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MOD/BR6 Ep 33 Rick Moranis & Legendary flowing locks Live On This Site

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MOD/BR6 Ep 33 Rick Moranis & Legendary flowing locks

Witness the vid “MOD/BR6 Ep 33 Rick Moranis & Legendary flowing locks” plus countlessour library of related videos which include the popular hysterical characters of Bob and Doug.

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The Ministry of Dice are back with yet more Dice Masters podcast gold from the United Kingdom.

Of particular note is our latest guest on the ‘Ministry of Dice’s The Bar’ – who is truly the legend of legends in Dice Masters and give some super-tasty morsels of info in the pre-quiz natter. It’s simple one not to be missed.

Plus – for our UK players – we provide details of the upcoming ‘Ministry of Dice Presents…’ Dice Masters event at Gaming Vs Cancer, and we reveal some of the outstanding prizes that are up for grabs.

And finally: a little bit of a Halloween treat to wind the episode up.

Keep an eye on the blog later too… there’s even more juicy tidbits coming courtesy of this week’s illustrious guest.

What are you waiting for? You gotta hit play now!
hello and welcome folks to episode 33 of
the ministry in this podcast we’re a
uk-based podcast talking all things ice
masters in the United Kingdom I’m Chris
otherwise known online as Rick Moranis
and with me today I have Andy so here’s
a funny story for the listeners getting
straight into it on Facebook the other
note the the price of celebrity internet
fame somebody popped one of those well
they called those weird little pictures
with the where they type the message in
it that people seem to be doing now what
means is it is a comment they just put
yeah and they said they’re so true mr6
and then was just asking for some
clarification of a thing about the
Korean version Paco’s from it so there
was a very confusion we thought that it
was addressed to me the true mister six
didn’t we that was we did with it and so
we just flew into usual irreverent no
bedded ministry a dice mode making
stupid jokes I had a couple of guys out
there a few of your listeners who were
in on the jokes that we were making got
involved what we soon realized though
was that the two guys posted on Facebook
weren’t addressing me as the two mr6
they’d somehow happened across the fake
card had made that’s on the blog the
true mr. six card that says it gives
plus six plus six and all the keywords
to fix it we’re asking for a rules
clarification on my random fake card it
was the weirdest thing in the world ever
so yeah apologies to forget their names
now is it James and Rick the the two
individuals who are clearly not
listeners and didn’t understand some of
the in joke bands
that was going on amongst us some of the
other listeners I think we I think we
cleared it off with him in the end but
it was a very unusual experience for a
few minutes there online just goes just
goes to show the Internet’s a strange
it’s a backtrack because I said that you
were actually Rick Moranis true mr. six
is your alter ego because you’re shy of
your 80s movie fame wasn’t really
expecting someone to believe me but but
they do know it’s backtrack pretty fast
to stop myself from looking like a
hobbit as you put it well James that you
didn’t take any offense it was
absolutely not intended use you clearly
don’t listen to it so you may never but
it was it was quite once we got that
moment’s realization that somebody was
looking at the text on the fake male
role as six blonde was like oh they’re
actually it’s not addressed to me as to
mr. six you’re quoting the title of the
fake card it was it was yeah it was an
unusual experience so there’s a thing
that happens to the ministry of dice yes
okay so in your world of gaming what
have you been up to this is with us
recorded the games of that we did modern
didn’t we need to get you prepped up
ready for well I’m sure you’ll be
talking about in a minute yes which was
fun realized that I’m a little bit out
of sync with with modern slipped a
little bit into golden escalation and
the reliance on some of the older better
cards and going back to modern bit
rubbish I map with a gaming group this
past Friday I was a little bit late to
get involved in the gaming though I have
since enrolled in its a game called
shadow of brimstone which is quite a
cool kind of board game
rpg-style dungeon-crawler which they
about going for a while I’ve entered in
as a Bandido which has got lots of
dynamite that can throw around so quite
looking forward to meeting up the next
time and getting involved in that is
quite exciting it’s very um that if
you’ve played it but mansions of madness
is very similar to that but with lots of
cards instead of a nap right right fair
enough yeah very good sounds good yeah
getting the air cycle yeah hang out with
em and gaming friends I know which is
very exciting it’s a real these real
life friends real people just making it
all up
yes that’s quite cool I’ve met not
really that much it’ll be boring ah I’m
home alone these next few days it’s my
Kira McAllister reference cuz the family
on half-term have gone off on holiday
yes I can be super loud in the house and
no one okay is the dog with you
hey dogs are sleeping without so the dog
might care talk slower than me yes okay
well so I’ve not played anything outside
of dogs masters this last two weeks was
so get together down it element games we
played modern at the weep for lasts get
together and then last night we played
single affiliation and then over the
weekend I was a fanboy three in
Manchester where we had a modern event
and that’s what I was practicing for
that you just reference there so for the
modern I was playing a bit of a an x-men
themed kind of thing built around the
sidekick Jubilee and the global ping
boom boom was what I was playing so
cheesy sorry cheesy yeah it is pretty
cheesy although not cheesy and off
apparently so and then I had a pivot
point in there using the Blackbird
action that makes x-men characters and
blockable so I had the Wolverine the
promo Wolverine that sit account
fielding coughs used a bit of mimic ramp
with pxg and Jubilee so that kind of
sidekick cycling thing was going on just
pinging away pinging away pinging
way and then hopefully the idea was to
pull a black Vizard out just when my
opponent couldn’t afford to pay for it
and you know or put them in a position
where they were saving energy every term
so I won’t too bad we play four rounds I
went two wins two losses so dead center
there which is fine sorts of great
combos a lot of people playing around
with the New Avengers infinity Kree
invasion justice like lightning cards
which was also nice to see a lot of Kree
captain very popular card I saw a lot of
Kree caps and actually and both for the
global and the one that gets pumped up
by all the villains lost off goes strong
base there yeah what one combo my man
Paul Paul Fullwood one combo that stood
out to me that and I’m going to take
another closer look at myself so thrown
brick ramps a thing but Paul paired up
he’s thrown Britt ramp with the boom
boom that deals two damage when an
action is used right so he was thrown
brick in his boom-boom obviously
prepping the thrown brick and a and a
dice out of his bag but they’re also
dealing two damage and that happened
very fast you know boom booms are to
cost thrown bricks to cost so got them
out in the field so by the time he’d got
his actual wing con together which was
what was his wind con Oh danger room and
curry captain was what it was you know
turning into a villain making massive
and it already softened me up quite a
bit with with that early ping that I
just wasn’t really ready for but yeah
lots of lots of the new stuff being
played which was which was fun yeah and
then for the single affiliation I tried
out some of the new guardians of the
galaxy stuff again from the Korean
Bayesian and Avengers infinity box which
was nice experiment and play around with
although I haven’t quite found my rhythm
with it yet so yeah that’s that’s me we
yeah that’s me yeah I like the one
particularly fun cardema guardians team
as a rocket racoon that gets plus one
plus one for every other attacking
dice then there’s a Cosmo space dog that
gives plus one defense to all the
Guardians and then there’s a Drax that
gives plus one plus one to all your
other guardians so at a certain point my
rocket raccoons were enormous
just horrified the issue was in in
single affiliation I didn’t really have
anything to drive them through so it’s
just kind of smashing against my
opponents wall
all the time also I play with a lot of
spammy cheesy guys apparently who just
even in this fun single affiliation
night likes to come down with a tune
lists who went with the Avengers you
know the wasp attuning wasp and Avengers
ID card which was really spammy an
annoying little known fact for the
listeners the Steve click is actually
Somalian pirate and that’s why he gets
his hands on all the cars first yes
that’s right he goes out off the coast
on his skiff raids to the shipping
containers gets the captain and his crew
to open them all up and takes you know
two boxes of bears vs. babies and I’ll
be back on the plane thank you very much
yeah absolutely
Steve Clegg I’m not forgiving you stay
I’m not forgiving you me I was salty as
I was like I’ve so lost interest in this
game right now I’m just watching spam me
what we need to do we need to do who are
you this week so any any new listeners
out there we like to take a look at our
stats that our podcast stats that show
us where our listeners are pick one out
and see if anyone comes out the woodwork
to get a shout-out from us on the
podcast last week we called out for it
was a uk-based location where was it
again me it was yeah hollow in the UK
and this week we hit we’re sad to report
is a who are you fail yes that’s right
nobody came out the woodwork from Harlow
to say hello anyway onwards and upwards
though this week and because we’re is
Halloween week we’ve had a look through
the stats and and chosen a location that
we feel fits nicely into a bit of a Hal
in theme this week so if you are one of
our listeners in Salem United States one
of Arthur Miller’s favorite locations of
course then drop is a line go on the
Brit roller sitcom website hit the
contact us button find us on facebook at forward slash the ministry
of dice you can tweet me at Brit roller
mr6 how else can they get in touch they
can comment on our brand new YouTube
channel oh yes that’s right yeah we’re
now putting the podcast out on YouTube
also so go and put a comment comment in
there but come in come in and let us
know who you are and we’ll give you a
shout out and a Hello on our next
episode yeah it’s very exciting yeah I
mean say if you’ve got the time you
might be a bit busy burning witches this
week yeah that’s true or being burnt
yeah yeah you know depending on your
predilections like lick [ __ ] nice words
yeah once again though have I used that
right it doesn’t matter if you’re not
burning witches or getting burnt
prediction that may be yep then give us
a shout and we’ll we’ll give you a lo on
the next episode yeah absolutely so
listeners in Salem let’s let’s hear from
absolutely okay cool Esther who are you
I don’t think there’s much else to talk
about here so should we get into the
content of the episode let’s talk about
our YouTube channel alright yeah we’ve
got a YouTube channel now we have if you
want to like our videos or subscribe to
our Channel
then you can do that I’ve always wanted
to say that okay yeah sure well at the
moment we’re just using it as an
alternative platform for putting the
podcast content out so Keith if we’re
aware that some people aren’t
necessarily able to listen to audio but
perhaps in the home you know YouTube
apps and whatnot on their smart TVs
might want to put it on in the
background that way it’s it’s a direct
replication of what’s going out on the
podcast feed but just available for
YouTube to see if we can’t open it up to
some new well I suppose you say viewers
on YouTube but its listeners really
isn’t it yes it’s just the logo there’s
no there’s no
footage is that yes the right way no
footage just or ditch yeah absolutely
but spread the word if you know someone
who’s not into podcasts but might still
want to listen and uses YouTube as much
as a radio as they do a source of video
content then let them know and get them
across and well use it as another method
of contacting us also yeah cool right
okay now let’s talk about the episode
because this is one hell of an episode
this is a belter we’ve we’ve we’ve kept
this under wraps for a while we have our
next competitor on the ministry ice the
bar and you really want to hang around
for this one because this this
competitor has got a lot of really
interesting things to say about dice
masters in the kind of preamble
interview stick around for that that’s I
can’t I don’t I don’t even know what to
say but wait until you get to it it’s a
it’s a tremendous segment a great guest
and a great competitor on the bar and
what’s really interesting little nuggets
of information about some upcoming
releases yeah absolutely so stick around
for that we’ve got a community focus
coming up just after we finish this
intro we’re just going to talk about an
event that we’re supporting in the UK
it’s time for the next ministry or Die
presents dice masters event so we’ll put
a bit of info out there certainly for
our UK crowd to try and drum up some
players and then as I say is Halloween
week so we’ve got a little bit of a
Halloween themed treats at the back end
of the episode and that’ll take us to
the close and so I don’t say anything
more for anything more think that’s it
mate that’s it yeah let’s get on with
the show
[Music] this is London Calling yes folks it’s
community-focused time it’s time for the
news and the big heads up that we would
like to give in this episode is the
upcoming gaming vs cancer event taking
place at Southampton University on the
10th of November so game versus cancer
just to give those a bit of context that
we sure might recall we talked about
last year’s gaming vs cancer event
because a wko is taking place there this
is a charitable event where
from all over the country descend on
Southampton where a variety of
tournaments for lots of different games
are taking place and all the ticket
entry fees go to cancer research charity
that their supports him so it not only
is it a great social event and an
opportunity to get together and play
some awesome games including dice
masters but it’s also for a great cause
and they you know over the last couple
years they’ve been running it they’ve
raised during tens of thousands of
pounds which i think is a tremendous
achievement well done gaming vs. cancer
but this year it’s got a little bit of a
different flavor because the dice
masters event is not only a gaming vs
cancer casual tournament it’s being
sponsored by the Ministry of dice and
will be the southern ministry dice
presents dice masters events exciting
yeah absolutely so for anyone listening
who’s not aware we have stepped into the
realms of organising events on our
little island we like to feel that we
bring a little bit of a different flavor
to to those events the first thing to
point out is that it’s going to be Swiss
only will be playing six rounds of Swiss
and there’s some thinking behind that in
there Andy yes the idea is that everyone
gets to play all day as there’s no top
cuts there’s no oh I get to play a few
games then get knocked out you get full
day’s worth of gaming regardless if you
come first you can come last
yeah there’s no people disappearing off
before the end so you know person in
wins it has like two people and a dog to
cheer them on so everyone I’ll still be
there because everyone wants to wait for
their prizes but yes a full day’s game
it’s not something that’s gonna kind of
end at lunchtime for you if you come to
play you’ll get full six rounds so
that’s what 18 games maximum so you can
get a hell of a lot of gaming lots of
Toastmasters and hopefully that’s fun
yeah absolutely let’s talk about that
prising then the mystery of those
presents events prising is organized in
a slightly different way as well we have
a first prize a second prize a
fellowship prize and a last-place
commiseration prize those are highly
sought after coveted items might side as
well however what we also do is we run
the true mr. six
street price raffle that’s too excited
who’s in this yeah so what I like to do
is I like to get together some
merchandise and ice masters related and
bling get it in my mystery prize box pop
a raffle ticket on it all and then every
game won on the day earns you a raffle
ticket so that you can have a rummage in
my box and take one of my mystery prizes
in your box yeah everybody loves
rummaging through mr. 6’s box so the
thinking behind that is you could be
having a pretty bad day yeah you’re not
winning many games but you know what
just winning a couple still means that
you’ve got the opportunity to walk away
with a little bit of swag so on top of
the fact that we’ve got a full day’s
play and you’re gonna get loads and
loads of games and dice masters in I
have a lot of fun hanging out with a
great community of people supporting a
great cause but there’ll be some awesome
swag to take away the swag this time
round is also being bolstered by some
donations surprise donations that’s been
given to us from various sources as well
so the standard set of stuff in there
we’ve got some ministry dice themed dice
masters merchandise as play mats there’s
dice bags there’s Zen bins
we’ve got classic 1980s superhero
cartoon DVDs we’ve got graphic novels
with all loads of superhero D&D Turtles
related kind of ephemera in the box book
it’s also being bolstered by some some
great editions and we’re I think we can
mention the first couple of contributors
maybe there are a few people aren’t
ready to to be announced yet but element
games my local store for example they’ve
been kind enough to donate some dice
masters boosters they’ve given me a gift
voucher for a 10 pound gift voucher for
their web webstore some team packs and
stuff to chuck into the raffle which I
think a tremendous prizes the guys over
at dice mayhem as well as some of my
locals over at element games have
contributed and donated some very
hard-to-find promo cards actually put
some belters in this bundle here we
ourselves have put some stuff in so you
might have seen some of the ministry
dice themed basic action cards and and
dice and counters and whatnot in there
our friend Zac from DICE masters with
James and Zac
has contributed some of his what’s the
name easy laser works I think this is
his Etsy store and he’s contributed some
of his laser-cut accessories – master’s
bling so that and our friend Darren over
at these at dungeon has contributed some
ministry dice mod pots to the prize
limited edition limited edition yet so
in colors that made in colors that
aren’t available in the shop with
symbols aren’t available in shop as well
so already quite a prestigious prize
pool with loads of useful stuff not just
any old tap previous ministry – presents
events have been tap prizes hey yeah
lots to play for and trust me folks
while we’re not quite ready to announce
just yet there are also some other
tremendous prizes on the way that are
being contributed by some very generous
folk from various stores and
institutions around the country oh and
also special thanks to a man Matt Jordan
over at DM North as well yes yeah
absolutely it’s that’s for the prize
Matt prize Matt prize player yeah that’s
one of the ones we weren’t supposed to
mention yet okay what are we saying
thank you to matter what because of the
basic action cards oh yeah he helped us
to make them fit properly on the thing
it called me hot dog hot dog lucky
individual the opportunity of a lifetime
oh you mean the you must be talking
about the superhero blu-rays that I went
to the shop for the other day no I have
something more exciting than that giving
one person the honour may the privilege
of being a contender on the bar did we
say the bar or did we say they were
going to be in a quiz off against me you
know what whoever wins it – I mean
that’s probably the most prestigious
prize of them all really to be fair and
you and I know what the prizes that go
in as well I know yeah there’s some good
stuff coming we don’t want to kind of
let you know yet I think it’s best until
they’re safely with us before we get
anyone too excited
we don’t want to prematurely do
something yeah pop our load and then not
be able to follow through that’s why I
was I can’t say those kind of words so
then you just want to send them anyway
because innuendo
there’s no innuendo to that this is
serious like this is for charity but she
already mate yeah this is this is
nice war let’s move on struggling with
words serious shizzle exactly national
listener clearly a challenge for you to
get across yeah the university’s not
very far from Southampton Airport you’re
more than welcome to come along of
course you want to come along but we are
putting a call out there one of the
things in the UK that is often a
challenge for us is promo cards you know
not not all promos make their way over
to this country we’re particularly
interested in the sidekick event you
know the circuit training nightly and
what was the name of the promo card now
the one that we didn’t see any of those
in the United Kingdom yet we’re also
very thin on the ground on stuff like X
Isles the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
and from about their pool family set
things have been a bit thin on the
ground over here in the UK so if you’ve
got any odds and sods spares promos
knocking around drop me a PM if you need
some help with the postage cost because
I know it can be quite expensive over
there then give me a shout please do
give a shout ASAP if you’re able to pop
something in there we also didn’t see a
lot of the D&D promos particularly the
draft the draft ones so there’s not
drugs that yes that’s right my man so
not many of those over here on these
shores they would just really help out
they’re very prestigious that will help
us attract some more players come along
who might be wavering on the fence so
you can help out that way we’re also
accepting cash donations if you want to
just cook something in I’ll pop the link
on the on the Brit roller 6 comm block
to the donation page over it Eventbrite
co-taught UK so yeah if you’re in a
position to help out you got an
abundance of spares particularly of
those harder to find promos that we
didn’t see a lot of over this side of
the water then please do jump in and
help out and you’ll get a thank you
on the podcast which I’m sure is worth
it definitely and if you are going you
get the opportunity you may well get to
play against either myself or Chris or
both of us yeah absolutely
you’ll beat one of us and get beaten by
the other Oh which way around would that
be yeah come along and find out sure
that will be T Oh unless the last couple
years yeah hi Charlotte yes up two to
play it’s golden escalation not sure if
we mentioned that geez escalation yeah
I’m doing that a lot lately keep saying
golden escalation that’s what it is
isn’t it no it’s called global
escalation oh is it
sorry golden escalation makes more sense
yeah I know because it’s golden card
pool isn’t it
okay I get why I get what’s going on in
your head around that bar our global
escalation mm-hmm so that was that’s
cool so if central european that’s
passed you bar even you wanted to either
go with that at the competitive level
then we’ll certainly be competing at
yeah absolutely
so 10th of November University of
Southampton information can be found on
the UK – masters page or if you go over
to the Ministry of dice page you’ll see
I’ve been posting and over there or you
can go to Eventbrite co-taught UK and if
you search for gaming this is canceled
you’ll see all the events that’s taking
place I mean even if dance masters isn’t
what you want to play come along and I
don’t know play netrunner will get
involved in the pandemic thing because
it’s this great cause anyway although
obviously the prize is better for this
mo d PDM hey rolling off the tongue see
how quickly I did that hello DVD MMO
Tio’s better mo do it what’s the O stand
for though
open it’s like a play on words like whiz
kids I see we do ministry advise open
yeah I saw you doing that alright we’ll
discuss that one off there and see where
okay we come down so come along we’ve
had north of England event we’ve had a
central England event and now it’s time
for one in the south and what a great
cause for it to be contributing to to so
we’d love to see you get your hotel BOTS
arrange to travel and
place and ice masters on Center November
[Music] yes welcome back dear listener and once
again have we got a treat for you I know
we only just had guest appearance on our
last episode with a bar quiz but we’ve
got one today because we just couldn’t
wait to get this out there the legend of
his flowing locks have reached us even
on these very shores
we’ve got whiz kids own Jimmy Darwin
O’Brien product manager and Lauda master
of all things – masters let’s be here
guys thank you for the flattering intro
yeah don’t know is we’ve just had what
we call our pre-production conversation
otherwise known as chat before we start
recording we said oh no no go all humble
just call me the product manager and I
did it – in any way all things dies
masters because Jimmy you may not know
this but as far as I’m concerned you are
somewhat of a legend in this community
well thank you but you know I I couldn’t
do it without the rest of the team
people doing graphic design Mike and
Ellie my Gillian Eric Lang doing the
cards so it’s I’m just the glue guy
right listen to that the consummate
professional well Jimmy beat me and Andy
is super excited to have you on thank
you so very much for coming and joining
us today remind me you’re out on the
East Coast what’s the weather like out
there for you at the minute
hi it’s it’s been chilly the last few
days but before that it was like 80
degrees because the weather here can’t
really make up its mind so who knows
this review by the weekends right now
house song for seasons in one day
absolutely say well you know get the
walls out and you’ll be ready because
East Coast gets cold doesn’t it yeah
yeah we get snow we get ice we get just
not going to the office some days and it
gets real bad so there’s there’s some
somewhat of an upside here and there
yeah absolutely so going back to my
point about you being a bit of the
community legend so the us players who
attend events will will know you as an
interface because you often run the
community and I don’t know what you call
a forget the name Community Relations
presentations don’t you
The Fan Appreciation Event origins yeah
yeah yeah that’s the phrase so so we
often hear about you you like this
mysterious figure who turns up with with
PowerPoint presentations of amazing
spoilers but it’s great to put a voice
for the name and get a conversation with
you today yeah we’ve got a few questions
to ask and we’ll get into some really
serious diced masters business in a
second but to get to the most important
question we met a couple of colleagues
of yours Jimmy at the UK games Expo
Chris and Kenny and conversation with
Chris we pitched a bit of an idea we
fielded a bit of an idea about a
Ministry of dice team pack product which
Chris was it seemed very excited about
and was very encouraging of and said
Chris yeah thing we can do we said yeah
absolutely if you felt like there’d be a
lot of interests worldwide in an
administrator dice team pack and you
know there’s not much happening with
that I just wanted to sort of touch base
or your thoughts on the mo D team Pat I
mean as dice ministries players are
often aware there are delays or
something that we can experience team
back is no different right I don’t know
if the licensor gets in the way
sometimes there’s this trouble in China
just who knows what it could what could
be keeping this hell up for right now if
you didn’t help with the design of those
cards or you know any images I could
send you some my mom’s got some old
pictures of me as a kid that she thought
you guys might like to use those the
better pictures here that the kid picks
okay I mean extremely photogenic
I mean it’s photogenic itself of course
actually talking to pitches one thing
you may not be able to answer this and
by all means take a pass if you are
unable to answer but one thing me and
Andy we were talking about the WWE
license that you guys secured and we’re
promoting a couple of months back one
thing we were curious about is there an
intention to do artwork or you guys
going to be using photograph images on
those cars do you know that yet um so
it’s one of those things that we have a
plan and when we send things into the
license things might get better they
might change and so I don’t wanna
do a confirmation on that yet I think
once people get to see the previews of
the cards for the first time is when the
the best time to know that’s what it’s
really gonna look like fat play governor
fair play for sure but we speculate we
find yourself Jimmy yeah I actually
watched it a lot as a kid and then when
I was a little bit older there was a
card game raw deal I don’t know if you
guys have ever heard about that but I
was a faithful raw deal player with a
lot of people in my local store and so
then years later here I met with kids
and Zev who’s actually in charge of our
board games was somebody who had worked
on raw deal and Justin won that when we
were having dinner at origins one time
is super excited to kind of make this
introduction and so like we can
reminisce about it but like the memories
that you have as a player of a game and
the the in-depth gritty card knowledge
versus the person who worked on that
alongside a dozen other projects are
totally different and Zev it was like so
guilty like oh well I don’t I don’t
quite remember it that well I’m so sorry
it’s like no like I get it it happens
right like I don’t have every dice
masters card memorized like I get it but
uh yeah nope it’s so big big wrestling
fan WWE was actually kind enough to hook
us up with some tickets to go see
SummerSlam and so I got to go see that
with one of my co-workers in Brooklyn
and that was that was a fun show we’ve
got some guys over in the UK big WWE
fans we’ve been all over Facebook
getting the squeeing excitedly about the
upcoming product but of course that’s
not the only piece of upcoming product
to get excited about is it no it’s not
so we war hammer dice Masters is coming
out soon and I think it’s really
interesting there’s a lot of combat
tricks going on and so part of what
people enjoyed about draft play as far
as picking the cards with the right
tricks and stuff like that gets
replicated in the box set which is nice
it’s a mix of characters we’ve never
seen a dice masters before which is nice
I’m eager to see what kind of new faces
are showing up to play a game stores
that you know they want to try it out as
its Warhammer and maybe maybe
that’s all there is for them maybe they
get into the competitive play like you
guys and the people that I end up
meeting at origins are maybe it just
does something to make brand-new local
communities like it’s gonna be really
interesting to see how it plays out but
then I think most of those cards have
been spoiled at this point right like
you guys probably track online what’s
what’s know know what’s not right yes so
our friends at the dice coalition and
Steve over at the DM Armada YouTube
channel I suppose I’m saying this more
for the listeners than them for yourself
to me and those guys we’ve got lots of
content in relation to the Warhammer 40k
box set so make sure you go over to
there tell them we sent you and check
out what they’ve got going on but we’re
especially excited about 40k over here
yeah yeah absolutely we feel a little
bit of a sense of a bit of Rule
Britannia ownership over this one you
know and certainly as you just mentioned
I’ve been talking it up because my flds
is a big Games Workshop fan base that a
lot at the Games Workshop Games in store
it’s not unusual actually on our regular
Tuesday night when we’re playing dice
masters to have the Blood Bowl guys just
kind of off to the left of us we’re in
the rows of tables and so I’m certain
it’s going to generate a lot of interest
you’re a massive 40k finite Andy yeah I
mean I was what got me into gaming I
started as a as a small kid to kind of
got into it because there’s a Games
Workshop story in most towns and cities
okay so then we’ve have you know what
pretty much wherever you go on holiday
or in your local town and I’ve collected
and painted since kind of nine ten years
old and so that the matchup between the
two is phenomenal really looking forward
to it and as Chris said there’s players
of Warhammer 40k probably the majority
of gamers either started off doing it or
predominantly do that as their hobby so
it’s it’s got the potential to really
draw in a lot of a lot of gamers into
playing dice masters and I’ve been to a
few local game stores and they’re really
looking forward to getting it in and
playing it so yeah really excited really
really excited yeah and like I don’t
know if this is obvious or inside
baseball or what but when you kind of
look at the abilities that are in the
Warhammer set as far as
like range for example or the the frag
stuff it kind of opens the mind a little
bit for newer players that they get to
see haha like when I have something that
gets to eliminate blocker so I have
something that gets to eliminate
attackers that’s really good and so then
as they kind of expand their collection
and they start getting into other things
it’s kind of obvious to them at first
glance where magic missile is really
good and I could probably use it one of
these two different ways and so I think
the cards like that are exciting because
sure it might not be the first card some
new player picks out of the box and
plays their first demo game with but
they’re not gonna go too long without
giving it a test run
and it kind of helps them expand the
universe so that’s I think that’s one of
the nice things about the box set
there’s probably other good examples of
that and starter product that’s coming
out before but that’s not the freshest
thing in my head because you put out a
lot of stuff yeah sure well the best
example I can think of is competitive
players immediately cottoned on ^ shriek
in the maximum carnage team pack oh yeah
yeah exactly and I think when people
kind of look at it it’s funny that um
shriek dark empathy is kind of almost a
red herring because people had memory of
Wow wasn’t prismatic spray super good
that people slam down prismatic spray
and just push and get a win a lot of the
time and then here we have prismatic
spray on a body for the same cost which
should be amazing and it’s like oh wait
I’m gonna have to choose the other
version and like granted that’s one of
the trade-offs of dice masters but still
a little bit of a surprise for the the
seasoned fan who could spot a good card
well Jimmy I’ve got telling me I’ve got
bits of feelings toward your guys about
the three cross I’m not gonna go into it
it’d be rude to start laying into you
about a combo drop Jimmy with the
collector yeah it’s really good there so
just locking down my opponent on that
and by clattering in the
empathy and just blanking the game tax
and then collected whatever I wanted
really on my turn to get that damage
through great but so it’s funny that you
you say it that way right you’re like oh
well I use this other one because of
this other craft that I’m using and I
think there’s some people who they reach
a level of being good but like not a
level of like high mastery with the game
and their interpretation shifts from
like Oh what we say in the rulebook is
right of you want to pick the different
version for whatever your style or your
team is – never mind there’s actually
one that’s definitively the best and
then like once you actually level up
like all the way now you’re back in that
mode of wait no it does matter which one
that I pick depending on my situation
and so I think that’s cool as far as
going in and out of the the learning
hey Jimmy thinks I’m cool yeah I think
so from that little tangent I’m a
massive comic book nerd regular
listeners have heard me go on all sorts
of comic-book law tangents and things
and I’m super excited about justice
particularly because I’m a huge DC fan
and and also I used to read a lot of the
Rob Liefeld x-men back in the 90s when I
was a teenager what can you tell us
about coming products so if you look at
what happened with Avengers infinity and
if you look at what happened what’s
about to happen with Warhammer there’s
not a lot of flexibility as far as the
team building is concerned that
basically you have to you know teams of
eight characters that you can kind of
smash against each other and you can
trade heroes and villains between the
teams or Imperium and chaos between the
teams if you’re okay with that
but these upcoming team box our campaign
boxes have a bigger selection of
characters and fewer dice on some people
and so you got a lot more flexibility
you can say well I want this version of
the Justice League against this version
of the Legion of Doom and if you just
want to switch it up for the sake of
switching it up you can do that if you
kind of realize like hey I didn’t get to
access my bizarro die that much maybe I
swapped him out for black
amantha like that’s something you can do
the optionality is just a lot deeper and
the lens itself I think you you’ve
probably have about the same amount of
replay value but the replay feels
significantly different with these this
wider selection of characters and like
not everyone’s gonna have three cards
some people are going to have to but
like hey how different is is one seven
cost the bazzara versus one six class
bizarro versus a second copy of one of
those and so it kind of flexes the
strength of the format versus just doing
something similar to Turtles which is
kind of the inspiration for the product
in a lot of ways that sounds really
exciting I sleep all I heard there was
right so we’ve got a bizarro a black man
sir III don’t think I’m telling you
anything but the the product page didn’t
reveal already but yeah go go with that
as a spoiler I guess you know really
interesting that’ll sound really
interesting can you speak to the dice
counts in the box
I definitely possess that information
somewhere but I do not have it in front
of me it’s gonna be it’s gonna be the
same situation that if you buy two you
end up with the max dice for everybody
but again in most cases it’s not that
you desperately need you know for dice
so most of these characters for a
competitive team I understand like
there’s the completionists out there
that like no they got to have it because
they got to have it but you know if
you’re getting one copy of someone’s die
they’re gonna be maxed to if you’re
getting three copies with someone’s die
they’re not going to be max seven or
something you know they’re everything’s
kind of in that same format of two boxes
get you the most ice you would ever ever
need and then fit on the x-men you can
know about so dark x-men and x-force are
both gonna introduce some new mechanics
and I think one of the things that’s
cool about and it I think it’s a little
bit true of Justice I think it’s very
true of x-men stuff is we’re gonna see
spins on characters that we
haven’t seen before you know we’ve seen
both aggressive and defensive versions
of Wonder Woman but we haven’t really
seen rogue functioning as a team leader
on the tabletop right we’ve seen like
rogue is like the power drain power copy
person and so I think that’s a cool
switch up you know there’s a lot of
different ways to show wolverine as an
aggressive guy but we’re gonna see
something brand new their characters we
haven’t seen before
are gonna be reminding you of beloved
designs that we’ve seen in other areas
right so Madeline Pryor has some of that
dark mysticism stuff going on and so if
she reminds you a little bit of some of
the D&D designs that only makes sense
and like that’s part of what I think
people enjoy about died semester so much
I also think that if you if you take a
look at characters who are like then
sometimes leaders of the x-men like
Kitty Pryde you’re gonna see team
building cohesion leadership ideas on
her that are really different from what
you’ve seen on other like team building
leadership type characters but at the
same time you’re just kind of like oh
like this flavor makes sense I’m so into
it and like I when I read these cards
for the first time by reaction was I
can’t wait to play games with these and
and it’s not just a case of like oh I
think I’m gonna go pound somebody in the
face with these cards it’s just like oh
I know that I’m gonna learn more about
them by actually putting in the reps and
getting to see kind of how the bag flow
works how the fielding costs play out
for real and stuff like that so is it
just a really great time they get to sit
down and finally play with these cards
for the first time that’s super
intriguing that’s juicy stuff I’ve got
every curious cat sense going off right
now about them in Prior explain it more
as a kind of playing out story as
opposed to just literally bashing each
other in the face but actually kind of
creating a no it’s Warhammer they use
that the phrase kind of creating a
narrative actually if I’m sitting down
with the Justice League or x-force
which be exciting because I’ve got an
x-force team which could do with some
help yeah now the the x-force stuff is
really cool so I don’t I don’t want to
give away the keyword and the mechanic
or anything like that but if you look at
your average die semester’s die I think
it’s fair for you to think about it in
terms of half the die is good and your
character faces and have to die is
subpar that mass is gonna change a lot
and it’s not gonna be anything like
you’ve seen even in quarry errs that’s
what I that’s as far as I can go with
that we might we might be able to
preview a little bit more facts I think
that might be that the the right time
table to keep your eyes open so that’s
what I’m gonna say on that alright Wow
okay we need somebody out there will no
be going to pax you’ll have to we’ll get
an inside run on that one
that’s smart so exciting Jimmy thanks
that’s that’s great I’m very excited
about their well both justice because
I’m a DC fan as I said before but it
sounds really juicy and intriguing for
sure but anyway
oh that’s just nonsense because there’s
let’s get down to there to the real
not only have you come along to have a
bit of a bit of an interview style chat
with us today but you’re here to lay
down a score on the Ministry of dices of
our contest Jimmy okay I’m gonna do our
extraordinary so we have a little bit of
a theme tune I’m gonna drop that in here
now in the edit
[Music] excellent and I’m gonna hand over to our
man Andy together set up for the quiz
so the ministry of dice the bar so
you’ll have two minutes of quickfire
questions if you give the correct answer
I’ll say correct if you give me the
wrong answer I will give you the correct
answer if you want to play a bit
tactical save a bit of time you can pass
and I’ll move straight on to the next
question your special subject that you
gave us is on global abilities
so how taken that and got the questions
so if Chris is ready with its bit of
paper and it’s timer yes I have a pencil
I have an old envelope and my mobile
phone ready to run the time Jimmy I’ll
give you a shout at 1 minute 30 seconds
and 10 seconds okay I’ll just yell out
randomly so if Andy are you ready I am
really Jimmy and are you ready I think
so okay there’s your two minutes start
now okay anger issues global pay what to
give character dies plus one attack it’s
pay a fist correct ASM agent venom
global pay fist to give target character
died what +1 defense correct uncommon
batgirl protecting innocence from the
green arrow and flesh set stops your
opponent from targeting what with global
abilities your Batgirl character days Oh
close it’s your master characters okay
you XM cable pay what to deal one damage
to target enemy character and make
people off that turn up correct okay so
when carnage unfinished business is in
your field what does your opponent have
to do to use a global ability in your
turn ah
ptoo life what’s closest pay to extra
energy okay the green arrow and flash
set minute character has the mask energy
fixing global ah it’s not Merlyn it’s
not grad it’s clear face correct
Dick Grayson from world’s finest global
power mask character die gains watts
Batman affiliation correct we all love
abbreviations professor Eck’s global is
known as pxg blue-eyes global is also
known as Butte
what is the commonly used abbreviation
for home dogs exactly because each XG
has a hell of a cost what is the cost of
Hellas globe sex correct
I am Anton head from the age of Ultron
paid well to target Costa gains what to
the end of tone villain
correct what is from the mighty four set
what action has the mask energy fixie
global ah billy club correct
AVX magneto global pay mask to re-roll
what type of diet villain correct
motorcycle vroom from Deadpool pay fish
to remove target –blank
character die from the attack zone oh I
don’t know that one it’s blocked okay
yeah sounds like that was time okay okay
okay so I actually have some global
ability questions for you guys I I
wasn’t sure what the format was gonna be
like and so I’d to try and keep things
uh not impossibly hard at their multiple
choice questions okay so I’ve got I got
I guess two to multiple choice questions
and then one one open-ended question
okay so either one of you who thinks you
know the answer you can chime in if the
one to come in second wants to agree or
propose their own that’s fine
okay so I’m gonna name for team
affiliations and you’re gonna tell me
which team affiliation has no character
dice with global abilities on them okay
okay so we’ve got Stark Industries we’ve
got Green Lanterns
we’ve got shield and we’ve got JSA
I’m just rocking through if you got any
ideas Andy I’m pretty sure ting stock
stock has got a global yeah I’m pretty
sure Justice League is it Justice League
not many Justice Society cards is Black
Jerry was one of the Stargirl JSA yeah
I’m gonna say JSA I think agent sealed
have got a global as well I feel like
yeah I’m going JSA yeah I will agree
with that okay that’s correct
yep JSA is correct okay so hella is the
most expensive global is there’s gonna
be the open end one here so hella is the
most expensive global ability at six
right now once we jump down from six the
next most expensive global abilities
would only cost you two energy but one
of them cost you two different energy
what global ability is that Starla
tracks okay okay so I’m gonna name three
different team affiliation I’d like you
guys to tell me which one has the most
global abilities across all of their
character cards so if there’s two
versions with a that’s gonna count twice
okay okay so we’ve got Justice League
lead tuna doom an x-men which ones got
the most the most global abilities
explains got vxg so it should
automatically win I was super impressed
that you got the HD question about this
I’m just trying to picture cards in my
head what were three against are we
doing Justice League Legion of Doom and
x-men I think there are I think just
justice Lee you’ve got a few there one
be the absent Batman I think no so I
know the Batman did I think it was the
warlike Batman that had the global on it
not there and he was a yellow London and
then the other later Batman’s was that
family were so that’s what did you think
it was undie I think he’s x-man yeah
let’s go with Andy with x-men x-men is
right that’s the the Batman thing is
exactly why it was seems like a tricky
question this is there’s so many Batman
but only the only one version of him is
actually a Justice League guy with a
global that’s that’s good okay so then
the the impossible to answer questions
oh great is gonna be once we release the
Justice box set is that is that still
true well so leaves you the doom and
Justice League I’m gonna make an
assaultive leap here to say that those
are going to be two prominent
affiliations in the Justice box that
you’d be right to say that yeah I’m
gonna take a guess I’m gonna say Legion
of Doom question so yeah so the question
is do either of these two affiliations
pass out in front of x-men after a
release Justice boxset okay so yeah they
actually know x-men actually just has a
ton of global abilities across all the
different cards because you see you’ve
got Professor X you’ve got ice man you
get Kitty Pryde global which I almost
forgot about storm all three versions of
a VX Phoenix have the the taunt global
cable in uncanny has his ping Global so
yeah there’s a lot going on there but so
I’m gonna read you guys these global
abilities and not tell you what cards
they go to know who had the Global’s but
not know what they were
snap answer right yeah okay that’s we
got somebody here so Pam global Pam
asked once per turn you may take a die
from your used pile and add it to your
reserve pool on any energy face
that’s call holy mullet is that bit like
ring isn’t it Oh ring but I think ring
can only grab sidekick day so the kit
this can grab any of your dice and put
put it in as energy Oh pretty well you
decide on a character any any energy
face its if you got some tricks to
re-roll it or something I mean that’s
that’s on you but uh that’s that’s combo
intense I mean parallax in golden right
but it’s also it’s living on Global’s
right so your opponent can just do it to
you anyway okay so we got this next
global pay a shield switch a character
dies attack and defense until end of
it’s a classic classic right but any
characters it’s not just yours oh oh
nice yeah yeah so it’s it’s a little
it’s a little upgraded okay we’ve got a
global pay to masks target character die
can block an additional character die
this turns oh nice chu masks got two
masks I’ve got a brand new I think this
is brand new global here so pea fist
once per turn on your turn spin target
character die up one level so I don’t I
don’t think it’s as good as such I get
the one that we’ve seen but it is you
know if you only want to spend fist to
do something so your opponent’s locked
out or whatever it might be a good
alternative and I think this is the
wildest one so I’ve saved it for last so
pay two masks once on your turn you may
remove a die on any card from the game
you may not remove the last die on the
card so you’re gonna be two masks and
once on your turn you may remove a die
on any card from the game you may not
remove the last die on the card
oh my good yeah it’s it’s weird
I’m just trying to think that on through
some shenanigans
so that dice would go back in the
cleaner wouldn’t it that hasn’t been
removed from the game no no it’s just
it’s just gone gone but it’s a global so
your opponent can do it so your opponent
could do it too
yeah but they can’t no one can take your
last copy of something and so if you
only have one of something on your team
it’s just safe but yeah it’s actually
the global escalation team with multiple
man swarm going off without bad boy yeah
that’s it could be it could be wild but
like I know a lot of a lot of teams can
function off of one copy or two copies
of their very best dice so it’s it’s a
tough race and get get in there Adam but
both players dice back on the card when
they’re Kayode or just your opponent’s
over here the cog stone yeah I’ve
already got theirs I’ve just gone
straight into janky combo mode there
were those that last ones really
intriguing Jimmy Wow thank you
thank you so very much more and that’s
super exciting it gives people a little
something in particular to look forward
to at PAX I hope right finding out what
these characters are yeah yeah
Ikon Wow Jimmy do you wanna know you
school how will you did ya how many
questions were there like I can’t I
didn’t get to all of them right because
I have three some left over I always
done enough but we did do but so the
school yeah there were 13 questions
asked in Seoul right okay Jimmy answered
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 pretty good yeah tens
of solid score is the solid score Jimmy
that’ll put you floating in and around
the top five ish if I remember correctly
I’ll take it yeah Wow Wow Jimmy thank
you so very much for those
those cheeky little spoiler Global’s
that’s super exciting stuff and I know
that I’ll get the listeners talking and
thank you for competing in the bar as
well man looking people on and give it a
bit of conversation before around the
upcoming product they’re back yeah I
appreciate it maybe next time I actually
like have big news or something right
maybe we can work something out in the
meantime though folks that’s a thank you
for the ministry dice to Jimmy for
coming along let’s get some chatter
going on the Facebook page around those
Global’s that use give us a sneaky peek
app and a few of the names you drop the
card titles you dropped in there
although I think we’ve probably figured
those out from the dice images and we’ll
move on to the next segment thanks Jimmy
that was great my pleasure
Andy it’s may have you know it’s what
the date is
what is it date it’s the 29th yeah
29th of October you know what’s
happening in the two days that day
Halloween oh what’s that scary well I
did try you know it’s Halloween but you
know on the subjects are scary you know
what it’s been scary long since we’ve
done one of our patented ministry nice
top 10 countdown this third-best do well
now let’s do one now then shall we let’s
get into it
what you call the wizard who lies on the
floor Andy I don’t know Matt at number
10 its master spell caster our entry at
number nines favorite dance is the fang
dango it’s on living vampire our eight
entry is the calmest of the bunch I mean
seriously man nothing gets under this
guy’s skin its skeletal warrior our
seventh pick is almost as scary as our
trip to my mother-in-law’s and
definitely as ugly
it’s the terrifying Lich speaking of the
mother-in-law our sixth position we have
which woman no one is more dedicated
than our card at number five it’s the
best of all zombies Paragon on debt
coming at number four if you need to
know how to stay safe this Halloween
this lady will provide a demonstration
it’s Angela hunter of demons what’s that
in the cupboard what’s that under the
stairs what’s that under the bed why
it’s our third entrant some manner of
monster at number two we have a title
with a distinctly 50s pulpy science
fiction movie vibe
it’s the monster from Planet X and
finally in the top spot you’re all
sweaty and awake in the middle of the
night and it’s not for the good reason
our Pick of the Pops for the mo D
Halloween top-10 is night terrors well
folks what a belt ruin episode no no
longer is it has to get Jimmy and Justin
on them in MO D it’s now hashtag get
Justin on the mo D want to go absolutely
thanks I’ll sincere thanks to Jimmy for
coming along and getting involved also
for answering a few questions about the
game and giving us a few little cheeky
tit bits some juicy tidbits some locals
yeah Global that’s awesome that’s a
curious one that really got my wheels
are turning thinking about that but also
we’re dropping
hints as to what what characters were
going to see and give it a bit of a
flavor of how they’ve kind of come to
create the box and what kind of I like
the way was talked about sort of the
narrative how the card sort of play
around the narrative of the character so
thanks Jimmy
really grateful that you came along and
we would love to have you back come on
any time
absolutely if you’re in the UK tend to
November get yourself to the ministry –
presents event at game reverse of cancer
to win yourself some exclusive swag and
to get a good hard day’s play in on dice
masters if you’re insane oh there’s some
call-outs for an e/m and the groups
around the country now I just you know
through in the UK get your ass down
there see you then see you then
we’ll be back in two weeks in the
meantime I’ve been Chris otherwise known
as Louis Tully okay sticky bandits folks
[Music] [Music] otherwise though is that Alright yeah
it’s very good sorry I didn’t laugh more
yeah you should have been these jokes
are hilarious they’re not dad jokes oh
you should you should have been rolling

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