Rey Kenobi Was Almost a Thing, Oscars Go Full Woke, Rick Moranis Comes Out of Retirement Found On This Site

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Rey Kenobi Was Almost a Thing, Oscars Go Full Woke, Rick Moranis Comes Out of Retirement

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[Music] in
what’s happening everybody Dave the film
junkie here welcome to film junkie live
on your Wednesday
Wednesday what is it the 9th September
9th that’s right holy crap man there we
go everything good uh whoops whoops
whoops sure everything’s
good everything loaded in locked in oh
change that change that okay we should
be good what’s going on everybody what’s
happening who’s out there everybody out
there what’s up Jeffrey we got Kenobi we
got Marcus
Scotty Evan Evan Peter or Eric I should
say Eric Patterson I almost said
Peterson uh superina yes what’s going on
sups Kenobi Brendan what’s up that’s
right a dance hey look at that Dune
right yeah um what’s going on Keenan
Adam Music Man hello will fear Jason as
always man what’s going on brother H
how’s everybody doing today huh huh Nero
up up up what up people who else got
their exec associate producer shirt huh
who got it I watched you watched what
you watched I don’t know what that means
s what is s what does the S mean fears
of mind killer it definitely is what’s
going on man um where’s hold on a sec
where’s it
at well here we go
mine it’s good fabric too by the way
looks like I’m an associate producer
guys my dream has come
true yep there it is there it is
beautiful I’m just trying to see if
there’s any little Easter
eggs huh
interesting okay no not seeing much of
anything else than we already already
have seen so it’s good it’s good it’s
good it’s good it’s good what’s up
Rosemary how you doing today exclusive
yeah so what’s going on Mr Eric Marcus
yeah what’s up got mine associate
producer deep in you that’s right it’s
my porn name deep in you you know you
like it you know you like it Rosemary
it’s okay you can say it it she knows oh
man I tell you what everything’s crazy
but yeah how how was that Dune trailer
for you guys man posted my reaction it
was kind of um you know I had to like
hurry up with it I wanted to do like a I
wanted to do like my normal video you
know where it’s just like a a better
quality video but I was like no I don’t
have time got to do uh streamyard stuff
what’s going on guys nope nothing it
just arrived in the mail that’s right
hopefully you guys get it oh you watched
SNM too there you go that’s right good
you watched that yeah I watched it over
the weekend I watched snm2 uh metallic
over the weekend man what’s going on
nerd Zoid um I watched that over the
weekend and it was great I watched over
two nights actually and you just kind of
Wonder like when you watch like a
concert like that when are we gonna do
that again you know when is that gonna
ever be a thing are concerts ever going
to be a thing again maybe outside
concerts but not inside concerts that’s
for sure and that setup was really
awesome too by the way so what’s going
on everybody hey Enzo how you doing but
um yeah it just kind of just makes you
wonder are we ever going to have
concerts again I don’t know sucks man
because it’s just I miss going to
concerts I want to go to a concert again
definitely do but ah what can you do
what can you do I mean well hopefully
something can happen in the next couple
few months but who knows who knows
what’s happening guys but uh what’s
going on Juan how you doing Andrew how’s
it going guys how’s it going but uh yep
got the shirt the Dune trailer looked
pretty good uh interesting choice with
the Pink Floyd song or like you know A
variation of the Pink Floyd song
that was interesting um yeah a concert
in a bubble that’s where we’re all going
to be like you know bubble boys just
doing this you know you know BL it could
be fun though it’d be a lot it actually
be fun to mosh like that if you wanted a
mosh pit like that I mean you just
bounce off each other that’d be kind of
cool so maybe they can come up with
something like that I don’t know that
could be fun I think so anyways um yo
what’s up dark Zed and the junkie fam
that’s right and speaking of if you want
to become part of the junkie fam or the
patreon I do have a patreon want to help
out the pirate chip right there and
hopefully I could like start doing some
like exclusive content exclusive for
patreon people but um yeah easiest way
to message me like it looks like I got a
message in there that I gotta answer and
then naturally too if you guys want to
get to yourself some uh film junkie
merch got some film junkie
merch I’m I’m really seriously thinking
about remember on I think it was like
Monday show or Tuesday show where I was
going to I was talking about red hats
that say make video stores great again
or something like that I don’t know why
I do some kind of variation of of that
hat but then again if you wear that
somewhere you’re probably gonna get like
punched or something I don’t know I just
uh I was thinking about that because I
had a red hat that was a video store
that I wore backwards like bill in Bill
and Ted Bokus Journey that’s right
what’s going on George how you doing
what’s going on Marco man you made a
video talking about Justice League SN
cut and the theatrical cut that’s good
yeah I still got a make mine uh just
basically just talk about just to
explain to people who don’t know what
Zack Snider’s Justice League where the
SN cut what they if they don’t know what
that is then uh you know I was gonna
explain it to them kind of give them the
lowdown in my own personal way I’m just
trying to figure out exactly how I want
to do it um comic movie marks they’ve
been doing some good stuff lately when
it comes to uh some of the videos that
they’ve been doing they’ve been doing
like uh I think they found a little
niche when it came to what they were
doing like the top five misunderstood uh
things that happened in the SNY cut
trailer then they said the top five
differences between the SNY cut and the
theatrical cut so make sure you check
that out what’s up Jay how’s it
going ah is Rosemary being naughty is
she being naughty again oh yeah she is
she said I’m a deep girl okay watch out
watch out girl heyo hey yo anyways it’s
okay I like it we like it don’t worry
don’t ever change but uh yeah so we got
all that but yeah that Dune trailer was
uh pretty damn cool what’s going on
Danny uh SN cut for dummies there you go
that’s something like that I’m just
trying to figure out exactly I think I’m
you know like I said I’ve been toying
I’ve been I’ve been thinking about this
video for like the ever since it’s been
announced essentially but I just was
like how do I want to do it do I want to
do voice over how do I want to do it do
I want to stand there use the green
screen uh just kind of trying to format
at all and stuff like that hey Mr shaing
how’s it going man how you doing doing
the magic tricks and card tricks thank
you sir
um God that’s one of the things I really
wish I like I was so into uh um card
tricks I wish I would have learned a
little bit more you know basically you
always have a deck of cards with you
right you’re always fiddling with the
cards uh what’s going on Mary how you
doing thank you for joining but anyways
guys yeah that Dune trailer is pretty
good um like I said I don’t know too
much about the Dune story I have seen
the David Lynch version but you know
that was a while ago I do remember
little bits and pieces and I know like
there was some cheesy some [ __ ] that
happened behind the scenes with that I
don’t think that is wasn’t there like a
whole thing that that wasn’t the movie
that he exactly wanted to put out there
and they kind of like [ __ ] with it
even back then like this shit’s been
happening for so long and uh Ray Fisher
is gonna change all that I think yeah
he’s gonna change the Old Guard no but
um yeah so I um I actually just got a
book from uh of course Mr Scott mcclelen
if you’re out there I don’t know if he’s
uh in the live chat today but um yeah he
sent me a copy of Doom so I’m going to
jump on that uh just trying to find time
to read sometimes because I’m trying to
read something else and she’s trying to
find time during the week is just very
difficult you know because I’m uh
because I’m too busy uh Mr horny I’m Mr
horny Mr Hornet what how am I Mr horny
I’m always horny what are you talking
about planetary politics with some drug
trading mixed in the spice right the
spice the
spice you know
yeah what well in an hour well have DC
films why did the hell break it all down
what you’re gonna have you’re gonna have
him on there that’s good oh you guys
gonna do oh we’re gonna have details oh
okay look at these look at these guys
trying to hijack trying to use me to
like you know hype up their [ __ ] geez I
should just stop right now stop right
now just listen to those
guys leave me all by myself just to uh
entertain you guys by myself
jeez now if anybody’s going to break
down the Dune trailer that’s that’s the
guy to get on there that’s that’s the
guy to have on your show Mr Scott mlen
100% hey whatever you have up your butt
I don’t care Garza just
kidding anyway sorry had to do that Dave
large spat on me why is that naughty
what large spat on you as in large all
R are is that you’re talking
about uh uh Danny what’s up uh Dune
trailer was uh epic but I feel Hollywood
is losing with its originality David
Lynch version was good I don’t know I
just want new stories hope you’re good
well the new stories are out there you
just got to watch them you know they’re
they are out there you just got to
support them that’s the thing now of
course Hollywood’s still gonna always
recycle stuff and that’s perfectly fine
if they can come up with like new
different ways to do it I mean I mean
look at I mean just when you thought
that there couldn’t be like another um
version of Batman look what happened
look what happened I mean Matt reev said
[ __ ] hold my beer you want dark and
gritty I’ll give you dark and gritty so
I mean just stuff like that but I mean
there is original stuff out there we
just got to let it be known let it be
known you know and that’s that’s the
thing when people people pay attention
to Rotten Tomatoes way too much or they
pay they’re just not even paying
attention at all and yeah it does suck
because you know movie ticket prices can
be pretty expensive so you pick and
choose and sometimes it’s like okay
we’re just going to choose the uh we’re
just going to choose the Blockbusters
instead of something original that’s
what also sucks but hopefully now that
we’re like in the middle of like the the
beginnings well you know pretty much
kind of the beginnings still of all the
streaming stuff hopefully we could find
new original movies original series
everything out there so there are
stories out there Original Stories like
I said what Lars alwick I was at the
barrier once and at the end of the show
he approached and spat his oh yeah he
does that was it like his his like
orange juice drink or something like
that he like spits it right that’s right
I know he does that and you were just
like Ah that’s what I’d be if lores olor
wanted to spit his drink all over me I’d
like yeah that’s right love that
guy who doesn’t like some all large all
spit all over you but uh yeah anyways
guys uh but yeah stay tuned or not stay
tuned it’s not going to be on this
channel but yeah in about 45 minutes
real emotion they’re going to be uh
doing their live stream tonight and I
guess I got Scott mlen on there they’re
going to break down the Dune trailer
which is good that’s like I said that’s
the man that you want to do that because
he knows all about Dune he’s the one
that sent me the copy of the book so
can’t wait to read it and then we’ll
have some kind of stream where we do
like a book club thing and maybe discuss
it and blah blah blah can’t wait that’ll
be fun anyways guys let’s talk about
some stuff here Ray Kenobi was almost a
thing okay now here it is oh my God yeah
this did I not oh [ __ ] hold
on uh oops oh you know what actually you
know what hold on a sec hold on a sec
hold on a sec hold on a sec there’s a
video that I want to show you guys that
I never saw before never seen it but the
Zack Snider Bible Twitter posted this
video right here Zack Snider of course
doing the uh the ice bucket
challenge but um which I never
seen chall
this Jeffy Morgan and Carla Jin my
Washington reunion Challenge and uh uh I
guess that’s it did this so I guess I
gotta do this all right let’s go well
don’t drop the bucket on my
head watch this watch this guys took it
like a champ
first off I didn’t realize that SNY had
a back tattoo and then somebody sent the
picture of what is been but then look at
this I mean come
[Laughter] on yeah
[Music] my God that’s hot geez can you believe
that my God so that was a pleasant
little surprise right at the end there
yeah I don’t think anybody saw that
coming Jesus
Christ oh Carla Gino and what’s her name
yeah jeez my God yeah so I just wanted
to show you guys that I wanted to show
you guys yeah I know I need I need a
cigarette too man Jesus
Christ I just wanted to show you guys
that because I never saw that video
before I never saw the video before
that’s that’s what’s so interesting
about that anyways all right now that
we’ve calmed
down okay down boy all right so here we
go Ray kovi was almost a thing almost
spitting everywhere hold on a sec all
so let’s find this video here I I
thought I had it uh queued up but
apparently I did not okay so here we go
here’s the video uh what’s his name was
um was hosting uh Jimmy Kimmel Live
because I guess they’re just having a
bunch of different hosts and uh he had
Daisy Daisy Ridley on and this is what
she had to
say you have you been keeping secret for
the beginning did you
know the I you hear it tell me about
that journey of when you found no at the
beginning there was toying with like an
ob1 connection and then um it really
were like different versions and then it
really went to that she was no one and
then it came to episode N9 and JJ
pitched me the film I was like oh yeah
Pal’s Granddaddy and I was like awesome
and then two weeks later he was like oh
we’re not
sure so shocker guys
shocker what do we’ve been saying I
think I’ve said it before shocker they
didn’t know who the [ __ ] Ray was going
to be the whole time my God okay this is
what’s frustrating because you know
there were so many times where I backed
it up there’s so many times where I
backed it up I’m like of course they
have a plan they have a plan they have a
plan they have a plan they had to have
some kind of outline but apparently they
did not and at one point it was going to
be Ray Kenobi which I think would have
been better than a Palpatine to be
honest that was actually one of my when
when Force awakens came out and I even
did a video like of who I who I thought
Ray you know the ray origin I did a
video I don’t know probably sometime
last year I think uh but when after
Force awakens came out and everybody
started speculating I immediately threw
out you know she’s not a Skywalker
that’s way too easy that would be so
anticlimactic it would be horrible if
that was the case so I said no she’s not
a Skywalker definitely won’t do a
Skywalker but then I thought well maybe
she’d be a Kenobi you know that’d be
kind of cool you know to to be a Kenobi
that would be that’d be a that’d be
better for sure and then I was like no
they need to they need to take it up up
a notch they need to like go somewhere
crazy with it and my theory
the whole time and I thought that in
Last Jedi it was actually confirmed
because my theory was the fact that
because a long time ago before episode s
even got its name before Force awakens
was even the name of episode S I was
hearing rumors that the McGuffin of the
new Trilogy was going to be Luke’s hand
okay Luke’s hand was going to be the
McGuffin there was somebody was GNA try
to find Luke’s hand and then of course
of course it was going to have a death
grip on his on his lightsaber so I was
thinking huh after watching and
speculating especially after she went
through that acid trip of like touching
the lightsaber because where did where
did the light Ah that’s what’s
frustrating where did MZ get the
lightsaber was that ever [ __ ] talked
about it wasn’t it wasn’t talked about
where did Moss get the lightsaber nobody
talked about it like where did seriously
I mean that they never talk she never
she said there was like a story for
another time and it never came so I was
thinking like okay obviously whoever
found that lightsaber had Luke’s hand
death grip on it
obviously so then I was thinking maybe
they use that and they used the DNA of
Luke and someone else to make clones
that were Ray that’s why when you saw
her go down into the uh the cave in Last
Jedi when she went down to the dark cave
and all a sudden there was like a bunch
of her and she was doing the snappy
thing and blah blah blah I was like oh
are they hinting am I right was there
like a bunch of Ray clones and she was
like the only one that survived and blah
blah blah and then she saw the figure
two figures walking up and then it just
merged together and then all she saw was
herself and I was thinking yeah yeah
maybe maybe maybe Ryan Johnson actually
is like thinking you know outside the
box here but turns out no turns out
nothing turns out nothing Jesus
Christ ah sorry just thought I’d rant
off about that because it’s just so
disappointing it’s so disappointing it’s
disappointing I mean you have this one
of the biggest franchises ever in like
you need I don’t I I don’t know I don’t
know what needs to change with is it
Kathleen Kennedy that needs to like go
away I don’t know it seems like that’s
not the C I don’t know I don’t know what
needs to change to get this [ __ ] together over there at lucasfilm or
whatever the hell man maybe Ryan was was
but Disney always said yeah I don’t know
man it’s what needs to change over there
I’m just I don’t know it just I was
hoping that they would think outside the
box do something twisty and turning but
I mean her being a palp wasn’t like that
bad but at the same time it’s like all
three trilogies the person the the the
main baddy of all three trilogies was
Palpatine you realize that that you know
in the prequels he was you know behind
the scenes he was hiding in plain sight
you know Palpatine was and then you know
of course in the original trilogy he
ended up being like the the the final
baddy I guess you could say and then now
in this one he was also the baddy it was
just kind of like what are you guys
thinking you’re going to make Palpatine
you’re gonna also make Palpatine the
ultimate baddy when it comes to uh the
newest trailer ah it just sucks man but
yeah that just shows you right there
because a l because I think they they
claimed or whatever somebody claimed
that oh yeah it was always in the cards
it was always in the cards always in the
cards that she was GNA be a Palpatine
[ __ ] they probably had they probably
had about four four or five different
ideas and they just were like H I don’t
know I don’t it’s just that’s
frustrating but it’s not a shock it’s
not a shock but there you go Palpatine
is also an Anakin’s daddy you think so
daddy yeah H I know it’s just really
it’s just really shitty but yeah and I
think uh this deserves
this 100% yeah that’s what uh that’s
what they deserve with that little [ __ ] gez anyways guys all right so now on to
the next topic Oscars Go full woke now
we kind of touched basis on this a
little bit last night because as I I was
doing the show last night uh this whole
thing came about but now let’s like
actually dive into it and let’s talk
about it a little bit let’s talk about
it a little bit here so all right so
here we go guys H this is this is not
how you do it this is not how you do it
this is not how you do it at all so we
have right here Academy establishes
representation and inclusion standards
for Oscar eligibility okay so today the
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and
Sciences announced new representation
and inclusion standards for Oscar’s
eligibility in the best picture category
as part of its uh academy opor uh 2025
initiative so this is not going to
happen till like 2024 movies I guess you
could say the standards are designed to
encourage Equitable representation on on
and off screen in order to better
reflect diversity of the movieo
experience and then we keep going and
keep going keep going so
basically uh we kind of talked about
this a little bit where it says standard
a onscreen representation themes
narratives to achieve standard a the
film must meet one of the following
criteria lead or significant supporting
actors basically anybody it’s just not
white guys that’s all they have to put
you realized they could just save
themselves some space by saying no white
guys that’s all they have to do just say
no white guys I mean every single
category just say no white guys that’s
that’s all you got to do but what’s uh
this so dumb but then I mean of course
when it comes to like behind the scenes
like here like creative leadership and
project team cool yes hire some more be
as diverse as possible cool that’s fine
there’s nothing wrong with that but it’s
just crazy how they have all of this
right here when they could have just
saved themselves a lot of trouble and
just said no white guys that’s all you
got to do no straight white guys no
heterosexual White guys that’s all you
had to do that’s all you had to do and
still and again stop it with the Latin X
or Latin X okay please being a half
Mexican than I am my family has no idea
what the hell that is um and only 3% of
actual of actual Hispanic people know
what the what Latin X is or Latin X is
okay but anyway here’s a crazy thought
guys here’s a crazy thought here’s a
crazy thought Academy here’s the crazy
thought Hollywood how about how about
how about we Greenlight more diverse
movies Greenlight them just Greenlight
more diverse movies and then have them
compete during award season for
Quality huh huh huh
anybody that
nextmen man I mean how about that how
about we just do that because you could
just totally just throw out any kind of
historical stories that you know of
course took place way back when when it
was was mainly just white guys you know
those are out you know it’s so funny too
because you know old school filmmakers
your Martin squir aies your uh your even
your uh your Christopher Nolan and stuff
like that I mean they’re not they’re not
gonna care about this nobody’s gonna
care about this you know and and it’s
funny too because if they want to tell
their own stories they’re gonna tell
their stories okay if if if Martin squ
da is gonna want to tell another you
know another mob story that took place
way back when you know the Irishman type
whatever the hell he going to do that
and guess what it’s going to lack a
little bit of diversity it’s going to
it’s going to be mainly a talent let’s
face it so does that mean just like okay
sorry you can’t do that can’t can’t put
them in the you can’t get nominated for
best picture it is kind of weird too
because what if a movie doesn’t follow
those criterias
but with everything else like V effects
and sound effects and blah blah blah
what is that I don’t know it’s all going
to be weird I don’t even it doesn’t even
really make sense to me I don’t know to
me it’s just like hey why don’t you
green light more diverse movies okay
light green light stories that have to
do it’s just frustrating it’s dumb
because this just turns this just turns
people off from the whole thing you know
now you’re forcing you’re forcing people
to do things and it’s so funny too
because even with movies nowadays I mean
every movie always has like a mix if you
have like a movie that’s a group of FL
friends well I should say if you if you
have a movie that that stars like maybe
like a white guy or you know and he has
a group of friends guess what he’s going
to have that mixed bag of friends no
matter what doesn’t happen the other on
the other side though um but uh I don’t
know it’s just it’s all just the the
forcing of diversity is just a little
too much and it’s going to turn people
off it’s really going to turn people off
I mean the Oscars have’ been losing
ratings for years they’ve been losing
ratings for years because of all the
stuff all the I mean I loved it I mean I
love when um Ricky jves hosts any Award
Show when he host hosts a golden gloves
he calls everybody out he just goes get
your Awards sit down shut up nobody
cares nobody cares you know he knows
that everybody’s full of [ __ ] and he’ll
[ __ ] say it the balls that that man
has to say all that stuff but nobody
would do that Jimmy Kimmel won’t do that
when he hosts like the uh Academy Awards
like that Jimmy Kim Kimmel’s funny but
he won’t go that far he won’t call out
the whole room like that but I don’t
know everything’s just kind of going
downhill here Hill and I don’t know it’s
all it all all it’s doing is just
turning people off the whole thing and
uh yeah it’s just and if if a movie
doesn’t fit the criteria all all people
are going to do is just start calling
that director racist oh you’re RAC I
think they’ve called Christopher Nolan
racist before and then all a sudden he
just his newest movie as a black lead um
which totally worked totally worked was
that forced no John David Washington was
[ __ ] perfect in tenant okay everybody
was like yeah and then I I saw a lot of
people too on my timeline say saying
like oh Wes Anderson and Greta thunberg
or what not thunberg Greta whatever the
hell I said thumberg uh Greta what’s her
name um they’re going to be forced to
having to to uh have a more diverse cast
I’m like no they’re not they’re going to
tell the stories that they want to tell
they are and if it has if it has a
diverse cast it has a diverse cast guess
what there it is that’s fine but if it
doesn’t if it takes place like Little
Women obviously that took place in a
certain time period so guess what guess
what ah anyway sorry yeah g Gerwig sorry
couldn’t think of her freaking name I
almost said
thumberg ah it’s okay it’s all good but
I don’t know this is totally just gonna
this is not gonna not gonna this is not
GNA work not gonna work just forcing
people into doing stuff like that now I
mean and it’s so funny too because it’s
the academy that [ __ ] up remember when
all this started when with Oscars so
white remember that remember when that
whole thing happened like Jada pinket
Smith like she was the one that started
that whole thing because Will Smith
didn’t get nominated so she made a whole
stink about it but at the same time the
Oscars they [ __ ] up I mean they had
move I mean Straight Out of Compton
should have been nominated for best
picture that year but it wasn’t they
could have saved themselves some [ __ ] they could have saved themselves a
little bit of uh backlash if they would
have just like hey why didn’t you
nominate that everybody loved that it
was great it was well received Why
didn’t you guys nominate that for more
Academy Awards could have saved yourself
a lot of problems but you know it
didn’t and it’s so funny so because they
keep [ __ ] because they [ __ ] up or
because Hollywood just needs to like hey
let’s increase the diversity in
greenlighting some of these stories
they’re going to do this and force
filmmakers just to get a [ __ ] statue
to like you know hey you gota you’re
your your your movie has to fit this
criteria it’s just dumb just dumb man
it’s really
dumb anyways it’s no big deal and
everybody was pissed that greenbook won
greenbook was good though I like
greenbook greenbook was great but I mean
yeah I mean but that was a that was a
good story that had in I don’t
know keep on doing this Hollywood keep
on doing it you’re just gonna alienate
people you’re just alienate people
that’s all you’re G to do go full woke
it’s fine this is not the way to do it
not the way to do it not the way to do
it at all Rick Moranis comes out of
retirement hey guys look at this did you
guys see what Ryan Reynolds post today
this was a nice little uh treat for um
because we were wonder I was everybody
was wondering like is Rick Moranis going
to return for the new Ghostbusters movie
everybody was Wonder is Lewis coming
back um probably not but he returns
because if anybody’s going to bring
somebody out of retirement it’s gonna be
Ryan Reynolds and I don’t know if you
guys saw this right
here it’s hard to believe that
mintmobile has gone so long without an
unlimited plan so to introduce it we
brought in an actor we’ve all gone too
long without Rick morand seriously so
what do you want me to do you want me to
say something about me uh no that would
have been smart no it’s $30 it’s
unlimited it’ll do just fine sounds good
I really got to get a phone list why am
I here
just man oh stop come on stop
seriously that’s it it’s
it see you by Rick Mor
Rick Moran Rick
Moranis so it’s nice to see Rick Moranis
again thought that was cool that was a
nice little treat for everybody today
yep confirmed he’s gonna play how Jordan
in uh in Zack Siders Justice League yeah
sorry Garza it’s not gonna be you it’s
it’s not gonna be Ryan it’s gonna be
Rick Rick Moranis is gonna play how
Jordan I think it I think it works I
actually do think it works I don’t know
maybe it doesn’t but uh no but that’s
great that was great seeing him again I
because the question was always is he
going to return for the Ghostbusters
movie I don’t think he actually did I
don’t know what Ryan Reynolds did or
maybe sent him just a bunch of Aviation
I don’t know I don’t know how Ryan
Reynolds got Rick Moranis to uh show up
again so I don’t know it’s pretty great
he’s coming back for Honey I Shrunk the
Kids is he are they really doing it
they’re they are doing a sequel aren’t
they um that’s right I totally forgot
about that thank you for reminding me
ah honey I sh the kids was good uh the B
part always freaked me out I don’t know
about you guys but the B the B part
freaked me out when I was a kid because
just seeing a big huge B was freaky come
on you got to admit that was freaky
right um but uh but of course that’s an
classic Honey I Blew Up the Kid that one
was uh pretty cheesy but you know it’s
whatever and then it was Honey We Shrunk
Ourselves which was kind of like
okay we’re going on with this but hey
but who remembers Little Giants remember
Little Giants come on little giants
That’s a classic Little Giants you had
big bully with him and Tom Arnold
remember that movie I mean uh of course
Little Shop of Horrors you know
Ghostbusters what else was Rick Moranis
in anything else that I remember um but
I just remember Little Giants and a big
bully yeah Honey I Blew Up the Kid or
Honey I Blew Up the Kid or honey I blew
up the baby whatever
was I don’t know much yeah who doesn’t
little yeah little giants was great ice
box come on Honey I shrunk CPS what but
uh I don’t know I just thought that was
a nice little treat seeing Rick Moranis
again that was cool but uh speaking of
stuff in the
80s RoboCop prequel Series without
RoboCop what seriously what is this huh
what the hell did you guys see this
apparently um apparently uh there’s a
series there’s a Robocop prequel Series
in the works corporate slime ball dick
Jones to be the focus of a Robocop
Series so here’s the quote right here
from Ed normer co-writer of Robocop said
I’m working at MGM on it at all this
cool stuff about RoboCop except no
RoboCop I’m working on these two with
these two writers Dave Parkin and Rob
Gibbs who bought this idea to a uh who
brought this idea to a TV producer
friend of mine who then brought it to me
the first time I heard it I knew it was
a cool idea because I could see a lot of
things you could do with it it’s such an
interesting he’s such an interesting
character so I don’t know what’s going
on with the uh actual RoboCop wasn’t
there supposed to be a Robocop sequel I
know H I don’t know about you guys but
I’m not really a fan of this idea but
hopefully they could do something pretty
cool with it but it just seems a little
weird that you know we’re getting a
Robocop Series without RoboCop so just
thought I’d [ __ ] and moan about that
for a little bit but I don’t know what
you guys feel about that what do you
guys feel about that at dick Jones dick
Jones the series what do you guys think
huh dick Jones the
series Murphy the early years yeah draw
oh yeah I wonder if they’ll they’ll
probably have a character probably
they’ll probably have Murphy as a
character right what was his first name
I can’t remember his first name what was
Murphy’s first name what was his first
actual name
you jeez too many dicks right um what
was his first name what was Murphy’s
actual first name I told was it ever it
was Alex there it is Alex thank you
Darren thank you there you go it’s not
dick Murphy Alex Murphy that’s right
been a while since I watched um Robocop
and uh I don’t know wasn’t wasn’t um
what’s his name wasn’t Bloom Camp wasn’t
he G to do a
Robocop I wasn’t when it came to the the
Remake the Joel mckin the kenman Joel
kenman remake it wasn’t bad but it
wasn’t you know it just I don’t know it
lacked something but there was like good
parts about it but I don’t know remake
wasn’t too bad can ever have too many
dicks yeah man you guys are getting uh
yeah he dropped out I know which would
have been perfect that was like right up
his alley I mean you know when it comes
to Neo blam Camp I always thought like
if if someone was going to be good at
directing a cyborg movie it would have
been Neil Blum Camp he’d be perfect for
a cyborg movie or series I think he’d be
perfect because look at his you know
look at his resume but that won’t happen
because guess what you know there’d be
backlash if uh if uh if Neil were to uh
direct cyborg yeah Alex Garland too
totally remake was better needed better
music and more Sam Jackson that’s right
it needed that but wasn’t it not rated R
wasn’t it not rated R it was PG-13 right
it wasn’t rated R am I mistaken yeah
Alex garland would be a good one for
cyborg too but it won’t happen because
you guys know what will happen there’ll
be backlash they’ll be backlash nobody
wants that who the hell wants that
that’s the bad part so but what can he
do right all right so let’s go to the
here see what’s up you know not
thatth all right so let’s go to the tws
and see what question questions you guys
have for me Joel kinaman Joel kman did I
say mckin kman it was pg12 yeah that’s
an interesting uh that’s
interesting all right hold on a sec geez
trying to fix my stuff here okay here we
go so here are some
questions I know we we do need a
followup to District 9 I’m surprised
there hasn’t been with like the the cult
the cult uh it’s a cult classic now
everybody loves that movie all right Mr
and Blake you’re always first hey Dave
do you think uh they’re going to keep
tenant in theaters for the better part
of a year Avatar Style think could be um
the best way number one maximize profit
margin amid the Kung wow you’re really
gonna say that and you really want me to
say that where I’m gonna get cancelled
there Eric geez geez make sure folks
aren’t forced to miss it uh no I think
that’d be a dumb idea to because um you
know if they really wanted to maximize
profits they would put it on a VOD
service in about two weeks I would say
in about two weeks um yeah District 69
there you go I like that have Carlo Gino
in that um no but um now they should put
it at they should really just put it on
a VOD service and I would gladly pay 30
bucks for it again I would they should
put it on VOD don’t keep it in the
theaters put it on VOD and try and try
to get the profits then because it you
know it doesn’t seem like
it’s I don’t know I don’t know who knows
when the whole this whole shit’s going
to end I mean it just doesn’t it doesn’t
seem like there’s no end in sight and I
would say it would maximize profits by
Service uh which all right Gary asks
which director’s movies have better
cinematography Snyder or
V I can never say his name you know you
guys know me I’m bad with names hope
it’s not too hard to decide well two
very uh two very different styles two
very different styles um when it comes
to when it comes to an absolute like
painting like an art painting or like a
comic book panel Snyder is like number
one he knows how to frame and utilize
all that space I mean even with that
Justice League trailer he’s using that
that IMAX type that that
format uh all that space he uses it all
when it comes to den or Dennis he has a
very subtle way of making Grim ugliness
look beautiful it’s weird like when you
watch like um when you watch when you
watch um sakario I mean that movie is so
dark but somehow he makes it look
beautiful there’s a lot of moments in
there that are just take place in the
dark and using night vision and
everything and somehow he made that look
very I don’t know he made it look
spectacular he really did yeah I would
say as a more atmospheric and mood yes
Snider is just like rock and roll in
your [ __ ] face Snider punches you in
the face I mean literally he literally
have you know Batman punched the camera
so I don’t know like when it comes to
full on I I would say Snider because
just because his just the visuals are
just so beautiful and the way he
utilizes special effects but it’s just
that’s it’s a very hard it’s very
difficult because even with that Dune
trailer I mean it’s dark it’s Grim but
it there’s lot of those shots that look
absolutely beautiful when you see the
cloud cover and you see the mountains
like sticking up and you saw the
lightning on that shot in the Dune
trailer I thought that looked AB
gorgeous Mr sups Kenobi if bat Flex
series happens when I think then I think
it won’t be announced on Saturday but
rather at HBO fandom yeah if uh if that
were to happen yeah it’s not I I mean it
seems like anything that any shows that
are happening on HBO Max is not going to
be announced I think this Saturday
specifically just I don’t know it just
seems like it’s mainly for the CW shows
it’s mainly for shows that are already
out there there’s no talk about any of
the shows that are going to be on HBO
Max so you’re probably right there’s
probably GNA be an HBO fandome and that
would be the perfect place to announce
that hopefully I mean fingers crossed
because from what I gathered he still
has not signed up yet so I guess we’ll
see uh so they renamed the movie
uh in response to today’s audience
reaction yes I already saw this there
you go
guys leave it to Nate leave it to
Nate yep there it
is there it is yep that’s it right there
job bravo
bravo Jesus Christ somebody’s gonna
screenshot that yeah and uh that that’ll
be uh that’ll be nice to see um Mr Matt
mcgo kind of like that she’s not a
Kenobi because I think about it and I
can’t think of a time where Obi W Obi
want could have had a kid Obi want
fought in the Clone Wars and then he’s
on Tatooine for 20 years I don’t think
it would work why what do you think he’s
been doing that 20 years you don’t think
he like uh you know set off his
lightsaber come on why not you know
that’s 20 years on tattooing you get
lonely okay you go into the city maybe
have a you know maybe have a uh u a blue
Russian and that’s just the that’s like
a white russian but with that blue milk
there you go I mean get a little drunk
and uh you know bring uh bring a lady
back to the uh to the Hut show her your
lightsaber why not that’s just me well
we want to get some
yes ah Mr Devon Wagner do you think Zach
and Chris Tero have been brainstorming
and dialing the rest of uh Justice
League story just in case HBO lets them
make part two and three that way they
will already have a general story ready
um I think they already had they already
had all that to yeah because from what I
always gathered was it kept it kept
changing like they had like this whole
big Grand story and it kept changing
from like oh it’s going to be three
parts no it’s going to be two parts no
it’s going to be one long movie no it’s
going to be two parts then it’s going to
be it kept on like going back for it so
as far as I could tell I don’t know if
anything recently has happened um maybe
he’ll show up on somebody’s live stream
again and we can um we can ask that
question hey what’s Chris Tero up to
that’s one of the things we should have
asked too what’s going on with Chris
Tero um but I think they already pretty
much had it all pretty set out I don’t
know if like all the script was written
but I mean it was pretty much planned
out that’s for sure um saw somebody
where where are you um film opens NPH on
shrooms stumbles into the garage sees
Doc Brown banana peel plot NPH what is
NPH must prevent Freddy Mercury’s AIDS
back to the pooper wow you have quite an
imagination One Step too far quite an
imagination I will say obiwan had
learned those yeah that’s what he did
that’s what he did Sam I like
that Ah that’s
interesting but uh yeah so that’s just
my uh
my whole thing about
it h let’s see okay Mr associate
producer Cooper if you think people
complaining about the Dune trailer was
nuts wait until the trailer for Army of
the Dead drops yeah I saw like two or
three people complaining about the Dune
trailer but I saw so many more people
just praising it and loving it and
posting gifts and and pictures and
everything but for some reason we just
can’t help but to always
give Center Stage to the haters why do
we keep doing this it’s the same [ __ ] over and over and over again it’s like
can we just ignore these people no we
have to [ __ ] quote tweet and put in
our two cents can we stop I don’t know
guys how about we stop especially when
the army of the Dead trailer comes out
how about this time when Army of Dead
comes out because you know the haters
are gonna say some [ __ ] how about we
just ignore them let’s not do an angry
quote tweet let’s not do any of that
let’s just sell celebrate Zack Snider’s
new movie or even like whatever other
trailer that we get okay let’s not put
out there the [ __ ] haters that want
bright sparkly colors they want taka
watiti to [ __ ] direct every goddamn
movie okay we don’t need that how about
we do that next time that’s just my
thing Godzilla versus Kong
o that’s right H when is that trailer
gonna show up uh Jacob he said we are
still waiting for her next appearance
sir after oh yeah you’re talking about
Amanda yeah Dave don’t be a [ __ ] bro
damn so mean um I don’t know uh there’s
I I hate to break it to you Jacob but I
think she’s dating
somebody um when I was at her birthday
there seemed to be a gentleman there who
flowers and uh seemed to be uh yeah an
interest so I’m just saying that might
be it might be a while that she makes an
again um Leon simp Kennedy a new file
destination is in the works and one star
is eager to return with fingers crossed
for the franchise going into space that
can’t be real was it Devon Sawa does he
want to come
back what I mean what else can they do
with this franchise
really what what else what else can they
really do with this franchise I thought
I thought the way that it like looped
together with the last final destination
the Final Destination and it looped back
into the uh original movie I thought
that was actually pretty damn good that
was because nobody really saw that
coming because they didn’t really show
like what the cell phones look like it
looked like it was modern day but it
wasn’t modern day it took place in the
early 2000s I thought that was a good
way to end it to be
honest okay okay here we go again is it
because that looks like a giant butthole
is that what’s going on you pervert
looks like a giant butthole I get it I
get get it oh my yeah I’m going to have
to go with
um that’s a difficult
one um she was Nina what’s her name the
brev she was in triple XX right she was
very annoying in triple X and um Ken
Gillian Gillan I always say Gillian
Karen Gillan kicks ass so I’m gonna go
with Karen Gillan I’m gonna go with the
redhead I’m gonna go with the redhead on
this one oh and there’s caval getting
dumped up up dumped upon which will make
all the ladies uh Swoon a little bit
there hey Mr pen did you hear the news
of Ray Fisher spotted visiting Wonder
brother studio with David airs
what what I’m gonna have to watch this
later then what is
this what you talking about Willis let’s
see Rick Roll oh it’s a Rick Roll you
[ __ ] [ __ ] nope okay I just got Rick Rolled
by the a cut by cut a how dare you sir
um oh yeah here here’s there was a
report that uh Warner Brothers is
considering moving Wonder Woman 84 to
November or December pushing Dune into
2021 that’s what’s going to happen guys
ah this is so [ __ ] frustrating
because remember when we thought we were
just going to be locked down for like
maybe like a couple of weeks maybe a
month and then it just keeps on going
and going and going and uh yeah I love
it too that everybody wants to blame
everybody wants to blame well first of
off everybody wants to blame this
country that we’re in they don’t want to
blame the country that it came from of
course but you know have at it when it
comes to America blame
America blame America is I I guess
there’s not a song called that but yeah
let’s not even talk about where it came
from um Darren he asked do you like the
Daniel Craig Bond films I started
watching them today and I and I’m done
with Cino Royale and Quanto msales after
the live stream I’m going to start
Skyfall inspector yes I do love the
Daniel Craig B films I think um it
breathe it breathed new life into the
bond into the bond um franchise you know
I like the Pierce brosman stuff of
course you like the Shan Conor stuff the
Roger Moore stuff it was all fun and
games but when it came to Daniel Craig
it was just a different kind it was just
a badass Bond I mean the opening of
Casino Royale itself it’s just it just
shows you right there just full of
adrenaline and just he’s a badass he’s
just funny I mean but it kind of sucks
though because with the Daniel Craig
bonds it’s kind of like you know you
have the Cena Royale and then Quantum
asales kind of was like
and then all a sudden Skyfall woo great
and then Spectre so let’s hope that no
time what is it no time to die hopefully
no time to die will be way up there so
it’s gonna be good
stuff anyways what the hell is this oh
my God that’s uh that’s pretty that’s uh
that’s Batson in
Disguise what the hell somebody’s having
a little bit of fun interesting
I was uh watching Transformers the last
night bad movie in my opinion yes it’s
very bad movie yesterday and I realized
that what would happen if Zack Snider
did Transformers film imagine the
visuals battles emotions yeah yeah oh
I’ve uh I’ve I’ve pondered that idea
myself that idea myself also what are
your thoughts on Wonder Woman going to
come out yeah it’s all everything’s
gonna get delayed everything’s going to
get delayed uh the more I think about it
the more uh the more frustrating it is
which Batman are more excited to see
return in Flash movie uh Michael Keaton
or Ben Affleck um I’m gonna say Michael
Keaton because we’re getting Ben Affleck
return in Zach nanders Justice League so
I’m excited for both naturally but I’m
just saying we get to see the right you
know bat flick in Justice League so just
the fact that Michael Keaton is
returning I’m just very intrigued by how
they’re gonna bring them
back also uh what won DC fandom part one
Snider cut or the Batman I mean I hate
to say it folks but the Batman won the
Batman did want win I mean when it came
to um the Snider cut and Zack Snider’s
Justice League Of course that won in our
hearts 100% that was a win for all of us
fans but if you’re looking at it as a
general thing I mean people like just
went Buck Wild for the Batman trailer
but uh I I say with us with all of us it
was um I know I know I’m I’m totally
getting canceled right now people are
going to say I’m anti-
Snider yeah so yeah but
um but yeah so it’s just they had all
that that B that patson forehead that
that mask but I mean for us like I said
for us it was seeing the Snider cut
trailer was a huge huge win but I would
say the overall thing you know when you
look at the views and everything and the
hype a lot of people were just totally
hyping that Batman but they just they
they they fit everything perfectly when
it came to DC Phantom because you had
Wonder Woman 84 to start it off and then
right in the middle had the SN cut
trailer which was great and then right
at the end he had the Batman so but uh
yeah I mean there’s nothing wrong yeah
I’m just looking I’m just looking at it
I’m looking at it I’m looking at it you
know on an outside I’m not if I wasn’t
like such a big you know of course SNY
fan I’m that’s the way I’m kind of
looking at I’m looking at it everything
like that because everybody was just in
awe of that [ __ ] trailer I know I’m totally just a cha
I’m just a clout chasing you know SN cut
in the yeah exactly I mean nobody I know
nobody even really remembers that that
wonder1 84
trailer I mean nothing against it it was
a good trailer but I mean it was all
about SN cut and the Batman I mean
that’s what everybody was talking about
when it came to trailers that day um
that’s red damn sure but uh you know I’m
just the way I’m looking at it if only
uh there was a video where Snider said
how he loves a Matt yeah exactly there
might be a uh there might be a live
stream out there where where uh Zack
Snyder himself actually brought up that
Batman trailer uh saying some really
good things about it so yep that was a
nice that was a that was a good day
definitely was a good day anyways guys
all right so I think that’s it guys um
just in time for you guys to uh go to
the bathroom you know a little
intermission before reeling motion you
know goes on and on and hopefully it’s
not just Garza talking to himself again
hopefully that’s not gonna happen but uh
damn Snider betraying Snider I know he’s
such a I know he praising Matt ree how
dare him man he Snider is so anti-
Snider Dave was the guy at Amanda’s uh
party taller than you of course A lot of
people are taller than me yeah why isn’t
he in the pictures I don’t know I don’t
know you got
me I don’t know about her I don’t know
about her dating life so don’t worry man
you know I’m I’m sorry to break it to
you guys I’m just saying that that’s
what was going on so I mean if you
notice she hasn’t been in the live chat
in a bit so yeah so that’s just what
happens guys it’s okay I
know I know I’m no no no guys we we have
a history we do have a history but
that’s long past now trust me it’s been
long past we’re just good friends now
okay geez I know you guys are trying to
ship us like crazy but you know what I’m
saying anyways guys uh make sure you
make sure you subscribe to the Channel
hit that notification Bell make sure you
uh follow me on the sock mids right here
right down there Twitter Instagram I
also have a Facebook but who really
Facebook sucks yes I’m I’m very
heartbroken I’m this is straight up
vodka I’m drinking the penway guys
[Laughter] geez my God guys
geez I knew I shouldn’t have said
anything but I was trying to break your
hearts because Jacob you were asked that
question so I was trying to break your
heart anyways good night guys and uh
make sure you go over to the realin
motion podcast uh if you want to become
a patreon patron of the patreon network
I don’t know go for it it’s down there
shirts gotta get some new shirts
hopefully you guys get your associate
producer shirt they’re on the way people
are getting them right now um I don’t
know how yeah anyways but anyways guys
so there you go and uh when it comes to
um when it comes to Disney and what they
did with Star Wars and Ray
[Applause] figure your [ __ ] out figure your [ __ ] out come on it’s okay anyways guys talk
to you later

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