Nerd Week Live! 2.18.2020 – Metal Gear Batman! Sponsored By

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Nerd Week Live! 2.18.2020 – Metal Gear Batman!

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Join us to chat about the first teaser for Stranger Things 4, the trailer for The Green Knight, the return of Rick Moranis to shrinkage, and the first look at the batsuit for The Batman!
all right notes going live okay good
evening good afternoon good morning good
whatever it is wherever you happen to be
welcome once again to nerd week live
here on YouTube
brought to you by us the peoples at nerd
I am rodney brown i’m the
editor-in-chief of nerd caliber
first-person shooter on facebook as they
caused by photographer burly underscore
adopter on twitter and a bunch of other
places mostly as a tech journalist and
things like that
joining me tonight is the wonderfully I
was gonna say hirsute and that’s not
really a wonderful thing to see so let’s
say a buffered hi um we’re having a
technical difficulty in my neighborhood
it’s very cold so I’m wearing my fake
fur hi I’m go go incognito and I’ve been
with nerd caliber for a long time I love
doing the show and you can see me very
soon in cosplay oh I think this next
week at Emerald City Comicon out in the
beautiful city of Seattle in the
meantime you can find me very easily
my name rhymes it’s go go incognito Gio
Gio incognito you can find me anywhere
online you just type that in it’s super
easy cool cool and we don’t have anybody
in the chat oh just lexicon welcome to
the chat I was just about to say
everybody must be watching the
Massachusetts senatorial debate going on
on public television right now no I
don’t think so
it is on my TV however but I had to stop
watching actually I think it ended it’s
only an hour long I did x2 Khan yes and
I the second and welcome to the show if
I’m not pronouncing that correctly if
it’s easy let me know please and
luminous welcome to the show
you were with luminous was watching the
debate luminous you’re a good public
citizen Joe Welch welcome to the show
I see it’s Joe Welch dot
and so welcome to the show we’ve got a
few topics there’s actually been some
very interesting stuff that dropped this
past week so we’re going to jump right
into it here yeah i guess i’ll do the
promos of where we’ll be at the end of
the show but the first thing is and this
is just such wonderful news for people
of sort of my generation you guys who
haven’t seen this will get to experience
the brilliance that is rick moranis
rick moranis is coming back after a
17-year hiatus from making films to do a
series based on the movies Honey I
Shrunk the Kids and it’s Oh a movie I’m
sorry for theatrical release made by the
Disney people and it’s going to be
called simply shrunk this is out
standing it’s it’s amazing yeah he is so
good so go go favorite rick moranis role
suddenly Seymour I mean look at my jazz
hands you said a name I started with the
jazz hands I never know when you’re
actually showing a picture of the person
we’re talking about or you’re showing me
so I just do jazz hands probably for a
lot of the show but anyway Rick Moranis
has been an absolute a favorite of mine
since I was just a little girl like I
cannot get over how good he was in every
single role also going back to
ghostbusters y’all he was in the
original ghostbusters he was the
keymaster and he’s just very special um
it’s one of these people that you’re
like oh I’m so sorry he’s gone but I
think he did wonderfully in everything
he did so he’s coming back and that just
means we get to be dazzled by him again
for all of you who are new to Rick
Moranis do not discount him because of
his age yes
swept in and also if you haven’t seen
the original ghostbusters
shame on you or I was waiting for
somebody to say this if somebody didn’t
I was going to dyslexic on brings up
Spaceballs he was dark helmet and
dyslexic on and luminous from what I
understand based on what I’ve read he
has been out of the movie industry
solely because he says he says he’s made
he made enough money and wanted to be
just a normal family guy so that says
something about why food welcome back to
the show that says something about how
much money
Disney threw at him luminous Bob
McKenzie and in fact his last one of his
very last roles other than being in
documentaries or you know things you
know like that about some of his other
roles was in an animated series about
Bob and Doug which I’m assuming was made
in Canada because I’ve never seen it I
think that would be hilarious my
favorite I know that’s a hard that’s a
hard call this is gonna be a weird one
folks if you’ve never seen it if you
ever want to see what Rick Moranis would
look like doing a straight-up dramatic
role he was in a movie called Streets of
Fire which is this like 1980s punk
rockabilly it was the first thing that
willem dafoe ever made and Moranis plays
the the manager of a singer who’s played
by Diane Lane her first role jeez yeah
and he is amazing he is absolutely
amazing as this sort of you know short
guy syndrome but tough little yo
hardscrabble manager of this singer
yeah dyslexic on Rick at his nest egg
chilled out it’s yeah that’s what he
decided to do apparently so wait what
was the name treats of fire okay that
sounds like a wonderful play like
streetcar of desire or whatever but I’ve
heard of it so I will have to look this
up because you’re naming willem dafoe
Diane Lane Rick Moranis yep
the willem dafoe was the bad guy and he
is absolutely frightening
yes and oh and if you’re a fan of
rockabilly from the 80s the blasters
play there’s a lot of music it’s um
basically it’s a music it’s so its
surrounding music because the Diane Lane
plays as a torch singer but there’s all
sorts of great music throughout it
including the blasters perform in the
motorcycle club that that Willem Dafoe
leads they’re like the house band and
it’s it’s amazing watch it go go find
this movie it’s 80s cheesy as hell but
because they tried too hard to be too
stylish it’s like super style and it’s
really awesome
but anyway so Rick Moranis coming back
we have no idea when this will happen
because obviously they just announced it
but Joe Johnston who directed the first
movie is coming back and apparently Josh
Josh GAD everybody’s favorite snowman
yeah it’s gonna be back okay I’m not
back it’s gonna be in it he was not in
the first of course yeah I was gonna say
is he that old but he’s not that old no
no but I just saw him in Murder on the
Orient Express yes and again he has one
of those faces that’s timeless so I’m
like maybe he’s one of those people yeah
that was me screwing up okay
but yeah so wait for this to come out
folks and go see it you know and revel
in the joy that is Rick Moranis as a
comic actor what gogo said absolutely
all right moving on to our next one
speaking of movies and speaking of tis
me and so Disney is
greenlit Aladdin to the live-action
version because money
I’m guessing Luminess says he saw
Streets of Fire into theaters when it
came out didn’t like it at the time
perhaps I would enjoy it more now it
gets slow at times I just love so many
of the performances in it you know the
acting performance is that it’s it’s one
of my favorites anyway Aladdin III
didn’t see the first one I’m an
old-school Disney girl so it was hard
for me like there’s there’s been a few
of the remakes that I’ve watched Beauty
and the Beast but I didn’t see the new
Aladdin so here are neroon for this one
Rodney I I don’t have a comment so
except oh go ahead except except I guess
the first one must have done well since
they’re making a – it clearly made
enough money for them to want to make it
– I have also not seen the first one
although our reviewer thought it was
decent that it was funny at times that
it was not as insulting to the original
as a lot of people was were afraid it
might be but certainly not you know –
the quality of the original because one
that was animation and – Robin Williams
the comment from I think it was Byron
Byron T zero who said that you know
clearly Will Smith isn’t Robin really
Williams but he made it very clear right
out of the gate that he didn’t try to be
that he tried to be Will Smith as a
genie and that works might not work as
well as Robin Williams is the genie but
it works and so what I understand you
know and the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes
and so on it’s it’s decent yeah it’s a
funny film enjoyable so there’s
absolutely no word whether or not Guy
Ritchie is coming back to direct it
whether the stars whether Minah Massoud
who was Aladdin Will Smith the genie or
Naomi Scott who was Jasmine are coming
back the people writing it or somebody
in John gat
who wrote flight and Real Steel so yeah
but Andrea burlock who wrote Straight
Outta Compton and the kitchen Wow yeah
yeah that’s very heavy and not what I
think at all for Disney oh yeah
no okay but it made a billion bucks so
now worldwide 355 million domestically
and let’s assuming it’s even you know
with paying everybody it was like in the
hundred and fifty million dollar range
even domestically you know it made
enough to be a hit to for them to
clearly want to have a second one not
that I want one but dyslexic on liked it
and says we’ll do better than to try to
be anyone but himself true Guy Ritchie
had to bolster his confidence to be
himself – I love Guy Ritchie movies for
the most part I mean he’s had some
stinkers clearly but yeah wok Stock and
Two Smoking Barrels snatch rock and roll
up snatch still holds up even if it’s
weird in some ways oh yeah watch it not
too long ago and it’s like Oh take it
for what it is it still holds up yep
yeah rock and roll oh the same the first
Sherlock Holmes
the first of the you know Robert Downey
jr. Sherlock Holmes second one yeah he
didn’t quite hit that one but sequels
are hard and then they never came back
with a third which I was just thinking
about the other day like why not I would
assume it had more to do with Robert
Downey jr. production schedule with
Marvel than anything else all right and
then once he once they couldn’t work out
of time my guess is and this is entirely
I guess that Richie then went on to do
things like King Arthur and the awful
retelling of not of an Akron estate
garbage I think that’s not the exact
title of the movie but it’s a person
hello a person
[Music] welcome to the chat but yeah so Aladdin
– if you liked Aladdin the live-action
they’re making a new one and if they
don’t make it with Will Smith and
minimus sued and they only Scott they’re
idiots they’re gonna throw enough money
at these people they’ll make another one
they’ll be in it otherwise I feel like
it would be another straight-to-video
in the disney world yeah well that’s
true that yeah there is like all of the
post Aladdin animated movies were all
straight-to-video and garbage like
really awful the quality drop was so
hard but hopefully not the case maybe
Guy Ritchie will do what he did with the
whole you know British legendary history
thing and he’ll make Arthur and then
give Robin Hood to some idiot so that he
doesn’t have to take the blame for it
and just be the producer and but yeah
yeah anyway enough of me ranting about
bad historical movies that right there
is of course and I’m gonna need somebody
in the chat to spell me on this one is
it heiress or Aerith I see it and
literally have people tell me I’m saying
it wrong no matter which way I say it at
cons I see it spelled both ways now who
is this character from Final Fantasy 7
eros or Erath
yes waifu this is anime well – game
actually it’s so this is from the the
news is at the opening cinematic the
first five minutes of the upcoming Final
Fantasy 7 remake HD beautifully textured
gorgeous looking remake was released as
a trailer and you can go watch it and it
introduces you to you know the world and
introduces you to all of the main
characters cloud and Barret and you know
and air or whoever that says a riff
dyslexic on is eros eros is just how it
got localized
okay thank you I still have people who
yell at me because I’m saying it wrong
no matter what but I’m gonna go with
Aerith because I believe dyslexic on
they would know they and just knowing
this person again happy birthday they
have been a fanatic about this no hate
for like at least as long as I’ve known
them which has been like 15 years oh wow
yeah and in that case happy birthday
dyslexic on if I didn’t happy birthday
on Facebook because I don’t know if I
did happy birthday again and that’s one
of the beauties of YouTube is it’s a
nomina minimus except for people like
luminous who’s using the same name as
his YouTube channel and photography so
but anyway so yeah this dropped it looks
gorgeous if you’re at all a fan of the
series you got to go check it out it’s
it’s absolutely wonderful you do get to
see some examples of some combat but
mostly its setting up the world and some
of the main characters or at least
introducing to you to how they will look
and it’s gorgeous it’s absolutely
stunning if you like this or if you are
a final fantasy person there’s so much
if you just go and you play in that
world like you look up more stuff one
thing I want to say as an LGBT person is
that this remake does bring up a scene
where our hero cloud previously was in
drag and they’ve redone it in a way that
is on the mark
very LGBT friendly so if it’s something
that you play before and you’re like wow
this doesn’t feel right I encourage you
to reexamine it and if you’re new to it
then I have to say that again that
squeenix has listened to their fans and
they’re doing it right
some awesome yet you know I completely
forgot about the cross-dressing you know
in drag scene April tenth folks if you
want to play this it’s you know ps4
obviously so I have no idea when it will
then move out to any other platforms but
certainly April tenth if you’re on the
playstation ps4 platform it’s it’s there
and ready for you or will be that’s uh
basically Anime Boston weekend that
ought to be interesting
do you think we’re gonna see all of the
all of the Final Fantasy characters at
Anime Boston I encourage that do it do
it do it do it do it do it do it do it
do ya do it
your costumes from years ago are
relevant again yeah just up your makeup
because now the look is better put more
gel in this but just just just just just
just do it
it’s do it unless you’re one of those
like super perfectionist like I’ve seen
people who I’ve already created the
pleated skirt version of tifa’s outfits
like cool yeah great the game start out
yet but rock and roll that’s cool but
yeah we’re different as we say here you
know at nerd caliber all cosplay is good
cosplay so correct alright moving on to
our next topic that person right there
is the absolutely wonderful Gugu
mbatha-raw British actress who the news
is just recently got named as yet
another casting for the upcoming Loki
series yes yes yes on Disney plus so
this is one of those who you look at the
the actress and go who familiar why she
has been in a bunch of stuff she was
mrs. Murray in wrinkle and time you
wouldn’t know she was plummet in you
know the voice of Lynette obviously in
Beauty and the Beast
um oh no she was in the live-action one
so you might have recognized that she
was in sadly of all things Jupiter
ascending as a minor character like Oh
watch that but I don’t remember anything
about it yeah it’s it’s it’s garbage
yes dyslexic on Google is BAE and goo
this thing that’s up on your screen
right now is from the terrible movie
Cloverfield paradox but she and David
Olo were co-leads in this movie the two
main commanders of the space station
that would that thing was set in and one
that was wonderful into two black actors
as completely unapologetic coal
commanders of a space station so yay but
she was the best thing about it it was a
great cast and the cast was pretty good
and but she just really nailed it she
was awesome
and then most recently she was on the
morning show on Apple TV so nobody’s
seen it so oh gosh we talked about Apple
TV your are you watching it now Rodney I
know I don’t own an Apple product I’ve
never I actually have a oh gosh what was
that version of the Mac I have one of
the old Mac Pro the silver and blue
towers from like night from 2000 or 2001
I started watching it here in my house
and if we ever get into it with that
show I can’t even remember what it’s
called something something Ravens quest
that’s all about God we started watching
it we’re not talking about it today
we’re not talking about it today but
it’s right up our alley we did talk
about it when they announced alley I
know it’s just
followers people friends whoever’s
watching us have you do you have Apple
TV because it’s like I I don’t want to
take up time talking about a really
amazing show that
you have seen it’s really good go it’s
good apples gotta make a a like a deal
with Hulu to put this stuff up like
after a season or something
so people can actually watch it because
other than Apple devoted people like oh
go oh yeah and maybe googoo but not I
don’t know that but certainly go go yeah
so that’s what 14% of the entire country
is watching it
dyslexic on Jupiter sending is a movie
ionically love for Eddie redmayne’s
relentless chewing scenery as Bale
earned a brass –ax so points for not
even spelling the last name right
because even though they say a right I
always hear it and pronounce it as AB
Raxus which is a different name because
of brass sixes just so tough to say and
getting his first name who knew his
first name I didn’t even know his first
name and I’ve watched the movie twice as
much as I hate it no no the character
bale earned a brass Oh gotcha gotcha
gotcha yeah everybody knows Eddie
redmayne’s yeah because of Newt and and
everything else he’s done he’s amazing
hmm but yeah he is he is top tier he’s
Nicolas caged here scenery-chewing in
Jupiter ascending but without the weird
like memes and irony and everything that
comes with he’s he’s young let’s let him
chew for another decade before we mix
that’s what I want to say he’s young
he’s trying he’s good let’s let him
shoot I’m here for it completely so
here’s something I am really here for it
kind of kind of ties into my last
complaint or my recent complaint earlier
about Guy Ritchie and Arthurian movies
so if you haven’t seen it go to youtube
right now and watch the trailer for the
Green Knight that’s what you’re gonna
say that is what I was going to say that
is death Patel as Gawain one of Arthur’s
knights of the round table in this new
movie made by a – for pictures and so
and it is right up there
as in a – for pictures it is it’s as
stylish and bizarre-looking
as midsummer it’s it looks potentially
as scary as midsummer
it’s gorgeous
the cast is amazing you know I have
Alicia vikander obviously Dev Patel I
can’t wait to see this thing and yes it
is a completely different take on the
tale of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
but it’s an Hutt Guy Ritchie trying to
make King Arthur as snatch which is
essentially what that King Arthur movie
was this basically just takes the
sensibility of the cinematography and
the the sort of atmospheric filmmaking
that 8004 is known for in movies like
midsummer and puts it into this tale and
it’s stunning looking stunning
stunningly looking stunning look unlike
you I’m gonna play devil’s advocate and
you can get mad at me I didn’t love the
trailer okay I love actors I know the
story I’m excited for it because of the
actors in the story but I watched the
trailer several times and I didn’t fall
in love with it the way you did so maybe
that’s fine because I don’t know some of
the previous work yep you’re talking
about Guy Ritchie and all this stuff
well that’s the stuff that’s garbage
this is the stuff that’s not so 18 for
pictures midsummer the horror movie set
in Sweden that was just an enormous hit
that is typical of the kind of sort of
psychological horror stories they make
okay maybe that’s it is that I didn’t
okay that’s probably it is that I didn’t
expect because I don’t know midsummer
like I know it in terms of awards and
this and that I haven’t watched it yet
but I didn’t know the look of it so I
watch this and I’m
like I’m gonna see this and Dev Patel
and this looks amazing but it just
wasn’t what I expected so for those of
you who haven’t seen Midsummer encourage
you to watch the trailer with fresh eyes
because it still looks really really
I just didn’t get the scary aspect that
Rodney got because I didn’t know I was
supposed to see scary yeah I agree I
mean so it’s not technically a horror
I mean it’s it’s categorized as a
fantasy drama and so on but the way it’s
shot is shot very much like like
midsummer the the studio 8 to 4 also did
the lighthouse they did you foria the TV
series hereditary the witch oh geez yeah
so this is a okay I get what you’re
saying this is a full-on very very like
like this has like credibility and it
has bones and it has like all this stuff
from all these amazing productions that
you knew about so I’m watching this
going I don’t know what I’m just
watching it as Sir Gawain yeah like oh
okay here we go our three entails Sir
Gawain who this is dark okay deaf Patel
it looks good cool okay I I still think
it is absolutely gorgeous it is gorgeous
and and yes I did
know what a to four was known for that
probably did color my my sensibility of
it but even still it looks like it’s a
very interesting and very moody and
Atmospheric retelling of the story of
Gawain and the Green Knight and I’m in
pain for that I’m in for that as well
give me dark fantasy anytime yeah
dyslexic on I really want to see
midsummer saw a preview of it when I
went to see us and it came off as eerie
midsummer is disturbing in a way that I
haven’t been to
in a long time it’s now it hits a couple
of triggers for me and I don’t want to
give away because that would give away
some of what goes on in there
but some of the violence or or you know
the horror violence that’s in it is is
very specifically things that trigger me
not like you PTSD type triggering it’s
just like stuff that I do not want to
see and so for me midsummer was well
beautiful and amazing it was it’s a
never watch again oh yeah no I get you
we all have those things we all have our
trigger we all have our monsters right
we all have our things where we’re like
that’s great I will never watch this
yep and that’s basically I mean it’s
it’s brilliant it’s genius it’s you know
it’s feminist as hell why
wheyhey feminist and and it’s also
something that I went yep kind of wish
I’d close my eyes then add a couple of
points so just fair warning your mileage
may vary but for me it was like like
big-time yikes yeah it’s kind of like
you know the village as an art film
so it’s dyslexic on says it made me
think of the village with the constant
sense of something’s very wrong it’s
like the village as an art horror film
that’s so interesting
yeah it’s anyway so yeah Green Knight is
is in fact I believe according to
expected may end of May this year it
does not have a actual announced
premiere date as of yet
dyslexic on horror that I have a hard
time watching because those quicky
things is the best worst I have a hard
time watching the
because of the body horror levels yeah
yeah that’s a ya body huh I mean body
hair is a whole thing so midsummer is
not so much body horror in the sense
like the thing is or like you know
djinji ito manga out of Japan it’s I
don’t want to get into it but anyway and
not that it bothers me too much to get
into it I to tell you what bothers me
you would have to repeat it all things
and you know I don’t want to reveal
things if I say the meg is about a shark
and that really scared me I’m just
kidding Rodney well you know if you
don’t know the meg is about a shark you
you really didn’t pay attention to the
posters but I still had trouble watching
it because I’m scared of sharks oh there
you go yeah I’m scared of but again that
would give away things something so much
better so much more interesting that is
the cast of the Eternals the upcoming
Marvel phase 4 super enormous cast group
movie that may or may not be trying to
be set up as like the New Avengers or
the new guardians of the galaxy I guess
a guardian is a galaxy because the
you’re not introducing a Z characters
individually at all they’re all sort of
there at once like guardians but the
news is that we are going to see it’s
according to E W for the first time in
an MCU movie a full-on straight-up gay
kiss and we we say gay kiss right now
we’re talking about like this is the
thing because gay can mean anything in
the LGBT world because here at nerd
caliber we are all about gender and clue
civet e but what we’re talking about in
this is dude-on-dude yes yes thank you
for that clarification this is not the
male gaze less let’s watch lesbians kiss
these are two men in love kissing and
it’s been I mean this is the weird thing
for me like I read this and I saw this
I’m like I mean I I don’t know if have a
screen right now so I don’t know if we
see my hands you up you are okay cool
cool clothes but it’s like you know
Marvel Comics has been doing good gay
for decades so it’s been very
frustrating to see them catch up and
they’re like oh fellow koreans wise
theater maybe by sex will catch the eff
up and if they’re doing it with this
that’s great
yep all I have to say is it’s about time
because I know again this is what we
deal with LGBTQ folks is that again like
the you know sis gal on Siskel or femme
on femme that’s so easily acceptable but
this is a big deal it shouldn’t be a big
deal it’s a big deal for Marvel it’s not
a big deal for the world it’s a big deal
for MCU it’s not so much a big deal as
you pointed out for Marvel Comics we’ve
had North Star as out in gay for a long
time ho chling yes from ages ago yep and
and a at the time a teenager he was one
of the Young Avengers so you know and
out and gay teenager I remember from
ages ago like like him wanting to come
out to his parents but they already knew
and I was like isn’t that beautiful
well later right around that conflict
MCU but it’s nice yes I I do have to say
that there aren’t a whole lot of
examples in the MCU of that that
conflict that confrontation and the yeah
I don’t know that they’ve ever written
anything about North Stars parents and
their yeah and his their reaction to the
fact that he’s gay or and I didn’t know
that how claims parents just sort of
accepted it which is cool
it was it was one of the other cuz sorry
it was a while ago Oakland because I
remember having the comic and just being
like it is wonderful late people showing
up love bug welcome to the show luenell
and welcome to the show
dyslexic on Marvel has always been great
with touching on social topics and
comics but DC somehow got to jump on
them with things like depicting awesome
tough gals and lead walls and movies WTF
yeah so I think because once the Disney
acquisition happened Disney has been
much much more control in control of the
cinematic universe yeah and a lot of
this stuff this socially aware writing
in Marvel Comics had happened I mean
that goes all the way back to literally
the late 60s when Harry Osborn was
hooked on drugs you know in in
spider-man yeah they’ve they’ve done
socially aware and socially conscious
stories a while and I remember the
hulling story but and I don’t remember
if it was him or his boyfriend like I
remember it’s it’s it’s that long ago
which is not bad it just means it’s that
far back in the world of comics that I
remember this story as being like one of
them being you know hulling or North
Star just being like mom and dad I’m and
they’re like no it’s like cool cool
Eli Chavez what up with your own bad
self welcome to the show
we on my screen where we’re kind of
locked up and buffering let me know if
that’s not the case for you guys or if
it is the case for you guys that’s on my
preview screen where the chat is so
anyway so Eternals yo yay for eternals
yay for Marvel yay for we only have to
wait until November to see this happen
I’m excited
moving on to our next topic so here’s
one of the you know let’s break the
fandom trailer drops that happened my
Twitter lit up like a firestorm when
this dropped and it’s just like a super
short teaser for stranger things season
four and I’ll try not to talk too much
Rodney I swear to God
talk all you want because we get to see
and I if you really absolutely don’t
want any sort of spoilers sorry I’ve
spoiled it for you just because of this
image but clearly hoppers alive and
hoppers in Russia in a ghoul Soviet
gulag of all things wonderful okay
I’m sorry I don’t want to interrupt you
go ahead go ahead
I just okay fire away they this was the
thing is that they you know they teased
it and everyone’s like oh he can’t be
dead you know he’s hopper but it’s like
this was my thing this is my fear is
that there are so many actors that do so
well in these amazing amazing TV stuff
and they’re like I’ve got great Fame I’m
gonna go do movies so give me a death
and write me out and I am like dude
don’t do it do not leave this stranger
things is a phenomenon there are there
are things that come to us that end up
being phenomenons like like like like a
Harry Potter game of Thrones whatever
stranger things is one of them don’t
leave it now looks like Undercovers if
he leaves it that’ll be so stupid
because you just can’t guarantee
yourself in movies we were talking about
Disney remakes earlier the guy from
Downton Abbey it was the main dude he
left to be in movies he went needed
Beauty and the Beast and then he’s now
on I am Legion whatever but like dude
who are you hopper
yeah don’t leave so he’s there we’re all
happy also as someone who cosplays him
thank you for and I mean I’ve done it a
bunch of times and you have a C now
you’re gonna have to shave your head no
I will not
well that’s not a look I’m gonna do I do
cosplay I do cosplay Sheriff Jim hopper
and I do perform for less cos hem but
you will not see me go go incognito with
a shaved head and with a bald cap do you
see all this hair it’s not going to
Helen Jayden welcome to the show
yes Love Bug what season four yes season
four they they put out the teaser so
like I agree with your point about it’s
a shame much as I love Legion and and I
think crap I can’t remember the actor’s
name I just remember what he’s in yeah
that plays David Haller the x-men
character Legion in the show Legion he’s
amazing in that show and it’s an
amazingly bizarre and weird show but I
would like to think that you know the
people who are involved in stranger
things know that they’ve got something
really good it’s willing to accommodate
their production schedules and so on the
cynic in me thinks that it was up in the
air as to whether or not hopper would be
coming back until the the Hellboy reboot
sank like a stone
I mean harbor went to I need money god I
know I was so excited for that I was
watching them like I was like dude he’s
getting fit this is gonna be amazing
I love Hellboy it’s a comic I actually
followed this is gonna be great and then
it came out and I didn’t even see it
even come to theaters it came in wet I
mean it was gone and then it’s like you
know it’s like Oh going you know you’re
flicking through you’re looking for
something to watch and it’s like
oh here it is on video you know it’s
like well let’s look what what sorry
rotten tomato says whatever let’s look
at the tomato meter it’s like oh it’s
like 17 or 19 percent I still tried and
I gave up after about halfway through I
I lost garbage yeah I I held onto the
actor I I just love David Harbor and I
held onto him and seeing the previews
for the Black Widow movie I’m like oh
god he’s the comic relief this is either
gonna go really well or it’s gonna be
really bad I can’t wait for him and
honestly I think that’s why he looks so
thin I mean it works for the fact that
he’s in a gulag but I’m guessing he
clearly LA even though they make jokes
about his suit just barely fitting you
know they clear he clearly lost weight
and bulked up for for Red Guardian in
the Black Widow movie so I think that’s
why he looks like he does now and
they’re just gonna carry that through
cuz it makes sense he’s in a gulag he’s
starving luminous the Soviets are a nice
1980s villain yes they are including
their Terminator ripoff and stranger
things three dyslexic huh
he’s definitely not gonna be not quite
right considering what happened true
and also dyslexic on and somebody better
play D&D with will he’s a good boy
that’s a whole other topic is the the
will erasure for sure for sure I’m here
to play D&D with him also
I lost my DM she moved to Portland I
miss I know Dave got in crazy shape for
nothing nice that you’re on you know
that informal a basis with them good to
sorry busting your chops alright so what
do we know about when this is happening
oh do we know did they announce because
they usually don’t announce Netflix and
that’s the stuff yeah we don’t have an
ultimate about been like late summer or
it’s in the fall is usually in the late
summer September ish and they announced
back in September that it was coming
back for a fourth season so I don’t
think it’s gonna be well maybe it’ll be
this September I don’t know I hope it’ll
be this September I I can’t imagine that
they would not do it I mean I know
that’s a quick production but I also
know they’re try they’re they’re doing
their best to get the kit like they’re
doing the same thing that we’re they’ve
got to get these kids before I mean the
kids are growing up so yeah so you know
oh speaking of that I got it
so I just put the picture back up there
my absolute favorite tweet actually came
from the stranger things writers room
their official Twitter feed and they
just said wow 11 looks different this
season the shaved head is like oh my god
now you can’t see that you can’t unsee
that oh my gosh
yeah they have to they have to work fast
unless they are going to write these
kids they can’t again do like you know
again going back to Game of Thrones they
got away with some stuff where they’re
you know they just played with time
where ru was still really small and bran
was still supposed to be like six or
seven years old and then it’s like wow
he’s really big
anyway this is not fantasy it is harver
reality no salt
I don’t know what what what you call it
but they got to work with in the
timeline yeah well I think they did
indicate Oh yo lo Joe the bro okay bye
and hello because I didn’t see you come
in but bye have a good evening and like
I said to somebody last week who’s
talking about people not chatting as it
lurkers are fine
absolutely you just want to watch the
show and hear what we have to say about
stuff that’s absolutely fine you don’t
have to chat
we love chatters we love lurkers love
them all but anyway
and your point was the kids the kids if
what I understand they are to be fast on
production exactly what I understand
they are moving this forward a couple of
years so based on what I’ve read is that
there will be a time jump of not like
it’s goes from 84 to 85 I think this is
going up her into the late eighties when
this one will take place dyslexic on 11
hit puberty and puberty hit back yeah
let’s hope not because that’s a pretty
serious puberty mustache going on there
if that’s the case anyway moving on to
our last topic and since it was the
teaser and we haven’t talked about it
you all pretty much know what’s coming
up there on your screen there it is
there is when everybody is calling a
teaser trailer and it was not it was
Matt Reeves the director leaking
literally test footage of the suit
so it’s yeah I don’t think it’s ten
seconds long but it’s amazing and yes I
made the joke and I stand by my joke of
the Metal Gear Batman tell me that is
Raiden’s armor even the way the shoulder
poppy Armour pieces connect to the
raised angular chip that’s Raiden’s
armor right there
no but anyway what did you think go go
did you see it yes I did
I am a ginormous Batman fan that was my
absolute first comic along with old
goggle we just hung up

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