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Reaction Rick Moranis SINGS Little shop of Horrors 1986 Grow for me EHQ Musicians Panel REACTS Brought To You By

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Reaction Rick Moranis SINGS Little shop of Horrors 1986 Grow for me EHQ Musicians Panel REACTS

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Reaction Rick Moranis SINGS Little Shop of Horrors 1986 Grow For Me EHQ Musicians Panel

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#RickMoranis #TheSound #Reaction
oh please
[Laughter] [Music] hello and welcome to the sound
my name is matthew and i am your host
today i have special guests kyle walls
and jennifer valiquette
[Music] and hopefully evelyn holland will be
joining soon
i really appreciate everyone for being
here today thank you so
much you are saxophone player flute
player why don’t you tell everybody what
you’re up to these days i’m good i’m
actually uh
doing some i’ve been doing some covers
on youtube and having fun uh
yeah i did the song that’s all by frank
sinatra um yesterday so that was fun and
i’m just enjoying doing youtube it’s
great all right kyle walls where are you
at today you’re on location today it
seems like hey
yeah location outside of naples florida
no way
that’s so cool that’s well i’m from fort
myers originally so oh cool well not
originally but like i i’m from
connecticut and then i moved to fort
myers so it’s a whole thing close enough
close enough we understand yeah that’s
awesome right on so i heard you i heard
you had a florida gig man that’s cool
tell me about it
yeah i set up um an acoustic only gig so
i got down here and running an acoustic
i brought a tambourine and it was uh
weird going through security
with a tambourine and stuff but security
checked uh some cds i brought because i
brought some merch just in case
um but yeah i played last thursday
outside it was like a million degrees so
i lost 20 pounds sweating and finally
popping in just a little bit late but
just in time we have the always awesome
evelyn holland evelyn is a singer
songwriter why don’t you just really
briefly ever eve tell us what you’ve
been up to in the last couple of days or
this week i mean i i actually did put
together a new uh
a new tune
uh still no lyrics
i i think that’s that’s gonna be
something i’m gonna have to like
sit down for a week or so and just go
through all the songs and write write it
out because it’s not it’s not really
common but i’m i’m fine i’m definitely
fine along the
like uh
the set of songs i’m going to release
cool all right jennifer introduce you
i just thought this one would be really
fun because um
everybody enjoyed rick moran’s singing
before and this one he’s by himself so
it’s one of my favorite songs from the
show and uh i just i i hope you guys
like it it’s really cool
yeah like i i told my wife and my
brother-in-law i was like dude you know
a couple weeks ago when we reacted to
rick moranis singing i was like you guys
wouldn’t believe what i saw today
i was like what rick moran is singing in
broadway and they’re like wait a minute
he’s very like
dramatic and you’ll see it’s great
cool well i mean he is an actor so if he
wasn’t dramatic that might be a problem
no i know but i’m just saying like you
just wouldn’t think of him like you know
yeah doing this kind of stuff but it’s
totally i got you there all right so
anything else anyone wants to say about
this have you guys seen this show before
any of you
i see the movie yeah cool it’s been
decades since i seen it
this is fun
i think i started a really long time ago
when uh
when my family had satellite tv and all
that and i i think i
i just wasn’t
you know like i
i didn’t i don’t i realized what i was
watching i might have turned it off or
something like that but
it’s fun um i’m a big broadway nerd by
the way and like
uh it’s funny because my middle school
middle school kids actually did songs
from this um we have to do like the
cleaner ones you know this one doesn’t
really have any bad ones but we had to
like tone down some of it but
you know gotta gotta make it gotta make
gotta make it pg
yeah we did yeah we totally did and it
was funny because we had the plant in
the background and everything it was it
was really fun
i mean this is pg isn’t it
maybe yeah it is
i guess maybe i don’t know
80s 80s pg was a little different than
oh yeah
oh yeah oh yeah after pga oh yeah
so without further ado musicians panel
reacts to rick moranis in little shop of
horrors 1986
grow for me ehq here we go
i’m counting on you i know you do i do
so fix good night
[Music] [Music] oh
[Applause] [Music] i don’t know what else i can do for you
are you sickly little plant are you just
plain stubborn
what is it you want
what is it you need
i’ve given you sunshine
i’ve given you dirt
you’ve given me nothing
but heartache can’t hurt
i’m begging you sweetly
i’m down on my knees
[Music] oh please
grow for me
i’ve given you plant food
and water to sip
i’ve given you potash
you’ve given me sip
oh god how i missed you
oh pot how you tease
now please
grow for me
i’ve given you southern exposure to get
you to thrive
i’ve pitched you back hard like i’m
supposed to you’re barely alive
i’ve tried you at levels of moisture
from desert to mud
i’ve given you grow lights and mineral
supplements what do you want from me
blood oh
damn roses
damn thorns
[Music] [Music] huh
[Music] uh
[Music] i’ve given you sunlight
i’ve given you rain
looks like you’re not happy
unless i open a vein
i’ll give you a few drops
if that’ll appease
oh please
[Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh the one was a little blood i mean
come on dude
come on you got you got plenty of that
stuff in there man you can spare a few
little drops for the guy give me a
couple pints at least
hold on here hold on here we’re going to
get the red cross involved if we’re
doing that
[Laughter] i was saying
i was singing the whole thing i know the
words way too well
jennifer um i liked it i thought it was
fun uh you know rick was entertaining uh
you know and the lyrics of the song were
so clever and well-written um yeah you
know and he’s just like what you want
blood and then
that was cool
i love how dramatic please grow for me
[Laughter] what do you think kyle
oh that
that movie uh brings back such memories
if i’m thinking right there’s an older
movie right
like i want to say that there’s like a
black and white movie yeah
well i mean one before the 86 probably
probably like like early 60s or
something like that because i remember
seeing um
that one a couple years before you know
that remake or that version you know if
it wasn’t a remake
yeah yeah rick rick moranis is great he
he does such a good job and um
what he got to start with in second city
or something like that
i always think of stuff like
the bob and doug mckenzie movie where
it’s all about getting beer
yeah strange brew yeah
they actually had a comedy
thing uh before that that was based off
of i forget
i know i found out about it through
actually um
uh rush because getty lee did a guest
spot on uh take off to great white north
cool so yeah but that that stuff is fun
you know those broadway
when i think of like that broadway type
feel you know in those movies like that
i always think back to like the 50s when
they had those um
you know big groups of songwriters in
new york that just turned out hits
because they just knew how to write
solid songs that people loved
you know
yeah you have that that influence coming
out you know in the music that’s really
cool to see you know
right now
yeah what’d you think eve give me a
little review
i liked it it was
whimsically dark
that makes any sense yeah
you know i mean it’s like uplifting
isaac and then the um
whole premise of
plant blood is yes
or it could be considered a dark premise
you can see i mean if you’re squeamish
around blow
yeah i i there’s another song i would
love to react to because
i’m going to the dentist again for the
first you know for like the first time i
think since the pandemic and like
the song like it’s like you’ll be a
dancer it’s really fun so maybe maybe we
could do that one
well i mean your pick is your pick
yeah i just love this i just love this
movie it’s got so many fun upbeat like
weird like it’s it’s fun it’s upbeat
it’s weird it’s got like these songs
that you wouldn’t think would be songs
but you know
it’s always so much fun
right on go to and just
check it out like i mean you know even
if you don’t want to like you know
immediately give money or whatever for
lessons at least check it out right you
can see what’s there and you can see my
rates and all that great stuff my
availability and who knows maybe you’ll
decide to actually book a time you don’t
even have to talk to me you can just
like click and just do it right then and
there um and
remember you get to record those lessons
they’re for you so you know i enable you
to record on zoom and then you just take
it and you keep it right and so then you
can retake that lesson think about that
that’s your personal customized lesson
and then you know you go over it and
over and over and over it uh as many
times as you want forever um it’s yours
you paid for it you get to keep it at i told you
all about supporting the channel at
patreon uh buy me a coffee venmo and of
course liberapay the awesome non-profit
so um
please make sure you check all that out
for patreon like i say there’s a brand
new exclusive patron only video every
every week matthews music lesson studio
we’ll see you all next time on the sound
[Music] you

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