Monetize This #284 – Rick Moranis Attacked ! Donald Trump Breathing Trouble Sponsored By This Site

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Monetize This #284 – Rick Moranis Attacked ! Donald Trump Breathing Trouble

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Monetize This #284 – Rick Moranis Attacked ! Donald Trump Breathing Trouble
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Monetize This Joe Cronin Smackdown 10/2/2020
[Music] [Music] [Music] a
[Music] a
[Music] hey
[Music] Jesus
[Music] a
[Music] n
[Music] get get yourself a big fat bottle of
tonight get yourself a big fat bottle of
alcohol tonight because we’re all taking
tonight get yourself a big bottle of
tonight D Welsh is the king of the
[Music] wheel
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen all hail the man
who destroyed the bolard on Tuesday
Throwdown devious Dave Rose disposed of
bolard in unbelievable
fashion the creepy beedo who wants to
bang one of his own family members was
undressed by delicious devious
sedici son of a
[ __ ] devious Dave Rose I welcome Rose
to speak first on the show tonight Rose
how does it feel to defeat a
bolard well let me tell you something
Joe Cronin it feels absolutely great
just like it feels absolutely great that
monetize this is here unbelievable that
it’s here tonight and we’re all drinking
and we’re drinking the tears of
bolard unbelievable and you know what a
lot of people said it was better than
the real debate to be honest in fact I
think it was it was very uh I agree
there I mean quite honestly bro we’re
never going to we’re not going to beat
Throwdown on Tuesday no one’s going to
you know that’s just we’re not going to
do it it’s not going to happen nothing’s
going to beat that show
but here we are although who knows you
never know I might get drunk and start
beating my wife live on the stream so
that could be
something I’m disappointed bullfrog
didn’t even come for his shovel oh well
he’s he’s dead now bro he’s We buried
his ass I’ve I’ve exposed him more times
than [ __ ] you can count but Dave he’s
exposed himself more times than you can
count no that’s
true with the whole isn’t everyone in
love with the family member yeah isn’t
everybody in love with a family
member I lost it I I lost it several
times with the stuff he was saying I
can’t even believe that that I almost
forgot that that’s real to be honest
like I sometimes I I forget like what’s
what are we making fun of like but
what’s actually real and that was that
was a real thing that was actually said
by him like it was like yeah people
think that was a fabrication or
something made up like oh you know you
know making fun of him no he said it and
then he came on then he came on
Throwdown and when approached with it he
said it again oh
yeah yeah he’s I mean I didn’t even I
didn’t even clip all those things but
I’m going to clip them later and we’ll
have him forever man he’ll be dead and
gone but we’ll have those sound Clips
Forever at least we have those uh
because they are desirable to the to say
the least
um so um I don’t know man diabetes is
permanent but the internet is
forever what do we start with do you
want to start with poor Rick Moranis
attacked or uh you know he finally comes
he finally comes out of his fraking cave
the guy finally comes out of a cave he’s
been hiding in a cave for I knows long
and the guy you know raising his kids
cuz his wife you know passed of cancer
25 years ago or something like that and
he and he comes out of hiding in the
2020 and he gets uh B basically what I
think it is is the knockout game I mean
I don’t know what else there is to it or
just a random act of violence you know I
don’t know I I’m telling you man that
guy must have just gotten done watching
Honey I Blew Up the Kid and was like it
was just the natural reaction he walked
down the street saw Rick Moranis and
he’s like that [ __ ] movie no you know
what it is I know exactly what it was
that guy had covid and he was having
trouble breathing and he saw Rick
Moranis and he was like yo this dude is
trying to sell our air like I’m going to
knock him out right now he saw Space
Balls recently and he was like yo I
can’t breathe he didn’t take a he didn’t
take a knee for
BLM oh Rick didn’t yep are you serious
no I’m oh okay I was like I’ve heard
that one though I’ve heard a couple
people say that yeah but but but Rick
Mor makes Wonder Rick Moranis is
actually one of the type of guys that
probably would take the knee down there
just be like okay exactly isn’t the
irony great well but I don’t think he’s
a virtue signaler either though I don’t
think he’s somebody who’s like either
way you know what I’m saying like it’s
terrible that it happened yeah like I
think like I think it should happen to
somebody who’s like a super virtue
signaler who’s like oh like remember the
people that were like getting their
house is broken and like I think by the
way I don’t know if you saw this podcast
the other day but I got to tell you man
um Joe Rogan with um that comedian he
had on the comedian I think he’s gay guy
uh I don’t I don’t remember his name now
though I’ve heard of him all was it Tim
something Timothy Yeah Tim something
Dylan or something I’ve heard watched a
little bit of that oh my god dude I
highly endorsed that entire podcast that
that whole thing was gold like that was
fire dude I built I mean I I I was
building a computer to it I built a
computer to that podcast and and they
they didn’t go long enough I kept
thinking why don’t they oh my God I need
another three hours of this and so I
kept rewinding it listening to it over
again and I’m like I heard it three
times like and I’m like dude this is
they nailed everything just about almost
everything you could want to nail they
nailed it in that like 2 and 1 half
hours or whatever and I was like wish
they had 5 hours that would have been
really sweet if they had five hours uh
I’m sorry everybody in the chat what’s
going on everybody tonight how you doing
um uh we got it going on baby people are
trying to get me drunk tonight people
are trying to get me to do something
stupid tonight I don’t know if I’m going
to fall for it though what’s the price
there is there is none it’s just I think
people know like let’s let’s go nuts and
see if we can get Joe to flip out
tonight and act like a psycho idiot man
I remember those days where you talk
Leah into oh you know 100 bucks and
she’ll do a shot next thing you know you
know 600 or six $100 donations roll in
and it’s 3:00 in the
morning yeah well that was because it
was like super real it’s like it’s like
not a gimmick like some people go oh you
know take a shot for whatever and
they’re just trying to make money I
literally had to ask for that to get
Leah to drink because she just won’t she
wouldn’t she won’t well I mean she’ll
drink but she won’t do shots like she
won’t she hates some of her greatest
moments on on the show is when she’s
gotten through you know 3/4 of a bottle
of wine well that’s about almost every
every show she’s on if she’s on
monetized this is a 90% chance she’s had
wine so that’s why she gets so Savage
like it’s like that’s not even the like
when she starts getting all crazy I’m
like oh my God like I don’t even know
who you like what is going on this is
not what you’re like like she’s super
Savage to people bro oh my god dude it’s
funny tonight having a nice little Rea
relaxing evening playing some World of
Warcraft I don’t know what’s going on
tonight we had a meltdown today with the
school teaching is to you know get out
of hand it’s a nightmare over here that
could be a podcast in itself I’ll tell
you that right now yeah this is this is
a nightmare uh let table that one for
the sake of everyone else listening I
won’t even get into it because I already
did I feel like the other day but it’s
just really bad and I just want to send
my kid to school especially Brena Brena
needs to go to school my other kids fine
they don’t have to start phoning up
those politicians and um you know yeah
get yourself a
gun well actually um well if yeah I well
I won’t even say anything but let’s just
say I got that gun come on it’s in the
wall right I’m like super paranoid she’s
going to find it one day like which you
you won’t find it though cuz I have it
you don’t like it’s so hidden do you
remember that monetized this seven years
ago that’s what I was just thinking
about now made this big conv explanation
how you’d have it hidden in the wall and
you’d have like the fingerprint reader
and those do exist but I wouldn’t trust
them in an emergency so my thought on
that is my thoughts are this like if
something is going on that’s weird in
the house you know I’m going to know
about it and I’m going to be upstairs
probably most likely right like nobody’s
really going to get in on the upper
level it’s going to be on the bottom
level right and so I’ll be on the most
likely I’ll be upstairs right and at the
point where I’ll be in the bedroom which
is like a vulnerable spot right to be in
the bedroom so that’s where you want to
keep it so because anywhere else it’s
like if it’s in the basement hidden away
if it’s somewhere hidden away you know
you you got to go two flights of stairs
right you got to go down to where you
think the danger might be um you know
and down here I’ve got a crossbow like a
high-powered like two shot and then
reload crossbow then I got one upstairs
there too hidden like so like
it’s like I’m ready wherever I am but
the bedroom is the best place
because yeah if something happens I mean
sure people are going to maybe get angry
when I punch through the wall and they
realize that you
know like even in Saving Lives I’ll be
yelled at I bet but hey man better to be
yelled at than to be carried by a
[ __ ] spare the spare the rod spoil
the Leah that’s what I always say that’s
right and um speaking of
rods oh yeah man they’re selling these
new things in Amazing adult Express that
you wouldn’t believe man they’ll go
right into your anus and it is hot I’ll
tell you that I hate your [ __ ] gut
I’ll kick your ass [ __ ] rela
Rodney wellsh your time is up points to
the arch nemesis bullfrog
Fox oh no why would you do that why
would you do that you fat son of a [ __ ] ass this like a month ago that when it
would right well he’s banned so it
doesn’t matter threw that donation down
goes to the P send my greasy ass into
space you know what the best part about
that clip is whatever the hell music is
playing in the background do you hear
that like
the hear that re listen send my greasy
ass into outer
space it sounds sounds like a Mario Kart
or something they might be what it is I
was going to say like some kind of porn
music is something is going on in the
background there send my greasy ass into
our space is that the type of music they
use for cat porn that’s the type of
music midgets listen to jerk off the
guys send my greasy ass into outer
space Sounds like an organ grinder so I
guess that makes JD the monkey oh that’s
a good song by the way grinder yeah
wouldn’t surprise me if it was uh Super
Mario Kart remember he played that a lot
back in the day at least no he still I
think he still does like a lot yeah I’m
not really sure how do you play that
game after so long wouldn’t he get old
after a while uh you’re talking to a guy
who plays Diablo I right well but that’s
different it’s a different game every
time you’re literally going in the same
circles shooting the same bananas and
the same shells at each other well I me
there’s not that much difference other
than graphics and a few changes here and
there I I people are dumb as hell that’s
what it is like games like that maybe
but I’m I mean I’m dumb dude like I mean
I play all the same games I’m always
playing the same goddamn games I can’t
be hypocritical I’m more apt to play a
Diablo like game because you’re actually
trying to attain something you’re
gaining in level you’re gaining new
items there’s something you’re working
for in Mario Kart you’re just working
for first place just like you did 17,000
times before yeah I mean I can pick it
up every now and then and play it but
it’s not something I’m going to play
obsess ly like a a [ __ ] I don’t know
wow you hear that JD Drew called you a
[ __ ] you hear that you little guine
yeah yeah he blocked me four years ago
for no reason who gives a
[ __ ] yeah he’s he’s gonna like fight me
Drew yeah
[ __ ] what do I Gotta Lose wow talking
[ __ ] man I don’t know you gotta say
me Kart Mario Kart I mean you just went
into you just went in a matrix cart yeah
yeah yo I’m in The
Matrix but yeah Rick Moranis he comes
back for a commercial and I think he was
coming back for something else too like
there was like a rumor or whatever right
that he was going to be doing something
else so I think it was a new Honey I
movie Dear God help me be honey I know
you have a brain
tumor bra tumor what honey I think you
have Co honey I think you you be in the
new like Epstein thing honey I [ __ ] the
kids or
something [ __ ] up
dude instead of making him smaller or
bigger it makes him like 18 you know oh
God Jesus that’s actually pretty funny
Jesse it’d be honey I made you old
enough oh come on that’s oh my God come
on that’s so unrealistic they [ __ ] underage
kids oh no no no this is this is going
to a dark territory here yeah’s like I
got on the wrong call tonight be
there honey I [ __ ] yeah I mean you
can’t I mean you know they’ve already
ruined it with all the other [ __ ] sequels honey I got knocked the [ __ ] out
morning honey I got Co honey I pulled
plug I mean sorry rck I mean the new
honey I’ve had to do it honey I’ve got
hospice oh God honey I called
hospice somebody check on Ry Lang
already the guy might be going
there no well where are you Howard honey
I [ __ ] a family member I don’t know um
I’m sorry which one I’m sorry already
Lang he’s going to be in hospice soon
look what happened man already Lang a
fat guy you died in a car wreck fat guy
from New York who left the more popular
show already lying you [ __ ] poor son
of a [ __ ] I’m sorry bro Howard Stern
your show sucks now Howard you should
have gotten Hardy back you should have
got Hardy back oh he looks like he’s
already had like three ndes already big
fat Hardy Lang on on the sidewalks in
New York looking for [ __ ] and [ __ ] cocaine no but honestly though dude Ry
you know Arty is still the same guy well
I mean other than being cleaned up he’s
the same guy Arty Lang’s the same guy
he’s cleaned up but Howard Stern is not
the same guy at yeah he’s more bus than
he is anything it sucks I understand it
too by the way I get I understand it
it’s just like but I you know you just
you don’t I’ve accepted it even like I
think I understand it money couldn’t he
um go independent like he has enough
money he could go independent and be
under his own rules well no what Howard
yeah no no because this is what he wants
I think this is I’ve accepted it man
like the guy decided like oh I want to
be accepted by Hollywood now like that’s
what he decided he went all right I
conquered all the other stuff now I want
to be the Hollywood guy and I can’t do
that unless I do this and I’m I’ve
accepted it like people in the chat were
saying you know oh you know Howard and
recently people were still bashing him
and it’s like I’m why you know I’m done
with that I don’t want to bash him I
understand it’s not the same show but
it’s still good interviews for the most
part but it it’s not but now his
interviews are getting super commercial
so like now I’m even more less likely to
listen to it man just listen to Rogan I
feel like but cuz Stern’s like he kind
of [ __ ] up too yeah but yeah he’s
going that route too he really is but
did you hear what he said about Spotify
Dave did you hear that part of the
podcast the other day about Spotify I
know I haven’t been watching dude this
[ __ ] guy he goes he goes Nobody at
Spotify told me I had to do anything I
had to change anything or whatever but
but the people at Spotify are freaking
out he said that the people at the
headquarters are having like a meeting
like and they are mad Stern or Joe Rogan
yeah oh really so now he’s addressing
how these [ __ ] decided that oh I’m
gonna have a temper tum and threaten a
[ __ ] strike yeah and dude I’m telling
you Dave and and Jesse you need to
listen to that whole episode with that
Timothy guy it’s so [ __ ] what people
said in the chat what what Tim Dylan Tim
Dy okay yeah Tim Dylan and he’s gay
actually but Tim Dylan is hilarious and
he’s like dude he’s like they [ __ ] [ __ ] on him they talk about that
censorship yeah and they [ __ ] on it the
whole time he was like oh dude the
[ __ ] Spotify they beam me they were
like [ __ ] scanning my whole body
before I came in here and they just had
a million jokes dude they were joking
about Spotify it was wicked funny like
it was like they were making all kinds
of jokes about how Spotify is like evil
but they were these little quick jokes
that were like it’s so good there’s like
a million little jokes in the whole
thing and you can’t get enough of it man
and they actually talk about real stuff
too and the GU talking about the reason
why they’re mad is because the
transgender thing because basically Joe
Rogan had a person on that was talking
about how it’s dangerous that some kids
now there’s like a trend of like
everybody wants to be TR trans or gay
right y because like oh it’s cool and
and and basically the person was like
you know there’s a lot of autistic
people and other people who had never
got this attention before and they found
this way to get attention and then they
changed whole lives and then they’re
they kill themselves or they’re sad it’s
been proven correct actually and in fact
um um by the way Jesse apparently is in
the whole section I’ll get Jesse back
but no it’s not disparaging gay uh trans
transgender people though it’s just that
they were saying like yeah there’s a lot
of transgender people awesome you get
you get the surgery everything goes
great a lot so many transgender people
are happy it’s great but there’s also a
core of people who are doing it for the
wrong reasons they’re kind of almost
like it’s like getting a tattoo too like
too young proven especially with the the
lockdowns and stuff that like so many
examples of society where um people have
been removed from their Social Circles
have detransitioned from their initial
belief that they were you know uh born
in a different uh body for example right
so this whole lockdown really ended up
proving that a big portion of this if
not the majority of it is is driven
socially by social pressures and again
by kids who are confused and should
never even been deciding this until
they’re adults um are easily influenced
and manipulated by the media that hates
them and all these um activists that
again had publicly stated that they want
the destruction of Western
Society yeah um but with all that being
said arusian Chu just said Honey I
shrunk my balls so that’s a good one too
Honey I shrunk my balls but no that’s a
perfect that b basically sums it up Dave
uh and they talked about that and it’s
just a really funny episode man it’s
really funny um I can’t even remember
the jokes but there’s so many dude and
they’re not just like like dude I could
like I could never hit on the amount of
jokes and the quality of jokes that that
that that Tim and Joe even Joe was on I
think Tim was so crazy that Joe was on
but like Tim was really the one the
Catalyst that was rolling with it and um
yeah man he was hitting on so many
quality jokes like in good takes and
layering of jokes um it’s just a [ __ ] phenomenal listen man I wouldn’t you
know what I mean like I wouldn’t suck
his balls this hard it wasn’t that fun a
little bit of the bubbly that’s it want
some bubbly look at this stuff oh oh a
little bit of the bubbly that’s it shout
out to leahcar Rose always nerdy Drew
Jesse Monica
J frog JD Jake dearco okay fto Tom 2010
C Dan Kennedy famous be him/ Rene God
Viking the ultimate co-host shout out
thank you ultimate coost that doesn’t
get you on the board though but thank
you ultimate co-host shout out um famous
be was great again last night on out of
nowhere so thanks to famous be and yes
uh we have to spin the wheel for uh
apparently for bullfrog which is too bad
because Dave buried him on Tuesday night
on Throwdown Dave versus Bulldog bulj
damn I a know zombies could get
points yeah well God damn losers can get
points boom you’ll be happy about that I
really hope somebody takes him off the
board I mean we went on for like an hour
afterwards I guess but I mean even at
the end of the show he’s like won’t you
make it even so at least I you know
we’re tied or I can win just like yeah
totally oblivious to the concept of a
debate well let’s remember this clip
because this is probably the this is my
favorite I mean there was the other one
that you mentioned that I got to find
because I don’t know where it is but
that was pretty goddamn funny what you
said earlier that he said I forgot about
that when he said I don’t even remember
what you said now but it was funny he
was like I didn’t know that or something
something about his oh his family he
goes yeah doesn’t everybody fall in love
with isn’t everyone in love with one of
their family members yeah like what the
hell was that what what the where the
hell do you get
that went back and forth between
was a joke to you know that you know it
was truthful like a windshield wiper
blade yeah it was just back and forth
know yeah it’s it was very strange I
swear to God if you don’t stop I will
shoot you
Joe he’s going to shoot you you’re going
to shoot me did you just threaten to
shoot me why you threatening to shoot me
what the [ __ ] stop shoot me y I swear to
God if you don’t stop I will shoot you
Joe he’s going to shoot you you’re going
to shoot me did you just threaten to
shoot me why you threatening to shoot me
what the [ __ ] stop [ __ ] you you [ __ ] come here and shoot me you fat piece of
[ __ ] come and shoot me you [ __ ] I dare
you to shoot me I hate my life Anyway
come shoot me come shoot me you Vader
[ __ ] come shoot me because a [ __ ] muslim is calling you on
[Music] Skype hi I am the Muslim I tried to I
tried to toss in as much like weirdness
I could in that rant as I could like I
hate my life anyway you’re you know a
muslim’s calling you like I don’t know
the nuances I don’t
understand how you could be so dumb to
think that the actions of someone
halfway across the world can be
controlled by a guy who’s sitting in
front of his computer doing a radio show
a video show whatever you want to call
it yeah I mean I even I I didn’t even
know what was going on when he was
already yelling to me about it that’s
the thing like I didn’t even I don’t
know what the hell I didn’t even say the
disturbing thing is there’s actually
people that have this mentality walking
the streets that’s probably why you see
mass shootings they’re mad at their
girls so they go shoot a bunch of people
in a Walmart speaking of which um I just
want to quickly add this is I’m only
telling you Joe because you’re GNA
verify this obviously because I just
sent a message there in the Facebook
chat but that is his local Police
Department what who uh the
[ __ ] okay yeah that’s right why why
do I need that no I’m just I you know
just to remind people that um you know
these threats are taken seriously and um
you know we
we oh wow if he actually comes to shoot
you you want to call your Police
Department that son of a [ __ ] wow I
mean you better be careful bullfrog Dave
already knows where your police station
is apparently well you know what
sorry it was it’s like Tommy kind of
like he was getting [ __ ] with but he
blamed it on
you yeah yeah he blamed it on me
everybody blam me stop unless they’re
actually praising me Joe in that Cas
stop Joe I’ll shoot you in that case Joe
you’re actually stealing your fans from
me right come on guys we’ve seen it
before I mean you know there’s a lot of
weird stuff it’s very strange I’m either
blamed for everything I’m just blamed
for everything I mean I I I would I
would I’m not being like self [ __ ] what do you call it I don’t even know
but I’m just saying like that seems self
self-loathing I’m not trying to be like
that I’m just saying it’s always seems
to be like Joe did this Joe did that Joe
did the other thing like you you could
literally rape me you could rape my
family in front of me and if I came
online and complained about it it would
be my fault somehow you know what I mean
like or whatever well it should be
actually but SP two weeks in a coma and
come back and there’s like 17 different
things that you
blame for
CIT Jesus you need to blame him for that
internet connection I got to get rid of
him that’s you got to fix that mik that
that internet connection’s got to go
Spirit your in connections [ __ ] spirit
I brought him on it was a little quiet
earlier now we all got our [ __ ] vocal
cords about us and that’s just an extra
sound we don’t need um but yeah Spirit
call back later man try to figure it out
out I don’t know go borrow internet off
of like
a then
both both ped out to debate me on
Tuesday yeah he’s done yeah he’s not
yeah he’s all done he’s all done there’s
guess what d r you win I was kind of
looking forward to that though because
damn right yeah it’s all done he’s he
Ked even but uh also surprising from I’m
sure that uh D Welsh has some things
that he could say about Mr
Frog not even going there it’s not worth
time yeah he uh he pretty much ended the
uh possibility of that I wor my lesson
with Drew and Joe and talking them it’s
not worth it talking about Joe he
literally said he is the star of the JCS
and the foul Mouse Network yeah then
Tommy was the star and this other guy
was the star and this other guy was the
know it’s the fat Powers combin it’s
always oh
God it’s always somebody’s the Stars
something you know and then they
then you you go be the star bullfrog you
go be the star brother um so you think
uh Trump’s in trouble man I’m hearing uh
brething problems no and everything
that’s been released from the White
House now of course they’re not going to
purposely scare a bunch of people and
say that but he even put out a video I
think five hours ago Trump did and said
I’m fine little tired but I’m good to go
going to go to the hospital and uh you
know just do the right thing look
perfectly fine no problem with him you
can make the argument that oh they
recorded that months ago just in case
this ever happened but come on he’s fine
he recorded a bunch of
like people so no one I guess his
question walking in the helicopter he
gave he gave a thumbs up while walking
in the helicopter nobody’s questioning
the timing it is weird it’s a weird time
it’s very weird okay let’s let me
propose this they blew it in his
face per let’s let’s go with one idea of
reasoning so Trump declares he’s
sick and then comes back with a magic
[ __ ] cure that the media doesn’t know
about that is already proven that shows
that um
that to medicine that works
and uh if they don’t make a big deal
about it then they’re basically going
back on what they
said um for the longest time and shows
their hypocrisy so either way um the
timing is the the most suspect thing of
all um but either way however this
happens are you gonna is anyone G to
ever suggest that Trump doesn’t have
access to certain special drugs and
stuff that normal people don’t
and the media is now calling for the
Attorney General to actually reveal what
um you know what is he’s being what he’s
using to treat this supposed infection
Dave have you heard I heard the same
thing you’re talking about except I
heard he was going to do it for
hydrochloroquine well that’s what I’m
saying is that they’re literally walking
into the Trap of of proving the media
proving that Hydro hydroxychloroquine is
effective useful and um used by the most
powerful man you know Planet he’s been
taking it though he’s been taking it now
he’s got Co though right so yeah but if
he if he kicks it before the election
it’s going to make a lot of [ __ ] I
didn’t think hydroxy chloroquin was for
prevention though I thought it was for
curing it was he’s been taking it though
in this like
weird it’s a preventative measure but
it’s also a cure even fouchy has come
out and publicly admitted
this sto taking treatment and a cure but
there’s also other stuff and you know
what um I’ve got the file saved but um
Google very concerningly
enough that um basically are are um set
to cure absolute cures of HIV based um
Google China China Google and the thing
though studying this you know that
because this was lab made they’ve
inserted HIV aspects uh components into
the virus and it’s not deadly but it
opens up sus susceptibility to more uh
to more infections and and um other
complications and stuff so this patent
that Google owns several of them
actually is uh specifically geared
towards solving this sort of infection
convenient yeah I’m gonna find it
convenient if I found fouchy inside of
his ass while he’s [ __ ] in a
ventilator that guy I don’t trust
him stop shoot me Joe I swear to God if
you don’t stop I will show you
Joe I mean uh maybe we should send the
cops over to question Mr Frog we’re
gonna have to uh of right mind maybe his
skin has the Cure you shoot me Joe I
swear to God if you don’t stop I will
Sho you
Joe that could be used clearcut case you
know that’s um what is it 10 years
felony 10 years yeah I think bullfrog
might he might be in trouble when my
lawyer hears
this um I mean you know I’d be open for
a settlement I I would think that that
would be a you know a good thing of you
to actually open to settle with with
bullfrog he would have to give you a lot
I’ll take his couch I’ll take his truck
I’ll take his truck there you go you get
the truck Jesse gets the couch DS gets
the bed and somebody get yeah D wsh can
hide himself in that bed I’ll
take you’ll take what Dave the
empty oh wow empty pant well Dave you
know what’s weird I just I was checking
buttons here to [ __ ] around on this on
the service here I can actually
prioritize people I right clicked on
Dave and it said Focus this person good
yeah yeah you can I’m the one who’s
always getting talked over and [ __ ] yeah
I focused I just focused on you I
thought Focus that’s only video that’s
not oh yeah yeah a well you can still
raise the volume of my Mone I do I do
blare you all the way though put you all
the way up I just don’t understand why
it is I’ve got to literally have my
mouth like an inch or two from the mic
and raise my voice sometimes for people
you’ve gone into the input settings
right and like put the booster up and
everything up yeah but let me go again I
like I I guess I yeah doesn’t that
depend well you mean Joe you mean the
booster in this app yeah if you go into
the input settings there’s even a
threshold sensitivity too that sometimes
you have to put up otherwise you could
be I got it automatically determine
input sensitivity I’d just blare it all
and just say [ __ ] that what AO yeah I
have the same thing dude
yeah it’s weird how he faded out at the
end Corin like it faded
out it’s like it like he lost signal
right at the end there ready I will show
Jo yeah it’s like it’s almost like we
edited it in you know what I mean like
him saying that God if you don’t stop I
will show you
Jo yeah like what the [ __ ] is that
probably say probably say that but no I
mean we we all heard it live on the show
so that was
crazy I’m trying to Fig I’m trying to
like increase the volume on it so I can
like so it sounds a little more normal
cuz it like Fades away so far that it’s
like what the [ __ ] sh you
Jo it’s from all the Skype calls it’s
like when he starts yelling it goes into
the Matrix we’ve heard that happen
before to other people so that’s just
something that
happens about the Trump thing I mean PE
you’re seeing mixed things like he came
out and said that he’s fine he’s just a
little fatigued uh little shortness of
breath even the White House has came out
and said that but then you get people
like the mirror who take those and then
like stretch it into something is
reportedly having trouble breathing and
very fatigued there is a reason for
concern and it needs to be taken very
seriously it’s like okay where did you
get that yeah it’s like hey it seems
like you just really stretch these words
out we’re going to go live to Trump
right now this is CBS
hold hold on I’m not ready for
this did they figure out his [ __ ] you’ve
got like Alec Baldwin laying in a
[ __ ] coffin or
something he was a good
man oh my
God yeah he’s trying to fix his settings
so he’ll probably come back on and
[ __ ] do hey and then like blow all
our eard drums out uh no we’re going
live right now to Walter Walter Reed
Memorial Hospital right
now with the president of the United
States of
[Music] America as you can hear the president is
definitely having
trouble right now
with this covid-19 incredible we’re the
first to bring you the story here at
cbs4 at Walter Reed Memorial
Hospital the president has agreed to
speak with us despite
being uh dehabitation to say the least
let’s go to back to back to Donald Trump
Donald will you be able to be fit for
the debates
in maybe a week or two weeks you know
the election’s coming up
[Music] all right
well he just gave me the
finger I’m sorry that’s ter what does he
sound like uh [ __ ] walrus having an
orgasm is that what is that Dave Da Back
In on
I don’t know that’s terrible I’m
probably going to sound like that listen
back to it later you sound like a
[ __ ] horny walrus or something oh my
God it always goes back to that episode
of monetized this where we played the
the whooping cough thing oh oh my God
we’re live with Donald Trump here Donald
what’s all right well do you think
you’re going to be able to make it to
debates next week we’re going to have
somebody different than Chris
Wallace yes I can hear you
now you can hear me yeah yeah yeah oh my
God what
the hell no no we hear you but it’s I
don’t know why it wasn’t working
before Oh my God that is God be with you
Trump hopefully he gets through this
better than his uh [ __ ] Hollywood
Walk of Fame star did today can you
believe we oh really somebody break it
again 5:00 this morning what but 5 hours
after he announced he had Co someone
[ __ ] up his star again takes a [ __ ] Sledgehammer to it or a uh what did they
say it was it was a [ __ ] um not a
sledgehammer but I’ll figure it out but
it was one of like a hacksaw or some sh
believe that pickaxe yeah there you go
probably that pickaxe thank you can you
believe that whooping cough bit probably
goes to show how much uh Drew Works
outside but I couldn’t think of the
[ __ ] word man he only knows how to
[ __ ] a [ __ ] spool of cheese or
whatever cheese
wheel got to get the holes in the swis
somehow man that bit was 2012 yeah that
was a crazy bit what
2012 no [ __ ] well okay wait a minute it
2013 wait what no it was when we first
started Monto yeah exactly and I
remember cuz dead on Dave was there too
yeah that’s what I was thinking had to
have been in 14 14 14 yeah yeah because
it was after WrestleMania 30 right yeah
okay yeah it was then you’re right I’m
thinking of when uh I played it the
first time I ever heard it was 2012 I
mean you guys barely started monetizing
this before WrestleMania 30 yeah it was
something me and Troy played though like
but we didn’t it wasn’t as funny though
it was way fun a bit yet yeah yeah cuz I
was just like dude listen to this guy
dying like what is this you know and
then um we were I was laughing about it
because like somebody else was laughing
about it and then when we played it on
that show I was [ __ ] losing it wasn’t
that was that the night where Dave said
he was uh sick or whatever and I played
that intro and monetized this oh it was
I think you’re right yeah you were
making fun of that oh my God yeah he was
like he left me a Facebook message and
he was like oh and he sounded terrible
that’s right I don’t know I don’t think
I’m going to be there because
I’m like I’m like that in the bit or did
you just yeah it’s in there I don’t know
what episode have monetized this but if
anybody knows you know who knows squit
man somewhere knows squit man knows this
[ __ ] he knows all the old school stuff
but I got to find that because yeah we
unfortunately like he left me this like
I’m not GNA make it I’m sick I want to
guess it’s what the first 25 episodes
probably yeah it’s probably yeah
definitely definitely less yeah oh my
god dude might even be like 14 or 15
like a really early one I would say by
20s would say cuz 11 I started watching
consistently at 11 um if I remember
correctly around 11 and that was still
tosovic uh Tommy you and
Joe yeah well I think at one point yeah
that’s right tosovic left and then dead
on Dave came and T took a spot sort of
thing and that went on for a bit and
yeah I didn’t tell the poor guy that I
was doing that to him like I didn’t even
I that was back when I had no rules then
I was like what he sent me a Facebook
message I’m going to play it on the air
and and I’m going to make fun of him
dying like I was horrible like I mean
the [ __ ] wrong with me dude no but it
it was funnier than [ __ ] dude I mean he
even had to have a lot no he did like it
it was just like I was like hey I don’t
know I hope you’re not mad at this cuz
it it was like if it if there ever was
such a thing it was almost like like a
tasteful or it was just funny enough
let’s put it that it was kind funny
enough yeah but if it’s funny enough you
can it goes right past that you know
well I was really actually concerned
about him too cuz like I was was like it
was like seriously like that was he was
in danger like that wasn’t like oh I’m
just sick and I’m going to go he was in
the hospital hooked up to
IVs like it wasn’t like it was not good
anyone else hear that
music you know what I love about this
guy is I Love New York shirt that’s the
best thing about the guy that punch yeah
they’re letting out all the criminals
they’re letting out all the criminals of
course he loves New York where did they
get this angle of guy I haven’t seen
this picture oh yeah they got they got
this shot I sent it to you no no I sent
it to these guys I saw it all over
Twitter anyway the the police have this
is the photo they’re using for the
reward they’re offering dude get this
damn what the [ __ ] broken lion why the
[ __ ] would you get yeah he really kind
of does look like he’s too big though um
$2,500 that’s all that’s all they’re
offering that’s what the police they
should be saying we’re going to give you
$110,000 if you don’t kill this guy
because you know what I’ve got no
problems with the little vigilante
justice here don’t you think Rick
Moranis himself is like I’ll put up
[ __ ] 20 grand like if you find the
guy how about that I’m only [ __ ] $2,000 what the [ __ ] that’s all he’s
worth right well I mean then again uh
who is it
um no deasio the mayor did to fund the
cops a fair bit there in New York
off rewards too New York well the New
York New York’s in hell right now that
that governor the and you know what’s
funny is all the people that kept
defending that guy to me
and like how about him and his brother
are scumbags how about the guy lied
about having covid or at least if or at
least he had it but lied about the
situation he was in with it he lied
Governor has barbell piercings in his
nipples okay that’s all you need to know
right yeah dude also there’s a video of
him apparently um the guy solicited male
prostitutes like he there’s apparently a
lot of stuff that’s sort like people are
keeping the lid on right now but it’s
certain stuff sort of leaking but like
people have known of his sort of
degenerate sort
of activities for a while apparently he
was found unconscious in the Floor of a
hotel uh with a male prostitute in there
like but it’s just like every there’s so
many examples of politicians are like
claim oh I’m straight blah blah blah
they got a family and stuff and they get
found like [ __ ] overdosed in a
[ __ ] hotel room with a [ __ ] male
prostitute that they condemned publicly
you know
[ __ ] I mean these people are sick Bro
the Como the homo Brothers I call them
the homo Brothers uh they are [ __ ] sick people and they’re in charge of New
York basically one runs the [ __ ] fake
news and the other guy runs the fake
City so yeah this dude loves New York
well this guy it on a shirt Yep this guy
loves new they were like can you attack
Rick Moranis for us yeah we just need
you to attack Rick ganis you know what
it is maybe maybe this was like maybe
the other side was like you know what
there’s not enough attention on the
white attacks like there’s a lot of
attention on the black people being
attacked and all the news always picks
up black people being attacked but we
need to get the white people more Angry
can you go attack like Rick
Moranis so we can get the white people
angry finally at all the you know it’s
it’s funny I saw this video this morning
no mention of Rick Moranis I think it
was uh maybe it was like breaking 911 or
someone who got a hold of it and they
said uh man attacked uh on the streets
of Manhattan or whatever you could tell
they had very little information on it
and then an hour or two later the the
[ __ ] JCS room on Twitter is just
exploding with this thing by the way
like I was making sarcastic jokes like
like I said someone said a random attack
I go well it wasn’t random he was
looking it was obviously because he was
white right um but you know I’m not
actually saying that we don’t know what
why I will I’ll go ahead and state that
as a fact but you should have seen my
comment section it was all I’ll tell you
my point in that is if you remember
again the r the homeless guy who
randomly stabbed people and then he
randomly stabbed a black woman to death
that was called racial hate crime even
though it wasn’t a hate crime and it
never was charged that way cuz the guy
didn’t do it into the hate crime he was
just a psycho with a knife but like back
in the day we used to just call it crazy
guy stab someone unless there was a
reason to figure out it was racially
motivated just like this this should
just called This is called a random
attack this has nothing to do with race
well but I’m saying if the in my eyes
both things would have nothing to do
until proven but now but you’re showing
the hypocrisy of how the the media label
certain headlines ex exactly so if if
that stabbing was definitely racially
motivated what’s with all I why do why
do only white people seem to get knocked
out out of nowhere randomly by black
people like it’s going on everywhere so
again I mean the statistics show uh
white people are eight times more likely
to be attacked by a black person than
vice versa and I mean 70% of homicides
in the black community committed by
fellow blacks I mean let’s not talk
about that media let’s just Stoke up uh
racial hate and uh keep telling black
people that whites hate them and that
the cops are out there to kill them and
all this and yeah this is what’s going
to happen I mean what about those two
cops that were [ __ ] ambushed I mean
we’ve been seeing cop ambushes for
[ __ ] years really
I mean even while Obama was still in
power stoking the Flames of of hatred
with BLM and stuff you had that guy that
went into
uh I can’t remember what city in Houston
he was using a an assault rifle and he
was um basically just shooting at cops
and stuff and they eventually took him
down but he I think he took down five
cops at least you know what I’m waiting
for I’m waiting for some of these virtue
signaling leftwing idiots I’m waiting
for some of their kids to be skinned
alive by some of these people live on
the news
and then they’ll be like
whoa I’m going to steal this from Chris
Rock whatever happened to just crazy
he’s crazy [ __ ] crazy man who hit an
old man senior citizen right that’s what
I used to believe but now you got to be
like everything is a racal thing
everything so like I’m just playing by
their rules their rules are homeless guy
stabs someone if it’s not a white person
it’s racial so I’m going to say that hey
this must be racial too then right like
I mean come on what there was no right
answer with reporting on this story the
two most popular things I got as
feedback was obviously BLM and why
didn’t you mention the race it’s like
can you not tell he’s black from the
video you need me to [ __ ] tell you
that what you want me to start a [ __ ] race
war getting cold coocked yeah every
every video with the white person who
attacks anybody is white man attacks
black man every every [ __ ] article is
white man attacks black guy black man
attacked by White angry man or whatever
those are all the Articles when this
happens it’s random attack on a man
attacks Rick Moranis for no apparent
reason random attack on probable white
supremacist yeah right but my argument
I’m serious sure National media does
that that don’t mean I do it you know
now I’ll bring up race if the story’s
about race it’s the but if this is just
a nut bag hitting some old man who am I
to say it’s about race yeah dude what
does that make me you might if I do that
you might interview this guy and he
might be like man they’re coming they’re
coming from the they’re coming from out
of space man like that could be that guy
that guy could talk like that if we hear
that we’ll be like oh the guy is [ __ ] nuts like that’s probably what it is but
what I would do if I was a black guy for
all you for all you angry anybody who’s
angry out there now white guys you can’t
get away with it you’ll be in trouble
but black guys if you want to do some
damage out there let me tell you how to
do it I’m going to tell you how to do it
cuz [ __ ] this whole country and [ __ ] the
world anyway black guys stand back and
stand by okay because all you got to do
is yell and scream that they called you
the n-word okay the next time you’re out
and you want to get in line and there’s
a couple white people there in line in
front of you and you’re like [ __ ] this
sucks just bump into one of them and
then then they’ll be like oh excuse me
like whatever and be like yo excuse you
what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] and
then just be like why’d you call me the
n-word what the [ __ ] this guy called me
the nword and then just started
screaming it they’ll be like I didn’t
call you anything just get in front of
me and you can even knock a guy out just
bash a guy in his face and crack his
skull open in front of his kids and when
the guy’s bleeding and his head’s just
bleeding everywhere in front of his
children just just scream like yo he
called me the nword he was racist and
you won’t you’ll be all right it’ll be
great I’m telling you man you guys right
now it’s like fre it’s like a hall pass
for like a woman woman and a guy you
know like a husband and a wife you get a
hul pass I get oh go ahead cheat on me
it’s it’s not cheating right now go for
it it’s the same thing with with right
now just guys go out there and get them
man go do it unleash in New York
especially in New York they want you to
do it in New York go out there man just
be like yo what’s the [ __ ] boom oh
[ __ ] he called me the N word um now
you won’t get away with it if it’s a
celebrity though this guy made a huge
mistake this guy made a huge mistake by
hitting Rick Moranis if he had just hit
a normal dude that had nothing to do
with anything he probably would be all
right but because he hit a celebrity Jew
he’s in trouble you know CU he would
have done it a year ago no one would
have given a [ __ ] but he’s supposed to
come back and do another shitty movie by
the way Rick Moranis starting to look
quite like a
turtle D Wells what do you think of that
DW yeah H don’t really care honestly are
related no you don’t know him you NOP
not even a little bit huh a bit Rick
Moran ass could be where all that
money’s coming
from Joe I got some breaking news oh
really according according to Associated
Press president Trump’s campaign manager
bill steepen now has tested positive wow
I also I heard um what’s the the Kayla
chick the girl that reads the stuff
kellyanne kellyanne yeah or whatever
she’s got it too
yeah she tested hear that I hear about
that either she tested positive as of
three hours ago send me that article
let’s let’s also remember that um Trump
did face at least four public
assassination attempts so this would be
a convenient way also of keeping him out
of Harm’s Way while certain things are
being done in the background just to
keep that in mind maybe isn’t kellyanne
Conway the an now
Drew kellyanne Conway was one of his
uh no she’s the anorexic [ __ ] okay yeah no she’s the blonde woman
whose husband is a piece of [ __ ] and
hates Trump he’s he’s talking about or
he should be talking about Kelly McNary
I believe is her name um white house
uh no he just sent it to me it’s it’s
Conway no that’s the old one though
right no the current one is K Kaye mckin
M yeah mckin m doesn’t have it that’s
who I thought he was talking about yeah
that’s what I thought too but she has it
though let me tell you that she
apparently she apparently had breast
cancer and she got through that which is
very cool really oh ladies and gentlemen
I got a shout out uh real quick before I
forget I don’t want to forget this uh
Dan Kennedy it’s his birthday today long
live the legendary Dan Kennedy there he
is look at me I even look like I got his
[ __ ] face we both got a weird face in
this photo look at us couple of
tards yeah
yes a very special whoa to
you whoa oh yeah I raped your mother
whoa B Fett I really like uh man I had a
lot of fun with Dan man I’m glad I met
him at aw and I had a lot of fun man
those are years that probably will never
happen again but they were a lot of fun
and now we’re stuck in the house and
wrestling’s dying and the world’s going
to hell holy [ __ ] who is this who’s this
chick oh [ __ ] I clicked off it God damn
it God damn it too much does it yeah no
what’s her name meetti or
something meetti uh MC n a n y the [ __ ] kind of name is
that I don’t
know usually [ __ ] uh Scottish isn’t
it oh maybe is that maybe that’s why I
think she’s super hot maybe that’s why
I’m like in love with her white bread
huh yeah I’m oh did you guys know do you
know that they updated my ancestry did I
tell you this the other day Leah told me
and then and I’m like mostly Scottish
now you said that a couple weeks ago
unless something else changed no I’m
like mostly Scottish way from Scotland
I’m very looking at her photos now you
[ __ ] I’m just staring at her phot you
were talking about how you get red
patches in your in your beard so do I
yeah oh really yeah yeah I get white
patches maybe our families raped the
same Irish colonies I’m getting gray
patches [ __ ] it [ __ ] yeah Jesse that’s a
that’s she’s married she was married to
a pcture on Tampa damn
it that means I don’t have a chance I’ve
never seen a ring plug a hole man come
what I just heard a ring in a hole I’m
thinking sex toys I was just like yeah
what her her ability to like just be
like yo [ __ ] you let me pull these facts
up right now like that ability that she
does that she has that whatever she does
is like
Savage what just to pull up a fact and
kill somebody no it’s the way she just
it’s the way she does it she has them
all ready she has them in she has the
explanation of them she’s got them
listed a certain way like I don’t know
dude like it’s fire yeah it’s it’s it’s
it’s Kung Fu it’s [ __ ] like they come
in with a swing and she just slightly
moves out of the way and literally
delivers this like you know 5 bigger
Death Punch dude I I’m like you know
like the the that’s hot it is [ __ ] hot she’s [ __ ] Savage the Huckabee
chick or whatever like she kind of just
you know mumbled around sometimes like
or whatever or said whatever you know
she wasn’t bad but like you know there
this girl’s in a totally different
League yeah this is whoever found her I
don’t know who found this [ __ ] girl I
don’t know who found her but she is
unbelievable this is the one that Trump
grabbed by the [ __ ] five years ago oh
uh by the way Joe um jerk off on on the
debate uh episode where you were saying
like he didn’t condemn white supremacy
now we were sort of arguing that he did
but and that he’d done it multiple times
it it was like mudded because he said
sure and then he got interrupted no no
he said it three times but here’s the
thing though I went back and looked and
I did some research it’s [ __ ] absolutely evident and proven now that
[ __ ] the the the whoever was [ __ ] um transmitting this information was
purposely lowering the volume of his
responses and sometimes just cutting out
entirely and then like boosting volume
at other points and stuff for like say
Biden and stuff so at that point
specifically that’s why you didn’t hear
him like initially say because like
because the thing is though he’s the
guy’s answering the like the guy’s
asking the question so like he’s just
about done so it’s like Donald Trump’s
like sure this is blah blah blah and
then the guy immediately goes back in
and he’s likeah blah and and Trump goes
like yeah sure but you see it like the
volume immediately drops to the point
where you don’t even hear a response you
see his lips move and you see it’s sure
and then like he asked for a third time
in the same breath this [ __ ] Wallace
piece of [ __ ] and [ __ ] you hear him
again say sure but what about this other
stuff so like they were [ __ ] around
not just with the volume but you could
even see what the [ __ ] colors and
[ __ ] because obviously you know um Trump
does his uh you know his his tanning
[ __ ] regimen and his spray tan and
stuff but he doesn’t look that orange in
real life but they [ __ ] with the color
so badly I really don’t believe this
Dave I gotta tell you I really okay well
um I need to see that because front news
when you eventually decide to uh up with
me maybe it was maybe it maybe it was
but I don’t know man the guy was talking
like 90% of the debate so like I if they
were going to lower his mic like I would
have thought it would have been lowered
and B they’re going to lower his mic the
next one either way he did say sure
regardless what said sure but it was and
it was low because he wasn’t so most of
the debate now maybe maybe I got to
watch it again but may from what I saw
when he said sure he became more relaxed
and he was backed off the podium so when
okay okay but do you remember though how
I wasn’t very pleased with uh his
performance yeah well I went back and I
started to see some of these things that
were manipulated and that’s you know
again where some of my uh views came um
and I again just going back on it you
actually learn that he was responding
more stuff I was just I guess I wasn’t
really enjoying the debate but like
there was things that I missed that when
you go back you can see some clear
things like for example things that
aren’t being called out yes [ __ ] a
Russian mayor I believe it was a mayor
paid Biden’s wife like millions of
dollars and and during the debate
Biden’s like no that’s a lie man that’s
not true it was Absol [ __ ] solutely true
but you know you got retards in the chat
here uh you know shut up man major you
know uh black supremacists there in the
chat there who uh will ignore reality
for what it is and uh again orange man
bad so therefore go that narrative send
my greasy ass into our space hold on a
minute shout out to Dave Rose Slappy Fez
giving you a shout out Dave as he pours
a beer before you go any further with
that Monica does not see any points on
the like a a legend basically for the
I was just I was literally just going to
do that I’m sorry guys I didn’t put up
the points yet also uh yeah bullfrog is
in the lead right now man unbelievable
Slappy Fez thank you Slappy Fez while
you’re doing that Dave did you see the
next morning next afternoon where Kaylee
was confronted in her first press
conference afterwards and they pressed
her about Trump not saying that and she
brought up like six different examples
Bam Bam Bam an 07 somebody made a video
of that recently actually earlier today
and I don’t remember if it was Crowder
or if it was somebody else but they
basically showed that clip actually no
it was n we know uh but basically they
showed that clip and then they showed in
the past every single time he actually
condemned it but yeah she came out and
she like gave six different examples and
the [ __ ] is still like going
like well he has to do this and like
pointing at her like being very testy
and [ __ ] and then later he comes out on
TV’s like you people shouldn’t like the
responses uh I got on Twitter for for
the way I treated her that’s totally
unacceptable you people have to listen
to me you people got to trust the media
he straight out [ __ ] had a [ __ ] blowout on [ __ ] TV yelling at the
public that they should be believing
anything he says that dude was literally
a troll Dave sent there to [ __ ] with her
and [ __ ] with Trump how many times does
he have to answer this question before
they stop asking him there’s literally a
video out there right now went out today
where he was straight up asked Trump was
straightup asked I I don’t remember
where if it was from if it was Fox News
or something but someone straight up
asked him and he said yes damn it I
condemn it are you happy and I I
guarantee you it’s gonna be asked
another dozen times this weekend of it
because it’s just not enough and God
bless Kaylee for not [ __ ] giving into
this guy and answering it directly for
him you know what you’re gonna [ __ ] troll me I’m gonna troll you back and
not give you your [ __ ] answer can
expl you six ways from Sunday can I
explain something to you if I work for
Trump like if I work 4.3 Million by the
way shout out tow bar counting how much
Biden’s wife got paid if I work for
Trump I got to tell you that I am
telling Trump if you get hit with that
that that that that question like you
need to like look into the camera and
make sure you just nail like white
supremacy bad KKK is garbage they’re all
terrorists I disavow them I dis no no no
so many times the video that [ __ ] um
that but Dave wait a minute wait a
minute though the reason why I’m saying
this is because all of these other times
that he said it and all of these other
times it’s come up are convoluted
because most Americans don’t don’t know
they just hear things and they go oh
he’s a racist oh he’s this oh he said
that this but you’re actually looking
into the eyes of about probably 80
million people who are going to see this
73 million people watch live who knows
how many people saw the clips so you got
80 million people about watching you
right now if they see with their own
eyes right now that you look into the
camera and you go absolutely [ __ ] the
KKK [ __ ] that he won’t disavow antifa
though who are beating people and
burning the streets I’ll disavow antifa
the KKK white supremacist I’ve disavowed
it a million times you can Google it you
can video it you can easily prove it to
yourself I of course don’t support any
of that [ __ ] and whatever I’m the
president and uh we care about love here
in this country and that guy over there
doesn’t care about he cares about
tearing it down so he can make a buck
now if he said that it would have been
un it would have been just plain as day
there would have been nothing you could
do and he should have known that like
I’m going to not I’m going to cut their
legs off when I drop that [ __ ] clear
as day bomb but every time it’s always
wishy-washy or he says it in a place no
it’s not it’s not he straight out said I
condemn the KKK I condemn David Duke
I’ve been doing it for years he did that
during his campaign he did that [ __ ] like in 2016 2018 2019 2020 dude I know
that but can he be clear I’m sorry the
American population is too stupid to
[ __ ] go back to look at an old clip
they are they are that’s the problem so
you got to do it again but you got you
can’t let these you can’t let them
manipulate you or you can’t come off
with this halfway answer and that’s what
I’m saying if I’m his campaign manager
or if I’m the person coaching him before
this I’m like you need to make sure you
state that like that is State no no not
sure not oh I guess so you know it
depends on who it is or it depends on
the situation no just say just state
that and then that’s all you got to do
I’m sorry but you don’t you do not um
look this is not idiocracy yet okay we
do not have a president kamacha you do
not like acques to the brainless masses
that need to be patted on the head every
day saying no Trump isn’t going to send
death squads out to kill you know gay
people he’s been in power for four years
[ __ ] uh you’re still not in FEMA
camps is that not enough information I
mean like enough proof that he’s not but
my point is there’s a guy let me there’s
a guy out there Dave I’m not talking
about these other people I understand
but there’s a guy out there who in his
head is like I’ve heard Trump is a
racist and I I think he is like I think
he is a scumbag or whatever and I’m not
sure but I’m watching this Trump and I’m
going to see what’s up like my whatever
and when Trump stares at the camera and
says absolutely not this and that and
the other thing and here’s what I’ve
done for the black community now and he
goes through that and that that guy sits
there and watches that and goes that
doesn’t sound like a guy like I’ve been
told this guy’s like a super racist why
would he I don’t understand maybe maybe
they’ll say like I don’t believe him but
was that the black guy that was invited
to the the magga side of
the uh protest did you see that video no
no I don’t know what you’re talking
about okay yeah sounds similar to that
oh why would happened with that he was
like oh cool okay you know that the
little gun girl the blonde chick Millie
not Millie Weaver the the I can’t
remember her name she’s got the big
curly hair and St come on over here you
little cracker well basically you know
this black guy like there was some sort
of protest back in I think August um and
this black guy comes over like she asked
him to come over from the BLM side and
he’s and she’s like saying okay well
what do you think this side represents
all racism this and that it’s like would
you be willing at least to come over and
just talk to people and stuff he’s like
yeah why not so like they spent a bunch
of time there and and like by the end of
he’s like wow like this is totally not
what I expected everyone here has
totally been cool they invited me you
know over you know offered me like
drinks or you know like food or whatever
uh they had like good discussions you
know like discussing different things he
found other black people that supported
Trump and he they were giving him
reasons why they supported him and then
they br you know he walks back to the
BLM side side with this little girl uh I
can’t remember her name uh um Bennett
thank you Caitlyn Bennett thank you
Jabron jabber and like they [ __ ] start like hurling all this hate on on
Caitlyn Bennett and he’s like now like
but hold on guys like you know she let
me go over there and like we had this
great talk and stuff but like you know
I’m not like fully with these guys on
the on the right here but like they were
nice enough to let us talk you know why
can’t she talk here and they wouldn’t
even let her [ __ ] uh him and they
were started calling him a sellout and
[ __ ] so I think it really gave a good um
I don’t know
a the the emotion on the left is out of
control from what I I I I I can only
tell you because most of my friends are
left leaning and I’m they’re like
deranged like I’m not like I’m serious
like I’m sorry it’s I I like I don’t
care what you believe in like that’s the
thing is like you can not like Trump not
like Biden whatever you like fine but
don’t [ __ ] try to hit each other in
the head with a rock over like who
you’re voting for you want to call it
the left you want to call it the right
what whatever the people that are
pushing this whole oh Trump wasn’t
affirmative enough in in the debate why
why are we not talking about the fact
that Biden said that he’s not opposed to
defunding the police if we’re going to
sit here and twist the way things are
said or what why don’t we talk about
that why aren’t we hearing about that
why is it this because it’s because 90%
of the media is left so they’re going to
pick out the Trump thing they don’t
that’s all they care about but that’s
why Trump actually said sure he answered
affirmatively maybe not as powerfully as
he had said other things and I get your
point Joe but I I would have killed it
they would have had no reason to say
[ __ ] about me I would have just in fact
I would have had that [ __ ] Mack and
titties I would have [ __ ] Mick
titties Mick titties would have came out
and played that clip every press
conference I would been like you know
what hey Mick titties go out there and
that [ __ ] one minute that I I gave a
speech about how I I’m against the KKK
and against all that stuff go out there
and [ __ ] play that clip at the
beginning of every press conference till
the end of time until the until I’m out
of presidency I no I I agree I I think
that he should have said he shouldn’t
have had to first of all because of what
Dave mentioned what I brought up about
how he said it at nauseum for the last
four [ __ ] years but I would have gone
out on that debate stage in front of 73
million people and said look once and
for all I’m done with this [ __ ] or you
know whatever you know the state the
[ __ ] claim be affirmative about it he
was affirmative about any everything for
the hour and 40 minutes that it lasted
neither neither one of whatever happened
I mean for all we know maybe he had a
itch on his ass and he was a little
distracted we don’t know what the [ __ ] he was doing at that moment Wallace was
rambling he was also he was also
fighting Wallace and Biden in a
two-on-one the whole time well why
Wallace was was he wouldn’t stop asking
it was like he was asking the question
then he continued asking it and then
like Biden was talking but I’m not
anyway I’m not dude I’m not going to
make any excuses for Trump because he
was a piece of [ __ ] in the debate Trump
was a [ __ ] so you know Trump was
Bing over everybody but sh have a
wire yeah I mean if he had a wire Trump
is an idiot it just proves that you’re
an idiot because Trump is anything but
an idiot did I say he’s an idiot yeah
you’ve said he’s an idiot well did I
just say he’s an idiot no well earlier
but yes I’ll agree he’s an [ __ ] okay
and I’ll also agree the guys VCT I don’t
think he’s an idiot because he’s the
president of the United States so
obviously he’s a lot smarter than me but
it’s like but but if I was I would have
suggested to him Trump if you go out
there and you and you get you make you
get this one minute of how you are
denounce all this stuff um like
vehemently into the into the camera
you’re going to turn people you’re going
to turn people to your side if you do
that Dave Joe actually did call him an
idiot earlier but he didn’t say it loud
enough and with enough of Authority for
it to count yeah I think I said sure
he’s an idiot or
something we can we can discount that
not play it back hey everyone I really
want to say thank you to everyone who
has been on the shows this past week
this week’s Throwdown was one of the
best in a long time loved hearing the
hot takes from everyone especially the
big debate between bullfrog and Dave
Ross thank you uh R is that I’m glad
that uh yeah I’m glad that a lot of
people liked it there’s a lot of
feedback a lot of positive feedback I
went back and watched multiple times and
uh I’ve read from the comments as well
other people did as
uh thank you very much for the $5
appreciate that becoming a [ __ ] bum [ __ ] bum I am disgusted in the reporting at
CNN they say the president is having TR
turns out to be fake news I hope the
person who reported this [ __ ] gets
fired and raped by goblins and midgets
literally everyone close to him are
saying so Kelly I want to say thank you
Kelly for the $5 and becoming a $5 [ __ ] BM in the previous ship BM I’m going to
play I’m going to spin the wheel for
both of you [ __ ] in a minute
but real quick I watch a very good
British guy from uh England I don’t know
if you watch this guy too Drew but I’ve
been watching him since the virus
started he’s got like millions of Subs
now have you seen this guy um what did
you say his name was or did you say I’m
I don’t I unfortunately with me this is
like the type of thing where like I
don’t remember the guy’s name yet I
watch him every day so I’m an idiot I
how do you do that I don’t I I it’s
called add and I’m stupid I mean like
let’s be let’s be honest
uh so what I’m doing right now is I’m
going back and I’m looking I’m trying to
find him cuz he he basically it’s funny
because he’s an independent guy right a
doctor and a statistics guy and he has
this Channel and I listen to him all the
time and he gives the statistics and he
goes through them and then I heard CNN
and and a and somebody else a different
news organization they were doing their
version of him kind of not really not on
purpose but their version of like let’s
look at the stats and basically what
they did was
they took the stats and warped them and
made it sound way more dangerous to the
president than it
is and it was just Dr John
Campbell never heard of him yeah this is
the guy this guy is fabulous if you guys
are out there and you’re into the covid
stuff now most of us are trying to avoid
covid talk because we got anxiety we’re
sad people are out of jobs whatever I’m
like I get triggered with anxiety like
crazy too I don’t like to say that a lot
cuz it sounds I think it’s stuff but how
do you not talk about it yeah but so not
talk about it when you’re on YouTube
every day this guy is phenomenal go sub
to this guy he he breaks down covid with
the president I watch I’ve watched all
his videos since day one in our
quarantine and recovery process
immediately we’ll get through this
together so so the infection fatality
rate is the
IFR it is the or the infection fatality
ratio it is the number of people that
die compared to the number of people
that get infected and we usually express
it as a
percentage so let’s look at what that’s
likely to be for the age group of the
president boy Colin mockery got old that
D from Is It Anyway yeah and he now he
goes over like you know the president is
obese but the president doesn’t smoke
right like Trump don’t like smoking I
guess so he’s like weighing in all the
factors and he goes through the whole
goddamn thing and he really breaks it
down so if you’re into stats and this
sort of Interest thing um very
interesting so he’s like pretty likely
that the president’s going to be fine
that’s what he thinks like more than
likely president’s fine he’s got a
0 50% chance Melania most likely you
know but so he’s going over everything
it’s it’s great stuff from him so if
you’re in the stats and and if you watch
him you know there’s a reason behind all
of it he’s not just [ __ ] making up
[ __ ] um but you know you can’t be sure
about anything and and and he basically
he said in this video too uh you know he
thinks by is a little more like would be
worse off if Biden had
it according to him but you know CNN was
like oh Trump’s in trouble CU he’s obese
and they basically focused on that Trump
is obese like so while this guy was
talking about all the different things
about why Trump should be okay to make
it through this and uh there’s new stuff
about the Neanderthal DNA too that
you’re susceptible to it if you have the
more amounts in the anderol DNA because
that is is the DNA that hyper acts to uh
viruses in your body that like over
attacks viruses that’s where that comes
from allegedly apparently so whatever
that means I don’t know I heard that one
on RT the other day so who the hell
knows though they don’t really know
there’s no and that’s not proven yet
either that’s just a study so that’s not
even you you know there’s so many things
dude when you read the fine print at the
bottom and it’s like breaking news you
know what they found out this but then
at the bottom it’s like you know study
finds you know still has to be verified
and studied we it’s like oh you [ __ ] really don’t know like you think you
have a theory this is the theory is what
this is so new Theory everything’s
Theory with this yeah and so they should
have led with new theory suggest it’s
possible but they don’t say those words
say they say like it’s more definite
defined and it’s not and it’s like
they’re misleading that they can mislead
you so easily now we’re all so stupid
because we’re all eating fluoride and
all this other [ __ ] we’re all so dumb
yeah I’m dumb too I I absolutely I’m I’m
one of the dumbest because I’m one of
the dumbest because I talk the most so
like I’m like one of the targets like
here let’s throw this on Joe and he’ll
spew out everything all over the place
until he realizes he’s wrong but it’s
too late then so dude the whole world
does this [ __ ] to us they just they
we’re the dumbest we’ve ever been we
have the most media Outlets we’ve ever
had but they’re not media you know CNN
and fox basically have admitted their
parody you know fox has to keep
admitting their parody cuz they keep
getting taken to court but CNN is parody
they don’t admit their parody though I
think they should be taken to court more
often um it like the CN CNN and fox
especially CNN all they’re doing is
they’re giving their opinions and
they’re warping stuff to to feed it to
you the way they want to but that’s not
the news that we used to know that’s not
the news that they’re they’re supposed
to be like equal they’re supposed to
deliver the news all the facts they
don’t do that they deliver their slant
and their take on it that’s why they
have to be like oh we’re theater we’re
not really the news you know we’re this
what the [ __ ] that’s what fox and CNN
have to admit that they are so any
friend you ever get into a fight about
about fox or CNN that says no the other
one’s fake and this one’s really this
one really tries to do the news no they
both admitted that they’re fake they
both did Fox and CNN and I’m sure MSNBC
obviously is too so it’s F right here
I’mma leave this briefcase right here
I’mma leave this briefcase right here
I’mma leave this briefcase right here
I’m leave this brief right I wish that
black guy would show up and punch her
you fat [ __ ] punch this [ __ ] run you
fat [ __ ] run run run you fat [ __ ] run
run run you fat
[ __ ] run you [ __ ] fat [ __ ] don’t you think I’m a [ __ ] terrorist run you fat
[Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] tracks
today honey who did you say earlier
honey I molested the kids is that what
someone said I just thought of that was
honey I [ __ ] oh honey I [ __ ] the
kids we should have sent buol [ __ ] to
France and let the people over there
Feast on his frog ass how’s everyone
doing tonight ACDC getting back on track
Trump got his ass handed by our good
friend Karma and the bubbly 2020 is
slowly getting
better yeah baby holy let see why are we
calling it karma he’s he’s got a little
bit of a cough and um fatigue and now oh
oh Karma sounds like a [ __ ] cold to
me at this point why at least wait for
him to croak before he call it karma
Jesus what was the people were sending
me dude I never had so many conspiracy
things the people were sending me
pictures of uh Trump’s hair that he had
some implant in his hair and people were
sending me Joe Biden with like you know
wires on them like I’ve never both sides
I was getting tons of photos I got
pictures of trump with a weird black
thing in his head I got things of Biden
with stuff all over him like the thing
with the the Trump picture is it’s been
taken before I mean I’m not that picture
Wasa is it a hair plug I mean what is it
yeah it’s I would assume so he wears it
all the time he’s been photographed with
it numerous times
now now Biden doesn’t typically get
photographed with a black wire coming
out of his ear but I’m not saying
anything by I’m not trying to say I’ll
tell you what the wire didn’t help him
so I don’t care Dave what Dave can you
guys hear me yeah Dave what’s up no I
just again I was talking at one point
yeah we steamrolled you I steamrolled
you because I was like I my bad go ahead
again I don’t know I think something’s
up with [ __ ] no it is a little bit
you got both I didn’t even know Dave was
talking well what happened was me and
Dave me and uh me and Drew were com
batting each other and then Dave was
also talking and he got completely shut
off and me and Drews fought over airtime
and but I was why when you and Dave I
try and stay out of it because I was
just gonna let I was just going to
steamroll myself get it out and then I
was going to give it to Dave because I
knew he was trying to speak so but um
yeah no we’re good man I I just again I
was just checking no no you’re good no
no we heard you all right yeah I heard
you a couple times we bulldozed over you
times that was my bad I mean I heard you
but was too late like I basically I
already started talking and I knew you
were and I heard you were talking I was
like oh fck well I I got to go now
anyway one real quick thing I do want to
point out though is everyone’s oh my God
you know Trump’s 74 he’s high risk dying
because of his eight eight% eight% of
people in their 70s die from this now
obviously that’s significantly higher
than the
0.01 or whatever it is right now but I I
can’t remember the maybe it is 1% I
might be going a little low but it
doesn’t matter the
people in the age range of 70 years old
have an 8% mortality rate so again chill
out everybody I think it’s are you sure
it’s not lower than that too I think
it’s lower than that uh well this is
that world meter so there there may be
some discre he’s got the Obesity he does
no other underlying things right he has
Obesity didn’t he have or he did have
something recent didn’t something happen
to him or Biden recently somebody had a
somebody had went to the hospital I mean
aside from Maybe just a typical illness
I don’t remember anything with Trump not
not in his presidency I would but I mean
even if it is 8% the reason I mentioned
that is I’ve had several people come to
me in the last day and say well more
people die in their 70s than survive and
it’s like no you’re a little off there A
lot of bit off wow that’s not yeah
that’s not true that’s most otherwise
we’d really have a
problem yeah it’s like you’re you have
like a 70% chance of living in your 70s
still what was that 108y old woman was
drinking a Coors in her hospital bed
after they cleared her yeah it’s it’s
comes down it’s it comes down to like
you’re how like how your immune system
is what type of shape it is and your
genes that really seems to be like how’s
your immune system and what are your
genes ooh so if I get a good pair of
Levis that’ll be good yes we’re blue
Levis uh 50 points for sank
there uh yuger how do you say your last
name bro I’ll [ __ ] it up I don’t want to
[ __ ] it up Bob uker Bob uker yeah I
remember he used to bother me cuz he
looked like a
muppet the show that he was on
WrestleMania 2 WrestleMania no sitcom I
should the
sitcom wasn’t he a game show host my
time but I used he was on H was it what
was it the movie series with the [ __ ] um the baseball movie yeah Major League
Major League yeah League yeah so he was
in those and there was like a few
sequels I believe yep um I don’t
remember a TV show he was a regular on
other than Carson loved the [ __ ] out of
him got he got a second career thanks Mr
beler wasn’t it Mr
Bel Mr Bel that come over here and [ __ ] me
Bel yes I’ve been drinking and smoking
weed tonight but unlike the that [ __ ] there Sam in the chat ECT is so high
that uh good old [ __ ] stops me oh my
God I wish I had some weed man tonight T
night I need weed I really need some
weed I got bag of gummies that uh I got
with the delivery yeah that’s what I
want is gummies or something I still
haven’t dug into them they’re not really
I don’t know I’d prefer
chocolates brownies I think I’m in the
right I I don’t know man like I’m if I’m
not in the right M frame of mind though
that I don’t know why but the chocolates
you remember what happened to me last
time like I just well any of them are
going to do that if you’re you know you
never know how they’re going to hit
where you can take a hit when you smoke
and and be like all right I’m good can’t
do that with an edible you’re in yeah it
was yep I dud my
anxiety [ __ ] um what it Cody should
um develop uh a brand of Edibles called
in oh man imagine the commercials for
those it’d be like like they are you all
in I am oh come on [ __ ] a [ __ ] by
the end of this be honest like are you
are you like a wrestler that uh takes a
lot of bumps and bruises well try our
CBD gummies they’ll make you feel
great cross promotion’s [ __ ] genius
oh yeah that would be really cool oh my
god dude I would love that and then if
they had an affiliate link dude I’d play
the [ __ ] out of that oh my god dude I’d
play the hell out of that buy the [ __ ] out of that probably yeah I mean I would
just that’s [ __ ] awesome dude where
the Tony we know you’re
listening make it happen and also get
rid of those stupid Librarians and make
me and Joe the [ __ ] Librarians he’ll
be the wrestler librarian and I’ll be
the the manager libran I’ll be the
muscle and Dave’s the [ __ ] smarts
he’s the Brilliance right and I’ll take
a bump what about um is it legal in
Florida I believe there are what isn’t
well no no
actually they’ve only recently started
to change their policy they were really
harsh they’re they were like Texas Texas
is still very harsh possession is almost
automatically an arrest but there are
exceptions are you looking for something
to pick you up you know what a new
CBD infused
[Music] with just laughing that this is a piano
cover I’m
sorry oh my my God a new sativa that
will straighten you
up infused with pomegranate
[Music] Cactus every out of control do it all to
get them all really
high light it up really high going to
get sex from my wife tonight getting Wy
drowsy I’m
alone oh
and this weed is
good I’m getting so
high I’m flying to the
clouds I smoke it all away I smoke it
all away I smoke my freedom in America
you know it’s legal now I’m really high
as I will get real high I’ll hit the
clouds and go the sky
I’ve got my weed here to stay and I am
in it be oh my God that’s [ __ ] awesome dude that is so [ __ ] good the
commercial for that dude I’m all it’s
all in clip that make it into an actual
Edibles commercial and send it to
[ __ ] Cody you know what even if he
doesn’t do it I’ll just steal it I’ll
just call it all in and I’ll just do
that and I’ll just sell my own [ __ ] it
and I’ll go to
jail um what’s up Chad hit the that like
button down below what’s up chat what’s
going on man how’s everybody doing J
Spicer says it’s not legal in
Florida that’s I like what in FL Florida
is the [ __ ] Mayhem state Florida
makes no sense that would actually chill
them out I was about to say yeah they
might solve a lot of problem they might
need it there what the [ __ ] well you
know what stop taking so many bass salts
and start taking Edibles Trump TR if
Trump had put that on his platform to to
legalize cannabis entirely through all
50 states uh there would have been a lot
of push back from um uh like the states
themselves and and probably some of
the the GOP the religious people don’t
like it here’s the thing that it’s
looked like he’s doing he’s basically
sort of when he was asked about that
he’s like well I’m not going to put it
on the ticket but if um you know we can
if it’s brought up if the Democrats
decide to bring it up uh for debate in
the senate or the the house no problem
let’s debate it I think this is
something that we should debate I don’t
like it I don’t do it you know there’s I
don’t see it as being uh totally um
harmless and all that but you know what
this is something that we’re it’s
overdue to discuss so Trump has come
straight out and said you know what
let’s bring that like if this is brought
to the table so he’s basically opening
the door here but he’s saying if the
Democrats which always push about legis
legislation for legalization and so
forth um if they you know bring this to
the table I think we should have a fair
debate and you know they would probably
be able to pass it and um Trump you know
again doesn’t sort of step in the way
and make himself look like he’s trying
to control people but he’s also telling
the states well you’re in control of
your own destiny and this is something
that you guys need to vote on so um I
think that’s a very good strategic move
on Trump’s half but it’s long overdue
that every single [ __ ] State should
have cannabis legal CBD oil legal like
in fact I think uh man mushrooms should
be legal yeah I mean this would really
solve the problem and like you said I
don’t that’s what I don’t understand
Florida with all their craziness like
what’s the re what is this like just so
we can make sure we can lock up some
people still or why can’t we why can’t
we make Florida the experimental state
it already is try all of our [ __ ] out
there like let’s uh let’s the theory of
legalizing everything let’s try it in
Florida and see what happens somebody in
the government must be making big money
from bath salts because that’s seems to
be the big thing in [ __ ] Florida
these [ __ ] you know taking that [ __ ] and then eating somebody’s face
off yeah that happen multiple times
regardless of what you think about
certain situations in Florida right we
all have our idea you know how we feel
about certain things but one thing you
can’t argue is that like it feels like
like it is like Florida has these one
minute you can be arrested for something
and go to jail for like 20 years the
next minute you can do that thing and
then just get away like get off like
there’s no consistency and some of the
laws are like the most extreme like
Texas type law and then some laws are
the most extreme like liberal state law
like New York type like it’s all over
the place like so if you’re if you’re
somebody that like if you go there you
have to be ready like cuz it’s such a
hybrid area that you have to be ready
for like oh they’re super crazy liberal
on this oh they’re super crazy
right-wing on this oh they’re in the
middle on that oh there’s no law on this
thing like oh there’s too much law on
this other thing like you get super in
trouble if you like feed homeless people
like it’s like the it’s weird as [ __ ] dude like it’s a it’s you can’t be
stated enough how [ __ ] weird it is
you remember the episode of Star Trek
the Next Generation where Wesley like
falls into a flower bed or something in
the first season or second season and
like the people are like oh those are
like sacred flowers we have to kill you
now or whatever so they have to like he
didn’t know that’s like what it’s like
if you go to Florida if you’re an
extreme rightwing yeah you could be you
could go to jail for like 10 years for
something that somewhere else you like
just get a ticket for you like I don’t
know what the [ __ ] going
on inconsistent and they don’t apply
equally there was for example um I just
read a story the other day I don’t know
why but this this couple of [ __ ] hippies decided to go for a a naked ATV
ride and they eventually got into uh a
national park and decided they got found
with like cannabis but because it’s a
national park in inside a state the laws
apply differently to them if they were
like literally like and they didn’t even
know they were on National Land right so
if they were like I don’t know 50 feet
hey I don’t know who this I don’t know
who the [ __ ] Ross is but you’re [ __ ] bro huh this guy Ross is a [ __ ] person maybe it’s a troll I don’t know
he goes States states rights Joe don’t
like it move to another state oh that’s
so [ __ ] easy the [ __ ] are you talking
about I don’t live in Florida I’m just
saying Florida’s nuts but he goes states
rights Joe don’t like it move to another
state it’s not I don’t I live in
Massachusetts I’m saying that Florida’s
nuts Trump legalized CBD across all of
America all of America CBD oil is is
legal I’ve been to Florida four times
and I like Florida I’ve been to uh
[ __ ] but I’ve only been to like a
couple different I’ve been to Palm Bay
Palm Beach or Palm Bay I forget probably
Palm Beach that’s the big one that I
Palm Beach um well it was a really poor
area uh then I was in Orlando then I’ve
been to uh Fort Lauderdale and Fort
Meyers every every time every time I
went to Florida I went there five six
seven eight maybe eight times total
actually eight times to Florida had no
problem every time had a great time
actually I went in I was in the
Apparently in the ghetto in Orlando I
was in a [ __ ] super like I told
people where I was and they were like oh
my God you over there I’m like yeah I
don’t know went into like you know what
I mean like I was I was the only white
guy but I had a blast with all the guys
I didn’t even know these people nobody
[ __ ] beat me up or something we all
had a fun time they probably were like I
was probably like an animal to them they
were like oh wow so I I I’ll tell you
what man I like Florida it’s in fact on
this show on this show five years ago
you can go back I used to say like top
places I would move to if I couldn’t
live in Massachusetts and I used to say
Florida every time now I don’t know
about now cuz I don’t know I don’t know
man the I don’t know if it’s like we’re
overfocused on Florida but it’s just
some of the stories that come out of
there you can’t argue with it it’s n
it’s kind of nutty I mean I’m sorry like
you know it’s it’s a you guys are it’s
weird like you have a lot of crazy
[ __ ] stories there and maybe it’s
because there’s several different
melting pots there right there’s like a
whole bunch of people from the Northeast
who come down and live in like Fort
Lauderdale and Fort Meyers and some of
those other areas and it’s a retirement
areas and all these old people and
you’ve got a mix of white and black and
Cuban Hispanic and just all kinds of
different cultures everywhere and the
laws are all over the place and you know
some laws some areas are progressive or
something or super Progressive and then
other areas are like super kind of like
tight with stuff so they can control the
minorities because they’re afraid
they’re taking over or something I don’t
know it’s weird but that’s all I can say
man it’s not I I I’m more familiar with
Florida than most other states like if
you told me what state do you feel safe
in more than others I’d put Florida on
my safer States for me only because I
don’t I’ve never been this like 80% of
the US I’ve never been to it you know so
I I don’t know dude I went to Louisiana
I didn’t feel very safe in Louisiana
that I did not enjoy I know I have
friends in Louisiana and you know I love
you guys but I was in that state and I
was a little freaked out Florida felt
like much more normal to me so I know
we’re joking on Florida but but yeah I
don’t I’m not going to move from there
cuz I don’t live there so I don’t know
what that comment’s about
[Applause] but
[Applause] yo to my homies in the JCS Community
whoa what’s up baby it’s Ashley Rose man
who hasn’t jerked off to her yet on
Twitter and her only fans me I don’t
know man I’m thinking about it I might
do it
I’m coming for you Ashley no I’m just
kidding Ashley thank you for the $10 wow
the JCS Community must be supporting her
big time that way she’s so happy with
everybody she’s like I’m GNA give Joe 10
bucks because I man this [ __ ] D Welsh
guy just sent me his
dick I’m I’m coming on your ass I’m
Coming For That Ass you shoot me Jo I
swear to God if you don’t stop I will
Sho you
Joe I mean that’s [ __ ] up I would love
to be your lawyer in court presenting
that to the jury yeah it could be fun it
could be fun it will be fun and and then
just triggering him but not you know
obviously not uh letting on to his
defense attorney that I am leading the
you know the um witness and just allow
him to just freak out and present
himself you know it’s like those the you
know those episodes of crime things
where they just freak out on the on the
stand and they’re just like I’m going to
kill you all and just like well I we got
a clearcut
case um we got to play we got to spin
for black lab man he dropped a $19
donation earlier here comes for black
lab remember the king is D Welsh and we
get some people on hold too uh that want
to pop over
here let’s see what we got for black lab
better not be that bankrupt oh my God
are you serious what the [ __ ] send my
greasy ass into our space wow biggest
donation and he gets
[ __ ] got a [ __ ] bankrupt man what
a [ __ ] [ __ ] thing that was that’s
enraging dude that’s enraging get your
[ __ ] job you shoot me Joe I swear to
God if you don’t stop I will shoot you
Joe you shoot
me what a nut job um so after that we
got Ashley Rose let’s spin the wheel for
Ashley baby spin the wheel
spin the wheel now you stupid ass okay
Leah whatever you
say uh five hundy for Ashley Rose hell
yeah baby put her on the board man put
her sexy ass on the board is your wife
still in morning about uh Ruth
Ginsburg I think she’s too worried about
my daughter and uh all the other [ __ ] going on I don’t think she cares about a
lesbian who fell asleep on the [ __ ] Court every
day remember that [ __ ] falling
asleep oh that’s what that guy on
Rogan’s podcast was saying he goes dude
I start every podcast with uh you think
uh Ruth Ginsburg is still being a [ __ ] or what like I don’t know something like
[ __ ] up about her and he’s like dude I
just say it to [ __ ] piss everybody
off oh it’s really funny dude I wish I
could remember what he said somebody if
only I had the time stamps dude ready I
wish I had that prepared I wish I was
more prepared cuz it was great he was
like oh I start every podcast with
[ __ ] oh you know Ruth gimberg is a
[ __ ] [ __ ] right like what he’s like
they get so
mad it’s like I I don’t think this guy
knows what it’s like to be canceled
yet um yo let’s bring on uh always nerdy
and uh always nerdy jumping on the call
and Tony from
Riv Tony Tony from
Riv get the heroin
let’s go to Riv Beach and step on a
heroin needle brother you might you want
to step on a heroin needle I’d probably
H take a walk down there and step on
them right now at 11 o’ man let go clean
that beach every night the official Joe
Cronin lounge ciger
and it’s the official Joe
Cronin what’s up
yo hey now clip
that clip it good no but seriously man
uh I want to see your I want to see your
[ __ ] girlfriend come in the room and
get so mad at you and you worked all day
and told her I [ __ ] I’ll I’ll drag
her ass right out no but I want know
listen if if it was authentic and she
was like I I [ __ ] can’t sleep and
you’re like but I told you I’d be doing
this and then you guys get in a
fullblown fight and then she just grabs
that lava lamp no she see that lava lamp
she grabs it and then she smashes it
over your [ __ ] keyboard like that’s
what I want to happen I’m telling you
that uh everything with her is authentic
she don’t play for the camera she don’t
do any of that so if you do see
something hopefully you don’t like get
my ass kicked if it’s yeah we don’t we
don’t she watch does she watch you on
these shows uh no she uh no usually at
this time she’s she’s uh she’s out cold
man she’s sleeping you know fing when I
when I when I’m just loud and [ __ ] crazy I mean you know [ __ ] happens I
mean I got people living under me so I’m
stomping my feet better what do you
think you’re better than people you
think you’re better than people hey no
no no man you people living under you
yeah I’m playing piece of
[ __ ] I’m playing drums at like what the
[ __ ] I’m playing drums at 2: in the
morning because I’m a musician and I
live musician hours so we’re kind like
you guys overnight uh but I just make a
lot of noise so I do that and it is what
it is um thank thankfully the the the
woman downstairs is
92 um and she definitely can’t hear me
so rap her we we don’t have a problem
that and you’re not black so she won’t
call the cops on you which is nice I
mean you know you never know I mean uh
seeing as the uh do you play acoustic no
no I mean I I get what Joe has like the
electric drum kit oh yeah yeah like dude
me and you could like make songs and
[ __ ] yeah you know but I don’t from my
short time on uh the the programs that
you guys use like Discord and stuff it’s
it’s it just kind no but no not on
Discord you dildo that would suck it
kind of blew me all way like [ __ ] man
the audio sucks like nothing’s cool like
what what’s going on I yeah the only way
dude the only way to do stuff like that
is Skype but but forget that what I’m
talking about is like you know you come
up with a beat you send the beat you
know then you’re like all right yo I’m
going to put this guitar part over it
then I’m like let me yeah I love doing
stuff love doing
it um Tony what’s up Davey I gotta say
um you know no homo but uh I found your
story the other night very inspirational
what you went through you know after
your your um car accident and so forth
and uh how you just became dedicated to
uh you know just overcoming it and then
you know uh continuing on with your
music and so forth and um and now he has
the world’s smallest dildo on his screen
I was just gonna say that it looks like
a dildo on screen I gotta move that dude
but I just want to say that uh you were
saying that you know there’s uh
computers and so forth I’m not as
knowledgeable but on the audio Hardware
as Joe is but when it comes to computers
um uh you know I’m no slouch to say the
least and need any help or anything just
you know drop me a line yo Dave speaking
of computers speaking of computers uh
the computer that I built last night or
that it’s not done yet but it’s almost
built fully take a look at this it’s
coming up on your YouTube channel screen
right now you going have to wait till it
comes up but dude this computer I built
looks like your [ __ ] room this [ __ ] this computer I built
yesterday I’ve seen that yeah yeah looks
like your room I like it is I think you
inspired people this week Joe to clean
their systems because I saw two or three
photos this week of people like oh just
cleaned it out and it looks good looks
brand my system there yeah a lot of
people liking the RGB coloring um system
it’s just yeah it rela I mean for me my
eyes are very sensitive so this like
although it looks like it’s all cool and
like like it this ain’t this isn’t for
show it’s actually for my eyes my eyes
are so sensitive that I need like low
colors and I don’t have the windows open
I live like a vampire all the windows
are shut and my eyes any sensitivity to
light even my my prescription glasses
are um colored lenses uh just because I
I am so the light just [ __ ] kills my
eyes is true is that like and again they
use this actually in submarines and
stuff they actually because of the low
light situations and the need to be able
to see in low light um and not be
affected by highlight systems they use
red so yeah
that’s nice system there with the blue
fans and stuff Joe I’m the kind of
person that really hates artificial
light like I I I’m surprised I can
handle this as of used to be that way I
used to be that way if I can handle if I
can control it I will have all the
lights off in the house and sunlight
coming in and even at night if other
than maybe the TV if it’s my choice all
the lights would be off unless I’m doing
something or you know need to see or you
know whatever I always had black lights
up I always used to love the black
lights and like the I still have them
now yeah dude I’m super like Tony your
room is like what my room looked like
before I met Leah you know um now now
that’s what my office kind of here is
like I’ve got lights everywhere I just
don’t turn them all on but I just I’m
like you too like I like the like light
bothers me like still slightly and uh
well what’s weird is what Drew used was
saying like I used to love the sun and
the sun would make me feel like you know
obviously you get vitamin D and all that
so it has great benefits from just the
light coming in plus I my whole kitchen
is filled with plants you go in my
kitchen it looks like a jungle you know
there’s plants everywhere all the
windows are covered up right you live
with stepen German you know you have any
garlic [ __ ] for what you’re a vampire
bro am I growing well I got a hey I got
a cross up there which is weird those
[ __ ] crosses that when you when you
die they come to your bedside from like
the 1900s oh yeah yeah so this is a real
thing so they brought like in the
Catholic religion they brought these
crosses and you know they said the last
rights it’s a last rights cross that’s
what it is and they’re super like like
creepy like they just have like a Airy
Vibe because the one I have is like from
the 1800s it’s like 200 years old um
since I put it in my living room I’ve
had bad luck so maybe I should take it
out if that’s really from the 1800s
there’s like women right now on like
[ __ ] ChatterBait that will [ __ ] themselves with that cross bro yeah the
Jesus [ __ ] you wonderful world but have
any of you guys been [ __ ] by ghosts or
had some [ __ ] happen like that by
ghosts I mean I I’ve had instances where
I’m like H I kind of think maybe
something happened but no I’ve never
really seen one
right any strange encounters I mean the
only like like what I was saying
recently with my accident was actually
the first speaking about that was the
first time that I actually did feel
uh a connection so this is something
personal I’ll be pretty quick but it’s
it’s it’s it’s a ghost it’s the ghost of
my father that’s what I seen so it’s
[ __ ] up man so listen so when I got in
the accident uh it it happens so quick
it happens in0 four seconds it’s over
but it felt like 40 minutes dude it felt
like when I was in the car accident like
I could like read a book I could take a
nap like it felt so long for some reason
so when I rolled out I was like I the
first thing I thought when I rolled out
of the car was like I was thinking about
my dad and I was like that’s weird why
am I thinking about my father right now
I just got in a major accident there’s
like [ __ ] fluid coming out there’s
like transmission fluid on me like oil I
thinking fluid coming out of you did you
jerk off while you were at
it they say you do think about your
parents like that Tony how did your dad
pass um he had uh Agent Orange from
Vietnam okay so this should be toally
something so basically that and you’re
in an accident and the immediate thought
as you’re rolling out is your dad
yeah yeah yeah and I and I question yeah
and I questioned myself why I I stood
there and said I stood up for a second
once I figured like hey I got all my
bones everything’s cool for for right
now then you know felt the after effects
like two minutes later but once I stood
up I said like Dad like thinking to
myself like what the [ __ ] and then I
just put in the back burner I just I
just put it away and then I went on with
the accident paperwork ambulances tow
trucks all that and then like a few days
later like I just went back and thought
would happen and I was like why did I
think about my father and what happened
was it was like he was protecting me I
almost had a dream like I was in this
like cradle cocoon like like he was
holding me and it was kind of weird like
he was holding me from the accident like
stopping me from dying maybe you know so
I feel like he like saved my life
because I felt that that feeling of of
comfort in a in a turmoil situation I
felt like everything’s okay and then I
came to and I’m like Tony I got I gotta
invite you to to the after dark podcast
with me and Jesse you would be great on
after dark with me and Jesse um we’ll
see if you if you guys yeah Hey listen
listen I’ve been here for a few days my
stories might run out you might say hey
we we’re got four stories you guys have
been around for four or five years yeah
but how are me and Jesse still going we
don’t have the same you know what I mean
like so no I’m just no I’m just saying
like you should be on that show with us
because it’s the right yeah I I’d love
to just talk I mean I I can talk you
know I love talking about certain things
things that I’ve been through uh things
that everybody been through you know um
some of that stuff some of the
Supernatural stuff that I’ve
experienced and then especially like
herb talk and stuff like that which I’m
going to light one up right now bro
we’re going to talk about that’s what we
talk about dude we talk about we talk
about [ __ ] the what we doing with
weed with beer with the world with the
spirits with the planet alignments with
the vibe and the all that [ __ ] that’s
what we’re going to that’s what we talk
about so you’re going to love it I think
Dave was trying to say something there
guys go ahead Dave you guys didn’t hear
me no I heard you something came out but
we didn’t hear what it was dude I
[ __ ] hate Discord you got to do
something about this man this is [ __ ] well let’s go to their headquarters
Joe’s working on it Joe’s working on
he’s he’s creating he’s creating
something else he’s creating the next
the next thing that we can all come to
and there’ll be no problems we can try
we could try um go final froner news
that’s what I said maybe this should be
something you know I’m final froner news
but what’s that oh Tony Story oh yeah
yeah well maybe yeah we could
getting jealous that after dark is is
growing Dave’s getting jealous yeah you
got to comp I’m getting tired of waiting
for Joe to decide what he wants to do I
asked you guys earlier and nobody
answered me so I was like all right I
guess this a who cares about that man
yesterday at 7:30 p.m. okay and I
responded uh at some point this morning
basically saying yeah I can do 2 p.m.
and I was I know you didn’t see the
messages though so I was like all right
and then I had crazy sh it actually
worked out even on my end I was
available yeah Jesse was ready to go
Jesse I saw you ready to go I was in a
lot of pain but I could have made it you
can’t use that excuse you can’t use that
excuse when you’re like you will tell me
sometimes days in ahead uh oh let’s do
final frontes and then it’s crickets man
it’s [ __ ] you know you know what
though yeah but dude I wrote to you I
said I said dude I said a bunch of [ __ ] no one answered me even this is just the
most recent time though and it’s again
you’re you’re talking about a difference
then [ __ ] it all dude [ __ ] it then [ __ ] it [ __ ] it all so Jes what I’m saying is
Hey listen I’m here I’m here if you want
some fresh blood and some stories and
some stuff like I I’ll whatever dude I’m
free any anytime just we’ll make it
happen you know what I mean um but as
far as the the the program that we run
is there anything like we could do where
we would be in like a a better kind of
virtual world where like if we Joe
played instruments at the same time we
wouldn’t have battle the bandwidth that
uh series no because they can’t even
they can’t even figure that out with
voices so like never mind I was telling
you I was telling you that the other day
just with the internet in General trying
to play music over one one side of any
sort of call Skype Discord
whatevers yeah there there’s always
going to be a slight delay as it works
its way through the internet it never
work I know that the people are going to
kill us if we talk about how we could
sound better for an hour I know that so
so [ __ ] that let’s light it up and uh
and get to the next [ __ ] let me uh let
play let me play a Dono yeah what’s up
no no no I’ll tell you have to play a
Dono yo I want to take Rick Moranis his
face and I want to put it on D Welsh’s
body I gotta tell you a quick story Jo
chin well that’s what I mean like we’d
be kind of doing him a favor there and
giving him some love sexy trans
transvest oh there he is he’s out of his
[Music] Rock sexy trans transvest from sexual
transvia sexy trans transvest from
transvia if you have to send Brena back
to school outfit her with your Hazmat
gas mask just in case yeah that’d be
funny putting her in the Hazmat thing
this is my parents said I could I
wouldn’t do that to her but it would be
that’d be kind of funny speaking about
that Joe say something about that cuz I
wasn’t around um I knew you got the kids
so my aunt was talking about this today
she was like she hot uh yeah she’s
definitely uh I would say in the mil
category send me a photo of that send me
a photo your aunt later don’t tell her
though don’t tell her so I won’t I won’t
be so uh no she’s definitely older than
that but uh it’s not about age my friend
age is just a
number um but so listen to this right so
she’s uh she was that was the the the
thing I talked to you earli about about
uh New Hampshire she was sending her
kids to New Hampshire yeah uh School
schooling in New Hampshire and uh and
she’s like all for it she’s like you
know these kids got to get out they
gotta get to school um the the kids have
been staying in like like send them do
like two days uh two days or three days
there and two days remote do something
make an effort you know uh I think and
it’s and it’s and I’ve seen what it’s
done to her kids like yeah because she
she’s one of those moms that post
everything like her daily life on
Facebook so I follow along um but I’ve
been seeing what it’s been doing through
the months to the kids and it’s it’s
something that it’s really awful to see
how all the whole United States that’s
all we care about is these debates and
stuff and all this all the [ __ ] and
these kids are sitting home trying to
use a computer to learn and and learn on
class and sit there for eight seven
hours never mind have their parents sit
there through their what are they got to
do they got to that dude not only are we
sitting there not only is Leah sitting
there with her mostly but they keep
taking breaks like constantly so it’s
like Brena gets up and leaves and then
it’s like um oh you got to be back on a
call in 15 minutes and then Brena starts
playing and doing things and then and
then Leah’s like you you got one minute
you got to get up come on let’s go and
then Bren is like I’m playing with
something no you got to get up on your
and then it’s like it’s like what so
whatever morning fight you might have
like if you’re if you have to have the
morning fight with your kid it’s
basically like reoccurring that six
times a day like to where where you
don’t know like I’m serious like besides
100% yeah because you send them to
school and that’s the fight the fir the
only fight that you get with your kids
in the morning is get up wake up get
brush your teeth get get your ass get
your [ __ ] shoes on get your socks on
and get your backpack and go to go go to
school there’s the bus now you go get
dressed sit in this chair stay here for
God knows how long let me connect the
internet let me make sure Mrs uh
Josephine’s ready and all her class
thing God knows my internet’s uh slow
it’s lagging now my kid wants to eat a
bowl of cereal now he’s playing with his
other kid now he’s dropping something
now he’s now he’s not even here you’re
ask the parents to be a teacher my other
kid though my other kid though is fine
Gavin’s fine and even the other kid but
my daughter because she’s got more of my
personality and she’s got add and stuff
like that she is it’s very hard going to
have one kid out of the two that’s going
to be like there some kid in class
there’s some kid in her class bro like
this [ __ ] kid every second like no
one’s watching Leah keeps telling me
that she’s like nobody’s watching this
kid this kid [ __ ] all the other kids
are like pretty normal there’s like
maybe one other kid that like is a
little weird or whatever and then
there’s Brena who just like she won’t
she come one day she’s crying a lot on
the calls cuz we’re yelling at her and
like like dragging her to the chair to
get her to sit in front of the thing and
so she’s on the call crying like wiping
tears out of her eyes all the other kids
or whatever but there’s this one kid who
like [ __ ] like is like putting
scissors in his mouth and [ __ ] and the
teacher’s always
yelling kid that’s you got to be careful
where’s his like where’s his parents
where’s your parents he’s like eating a
pencil he’s putting [ __ ] scissors in
his mouth the teacher like take the
scissors out of your mouth it’s on the
parents and then it’s on the parents
like now that everybody’s like w the
parents aren’t watching the kids now
you’re asking the kids to be a teacher
and a parent and a you know what I mean
and little Jimmy’s [ __ ] jerking off
in the back [ __ ] you know
everything’s out of control all right
Tony reel it in reel it in Tony reel it
in Joe’s lucky with this none of you
[ __ ] [ __ ] would say that [ __ ] none
of you
would say what but it’s happened it’s
happened it’s happened I’ve I’ve I’ve
followed along I’ve seen stories and
I’ve seen that [ __ ] happen I’ve seen
[ __ ] streams get shut down by the by
the uh school boards because they had
nudity on it I’ve seen [ __ ] that happens
and this shit’s real you saw the you saw
the kid nudity wait did you okay did you
find that no no no it wasn’t like it
wasn’t he was hacking he he’s one of
those guys that’s hacking into the zoom
calls to look at the kids no no no I
think the kid like took like had a had a
t-shirt on and removed half of his shirt
or something it wasn’t something crazy
but even that
Tony you better keep it down there’s
some people in California going to start
tapping into these streams I mean like
the kids even like that all all these
kind of streams they’re getting they’re
getting these kids just the technology
it’s all happened in three to four five
months that we went from zero to 100
with zoom calls and doing classes online
and it’s just overwhelming for us the
parents you guys and never mind the kids
we should try Zoom maybe we should all
try Zoom maybe we should try zoom and
see how that goes one night Jesus Christ
there’s ups and downs we can talk about
that I what I was going to say about the
whole school thing is Joe you and Leah
are at least fortunate enough to not
have your jobs impacted Tara and I are
lucky that we’ve got the daycare
provider that’s handling that [ __ ] but
what about the people that don’t have
that opportunity what are they just
expected to quit their [ __ ] jobs
because the kids are being kept on yeah
I can’t what’s the backup plan there the
schools don’t even think about that
they’re like well we’re not bringing
them here so and you can’t just pull
your kid from school so what are we just
supposed to leave him at home with an
iPad and say [ __ ] best of luck maybe
that’s what’s going on with the kid that
Tony was talking about question for you
parents considering the fact that um
there is limited presence in schools of
children uh due to all this [ __ ] um
are you guys going to be getting some
sort of tax rebate or some sort of
payment for the fact that your tax pay
uh money is no longer fully going to
what was being paid for in the past now
that it’s more limited well so our
school is uh two out of two days remote
a week so I don’t know like we chose to
go full home but like School Now is
offering two days a week in school in
three days remote you see the point that
I’m trying to make yeah no I see what
you’re saying why do they need where’s
that money going if they don’t they’re
not using it clear they’re doing they
were doing before and I’m not saying
that they were glorified you know
babysitters but in many cases yes that’s
exactly what they are but regardless the
fact is they’re not in physical vicinity
of these kids blah blah blah so
shouldn’t they be paid less shouldn’t
less money be funded to these schools
they’re not doing the same job that they
were complely agre getting paid exactly
the same or maybe more like oh risk
money I’ve seen this with several
businesses and I know school isn’t
necessarily a business in that sense but
they are dealing with cash flow and more
importantly money that’s coming out of
our pockets my daughter’s dance class
charged us full price for [ __ ] Zoom
calls you couldn’t hear the [ __ ] audio half the classes didn’t even do
any uh teaching but we were still
expected to pay but then you got like
barber shops what are they going to do
charge a person when they don’t [ __ ] come why why can certain businesses get
away with that [ __ ] but others can’t you
don’t think the bar is uh charging their
regulars for the drinks that they’re not
drinking I don’t know but something’s
got to change man something’s got to
change with the whole system all those
glass screens and plastic screens that
are going up in um convenience stores
grocery stores and all that you know
that that that’s going to be passed down
to you the consumer that the cost of
that of implementing that and
maintaining that that’s going to be
applied all across the board on every
single item might be small but the thing
is you’ll see a a substantial difference
in pricing because of this covid
[ __ ] one small thing I’ll give to
our school district and it’s not enough
because they’re still they’ve got to be
socking away more money than they’re
giving out but one thing they are doing
is they’re still making the lunches
every day well not every day once a week
and you pick up the lunches and take
them home so obviously they’re not much
for cooking or anything but they’ve got
the protein and the the wheat and
everything uh but at least they’re doing
that all you have to do is pull up to
the school with the the student and grab
the [ __ ] once a week so at least they’re
doing something but I mean they could be
doing a lot
more I just think uh my thing is my
thing is this all the people that are
the ones that say wear a mask ask let’s
keep everything closed all the people
that were here January February March
April May June all those people when Co
started they
askk you know keep everything shut now
are those people complaining that their
kids in the school is shut down are
those people still saying do they have a
problem dude we had people in our school
district that were demanding full return
to school no Mass nothing because some
of their kids who are seniors on the
football team might miss a
scholarship yep so there’s always a uh
there’s always a hidden there’s a large
movement and that’s why we’re actually
going I think that’s a large part of why
they’re kind of pushing things back
sooner rather than later and the parents
are still pissed off because a month of
the season is already down the drain and
they’re afraid that their kids aren’t
going to get a scholarship it’s like
well [ __ ] no one’s playing
football right now not that I know of
how many high schools are out there
playing football right there
are in my area that we saw that one [ __ ] that was up in the stands creating an
issue out in Ohio but I mean can they
not go back to the junior records and
the sophomore records and stuff I is it
they’ve got to get their kids from
somewhere are they just gonna get it
from the three schools that are doing
football well that’s what they’re doing
you have to understand these these
coaches and and people in the athletic
departments especially in like my areas
they’re going from door
too to their kids saying please don’t
quit please stay just just stay with us
uh for a little bit longer we don’t know
how like like L Jimmy come back like
don’t don’t quit football we need you’re
AA QB like these coaches are going from
door to door because they’re losing
everybody everybody and as such the
deprived mentality is
revealed of this obsession with this
Sports culture which again you can’t
spell culture without
cult and I agree I
mean it’s it’s like I said my whole
thing and and I haven’t I haven’t really
touched upon this is is and and this is
what I’ve gotten to with my cousin who
lives 3,000 miles across the uh West
Coast he lives on opposite sides and we
were born both in the same uh you know
same city and he has completely
different opinions than me which is okay
that’s completely okay we had a Skype
call a few days ago and it ended up I
haven’t seen the kid in in a few years
and it ended up in a fight because of
our opinions and a lot of it was left
verse right and and listen hey I’m I’m
for whatever’s whatever’s good I just
see through it you have to do your own
research some of the people that I see
around it’s just like they’re just to
tuning into the news and just reading
like following along what they should be
and they lack critical thinking
skills and it’s now now it’s easy to see
those people it’s almost like it’s black
and white and I hate to judge a book by
its cover but when I see these people
that are doing something that like
racist no it’s not it’s not because
because my here’s my thing my thing is
is what I’m Jesus he said it’s black and
white what I’m particularly talking
about what I’m particularly talking
about is masks okay and I see a dude in
in a car in his own car by himself with
the windows up and his mask on and I go
what the [ __ ] are you doing dude like
what are you doing you I’ve gotta I’ve
got to jump in for a second here I just
saw the funniest [ __ ] headline uh
from Twitter at Portland Police to those
gathered near the penumbra Kelly
building and specifically the owner
Andor operator of the snack wagon
officers have observed people in the
crowd retrieving eggs from the snack
back wagon and throwing said eggs at
officers stop throwing eggs failure to
adhere to this order may make you
subject to arrest is this happening now
yeah it literally just came across
now I’d save the snatch wagon I mean at
least it’s not at least it’s eggs and
not Molotov cocktails but what the [ __ ] and this all comes back to the just real
quick to you know on that whole point to
to the because I wasn’t here when you
guys were talking about like the Trump
and Biden [ __ ] but which I I could
really kill us at this point it’s all P
um it’s like when Trump said stand stand
by and stand back boys that really hurt
him real bad but
Co is damage control that’s all it is
that’s all he’s doing he’s using covid
he’s working us no not really be what
the [ __ ] are you talking about dude I
will say one thing Stand By and stand
back yeah when when when when Trump said
you know all the pr boys Stand By and
stand back you know he said he said you
know what what which which I agree with
Dave he called them out I mean it’s
simple as day how many times can he can
he call out uh the the the affiliate
problems that he had with those groups I
personally think that those words were
taken out of context or like again there
was so much stuff that was going on at
that point people were talking over each
other and the volumes were going up and
down that again like
um you know he could been saying like to
the um to to the proud boy stand back as
in like don’t get involved and then the
way he said it though was scary though
Stand By and stand back said it like
scary that’s the thing isn’t that a good
thing would you want him to say attack
or what’s what I’m saying like I got the
I got the the like okay like that he’s
saying and everything they say they take
out of context on let’s just come on
come on man be logical here if any if
you if you knew about the proud boys and
you knew you know bringing this topic up
would be a br uh essentially a strien
effect you would know that just like
they had the the the founder not the
founder but the the current leader of
one of the chapters on CNN a black Cuban
guy talking about uh how it’s not a
white supremacist group that the media
is trying to lie and like they’re trying
to um be disingenuous with what they’ve
published on their own website and the
disrespect that the media shows is clear
because they’re again trying to change
something that uh you know that exists
that isn’t what they want it to be they
want it to be this evil white
supremacist organization there’s women
in there there’s gays there’s [ __ ] Mexicans uh Samoans one of the chapter’s
uh leaders is this guy called Tiny But
like he’s this Samoan Giant and
apparently like there’s an interview out
there with him but like he basically at
first I thought that these guys were
Nazis I wanted to kill them all but like
they started to talk to me and like I
you know started to listen and then
eventually I found out what they were
really about and then he eventually
became a leader so uh and this guy like
you see him in videos and stuff when
when proud boys you know F antifa and
[ __ ] and he there’s a lot of damage
behind his fist like he’s a big boy bro
I just I just at this point you at this
point I don’t give a [ __ ] man it’s it’s
all all it’s all whatever it’s just at
this point I don’t even get involved his
name is
Enrique not white suprem how can the
leader name Enrique be white supremacist
that guy yeah the the Hispanic black
Cuban guy exactly but that comes back to
my that comes back to my whole point
opinion man well no I was just saying
that all comes back to just my whole
point as like like you just can’t you
just can’t like believe what you hear
you just have to do a little research if
you just do like a few seconds of
research that could change your whole
opinion and it start J anyways again a
little a few minutes of research shows
you Gavin McKinnis basically started up
as a joke and like they you know it’s
like a boys club and a drinking club and
[ __ ] and it was never supposed to be
serious but you know when these guys
were marching and got attacked they
obviously tried to defend thems and
stuff but then they get you know focused
on as these villains while BLM has had
the you know a free
and antifa have had a free [ __ ] ride
for the last four years while the media
refuses to condemn them and the
politicians like Biden say oh it’s just
an idea that’s literally commi talk like
yes socialism Marxism leninism that’s an
idea absolutely it’s an idea it’s an
idea that’s utilized by a [ __ ] totalitarian cult to [ __ ] lead people
to tyranny it’s almost a worse idea than
this uh blue 707 strain that I’m about
to smoke right now I don’t know what the
deal with this is but Dave that’s
something that we must touch on
eventually is uh herb strains 101 in the
jungle in the bush Who’s d Tony whose
flag is that behind your Patriots
neon oh that’s my father’s that’s your
father’s too okay yeah Dave I’m always
up for some um yeah I love strain talk
man conversation 100% um
what I found is something that you will
like you you’re G to love this hopefully
um so this strain right it’s called Uh
88 hashplant
G13 okay and
uh this strain I use uh whenever I can
find it I use uh daily it’s an indicia
straight indicia but it doesn’t give you
any indicia side effects it gives you
sativa side effect and it’s the one of
the only strains that do this so G uh
hashplant G13 was a strain that was made
in the lab in the early
1970s and uh something happened FBI got
raided something happened within the lab
and uh only number 13 survived hence the
G13 um that mixed with hashplant gives
you a phenomenal strain that is almost I
the only way I can describe it is like
straight euphoric like a euphoric rush
but then it just completely numbs you
for your pain and it’s that that strain
and I would say cheese are the top two
strains but uh that’s the strain that uh
cheese hear that Drew cheese cheese
baby I’m interested
nowes yeah yeah yeah cheese string that
is a straight cheese it can you hear me
like sprinkle all right yeah I so
basically we got Mr Blackwolf there in
the chat says [ __ ] you Dave Rose KK has
had free ride for over 400 years you
[ __ ] now it’s funny because I responded
that uh the KKK was founded in 1865 155
years ago so again um Joe you got a lot
of really really dumb people that listen
to you uh and I’m surprised that you
give give them the time of day when they
don’t even donate [ __ ] to you so you
know I think that you should also uh
laugh at these particularly low IQ
individuals Jesus maybe should maybe he
should call in and have it out with you
I said I suggested multiple
times deril I usually don’t read the
chat during the show oh God I want to
jerk everyone off so we calm down let me
tell you about uh Drew uh Drew let me
just tell you about cheese because I
thought I thought Dave was gonna
actually tell you about cheese so I but
it’s not sprinkled cheese real quick
cheese strain if you do get I know but
but it does it literally does stink up
the room like cheese uh it’s a
phenomenal strain you gotta get that
sweaty sock [ __ ] strain how do we go
from weed to
cheese cheese is a is a strain bro
yeah swear to God if you don’t stop I
will Sho you Joe I’ve heard of strains
called cheese but I’ve never actually
had any or smelled any that had a
predominantly cheesy smell it’s like a
[ __ ] it’s almost like a like a sweaty
foot smell actually yeah
100% I can yeah I can imagine but I just
wouldn’t it’s a good smell but it’s only
but it’s like it does have dick smell a
nice little is that what’s that word
called the the stuff that forms or
gathers crust crusty yeah like a fungus
no like it’s apparently with
like yeast infection Jesus Christ how
about like dick cheese I can’t remember
what they
call I’m not done with you yet Donald
you thought I was a joke who Laughing
Now China virus donating to Trump oh by
the way I forgot that’s why we weren’t
in the algorithm tonight Google Google
China Google Google Google China Google
China we love you China Google uh Bill
Gates we love you it’s been been popping
up for me
that’s what it
is damn bro I don’t know I don’t suffer
from that sh talked about
itma I would not want cheese on a dick
wash your [ __ ] man clean your [ __ ] well
you put that between a pair of buns you
got a nice little cheese sandwich oh
[ __ ] off don’t do $3 you can do $5 and
spin the wheel brother instead of three
bucks five bucks you spin the wheel [ __ ] bum
you if you ain’t going to SPID for
bullfrog then spin twice for the
germanator Steven German Pilots landing
at Los Angel International wheny wants
to [ __ ] you know who Damn I was looking
back at
monetize 161 Amanda K looks like
Evelyn oh oh okay oh 161 was that was a
wild one stand back and stand up surpris
you didn’t know what smegma was I mean
considering you’re line in in the dairy
no I I know what it is I just your wife
[ __ ] trying to get at mostly your
wife’s [ __ ] though is that a is that is
that considered um well I guess maybe in
Elite circles that might be considered
uh you know fine dining with some caviar
you know served at Epstein Island on the
breasts of a 12-year-old child oh good
God man oh my
God [ __ ] look what I’m saying is
nothing close to what actually happens
because it’s way worse what actually
happens Tony I want you to stand by and
stand back for a minute because we’re
going to bring in garut entertainment
nothing I can say oh [ __ ] [ __ ] happens at [ __ ] these Elite places
Dave’s favorite right I do want to point
out really quick before we get too far
from it Randy Viper can transfer those
points to Stephen German per the rules
for anyone that was wondering okay so he
wants to give him to Gman well let’s
spin it up he wants to give him to Gman
and do a spin and then and then we can
uh jerk off gar in with the bo the boas
I got to find that
clip in penis yeah he’s back is his name
Gman or German G I don’t think we’ve
ever figured out because he can’t even
say anything straight so I don’t think
anyone truly knows probably is German I
ask yeah probably is German but he would
say German right because that’s how he
would say things instead of good he
would say good I’m good I’m good I I
said German for years but here recently
I I don’t know I I guess I finally
jumped on the G train after everyone
famous B bch your ass I Twigg you
twig [ __ ] be [ __ ] be will that was
a good one too I got to find the burgers
one though because that’s
just somebody find that monetized I’m
gonna go back and find all these clips
and I’m going to start making highlights
cuz they’re just it’s too good you kind
of like how you updated the donation box
oh yeah yeah yeah okay cool kind of like
uh I showed up the final
frontier mhm oh kind of like how you put
up the uh Throwdown post
show wait till that drops that was some
good [ __ ] I think you should premere I
think you should give it for free like
tomorrow night around 9 10 o’clock you
know no I think I want out on patreon
man that was are we talking about I
thought you know a little taste of what
you can get on the patreon before
corrupted starts throw down post show is
[ __ ] great and nobody’s heard it yet
and it’s [ __ ] enraging that nobody’s
heard it yet I thought it was I was that
was a [ __ ] horrible night it it was
good weird and odd all at the same
time like [ __ ] this [ __ ] you thought
that was a horrible night everybody
loved the night wait no show no me no
with when it was just me and Drew after
everyone [ __ ] left oh okay it was it
was godamn horrible it was over an hour
like what the I know we were just we
were trying to see if there was
to get out of it there were some
definely don’t downplay there was
definitely I had to count us out to get
out of there it was [ __ ] oh no no no
yeah don’t give away the ending but the
ending was [ __ ] hilarious wait so
you’re telling me it’s actually horrible
then well it yeah Jesse thinks life is
horrible well no it was horrible because
like we’re like four hours in right and
then it it just was going nowhere with
the [ __ ] you know who okay oh come on
the water bottle thing what the water
bottle or the the water thing oh
favorite oh my God don’t make me give it
away are you guys talking what so what
this God this is going
nowhere I just had to take a [ __ ] I
heard it was so good I just remember to
kill myself that night like more than
usual [ __ ] topic like oh sh I don’t
want to say the is it the this and
like what the like it’s a secret me do
you want me to just give away the show
before Joe puts it out I mean God I
didn’t say that at this point I don’t
think I’m ever putting this out this
sounds like [ __ ] God now we’re
talking [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] with you God
damn there it is
hey man I dug it up for you dude
remember when remember when my to roll
always feels good my twitch used to be
on Fire Man star scream Drew bar Sith
Negan dropping
thousands of bits [ __ ] twitch was
crazy at one point you used to stream on
Twitch four days a week too yeah I used
to Rock It Tyler Floyd I don’t even know
who that is Anymore Joe have you
SE uhuh have you seen the Among Us game
have you heard anything about that
[ __ ] humongous yeah hum humongous hum no it’s
uh looks pretty cool I think uh if you
stream that you make it pretty uh I
don’t know couple people following from
the community play too yeah I don’t know
what I’ll look it up I don’t know what I
haven’t heard anything about it I will
definitely look it up be well all right
relaxed German just all right just
please you know calm the [ __ ] down you
[ __ ] psycho all right nothing like
butting into a sweet and juicy South
Peach Jesus [ __ ] all right you fat
[ __ ] why don’t you go bite into
nothing like Bon into a sweet and juicy
South Carolina
Peach can you imagine he like says that
right before he bites into a boil on
Crystal’s ass well they don’t um don’t
have peaches in North
Carolina oh remember he thinks that
there’s this special Apple that’s from
there or
something and we found out that that’s
not that’s not real get your [ __ ] job
came from like another [ __ ] country
actually in fact do a little basketball
dance off the
concrete I mean I’m just so sick of you
little methhead devil
worshippers I’ll be honest I’d like to
take a big bite out of your face I got
to be honest the compression on that sh
on that uh [ __ ] goddamn microphone uh
the re20 that he uses and the
compression and the bass and his voice
that’s a that’s a [ __ ] that’s a crisp
sound man whoever’s doing his audio
production that is top tier type of [ __ ] do a little basketball dance off the
concrete that’s Alex Jones Alex of
course Alex Jones turn the microphone up
I thought it was a donation I thought
you were talking about donator I was
explaining an old clip oh that’s so
orgasmic isn’t it because it sounds so
good it’s I mean it’s the best
microphone in the world but I mean in my
opinion but um you know you you produce
that mic the right way and it is the
best mic you produce that mic that and
um the only other one that’s better than
the re20 to me is the is the nyman that
[ __ ] crazy noyman actually Howard
Stern uses it now that thing is beast in
fact I I saw I think I saw I think I saw
her old friend uh [ __ ] Dave using
that thing [ __ ] guy that little [ __ ] yeah he [ __ ] had the goddamn noyman I
was like damn he didn’t have a [ __ ] dollar yesterday that thing’s worth like
$800 or $2,000 get your [ __ ] job no
shut up Dan and cor ISO to spin let’s go
with Dan and cor here we go we uh we got
gargs in the house we tagged them in
Tony from Riv tagged in uh gar guts
entertainment who’s coming on in a
second to tell us all about how he’s
illegal oh God the battle of the talker
RS yeah well that’s why you can only
have one on at a
time or you can put them just both up
against each other and see who flips the
[ __ ] out first maybe we’ll do that in a
few I’ll just put them on together
speaking of post shows yeah I’m gonna
flip out
first as long as somebody does it’s a
win to me if if
if people just talk over each other
though that’s not a win you know I’ll
get like eight cops cars called on me or
something it’ll be not good that would
be great no it’s not usually good I want
to hear it I want to hear you be like
I’ll kill you
Mom and then
[ __ ] it’ll be it’s more it’s worse
it’s fighting cops and that never goes
yes holy [ __ ] that I was pretty strong
back then dude I [ __ ] was able to
like get six of them like lift them off
the ground while they were all on top of
me but it was only for a second but I
was like there was so much it was like I
was on PCP they they they [ __ ] tased
the [ __ ] out of you bro you get tased no
wonder I no that’s the first thing
everyone screams don’t [ __ ] tase him
because of my issues and [ __ ] but they
they [ __ ] tackled me like it was a
goddamn football game and then at the
hospital when I like I pushed a [ __ ] male nurse and then the cop [ __ ] got
me there too a male
nurse yeah yeah like I would have
[ __ ] pushed anybody at that point but
yeah was a male
orderly well whatever he was in my
[ __ ] way as soon as I figured out I
was staying I was like nope I see what’s
being said in the chat I’m sorry um
Randy Viper transferred those 550 points
from bullfrog to uh was it Amanda kman I
believe wait it says no you said it was
to uh German I’m sorry oh Gman I’m sorry
yeah so that’s that’s the correction
that needs to be
made trying to sort that out in the chat
my bad my bad brother there you go I’ll
kill a cop how many
salt how many um salt uh things that you
have there uh
Jesse uh four candles and then I have an
electric one in the other room uh but I
want to get more of these Fu things how
many of those fly strips do you have
hanging there uh [ __ ] like too many
go ahead it’s almost we’re almost done
with the [ __ ] fly season I’m thankful
no you’re you’re definitely trying to
get there in your uh your living room I
guess or wherever you are n catch him on
the way through the kitchen man [ __ ] back and forth not about the Flies I’m
talking about those lights what about
them what about him I couldn’t really
hear you I thought you were hanging
bunny rabbits I had no idea what those
things were nobody [ __ ] hear me we
can hear you Dave yeah right uh you’re
trying to get the Good
Vibes yeah man it’s [ __ ] uh you’re
you’re creating this huge spot with all
candles yeah I forgot what the [ __ ] with
be careful I feel like I feel like
your what your room’s like four piles of
clothes away from being on
Hoarders it’s a [ __ ] it’s a goddamn
basket dude what do you
want I’m just kidding I like your wow
you really depressed Jesse with that man
like you failed you were like I got
this he didn’t do anything I got this
great joke and then Jesse just [ __ ] depressed everybody like and then it was
like oh I [ __ ] [ __ ] my joke something
with the [ __ ] candles and he’s just
not having it so no I actually forgot
the [ __ ] name for what they do for
you you know what let’s uh light
yourself on fire like it’s like Dave you
might know it’s like when you go from
like a desert to like uh a forest or
Forest to like desert like when you
change your environment it it does
[ __ ] something for you I forgot what
it oh de deionization that’s it I think
I think it deiz it might be the
word um I think we should all like
ourselves on fire I think we would make
National headlines like YouTubers like
all on one stream in some kind of
solidarity we have to come up with
something to do it for and we’ll all
light ourselves on fire and like nobody
has ever done that do it for youth Asia
like has anybody frog has anybody lit no
[ __ ] him we don’t want to give him any
attention no no no I said youth in Asia
of him oh okay yeah you definitely kill
him yeah but no uh what would be cuz
like what what’s the record like for
like people who set themselves on fire
at the same time in different locations
for a single cause that’s never been
done right like maybe like two people
did it once but like like five people
never have like we all set ourselves on
fire for like arson
nobody I think it’s only it’s called
self imulation or something and uh I
think only one or two people have ever
done it really I think we all do a Time
everybody at the same time I mean there
was uh over 900 people who drank the
Kool-Aid so I mean I think we could beat
that right
what Jim Jones don’t tell me you don’t
know that I don’t know what you’re
talking about are you [ __ ] oh my
God Jonestown no I don’t know what
you’re talking about oh Jonestown like
what the Koolaid you’ve never heard that
what are you saying gonna an aneurism
point and laugh at him
I’m kidding [ __ ] ass look look up Jim
Jones I mean this this has up right now
go drink the Kool why don’t you go drink
Kool-Aid came from I ain’t looking
nothing up no I’m just [ __ ] around
man I don’t know what the [ __ ] no I
really don’t I I really don’t know what
you’re talking about I don’t I mean it
was 1978 I guess it could have gotten
past you but this was big cult
references to it come on yeah I was I
wasn’t alive yet neither was I and
neither was Drew and we both know no I
know this I know what I know the uh
saying I understand what it means but I
don’t know the origination of it so tell
them the story and Drew be sure to start
by saying
pilots pilots in
Jonestown drank [ __ ] [ __ ] of no I
mean he Jim Jones was you know [ __ ] cult leader preacher faith healer
whatever [ __ ] you want to call him but
he convinced a bunch of people to come
out to uh was it Ghana it’s the it’s the
Starlight guyson was it’s the guys who
all suicided for like the spaceship
flying over the Stars it’s Ault thing
maybe in New Guinea I can’t remember but
yeah it starts with oh yeah it was new
yeah yeah I think you’re right um they
called the Jonestown [ __ ] mass murder
drinking the Kool-Aid [ __ ] but basically
he talked a bunch of people into coming
out to this Gathering and all committing
suicide at the same time over 900 people
if I ever went out to the Gathering of
the Jugos that’s what I would do I’d
kill myself right out there in the woods
I mean to put it simply I mean if you
want more details Dave’s Gonna Fill in
the gaps there but that’s you know well
uh it’s funny though this guy kind of
resembles uh was that guy fowell fowell
yeah that American preacher again You’ve
Got That kempt 80s look and then and
those oh Jerry fowell yeah Jerry fowell
and the glasses you know those really
bad glasses 80s glasses but yeah you
know um with his church he expanded in
the states and then brought all these
people to this Jonestown location they
all drank the Kool-Aid and literally how
many was it drew was like like
600 now that you now that you tell me
the story I can tell you that I have
heard that story but I had the guy’s
name I’d never [ __ ] remember that
guy’s name the the drinking the Kool-Aid
comes from they all drank a IID poison
Kool-Aid basically all together
yes right before you all drink the
Kool-Aid I want you to drink my dick
hole he also had connections with the
CIA and uh it appears that with um
potentially MK Ultra I got a shout out
probably I got a shout out Sith Negan
man $100 Patron for a year and a half
that’s crazy bro thank you uh to Sith
no Sith
Sith what up Sith sucks on dicks Negan
sexy guy I would love to change his name
to Dick Negan Dave Jim Jones looks like
a white cocaine drug lord from the 80s I
know you mentioned the ‘ 80s part of it
but he looks like one of those like drug
lords or something but he’s white for
some reason drug lord he see he seems
much more fitting to his role as a TV
and EV
evangelist it’s evangelist I know it’s
inside of you I can feel it I can feel
your power through the TV touching me
you’re all we’re all connected it all
comes in my direction and I feed it back
out to you oh for a dollar a month I can
tell you things about your soul that
your grandparents don’t know about Dave
have you seen the shirt that they sell
for Jim Jones it says uh I had a killer
time at the Jim Jones Kool-Aid
Festival yo I I went to the Jim Jones
Kool-Aid festival and all I got was
sorry and all I got was this pancreatic
infection I can’t believe you haven’t
heard of this if you’ve seen they
actually have photos of like aerial
views of the cabin they were at and it’s
just bodies it it looks like uh the only
thing I could compare it to Koolaid pop
out of one of the tents at the end like
like a fire ant uh Hill or something and
you just like yeah demolish the thing I
they’re falling all over the place and
dying and falling body you’ve never seen
this many bodies um Pompei what the my
name is Jim Jones and my finishing move
is Kool-Aid yeah I man that lava killed
a lot of people right like how many
people full town it’s actually a
pyroclastic flow oh it was okay
pompous [ __ ] well people always made
fun of Tommy for that but it’s like
that’s a pretty creative uh but that’s
all because he’s obsessed with the
Volcano movie so he like that’s
why what it is is it’s the pyoc clastic
flow they said it like once in the movie
and he was like that’s cool sounding
they didn’t have those words at school
when I when they handed me a diploma for
being a [ __ ] idiot wow I only learned
about boot face fatso that’s all I
learned about get your [ __ ] job don’t
kill me you shoot me Jo I swear to God
if you don’t stop I will show you
psycho real real problems there give me
a hell yeah let’s all Sue bullfrog in a
class action lawsuit as a whole
Community for emotional damages and PTSD
we get every time he stirs [ __ ] up and
opens his mouth damn let’s in a clash
class action lawsuit Dan and cor thanks
that was from two hours ago well
actually you could because uh you know
other things have been done similarly to
sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein
and um it could be a class action many
people [ __ ] bum I heard Drew is going to
drive to Walter Reed and suck the covid
out of Trump’s dick spin for Trump stick
oh Arian Che do that
right you mean melania’s dick that dick
belongs to Melania take out your vagina
Melania breastfeed me I heard it
works I heard breast well at least I
married a super
model how do we get this Crown to
Trump’s dick I mean I guess we know
where he is for the next couple weeks so
Trump’s dick 50 points to Trump’s dick
project their uh insecurities so this
particular guy is a
homosexual oh
obsessed with Trump stick probably if
you you know if you know
r i mean I’ve definitely felt
uncomfortable I’ve had some really
private scary conversations me and Aro
have gotten and it’s gotten out of hands
[Music] actually here he comes it’s a and I’m
why do the astronauts that landed on the
moon have a star on the Hollywood Walk
of Fame points to president Trump you
know the answer to that extreme shift
that’s a great comment that is a great
comment because I did not know
that didn’t NE fake news extreme shaft
with the 66 it could be I I doubt I bet
you he’s right though that
sounds that sounds like it actually is
probably true look it up
uh extreme thank you for that donation
extreme that was actually uh very
interesting like Dave said that’s uh huh
uh Yes actually I’m viewing the evidence
that in fact wow they do have a
Hollywood wow True News True News and
they destroyed the tapes of how to get
to the moon that’s why we this is I
didn’t know okay now dve Rose doesn’t
know everything okay but I love to learn
and this is [ __ ] awesome Yep
especially you’re sexiest you were
sexiest when you admit you’re wrong can
I tell you that he didn’t really admit
he’s wrong he just admitt he didn’t know
this that’s all he exact I admitted it
too I said I didn’t know that can you
imagine if IID pretended to know it like
some you know sometimes people like oh
know like I I didn’t pretend to know the
Kool-Aid thing I I mean I knew I know
what it means but I didn’t know the
origins of all that I also didn’t know
this you know Dave didn’t know that you
know you admit when you don’t know
something you don’t just be like yeah I
know you know people do that all the
time someone who would do that would
probably be
um no you know he’s a he’s a douche [ __ ] but I don’t know I don’t know if he’d do
that I he hasn’t been on uh recently so
I haven’t been able to ask him what his
thoughts were about Epstein because you
know that was related to pizzagate and
when I asked him initially he’s like oh
pizz Gate’s a conspiracy well child
trafficking and uh sacrifice isn’t a
conspiracy and we’ve seen so much more
evidence of it and uh Mr Beer boy there
uh Mr Sor boy needs to respond to the
allegations that in is just covering for
his Democrat Masters well he left uh he
doesn’t come on the shows because
uh playing cornhole well I made fun of
uh that [ __ ] shono guy the other day
on Twitter and him and [ __ ] hasco
lost their goddamn
Minds who yeah they’re they suck that
guy’s dicko I mean I yeah I made like a
I made a joke and they [ __ ] lost
their their goddamn Minds it was crazy a
politician no he’s a guy like movie
trivia yeah there’s this movie trivia
show that they watch and like basically
what happens is constantly he sort of he
I don’t know why but like they’re both
obsessed with it like obsessed with it
and whenever we talk a lot of times they
both just kind of bring up that show
like that’s what that’s a really good
show you know your show is kind of
stupid you know like they sort of take
these weird shots and you know Troy
doesn’t come on anymore or whatever and
so I said the the guy hasell wished the
guy a happy birthday now the guy who
runs this looks a lot like a guy who
used to be on a show called King of the
Nerds and that guy used someone was
making fun of him saying he molested a
girl on the set or whatever anyway the
guy never molested anybody it was just a
joke and in fact they’re friends and the
guy kind of looks like that guy so I
said hey isn’t that the guy that
molested that chick you know I was just
being a [ __ ] the guy was like hey
happy birthday you know there I like hey
happy birthday man have a good birthday
and I go hey isn’t that the guy who
molest people you know and like I oh
no and so like oh maybe I mean Maybe I’m
Wrong maybe I’m an [ __ ] because
honestly everybody that’s said this to
me has been like no you’re a psycho
because I was like no I was kidding and
they they got all angry and I was like
he was like take delete this Tweet now
like take this down now like you like
you shouldn’t and I’m like dude I’m
kidding I don’t [ __ ] know I didn’t
say he did molest I said isn’t that the
guy he looks like him like [ __ ] and
Troy and hasell defended this guy
dude well yeah it was like I mean listen
I don’t know like I got in this fight
with them I’ll actually wait a minute
here it is I actually have the [ __ ] I
wasn’t even going to bring this up but
it just shows you what an what a psycho
I am right like obviously I can’t hold
friends nobody likes me I get it happy
happy birthday to this guy whatever
anyway this guy looks a lot like the guy
from King of the Nerds
and I said hey isn’t that the guy who
molested Panzer uh and then H goes what
the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] serious no Joe
you thinking Some of someone else and
while I know you’re Stern stick so then
he takes a shot at me right like Stern
stick I don’t appreciate this at all and
I take serious offense to it I wouldn’t
be friends with or equate myself with
anyone who’s a [ __ ] child molester
first of all who the [ __ ] said child
molester nobody said child molester I
said Panzer and she’s not a
child so he just jumped to child M
himself that’s why he got yeah he got so
defensive he’s a child molester maybe
yeah so like it’s like dude what maybe
rejection so there’s the guy there and I
go this is the guy who I’m talking about
they look alike that’s why it’s funny
and then Edward’s like fine they look
alike then double check who you’re
thinking about first and who I was
wishing a happy birthday message before
I’m like dude you don’t get it it’s
hilarious that I would do this cuz it’s
[ __ ] ridiculous you’re just saying
happy birthday to this guy and I’m like
isn’t that the
Molester it’s like it’s it’s ridiculous
and so then he’s like yeah real funny
joke saying isn’t that the guy who
molested someone real funny and I go oh
go blow him already you [ __ ] and then
Edward said go [ __ ] yourself and then
Troy of course jumped in and said the
world isn’t monetized this episode
Christian’s a real dude that has and I
have met several times that sounds gay
by the way and enjoy his content weird
cringy [ __ ] like this is why I don’t
come on your shows anymore it’s
embarrassing what I mean him in the back
and we only sucked his dick for 20
seconds and you don’t you don’t get do
that I mean he looks like [ __ ] Jed
Fogle what do you want me to do with
that or what are you gonna do with that
it’s a [ __ ] joke it’s a [ __ ] joke
Joe explain to me also what your
thoughts uh cuz I have my own on these
individuals who somehow seem to have
this power trip to tell somebody else on
the internet who could be literally
across the entire world to say delete
that Tweet now yeah don’t know [ __ ] are
you are they afraid that they’re going
to go down with you or something if
something were to come out of I don’t
know dude I think I I’m sorry to say
this I mean I blocked Troy because I
couldn’t I said you know what just [ __ ] yourself because you know what this guy
[ __ ] you don’t like like first of all
he doesn’t come on the show so I invite
him and everything he doesn’t want to be
around he goes call me if you ever need
me I I called him I said I need you he
didn’t come on and so then he and he
always just takes these stabs at me or
whatever the [ __ ] and I and you know
even Troy Troy says worse stuff to me on
Twitter he shits on me on Twitter I make
a dumb joke about this guy like isn’t he
a molester because he looks like this
guy who was called a molester by this
girl but they’re friends so it’s not
even real anyway so it’s not a big deal
but it’s just so mean that this guy said
happy birthday and then I go isn’t this
guy the molested somebody like that’s
just so mean it’s funny [ __ ] to me and
maybe but maybe I’m wrong maybe I’m a
psycho it is a little weird right like
why am I saying this that’s the point
though is to make you go what the [ __ ] are you doing you know but like he loses
it like do you must delete this tweet
and oh this is why I don’t come on
monetize this like what
why what are you talking about he sounds
like tosovic
yeah I mean listen you’re just what are
you going to do they’re doing exactly
what Christian off that guy does and
they suck the dick of whoever is going
to help them out the most and they know
they’ve met Christian so they’re like oh
maybe Christian will see that we’re wh
nighting for him that’s what it reminded
me of they wh knighted a male they wh
knighted this guy that they don’t even
[ __ ] that isn’t real like I I’m
actually Troy’s friend of 11 years I
actually know you and like he always
just shits on me like Joe’s an idiot you
don’t understand how dumb he is it’s
like okay great I’m dumb I get it well
guess what I got three kids and I’m
married and I have a house and [ __ ] you’re a piece you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] how about that you’re like I haven’t
seen you ever with a girl what the [ __ ] are you doing you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] so
I blocked them on my phone I blocked a
lot of people on my phone there probably
people texting me they don’t know I
don’t [ __ ] I blocked everybody um I just
don’t care anymore I shut it all out man
I’m going to keep being a [ __ ] I’m
going to be a bigger [ __ ] now how
about that [ __ ] everybody [ __ ] you if
you’re listening I don’t give a [ __ ] you’re sitting there thinking I’m
talking about you I might not be talking
about you but [ __ ] you anyway I hope you
think I am you piece of [ __ ] everybody
yeah [ __ ] your couch [ __ ] everybody I
mean G I mean you like you nailed it
right there they were wh nighting this
guy and and I even said dude it’s a joke
like I don’t know this guy I didn’t say
like this guy is a pedophile [ __ ] him I
didn’t say that I said like isn’t this
the guy that molested P it’d be like if
someone put up like hey happy birthday
Mike Tyson and I was like hey isn’t this
the guy who murdered Nicole Brown
Simpson or like it’s just like a dumb
comment that like is ridiculous and it’s
like oh someone’s going to see that
who’s going to see it who’s going to see
this they got what 13 likes is Christian
goingon to hit up Edward has is he gonna
hit up Haskell and be like dude what the
[ __ ] with this guy like what do you
no was thing to um was it Willie
Nelson what wait what remember I think
you made it oh like when I tweeted
Willie Nelson we yeah we called Willie
Nelson like a [ __ ] or something
yeah something like so like not even him
like right like anyone would look at it
be like this this guy’s drunk [ __ ] say this he probably doesn’t even know
what he’s [ __ ] talking about like
it’s so evident yeah like it’s a it’s
basically a mockery of sjws is the point
of it like isn’t like every time it’s
always like isn’t this a racist isn’t
this this guy isn’t that so I go isn’t
this a guy who molested uh Panzer like
which is like ridiculous so it’s like
it’s it’s a it’s not a good joke it’s
not even a joke joke really it’s just a
it’s just uncomfortable [ __ ] that I do
on Twitter right it’s it you don’t need
to freak out you could have said like
like if you’d said like oh my God Cronin
you [ __ ] crazy bro you you should I
wish you didn’t tweet this bro I feel
weird I would be like all right bro let
me take I’ll [ __ ] take it down that’s
weird but when you go like oh my God oh
my God I met him in real life you don’t
know him I know him oh my God we [ __ ] him in the ass and then he [ __ ] us in
the ass and then we all [ __ ] in the
ass how dare you how dare you that’s
exactly is a
thumberger how dare you and now it’s a
bit now you’re a bit on my show how
thaten you’re
basically want some bubbly look at this
stuff oh oh a little bit of the bubbly
that’s it Dave I got your back all the
you are not afraid to push the agenda
and say what’s real and give the raw
truth without the condom to sugarcoat
when the agenda is pushed and facts are
stated people get [ __ ] hurt in the chat
and [ __ ] Ruth Ginsburg hey uh I love
toes thanks for the $3 uh two more
dollars and you could have spun the
wheel could have SP the
rose I mean oh no I love toes you think
follow the rules whatever like he didn’t
say for Dave Rose but you could have
been behind one of the I’m not even
really mad about all this by the way I
still like I like Ed I like Troy I’m
[ __ ] kidding but it’s like but they
really were mad and I and I really don’t
care like that’s the funny thing I I
don’t care I don’t give a [ __ ] right
you’re goingon to have a small exactly
you just got to realize that there’s
going to be a small group of people that
are going to hate you but they they’re
not going to get your comedy anyway so
[ __ ] them yes exactly and maybe it’s
self and you know I agree that like you
know if I like real me like if I was
if I wasn’t you know Joe Cronin on
Twitter you know crazy idiot comedian
[ __ ] guy you know or whatever I am
I’m not a comedian I’m just an idiot
you’d be crazy Dan I yeah yeah but I
mean like I probably wouldn’t write like
you know I maybe I wouldn’t write that
you know but I I’d write like I wouldn’t
write anything to the Happy Birthday I’d
just be like oh whatever you know I’m
not going to write happy birthday and
yeah I like normally wouldn’t go around
being like yo you molester you know it’s
like dude there’s no validity to it
there’s no example of it there’s no
actual accusations of it anywhere it’s
just like isn’t this the guy like a
question I I didn’t say he’s the
Molester or he’s a molester you know I
said isn’t that the guy that molested
somebody like that’s a question and it’s
a joke but you know what I mean listen
bro I obviously have mental issues so
what are you gonna do I got to admit I’m
a bit [ __ ] I’m crazy bro I’m out of
my mind crazy I’m not normal you know I
clearly you know there’s no right answer
with anybody at this
point um I think I think gar yeah I was
going to say he’s like after last week
he’s like I’m not g to say [ __ ] I’m just
GNA sit here yeah what did you guys do
put him in a Mexican tie down like what
the [ __ ] going on here gargot you
alive bro hey watch the potion I thought
I was on
time what’s up brother I thought I was
on time out I was waiting for
you I don’t know where you think your
mic microphone is but it’s pointing at
your forehead
oh I’m just the guy on the couch man SE
y soy to
papy drink
aesa kill the
Gringo garas is like what the f he’s
like frozen I don’t know let’s bring
Tony on and him Garg maybe that’ll get
him going yeah we’ll bring Tony on [ __ ] no I wanted I was just waiting for him
to talk cuz you know I didn’t want to
step on people people’s toes sorry well
now you’re being too gay now you’re just
being stupid all right that’s cool then
all right he’s rattled he’s rattled man
s i just Wan I just want to apologize
you know I got drunk and I didn’t eat my
pizza so you know that [ __ ] happens when
I drink butt ice man yeah that’s a but
Ice is like it’s like tequila for me man
it’s water any Mexican will [ __ ] get
nuts on that or [ __ ] Dave [ __ ] Dave
who do you think uh gut looks like
there’s somebody that he looks like and
I know who it is but I want to know if
you know let me guess too after he’s
done okay
Dave it kind of reminds me of Prov yes
exactly Bingo Mexican Prov I I was
actually I thought you were going a
little more mainstream I was gonna say
Chris Cornell oh yeah no no he’s got
that a little bit too but yeah I mean in
the community like early 90s Cornell no
I’m talking about Chris Cornell like six
months after they buried
him well that would be me right that
would be the [ __ ] keeper no you look like the uh the do
you look like Pro V AIT you got that
strung out I’m so high I might [ __ ] a
[ __ ] you know yeah
man I don’t know bro usually I get the
the dude from da and
Confused yeah Co
man I get that the stoner I get get it I
get it they all Stoners in that movie
oh the stoner out of all of them yeah oh
God that Audio Slave [ __ ] was pretty
good for about a half a second you know
and then they just I like slave he kind
of like dripped I love that song yeah he
kind of like stripped them into like
he’s he whooped that band into another
band like it was just like no Rage
Against the Machine I wonder how long I
took it well but it’s but then they
still kind of had that funk a little bit
in there but it wasn’t yeah it’s weird
dude it’s it’s uh that was actually you
know it was it was a fascinating time
because what was it there was two bands
that stood out right there was Audio
Slave because that was like a
Reformation super group thing and then
who was the other band there was another
one who did it and it was uh Velvet
Revolver Velvet Revolver
yeah Velvet Revolver was great
the both of them it was like wow dude
these two bands grabbed a different band
singer with their Vibe and then like
came together and then like sort of like
came in the met in the middle or
something it was [ __ ] what a weird
like I I wish we could have done that
more with more bands you know I mean
like what happens when [ __ ] the
singer of corn goes to Pearl
Jam well
the they did it with dime bag and um
yeah damage point question for you guys
yes um maybe you’ve seen this meme uh
going out there but um apparently aichi
Chester benington Anthony Bourdain and
Chris Cornell all supposedly committed
suicide yes sir documentary called The
Silent children about widespread
pedophilia and trafficking I tweet there
was a lot of false information on that I
tweeted about that and then I was met
with dude that is a wicked fake story
and I was like oh really okay I and I
don’t know enough to argue about it but
from what I heard there was a lot of
Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington
were working on that so that is
guaranteed well see the uh the director
or writer or whatever the creator of it
I know that’s three different people but
it was someone like at the upper echelon
of the whole project came out in a
statement I did find that and he said
they absolutely had no connection with
it so whether they were telling the
truth or not I don’t know I can’t argue
that with you wise and aichi did make
that video about um finding the the
pedophiles and basically branding them
and he died soon after that yeah and
look what happened to
um dude they had him killed no doubt
look at spy right those people called
out spy he must have been like one of
the kingpins and all this [ __ ] because
you don’t think that Chester wasn’t
ready to check out anyways though no I
don’t know man this is weird dude oh
dude okay let me talk so his mom lived
in one of my ex-girlfriend’s
neighborhoods she was like super rich my
ex-girlfriend and she lived in the same
neighborhood as Chester and his mom here
in Arizona you know Tim Ellen’s mother
lived in the same neighborhood as my
in-laws and I’ve got to tell you that
you know there’s a conspiracy there
too well I would like to see him at
games and stuff so I I would like to see
him around town and stuff like uh and
his what was weird is that his second or
his like best friend died supposedly
committed suicide like two months later
and that kind of didn’t get any media
information but uh if he confided
secrets into him it kind of makes sense
so I wouldn’t put it past the conspiracy
but Secrets I don’t
Secrets secret sorry sexual Secrets
sexual secets didn’t uh Corey Felman
come out with like a documentary like
that recently
and then and then they hit
the only showed it once in one screening
they only went after uh one like one
person really right cuz but Feldman kept
saying like I’m going to expose
everybody and he won’t do it I really
think he knows that they will kill him
like M Cen could too and he doesn’t
because I mean same anybody that’s like
oh they won’t kill anybody well dude
Kevin spacy it’s like dude that guy
literally taunted the People by cutting
up a turkey with a knife and then
everybody ends up dead or like several
people not everybody but quite a few of
them ended up dead it’s like dude this
guy like he even [ __ ] taunted
everybody he literally sent out the
signal like he’s carving up a turkey and
[ __ ] that wasn’t like to be like [ __ ] [ __ ] these allegations I’ll be back that
was like dude we’re going to [ __ ] we’ll take care of you watch what
happens like what person in a normal
human would I don’t know I mean maybe I
would do that cuz I’m I’m crazy
like if you said I did something I
didn’t do I probably would make a
threatening video about you cuz I’d be
like I didn’t do that I’m going to kill
you like how about that but it’s like
who that who’s that YouTuber that
supposedly committed suicide by jumping
thep namea ETA e
Kaa now I’ll tell you is he
a what was his first name is it is it a
black guy da
oh it’s not then it’s not him Jones oh
maybe oh never mind there was another
one who what they jumped off a bridge or
a building supposedly a bridge kill
myself I’m gonna kill
myself was in River make me want to kill
myself I’m gonna kill I’m gonna kill
myself he had curly here he he’d
actually come out and and named uh Hanks
and Spielberg is being
pedophiles oh and they were running then
he was dead man he was in the [ __ ] River name was Jewish too but like I
don’t know if it was
Nathan I can’t remember last name Elijah
um they [ __ ] froto remember when that
director was it Tony Scott no no no rley
Scott jumped off the bridge dildo baggin
he that that director that jumped off
the bridge Tony Scott or or was it
Ridley Scott one of the twins Jes Christ
Ridley Scott’s alive so it’s not him
yeah it was Tony Scott then don’t know
didly Squad about nobody Scott they
blame it on like thank you Jinger Mahal
thank you Isaac Cappy oh I just found it
as you said it I just found
it man I can’t talk tonight I can’t
think we can hear you we hear everything
you’re saying now I’m not say I’m just
like saying like my I’m [ __ ] stumbling over words I can’t usually I
pull this information up out of my brain
no problem like again I was thinking
Jewish name ISAC is [ __ ] totally
Jewish but like I just couldn’t [ __ ] I don’t know my brain’s not working
that’s how I was we bro it’s the weed
dude it’s
all dude might be the sometimes with the
weed I can see through time and I can
[ __ ] you know predetermine certain
events alcohol around alcohol will help
wow could be that you look tired spoke
about pedophiles and pizzagate and um
you know then he got suicided also what
happened mcol culen has a b it’s called
the pizza
underground yeah the pizza underground
yeah oh the pizza gates are just [ __ ] have you guys seen that Meme of moli Cen
it’s supposedly it’s a big long quote
and it ends underr it ends with him
throwing up on this dude’s shoes because
they’re made of like kid
leather oh yeah I read about that I
don’t know the truth of it but it sounds
it’s [ __ ] grotesque and you know that
shit’s got to have some basis could have
some basis in
reality like raw underground I mean the
red shoes are definitely something there
but this was written as if they were
literally shoes made you’re telling me
don’t wear red shoes then okay [ __ ] well
not if you’re getting
Smackdown was depressing spin the wheel
for my dudes it’s for a good cause great
show and this is not D Real Talk Jake
DeMarco and Joe Cronin are a tag team
champion wrestling podcast keep my
brothers thank you botch club and the
wrestle daily on Instagram let’s spin it
up baby who’s his dudes that he’s given
the points to coming down the aisle at
4,000 lb I’m going with botch club I’m
just going to give it to botch Club yeah
I guess so 100 to botch club unless this
dude is [ __ ] Club I don’t know who he’s
talking about [ __ ] bum he’s right though
although I’ve never been a fan of trump
even before he became president ever
since he ran for office more Americans
are getting into politics in turn more
people are voting and doing their fact
checks so C do for that yeah well and
then but then there’s more
misinformation than ever before but Sam
High Sky Rider it’s true yo Sam yeah but
at least at least both sides of the
political Spectrum are seeing that the
media hates them both and they want and
they want to [ __ ] lie to them all the
time and people are waking up to this
and calling out the [ __ ] I mean
remember when the they [ __ ] started
to storm the leftists started to storm
CNN headquarters in Atlanta destroying
and [ __ ] that was [ __ ] beautiful yeah see more that a lot more
of that even Kumo in um New York or
whatever it’s like everybody hates him
it’s not just it’s everybody nobody
likes him he’s [ __ ] everybody
um yo it’s beenin for
um Sam Sky Rider I Sky
Rider oh yeah this OT doesn’t know about
shoot me y I swear to God if you don’t
stop I will show you
Jo why do you blame you if you don’t
stop because it’s a Tommy deal you know
because this is what people do dude like
I mean I don’t know what I’m not going
to sit here and [ __ ] about it but it’s
like every everybody does this you know
know what I mean everybody does it bro
people [ __ ] people will do something
bad to me and then if I complain about
it I’m a
scumbag if uh somebody bashes me and I
don’t say something I’m a scumbag if I
say something about somebody then I’m a
scumbag there’s no right answer I’m a
scumbag I’m a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] scumbag no matter what you know no
matter what I do I’m a scumbag if I have
somebody on the show then the next thing
you know they get manipulated and now
I’m a scumbag if I have someone on the
show I’m a scumbag for having someone on
the show I’m not a scumbag for having
someone on the show scum scum scum
scum that’s all it is you go on another
person show your
scumbag everyone’s scum
bag yeah that I mean dude that’s what
that’s what this is that’s what it
always is what the [ __ ] just just just
you know what I mean anybody with a
goddamn brain knows what goes on in this
[ __ ] Community it’s an uphill battle
for me all the time it’s okay it’s a
it’s not sex it’s it’s you know bullfrog
is you know be the next manipulated one
Tommy’s gone because Tommy’s been fully
manipulated so Tommy’s done you know
bullfrog’s the the next one he’s done
too just like people before them were
done too it’s another manipulation after
another whoever gets popular there’ll be
another manipulation that’s it’s very
obvious they go steal co-host and then
steal ideas like debates and stuff yeah
I don’t know about that I mean I’m I
mean I’m not talking about that but I’m
talking about like just bullfrog in
general like the guy’s [ __ ] he plays
people you know what I mean just like
everybody else does Listen to him’s
listen to the listen to the anger in his
voice here listen to this I mean this
guy he’s going to kill somebody you
shoot me Joe I swear to God if you don’t
stop I will shoot you
Joe [ __ ] be
real wouldn’t you like that to play
after every like every every wouldn’t no
I wouldn’t at all no like and then you
like to now I love even more that’s my
dab by the way it’s not even a dab
that’s the Hulk Hogan [ __ ] like I just
did the whole Hogan [ __ ] like yo boom I
do the Hogan post that’s my I don’t have
a dab that’s that’s what I do and now
now that’s going to turn into some like
[ __ ] KKK salute or something because
Hogan’s a racist or whatever they say
now you can’t do you say dab yeah
dab okay you said
Dad no that’s I thought it was a little
weird dad why’ you have to die when I
was a kid dad
I missing a
joke deep
inside I’m going to kill bullfrog every
night he’s going to die I’m going to
kill him in the
night you shoot me Joe I swear to God if
you don’t stop I will Sho you
[Music] no wa
oh did you shoot me no I swear to God if
you don’t stop I will sh you Jo do your
[ __ ] job Jesus do your [ __ ] job do your [ __ ] job send my greasy ass into ourter
space there you go little mix for the
crackheads out there now that helps
anybody with ADD loves those spots where
like you’re talking normal everything’s
fine and then just all chaos shit’s
going on everywhere they’re like oh like
they love it it’s great thank you we’re
back to normal now we’re back to normal
Rick Moranis has died of his injuries uh
this is crazy news right now uh breaking
news Rick
Moranis has died of his injuries no
[ __ ] suddenly Ghostbusters 3 has been
announced with Rick Moran’s hologram wow
this is I mean this is sad like let’s no
I’m just kidding of course he’s fun
honey shrunk his kidding Honey I shrunk
his balls Honey I shrunk my anus what
was the best one honey I raped the kids
again honey a black man kicked my ass
honey I did too much blow last night
honey dick honey OJ assaulted
me wouldn’t it be funny if a story comes
out that like he actually robbed this
guy Jo
bid honey um honey Joe Biden touched the
you think that this guy that punched
Rick moras was trying to do that
remember that it was that Viral [ __ ] yeah it’s The Knockout would punch Rand
but he didn’t have somebody filming him
so that was weird no honey I put honey I
put my knee in his neck
oh honey honey I fought Kimbo
Slice honey I [ __ ] honey I [ __ ] Kimbo
Slice H dude I was yeah I was watching
Kimbo Slice uh videos earlier today and
I was like remember that time man when
that was like super fun to watch Kimbo
Slice just like in people’s backyards
just [ __ ] people up like like that
was watch the playlist all day yeah dude
he’s like the he was The Goldberg of
backyard fighting or like Fight Club you
know I I remember he was like un pretty
much like undefeated almost and there
was like a video of this guy running up
and up on him in the gym and like just
Kimble got I’ve never seen Kimble get
his ass handed to him but that on that
video he’s just working out and this guy
just runs up on him that he’s about to
fight and uh who his ass we get suck
Sucker Punch Yeah Yeah I mean that’s
what I mean you know like he offered up
sucker punches before but I mean he knew
what he was doing the guy like a couple
times I saw him just be like go ahead go
ahead hit me but he knew it because he
got hit with that guy’s hard as [ __ ] and
then the guy was missing him i’ I’ve
seen this and he was like okay just
here’s free shots because he knew that
the guy didn’t have enough power or
skill to to knock him out even if he hit
him oh the good old dais of YouTube yeah
now fight Ken shamr I think he did yeah
think yeah he died yeah he died yeah it
was crazy like literally like a few
months before he died he F Ken Shamrock
and animal came out with Ken Shamrock
that’s so weird oh don’t call him that
those street fights were one of the
first things I remember YouTube putting
their foot down on and getting rid of
yeah if not the first well EV eventually
for some reason Kimbo slice’s videos
stayed but like other people’s came down
well I mean money at that point that was
before they had uh you know [ __ ] got
in the pockets of all of the mainstream
media I think what made well what made
Kimbo slice’s videos like stay up I
think mostly obviously was number one
the the notoriety or whatever the
success the viral everybody was into it
but also that you know they kind of like
were they were really having a fight
like that was I don’t know like they
they were stopping they weren’t really
trying you know they weren’t killing
people in a like other people had street
fights and they went too far and stuff
like that you know and th those videos
came down a lot because it was like sort
of random violence in the street and
this was more like I don’t know maybe
I’m only speculating I have no idea I’m
just saying like maybe it’s because
these were more I don’t know like you
know they were fights but they were
illegal illegal activity and that’s
against to you know they’re engaging
still up to be honest they they have
three million views from five seven
eight years ago they’re still up see the
to the to is [ __ ] they only use it
when they have to right because how many
fights are on you could look up so many
[ __ ] fights on you you could look
murders up on YouTube you can look up
porn on YouTube yeah how about the girls
who like do the ASMR and then they’re
like they’re in a bikini thing and
they’re like rubbing their ass [ __ ] on
like a giant pole thing and they’re like
like and that [ __ ] whatever that
stupid [ __ ] is that what’s her face and
like she’s all over and she’s like
coming and pouring milk all over herself
meanwhile like I’ve
come what what’s her name what’s her
um you looking I forget her name is like
something purp Bella deline or something
that oh you’re talking about the that’s
the only fans chick yeah but she’s on
YouTube with these
videos there’s a girl uh Destiny fomo
she’s a YouTuber and she I’m friends
with her yeah and I was just like Jesus
Christ she’s really doing this now yeah
dude I’m friends with that that girl
it’s weird that you know her is that why
you know her or you know her for another
reason no because I follow video games a
lot she’s a wrestling fan yeah that too
she’s into wrestling as well she talks
about wrestling that’s kind of how I
like I found her in that [ __ ] little
niche right there yeah she’s a pretty
she’s a pretty um but no this is like
this this chick isn’t like fomo she’s
like she like does does does she does
teasy stuff and like real photo shoots
that are like sexy type of thing this
other girl like Bella deline or whatever
like simulates [ __ ] in blood play and
[ __ ] while [ __ ] and coming and
licking candy canes and dildos Monica’s
got really important
question she wants to know what an ass
[ __ ] is uh did I say that
earlier yeah it’s like a front butt a
front butt yo give me some of that ass
[ __ ] boo give me some of that ass [ __ ] in the
rectum I will gladly accept it brother
either way it sounds good exactly y
That’s gateb Drew Gaye keeper Drew was
like you know what I remember twitch I’m
going to sub to you on Twitch for free
oh yeah forgot to reup it you haven’t
been on in so long I I know miss my
streak [ __ ] Aro lost like a 40 month
streak or something do you think he lost
it cuz he just reup not that long ago I
think he got it did he okay last I heard
he hadn’t I no he he ended up like three
weeks ago or something I was playing
Diablo and he jumped in and I was like
ah you got it so it must be coming up
again but I’m going to be on Twitch
because there’s a big Diablo PTR and I’m
going to play so I’m going to get on
there and [ __ ] probably never play with
Troy again points to Colonel Santos
let’s make him win and go cron and make
him come if you guys were to choose what
is your preferred way of death and which
way are you scared of dying I’m scared
of being buried alive or in a close
space in claustrophobic
KF yeah buried alive would be a terrible
way I think the worst way though is
somebody like abducting you and keeping
you in the basement and like [ __ ] torturing you as [ __ ] forever that would be the worst thing
that’s what I don’t don’t as long as
that don’t happen I don’t want no
[ __ ] Pulp Fiction [ __ ] happening you
know I don’t that’s I’m worried about
that Randy
Viper 100
points I drink cuz I’m the man my
enemies are the
[Music] in Grand
man come on make me believe in
tasty I’m so thirsty would you answer me
R all my friends are [ __ ] the man CU
all my friends are drinking yo it’s Lex
Luger it’s Le
[Music] luga all
drink I want to kill myself
[ __ ] spin that wheel for me I’m drunk play my
music Joe come on let’s go Lex
Luger let’s go Lex booger I mean booger
booger boo my [ __ ] music where’s my music get it
copyright where’s the [ __ ] music and do your [ __ ] job it’s
[ __ ] coming man it’s [ __ ] coming
relax it’s
coming here it is spin the wheel let’s
do it live stupid ass get your [ __ ] job those 100 points were for Colonel
Santos by the way instead of Randy
Vier oh yeah so much going on Colonel
Santos yeah I don’t know who that is but
yeah was ask me head cran Joe Santos dos
santes 500 points godamn for Lex
Luger that Jesus that actually takes uh
Dan and cor off off the board and then
botch club’s after them uh takes uh sank
off the board oh sank yeah he should
have been off the board earlier so yeah
well he’ll now now we’re even okay let
me let me reorder this Trump’s dick
should be next
actually yeah it was a lot the secret
the secret ingredient in the in the cran
was you starting it with your dick was
it yes you have to you really can’t have
the cran unless I start with my dick I
knew it get some shots in I I’m I’m the
only person around here that’s had it
yep only Drew’s had it but I I I just
straight up had Joe’s dick too so you
know there’s that too yeah oh
[ __ ] who did like Luger give the points
to or are they for Lex himself okay Lex
Luger well I mean he didn’t State either
way so go kill Miss Elizabeth again you
[ __ ] piece of
[ __ ] [ __ ] trolling down the
aisle trolling down the aisle Wheeling
down the aisle wasn’t Sherry hanging
with him too when she died probably I
mean I mean like yeah I thought there
was a couple of them that’s like man
there’s some shady [ __ ] going on over
there maybe he’s a murderer
dude like a line of girls outside
waiting for the restroom no The Lex
Luger thing I imagine that scene and I
know you’re not going to get this
reference Joe but in Breaking Bad where
uh Jesse is laying with [ __ ] Christen
rid or whatever her name was in the show
and she is [ __ ] codes out in the
[ __ ] bed [ __ ] spewing [ __ ] foam
all over her mouth and everything
choking on her own foam and
everything that’s what that reminds me
of that’s what I think of with Lex Luger
I’m like I could just see like [ __ ] Liz [ __ ] just foing at the mouth and
Sherry [ __ ] every I’m like yeah Lex
Lex Luger is Jessie but worse oh oh my
god wow Jesus
Christ wow Jesse any comment there not
that Jesse you [ __ ] are you paying
attention or are you just here like to
say weird [ __ ] oh I really H thought I
didn’t know either I thought you talking
about our Jess hey you piece of [ __ ] everyone here thought you meant that
Jessie you’re talking about me I’ve seen
the show so I I’m pretty sure I said
Breaking Bad you think I can’t say what
I’m gonna say I’ll kill somebody for
McMan oh [ __ ] have you seen breaking bad
because I have have you even seen
breaking bad because I have I lived in
Mexico for 5 years the Mexicans were
five times better than the Americans the
federales were nicer to me than the
police and I saw the Twin Towers break
bad and that was enough for me I saw
people die on 911 and I jacked off what
does that tell you about me you think
I’m scared of your threats I masturbated
to people falling to their
death I just realiz when you do a you
say saw and instead of
SAR of course that’s the accent that I
have what do you want me to make up one
for you yes you aren’t even really a
Mexican anymore that’s why I know you’re
American because you’re a [ __ ] too I hope 911 I want to see 17 911s in
a row that’s what I hope for I hope I
hope Donald Trump en acts one I hope the
farmers of America suffer of a drought
and they and they end up selling their
own children to black slaves in Africa
then we’ll have white slaves in
Africa I think there still are slaves
yeah Jesse they’re really like some of
the there’s like the mo there’s more
slavery now than there was back in the
day when we had slavery here there’s
more actual slavery now did you know
Jesse don’t get smart ass with me I’ll
have you killed all right I’m friends
with the Hell’s
Angels all right Jesse relax go back
into the corner all right go sit in the
corner and jerk off okay calm down [ __ ] bum spin it one more time oh Joe for
real peep my brothers Kobe Jordan Jimmy
Hendricks and more paintings show your
fans as well cheers fellas yo Kobe
Jordan Jimmy
Hendricks Jesus Christ what a
name it’s going to be my name my name
Kobe Jordan Jimmy
Hendricks wow
imagine that super group together the G
name shout out to
BLM and the dick would be like that yeah
these people are white too 100
points to botch Club oh wait they came
off the board oh [ __ ] the hell oh my oh
the king is here oh the king is [ __ ] here spot all
day the King has
wo it’s in your B
[Music] hole
wo W it’s in your bu
[Music] hole I wanted s in my
ble Come
audio jungle ladies and gentlemen shut
your mouths and give us your attention
my name is dwell I am the voice for my
new client the soon to be new Champion
Steve Kalen everything will be awarded
to him oh my God D hit another [ __ ] kanuck [ __ ] off oh my God he’s given the
points to Steve
colan oh my God that piece of [ __ ] going
to rule around here oh my God America
damn it I can’t believe D Welsh is here
and he did that that son of a [ __ ] I
got a drink I’ve got to drink for this
[ __ ] [Music] too there he
is when the evil Shredder is
black no G him no
he’s black in the new video game the
shredder he’s not Japanese he’s
black you know what [ __ ] you [ __ ] Steve
kham but here’s the shot anyways [ __ ] yeah baby let’s go I got the claws out
[ __ ] the claws out baby I’m
coming for you Steve
Shredder with shredder yeah I’m just
wondering does his name therefore not
end with an r instead it ends in an a MH
yeah his new name is
oh my God Jesus Jo Jesus Christ Jesus
Christ looks like me Ty negative Jesus
Christ all right here we go D Welsh
given to Steve Kanan a two hundy bomb
this is going to win whoever hits unless
this is bankrupt White Claus there Owen
Benjamin yeah I’m still on the Owen
Benjamin kick bro these really get you
lit up I think I’m going to start
becoming a psycho hermit like Owen
Benjamin cuz I think it’s something in
this stuff and I’m
serious [ __ ] serious bro that’s where
I got the cray from oh
no oh
no what please tell me he gone gone yes
oh no my God [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right really let’s
call it how it is D Welsh knows he’s the
king of the [ __ ] bankrupt he could have had that three
weeks in a row thing if he could find
something other than the [ __ ] bankrupt spot on that wheel oh my God he
can never overcome that he could drop
another thousand bucks a night that
[ __ ] is going to hit bankrupt
every [ __ ] time some drop five bucks
and like [ __ ] does that [ __ ] happen yo D I don’t [ __ ] understand
life that wheel was
weak oh my god dude like his chin I was
super pumped up now I’m like [ __ ] depressed oh my god dude just [ __ ] end it why did it land on
that oh he goes well I’m number three of
all time now well hey there’s a good
consolation what do you mean he ain’t
going to win tonight he’s not he’s not
even on the
board yeah yeah but he he’s got number
three of all time definitely worth
celebrating that what do you mean he’s
got number three of all time he said on
streamlabs he’s number three of all time
oh oh I see what you’re saying now oh
wow yeah he’s taking over schleppy
or has he take who’s he who’ he take
over yeah he took over sleppy wow him
God JD fenom D Wells the second s that
slap second
[Music] he why am I a [ __ ] que I don’t have a chin
now oh I don’t care if I’m
gay I’ll rape you
bullfrog’s a
rapist he wants to [ __ ] his
family and bullfrog will
notice if his niece not
around he wants to [ __ ] someone someone in his
family he’s a
cre frog is a
[Music] wi all right thank you so much DWS for
the two hundy bomb man much appreciated
what a [ __ ] blast dude that was that
was a bomb’s away and it went to
wow so we uh shell shock
when we uh give points to body parts is
it still supposed to go only to the
person or is this different with the the
wheel philosophy I mean they no they can
give part you give [ __ ] points to a
foot go ahead I don’t give a [ __ ] okay
well uh then in that case Trump’s dick
has 100 points instead of whatever he’s
at Trump’s dick has 100 points okay
there we go uh somebody needs to help D
Welsh out for that 200 I might have to
do it man I might have to do it I might
have to do it man I might have to I
might have to give him some money cuz
wait you know what I mean like I mean
come on bro I F his
balls you want to uh why don’t you fle
Birds balls so we’ll [ __ ] talk yo
bird 2393 our buddy Bird’s here what’s
up bird 2012 senior Su I’m chilling sup
bie [ __ ] I’m going through a week of
[ __ ] [ __ ] I’ll tell you that I
thought I had cancer this whole [ __ ] week are you Ser what the [ __ ] what’s
going on you remember remember the story
I told you a couple weeks ago being in
pain and [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah I got I
went to the dock and got all that [ __ ] looked at I got tested for cancer and
[ __ ] I was thinking I had cancer all
this whole [ __ ] time wow it turns out
I had a [ __ ] no I’m good I’m good I’m
negative thank [ __ ] CH what was it
but I had a kidney I had a [ __ ] kidney stone as big as a [ __ ] golf
my dude I’m starting to think that I’ve
got that man [ __ ] that yo wait a minute
bird was were you feeling because I’ve
been having this go on with me and I’m
like wondering about [ __ ] did it feel
like someone was squeezing your kidneys
off and
on um here’s here’s what I felt when you
take a piss it doesn’t hurt when you pee
thank Christ but when you’re done it
feels like somebody just shanked you
between the legs it feels like there’s a
little pressure on your back on your
back there’s no way they’re letting you
pass that right maybe I have cancer then
you don’t have cancer would know no I
just no they’ve got to be chopping it
out right I mean there’s no way they’re
going to let you piss that out here’s
what you actually Drew apple cider
vinegar baby that is that is the only
way to get rid of it
unless me too many voices what I was
saying don’t they dissolve them a little
yes yeah they wer vinegar yeah you
should be drinking acidic stuff right as
all kinds of acidic [ __ ] and drinking a
shitload of cranberry juice mhm oh that
hey the crayon there you go the crayon
yep that actually make it happen quicker
bird don’t bird bird get real cranberry
juice get like real cranberry juice I
don’t know if you’ve ever tasted real
cranberry it’s awful that shit’s
disgusting been drinking that all
[ __ ] week bro I want to kill myself
these guys out of New Jersey make this
great stuff this New Jersey cranberry
I’ve been drinking it too just just to
you know just to drink it to like
precautionary or whatever
it’s [ __ ] great you know how if you
funnel beer it becomes more potent if
you do it like through your ass because
it goes straight through your blood
vessels would the same be true for the
cranberry and doing the pro I don’t know
about that but you look like the kind of
guy that would funnel come no because
oh hey that was good dude that good can
you imagine being in a party and you’re
doing a funnel and the guy runs out of
the bedroom and he goes finally I’m
ready and he shoots it right into the
[ __ ] thing as you’re it and like all
night he’s been jerking off waiting to
come and like tons of people have been
lining up at the chair to take the shots
and he finally busted his nut as someone
took a shot now that’d be considered
like rape or something nowadays right or
like some kind of
assault have I ever told you the story
of when uh my budding a beer but they
they dropped tequila down the funnel
instead yeah dude we were talking about
that the other day cuz we we did that
all the time like we would but not a
whole wait a minute are you saying a
whole thing cuz we used to do like the
beer shot was coming and then everybody
would dump their shots in but like
you’re saying that you funneled an
entire like [ __ ] huge thing of I I
don’t know how much went down but he
definitely got enough because five
minutes later he jumped and this guy is
probably 280 why is everybody muted in
the on hold now all the time I I I was
going to ask you if that was you ex
people should be able to there’s some
thing where everybody’s muted now on
hold I don’t know what I’ve been I’ve
been unmuting it because I’m sure they
want to hang out in the on hole I’m not
doing that though so it’s like where the
[ __ ] is that coming from this dude took
down so much tequila five minutes later
um keep in mind he’s like 250 280 at the
time he jumps off of a second floor back
like balcony yeah after a car full black
eyes pulls up and he’s running through
the [ __ ] yard chasing after them you
[ __ ] NW word you [ __ ] oh my God
what the dude’s not racist at all would
never use that [ __ ] word and he oh
man wow I mean he was was you know how
Joe you said that everybody would dump
their shots in at the end when you’re
taking the beer bong yeah yeah well one
day I was at a a party and U my friend
actually my roommate right here uh was
taking uh beer bong and my I had a
friend that went into the fridge and
grabbed a [ __ ] an Oscar Meer wiener
and dunked it
[ __ ] bong and he goes into it and he
looks at he goes what the [ __ ] is
this an Oscar me wiener he looks at he
looks at he looks at my other friend he
just like you you know what I’m saying
like it was just like it was it was like
that moment like you either laugh or you
just get pissed off and [ __ ] take his
head off but no he [ __ ] laughed at
him he had another beer but that dude
was putting [ __ ] Oscar Meer wieners
in everybody’s beer or pocket that
wasn’t looking because they were drunk
he swallowed your
dude that’s [ __ ] funny that is [ __ ] hilarious bro you
could have died off of that though could
have choked off of that yeah look at
Brian Brian himar Brian him God number
one JD Venom number two D Welsh in the
three spot he eclips schleppy who eclips
D Moon uh the Goon arushinchu Sith Negan
Daryl and uh whoever this is Veta they
changed their name I don’t know who that
is and J Man from KC even made the top
10 so shout out to you guys for top
donation uh hell yeah hell yeah man I
want to see Jesse eat F sexy be you sexy
[ __ ] I can’t believe that was
bankrupt there used to be two slippies
right I can why do you act surprise the
dude is hit bankrupt if we had a
leaderboard bankrupts D Welsh would take
the [ __ ] crown for that well if we
had a leader board call D Welsh most
money with [ __ ] most money donated
with bankrupts like it’s him yeah
exactly we should give him like the dun
cap for that there should be a dunce C
it should be on instead of bankrupt it’s
DW yeah we’re officially changing the
word special ed to special
Welsh special Welsh that that
fits if only we had a leaderboard for
chins he’s probably in the on hold
section just [ __ ] raging right now no
he he’s probably my C my he’s been all
day my client my client my client Steve
K I [ __ ] fed him to the Wolves botch
put botch Club put up my video where I
smash myself in the nuts with the
[ __ ] thing I love him that’s
hilarious this is going to this is funny
as [ __ ] dude I can’t believe put this
up it’s got sound on
baby God damn I got
get Robb
bro bring baby this is going to get like
15,000 views it’s not me with the feed
back BR
baby I’m
tring I can’t wait actually is never
mind I can’t wait to go through the
comments and just watch people be like
who is this [ __ ] idiot who’s this idiot you can be like
that’s me that’s me me yo what’s up with
um Matt Riddle’s hair tonight on
Smackdown I mean did he want to have his
pigtail dud he a he look like a
jobber dude he looked like like you so
he looked like you he looked like he
wanted to be [ __ ] by a man what’ you
do shave it you see what he was wearing
too yeah dude he was dressed up like
[ __ ] Mr [ __ ] submarine or
whatever I saw him come out I was like
Jesus Christ WWE he was dressed up like
scubber Scuba Steve looking for for a
[ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] [ __ ] you scuba
steve I watched big daddy last night
holy [ __ ] bro it’s me that’s trippy
actually it’s me Scuba Steve yo you want
the only the only good part about
Smackdown was Roman’s [ __ ] promo in
the very beginning right he looks like
that [ __ ] [ __ ] from 100 GS dude
that’s a girl now yeah you ever seen
Romo’s Roman’s promo was [ __ ] fire
yeah the beginning was he’s going to
call himself them are they now or what
yeah you can call me they
riddle riddle they riddle yeah now he’s
called now he’s called now he’s called
DD yeah Matt DD Matt
DD Fu you [ __ ] the rhyming it’s just
straight up Matt [ __ ] at this
point after the after the match show
Lucha house Proby started fighting with
each other yeah exactly what I said was
going to happen two weeks ago happened
tonight instead it was weird I was like
that I called this two weeks ago though
what the [ __ ] was that the hearts versus
uh on the bottom was that Hearts uh uh
and and Triple H with Sean at the
beginning like is that the they’re
comparing it to because I don’t know
what that was okay because I remember
there was one promo of Bret Hart calling
he basically calling Triple H and HBK
gay on or homos on one promo yeah you’re
all a bunch of homos you’re all taking
showers together and fornicating and
you’re all playing butt pirate in the
shower you think it’s funny yeah he
basically said something like that I
remember that yo Dono coming in
oh what the [ __ ] the point is Vince what
the [ __ ] the point is Network the [ __ ] the point is Vince yeah points to me oh
and [ __ ] the witty Narrows fault [ __ ] earthquake from two weeks ago still has
me completely salty it’s not fair that
the land shakes at the very moment you
close your eyes to fall asleep not
[ __ ] funny at all yeah it’s it’s not
that I mean dude when you’re in an
earthquake it’s one of those things
where for what it’s not me [ __ ] is
[Applause] that it’s the
police oh man I’m sorry I’m sorry all
right everything’s okay now I think okay
Louis Antonio Alejandro thanks for the
$9.99 BR let’s spin the wheel for you
you poor earthquake bastard yeah I saw
that dude it was a there was a they’re
worried about another one happening so
just you know they’re really looking at
another one happening could only be a
5.5 though they’re saying so was it they
have like 70 earthquakes in like 10
hours or something I I didn’t read the
article I just know they had like really
odd yeah a lot of small ones oh Lis
Antonio Alejandro 5,000 points he takes
the lead a lot of small ones wasn’t that
what dealt with in high school oh my God
a lot of small ones did you hear how you
just said that a lot of small ones yeah
he just mowed over the funny part Pilots
yeah I couldn’t I couldn’t think of
anything you were saying after you went
a lot of small ones like a lot of small
dude you said it like that go back and
listen to that a lot of small ones hold
on I’m going to I’m going to replay for
you right now here it comes let’s see if
we can get it a lot of small ones wasn’t
that what that with in high school oh my
God a lot of small ones really looking
at another one happening could only be a
5.5 though they’re saying so was it they
have like 70 earthquakes in like 10
hours or something I I didn’t read the
article I just know they had like a
really odd yeah a lot of small ones oh
Louis Antonio Alejandro 5,000 points he
takes the lead a lot of small ones
wasn’t you are a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh oh my God I’m crew really
loves a lot of small ones you’re looking
for oh my god dude a lot of small a lot
of small ones I have to get that right
now I’m going to forget it let me
[ __ ] [ __ ] you no I’ll just
over a really odd yeah a lot of small
ones oh Louis Antonio I just mute the
Discord 5,000 points he takes the lead a
lot of small ones wasn’t that what M
dealt with in high school my God a lot
of small ones did you hear how you just
oh my god dude that’s what Monica deals
with right no James got a big H I am I
am going to clip the [ __ ] out of
everything you do from here on now I
hope you do I hope you I hope you clip
me and you put me all over your show how
about that 5,000 points he Tak the Le a
lot of small
ones we’re gonna restream monetize this
on Sunday how many people
do review it and [ __ ] a lot of small
ones it’s a Brisk over here how many
little children or how
many what oh God how many little well
hey you’re the one with the shitty
internet connection not
me Jesus yeah I don’t know what’s going
on it’s like why why did you leave your
mouth open so long were you waiting me
for to shove my dick in your mouth or
what Come on talk oh yeah listen here I
leave it open longer but i’ get confused
for your fish lips I
know well that was go ahead and get to
your point so we can move on hey Drew
can you turn Drew can you turn your head
like this and then ju and then open and
close your mouth so we can get a
strike a
strike your vagina lips your face yeah
yeah I’m
sorry hey at least uh dip Shake got it
he’s still trying to spit out whatever
the [ __ ] he was trying to say with his
[ __ ] I just wanted to know how many
people do you have in your D C right
now uh I mean do you want to
join I bet he does godamn it you’re
supposed to play a lot of small ones
it we started calling it The Island a
lot of small
ones on the island a lot of small ones
five hours Pilots a lot of small
ones all [ __ ] bum let’s make German win
and [ __ ] Welsh and his client Po’s
German points the German from Randy
Viper wow God there’s a movement on uh
[ __ ] carolans yeah there’s a movement by them
too eliminate blacks um there a movement
every time Tommy oh 5,000 points oh no
wow it’s real G’s real you [ __ ] oh my
God G somebody just got to donate $5 and
you’ll get it bites be real how does
that feel or Welsh that German is going
to take you out
shit’s listening let’s get it frog frog
frog frog frog frog frog frog frog oh my
block block block
block [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you shoot me Joe I swear to God
if you don’t stop I will Sho you
Joe I’m a [ __ ] idiot why would you
say that I don’t know but wow cuz he’s a
dumb [ __ ] I don’t think he know what he
saying at the time yeah you tell W yo
Sam Sky Rider is going to pick up 500
points to make him a
tho we might eat our own
[ __ ] our
own in the city Philly we eat [ __ ] here
we’re gritty we gritty is skin be we can
survive off a [ __ ] VC wey in Philly wey this whole city
we’ll eat our own
shitty Joe watch the video of the female
being attacked on the Metro mover in
Miami spin for Drew where is it on
Twitter Jerome
Spicer hell yeah Jerome thanks Jerome
Spicer I I gotta go try to find that I
don’t know what’s going on with that oh
by the way Joe can you play that video
Tommy no
no 1,000
points uh that’s Jerome Spicer gets a
th000 points
wow that was for Drew I believe oh you
gave it to Drew you’re right [ __ ] [ __ ] me [ __ ] you yeah so guts how’s it been since
suicide pretty good living life manell
godamn it i’ been I’m living life man
you know up here down there wherever I
want to
go usually down there down where
like who who you going down on
first you know
what what the [ __ ] hell [ __ ] Hitler I
mean that’s like you could have lined up
so many different answers I never would
have believed that you know what I I’ve
got to give him a 10 on that one that
was fun
he go all the people you
oh all the people you’d suck the [ __ ] of
you go with
claim I ain’t sucking the
[ __ ] he’s give him a head if gargot is
chrisell then dwsh is kirco ban after he
shot his chin
off my god oh man
oh [ __ ] that’s AES that too real guys
what the [ __ ] Garg did you write Spoon
Man after uh [ __ ] scooping out [ __ ] out of a man’s ass no I rode spoon man
because I [ __ ] shoved it in my own
ass all right put Tony back
on hey oh oh you want me to break out
the [ __ ] you want me to break out the
[ __ ] fire huh is that what it is oh
God do I have
do I have to do this do I have to do
this oh man what is this is that a Natty
Ice or a butt ice he’s
it you I’m gonna open a beer he’s
like a beer and take a drink out of it
I’m just gonna lick it hey Drew where’s
your [ __ ] where’s your lick at you
[ __ ] [ __ ] pour it on pour it on
your dick and have his cup pour it on
your dick and have one of those girls
who was waiting for the bathroom come
[ __ ] it
up oh oh hell yeah get these 20 girls in
the background they are sing terribly
[ __ ] karaoke in the back and I will
make them chug my [ __ ] Steve wiser
come all night that is not
what godam I meant pour the [ __ ] beard like the [ __ ] never
mind I’m
sorry what I heard like seven things at
once I said do some Stone Cold with that
I meant [ __ ] just
[ __ ] you know nowar now garut knows
where Dave’s rage comes from yeah that’s
what I’m saying like I’m sorry Dave
godamn [ __ ] up bro you were like uh
you know what I bet you I was [ __ ] I
was [ __ ] up last week dude I was
really I I like I said I had no food I
had a pizza behind me
actually oh I was going to ask I was
going to ask
[ __ ] like own the pizza place
or what the [ __ ] I’m glad I didn’t ask
because you doing that made it even
funnier somewhere Kenny Omega is licking
off a dog somewhere Dave Rose is
cracking a computer over his knee
because he is lighting up like he’s
trying to talk and I haven’t heard [ __ ] no yeah his thing always does it lights
up like crazy even though he does yeah
it does okay my bad I was just trying to
give him give him an opening there you
know an opening bigger than garg’s mouth
oh [ __ ] dude I can get it
bigger Jesus Christ good
Lord you alive I like how Bird’s camera
like descended into like sideways
vertical or whatever the hell it is dude
like bird like lit I’m lazy I’m not even
holding my phone anymore so no it’s all
good it was just you’re not even holding
reality right now yeah I mean he almost
[ __ ] reality reality sucks he could had
cancer looking at
bird I’m looking at a bird like this
well he he’s doing what I wanted Drew to
do with his little
lippies sideways his little lippies what
a close
line you like the sideways suck what the
[ __ ] you Hey listen you know what what
kind what is that what is
that and now gar
entertainment gargot is swallowing all
of it he’s got to look on his face like
he’s never tasted seamen before but God
damn it goes down the hatch he’s
drinking all of it garut is Garling all
of his semen this is
unbelievable it only took him five
minutes to show us how to do it
disgusting I’m going to throw
[Applause] up Lex Luger
[Applause] only spin me again in for that top spot
you want me to spin you again
man God damn Alx Luger thanks for the
$10 spin me again I’m Coming For That
top spot
you spin you [ __ ] in a
circle um about the burgers right now
what’s the top burgers what’s the top
spot like killing another
female all right like
Luger we’ll kill another female for
you here you go Luger
oh [ __ ] Bailey bro Lex Luger landed on
what every as long as it’s not Steve or
dwsh I’m good yeah but what the [ __ ] is
with these points tonight they’re weird
everyone’s landing on 5,000 everybody’s
in the running tripping man points be
tripping I want I want DW to win after
that Jesse what’s been up out there man
how are the fires going and [ __ ] like
that how the fires out there Jesse they
calm those down I have no [ __ ] clue
have my own world of [ __ ] happening so
the fires are still rolling in his
bedroom though he looks like a [ __ ] crit if my house isn’t on fire dude I’m
not gonna give a [ __ ] about him yeah
[ __ ] everybody hope everybody dieses I
TR no it’s not that it’s just I don’t
have any like you know I got a lot of
[ __ ] going on on my own I can’t you guys
watch you guys watch latest episode of
off the rails that was out on patreon
today you’ll see the [ __ ] [ __ ] that
Jesse’s laying in yeah
well did that go up by the way because I
scheduled it and I don’t know if it went
up yeah it went up I was actually kind
of surprised because now we uh have to
do one tomorrow otherwise we’ll be
behind we were like a week ahead and you
put two out like two
days I’m all set for tomorrow we’ll
figure it out yeah we’ll figure it out
hopefully we can do two I was scheduling
things and for some reason one out of
four things I scheduled didn’t
post and I don’t know what the reason is
yeah saw here we are I think we got him
in the can [ __ ] Bam Bam
Bam right I was like man Joe’s trying to
get it’s the first of the month Joe’s
trying to pump him out I hey I can’t
hate on that but we’re gonna have to do
some extra work Jesse there’s a lot of
content man on patreon
everybody apparently you suck at your
job because there’s people in the chat
saying Le leer was already on the board
ah [ __ ] him you’re you’re supposed to be
the one watching the chat you
[ __ ] what why what I’m not the one
[ __ ] putting the points up there what
the [ __ ] is it my problem for you’re
[ __ ] Joe’s number two you
[ __ ] idiot you’re supposed to
watch see his [ __ ] he’s not sharing his
screen what the [ __ ] am I supposed to
you [ __ ] IDI
[ __ ] Mo points to dwsh the
king oh [ __ ] off points to dwsh the king
brother he’s been on the call for 20
minutes and hasn’t said dick takes a
lot try to say something here in a
minute there was [ __ ] King that
doesn’t speak what is he [ __ ] Joe
Biden oh
per per what are you [ __ ] cat talk
hey hey
CH per Twitter from MLB St Louis
Cardinals Hall of Famer uh
yeah I think
you aie Smith croak come on I think you
mean um per Colonel Hall of Famer Bob
Gibson has passed away at the age of 84
after a long Battle of cancer Gib [ __ ] him anyways he’s in Better man what the
[ __ ] who cares it’s how it goes Bob
Gibson is dead everybody you’re 84 if
you don’t die what what are you GNA be
doing creator of the Gibson guitar he’s
dead well you know what that’s because
2020 is racist that’s why Bob Gibson is
dead Bob Gibson died when 2020 sucks
anyway Bob Gibson is dead man he’s a
dead [ __ ] all right let me uh spin the
wheel this is times three I think or
times five I don’t know something like
that this is all Trump’s fault that Bob
Gibson died because Trump is racist you
got a [ __ ] kid oh this is for D Welsh
and it’s
250 no 50 50 50 50 for D Welsh that’s
five more than he’s worth boring 500
points points he actually notches uh
knocks bot Club off and he has 500
points by BOS oh no he doesn’t have 500
he has uh
what is that uh 250 25050 well yeah it’s
all my fault I you know I haven’t been
paying attention enough to the board
that I can’t see [ __ ] idiot scumbag I dropped 35 bucks and he
got times five and he’s got the lowest
score almost on the board fishs this
[ __ ] wheel hates D Welsh all of a
sudden like it really hates him how the
[ __ ] does a guy that hasn’t [ __ ] had
a chin for his entire adult life get off
calling someone fish lips
please explain have fish lips wow you
don’t even have a a human voice and
you’re trying to criticize my lips where
you on the alltime points leader board
huh Dre oh the points leader board you
you didn’t even make the [ __ ] chromosome
leaderboard wow I don’t know the
sometimes all you are is J from KC’s
little [ __ ] okay a lot of small ones it
depends on what truck stop he’s at you
were you were still wearing diapers when
J Man from KC and I met oh wait no
you’re still wearing diapers so you know
that’s y [ __ ] are
old saying he was car you were carrying
his they old as dirt you guys having a
little fight here a little fight going
on between [ __ ] Glenn Miller I don’t
know I’m waiting for uh D Welsh to
actually start the
fight was carrying my bags I’ve got a
shovel for you I’ve got a shovel for you
oh my God oh my God he still has his
shovel next to
him are you gonna bring that shovel out
on every show every
show like dude I mean every Joe Cronin
show monetize this corrupt
everything why do you have wow why do
you have a
shovel at least Drew was like Randy Orin
he was carrying my
bags yeah you were watching got it you
watching like Stone Cold vers the
Undertaker buried alive and masturbated
while holding a shovel you’re [ __ ] weird hey just to piss you off I’m Gonna
Leave the shovel and frame the rest of
the night you
[ __ ] than you do [ __ ] godamn you should shove that shovel up
your ass and then kill yourself okay
well right now I’m shoving the shovel
onto the screen of your show what do you
think of that
[ __ ] I’ll take I’ll take shov and shove
it across the face actually it’s not in
frame well enough you know what you do
is when you’re really angry you [ __ ] just direct it put towards the right of
you you [ __ ] [ __ ] you need to make
that shovel like a monument like a 911
deep get against Drew’s
face oh Jesus you should play with my
dick now how do you like the shovel
Cronin with my
di play with
my play my dick not dick it’s dick it’s
my dick like I went down the street I
sucked a dick like a
lick Jo [ __ ] suck on my wos you
[ __ ] about that wi
start lick my dick so he just said lick
my dick the [ __ ] my God what is
my yeah that didn’t my dick ho that’s
what what’s his Face’s knee said it
work oh God Jesus dud you know what
sucks is that an animal a day has to die
to keep that piece of [ __ ] alive a lot of small
ones you shoot me I swear to God if you
don’t stop I will Sho you
Joe like somebody else is attacking me
can you imagine the logistics of
somebody else is attacking me I’m going
to tell you that has nothing to do with
it I’m going to shoot you if that guy
doesn’t stop attacking me like so that
guy’s just gonna attack you more to see
if you kill me yeah and then when he
does accomplish killing you the guy’s
still G to be there attacking him right
like what the [ __ ] yeah I mean this is
what happens when you’ve got you know
mental retardation running rampant in
this country and shopping centers open
to the public and schools open to the
public this is what happens dude there’s
obviously like a major [ __ ] mental
[ __ ] issue like in this [ __ ] country like there’s no doubt about it
at this point like people are off there
[ __ ] rockers dude I mean by the end
of the year you’re going to hear of a
mass shooting in smalltown Ohio it’s
it’s bound out oh it’s gonna be you some
someone better stop it it’s gonna be uh
you going to do
it you’re not booked in Ohio with cheese
are you yeah no no me no it’s not me we
we can all do the math here are you sure
are we sure about that why are we
fingers am I the only one that’s like
how many people are you gonna kill a few
little ones I’ve heard you say it before
what is going on here am I the only one
conversation no we’re just calling you
[ __ ] oh I’m the
[ __ ] we all watch throw down but I’m
the [ __ ] I haven’t finished Throwdown
so I I love how the autistic guy is
calling me a [ __ ] haven’t finished
Throwdown well you’re missing a lot of
[ __ ] then Jesus Christ bro I have to
work during the week I got work it’s
four you miss throw down are you serious
bird you’re [ __ ] up dude that’s that’s
I didn’t finish it I didn’t finish it
you dude the second half of Throwdown is
like one of the best shows we ever did
like the second half throw down was good
I cut it off after yall through talking
about the debate and I was like okay I
gotta go [ __ ] go to sleep and [ __ ] yeah the debate oh my God you missed the
best part you missed the best part the
debate is stupid D don’t spoil it then
yeah you should skip the first 25 35 to
an hour like and just go right to the
bull [ __ ] why to my opinion that was the
best [ __ ] part of the show so far oh
really okay well well maybe thing man
you’ll enjoy it it’s a good show man I
even said it that night I go dude
nothing’s beaten this this week that was
we’re monetized this and that was just
too good like it was fun funny this is
oh my God I’m the
star I’m the
star I’m going to kill myself I’m going
to kill
myself works like a [ __ ] dinur us
what if they killed
themselves what if the turke ate us F
ladies and gentlemen Lis Alejandro the
king and king of Friday night
Jo a little difference instead the
turkeys at us they gobbled us
apart but first they eat our
nuts and then they eat a bun happy the
turkeys ate
us what if what if
what if the turkey
at Turkey what if the turkeys at
[Music] us what if the a are [ __ ] [Music] NS what if the turkeys
at instead of mashed
potatoes instead the
turkey points to me nobody and Luis
Antonio Alejandro means nobody is taking
the lead from me [ __ ] the witty and
Arrow’s fault and [ __ ] covid-19 and that
girl’s name is Debbie Ryan [ __ ] bum oh
Debbie Ryan spin the
wheel de Jessie
oh yo Jesse what up hey
six man the big six not Jessie Jesse
here in the chat Jessie
the what that’s the donation Debbie Ry
6535 spin the wheel
[ __ ] yo um who was the 29 that was Lis
Antonio Alejandro we’re going to spin
for him first and that’s a big spin man
that’s uh that’s uh what is that yeah
that’s times uh five I think right yeah
it’s times five bro here we
God that’s what’s
up oh 100
500 well he just tied first
place German and German and lisis
Antonio Alejandro are t for first place
right now celebrate
baby spin the wheel now you stupid ass
no no it’s a good sound don’t say don’t
want Leah’s [ __ ] needs the cleaning
[Music] out get [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] a Rose’s
[ __ ] I’m going to [ __ ] d r this
[ __ ] oh
yeah oh God later D later Drew
later what the [ __ ] dude I’m going to kill
[Music] myself to kill
[Music] myself go hell
yeah been living a
lie sh you’re going to
die cuz when you think you go to heaven
you’re really [ __ ] going down under
in your D I’m a devil from the devil
[ __ ] I’mma kill you the devil
[ __ ] what you going to do I’m
the devil [ __ ] going to kill you
I’m the devil [ __ ] what you
going to do die Donald die
Donald die Donald die
Donald Co going to kill the
president well [ __ ] die Donald
[ __ ] die Donald well [ __ ] KOB
going to kill the president represent P
the [ __ ] imigra now he’s dead absent
from the ballad now he’s not there Jo
I’m going to win with this Old St I’m on
the moon
tonight I’m going to kill somebody right
I’m the [ __ ] devil I’m the [ __ ] devil then Donald Trump’s
dead Co killed him looking
nerdy look at
nerdy nerdy got no man boobs his nipples
are are inverted inside of his man juice
no tits testosterone to Bone and he’s
going to [ __ ] his girl tonight at home
yo bird what up I’mma come inside your
[ __ ] mother what up she’s a mil
mother I like to [ __ ] suck your bird
where’s your mother I want to put my
load in
her I want to have a [ __ ] for
dinner I want to make her [ __ ] [ __ ] thicker when I stretch it out put it in
and out
[Music] for I kill somebody
tonight I’m the devil and I’m doing all
can’t I just wanted to see how long I
could [ __ ] I can’t believe Rose is
here I was really like this will get rid
of Rose off the show tonight like I oh
he’s probably been gone he probably
killed himself
oh a little bit of the bubbly that’s it
want some bubbly look at this stuff oh
oh a little bit of the bubbly that’s it
you messed up my points I got 500
already then hit
5,000 boom from Lex Luger I think I
fixed it right Lex Luger 5500 yeah we
got you Luger we got it baby look Luger
blow your roll here Luger okay Luger
Luger go hang yourself yeah go hang go
push s go push a woman down a
staircase go push a woman down a
staircase Lex booger you know we should
tweet him
tonight what
really like [ __ ] your
[Applause] wheelchair
[Applause] who one more for the lead all right here
comes another for Lex Luger the murder I
mean Lex
Luger oh my God Luger delete that tweet
delete that tweet right
now his wheelchair is electronic and
it’s called the Luger Express part two
right it is probably why it’s probably
why I didn’t get hired from WWE all my
tweets and stuff I probably would have
oh oh my God he almost went bankrupt you
were so close Luger at least you got 100
points though cuz that put you in the
lead Luger Luger just took the lead by
100 take that how about that d
oh you look sexy tonight Jesse I’ll say
jogger if I want
you yo I’m gonna go for a
jog when I was k i us to shove quarters
in my asses when I was a kid
oh change
definitely wait a minute wait a minute
wait a minute look at this Tom I got did
you just say that when you were a kid
you used to shove quarters up your
[Music] ass yeah trying to poop him out as a
kidar my name is Tommy and c I put the
quarters in me I put the quarters in me
I put Mor in me my name is Tommy and C
put the [ __ ] MERS in
me when I was a kid I used to shove
Quarters at my asses when I was a kid
spin for Bull from Weir he really does
[ __ ] my mouth oh come on bullfrog’s
knees oh my God that’s [ __ ] up that is it’s not as [ __ ] up because
it’s true listen every shut
up my
goodness my goodness I love that one
listen everyone shut
[Applause] Leo
all right bullog whack job here we go
bullfrog’s niece what’s it going to be
it’s going to be a 500 points almost
landing on bankrupt that’s going to
knock D Welsh off though bullfrog’s knce
knock D Welsh off
sh what has the world come to when you
can’t even make insults like [ __ ] [ __ ] boy homo or else you must be
homophobic why has our society become so
sensitive and when did this happen we
allowed it culture is real something
needs to change social media yeah social
media but we also allowed it so what you
need to do is you need to start fighting
people who call out [ __ ] fight the
cancel culture people fight the sjws
[ __ ] them up even [ __ ] you come get us
[ __ ] you [ __ ] Bookworm [ __ ] guzzling
[ __ ] come take my guns you’ll get shot
by call [ __ ] come get
some yeah want a
turkey caught up to donations now baby
we’re caught up to the donations Louis
[Music] Alejandro remix our children remix bring
me your turkeys bring me your turkeys
bring me your whites what if
they we’ll kill the humans the turke ate
cut them up if they had to hate us the
Thanksgiving was a little bit
instead the turkeys at
us they Gob us
apart but first they’ eat our
nuts and then they eat a
bun the turkeys ate
us what if what if what if the turkeys
at yo this is the standings right
now Lex Luger in first place German
Gman and lisis Antonio Alejandro’s in
third place this could do
it [ __ ] Jesse in his ass [ __ ] him in his
[ __ ] on the
table [ __ ] spin it again points
to me here we go this is big for Lis
Antonio Alejandro D Welsh has been just
raped by this
wheel I’m clicking it I’m clicking
it Bird’s even saying a prayer for you
bird is saying a prayer for you Louis
Antonio Alejandro 100 100 times five
heck oh that gets him to 6,000 bro he’s
in first Lis Antonio Alejandro first
place climbs Lex
Luger just like uh garut climbed into
this country [ __ ] great
stuff by the way uh six is OA spin oh
yes how can we forget our buddy six my
six Sam High Sky Rider is OD to spin too
apparently oh sorry
Sam we’re going six first there we go
first and six is going to drop on 1,000
which is going to push uh Lex Luger off
the board oh no it’s going to push
Ashley Rose I’m sorry it’s going to push
Ashley off the board there’s two Lex
lugers I didn’t delete the second one I
believe uh 1,000 points to six that will
knock off Ashley I’ll jerk off to her
time I don’t give a [ __ ] dude I’m horny
right now is Leah not drinking tonight
or what
she’s dead
bro she’s
fuing she’s in little
pieces she’s [ __ ] dead she’s [ __ ] dead and you [ __ ] on a dead man’s life
she’s [ __ ] [Laughter] dead just go wake up Leah go wake up
Leah as uh Gilbert Godfrey oh wake up
you Jew
[ __ ] [Laughter] I want to put my dick and your vagina
you chew
[ __ ] oh my god dude what the [ __ ] and
that guy Gilbert Godfrey is unhinged
live on monetize this Gilbert Godfrey
takes out his brown Jewish dick and
shows it to everybody
vior I I will
defend I’m [ __ ] Bobby rude how long
till CFO takes this Triple H wants the
[ __ ] me
glorious points to Luis Antonio because
[ __ ] everyone else whoa whoa damn the
big we don’t hear that one near enough
like back Back in the Day 2017 2018 that
[ __ ] played like three times a night
yeah because Bobby Roode was around then
yeah it’s called people get sick of the
same [ __ ] over and over again that’s
what it’s called but no uh there’s what
you know the one that you know the one
that was hot for like months but then it
kind of disappeared no I mean that one I
get like once in a while we hear that
but the one that I thought we’d hear a
lot more forever was the $21 one the the
keep punching my [ __ ] one I thought that
would be hilarious yeah like I thought
that would do better I’ve even got that
one in my head sometimes just cuz it’s
[ __ ] hilarious and it’s got some
catchy [ __ ] goofy ass Parts well you
know to my point earlier though it’s not
in the description box it’s still
Charlotte Flair oh oh maybe that’s the
reason huh yeah I mean 18 Smackdown
stinks no that’s uh great kie
[ __ ] um I don’t even know if Jinder
needle is still there needle in the B it
is it is still a donation $1 199.99
whatever yeah there was allegedly there
was about two years there where 1050 was
the Matt Hardy um uh broken a brother
Nero thing yeah that was it was never
listed it’s called uh it’s called I
can’t even run my own show right imagine
what I do when I work for other people
like imagine why I imagine why I held
like 12 different jobs over 18 years
like another reason why another reason
why the gor sh who
can’t another reason why the gorus
donation got shoved aside was because
Bobby rud was shoved off TV for the
longest goddamn time yeah he became
irrelevant too so and now he’s back
ione’s donating yeah but his his his
music is definitely changing he will not
have that music like next week or the he
won’t I know what I know what it’s like
d Welsh I mean speaking of shoving off
TV thanks for coming have a good
night oh that’s just what mean man I
used to like your Old Donation your nine
bucks one
CF yeah that one got shut down by the
the record company of that they were
like yeah no nine bucks no the nine
bucks for a [ __ ] is still up but the
yeah donate nine bucks if you give zero
[ __ ] yeah you got in trouble for that
one or something didn’t you yeah it
wasn’t that I was in trouble but yeah
they kind of they were sort of like hey
you know we won’t do anything take this
just stop doing it we won’t do anything
and I was like
okay YouTube
Jesus yeah it was weird well they were I
mean like all they all they would have
done was like hit it for monetization
that’s all but it was like every oh cuz
it was the Cops theme or something it
had enough of that in it I don’t know
what it was it had no Cops theme in it
it was just some it was a band or
something it oh okay it’s been so long I
can’t remember exactly what it was but
should have just put in audio jungle it
[Music] don’t n bucks if you give zero [ __ ] it
was something like that I don’t know
maybe I can find it I’m n b nine bcks
yeah yeah the old $ nine donation I
probably sure I thought I was didn’t to
get suspended the other day from Twitter
again cuz I
called I called do Zigler
irrelevant oh well that’s not going to
do it but I mean all the times you call
people retards [ __ ] yeah you’re going
to lose your Twitter yeah you will lose
your Twitter I had this conversation
with like JB years ago I was like dude
they’re going to [ __ ] take you out
and he’s like I don’t give a [ __ ] and
then he did he lost like four twitters I
mean like I did too but like I was more
covert you know like I was way more
careful and I still lost mine so yeah
they’ll get you I’ve kind of I’ve kind
of calmed down a bit since I kind of
caught out a that one day I mean calling
Ziggler that is really that bad I mean
was that really that crazy no
I mean what the hell are you going to
get banned for then like I mean you
really didn’t say anything that
bad right I mean like what what’s the
word what’s the worst thing you said
that you got in trouble
for called Shane Thor Short
[ __ ] that’s it that’s nothing though
like what yeah the hell I I called I
called Shane Thor dioic Short [ __ ] and
he reported me dude I called willly
Nelson a racist [ __ ] like I he doesn’t
care yeah I mean he probably call it to
you back if he saw
it yeah it was the whole point was it
was a joke of it but it was like you
know that was funny are we in a good
spot to do some updates via Monica yeah
yes tell me what the updates are uh
bullfrog’s niece should be at 2500
points oh my God TW wait what 20 what
2500 oh my God which is more than D
Welsh and Steve Kang combined just for
record that’s a pretty good amount bro
Sam is owed a spin and Louise is owed a
five time
spin wow what the
[ __ ] this is Sam spin let’s go for Sam
First Son of
Sam no Jesus oh my God uh 500 for Sam
Sam Sky Rider there and Luis an Antonio
gets a five time
bankrupt I thought we spun him the [ __ ] that’s how he got first I think there
was just a lot going on at the same time
you know that kind of [ __ ] all right
here it comes another one fors
bankrupt yeah no one does the wheel spin
the wheel song cuz that used to be oh
wait a minute it landed on the new one
spin again but add five times to it so
now he gets 10 times so is it 25 times
or 10 times since he was already at five
he’s at five so yeah that’s a good point
it is five times whatever it was so it’s
25 times get 25
times my record is going to get that D
that is a bombs away
bombo you imagine if he hits it again
it’s times 125 this is this is time 25
whatever this is is times 25 this is
crazy 1,000
wow you okay that is
25,000 points for L holy [ __ ] Antonio
Alejandro Antonio Alejandro [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] how much how much I mean
donate five bucks 25,000 well I mean if
you want to donate five bucks to him you
could try and get him off the board D
wellsh is GNA have to pull off a miracle
here for his client that he hasn’t done
[ __ ] for I’m sorry I mean Steve Kanan is
gonna like turn on you with your
tonight A Charming where
is I might turn on him first Steve is
dead hey Drew can we get I mean Drew Joe
can we get a clarification is that the
most points ever no Jes Where Were You
When J had a quarter Mill or three
quarter of a million J man had 700 not
on the show drunk as [ __ ] 780,000 or something like
that you ever watch the show come
on I actually have a job but I work so
shut up I mean I think everybody here is
works but they’re on the
call needs needs a little clout you know
what I mean he hey Dre stop stop buying
your subs okay and your stop using that
joke you know it’s
[ __ ] I don’t know what you’re
about you got a but ice right there bird
why don’t you buy yourself a guy to [ __ ] how about that man why don’t you buy
yourself a guy to [ __ ] how about
that hey Drew I’ll give you a thousand
bucks for the whole week bring your ass
here let me [ __ ] you hey Drew I hope you
empty your dick in a
[ __ ] I hope
you say I can’t even say it bird
underage no you [ __ ] I’m I don’t know
you’re you’re wanting it and Joe’s
promoting it so I I just figured you
guys were in cahoots or something there
I’m either getting bit by mosquito over
and over or a spider or something dude
something [ __ ] weird is happening to
me right now I’m getting definit a I’m
getting like
itchiness now I got goosebumps and my
bumps all over my leg well maybe that
amphibian is shooting you from afar with
I one time I [ __ ] an amphibian I
[ __ ] the [ __ ] reptile in his
[ __ ] dick hole man right in his
[ __ ] who who the [ __ ] are you tol
Booth Willie tol Booth Willie man this
is like [ __ ] toll booth
essay accent sounds more Canadian with
mix with Mexican I’m a Canadian Mexican
man which means I’m a fake poor guy I
got a snake man he was slivering this
way and that it was all [ __ ] up one time I fed my snake on beer he
was all [ __ ] up like that [ __ ] [ __ ] I guess that’s not to Booth Willie but
know he went this
mexic dude that is awesome y I got I got
like super heie jeebies dude like
there’s like spiders coming down on me
there’s like spiders coming down on me
man or a
[ __ ] man dude I got to get up I got
to look around and figure out what the
[ __ ] is going on right now
man I think Jo Cronin Tak I think Joe
took some [ __ ] acid like he’s
tripping out like a [ __ ] right
now I don’t know spiders and [ __ ] crawling and I didn’t trip out like that
but uh two each their own
right are you still talking into your
forehead or what’s going on there I like
yeah who’s who’s so
low need turn a dial on your mixer there
dude or something actually no I I just
don’t want to be loud because every time
I listen to him back I’m way louder than
everybody else well tonight you’re like
talking into your
forehead I’m talking in my [ __ ] eyeballs I’ve perfected your laugh
perfected it dude you’re talking into
your you’re talking into your
dude I meant to say she loaded her
balls but instead you said she loaded
her she loaded her dude and I [ __ ] just kind of gave up after that because
all I heard was like talk uh banter back
like on Discord I don’t know if a lot of
people realize but we’re on like 156k
instead of 365
356k so like when we start talking over
each other like we run over each other a
lot until like somebody’s louder than
everybody else so like I literally
thought I was hearing somebody talking
back and then there’s just a whole delay
and lag [ __ ] so I literally heard
somebody talking back so when I stopped
right there I was just like oh my God
that is so [ __ ] whatever I’m just
gonna leave it at that I didn’t now into
a little bit of a bit now oh yeah it was
it was definitely it was Fae K Fae you
know what’s funny about that is you’ve
been on the show for like four weeks
you’ve got a bit Bird’s been here for
five years and no one remembers him for
[ __ ] coming from the guy that’s [ __ ] sounds like a [ __ ] cure for [ __ ] assia go listen to your [ __ ] show yeah I’m glad you were able to spit
that out good
job [ __ ] you
[ __ ] oh hey hey there’s that line that
you say three night all right what’s up
nerdy how you doing I’m doing pretty
good I that’s definitely a butt ice
Bird I didn’t hear a
word butt ice in your head blood ice in
your hand blood ice in your BL ice
no Natty Ice even yeah that’s some high
quality H2O right
there hey Dre what are you drinking come
whiskey drink whiskey man like a man I’m
not drinking piss water I’m drinking a
drink when you become a man let me know
[ __ ] what whiskey are you
drinking a high quality whiskey actually
not which shows how much more of a man I
am that’s actually
good I’ll tell you what for $14 for a
half gallon it’s some good [ __ ] I was
gonna say I was going to talk [ __ ] but
that’s [ __ ] I’m not even gonna lie
that is some good ass [ __ ] whiskey I
thought you had some like cheap ass $5
[ __ ] eth bottle I was like this
[ __ ] here
butw good [ __ ] there’s y know me I’m a
jagger drinker
so when you’re talking about like vodka
and rum and [ __ ] like that their cheap
[ __ ] that exists is bottom of the barrel
but when it comes to Whiskey there’s
actually a few good options for cheap
whiskies that aren’t as harsh as you
think I don’t know what it is with
whiskey maybe it’s the sugars I I don’t
know but there’s something about Cheap
whiskey that’s more tolerable than cheap
other things I got some okay here’s a
question for you Southern Comfort that’s
like 20 bucks 20 bucks a bottle just as
big as the one you just showed on screen
what you consider yeah most people
consider that like not even Cheap
whiskey but it’s so smooth on your
[ __ ] tongue and when you tasted it
and swallow it as sh is [ __ ] great
which you that Cheap whiskey I guess not
back to when you swallow it it feels
great you swallow it I just I know I
came back I sat down and I heard when
you swallow it it feels great I was like
what the [ __ ] hell yeah well I
mean Bird’s starting to get that Drew
belly on him look at that you’re
starting to get the Drew
belly are you getting
am hey
we bro I’m 27 and I’m already 230 come
on I feel like a fat
ass yikes oh yeah what time I [ __ ] uh
oh [ __ ] yeah what like
no seriously get the [ __ ] out of here
get the [ __ ] out of here my dude dude I
had 51 5 bro I’m I’m 6’1 I had you pay
for shorter but no if you’re 62 you’re
the right high and right rate I feel
insulted now what the [ __ ] no you’re the
right race you’re white right you’re the
white yeah the white we you’re the white
weight I say what you’re saying
champion if he was a couple inches
taller he just SP his [ __ ] beer all
over the
place there’s your spit take in your car
bit of the night
that wasn’t on cam was it oh [ __ ] no one
it I mean maybe I that so I knew he
would go for
too spit that [ __ ] out you guys heard it
it’s exactly what you thought you heard
he just spewed all over heard living
room all no it’s not on stream it’s not
on cam [ __ ] oh I’m going to throw
clean I Dr
yummy yummy
yummy my crippled ass ain’t losing
spin oh Lex Luger wants
more he’s a lot more man can we just
kill this [ __ ] [ __ ] racist piece
of [ __ ] please who’s that Lex Luger we
know he’s all racist he secretly hates
black guys I don’t think he’s racist I
think think Lex Luger just wants like
women dead I think you that’s all that
is oh so he sex this okay yeah maybe
something like that or he has like some
hate you can Nancy Cary again him all
you want he’s not going to go anywhere
well no see he wishes he was he wishes
he was the guy who led Piper that that’s
what he wishes oh my God his
mother Santa Claus’s ass
he’s going for
[Music] ITA CLA
scissors oh
[Music] hell let’s
go let’s go six baby let’s hope that six
gets something good he’s always a good
guy the man this is
696 all right here we go let’s spin the
wheel bird 2393 Birdman is here he’s lit
up lit we going to get lit
tonight let’s go that’s awkward that was
awkward that was weird 5,000 points for
six oh he’s in it wow that’s 6,000
points six 6,000 6 6,000 holy
[ __ ] six that’s uh Second Place anybody hear
the new Cory Taylor music Cory Taylor
released like a whole thing the other
day I think another thing didn’t they
just put something out not too long ago
Cory Taylor I mean yeah this is solo but
I feel like he just released something
last summer or something yeah I think he
did but with slip knot well he’s at he’s
got a lot of time at home so maybe I
mean touche I mean most of those guys
have Studios anyway anyways in the house
so especially now if they didn’t
already they all um they all
tour I’ve uh I filmed Mayhem Fest before
and they I parted with some of them and
they all tour in different buses so they
all have a different bus and they have a
different bus for all their families
that’s a lot of money dude that’s a lot
of money like wow
dude in who cares D I was chilling with
uh Sid and [ __ ] um clown Sean Sean
n s ncy yeah no but uh they um I have
video with them they uh Sid did his like
d he does like um like DJ [ __ ] like it’s
like um like dubstep [ __ ] like under
star scream or whatever it’s called and
um that’s when I [ __ ] realize there’s
like 97 buses outside what the [ __ ] is
going on and I realize it’s all for them
over here on this they had like their
own parking lot they had their own like
setup dude it was like barbecue City it
was crazy when I hear about buses when I
hear about buses I think about Stabbing
Westward uh touring on their bus and
basically they went they made no money
on their last CD because they they
toured on a bus and they had to pay they
had to pay for
that your bus your bus runs you at
$36,000 probably
yeah they probably depending
on it was more than that probably they
probably didn’t uh what it what it comes
down to is uh can you afford this a day
it’s probably like $35,000 a day right
can you afford
that or no 35,000 my bad 30 uh 3500
sorry yeah I was gonna say maybe Tony is
Tony uh the other expert of the
community is challenging you in the chat
he says uh gar guts is wrong they all T
are together they can afford buses
separate or they can’t afford buses
separate that’s what I was thinking but
like uh no no I mean they should fight
about it [ __ ] saw the whole
thing hey you want me to show you video
I can show you video I got video right
here comes the competition here comes I
had video from [ __ ] Mayhem Fest here
comes the competition yo I toured with
Shadows Fall and hate bre [ __ ] both of
you let’s fight let’s all [ __ ] up
each other I’ve sh it on my channel a
bunch of times you can go back Tony and
you can go back I’m not trying to like
like on the Channel that I have like and
I [ __ ] I’ve I played it a billion
times we still need to figure out who
was more important for tour yeah who had
more dates on The Warp Tour you or Tony
that’s what I want to
know oh I don’t even I he did cuz I
[ __ ] uh I was only partying on Warp
Tour with
people they call me up like hey uh you
really been hanging on this for a week
and all you beer with
someone oh man that’s hilarious I mean
if he if he had if he had more of a if
he had more of a [ __ ] prominent role
all I was doing was getting called up
and being like hey you want a party or
what yeah I’ll be there in a bit you
girl at the rock
show I think he played a bunch of there
was a show called um it was like Warp
um uh backstage or some [ __ ] on like
this Muse TV you blew everybody you B
you blew all the bands and uh I’m
actually we’re on it uh because um
there’s uh this girl getting [ __ ] proposed and I’m [ __ ] drunk as [ __ ] and I walk in the middle of the proposal
like hey what’s going on here holy [ __ ] where are all these cameras going
on walk out I’m just sitting here
thinking [ __ ] garet’s about a ticket
to the Warp Tour was like six rows back
and waved at Travis Barker and Travis
Barker waved at the chick three rows
behind him and he’s like I was a [ __ ] part of that [ __ ] man I he pointed at I was like a a
[ __ ] ab and board Butthead when he
[ __ ] uh they were looking at Maka bad
I at Bor Bor Bor I played somebody
somebody [ __ ] up I played one Warp
Tour and it was only with this one band
and we played five songs and that was it
I got nothing you know I didn’t really
do much oh bro I got oh dude wait wait
was it like the did you win like the or
like did you get on like the nor uh the
the local it was the local stage stage
local stage yeah yeah yeah yeah I was
those were dope as [ __ ] dude I was
playing uh but I was playing drums for a
band I wasn’t in I was filling in for
the guy who got hurt so I was like all
right you know I didn’t I was just there
for that that was
so your ass car cuts hell yeah yeah oh
come on
Tony oh man you say hey look stepen
German’s around Steven German’s looking
to ship the
dick I can’t [ __ ] wait for this year
to be over try to answer this
theoretical question in a serious way if
possible if you were given the choice to
fast forward in time until January 1st
2021 would you do it you think things
will be a little to
then you’re asking me way too late in
the year if that’s directed to me yeah I
don’t know man he he could ask this
question at the very beginning of the
year with Co and I’d say yes yeah you
February or March let’s do it but in
October [ __ ] it I’ve got my weather
sorry it landed on 5,000 points to
knee oh it’s not even the niece it’s the
knee now which is going to give out
first the niece or the knee oh my God oh
God it’s G it’s gonna be the KN because
she swallows a lot of
[ __ ] oh oh my God bird said that bird
said that step German the booras he just
donated bits yo Gman what’s up Gman a
lot of small
ones that was that was really you guys
are [ __ ] up bro you’re in yre
territory with that [ __ ] that’s you
guys oh come on
[Music] question sex trans trans from
sexv [ __ ] it let’s go this spin is for
Elizabeth no
no oh yeah no I’m spinning I’m spinning
for Miss Elizabeth
no you oh here is spinning for Miss
Elizabeth I’m Jesse ventur is going to
spin for Miss Elizabeth he’s going to
spin you right round baby right round
how about that like a record like a
[ __ ] if
this next week’s monetized this is gonna
be SummerSlam
91 I
mean the [ __ ] match made in hell for
monetize this 287 it’s going to be IO
Pro yeah oh he didn’t make it though I’m
Sorry Miss Elizabeth he didn’t make
it send my greasy ass into our
space your greasy ass be wiped off the
face of the earth oh my God
who everyone
taking ad has every day or is it
overnight jogger everyday [ __ ] whoa
oh what the [ __ ] you’re
thinking come
on oh no what the [ __ ] you’re thinking
of oh my God you’re thinking of the JD
rap song is what you’re thinking of yeah
that’s what say what say what you really
mean don’t be a [ __ ] say
it that’s messed up a Charming
n oh sorry my microphone cut out
short it ladies and gentlemen I’m
wrapping up the
night oh come on I am I’m wrapping up
Theon night lwis and Tonio
Alejandro he’s gonna take it it’s over
he’s gonna take it no clock it’s over
I’ll give you a clock I give you five
minute clock yeah cuz D well still has
to have his little uh pissy party all
right here we go five minutes on the
board go ahead bird what no I D Welsh is
[ __ ] dead he’s no longer on the call
yeah that’s true I mean after this night
he probably did he probably [ __ ] ended it and I don’t think anyone’s
going to challenge Luis an an Antonio
you know I mean
[ __ ] everyone’s gave up no one has
the balls there’s the points Rick Mor
six had some six had some great momentum
and he’s even given up I mean I guess
everyone’s just done right I mean yeah
we really it was it was a pretty you
know it was a nice little show
tonight you know nice little show I like
it nice little show you know we weren’t
going to beat Throwdown for sure and if
you didn’t hear Throwdown on Tuesday you
better go back and listen to that I mean
because that’s especially the second
half that was [ __ ] fire
[ __ ] tune in the post show where uh gar
guts and Tony go at it again yeah tune
in the post show the gar guts and Tony
are going to [ __ ] each other and then
GNA find out who’s going to be on the
Warp Tour next year oh Jesus Christ you
really want us to [ __ ] yeah
yeah fans just so you guys can [ __ ] each
other dude the post show last week was
hilarious you guys were super bitter it
awesome post show last week was fire I
was yeah but
uh okay fa Fab and all yeah yeah it was
good no fave here we’re all real
uh Tony’s I I’ll say this Tony me and
Tony can definitely make some good
content I think so yeah some good could
you imagine them two doing a podcast
after last week [ __ ] bum [ __ ] it would
be better than the debate oh L uh Louis
Antonio Alejandro $5 I don’t think
that’s really him I think someone’s
trying to get rid of him I unless he’s
want to paddle over just you you know
keep the clock rolling
and strategy there if you’re the leader
it keeps the clock watch it land on
bankrupt 100 100
points he he’s playing his odds and he
knows he can keep the clock moving
without anyone else getting something in
if he keeps dumping him
in it’s a risky strategy but it’s a
strategy it’s a great point I didn’t
think of
that but it’s yeah I wouldn’t go for
you’re up so much i’ just go for it oh
my favorite donut
guess now we’re getting [ __ ] up in
here get [ __ ] up so press me some of
VOD and me some of
that and give me some of that
py t not
get one more
time one more time
coming in with the hot stuff by the way
if you guys want to support the patreon
and see us tomorrow night on corrupted
podcast jooc Cronin show hit the
subscribe to Joe Cronin Show YouTube
wrestling content and corrupted Nation
right here for all the non- wrestling
stuff looks Luger
$33 blast bro $33 blast Fu up Joe did
you say that you know somebody that
knows this guy that’s on the gif I know
a guy that knows a guy that knows yeah I
know a guy called in oh
500 for Lex
Luger times five 2500 I mean I can’t I
can’t imagine this guy like being alive
after this
night you can’t imagine oh so the the
story is look how sweaty he is the story
is he’s like in England or something so
that’s where this guy’s not even from
America he’s from like England somewhere
yeah you said UK or something I was like
Jesus guy called him was like dude that
guy goes to the [ __ ] same bar
everyone knows him he’s like known for
this and everything and I’m like oh wow
okay I believed him because I don’t
know I I think there’s always that one
guy in that bar right oh if you’re
partying with him you die he’s probably
Dam it I want to do what he’s doing see
if I can touch his level Jesus Christ
party with him you di did nine drugs
[ __ ] brush them together dude I’ve
done some stupid [ __ ] in my late teens
early 20s don’t forget surprised the
clock stops inside one minute and you
can reset the clock with 100 or more
yeah I actually got to reset the clock
because it kept running so I got to put
a minute back
on we hear a Kenny Omega Dono to end the
night oh we got another one it’s not
done 58
seconds damn suck you off tonight I will
suck you off all night I will suck you
off tonight I want to suck and [ __ ] garle and snar and snob and gole and and
doggle and suck me
off suck
suck this is a weird spin again it is a
weird donation song uh six man thank
you dude I love that donation song it
reminds me of like that old school 90s
freestyle [ __ ] you listen to back in the
back in the day when you were like
really yeah uh uh putting aspin on your
balls to get
laid wait who whoa Aspen like the
Clone are you talking desperation
as worn as
years oh my God you SM like for years
didn’t time before that’s how he got the
lead you shouldn’t have spun for him
again go back and look at the clip
that’s what I said sabotage I said
German I said that and no people said I
was crazy but I said that 100 points to
six times times five 500 points yeah I
said that man I was like I don’t think
that don’t seem right uh Monica’s gonna
have to clear this one up I don’t know I
I’m uh my job is to relay not we spun we
we literally spun it and then later on
it was said you need to spin it I’m like
but we spun it like what it ain’t me
though I didn’t do it [ __ ] bum [ __ ] it
spin f Luis Antonio Alejandro
Arin oh
no bankrupt here we go it might not
matter anyway someone who’s never called
into the show just hangs out in the chat
drops a few bucks here and there is
[ __ ] going over tonight oh R used to
call in all the time like four years no
no no Lise oh okay all right but but
there is a battle of the Louis’s in chat
him and Luis money going toe-to-toe
right now oh yeah Luis money is the man
he’s the OG Louise who’s the real Lise
you guys got to prove it tonight you
could still get Louise money up there
competition we stop the
clock one more one more for Lux about to
come down the aisle Lux
Luger thank you Lex Luger this I still
think you should call this sex line
as as a [ __ ] rapist Howard as a
rap I’m about to come down your is oh
5,000 whoa what Lex Luger got 5,000
points what the [ __ ] is going on here
with 10 bugs bro and dwsh is done like
he’s not even here dud I’m not too
worried about it he’s used to failure
he’s going to get really close and then
like get disqualified at the end and
think he won something
iing oh my God I living right now
[ __ ] [ __ ] spin again oh spin again spin
again [ __ ] we are live on corrupted
Nation live on corrupted Nation YouTube
we’re live and guess what botch Club was
streaming the show earlier apparently so
thanks to botch club for the uh PR damn
he said uh was doing well uh spin again
for six here we
go my
he ruined everything think it’s cold out
my heat just kicked on I
think the
[ __ ] it’s cold by
me fine by
me 100 100 points for six thank you six
too bad landing on 100 though that was
that was [ __ ] lame
[ __ ] all right resuming the clock
leis Antonio Alejandro could win if he
wins he will become the king and he will
take over D Welsh’s spot and he will be
wet down below where the panties
drop I want to ask um the Patriots play
the uh Chiefs this week The Undefeated
Chiefs do you have any hope that they’re
going to win I don’t think so no I don’t
think the Patriots are going to win I I
said this at the beginning of the year I
don’t think the Patriots can beat any
Elite teams so I would consider
Seattle’s like borderline probably yeah
elite team uh Kansas definitely so
they’re definitely Elite and then
there’s maybe two others like the Saints
and somebody maybe one or two other
people so yeah man Saints dude the
Saints are trash the Saints ain’t doing
[ __ ] really I know they’re not do [ __ ] but I still is that legit that is legit
that is legit ladies and gentlemen we
have your king he has pushed D Welsh off
his crown
and there he sits D Welsh is at home and
he’s angry he’s breaking stuff in his
living room but I love D Welsh will’ll
be on corrupted pre-show tomorrow night
guys tomorrow night the corrupted
podcast don’t miss tomorrow night on
patreon live at 1:00 a.m. technically
Sunday but tomorrow night all right
don’t miss it did did you forget a
German spin I think I did yeah I did I’m
actually yeah I’m uh I’m getting it I’ll
give German a spin I did forget it I
I think I I think I did well he needs
all the advantage he can get anyway well
he’s only going to get 50 and that’s
just not enough son of a [ __ ] you son
of a
[ __ ] how about that you co son of a
[ __ ] you son of a
[ __ ] ladies and gentlemen here he is he
is the champion kight everybody we’re
out of here I’m sure there there may be
a post show I don’t know if there is uh
it’ll be up on patreon if there is one
everybody good night I love you all
Steven German the Buras boas the B boas
ladies and gentlemen lisam it
Alejandro is your
king we’re going to shout him out all
week on all the shows all week long as
the king and show off his crown here on
monetize this and on all my shows on Joe
Cronin show on corrupted Nation
everywhere Monday Night Raw review out
of nowhere throw down everything we’re
going to sodomize each other look at
Tony he’s jerking off in his house
unbelievable Tony from Rivia more from
him on the post show tonight on patreon
plus he’s going to blow Drew in his dick
hole I’m out of here good
[Music] night the
unbelievable congratulations ton uh to
Lewis Lewis Antonio
[Music] Alejandro good night
[Music] everybody she’s got both hands in her
pocket and she won’t look at you won’t
look at you she hides true
SE she got
[Music] ins you know that I’ll [ __ ] you boy [ __ ] like Mexico real toys at this point in
nothing in don’t call my name don’t call
my name they
I’m not your babe I’m not your babe
fando don’t want to kiss don’t want to
touch smoke my cigarette now don’t call
my name don’t call my name
r alandro
alandro Al alandro Al
alandro alandro
Al alandro
alandro just let me go
alandro just let me go she’s not
broken just a
baby but a boyfriend likes a dad like a
dad hold the
things mer
him now he’s going to fire fight and
[ __ ] his mom
tonight you know that I love you girl I
will have sex with your kid I will [ __ ] your mother’s tits and lick the [ __ ] don’t call my name don’t call my name
alandro I’m not your babe I’m not your
fando don’t want to kiss don’t want to
touch just smoke my cigarette and hurt
don’t call my name don’t common name
Roberto alandro
alandro he’s the king alandro Al
alandro alandro
[Music] alandro
Alejandro is the
king don’t want to kiss don’t want to
Fernando don’t call my name don’t call
my name
aland I’m not your babe I’m not your
Fernando don’t want to kiss don’t want
to touch to smoke my cigarette in h
don’t call my name don’t call my name
alandro alandro Al
[Music] alandro w
[Music] [Music] wandro
[Music] think I’m cute I know I’m sexy I’ve got
looks the drives the girls wild I Got
the Moves they really moving I sit
CH up and down their spine I’m just a
boy I’m not your boy
toy I’m just a sexy
boy I’m not your boy
toy TR make him hot I make them shiver
then he get weak whenever I they see me
walk they hear me talk I make them feel
like they’re on clown n I’m just a sexy
boy sexy boy I’m not your boy
toy I’m just a sexy
boy I’m not your boy
toy eat your Hollow
girls hands off the
[Music] merchandise I think I’m cute I know I’m
sexy I’ve got the
looks the drives the girls wild I got
the moves they really moving I see in
the chills dropping down there SP I’m
just a sexy boy sexy boy
time and just your boy
toy just your [ __ ] sexy
[Music] boy not your
[Music] Bo make them hot I make them shiver the
knes get weak whenever I around they see
me walk they hear me all I’ll make them
feel like they wrongs about n i just a
sexy boy sexy boy I’m not your boy toy
boy toy I’ll be your sexy boy sey boy
I’m not your boy toy
boyy get your hot out
Drew hey Drew go [ __ ] yourself yeah [ __ ] you drew do your
[ __ ] job do your job Drew I want to
the girl a lot of small ones a lot of
[Music] e
[Music] watch your tongue will have it come from
your head
the Savior life keeping Whispers on
there the children Ro the streets now
opens the
war bodies hanging in the streets
through a
door Royal with
the daylight to the
night look this ring into
down they come to take on your rights
trail to the king
round to
the feel to the
Dr stand in the
[Music] ra SP to
the again take you
know no Mery from the edge of the
L escaping on the price
[Music] now the
[Music] night is
right to
the to the
KN to the
ground stand at the
[Music] you
[Music] and [ __ ] Bill
Goldberg [ __ ] Bill

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