New Video Blog Format: Rick Moranis Attacked, Reddit Conspiracy Banned (back up), Trump Could Die… As Seen On

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New Video Blog Format: Rick Moranis Attacked, Reddit Conspiracy Banned (back up), Trump Could Die…

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My ability to speak is gone. I’m not sure how to fix it. I tried reinstalling and stuff with audacity and some other programs, but there seems to be something off inside the computer. I will upload short clips and then use the most current video to write comments. That’s my new plan. This guy attacked Moranis. It was crazy. It had to be reverse racism, but we can’t blame any individual for what their race or anything is, so it’s almost counter-productive to share this story. But I needed to upload something.

Trump could definitely die and soon. He has had trouble breathing anyway. I think Conway’s daughter made the best point. No one should hope he dies or we can only think for ourselves, but she spoke of the irony of it. That’s where I am, although I sort of couldn’t care less if Trump does die from it. I don’t like him. He is a nasty person. But I don’t blame him for the current social reality. He is a symptom.

The medium is dead. I tried to go to Reddit Conspiracy this morning. It seems to be gone. I kind of expected this, not just saying. They had too many stupid posts claiming Coronavirus is a hoax. For all the big numbers of subscribers, there weren’t many comments. Like on Youtube, most channels have big numbers, yet where is the audience? The medium will not be coming back. No one can force anyone else to watch mainstream garbage. It doesn’t work that way. No one with integrity is going to take off ad blocker.

I believe the censorship will get worse and nothing will ever truly change for the better. We are in a semi-permanent lockdown in regards to both movement of body and thought.

I have noticed the paid trolls are now showing up on Krishnamurti threads. I always wondered why there weren’t more page views for his talks. Now it seems to be picking up. I am noticing more and more vicious attacks against him. He was greatness with a lot to offer. He was a fellow human and thinker type. Krishnamurti was the real deal.

I just left a comment on a video asking if YT is radicalising folks through recommendations. If that’s not a repeat, those guys are a little late to the topic. The recommendations got completely rigged over the last year. They need to update their schtick. This is what I posted:

“The system comprised simultaneously of censorship and rigged media radicalizes people who are on the edge but feel powerless to influence society. Surveillance capitalism is responsible for the increase in violence.”

I used to be a teacher. To all young people out there, I advise ye to just keep on breathing. The last thing we should do is run around like chickens with our heads chopped off. We are each part and parcel of nature in the moment. The dialogues between Krishnamurti and David Bohm are extremely enlightening. I also appreciate Krishnamurti’s solo work. I think one can attain much more wisdom through them than Alan Watts.

I spoke with a social worker yesterday for a few hours as part of an intake system. She agrees with me that I have Asperger’s. If anyone out there has any questions or is curious about him or herself, I’ll try to help. But like Krishnamurti said, don’t listen to the teachers too closely, as in don’t “follow” him or her. Think it through deeply for oneself.

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  1. I thought Reddit Conspiracy had been deleted because not only was it not showing up, the rest of the website or at least the front page was still there. It reminds me of the trajectory of Chemtrail Central. That place was not a wackadoo palace until at least 2004/05 or not as blatant, not as obvious. Then it proceeded over the years to become a total reservoir of nonsense. It turned out the owner of the website was friends enough with Patrick Minnis of NASA to let it slip out he was posting. That was deleted, but I found it in the wayback machine. I then emailed Minnis who admitted he was the prominent debunker guy making a lot of posts. Just ask why if chemtrails was so nutty a conspiracy theory, why was it advertised so much? Why did NASA go out of its way to debunk it through social media. But this stuff just gets shoved down a memory hole similar to Mitchell Carlson blamed for breaking the Auto Zone windows when surveillance footage of Jacob Pederson shows he walks very similar to the Minneapolis Umbrella Man.

  2. I'm against censorship, but I have a very small channel and thus the troll posts become too much at times. A guy named "Boe Jiden" left two posts simply equating BLM with terrorism. I deleted one of them and then hit hide username for the other. Those kind of posts help nobody and are very suspicious.

  3. Reddit conspiracy is back up. Sorry for any inconvenience. Before it was definitely not available with a generic message saying there was nothing there. It is an obvious cointelpro run subreddit. It clearly breaks the rules yet isn't deleted such as with what happened to The Donald or Chapo Trap House.

    I did notice a Politico article explaining how the major domains are working overtime to censor people in regards to Trump's illness. Michael Moore is posting conspiracy theory that Trump is faking it. The medium is dead without freedom of speech and association. As soon as we the people accept the few remaining bread crumbs, even those are taken away.

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