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Recliner Reviews #30: Spaceballs

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SPACEBALLS (1987) starring Bill Pullman, Rick Moranis, Daphne Zuniga, John Candy, Joan Rivers & more. This movie is amazing. So why aren’t there more in its style today?
[Music] today on recliner reviews we’re talking
about an all-time great parody movie
which is
space spaceballs
the movie only one man
and his trusted companion can save
planet druidia from disaster okay eagle
five coming in how do i know you’re not
making faces at me under that thing
all-time great parody movie great mel
brooks movie i kind of wonder we were
talking about going through the notes on
on this and we were talking about some
other mel brooks movies and just started
thinking about parody movies in general
is the genre dead because i grew up with
this movie it was my one of my favorite
comedies as a kid i watched blazing
saddles when i was a little bit older
um there was this
stretch in the early thousands of like a
scary movie
it’s great moving two three four like
how many sequels did not another teen
movie it might have been a sequel to
that one
um there’s a 40 year old virgin parody
movie with brian callan which panned
there hasn’t been one of these
and if and if there has it must not have
been a commercial success in a while
that’s just a straight parody of a genre
of a different movie in a while i’m
wondering if like
it looks cheap and crappy now like to
people turned off by him i mean that
might be true um
while it is a parody like i also don’t
view this movie as a parody oh i view it
entirely it’s great parody because and
there’s a couple of reasons for that
you have to look at it through the lens
of what mel brooks has done like with
his movies right and so like yes if you
look at it through it over like an
overarching umbrella all of his movies
are parodies right it’s a parody of a
western it’s a parody of frankenstein
it’s a pair you know like but when you
like kind of take a step back
it’s also not because they stand alone
like you don’t have to have seen
star wars or star trek or any of those
types of sci-fi movies
to have seen and understand this movie i
think it enhances it quite a bit though
because like i was a huge star wars dork
when i was a kid and that opening scene
with the spaceship and it just keeps
going and going
killed me because it’s the uh yeah a new
opening i mean yes
it certainly enhances it but but the way
that i look at it right which is like
when you look at the scary movies and
all of those other like parody movies
that came out like in the 2000s late 90s
2000s you have to know what those other
movies are to understand and to like get
the jokes in those movies because the
jokes are literally
from the other movies you know they take
something from the other movie and make
it its own joke that’s fair this and a
lot of mel brooks right even though it’s
a parody it stands alone it enhances it
to know star wars or western movies or
but it’s not necessary but would the
existence of
dark helmet man be funny if you didn’t
know darth vader
i mean yeah because
look at it as itself right like you
don’t even know about darth vader
it’s this dude wearing this giant helmet
that is probably half of his size
i can’t breathe in this thing it’s like
the comedy it’s like the kind of
slapstick comedy of
or visual comedy of here’s something
that’s he’s wearing something on his
head that’s like half of his body
you know like there’s certain elements
of it like you don’t need to know about
darth vader necessarily to understand
that dark
dark helmet
is this guy and bumbling stumbling i
guess i see your point but i think this
what your point does what
it’s saying
is it speaks to the genius of mel brooks
because i think i think he is doing
parody but he can he can create his own
story absolutely a hundred percent and
this and it’s only i mean as far as i
know it’s only mel brooks like yeah and
that’s why i love his movies i i mean
i’ve got to box that at home
i love his movies again that just talks
to mel brooks who is
a genius when it comes to so much yeah
to the point where i mean you talk about
the parody element of it right
george lucas loved this movie
even though he’s making fun of his movie
like it loved he loved this movie it
would be the third best star wars movie
if you if you drink it so i understand
why he’d love it it’s better than most
of his yeah i mean it’s
it’s it’s a great movie and
i’ve got a fan theory or a theory or
whatever that i want to get into in a
little bit but like i want to talk about
the movie first before we get into the
to the series because
there’s something that goes to star wars
and baseballs that kind of connects
everything all together but
one of the things that i think does so
well this movie is
all the references
right to all of these other sci-fi
properties but you just you hold on you
just said that you don’t need to know no
no other ones but but
you don’t need to know like for example
like here i i wrote down all of the
references right so
the transfo there’s a transformers
reference right yeah when it becomes
when the ship becomes megabytes right
hilarious you don’t need to know that
that has anything to do with
transformers i guess but it’s so much
funnier knowing that like you don’t need
to know that that’s transform look or
like for example the uh wizard of oz
like when they’re meeting yogurt
who dares enter the sacred and awesome
presence of the everlasting know-it-all
yogurt i think i think i think you kind
of do need to know like way funnier it
makes it funnier yes but you don’t need
to know it to appreciate that scene or
that humor i don’t disagree but you and
i are saying this it’s two people that
didn’t know well for sure so how do i i
mean like how do you take your
like reprogram yourself to pretend like
we didn’t know
touche touche mission failed we’ll come
next time
well here here’s an example right in the
diner scene
which is referencing alien okay yeah
when the guy eats the food
gets sick oh no he’s getting sick and
they lay him out on the on the bar
and the chest burster comes out right
which is a reference to alien which is
but you don’t need to know that and to
make it funny because then alien comes
out and does it and camp dances and does
the wb reference for the for the dancing
frog but then you know the wb reference
well i mean yes but even if you don’t
know the wb right it’s still fun here’s
this scary looking alien popping out of
somebody’s chest
puts on a top hat has a little cane and
starts saying hello my baby whether you
know that song or not like that’s funny
like and then they change their orders
after that happens waitress waitress
what did he order
oh he has a special
that’s what i ordered i changed my order
to the soup so i to your point that was
the one reference when i first saw this
movie a couple times i didn’t get
because i hadn’t seen an alien i might i
think my dad had to explain to me the
first time like it’s a reference to
different movies so that was the only
one i was lost at but the tap dancing is
hysterical you got the planet of the
apes reference at the end i’m a huge
plan of the apes fan oh
well there you go if we ever want to do
it i know it’s not a competition
i’ve seen all five of the originals like
a million times each yeah um or like the
the star trek reference for the beaming
down right everyone knows that we’re
like but even still like even if you
didn’t know that was a star trek
reference and he gets beamed down and
his ass is in his front and like why did
anybody tell me my ass was so big like
that’s that’s just objectively funny
rather you know star trek or not
and that’s what i think it works so well
and i mean those are some of the like
some of the references that just kind of
happened throughout this movie in
addition to of course all of the star
wars references because yeah i think the
funniest and smartest
gag scene in the whole movie is with uh
yogurt the spaceballs too the search for
for more money and like the merchant the
merchandising because star wars star
wars is a weird thing where i think the
original and empire strikes back are
really good they’re great returning to
jedi is fine they ask you how you are
you just have to say that you’re fine
when you’re not really fine it’s it’s
kind of had some elements made for kids
but it’s a it’s a logical conclusion to
that sequel yeah the prequel sucked
everyone knows that they ask you how you
are you just have to say that you’re
fine the sequels are even worse in my
opinion so you’re in a situation from my
opinion where there are nine movies in
those tv series but just look in the
movies there are nine movies or and then
the rogue one and that was like not like
not part of the universe but not
something like that
yeah and the rogue one i liked let’s set
those movies
nine movies in sequence
two of them are great
i would say one of them is good
and six of them are bad
and it’s this huge universe that people
love and it’s because of the toys which
i had a million of growing up it’s
because of the video games
the books there’s this huge universe
outside of just the movies that people
obsess over
which is weird because most of the
movies are bad well but
let me take a
a viewpoint here
slightly before your time okay so
growing up you had for me there was the
original trilogy yeah right
and then there was nothing
the trilogy was out there right
i was alive when there was nothing i saw
one of the first movies ever saw in
theaters was the uh remastered okay so i
went and saw that and then i lived off
that until phantom menace came out so so
but what i’m what i’m getting at here
right is like there was nothing so you
had all of these people searching out
the books yeah that were written right
that were kind of like advancing the
story which
actually tell you know i guess
stealing from george lucas where he says
like it’s it’s a circle like the story
is a circle
these people took it and was like okay
well here’s what happens in the next
trilogy what was supposed to happen in
the next trilogy was there there is a
okay which happens i believe from han
and leo anything was ben solo yeah but
runs the same track that luke runs but
luke runs the same track that darth
vader runs so it’s like the story keeps
its its circles and it just kind of
keeps going and going right so
everybody was searching for more
star wars because there wasn’t star wars
right that’s where the merchandising
comes from and so they’re like seeking
it out and they just want more and more
and more and then you know everybody’s
so excited because these
new movies were coming out at the end of
the 90s and they ended up being total
[ __ ] yeah but it was the searching for
more and so like you talk about the the
search for more money right and the
merchandising element of it
this movie was so far ahead of its time
it foresaw that like there was there was
merchandising of star wars right and i
had like star wars figurines or like the
trading cards or whatever but it wasn’t
nearly the merchandising that it is now
right the mouse has it right right so
this movie foresaw
basically disney buying
star wars and merchandising every single
star wars the flamethrower start you
know like start yogurt the doll yeah
all of those things even at the time
what movie this came in 87 uh 87 so this
years after return of the jedi and it’s
long before they even know there’s gonna
be a phantom menace
and george lucas is profiting off this
universe he built of people wanting more
of it and yogurt captures that perfectly
again like you just said foreshadows it
getting way way worse yeah and that
that’s my favorite scene in the whole
movie just because i think it’s so
brilliant because it was true at the
time and it’s even more true now
and i’m sure we’ll get into the sequel
talk and i know how you feel about
sequels of classic movies this is
actually one that i if if mel brooks can
like was able to to do it if it was able
to stay in like that whatever team can
put it together
i would welcome a spaceballs 2 sequel
because i think it would be hilarious
and i think there’s enough new material
to make it funny i mean that if if i was
going to trust anybody to do a sequel
it’s mel brooks
but he doesn’t and so like like history
of the world part one right you think
there’s a part two yeah there’s no part
two right
that’s that’s the joke right
even the even two tying into history of
the world part one where
as part of the part two coming in part
jews in space right like that’s that’s
that’s spaceballs two right like the the
if anybody was gonna do it i would trust
him to do it but i don’t want him to do
it that’s fine like because i love this
movie like i love this movie
like i love my own mother coming to
america like i love you know
like i love um
any of so many of the 80s movies it’s
it’s 80s that really is the like right
driving factor and i don’t know if he’s
going to take on a production that huge
at his no i i can’t imagine that like he
would probably produce it but i can’t
imagine that he’d be sitting out there
like actually guiding the whole thing
which worries me which is why i wouldn’t
want that to happen there’s a lot of
talent in this movie a ton uh bill
pullman john candy joan rivers just
voicing i know like funny and then like
all of her little references that you
know i wonder
just phenomenal casting
at a time
that like you needed to have this good
cast to to drive the the comedy in this
movie um and john candy’s perfect as
john candy is the i think the best yeah
in the movie just awesome just just
fantastic stuff so we were talking
earlier about uh
doing you know like uh ad buys and stuff
like that and and all of the like tik
tok and
instagram and them being very particular
about language the funny thing about
this movie when it came out was rated pg
and the reason it was rated pg is
because they said the word [ __ ] a lot
that’s so funny is it still uh
still pg yes i don’t think it ever
changes i don’t know yeah you said when
it came out i mean i’m just saying like
when it came out like and at that time
was like nothing right i mean excuse me
i take it back pg was something liar
parental guidance like be careful like
now pg is nothing like disney movies are
pg right even though they would be g
back in the day but like man
just for just for a couple of words you
know i mean i guess that technically
there’s violence with the lasers and
whatever yeah back then i think you had
to really push it
[Music] to make a movie r and now you have to
really push it to make it g yeah
i don’t know i haven’t seen a g movie
like i’m sure you watch them all the
time but i don’t even think they make g
movies like i’m watching disney movies
all the time there’s no way some of
those movies are rg they make b movies
something you like jazz
you’re talking to humans you’re flying
outside the hive
give anything else in this movie oh yeah
i got a couple more things on this movie
i um want to mention let’s do the fan
theory first okay i want to do this fan
theory there’s a theory that’s out there
that spaceballs is in the same universe
as star wars
like i said this is the third best star
wars movie so uh well so there you go i
mean because it is in the same universe
as star wars and there’s a couple of
reasons why number one when we see the
the pan out shot at the beginning with
the diner the millennium falcon is
in the diner so that’s like that’s
number one number two they’ve got
lightsabers yeah right well sorta yeah i
mean they’re lightsabers don’t
they don’t have a like a handle they’re
a ring yeah but they’re lightsabers
the force
right even though they call it the
it’s the force a lot of dick references
to the schwartz well i actually write
this down so
the schwartz schwartz schwartz and
please correct me if i’m wrong on this
but schwartz is yiddish
for like dark illegal oh okay
this is what kind of goes towards
connecting the two universes together
yes it could be a reference to star wars
and the dark side and everything or it
could just be as i write down just a
bunch of dick jokes which probably is
they both are funny i first saw this i
must have been like eight years old
because i was a huge star wars fan the
youngest child so my parents don’t care
if i’m exposed to vulgarity
and i thought schwartz was like a
reference to a penis i mean when he says
your schwartz is as big i know but i
grew up thinking that word just meant
like dick
until this moment so anyway so tying
that back together okay
the theory goes
is actually a sith lord and yogurt like
chocolates like jar jar pinks like jar
jar binks they’re both sith lords and
is teaching bill pullman’s character the
dark side as he’s doing all of this in
particular again because of the schwartz
schwartz meaning dark illegal the dark
side schwartz
it’s all part of the same universe yes
it’s in different
you know
areas of the vast outer space
but they’re both part of the same
universe i mean it’s it’s way better
than most of the star wars crap i mean
it’s insane i mean it’s because it’s
hilarious this movie is
straight up hilarious from all of the
like little jokes the the
how many [ __ ] are on this ship how
many [ __ ] we got on this ship anyhow
i knew it i’m surrounded by [ __ ] and
everybody raises their hand except for
one dude
he goes i’m surrounded by [ __ ] like that line mr coffee what’s the
matter with this thing what’s all that
churning and bubbling you call that a
radar screen
no sir we call it mr coffee
care for some mr the mr everything right
mr whatever the the the joke where
they’re combing the desert and they’re
literally combing the desert we ain’t
found [ __ ] i i mean
just so many little and it’s that’s
typical of mel brooks and his humor but
just phenomenal and this movie just i
mean it just holds up and holds up and
holds top top ten i mean i i think it’s
gonna get to a point where this is
a gag in it of itself that i call enough
movies a top ten comedy that there’s i’m
going to call like 27 movies that at
some point but top 10 comments 100 yeah
i mean it’s hard because so many of mel
brooks’s comedies are top 10 comedies
yeah but yeah top 10 comedy i’d score i
got it yeah i think it’s really high i
think it’s like a seven eight seven
eight oh
i think that i’m i’m trending in the
same area all all day today um
i’m gonna say 7-1
because of it being a parody and people
like siskel and ebert being like oh this
isn’t funny yeah it’s it’s hilarious you
just don’t appreciate it but
i’m gonna say like 7-1
oh wow i’m disappointed i thought it was
gonna be like one of the highest rated i
mean i think it should be
um although i will say
spoiler alert i think blazing saddles
just blows oh oh yeah we’ll get to the
top out of the water but okay 7-1
[Music] [Applause] [Music]

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  1. ok saw this randomly, alot of the references you pointed out i never knew they were refs to those things but knew about them being direct references. i made a friend watch this and they havent seen alot of movies and they loved this and didnt get most of the refs

  2. No idea why this was recommended to me but what child edited this, so tiring and unfunny.
    Their conversation was interesting but the stupid graphics ruined it.

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