Categories: Rick Moranis

Positive Sarcasm Sunday Leftovers: “Rick Moranis Assaulted, Moroccan Hunting Dogs.” Presented By

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Positive Sarcasm Sunday Leftovers: “Rick Moranis Assaulted, Moroccan Hunting Dogs.”

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Some Prick who daddy left for a pack of cigarettes 20 years ago and never came back, punched Rick Moranis for zero reason and now NYPD is looking for him, plus what’s a Sloughi? Support/Free Stock:
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[Music] [Music] so
j here positive reporting
here from the spare parts studio happy
sunday everybody
you can follow me on instagram you can
find me on facebook and you can find me
on tick tock and of course you can find
me on youtube
at positive sarcasm just use the
positive sarcasm search and you should
find me on most of the social media
on youtube and oh my god sorry i just
shot like an ad
yeah i’m a little sweaty sometimes
when you go all out for like three and a
half minutes it tends to
make you a little tired so i’m not going
to pretend like i’m all
not kind of like a little a little bit
of sweat
or maybe it’s covered that’s okay
we’ll get through it together anyways
you can find me on all social media you
can go ahead and check out my website
uh hopefully i’ll do something with that
video that i just banged out to real
oh man that’s like
no we’re not gonna get into that anyways
uh it is customary now
that on the beginning of every sunday
leftovers podcast
that we recite some poetry from hip talk
uh hip hop’s
latest or and or greatest so i like to
start the podcast off
by doing a quick hip hop poetry minute
all right so let’s go ahead and uh get
this started
as i look like brett weinstein
okay here we go
this always this is i’m never going to
get used to this be perfectly honest
with you
that’s all right and i’m just sweating
too so here we go
how do i look on the camera it looks
pretty good
okay anyways here we go
get low bus now that’s the way that it
when we up in the spot the [ __ ] be
flooded with hose
see we make it hot the chicks will come
out of their clothes that’s when you get
it mommy
already no i suppose turn it
up shorty wild and
shody open she beasting it out
for the record just a second i’m
it out come on while she trying to see
while she trying to touch see i was
peeping it out
she turned around and was trying to put
my dick in her mouth
well there you have it so there is this
hip-hop poetry go ahead and look up that
uh example of poetic
genius by buster rhymes touch it you can
go and look it up on youtube
anyways let me put that aside for now i
am uh
holy [ __ ] thank god it’s sunday left
over so
this um i’m a little annoyed i’ve said a
few things about new york city
about whether or not you should even be
in this in that town right now
and uh it’s right now it’s all over the
because of a little celebrity who never
bothered anybody
who never said a peep about political
who literally just did a couple you know
big hit
kids movies back in the late 80s early
and was the star ghostbusters never
bothered anybody just a a typical
uh a jew from new york who made it big
for a short period of time
uh gets a gets sucker punched in
one of the most expensive parts to live
in manhattan no less
so the re the headline from abc 7 in new
york i’ll eventually catch my breath
rick morana sucker punched in head in
manhattan’s upper west side
the video capture shows the man the
moment a man wearing a black
i heart new york shirt how freaking
how contradicting uh shirt hits the 76
year old ghostbusters star he was in
all the ghostbusters movies by the way
uh police are searching for the man
wanted in a random violent new york city
on actor rick moranis on the upper west
side video shows the mammoth the man
wearing a black eye her new york
sweatshirt and pack
backpacked hit the 67 year old
ghostbusters star and knocked him to the
it happened thursday at 7 24 a.m on west
70th street near central park west
friday afternoon police released a clear
image of the suspect
and that attack happened just a few
blocks away from the apartment building
miranda’s character louis tully lived in
the movie
clever the attack continued walking
north after throw the attacker continued
walking north
after throwing the punch uh let’s see
miranda’s hurt his head back and hip in
the attack and was able to
take himself to the hospital and later
to the police station to report the
miranda’s rep troy bailey said in a
written statement friday
mark moranis was assaulted on the upper
west side yesterday he is fine but
grateful for everyone’s thoughts and
what wishes
um and then just talks about how he shot
the fame in movies like ghostbusters and
honey i shrunk the kids
and then he put acting aside in the late
90s to focus on raising his kids
and he’s made occasional uh appearances
right now uh nypd is asking for any and
all information
there some of the a lot of actors have
actually read like chris evans from
captain america
um he’s pretty pissed about it but you
know it’s it’s one thing to say
something it’s another thing to do
so yeah and the video is pretty
you know it’s pretty straightforward
let’s put it that way you know
i’m not going to compare it to um the
death of a
a black man up in uh you know up in
minneapolis minnesota getting his throat
stepped on
uh but it’s definitely an it’s it’s
an example of what like the the death of
uh floyd george floyd is a perfect
example of police reform
of what police should do as far as
reform and
tactical retraining in the hiring and
firing process that’s a perfect example
of what happens when you don’t follow
that protocol
this is a perfect example of what
happens when you let
when you have a [ __ ] mayor you uh you
pretty much you don’t give the nypd any
and you pretty much stand back and let
the city tear itself apart
the video is just strictly
straightforward the guy is walking
right by mcmanus miranda’s just a
six-year-old jewish guy in the
so technically that would be considered
a hate crime unprovoked rick moranis has
no reason
this is one thing there’s a lot of
things in the in the news that you’re
finding lately
there’s usually some motive or something
anything police response
leading up to this leading up to it
there’s something for
the violence to take place for a scene
where violence could take place
this was merely just a guy walking past
another guy
and for no reason whatsoever none no
provable reason no suspected reason
whatsoever the dude
hit and he hit him bad it looked like
ray rice punching his girlfriend
hit him so bad and just put him against
and as you know in new york city
everything’s brick the dude hit him so
hard he’s flew up against the bricks
he landed he fell down and the guy just
kept on going
he was wearing a mask at the time of the
ins he’s wearing you know a coveted mask
he’s wearing a full-blown hoodie
hood up and just ultimate trash and i
put something on my instagram like
you ha nypd you have to find this prick
you have to find this prick and what
that simple
because the way he attacked him with one
shot he could have killed him he hit a
67 year old man
in the head and then he fell
so if it’s a
in in it’s a situation where it’s first
degree assault
it’s with malice you intended to hit you
you intended to hit him
without whether or not it’s premeditated
it still is first degree assault
if something happens to uh him like merc
grant for some reason
has a you know some type of aneurysm
or he bleeds out because it’s what
happens is when you hit somebody
you hit somebody so you cause some
damage massive amount of swelling
so there’s there’s your issue right
there if merc moranis
falls lands in the concrete cracks his
head open and dies
and this could happen a day or two later
all of a sudden he has like some type of
hematoma and then just
passes away um that is
that’s just flat-out murder that’s like
murder in this like you could be tried
and convicted for second-degree murder
and then you spend pretty much the rest
of your life in prison it’s not
it’s not manslaughter you intended to
hit this guy to do
damage and he ended up dying as a result
that’s murder
and it’s just it’s disgusting to see
and i just hope like they’re offering
right now they’re offering uh like a
couple thousand dollars with the reward
the latest on the matter as i’m just
hitting the refresh on it
is that the latest person reflect on it
was yahoo
hospitalizes uh let’s see he said he
well first of all he walked to the
i don’t know maybe rick moranis has got
a good chin i don’t know he’s just a
short little dude
uh the victim of a random attack mcmahon
sustained injuries to his head back and
hip in the attack and was taken to a
local hospital for evaluation
they say he’s fine and that’s about it
freaking oh the video
is just rugged like he’s leaving he’s
walking up
and then actually is this the actual
attack right here
so he’s walking up okay this is him
leaving the area
okay so that’s not even him hitting him
oh jesus okay so right at the beginning
of the video
it’s right at the beginning of the video
he’s just walking up the sidewalk and
the guy just turns and levels him hits
him as hard as he can
from the from the stance that he’s in
and just clocks maranus
which is a sucker punch puts him down
and the guy just keeps walking that’s it
simple as that so good luck to you bro
if nypd finds you they’re not going to
be they’re
they’re not gonna it’s not gonna be just
simple don’t expect any type of courtesy
uh yeah that’s just an absolute [ __ ] he’s just a [ __ ] bag i don’t know what
else to think about it i know nypd will
handle it
i know nypd will find him and i know
nypd will arrest him
and then that’ll be and he will be
charged to the fullest extent of the law
the thing is is that pete this is
expected now people think that they can
just do
this that it’s justified and that
they’ll get away with it with zero
well that will eventually come to a head
if i mean that’s in first of all this is
in new york city where gun laws
are incredibly restrictive if
you tried to do that in texas
or you try to do that in new hampshire
or you try to do that in maine or
your outlook would be grim because if
rick moranis was armed that would be the
end of it
but i mean i don’t know what else to say
about it other than just going off and
inciting violence i don’t want to do
that i just
i think you’re a piece of [ __ ] and um
whatever happens to you
is just well that’s god’s will so good
luck to you pal wherever you may be
uh on some lighter side news i just
didn’t i want to dwell on that too much
longer this is freaking sunday leftovers
i kind of want to just get after it
uh i was i was with my pupper my little
he’s like a you’ve probably seen him on
the podcast a couple times
he is a american pitbull terrier
he’s somewhere in that category there’s
two types of people that are on the very
um he’s not the very territorial one
he’s just like uh
he’s a pit bull he’s obviously in the
pit bull category but he also has like
either staffordshire terrier or just
terry or mix
in there and it makes him incredibly
docile as far as like
being with people or being curious but
very energetic incredibly fast
and i’m just full of energy altogether
but an absolute love dog
an absolute lovely absolutely lovable
so i was we were in the car and usually
i like
having the roof down in my car because i
just like i like people to see the dog
and it just it
puts people in a good mood when they see
him because he kind of just sniffs the
air when people are around
he’s just a warm face he’s got a great
coat so we were i was getting out of the
i was you know picking up for to grab
something at a store
guy walks out grabs it and this dude
gets he’s going to get back inside of
his bmw
he sees the dog and he’s
he asked me he’s like that your dog and
blah blah blah and he’s like it’s just
beautiful and
he’s like can i pet him you know is he
friendly and he already is sticking his
inside the convertible where the dog is
and i’m like well i guess you’re about
to find out
and the two connect he’s like he
apparently this guy’s not from around
or well he lives here now but he’s not
originally from he’s like i’m from
and i’m like oh cool so apparently
then we get to talking for like five
minutes and
the dude was like yeah i used to train
dogs in morocco
i’m like oh well did you now he’s like
when i saw your dog
you know i saw his eyes we like
instantly connected i was like
oh that’s good so you’re in love with my
dog well getting [ __ ] lying dude
and we start talking he starts
mentioning how he’s a dog he used to be
a dog trainer in morocco
and he started telling me about well he
talked to me about my breed first of all
you know how much
i love my dog so much and blah blah blah
and um they were petting but i love that
i’m able to take a dog
you know a rescue dog of all things and
turn him into like a real people person
or people dog
and he tells me about this though i was
let’s see the dogs he would train in
when he was in morocco
so i’m like oh okay so he tells me about
these dogs called
sloohy or sloogies i think it is
pronounced sloogies
um there’s two types of dogs in in
morocco’s in northern africa just in
case you didn’t know [ __ ] google map
it bro
um there’s the aldi i believe it is and
then there which is a
um like a dog that keeps an eye on the
sheep and stuff
and then there’s the slogi this he says
the sloogy is
you ever heard like like beagles are
like hunting dogs or certain uh
pointers or hunting dogs well a hunting
dog obviously you didn’t know
they go with you on hunts you kill the
bird or you kill the animal
and then the dog tracks it and then
finds it for you because
you try shooting like a duck from like
200 yards away
and then going and finding it well the
or the pointer will be able to go and
find it and then bark and then you go to
well this is different these sloogies
are trained
specifically to not only hunt not only
do you tr they don’t find the animal
they track it
they kill it so i’m like really so i’m
like the dog does everything for you and
he’s like yup
and we trained him now another thing
about these dogs too is they are like
cheetah fast so i’m going to google that
in a minute but i want to talk to you
what these sloogies are where they’re
what they do and then we’ll see who is
like the fastest dogs on earth but he
says they’re like the cheaters fast he
says like they’re the fastest dogs on
the planet
i’m like interesting that that’s like 30
30ish miles per hour but we’ll go and
look it up but it says right here this
is through wikipedia by the way the sugi
is a north african breed dog
and they’re akc uh recognized too it’s a
north african breed of dog specifically
a member of the sighthound family
found mainly in morocco okay so the guy
was not [ __ ] responsible for the standard and maybe
in smaller numbers elsewhere in north
uh it looks kind of like like a
greyhound type
dog but apparently they’re much larger
than that and they’re much stronger than
they appear
and they have a fairly stoic stance too
they stand like straight up they got the
inward you know six-pack ab type of gut
uh should not be confused with the
smooth saluki of the arabian peninsula
in the middle east nor to be confused
with the smooth
afghan hound the sugi is a medium to
short-haired smooth-coated athletic
sight hound
developed in the berber world war of
north africa
morocco algeria tunisia and libya
to hunt games such as hare fox jackal
gazelle and wild pigs oh i’d like to see
the wild the fight between that and a
wild pig
the guy also mentioned that it was a
super ancient ancient
breed like uh like
way back like you know two to common
type [ __ ] so
apparently he wasn’t lying it’s an
ancient breed treasured in north africa
for hunting skills speed agility and
endurance over long distances
it is a robust elegant and racy pursuit
with no exaggeration of length but of
body or limbs
muscle development angulation or curve
of of loin
the sloogie is not a fragile dog but it
is also a dog with class and grace who
the hell wrote this
the attitude is noble and somewhat aloof
and the expression of the dark eyes is
gentle and melancholy
the slogi’s head is long and elegant
with droop ears drop ears
the body and legs show defined bony
structure in a strong
lean muscles the skeletal structure is
sturdy the top line is essentially
horizontal blending into a bony
gently sloping croup the tail is long
and carried low with an
upward curve at the end i love how
see it’s it’s wikipedia so somebody
obviously from the dog community
uh added this information in uh and
definitely gave this dog
uh the best description possible but you
can go ahead and look it up it’s um
sloogie is s-l-o-u-g-h-i
uh temperant a temperament temperament
consistent with mainly sight hounds the
slogan is a sensitive character that is
devoted to its owner and family does not
respond well to harsh or corporal
training methods
and does best with the owner who is
sensitive intelligent and conscientious
consciences responds best to training
that is on positive reinforcement
agree most a lot of dogs do actually
health only a few genetic conditions
have been confirmed with the breed
generally tends to live excellent health
into old age uh has existed in scent for
centuries in north africa largely found
in morocco responsible for the breeds
fci okay
so let’s go ahead and also look up
let’s go see the fastest fastest
dogs in
the world i did not plan this part i
plan to look for it but let’s see
fastest dogs in the world
fastest in the world according to let’s
see there’s world atlas
let’s see the fastest dog breeds in the
world so
we have the jack russell terry what
just about any dog could run fast when
chasing after a ball or heading towards
a bowl of food but there are certain
breeds of dogs that are really fast they
get the speeds that humans can only
behind the wheel of a vehicle jack
russell terrier 38 miles per hour
huh oh my god he’s so cute
uh clocks in at 38 miles per hour the
breed may be small but is very mighty
and needs a lot of exercise to expend
its energy
oh my god the thing is freaking adorable
the afghan
hound oh
is the app wait no no the afghan house
is not supposed to be no no
fastest canines the afghan hand up to
speeds of 40 miles per hour the vizilia
at 40 miles per hour he’s adorable oh
there it is
number two the saluki 42 miles per hour
oh my god it’s gorgeous don’t
underestimate the saluki’s graceful
appearance to the two
this dog was built to race reaching
speeds of up to 42 miles per hour
the majestic breed has been hailed for
many centuries as an able hunter
look closely at paintings from the
renaissance era and you’ll likely spot a
saluki in the foreground
eagerly waiting to go out on a hunt with
its master while these
sleek canines have enjoyed a long
history they were not
known to the west until after world war
one today salukis are known for taking
top prize
in many racing and confirmation events
oh it’s it is it’s a gorgeous dog like
it has a very
uh like tekken 2 type of you know it has
some asian features to it
it has long like long uh like uh what do
you call it hairy like ex
flailing ears and it’s got a limber body
it’s a very pretty dog but
it’s not it’s only number two apparently
number one is the greyhound the
greyhound reaching 45 miles per hour
um what does it say about the grand
fastest dog on four paws
oldest breeds going back to cleopatra’s
reign in in egypt
so i’m i’m wondering if i go back and
see let me okay so this is from world
atlas so let me take a look and see if
there’s other
websites that say otherwise so the
fastest dogs in the world there’s number
23 the boston terrier
21 siberian husky all right so let’s
scroll all the way down
number 16 belgian noir poodle
oh what’s this i’m just curious to see
who would
pharaoh hound so a lot of dogs from a
lot of dogs from
the northern africa region number three
the number excuse me number five the
number four the afghan hound
uh and then let’s see number three
bees oh and a bees and hound 40 miles
per hour
number two saluki 43 miles per hour
number one greyhound 45 miles per hour
so that’s uh that’s greyhound two
saluki zero okay let’s actually look at
one a couple more articles
let’s see if there’s other sites that
say otherwise
now i’m not going to say this guy’s full
of [ __ ] he said he said
he trained these dogs he said that the
fastest dogs in the world
i mean they’re clocking in at number two
so the guy obviously knows what he’s
talking about
um even though the greyhound is listed
as number one the guy wasn’t wrong i
technically was he wrong no he’s
i mean technically is he wrong not by
much not by much at all
i mean number two and these dogs are
to taste gazelles and cheetahs although
i think cheat how fast is a cheetah
let me see hold on a second let me let’s
do this let’s do
how fast is a cheetah
50 to 80 miles per hour
whoa but the gazelle he’s this thing’s
supposed to chase down gazelles
are clocking in at 60 miles per hour
um can a saluki
track um
okay can a saluki run down a gazelle
such as hair flux and various types of
the nature of the terrain dictated what
they had to be physically
the nature of the hunt and the lifestyle
of the tribes dictated what they had to
be mentally
and gaz and it said that gazelle will
often pray for the saluki
oh what’s this this
is saluki allowed in islam although
salukis traditionally regarded dogs as
unclean they made an exception for the
saluki to live in the family tent they
were considered
uh cleaned by the bodewins and are
allowed to be in women’s quarters while
the other dogs must be kept outside
interesting so cheetahs okay so it can
let’s see all right let’s go back to
let’s see if we can find
let’s close up i’m gonna look up two
more so italian greyhound german
let’s scroll towards the bottom here
number three afghan hound
this is uh cheat number two
saluki number one the greyhound
all right greyhound three saluki
zero let’s look up one more the fastest
dog breeds in the world this is
let’s see can this
let’s see um breed overview
let’s see
let’s take a look here the [ __ ] this
the whippet number 10
number eight
all right let’s keep going here
this page okay dogs lovers blog just let
you know your
layout is not easy number five jack
russell terrier number four the visa
number three the afghan hound
number two saluki
number one the greyhound
all right all right let’s close all
right so what are we at 26 minutes
let’s close up with one more and then
we’ll close up shop for today so let me
back out of this thing
and then uh yeah let’s see
all right
let’s take a peek here but it was cool
to talk to the guy first of all he
really did have a love for dogs and uh
he even asked my dog’s name didn’t even
ask me my name i’m offended
great dane 30 miles per hour great danes
are awesome they’re big goofballs
uh let’s see number four
the bose the booze we the
russian wolfhound okay here we go
number three oh the saluki clocks in at
number three
uh oh number two wait okay hold on a
second this one says that
hold on a second here this
is [ __ ] okay
what i’m gobsmacked to see non-sight
hounds listed as being capable of
greyhound speeds no they can’t
anatomy is destiny when it comes to fast
dogs fastboards we have clocked over 36.
very fast grading
weapons are certainly capable of speeds
and as fantasy there are no 40 mile
visas 37
donations okay so people are greatly
this one they said the whip it at 35
miles per hour
and number one the greyhound at 43 miles
per hour
okay so where the greyhound is number
one still
apparently people were greatly upset at
uh the outcome and it leaves some doubt
uh oh
do we have controversy voter controversy
says here the number one is greyhound
number two is the saluki
so in the number three the afghan hound
very all pretty dogs
so i think that
yeah i’d have to i would have to say
that the greyhound i mean
first of all there’s a reason they race
greyhounds or they used to anyways
and i mean that’s i mean there’s a
reason why you don’t see them but i’d
like to see that i like to see a saluki
versus a greyhound
greyhounds are super fast but still if
you see a saluki run by you at 43 miles
per hour
i mean i think we’ll blast right through
you i have no idea how fast is a
american we’ll see hold on let’s find
let me just go one more thing we’ll get
out of here
how fast is an american pitbull terrier
48.3 kilometers per hour here’s a
summary from pet’s world
pit holes make extraordinary dawning
muds in that they are agile
strong and typically energetic a pit
bull can keep running at paces of around
to 30 miles per hour
that’s not bad so and he definitely
looks like it when he does run
okay well there’s that all right so
we’re at uh we’re at almost 30 minutes
let’s go ahead and close up shop for
i’m i’m exhausted i mean that first
three and a half minutes and that took
me out before i even started the podcast
but now i have it on video and uh
maybe i’ll review it later maybe i’ll do
a year in review with that but we’ll see
anyways you can find me on all social
media you can go ahead and look me up on
youtube positive sarcasm and positive
sarcasm podcast like subscribe share
view comment whatever
i just noticed i went into my freaking
comments and there was a ton under
review and i didn’t even notice until
just now
like fought from like four months ago so
i just approved all your comments and
liked them all so thank you for all
leaving comments and stuff
until then you can find me on social
media you can find me on youtube and of
course you want to subscribe to this
podcast you can find it on youtube
you can find it on facebook or you can
subscribe the audio portion
on itunes stitch or google play music
spotify i heart radio tune in podcast
uh pod bay cast box any more podcasts
are available
um and then uh i will talk to you all uh
on wednesday
be sure to like subscribe comment you
can also donate to the podcast donate any amount is
you have questions concerns for posing
music wedding uh wedding requests
anything like that
go ahead and just look it up if you want
to be a guest in the podcast you can
email me directly puzzle sarcasm at subject podcast or if you
want to sip coffee in the spare parts
studio you’re more welcome to do so i
have a casting couch
out of frame that you’re more than
welcome to utilize but until then
thank you for listening and watching and
i will talk to you all on wednesday
recorded here from the spare parts
studio this has been a positive sarcasm
get well rick moranis
[Music] so
[Music] you

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