Police Questioning Someone In Connection With Attack On Rick Moranis Only On Our Site

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Police Questioning Someone In Connection With Attack On Rick Moranis

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Police have questioned someone in connection to the random attack on actor Rick Moranis on the Upper West Side.

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  1. I feel for anyone who gets senselessly sucker punched, most especially a small defenseless older guy. BUT…the left has voted to make their cities like this so they are getting what they voted for. Given that, it is hard to have much sympathy (a Ph.D. Aerospace Engineer who works for a large American defense contractor in Brevard county, Fl. and lives in Cocoa Beach.

  2. There Was no "Random Attacked" about this.. They are just two people walking on a side street… And Why they call him "this guy"… He is clearly a blackperson who brutally Punch Rick Moranis!… Because of these unfair news…. I think we live in a worst timeline of existence!

  3. How about “ELM” or “OLM”… We have worked hard our entire lives, paid our taxes and would just like to enjoy our grandkids! We have enough problems being old… Arthritis, liver spots and we can’t enjoy pepperoni pizza any more without a antacid! Does it really make you a “Badass” beating us up? Mugging us and even if we hand over our money without a fight… Is it really necessary to beat us up anyway?

    I hope the Police find this piece of shit who masquerades as a human being and throws ass in prison for a “Hate Crime” so his sentence will be longer!


    This would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society.

    Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their dedication to exceptional civic values, stable traditional families, parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture and their unflagging pride in maintaining exemplary clean, neat and orderly homes.

    Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.

    Property values are boosted and energized by the entry of African Americans into an area thanks to the caring and sincere respect they show for these communities, their absolute dedication to lives of law abiding peaceful neighborliness, and the examples of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant, can-do culture of integrity and honor.

    Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

      * Please copy and paste for all to KNOW *

  5. Wait a minute! I'm sure Rick must have uttered a racist slur. The suspect was completely justified and should be released right away and pursue legal action against Mr. Moranis. Isn't that the standard narrative?

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