Rick Moranis appreciation hour Found On This Site

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Rick Moranis appreciation hour

Watch the YouTube video “Rick Moranis appreciation hour” one of our collection of other movies showcasing the famous hilarious characters of the McKenzie brothers.

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The world is a vast, beautiful, and dangerous place – especially when you have been shrunken to the size of an ant. Explore, build, and survive together in this cooperative survival-adventure. Can you thrive alongside the hordes of giant insects, fighting to survive the perils of the backyard?
[Music] [Music] it
[Music] [Music] do
[Music] [Music] [Music] whoops
i have the numbers i’m supposed to press
one too but i forgot what i said it is
so here we are continuing to start a
what’s up everyone boss grande of the
gentleman squad
and which night of the house i’m here
with my little brother marcus
[Music] who is sipping a beverage
all right uh we’re playing a game called
um this is a xbox preview game
that is currently in preview
to be um it hasn’t fully released yet by
it’s similar to it’s supposed to be like
not battle royal but like um
minecraft building world with
big ass bugs you see like if you look at
the bottom right
and left you see the ant and the big
arachnid when we
started the game it said um
if you have arachnophobia there’s a
there’s a slider for that
called mods all spiders
we get to pick our kid alright so
you really do speak in the 1990s 1989
rick moranis was in the hit film honey i
shrunk them like
struck the kids
and i slammed it
oh what is this
y’all can’t see it but adobe’s messaging
saying i have a non-genuine copy of
so we’re going to ignore that and pick
our child
all right
oh no she looks these kids
just have the dead eyes man all right so
moderate stress
what all right let’s see what we got oh
what is whoa
most punishing way to live the tiny life
creatures are tougher vitals are harder
to keep
break spent creative well creative is
what it is
stress free
i don’t know man max kind of looks like
what’s his name max on the
little giants
maybe all right so let’s go let’s go
with max
the name’s max maxwell smalls
what’s the worst thing that could happen
oh i got to start game okay
hey i’m willow willow branch
now p looks like he ain’t about that
looks like he’s asking a question
yeah it look like pumps actually i don’t
recommend thinking about that
sounds a little miles morales
i don’t know why they pop money
let the beat hit him
don’t mute us [ __ ] [Music] think about me
[Music] need to update
jesus christ
[Music] dreamweaver
we might need to take down these
settings a little bit what else do i got
running in the background
you’re like what are you doing adobe
wants your chair
paid at forty dollars for no it’s not
it’s like a hundred dollars a month
or you’re gonna need to be able to be
sports get on the block so like what are
you going to do
that’s true audacity
just to take this down from epic a
little bit no wait is that motion
decent no no
oh did i even save that no i
hate i hate gaming you do that traffic
light pressing
button for apply to confirm
okay and i was playing
enslaved odyssey to the west came away
yeah why did it default my settings to
this game came out when i was in high
school you’re telling me
like decent gaming build it’s
that’s why you know what i should do
or maybe that’s just screen
phone training signal track interact
with the computer
interacting interacting someone had to
have set up all this sciency stuff here
i don’t like max’s voice i’m not exactly
sure where this is and
what is going on i should be walking
away with um
he went to church and they were
practicing with the choir
and they were they picked out two kids
through a duo and after they did the
song the first time
changed the sentence boy you need more
bass in your voice
honestly i’m just glad he’s not big
enough to squish it yeah i’m affiliated
with to pick up a pebble hey clayton
your college is painful
oh i get to make a pebble spear
game on you think this game will go lord
of the flies
45 levels
was great all right so it’s not
choppy it’s coming right at me okay it’s
that’s not the case we try to be on
oh wait do i gotta do what am i doing
all right so where’s the where’s the
help at
all right what am i doing throwing it in
the net no what am i doing what am i
what i’m lost
oh no wait i suppose oh wait action
r button to throw yeah okay
[Music] [Applause] this is a giant raid commercial
[Applause] oh now i gotta find water great
i guess i don’t have to find a lot like
who shrunk the uh
the scientific thingy
stuffnet what is stuffing that
looking max you got the brows okay so
how do i craft oh crafting equip
i need sprig pebble woven fiber
all right field station that’s where i’m
at now i gotta go find water
[Music] oh
oh yeah let’s go i just thought of
something are you going to box up
oh yeah which way was that oh man did i
oh man i’m a club punch one of these
ants man with this
this rock
i’m looking at everything oh look at
there’s nothing you can’t do
i was not expecting that time to fake
the center like that yeah
man there’s this uh you know i play
warframe right so there’s these um
aliens on the game well not aliens
they’re like um
the robots yeah so everyone was like uh
they just had their
big uh tennocon which is their big
conference where they reveal
stuff that’s going on uh next year and
they have all these developer
conferences and stuff like that
so they had um
one of the developers is a sound guy was
talking about how
he makes the sound for the robots so all
it is is um
some um
oh he got that word
he’s going to come back with he’s going
to come back
man i am missing boom
oh he’s going oh i don’t want him
all right
[Music] we learned a valuable lesson don’t stop
man there won’t be no
first of all first of all the other ant
you’re pumped for that
we’re in the opposite direction
no we’re good now we’re good
as you were good day sir
good day
yo that ain’t really did just come
first off that was a punk move because
oh there’s a takeoff he could have um
my beef wasn’t with him he was with his
homeboy who had already punched out
so if you want to punch ants in the face
get grounded
it is free on a game pass
punch ins
no all right
it seems like minecraft’s on a much
smaller scale
all right so any piglets
and woven fiber
it’s probably something i could do with
that yeah
i’m angry oh i’m a teenager and i’m
all right yeah like i don’t know
teenagers with puns like that you push
they don’t punch you boom
what’s up
i’m angry you have to read the crucible
i can’t i remember
[Music] y’all got it oh oh oh he coming
oh what listen
he came for me
trying to stun him
okay that’s fine we can respawn
all right so i need to find something to
make a weapon because these ants are um
yeah you know i mean you think about how
much fire ants have devastated
the ecosystem that’s an invasive species
reminds me of
the ant bully dreamworks is that a
dreamworks movie
i think it is really nice we need to
look that up do i want to slurp
what that that i don’t want to
understate this but this
is bad oh
what happened to me pick and eat a
[Music] don’t eat rainbow mushrooms kids
okay so
oh okay there’s emotes executables over
now crafting
nope what is this construction
oh i can make stuff
what was that a launch here why would i
make a lawn chair
maybe if i tried talking to the ants
he eats like that
all right so it looks like at the bottom
we have a stamina bar and a life bar
and ants who don’t respect people’s uh
[Music] abodes
we’re gonna have to deal with that
[Applause] i need a pivot
chopping basic you need something to
stab him with
okay so you got some open fiber you know
yeah it says two and backpack
so you need some that’s humid all right
so i’m probably gonna chop down
all right so let’s make an axe and a
hand oh a hammer
all right so i need to go pick up some
hopefully these ants respect my privacy
go ahead and make that because
i’ll normally cuss but f demands man
yo i should cover myself in mud and um
hide out like a predator style
he did except for homeboy who cut
himself like why would you do that
they look like they’re stuck all right
so we have enough for
uh let’s make that axe let’s make that
hammer did i make the hammer
now you need some sprigs you did a [ __ ] i mean um
ain’t that a flooper dude
discovered an axe
and killed me man that would have been
otherwise pretty
what grass
so you make a door
[ __ ] it what is [ __ ] that’s not even the technical term you
just needed it
yeah celery take that
until no calories
it’s basically water
if i can carry him a lot at the same
time god oh you actually stack them up
stack your bread kids all right so what
am i doing with this
i guess you can make something you can
make a door out of it
never been to partial
there we go oh look at that big
so what am i supposed to be doing guess
you’re building a hut
of some kind
i did all that to make one gt wall
well it’s cool that you get to plan it
out that that is actually
pretty interesting so you can even start
planning before you have
the chronic materials yeah yeah so
basically it’s like telling people
you’re gonna build a wall
and um you know here we are
hillary’s currently not in prison yeah
who’s gonna pay for the ants the hands
are gonna
imagine if they use that against them
running for president it’s like didn’t
you get shrunk and get your ass went by
some ants whoa
whoa sir i mean there was nothing
anything like this
yeah oh you posted this on
black planet in 98
what you on moco space what
yeah if you if you there’s history of
your mobile space there’s that’s just
the end of the
campaign right there
oh ladybug coming through so he just
oh i guess just i wouldn’t
we wouldn’t hear late would you
oh you’re the one cutting them down
all right so where’s that other grass in
this dry grass
build a lean toe
get in there get them gizzards
well i guess i’m hungry i gotta eat
yeah one
what was that noise
to make them the size of the like a dog
yeah that would be
horrifying yes
nothing like any small like i remember
and i think elementary learning that uh
penguins used to be like six
foot tall
stuff like that makes you wonder how
like humans were able to survive
to come on the day what is this
it’s a big boxer
[Music] no wait
remember when skittles had the mens yes
sour skittles
sounds good okay yesterday godzilla told
me that you’ve gone to the beach for
four days
oh okay
all right let’s see what else i can make
all right so i have a spear have a
wait what am i using the hammer he’s a
[Music] i need to make some uh get the rest of
the hands and wear them
where their cousins uh
that would be amazing ooh bandages
okay i need sap damn there’s a lot of oh
requires a workbench
hold up that’s a lot to this
oh that’s how i get from plant fire
woven fiber
yo this is pretty intricate
it really is
[Music] oh lean to sleep to bypass extra
dangerous night time
extra dangerous night time
the freaks come out at night
all right so you need to look at it
honey oh all right that’s the minute i
scared me
oh no dude
yo now that i got something maybe i need
to go after them hands
please not yet neil zombie
they’re for me
oh okay
all right so what did i need for the
lean to rock wouldn’t lean too much
you needed
do you see this you’re asking where
you’re where your homeboy is
wherever it’s on me all right we gotta
find these leaves
there we go
well by swinging a mist
just outside
[Music] yes it’s like i’m actually punching this
object in the face what do you mean it’s
not hidden
man you know what they didn’t tell me
once in morrowind
like you know you can kill anybody one
time i killed somebody on accident and i
was like yeah
that was somebody major so now you gotta
restart your game i was like oh
i guess more realistic it just kind of
puts the whole game
this is one mission where you got to
meet somebody at a certain time
and now before they had like markers and
what just happened so we would like to
remind the audience that this
is pre-released uh gaming
and there are definitely some bugs to
avoid but there’s bugs outside
wow what is that
this looks like a phagomizer
this is a
no clue
oh yeah oh this is a stroke amazing
i guess i’m chopping stuff down
find whatever is weakening one of the
what’s up
i had
all right so what is weakening one of
the lasers yeah
i imagine there’s another object
yeah so we need to lean soon oh you know
i wanna can i sleep on the mystery
what what why turn green oh night mode
that’s all blue blue means good means
oh that’s right you gotta do that double
i don’t know how you’re supposed to be
secure in that environment when the day
can just drag you out
point set
so then i guess it’s done
oh it’s 6 a.m is it 6 am
i don’t know where the time is
trail marker transmits a trackable
what get out of here
all right whatever’s weak it is
let’s go okay i still don’t know what
threw me up in the air yeah
hey that’s a weird glitch
i guess that’s a lot of physics so i
wouldn’t be surprised right away
but like in the cartoon for like you
look like brands and then it flies up in
the air
yeah i wouldn’t be shocked if that
was okay so maybe it was like grand
theft auto 4 with the
swing set
what what what i can’t see
[Music] i don’t know but he’s not there anymore
oh wait this
i’m not even
friend engaged
yeah all right so where am i going back
i need to get this water over here
you ever hear that gospel song no they
used to sing that all the time
at my dad’s church
that was great no that was great
oh i need sap
did i just throw something
i’m not sticky
oh wait yeah my energy goes back up
[Music] all right so where is my
a minute i didn’t go to sleep with the
bleep you only slept for like one hour
like 10 o’clock at night all right which
way i gotta do
that’s at a waypoint
this way so you go back and sleep
yeah at least try to yeah i think you
only slept for like an hour
i mean even if i don’t make it my
respawn point is there
it’s like
wake up in the morning to the door
corner of the bed and that big sigh
yeah they take you a couple rocks to
look at them
zombie start inhaling a bc powder
raw avid meat no money
all right so yeah i need that uh sap
used sleep hours between 10
so what i did was hit the a button and
here we are okay so you got some help
sleep hours between 17 and 6.
i woke up at four every morning
to go to the gym
all right so let’s go uh let’s go mess
up some
lawn mites
what is that oh that’s the tripod
we both said
that does not look like uh playing the
yo this grass is a fire hazard
i ran right past it oh
okay i was still chewing on the wire
oh yeah homeboys are there you need to
this first
yeah roll up on you you want it too old
there might be ah
because they’re might all right so that
was whatever was weakened in the laser
i guess this move on down like
man what if there’s a boss oh
boss is a freaking termite you are in a
of course we need a torch all right what
do i need for the torch
dry grass
it’s always
and fallen branches
hey looks like it
oh now we fine too that’s exactly
what else did i need for sale bandits
yeah so you got to pick one of the other
that’s tough i’ll find some more
how am i this tree got the neck done
all right well now i gotta go find it
invincibility finally
[Music] that is my son jimbo playing roblox
play the bleep out of roblox
especially when you make your own um
stages and stuff like that so you know
you give somebody that incentive they’re
gonna make
all the stuff some of the stuff is
really weird but some of it’s pretty
um a needle for the arrows
nice there’s a
it’s gonna get all dark in here um
there’s a kid who was uh dealing with
when his brother died and so he made a
level in roblox
to help other kids cope with depression
well now i need to find some water
i don’t like how he was sounding
oh yeah bro i was listening to
the time you know with uh moist day
yeah and he had a song called
his kid can’t make it come on
i’m not picky and like the whole second
half of it it was just like
them just like the band just jamming and
like he’s just talking to another chick
and then like they’re doing stuff and
i’m like who
who was in the studio and was just like
oh yeah this is cool
furry though as big as moore’s day was
who’s gonna tell him something
he probably told him still you’re you’ve
seen those clips of michael uh
michael jackson telling people often man
he like sung somebody
oh man i gotta find a clip uh
this guy was uh was supposed to end the
and he fired him while singing he’s like
oh man you don’t have a job now what are
you gonna do
randy what are you going to do
that sounds like one clip with i didn’t
three out of the world and like see me
and some other big stuff all those
people sounded crazy
wait a minute don’t i have a hammer
hammer hammer
wait didn’t i have a hammer you did have
a hammer
hey is he are you critics
oh what wait
crafting crib
okay it’s
where’s the hammer
do you have to you only have something
to do with things at once
i hope not that’ll be wet so you have a
hammer it says here
so try hitting that again no
oh you only have yeah so you have to
replace having something else
so all right let’s see how we do this
but why am i holding on to some
all right hammer
rock that do anything
no it didn’t do anything so you have to
replace i think you have to replace one
of the tools you have
that’s done
what but i don’t know why i have a rock
okay now all right now i have it
you probably can’t
[Music] this is child labor
he’s gonna cave in on me
back in old country
there was this one movie and it was just
everyone in the town lines called like
they were trying to build a rocket
for school and his dad was like
son everyone works in the mines you got
some kids getting lucky and play college
football and that’s just what it is
i was like damn let’s get back all right
look so
oh that’s something
so you know what the mission is to
investigate the machine further
so what we’re going to do is go
investigate that
[Music] good idea great idea everybody
get to live to see them today yes
oh man i was like what is in the sky oh
that’s the
that’s the depth of field yeah
yeah but i need to find some legit water
and people like oh my god can you see
can you not see
no again everything’s clear
that’s a song puddle of mud blurry
total mud that’s a good name
yeah i mean they were discovered by fred
and he told everybody every chance he
that he discovered them
right so i just saw something
investigate the mystery machine further
oh maybe i should press the button
all right y’all we just beat it good
night no i don’t know
he has the arpeggiator
[Music] science
oh requires a chopping tool
you know me i’m dan the lion
weed stems hey
what look at this look at the physics on
we can make window to the walls don’t
i guess i guess music has always been
around you
always been around as we were just
talking about morris day
so that’s spoiled meat
oh that’s the hot pouch
oh i’ll assign that then i can
why did you jump all right what i’m
trying to do
that’s equipped okay
so now equipped
man that took too long to do all right
so now get that dot
oh like at the beginning of um commando
with his short shorts on who’s gonna
tell him something about that
feel like you should like have something
that goes between your shoulder skin
and the bark as you’re descending down
the hill whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa
[Applause] oh
it was just like one problem all he had
to do was just
draw two dots and
he’s like no i can’t it’s like you do
six dots earlier
like right here hey man when they get
into them
good night baby boy
when kids get in there um i’m
practically done bag cancel christmas
what is that oh what’s housewife
i need to find uh some water
oh i need to go to the
you know carrying all this weed
[Music] which is another group of the 90s
cottonmouth kings
i guess i told you there was a lot of
i mean my thing is like as technology
has made stuff more accessible
it’s a good thing but also a bad thing
you know you know y’all watching that
like routine document where you have to
save it like 2 grand for a sp 1200
so that’s the problem with kids nowadays
you don’t have to sell crack to buy
from making music you just get
a laptop and you fruity loops
you sold your boy parrot some fruity
loops and there you go
oh man i’m nowhere near where i need to
look how far away we straight from god
but you need to find some water
correct marvin
never would have made it
things sweet you ain’t trying not to get
eight that’s a good point
no last one was sonic mania
it was um i thought that was really good
it was really good
it’s the most invested in the sonic game
i’ve like a 2d sonic game
yeah yeah i got i got the sonic
[Applause] what’s it called it’s the one
generations i got giant song generations
yeah it’s kind of tough man because like
when the his thing his whole spiel is to
go fast
and like they got these the levels
design is great
but is this if a lot of times feel like
you’re supposed to experience it
fast so it’s kind of like a
you don’t get to go fast the first time
because you don’t know
yeah like
oh i played the mess out of sonic rush
oh my goodness like and you you go fast
but you have to like
learn the level before you can really
fast at it which is something i think
the franchise has really struggled with
going too fast versus making it too easy
yeah because you’re like mario you just
hopping bob but still you um
the stakes were pretty intricate yeah
so yeah so it’s like how do you balance
being intricate what the stage is
with difficulty with the speed that you
that man look don’t kill me and make me
into slippers
that’s a diss
that’s way more disrespect that’s
that’s way more disrespectful than that
oh amazing oh let’s just associate them
with russia
oh increases hauling okay so if you get
all the parts
then you can become ant-man
all right so we need to build man you
can make scaffolding and everything
gosh that is zoned
yeah like selling currents you gotta
build first
but if you can do this i wonder if oh i
need grass planks
sprigs i can find that let’s make a
what’s also funny is like when kids try
to say uh bench and bridge
oh man it’s hilarious it sounds like
[ __ ] oh kids are funny it’s awful i have
friends in the netflix training
yeah but then it gets easier when you
realize you’re just
raising a little yourself so if you
don’t necessarily like yourself or
or like how you were as a kid you had
problems you know
yeah yeah well like i’m just talking
about like my other experience like
i was teaching swim lessons to
preschoolers who don’t want to be taught
yeah and it’s it’s less teaching versus
getting them to get over the fear of
water which can be really frustrating
yeah just like yo just grab the toy
with your hand we’ve been at this for
two weeks
i had this one this one mom told me that
like when we’re trying to get
to the pool this morning she was like no
you can’t do it
why not because the food’s on fire
and that was the excuse the kid i come
up with and i had to not go to school
the pool is on fire the pool has water
yeah that’s
that’s how bad she did not like swim
lessons so was the pool on fire
i know so you’re what you’re saying
is on the gentleman squad stream right
now that water cannot catch on fire
um in most circumstances
i don’t believe you oh
who the hell
you got some nerve he just bumped in and
said what’s up
oh spri where’s did i get no that’s it
all these plants are starting to look
the same
plant fiber
plant fiber
what in the spring is that the spring
because it’s just
different what the hell is that fun
well i’ll be damned
the all-new workbench
you ever seen that anime uh dr stone
no that’s what it kind of okay
it’s on my list to watch there’s just oh
they shut down kiss anime too man
i saw that
that needs to be one step
well i mean well no let me stop because
it’s cool that you can um plan it out
and make sure
right and then yeah it says just like oh
snap put it in the wrong place
all right so what can i make of the
scaffolding can i make any other weapon
repair tool just use every piece of the
ant you know what i mean
oh no this quartzite quartzite woven
spiky clue
oh just convert all that why am i
there’s different words tools you can
you can mail prep in this game yeah
the core i have a torch
slime mold
all right so
you know i really kind of want those
efforts wait a minute
oh i have one okay how much
how much oh it makes you run fast oh i’m
about to where’s one of them athletes
[ __ ] them up um
yo effort i need to holler at you
let me holler at you let me
where’d he go
yeah i’m trying to get these flippers
oh should have left you dead billy
all right where your friend did
yeah oh yeah
yeah that’s it’s like when i do from
like creepy videos from
billy hogg nugget what is a billiard
is that a really hatch reference i don’t
want any trouble
oh he seems scrapping
oh i’m gonna make some really good
yeah i’m gonna make i’m gonna turn your
whole family into
some slides some gucci slides
oh can i pick this up where’s the uh
where’d he go
that’s right it’s a nat punch simulator
yeah you can’t you can’t do that
all right what am i looking for i was
looking for that thing i need to do
all right so let me pick up some sprigs
you gonna get your stuff there
i’m like what is that thing it was like
oh my backpack from when i died
the ants rolled up on me
that sounded wet moist
say fam look i don’t want nothing snuck
right past you
yeah i got scared but the travel claim
started i did too
it’s just like i hope that’s my mom or
gentleman because
i’m sorry that’s never good in video
games no
they neither look at that donations
all right so what else can i analyze
might fuzz quartzite what can i make a
a new collector
that’s cool it’s not a dump collector
cloverhood clover poncho clover [ __ ] go
be fashionable i don’t know what that is
what is that
the r i think r s what is the r s
raw science cisco particles for commerce
for physics and commerce
well i guess like a boston okay
i’ll investigate the explosion
in the morning no that’s
[Laughter] [Music] yo i’m looking like uh izzio
i have enough for the shin handguards
but not enough for this
helmet that’s all i want
yeah it’s just i mean what is that armor
yeah it’s just stuff here i guess i
guess we would do that with hunting
all right what am i getting the lean to
rock with it see that
uh little john and t-pan battle
i can’t be the only one time to hit the
it’s probably the best i mean you know
none of them are really battling but
like wait what is that
i mean i got it with a lot of stuff
i didn’t get everything i guess i gotta
make stuff
where am i what am i doing
yeah i think versus works when they’re
just showcasing and they are just um
you know just vibing yeah i mean i don’t
i feel like
now in the music industry like no one
like hates each other a whole lot to
battle like
that battle part of hip-hop was kind of
gone you know what i’m saying
so unless you got like some dj’s or
like no one goes on like there’s rap
battles anymore
yeah there’s a whole battle rap circuit
but um ain’t nobody gay because you have
too much to lose
but even in like the battle rappers um
you know that’s what it is it’s battle
rap you know
don’t take this stuff home with us you
know yeah it’s not great
acorn shovel
it was like dmx and snoop dogg um
you didn’t see that the next stop going
to be like that apaches
they were doing what’s called dirty man
um two chains every frog was like
getting a massage and
you know he was like yo i’m trying to
say something
you’re like all right
can’t like
like the the no one else in the city at
the time
so you know you might want to change
that sounds odd sir
no no just to me
got it
yeah you would imagine myself
just like yo we probably shouldn’t do
and but i guess no one cared yeah don’t
sneak up on them oh you know what’s
probably in that bag
my um
spear and stuff
no it’s like billy nuggets nevermind
oh i know what i gotta do
[Music] oh
[Music] oh
oh man y’all gonna leave me alone
we had a conversation about um
yeah that’s the one they had in the ant
worker head mount
oh my god
that that’s what happened to the sonic
here in taylor
yeah and then
shut it down people was there the next
look man they ain’t give me a burger
they didn’t give me a meth burger
yeah can i get extra ice yeah
yeah with the special crush slice yeah
like sonic so anything
oh put this ant helmet on these ant knee
what i need for the end i need ant body
acid gland
it’s always all right so how do i equip
he looks so angry man oh there he is
he he kind of looks like um all right
in sesame street
told you not to eat crackers babies
back in my family guys first five
man you know archer is still going on
i’ve always wanted to like start
watching it
but i feel like there’s so much of it
like it’s pretty it’s probably a great
it’s like it’s it’s kind of funny how
much they hate each other
but yeah there’s a lot of it there’s
like eight seasons
yo there’s a lot of ants over there
they’re waiting and they no way they
know your stuff is over there
they know they know who’s
hey who did that song they know
shawty low yeah that’s what i mean
they they don’t have one hit wonders
like that
one hit wonders you mean people that you
got screwed out of a contract
yeah i guess so that was a whole
bad boy
he was robbing people you see what he
did to dreaming that italian rapper
you’re like the first italian rapper
then you didn’t see him no more
like what happened to him well
yeah man he’s like straight yeah
what you’re saying marcus is you want
more one-hit wonders well
i guess it’s it’s just they have
one big hit and then i don’t it’s just
the nostalgia i have from that style of
not necessarily people going through
that contrast
yeah but that is something that happens
oh it’s even better now
because a lot of people are they get
prominent fame off the internet yeah
without the need for publishing from a
major language
right but i do miss the nostalgia with
some of the music
that they had even though it wasn’t good
but i guess it’s just like you know
i feel like it’s kind of like when
people used to still like seeds out the
without somebody just running up and
i feel like the labels have stepped back
from that
you know there’s like oh somebody’s got
famous on soundcloud well let me see how
grows organically because back in the
day you know he’s like yeah let’s push
these people to the moon
the trash you know
yeah now it’s just really big
wait i guess you know you don’t need the
label to get involved with that
but now yeah they’ll find a way yeah
good news like ugly guy lily
i’ll let him make it so yeah i’m just
going to cut through your house real
grab a dick
yo i remember watching this movie as a
kid and dude was like
it’s hard being you picked the wrong
like it’s hard being a giant turkey this
close to thanksgiving
said what
i don’t remember man there’s something
like on like upn or something
like on saturday movies like
it was a dis to the person because they
were like
in his way or something he’s like
it’s it’s bad you chose to be a giant
turkey this close to chris
thanksgiving i was like why why
why is this a thing you know what yeah
that definitely sounds like some amount
of flash rotation
oh yeah
i’m so glad that flag that might exist
because it like it’s a parody of it but
it captures the whole genre so very well
into one minute
did you watch cartoon at all i didn’t
watch the cartoon cartoon was
great it like skewered some stuff
james yeah
the kermit the frog episode that was
with the with the with the tadpoles in
this book
and the heels yeah the flapping shoes oh
god that was round
it’s like they took it like the movie
was goofy but like
[Music] that was really funny i think i watched
i think i watched anime in the chair
before i saw the movie
but you know it’s just like it’s a
completely different thing you know what
i’m saying
like when i was um i think i watched
like the boondocks
before semi-champagne
yeah that was a complete you know i’ll
make sure
yeah um
yeah i remember reading the um
in the actual newspaper
that and this other comment called
there’s like this uh black family
and the guy was a cop and they followed
their life
they like had a kid and everything and
then like i went back to look it up more
and they’re like yeah they had a whole
thing and the dad retired
and started the whole thing like that
stuff passing the torch
in comic books is great you know
like looking back on it now that’s why i
feel like dragon ball z missed
out on some stuff because goku wasn’t
always to do
yeah and they definitely had a potential
with gohan
should have been going hard it should
like like espresso have to say would
look like
well he’s stronger than goku yeah
and it should have been that
yeah i think that because like how
forever were you gonna keep this dude
and the gt if you make them
and i have gt i just haven’t
i’ve never brought myself to fully sit
down and watch
gt from start to finish i think the only
that a lot of people say the only thing
that they liked about gt
was just suicide which looks bold
it does
but then for them to like retro
say yeah that doesn’t that ain’t it
which is why because everything in gt
was kind of wild
that was cool
oh you see that yeah
okay that was something it’s like
monolith space odyssey
yeah god that movement was so boring
this movie you got to watch on a disney
called uh black hole it’s probably one
disney’s best sci-fi movies
and yeah there’s this big red robot
called max million
and he was a psychopath and scared [ __ ] out of me as a kid
and then my mom got the sheets set
it was maximilian off bit terrified of
this robot man
like because he it like broke the rules
of like robots you know like
robots aren’t trying yeah like robots
are not trying to kill
uh humans no who he was trying to murder
these people
and then the doctor the whole premise of
it was they were going out to this um
this derelict spaceship i might be
telling this room
but um two and they got the signal and
the doctor
was um well the scientist
was steering him into this black hole
because he wanted to study it quote
so the doctor was crazy so he put
maximilian up to um stopping any and all
opposition to this
to his plan but yeah big red
robot [ __ ] terrifying
as a kid but then there was these other
two robots old bob and new bob
it was crazy like as far as like disney
did a lot of great things as far as
animation was
and like live action movies back in the
how old was it 80
70 maybe yeah have you seen
the ova called magnetic roads
no you heard it no i have not so
basically it’s it’s possible film
and they’re like they’re space crew and
they’re just going around and savaging
on medicine spaceship whatever and
they go to this one place this one
and it looks like it’s been inhabited
but it’s kind of haunted and it’s like a
like you’ve been horizons yeah i would
imagine that yeah
just they you they go in and see
not expected and it’s kind of fast it’s
it’s only like 30 minutes but it was
really good
animation too probably in the 90s
as you know i really like watching anime
and just like
it looks pretty but it like it looks too
like it’s not like detail yeah that’s
something i don’t like about likes
man there was this one show called
the irregular at magic high school
i heard about that i just never watched
that dude i was so bored because the
dude was practically jesus
oh and i was writing a review about it
and i had a screenshot of it
so i was going through my pictures on my
computer and one of my friends was like
yo isn’t that that one incest anime
was just like
yeah it kind of it kind of is because
he has a sister that they haven’t
crushed on each other
wow yeah it’s
weird i don’t know why a lot of the
like um anime or japanimation from me
growing up
was just repurposed like
netflix you watch the toys that made us
and they go through the whole
how um
right like the power rangers and how
yeah voltron was legit but everybody
only knows
of voltron of the far galaxy and not the
and the other one because there’s
another two
there’s two other voltrons i believe
yeah one’s vehicles
like actual like cars and [ __ ] and then there’s um another one
where it yeah it’s like spaceships and
but there’s two other volcanoes but the
lions get all the love because it was
the least boring man
but also too that’s the first cartoon
other than robotech where
uh like anime where somebody died
like in
but then they change it in the american
audience because then you know we can’t
add it
yeah like um man i can’t remember his
but he was the the blue lion he dies way
early in the series
and so that’s why the princess takes
so yeah
one of the main characters um
oh i turned around just in time for him
finish all i’m saying is he better not
be there
when i get back oh he’s totally going to
be broke out of your stuff
yeah but yeah so he dies and it’s not
he doesn’t die in a
he doesn’t die because it’s it’s uh it’s
about robotic planes
and aliens and the planes change into
three different types of
robots right okay he doesn’t die in
he dies sitting on he’s also like one of
the first interracial um
relationships i’ve seen on an anime um
so he dies on his girlfriend’s couch
i don’t know they had like a a fight
like a battle in space and he came back
and she was like
and it was also very jacked up how they
did it he’s like yeah i’ll make your
favorite and you’re like okay
just comes out of the kitchen he’s dead
i was like what
yeah robot is great but it’s also
repurposed from two other
shows they made there’s robotech and the
mac um robotech blah blah and then
there’s another one
but they took two different genres
i think southern cross and something
else and i’ll put them together
because you know hey who needs to work
but back to what i’m saying about
um the power rangers is the way they
timed it
and got the show is every time they
changed um every season they changed
over there
um in japan like two different zords
that’s when they decided over here we’re
gonna change the teenagers
so he was getting the footage for like
next to nothing
and then the toy sales you know through
the roof
yeah and a lot of those like you know
yu-gi-oh late-blade bag
[Music] yeah i think my first introduction was
probably dragon ball z
wake up listening to the uh any washer
ending zone
blah blah blah i think i already enjoyed
these man that series in the trash
i don’t even know how it ended because
it never did
it did man they have like the um the
last season of it was like yeah
so it was like 200 plus episodes and
then it’s like oh yeah we still need to
finish this so it’s the last season
yes ma’am okay
10 minutes
10 minutes are you not talking
10 minutes
you see me punching these ants
because we’re tweeting me we’re the
seven people know the three people
watching this
i don’t know who’s watching because i
don’t even have a chat up
but you know we’re thankful for you
hope you’re enjoying your night as much
as we are yeah
punching hands
like bleach from bleach
it’s funny because you know when bleach
was having that
middle of this one off and they were
like so this is still happening but
we’re gonna go over here
yeah that’s when everyone dropped bleach
i stopped around
the after the vampires
basically um like third fourth season
something like that
right before
the quincy stuff and all that i just
couldn’t man
like like the what i dislike about
new anime is filler arcs
you know if i’m going to like
some of the older stuff had filler
with like one or two and then you could
tell it was a fellow art because it
usually came out during the summertime
um but like
naruto like nobody cares about the team
with the people with the dog
nobody cares no what was his name
the guy with the bugs what was his name
oh i liked him
shinji sure we’ll call him that
it wasn’t an but yeah i mean like nobody
cared about that like
why why why do we have this yeah i feel
like with other stuff
they like drawing out for super long
like in dragon ball z they’re drawing
if how long is that freezing fight oh
in kai or just regular regulars
like it was like 30 episodes one episode
it’s like
i was watching my roommate right like
four years ago he was watching the last
battle with new york it’s a yugi versus
the pharaoh that that was seven
plus episodes
wow and i’m like people this is like
we’re getting one episode a week yeah so
we have to wait
two months for this to be dissolved bro
and that’s
just like tsunami like you would get to
a certain point to where you’re like all
right cool
we’re here in frieza and then they would
start it all back over
to like rabbits like dog i don’t even
care anymore
and then like you would buy the tapes or
whatever but then
what got me helped to it was univision
would show
that it would show everything you know
except for it wasn’t like um
it wasn’t dubbed or anything you can
just watch you know and piece some stuff
by context oh that looks amazing look at
that mood lighting
i really do like that i bet this is
unreal yeah
oh okay i had to put no lights over
so we’re just going to stay oh wait it’s
sleepy time right
yeah okay wait a minute 22 hours 2200.
why not sleep now oh
all right so i think our girl i don’t
we should just try to watch that and
then spoil it for everybody else
also going back watching like sailor
moon like
sailor moon is better than goku
as far as like team player
like watching i think sailor moon
the movie r maybe r s movie
would everyone wear tuxedo mask and his
best friend from the past
the alien guy like just how there’s this
montage at the end where they’re saying
because you know sailor moon
what is her name whatever forgot her
uh how goofy she is
and how serious everybody else is and
but there was this point to where they
were like
if we would have never met her we would
all be alone i was like wow
but nobody ever like goku just wanted
people to fight
and die
but everybody like hey goku you’re um
you’re you’re the guy but it’s like yo
not really man
you know but yeah that was a good
like that and like the whole team aspect
of that was great
um don’t see that a lot
salem was great tuxedo um
well the first dub series was great
but then if you watch more of the other
ones then he got
progressively better especially when
they added the other um
three guardians yeah
and then everybody dies at the end um oh
yeah yeah
bro what in the bleep
why you hit me like that
[Laughter] oh playboy
young blue would you do me like that
oh that was that was amazing
oh god wait what i’m trying to equip
oh man yeah
any melee weapon
look at this face ma’am you forgot your
receipt oh my god
yeah i know sci-fi too man man
i don’t know like but i remember seeing
mom tv but now it’s just
all online now well not kiss anime they
shut that [ __ ] up
um anime is like how i first started
drawing um
like my brother would um because
my grandmother was like on the church
board or some stuff
so we were always at church and then so
like there was
like she helped out in the kitchen so we
sit back there in the kitchen
while they had church service and draw
so there’s like this
dirty pair robotech all that that’s how
i first learned how to draw and that’s
when i first started watching anime
oh young young you know um
yeah because it was voltron dirty pear
this is the north star i haven’t seen
the show i’ve seen the movie a couple
which one isn’t dirty better uh yeah
i haven’t seen the show in forever um
i just can’t get over how it was on that
bed it woke up
so mad exploded
oh daddy about to get some slippers
and he walked through a building he was
that’s a movie that will remain the
timeless classic
feels good um but also to
like what i feel like
you know when like people get nostalgic
for like 80s and 90s movies like action
like even though like it got to the
you know i understand everyone like
backstory and stuff but i feel like some
movies nowadays
go to the well too often
you know it’s like yo look
i get it but um
i get it you got the back story you
don’t need all that
like commando we know look nice got my
i’m gonna get her back
yeah basically if you
flip another human being while they’re
inside of their home
game over okay so we we ate we
we took the wrong daughter let’s just
put it back in an
airport when he when he pulled out the
what is it oh there’s water
a lot of water my cup run is over
you know it was really good aliens too
aliens one and two is great um
for the sheer fact that you don’t see
the queen
until like the very end yeah that’s the
one where she fights with like the
forward thing
like it sounds like a cop out but
the fact that like they’re terrifying
you this whole time
it’s great yeah
though the messed up part about it is
because i watched it with you and like
watching with new eyes is amazing
because like when she’s
revived from the first one they were
like yeah yeah yeah so you blew up the
ship yeah
you owe us this money how are you gonna
pay it back
what’s that
just weird
what happened to my hammer
bench oh there it is
man all right so i’m investigating the
oak tree oak tree
yo you see that yep
time for the balls i would imagine
there’s quite a big
boss in this game i will
i cannot
well let’s see you can just walk past it
oh we got dog too i don’t hear jungle
yo look at that
that’s right you didn’t want no piece of
all right so where did the lightning
that looks surreal yo
yeah this is really pretty oh look at
that roses
i know you’d like to okay thank you
[Music] i did not know that was a double out
yeah i was dole album that’s
crazy i think that didn’t go diamond
i think so yeah does that mean like
that’s a lot of
stuff on my head because like
yeah what did the speaker box have like
20 songs by itself
mm-hmm even andre’s thing had like 20
love below at 25.
crazy all right why does it think he
popping up
okay maybe that’s uh
yeah it’s crazy because um andre 3000 is
probably the whole concept happening
we do not know that well i never
listened to like
a year or two ago
just stuff back oh yeah
cautious and still slightly hoodish but
he made some good music
like that that has like that almost like
or four time
my hair was huge hey i was huge
hey i had polaroid making statements
don’t shake your [ __ ] like you know that
silly stuff like look man like it’s a
rap metaphor
don’t take it so seriously yeah and they
were like yo
don’t check your polaroid pictures like
we know
we know
there was you know roses and the singing
what else is on there
no ghetto music was not was ghetto music
on there
i believe like like with t.i
um having his
um song on um
never spread underground
yeah because that was like a title track
it like as soon as you turned the game
there it was what song was it uh 24s
and then there was um
yeah that was on there too and
you just fit with the mood the whole
feels good oh this is what we’re looking
see and i think 2k stuff soundtracks are
also going to get there’s a lot more
underground you know what i’m saying
yeah like i still bump some songs from
um people soundtrack is good especially
for like the world
music yeah that’s great
oh what did we just discover oh wait do
i need to do like youtube’s oh my god
i literally discovered something
underneath the city base a secret
it’s like transgression looking in the
wrath then have the um
the the me and you looking all shocked
in the thumbnail
this place is getting pinker by the
man i don’t i didn’t like that no
me and mark has just discovered a secret
maze watch this
that looks terrifying oh that’s a okay
nevermind that’s a tree thing that
crazy i guess you know
if you’re looking through things what
does that mean it was like
johnny test but it’s like if you put
anything under like an electron back
itself it looks
ugly yeah it’s like that that’s a pretty
important for your nest you
love some johnny test it’s sound
the face bro i used to watch that
okay don’t stab stuff oh what is this
transcription unit 87.9.5
order number one robot i need you to
monitor these power fluctuations and
inform me if they exceed acceptable
hello my name is and i will be serving
you today
i specialize in cooking flipping
i need you to monitor these readings
and isn’t it redundant to specialize in
cooking and grilling
oh clap chat yes
to my prime directive list
yep not too far from it
sure should we use the different um
mixing plug-in
view detail what am i doing okay
continue searching oakland
i put the tape in here yes
oh wait
no it’s one of those puzzles
maximum power
[Music] ultra oh my
god we just discovered a secret lamp
watch this
you know what didn’t he voice have one
robot in halo 3.
smart yeah
get this taken care of
thanks for the helping hand i am
acting science manager for this project
i am also a robot
i am sure this all must be very
disorienting for you but hopefully i can
it looks like old bombs
i don’t suppose you would know anything
about that
no why would you okay moving on
the batteries here are completely
different there isn’t a different
[Music] this year what oh
okay so that was the demo
oh that’s it that was it oh no
okay so transcription unit 87.25
to be far superior to the mark threes
those never lived up to my expectations
how’s that they can only calculate
post-cooking burger weights to the
nearest tenth of a pound
and they only have enough memory for one
seasoning module salt
or pepper all solved with you mark force
not to mention your most excellent
thank you i will never forget this
oh miss
you look like you still have questions a
question about me
dr tully while he was working on designs
for an automated burger restaurant
to be like there were 14 other verbal
prototypes created
but all the others were all
i have been adapting my functionality
with the assistance of dr tully
i am also trained in organizations bro
that sounds like a movie
like somebody builds a burger to help
them make cocaine or something
i mean a robot consuming raw or
undercoat meats may increase your risk
rare medium if you must but if you
request well done i will show you the
truth behind what you
look like you still have questions
you will learn science manager
ah raw science still be picked
i cannot give up a more helpful
explanation it’s true nature alluded
even to dr tully
what i can say is that we observed it to
be a byproduct of the experimentation
anything more than that would be pure
as acting science manager i am happy to
answer your eyes the way you watch that
is one of dr tully’s most ingenious
the a portable device which can monitor
your vital signs by
quite the elegant design don’t you agree
as acting science manager i am happy to
answer your
question look like you still have
questions is there anything else i can
help you with
i’ll trade you some raw science read me
more of my lost research chips
what howdy it’s good to see you again
three bold quests arrive
each day for each completed raw science
okay so this is the main part of the
always happy to see a repeat customer
three bold quests
i think this is a pretty interesting
game i’m assuming that this goalie goes
you know more backstory to
scientists and what led you to be
shrunken yeah
well so when are they gonna okay so we
need to get the raw science how do you
glass we have raw science this is raw
signs right here
but i can’t trade with them because
there’s nothing
right hey i guess it’s that pop-up said
that like you can always did all the
stuff we have for them
yeah you haven’t played civilization six
no but i have it in my bag
you play that game like i did the
tutorial i was playing that tutorial for
three hours
i was like i don’t know what time it is
i don’t know what my phone is i’m just
waiting for the friendly face around
all right so i i completed so what i do
okay you gotta kill five
now they know i’m coming it’s never me
but did i complete the marker
a lot of clover over here
[Music] i thought it would be pretty easy
oh i just now saw this damn
all right so let’s uh oh it auto saved
all right so in the stream there um
this has been grounded special rick
um appreciation hour you can find
grounded on
xbox game pass it’s on pc and
xbox one xbox s and xbox
whichever one you have i’m really sleepy
what just happened okay
adobe keeps bugging me trying to tell me
that something i have is inauthentic i
don’t own
uh a product all right y’all
so i appreciate y’all for watching
marcus anything you want to say before
we sign off
good night y’all have to be safe with uh
kobe going around and have a good night
wear a mask
yes please peace
[Music] uh
[Music] [Music] [Music] me
[Music] um
[Music] [Applause] [Music] you

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