Recap #3 – SHRANK As Seen On

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Recap #3 – SHRANK

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Someone call Rick Moranis! and maybe an exorcist too….
(clips from livestream taken around August 2020 – October 2020)
0:00 – Skully killed Tom Nook
0:33 – Pulling out machine
0:48 – Something’s happening!
1:34 – Giant Douglas
2:04 – Getting sucked by wind
2:26 – Fall down latter
2:43 – What the carrots?!
3:02 – Hallway
3:50 – CBC going full red
4:22 – SLAP!
4:38 – Hallway 2
5:26 – Skates?!
6:12 – Camera
6:53 – Storytime/PigDuck Fight
7:40 – Kitchen!
8:04 – Egg
8:25 – Tomato
9:00 – Slapped around kitchen
9:13 – TPAIN!
10:07 – Tonic
10:28 – Bowl
10:57 – Fully Possessed
11:55 – What comes next?!
Playlist of crazy events in the the cowboy’s life:

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Watch me do stuff live! —————–
I tweet stuff sometimes! —————
Lookit all the other cuties ————–
Gimme $20
Edited by CatAvery:
[Music] scully killed tom nook
and then obviously i noticed he’d left a
little cigarette behind
so i um scooped it up
put it in my pocket uh
oh yeah gave me a little pat
uh and then up the other end of the
attic there was this whole
other section of the attic that i’d
never seen so i walked over
and i grabbed this thing that i’d never
seen before
[Applause] [Music] i did it hey hang on a second it’s doing
something’s happening
what the hell happened
uh what do i do now what do i
i don’t know what to do i’ma see what’s
over here
whoa it’s a long way down chat
oh no
what the hell is that
[Music] ah
[Music] where are you going
[Music] not
a rodeo
what the carrots oh my god
what is doing here they smell funny
what do i do now chat [ __ ] i don’t i
don’t think i can
i don’t kind of climb back up there i
guess we just go for a walk yeah
these boots are made for walking and
that’s just what they’ll do
and this would be way better if the mca
didn’t [ __ ] everything
up i don’t know i don’t have a plan has
anyone got a plan
i’m gonna call him rick moranis you
think he could help
you think rick rick morales could help
where you walk into cowboy i don’t know
maybe um maybe my bedroom uh whatever’s
up ahead
that’s a big ball
you’re so big
that scared the [ __ ] out of me i didn’t
mean that i’m sorry everyone it scared
me i
it didn’t mean it okay i it wasn’t me um
i’m still fine i’m still fine i’m fine
what happens when cbc goes full red i
don’t know
i’m scared
i can’t scream what are you doing
[Music] here i go again
[Music] oh we’re all the way back here god damn
oh well dude
[Music] a little more red oh no whoa i’m so
me too confused red tiny
i think i’m in trouble oh no i gotta
remember to turn around so i don’t get
slapped back to the ladder
it didn’t it’s not it’s not working
don’t slap me you stephen
[Music] ah back to the ladder you stupid jacks
only one thing for it making my way
downtown walking fast faces
pass and i’m homebound hang on a second
what is this oh my god what the
no way it’s my skates
[Music] i’m talking about
[Music] [Laughter] ow
perfect dismount and on my way
whoa what the hell is this no way it’s
my old camera
[Music] fashion
well on my way later [ __ ] oh
you guys want to hear a little story
well i got a story for you
um once there was this little guy right
and he had all these flies in his
outhouse yeah
[Music] [Music] ah
and everyone was happy again hip-hop
what a world huh anyway
holy crap i do not believe it wow this
place is huge
well i guess we just keep walking
i walk through the kitchen and i can’t
be certain but i’m pretty sure scully
was drawing all over the [ __ ] walls
and it was feeling pretty flipping weird
and then there was all these items there
was an egg
[Music] enough of that noise see you later egg
stupid weirdo
there was a tomato can of tomatoes
[Music] um
who keeps vandalizing your kitchen um
[ __ ] nuts butts
[Music] cardboard cowboy goddamn what’s up baby
[Applause] can you say mars bar no
i’m not doing it it’s not in my vacation
you say
do you have any advice for the stream
uh give me twenty dollars yeah that’d be
that’d be good huh that was weird
please don’t
well back to it give us some tonic
[Applause] then there was a ball
[Music] what perfect landing
nice stories only smack we did it all
right you did it all right [ __ ] you did
it all right you you
fully possessed me stupid jerks all
i’ve had it with you i’ve had it with
you scully you stupid jerk don’t do it
[Music] oh
[Music] wow
[Music] the [ __ ] was that
[Music] hmm

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