ants all right
what’s up fuckos
so thirsty
oh my God
are you are you dying no I’m throwing
rocks at water droplets trying to get
them to fall down they just I mean
they’re missing or they won’t fall down
[ __ ] thing sucks
oh wait here’s one what
I see water drop let’s see what you’re
doing now yeah boom
oh let’s bash this in bash the weevil’s
brains in where’d it go
come back
I’m back you son of a [ __ ] yeah that’s oh no my [ __ ] ax
is like half buried in a rock and is
there for unfucking clickable
it’s just it’s simply it simply is not
you think an ax is here but you would be
incorrect yeah
I’m gonna have to make another [ __ ] ax because my ax no longer exists
yeah I know I know okay
oh I can make a [ __ ] sick Club I
I don’t think I have enough stuff for it
they need red ant mandibles which I
don’t have for some reason
like always okay
why is this peeping a creature well like
what the [ __ ] is that oh I guess it’s
kind of like studying them yeah
peeping new bugs in the yard unlocks a
creature card
so basically you want to be peeping
every time pretty much
[Music] there’s that
I need them yeah I have not I have not
found uh that’s a thing
I wonder if maybe it’s something that we
have to analyze
whoa It’s a giant
chive that is a big ant holy [ __ ] yeah
red soldier ants like holy [ __ ] where where man it’s it’s right where
I’m at
um uh yeah yeah comes quick because it
sees me and it wants blood oh god well
guess you guessed he wants blood even
more is this [ __ ] yeah come here
come here you prick yeah there you go
there you go draw the aggro
yeah give me something [ __ ] huh
yeah Soldier this
oh wow he’s got his friends
uh Pals Pals
yeah [ __ ] you
I’m gonna Harvest your [ __ ] guts you
prick oh look at them all oh my God
so we got a slight problem
they’re playing the numbers game they
are winning uh just yeah this isn’t
not ideal
and that red Soldier man I think we took
out one but we just pissed off another
like I don’t know
oh my God they’re coming
they are coming with the full force yep
I’m yeah I’m gonna try and run home
yeah that’s a good plan
maybe they’ll back off
I think they did actually yeah we’re
[ __ ] yeah
look at you [ __ ] jerks don’t have
that roast oh yeah eat that [ __ ] oh for sure killed another one
one of the the [ __ ] what are they
soldiers yeah yeah
come on you tricks come on you [ __ ] okay
I only have one asset to land okay it’s
not great
I have lots of amp parts
the acid gland yeah okay
bug rubber
so make some rope uh
[Music] the [ __ ] is working power of an ant in
the palm of your hand drinking this
makes you feel like you can haul more
making some knee guards yeah all right I
don’t know if I need more acid glands
for the [ __ ] uh arm guards but that’s
cool okay yep yep I see that
we’re that knee guards that I’ve already
all your [ __ ] that you wear and all your
weapons you use also expire eventually
wow just expires
well you use it and then it wears down
oh yeah yeah
I gotcha with all these side effects I
seem to be suffering from times three
chicken drumstick
uh light armor hauling strength and
Fuller that’s mine okay
should we try and investigate this
go home
okay crafting
fiber bandage
we’re going to make that [ __ ] to awake
all right
brain power unlocked you got some grub
stuff oh nice okay
I’m gonna consume this delicious bandage
because my health is not in the hottest
place right now yeah like a lot of hits
from that [ __ ] I eat this normally okay
oh no
yeah I want the [ __ ] Shield but you
can’t I can’t find the [ __ ] yeah
I need to grab hide I don’t know where
to find that
oh you’re making walls a body yeah
protection you know
I bet I could get some sick [ __ ] off of
you buddy Hi friend Hi bug friend
I would never I would never I would
ow oh buddy
yeah yeah yeah
no I’m dead
just bury me here it’s fine it’s fine I
[ __ ] with the ladybug I know I’m not
supposed to I just really want to kick
its ass I can get like a
a six of its Health off and then it’s
like no you’re done buddy
I can revive you
just don’t piss off the ladybug and
you’re fine oh [ __ ] did that
I’m good I swear something just hit me
oh uh
thanks boy am I ever
achingly close to death okay I’m gonna
eat this delicious roast get a little
bit of that old timey Health back
out of here what the [ __ ] were they the
so fast
can’t remember where the stems came from
[Music] oh my God
was that the dandelion Maybe
dandelions are good
yeah that must have been looking into
craft and
what do we got here
you’re saying something about a canteen
yeah canteen
that’d be nice
that seems good seems like a good thing
to have
but it also requires grub Eyes [ __ ] [ __ ] grub-eyed
so we need to find these goddamn grubs
[Music] fertilize them
and take their delicious courses I bet
they’re like little ants like babies
yeah go murder the babies
where’s the ants generally speaking
pretty pretty unhappy with me not big
fans of me or my business
will for sure murder me if I get close
enough what is this
precisely it’s a
yeah I don’t know but
I’m trying to get on top of it so I can
find out it’s a gum container
dumb container
gum container
I guess that makes sense you’d find in
all kinds of trash out here I’m sure
apps they’re called
breath mints tastes good okay
well Altoid tin
oh friend friend
Aunt friend how you doing buddy
uh-huh yeah you seem cool anyways
I’m just gonna go wandering until I find
maybe one there
I’m impressed by how well uh all the
stuff snaps together everything works
really well in this
oh geez when you’re building yeah a lot
of the times these games like
fallout’s a really good example they’re
they’re building oh it’s it’s horrific
at times but this everything just snaps
in place as it should it’s very very
user friendly
spiders are probably bad right spiders
spiders are probably bad times the worst
I mean you know they’re the worst when
they give you a special warning saying
you can turn Arachnophobia mode on and
eliminate the spiders
I’m just saying like in terms of
fighting them do you think I’m gonna die
guaranteed guaranteed
okay yeah I mean if the ladybug killed
you then guaranteed uh the [ __ ] spiders are ready to pump your lungs
yeah the young spider has like four
[ __ ] health bars so I am for sure
going to die from the adult and I bet it
hit so goddamn hard
what I would never I would never oh they
spit webs oh they spit webs
classic Hi friend
I would never I would never I have to go
I feel like we got off on the wrong foot
but I tried to stab your son to death
yeah and I understand
still chasing me no no well no turns out
yes turns out yes indeed still chasing
me oh [ __ ] okay okay Gotta Go Gotta Go Gotta Go uh
it’s got a really long reach uh nope
good are we good I think we’re good yeah
I think we’re good yeah
you [ __ ] prick that’s right
yeah I need to kill more of the soldier
ants that’s that’s the I have to I have
to go back to that spot where we found
them and I have to murder a [ __ ] bunch of them oh yeah so I can make
better weapons and armor because the
soldier ants have all the good [ __ ] yeah
so these [ __ ] worker losers
the [ __ ] Chumps I gotcha
working class chodes yeah he’s a [ __ ] about you yep seriously nobody
my my backpack is swollen with your
corpses okay I care not oh I think
you’re gonna like what you’re coming
home to at least
tons of walls and a door yeah
oh my god oh yeah
feels much more like a home now gotta do
these back walls here but
it’s coming along got another door over
here I need to go out this side
okay okay
well that’s kind of late but I have to
go get killed those hands it’s important
yeah nope that’s the wrong way I gotta
go back the other way okay I feel ya
kill the ants
stop over here or yeah over where the
dry grass is okay
all right buddies all right friendos
I need oh it’s just a [ __ ] ladybug
what if it was to anybody else
okay friends
it’s late at night and you’re feeling
ready for murder yeah guess what so the
[ __ ] am I yeah
yeah I know I know I know come on over
food I I really don’t
I guess I should have cooked a thing
first but one of those parts man yeah
not fair enough
I think I see something more [ __ ] soldiers on the horizon
you know what [ __ ] it I have mushrooms
how much does that have to do before so
little uh the smallest possible amount
of Health I get back
where are you giant prick come on
oh there’s a hole and Hill oh man
the amount of ants inside there large
large amounts large amount of ants
uh two plugs
okay I’m coming back home I brought some
weed stems okay uh
I don’t know what they’re for but I got
them oh I need them yeah yeah excellent
I need both
okay great well guess what here they
come excellent those are gonna good luck
yeah no those will finish off these uh
these is priced as well it’s good luck
to see a firefly he says
[Music] wow
that’s kind of beautiful
yeah here we go has four health bars
oh [ __ ] yeah it’s huge
yeah uh
here we go there’s your stem it’s
[Music] oh baby okay
oh whoa
ho ho got myself an ant Club
or whooping ass
oh man I have so much stuff I’m like
out of room for stuff yeah
there we go
I need to cook several things
take that vampires
I’m gonna light the uh roasting spits
I love it
there we go
oh yeah baby
relaxing after A Hard Day’s Work nothing
like it
that’s right we’re in here we’re kicking
ass we’re doing it yeah
finish making that chair of yours over
I can do that I can craft some things so
I can craft some rope I got rope oh yeah
rope plant fiber for days
not as much as I would like they’re
actually starting to run low oh
turns out
all right perfect now we’re sitting
pretty now we’re doing it right like
this is what it’s all about
completely protected walls
got some armor
they’ve really made a life for ourselves
over the last uh hour and 20 minutes
apparently you can set your lean to as a
survival point
[Music] what is that such a reason that’s that’s
your reason respawn point is they’re
lean to oh yeah yeah
thank you
Rosie I’m gonna eat one of those
it’s time just time to sleep I don’t
it’s getting late
though had a nice meal a nice sit by the
it’s time for bed
gotta go all the way to the [ __ ] oak
tree to explore yeah
yeah do you want to do it no
need some delicious roast and then try
not to die of [ __ ] those actually
hold up uh I’m gonna have to eat this
oh and it’s water too
at least it’s clean yes
come on God damn there it is
now in what direction perfect
uh that’s a great question
[Music] uh give me a sec here
[Music] there is a map it turns out oh it’s in
the pause menu oh yeah there is good
call oh
yeah is that a mysterious machine
the poncho
oh the map looks [ __ ] huge too holy
[ __ ] dude that’s [ __ ] insane how big this
yeah pretty large yeah all right
so much out there
I think
he hoped I think I can see where the oak
tree is because you can sort of see it
in the distant Sky oh and it’s just a
matter of like yeah like because there
is just kind of the one tree in the yard
gotcha and it is God damn enormous
that’s a good point it’s like the
[ __ ] Eldon tree
yeah pretty difficult to mistake it
right turns out using this giant Club I
can’t run
but fun fact but you look crouched right
now are you sure if you press R3 yeah
there we go there we go yeah I got you
you got it
let’s see what we got here
we’re definitely gotta run to some
trouble oh [ __ ] oh no okay
oh my inventory is full
no more plant fiber well I guess I gotta
make some [ __ ] crude rope then
oh crude rope dropped oh well you should
pick those up then
oh ladybug
it’s got like some Ray tracing on it or
something too you know like it looks
really good
it has entirely too many health bars I’m
going to tell you that right now yeah no
seriously I I feel so underpowered under
level to be fighting this thing
tell you what buddy you just go on your
way yeah it’s not gonna walk around yeah
right yeah they’re totally the total
pacifists as long as we don’t get in
their way
unlike the soldier ants but you’re
[ __ ] yeah they want
they want nothing your balls and blood
ants hey friends
hey what’s the news
what’s that beeping [ __ ] yeah buddy
oh oh [ __ ] oh this
yeah come on oh oh you [ __ ] prick
let’s go this one’s actually named orb
weaver Jr
get out of here orb weaver oh nice
spider chunk
[ __ ] oh mushrooms now my inventory is full I
gotta get rid of some [ __ ] that’s for you he made that storage
thing for me yeah right I totally forgot
about it attack the spider web okay I
mean this is
this has got to be a good sign
that’s what the hell’s doing not
terrific not the worst oh my God the
dude holy [ __ ] right where we came
through that spider’s looking at us
hey buddy
yeah no oh hey friend yeah good call
oh my God yeah he wants us
yeah the ladybug will leave us the [ __ ] alone the spider who absolutely will not
I’m gonna go try and hide in this can
oh there’s so many more spiders yeah
here we go the cowboy can hide it here
[Laughter] [ __ ] oh no
I think he found us
no I mean
yeah cause I’m like still in this I’m
caught up in this [ __ ] spider web
there we go
I think I can honestly say I’ve never
had to hide from a spider inside of a
soda can in a video game before this is
a perfect experience
slurp nasty water I mean it should be
soda in here if you’re asking me
I think soda in this case qualifies as
nasty water
[Laughter] thank you
it’s gonna be additional flicker scheme
what the [ __ ] was that
scabby scabs game positive change your
interface to new visual flavors and
choosing equals
where do I change that oh oh yeah day
mode oh [ __ ] night oh that’s sweet it’s feels a lot
like Fallout
LCD oh that’s pretty nice actually
like that
okay well is this [ __ ] spider out of
here oh God he is still out there
maybe we
if we just start setting up a new in
a new base inside this [ __ ] can
trees right there though oh [ __ ] trapped in the web
here we go oh yeah okay I got you oh but
the spider
oh where where where where is that like
towards the tree Straight Ahead yeah
here we go okay whatever let’s just run
can we swim oh no no not well I mean
well enough
well enough to get away from that spider
okay let’s Boogie oh they got mushrooms
oh [ __ ] they got plans man the whole
underwater ecosystem going on down here
many many more spiders that’s exciting
wow towards the tree
yeah brutal
a non-zero amount of spiders I need to
desperately need to drink matter I need
sap so bad I still haven’t found one
single bit of that
please get the other one
it was huge it’s about to [ __ ] oh no what is this now
oh [ __ ] I want to bust open this acorn
oh wait okay you have a hammer don’t you
I have a club
ah maybe yeah maybe that can bust it
this ladybug wants peace
no I don’t got the tools nah
oh [ __ ] yeah whams I don’t like those
what’s this blow is this one of these
balls of science
yeah maybe there’s some science
happening over here yeah 100 raw science
and I’ve pissed off the spider that was
guarding it
okay well come come my way oh God yeah
I’m on the way there’s more spiders and
no upside
yeah seriously this is this is not ideal
what is it sap oh no it’s sap and I need
it but I can’t the the spider’s
attacking me
okay you know what we’re just gonna have
to [ __ ] dance then orb weaver Jr
oh he’s just a little guy right again
getting a hold still hold still you
[ __ ] trick thank you
[Music] yeah come here
yeah hey you like that there you go all
right I’ve got to drop something I need
this set
it was right over here yes
a little little sap right here aphid
okay that’s not what that was at all
what am I totally different thing
just eat this roast yeah there we go rub
[ __ ] that felt good what is this a
spider chunk can’t pick that up okay I
gotta get out of here it’s more spiders
oh my God hey friend you’re not over
even Junior you’re just an orb weaver
yeah yeah
that’s a big fella can you yeah climb up
that tree and then just run up it
uh I chose a different direction to run
Bob was that the right move it was not
okay but he’s hunting you oh God
okay Fred
there’s some plot [ __ ] over here yeah
all right oh [ __ ] yeah man this is sweet
Oh What It Is loser you’re too big to
fit inside this thing yeah way too big
[ __ ] uh this is [ __ ] sweet I’d love
to set up a base in here
seems pretty simple
yeah what is this
it’s a lava lamp of science
resource analyzer okay I’ve got nothing
that can be analyzed
oh man this is [ __ ] sweet it’s clean
in here
oh clap
oh and they got all kinds of sap look at
raw science over here
500 raw signs oh nice
help burgle stand oh oh we got a robot
friend now
with this little Rainbow mustache
this night that’s a 1990 ass robot
that’s what that is yeah it’s a little
70s eyes like I love this
not programmed for love
okay all right
thick okay
I am sure this all must be very diesel
it is
in your call
disaster whatever banks are corrupted
yeah uh how come I can’t remember
yeah discombobulated
you have been shrunk
that’s that’s fine oh the Weevil roast
is like such such good grub Jesus it
gives you so much of your stuff back
you know what I bet there isn’t inside
of this [ __ ] station is water no how
do I get home you need to sex with
actually I don’t know the spacer
platform greetings indicated is
okay so we gotta fix the spacer to grow
big again end of game
memory chips
burger you’re talking a lot dude
cheese and fresh cheese and fries
okay burgo I’m done with you I’m not
listening anymore
what’s this action
biometric scanner
there’s a granola bar a couple fiber
bandages and some crude rope over here
the granola bar I’m good on if you need
it you take it
but uh the other stuff
right over here
oh nice
yeah like I can’t even fit the [ __ ] in
my inventory
spend raw science and science shop
is that this
looks like nerd Paradise right like tell
me this isn’t where you spend raw
there’s some sort of
marker over here ASL terminal yo here it
is okay gotcha
smithing station yeah okay
and then cooking 101. yeah [ __ ] rights because yes like we really need
new weapons better weapons this
the stock and stone that I’ve got tied
together as an ax is not working
side shot burgle quests what’s this
craft a clover Poncho well we already
did that
Clover shin guards I’ve got those
probably just wants to make more of them
like a little ass oh what yeah right
it’s not going to take the ones that
have already made
probably not man
[ __ ] [ __ ] grub Fest
grub hard
Clover shin guards
like I know I’ve got those am I not
wearing them
yeah son of a [ __ ] burgle
maybe take him off and be like yo I got
a chain guards good call
all but my inventory is full
after dropping [ __ ] on the ground we’re
in a safe ways yeah I could call
I won’t rob you
okay so let’s see let’s unequip
and equip the Poncho inventory full
of poncho
nah I think you gotta make them fresh
much a big loot big big whining losers
these so many Clover leaves for a poncho
yeah yeah like son of a [ __ ] I don’t
have the I need well I guess I can make
crude rope
oh but I dropped them man this inventory
space issue is really starting to get on
my nerves hold on
drop drop
oh and of course they require a
well probably you can just like as soon
as you make it he’ll be like oh thank
God you [ __ ] did the thing I’m so
happy yeah wherever you happen to be
some up making a work engineer no
that’s more raw signs down there oh nice
500 I’m not bad
oh yeah Mega milk molar
definitely don’t have anything to bust
that open with
science it’s uh it’s a level two one too
so you need like a way better Hammer
even than the one you can [ __ ] craft
to the hands of
oh more science down here
I think I’m about ready to sign off for
the night yeah
absolutely absolutely
so we’ve we’ve discovered the space we
[ __ ] build a life for ourselves
yeah 100 I I would I would [ __ ] do
this again this is great absolutely I I
want to see more I want to unlock more
[ __ ] I want to build the base yeah I
think that this is pretty cool
and it would be
even better it’ll only get better adding
uh Paul into the mix
that’s right
I don’t know when I I don’t know about
you but my availability for the next
seven days not awesome yeah I’ll figure
it out yeah we’ll figure it out we’re
good we’re clever individuals we’re
industrious absolutely so if you all
have made it this far thank you so much
we will see you soon I will be back
maybe even later tonight I’ll be back on
with uh the next part of the God of War
stream so hey there you go yeah until
then thank you all so much and we will
see you next time

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