Rick Moranis assault| Chris Pratt slammed asking to Vote| Gavin Newsom vs Disney| Tom Arnold Hick’s Presented By www.bobanddougmckenzie.com

Home » Posts » Rick Moranis assault| Chris Pratt slammed asking to Vote| Gavin Newsom vs Disney| Tom Arnold Hick’s Presented By www.bobanddougmckenzie.com

Rick Moranis assault| Chris Pratt slammed asking to Vote| Gavin Newsom vs Disney| Tom Arnold Hick’s

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#Disneyland #RickMoranis #ChrisPratt
[Music] so
[Music] are we live yes i’m having like a
shot personality disorder
so what what we need to do for now on
until i get a new computer um when that
and you don’t hear me within two seconds
someone just start talking
because i think
that’s great working right now but i
just want to make sure
oh my god could they not hear me could
you hear me no i was just [ __ ] happening with you bro because
oh lord you just gave me a heart attack
oh [ __ ] don’t do that is i can see
scott like the the volume but i can’t
hear him talking
oh i can hear him talking kind of like
oh you’re like
christy is your volume too low
hear scott oh i hear all of you you guys
hear me
test you out here
i’m [ __ ] with you i hate you
christy comes to you in full grits thx
oh christy that was vicious
that was just not nice that
that was hurtful you can scare her you
can scare scott pradeezy to show her
two-liter bottle of pepsi [ __ ] you fat
how about this
welcome everybody or this oh there goes
an erection right there
yeah i like that all right everybody no
go ahead what were you to say sir about
your erection
uh well you put stephen walton it came
back it’s all good
oh good good good good welcome everybody
to uh this saturday edition of
the dump the original dump the dump we
over stephen walton’s coffee brand um
this is sporky news and this is the
panel and we’ll introduce everyone and
take our time
and let everybody come on in so
christy what are you laughing about
you broke up but it sounded like you
said nude instead of news
welcome well i am dude i am nude
and that’s fine anyways next to me is
fat steven seagal
hey next to me is the guy with almost
good internet
almost good he’s the one who was smart
and did his
did his gofundme first say hello and
tell them where they can find you
well you can find me on twitter uh
weight watchers uh
any place with a buffet and to anyone
who here did donate i appreciate
everything you’ve done the computer is
up and running it runs great and i’m now
working on a 3d avatar so you don’t have
to look at this ugly avatar
that’s it i’m good you’re next moving on
up aren’t you
according there you go
and then next up she can kiss her own
yeah it’s according to christy hello i
saw this on
it means never mind i can’t say anything
yet um
i saw this avatar and was like holy
[ __ ] [ __ ] it looks like
a caring script doctor but it’s more
like an andy warhol thing like that
stephen was saying yes
but i’ll i’ll fix it up a little bit
this is a great avatar i [ __ ] love
white note on her screen he needs to
have fire in the background and make it
yeah or like this campbell soup cans you
could do that and that’s the andy warhol
or pepsi [ __ ] you yeah
all right anywho next up yeah next up is
the great jane
theory working on her watch time so make
sure you guys go over there
and just play all what’s up jane hey
uh everything’s great happy to be here
yeah how far are you on your watch time
what do you know
i’m so far behind i have like
1800 hours so that’s not too much
this this chat right here we may not be
uh a huge chat like some others but i’m
telling you they got me
2 000 watch hours in about two weeks so
wow they can do it
they could do it i’m telling you so
thank you for being here as always jane
i appreciate it thanks for having me
just hook us up of course and the one
the original
the only on youtube script doctor phd
script doctor hi how’s it going thanks
so much for having me tonight
two-fifths of this panel are canadian so
that’s uh we’re growing
all right oh hey yeah steven seagal what
i said backstage
it doesn’t go anymore um wow
we’re being infested
okay so let’s check out who is in the
chat and we’ll let more people swarm on
in here
we have the great pj from orville nation
just stopping by
screaming scotty i like that pj is
uh he doesn’t it’s not that is not what
he said
that’s your thing scotty doesn’t know
but orville nation’s amazing please guys
he gets interviews with some
awesome like like people in the industry
so make sure you guys check him out and
follow his uh
jump over there and definitely follow
his youtube channel and his twitter
because his twitter will let you know
next we got accidental tourist hello
chat and then we got one half of my
australian friends
sam mccabe he says hey everybody on the
panel and in the chat hope you’re all
doing well
thank you sam hellmuth uh we got
yeah yeah yeah mccabe we got mason
what say it did i say his name
no i wasn’t gonna say that pj really had
on his channel he really does have great
and even scott got to interview um
parker lewis corrine
and he completely started and he
completely lost his [ __ ] i fanboyed a bit parker lewis when i was
a kid
yeah well he was it was one of my
favorite shows and it didn’t last long
i wanted a locker that i can climb into
and it was like a freaking lounge
the thing the show was awesome check it
out if you’ve never seen parker lewis
can’t lose
you got to watch old old episodes of it
it was synchronized
yes exactly pure 8 ladies early 90s
tv it was it was what you know
fox didn’t really have anything before
that because
i was married with children and the
simpsons married with children
right it wasn’t until they oh and 21
yeah yeah but i believe it was parker
lewis that
opened the door to like beverly hills
90210 that blew them out you know up
so uh aj’s
hmm didn’t they have pjs around that
that was like 20 years later almost
oh i am really in the wrong time zone i
was going to say
this is like 89 90 to 93.
yeah right around there you can watch it
on crackle um it kind of
kind of with that streaming series
that is weird and if there’s any vpn
companies out there that want to sponsor
the dump
let me know and i’ll shout you out um
internet to support a vpn yeah well if
they get
oh yeah well it’s the computer it’s the
compute i hate you
um next up we have mason mixon has his
own channel
but he doesn’t like to use that name for
some reason in the chat which would help
us all out greatly
but mason’s a great guy he’s always on
our side he actually came on
our game of thrones panel once and he
was awesome so
mason make sure they put your link in
the chat
uh we got brutal morning wood up in the
house and he says hey
heck even i’m getting tempted to do a
name change maybe
according to christie’s red palms
oh christie you’re beamed like him as
yeah did anybody else did anybody else
somewhere really dirty with that
i oh yeah no
not me either i was just thinking about
you sickos okay
um we got zecharite 315
always here saying howdy y’all and
according christy snorts oh is that a
meme one according uh
that’s mark that’s mark it is mark
yeah thank you mark for being here man
that is awesome oh wait a minute i’m
sorry mason did do it
free folk of fandom with your host host
jar boy and that is actually mason’s
channel so please make sure you guys
check it out and
dastardly up in here walton uh walton’s
own brew
ended our stream brew stream ended and
pushed me up
in here where am i you are on the dump
and this is sporky news and i have
shitty internet and we have a lot of fun
because they make fun of me the whole
freaking time
you really don’t uh i do
i do i got to get a better computer
before gary comes back because it sucks
when he’s here and i’m freezing up
um monster huntress room buffering
i’m buffering right now for you no
you’re not good monster
i’m good okay monster huntress room hi
any word on whether they caught the
idiots that assaulted rick moranis yet
uh script doctor have you heard anything
because we were on a live stream i have
not i know they put the picture out
and we’re going to go over that so oh i
picture was released i have not uh been
following any of the news i’ve been
working on so my own projects
uh in between day job and uh also
talking with
my girlfriend so um yeah there’s uh i
haven’t heard anything on this site i’m
glad that mr moranis is
um yeah i hope they catch this guy
but uh unbelievable or guys was it
because he was wearing a mask and you
have uh plausible doubt
especially if this were to go to trial
oh man
it’s just ridiculous it was un uncalled
and you know it was unprovoked and the
rick moranis i mean you’re jumping
honey i shrunk the kids yeah i think the
age of the guy looked pretty young i
don’t think he knew
he was around when mick moranis was
making movies there is an updated uh
oh my echo’s still on i’m sorry but um
as of october 3rd i don’t think they
have caught the person
it’s really [ __ ] creepy that
you have this i mean i like rick moranis
but he hasn’t been
he’s only acted in a few things just
just do normal stuff and out of nowhere
that that could be anybody that’s
attacked like that
yep and that’s that’s [ __ ] terrifying
yes is somebody watching the news or
um i hear i hear something in the
background but yeah you’re absolutely
right to
walk just be walking down the street and
you know assault you there there was
some stuff when i was a
tick tock star um there was actual
videos of and and
i’m not trying to choose a side right
here this is just the absolute truth of
what it was
it was a game where guys would run up
behind and they were white they were
black guys
but they would walk up behind a white
hope usually a boomer age and crack them
as hard as they could in the back of the
head or hit him with a brick
and just lay these guys out like
complete assault
and they filmed them and they they
uploaded them as it was a joke
maybe killing you know killing somebody
you know what offends me the most though
is that
um in the days of new york if that were
to happen you’d get robbed afterwards he
wasn’t even robbed
just knocked him out and just walked
away it’s called the knockout game and
it’s been going on i believe since 2013.
yeah and it’s been everyone thinks it’s
funny because it’s a social media thing
it’s like when the one with the
let’s what racing right now is the one
throw your baby on tick tock like stuff
like that it’s one of those crazes but
it’s actually assault because a couple’s
people have actually been hit so hard
when they land on their ground because
they can’t catch themselves they
can cuss themselves either like on the
concrete on the road wherever they hit
their head on and in the older ages you
you can contain a lot more brain damage
the only thing
yes the only thing with that is that
those people tended to be
teenagers this guy looks a little bit
older than that and so i kind of wonder
if it’s one of those cases of
mental illness it could be all of those
yeah this guy looked like he was you
know mid to late 20s
he was wearing an i love new york
sweater too which was even yeah which
was very weird
oh god jesus well we’re going to
probably see it
the article we’re bringing up i hope has
the picture of the guy so we will
we’ll have that up after our first
article but um
one of my channel members here dullified
let’s see if scott’s wi-fi will allow
him to stream
hey i’m i’m going right now we’ll see
where it goes
if i fall out um script doctor you’re in
i would [ __ ] love if he fell out of
his own stream
because i’ve done it before it happens
it happens to the best of us
uh tina bojan says good evening
friends uh another one of my great
supporters if you want to become
a channel member there’s a link
somewhere follow it
it’s as cheap as one cup of walton’s
coffee a month
you can you could go right ahead and
support this channel and maybe i’ll get
a new computer someday
bikini 98 you just stop it
uh makini 90 my go-to
he’s really turned into my go-to
moderator and uh
sometimes panelists so i appreciate that
my friend uh we’ll have to have a yawn
soon maybe wednesday or next saturday
we’ll have beyond i just need you to
also do your job as a monitor because
you’re doing it
um anybody else anybody else anybody
what’s going on can you hear me
you’re literally
this is gonna be great i hate you all
i’m trying to use the hot spot is it not
yeah everything’s right okay
okay chris persia thanks for being here
man one of my first supporters
him and mark lazar it’s i don’t even
know what to do anymore
uh wait does that mean everyone on the
panel is now officially canadian no no
it just no no
there’s no way in hell i’m marrying
scott to give him citizenship no way in
i have canadian rights now i have
canadians jane you’re not
gonna get very annoyed with us
you guys uh
[Laughter] i don’t even know what to say i’m
[ __ ] pissed off about this god damn
i’m losing my
monetization in a heartbeat
so i think you’re okay yeah wow
well bears letting you all know that
they have a late edition after this show
uh it’s usually starts at like 9 30
10 30 pacific time p.m
uh so get things ready for the late
edition on
going over some stargate one first
episode oh so it’s a first episode thing
and uh he has final death star and some
other guys on it so definitely check him
and uh the great odega outlaw who said
some really nice stuff about me
on uh the yeah i know he did
it was really nice also another author
who just came out too so he’s also
one of the up and coming yes and his
stream with 14 barber is freaking
1pm eastern time uh on saturdays
great show definitely make sure you guys
check that out runner studios is an
fourth waver um i think he’s 12.
make sure you guys check him out he’s
got a lot of homework so he’s just
okay um the great happy dinosaur is here
so uh if you guys like someone who’s
positive follow him on twitter
um you got we have wow there’s a lot of
people rolling in shell back
is here he has a great channel and pop
culture avengers here
and subhuman84 is here
and orville nation with a five dollar
super chat says
if you love the dump the dump will love
you back
hit that like button he knows what he’s
talking about
all right and i think uh we’re just
gonna oh there’s one more from story man
another member of my uh channel member
of the channel
channel member of the channel that was
stupid channel members okay he’s a
channel member
story man jack does stories here is a
five you can upgrade to a commodore vic
20 now
i think scott gets his wi-fi off a game
boy from the 90s
scott before we went to the article can
you highlight um
deviate porg’s uh comment it’s at uh
it would be 10 19 your time if when you
see it
it’s right below my comment whenever i
put script doctor’s uh
channel link or i’m gonna find it there
we go
another monster sup relax he’s here
all right let’s get into an article okay
i love you all in the chat i probably
won’t be coming back to you
beca unless you do a super chat or
sticker because i’m scared
this whole thing will fall out so what
do we got
here what he’s trying to tell you is
to send more super chat so he get
another money
anywho you don’t have to tell people
god blowing up my game who’s going to be
able to read this one huh okay i guess i
all right so scroll the frig up
oh i could hear myself i’m freaking
so uh to the 37 people in here i really
appreciate it
um from the los angeles time yeah
from the los angeles time disneyland’s
push to reopen sets up critical moment
in california’s
coronavirus fight so we kind of started
talking about this
on uh the on stephen walton’s channel
just a
couple minutes ago with gary um
gav gavin gavin newsom is their governor
and he’s
trying to hold back opening up the state
and when you have what do you guys think
about that when you have a company as
large as disney
saying like it’s about time we need to
open what does that do
to the narrative in california
i think it just depends on what the
motivations are for each party
what do you think the motivations are i
have no idea
i mean i i don’t know anything about
florida florida’s nuts so i mean there’s
no telling
well this is california california
this is disneyland so they’ve been
now for what eight months going on eight
months six
and then one six six or seven six i’m
sorry six or seven months like
yeah california is really weird because
i don’t think their numbers were that
so no why are they wanting to stay shut
i don’t know well their leadership is
kind of paranoid
and uh cowardly um also it’s really hard
to trust a person with a five-year-old’s
name like gavin
uh i don’t know any adults that go by
gavin they if they have that first name
they usually go by a more mature middle
uh like edward or or uh tip
excuse me tip huh tip yeah
yep i know a guy who used me gavin as a
kid and
now he he has a middle name that’s
really weird
and the abbreviation of it is tip so he
calls himself
and he’s like i prefer that to gavin i’m
like okay
okay tip
oh my god wow i mean how many adults do
okay in the chat how many adults do we
know that are still named gavin
how many adults i don’t know anybody
when they found out they were named
gavin i don’t know it’s weird yeah
yeah shelby my buddy’s son
six his name is gavin uh you got gavin
rossdale yeah maybe not i don’t know
that could be a generational thing too
yeah i never thought about that script
doctor um
gavin hm well i
[ __ ] i don’t know any adults that aren’t
like either a rock star
mostly only rock stars named gavin gavin
newton yeah
i think so gavin is a com is common in
britain as the time prophet says
gavin mcginnis gavin macleod
the uh what is that news gavin
gavin the tip
i don’t know like river or flower you
it’s california well don’t forget
okay so you had river phoenix and now
you and you have
joaquin joaquin’s real name was leaf
because he was in a little movie called
space camp and his name was leaf
we went yep are you serious
yeah his name was his parents had a lot
of nature issues
oh hell and yeah and congratulations on
his child
i think it’s creepy to name your your
child after you’re
a deceased family member because if they
were ever to google themselves they
would see that
that they were that they had died
in six seven years young river phoenix
decides to say hey i’m gonna google
and he’s like oh my god i died in the
early 90s
yeah well a lot of people are naked
i’m the next joker right in the south
you get to like
the fifth don’t you like fifth sixth
oh yeah i mean i understand the
respectful honor of it but it’s also
kind of creepy it’s like my dad was
named after his father and he’s always
thought it was creepy seeing his name
on a tombstone
that’s that’s uncomfortable that’s
uncomfortable yeah
all right so let’s read this article and
who’s it written by i can’t see that
christy do you know who it’s written by
well i want to be respectful of that
it’s two people oh my god
three actually stop solo
and phil willing
three people to write one article wow it
took three of them okay well let’s see
how this goes
that is a byline huh um it’s buy
all right uh a growing course of
small and large has been desperately
lobbying california officials to reopen
this fall as they struggled to survive
after months of coronavirus shutdown
this week they got an ally with
undeniable star power
the walt disney co one of the world’s
largest entertainment companies
partially blamed california’s strict
reopening rules for massive layoffs
in its theme park division after trying
unsuccessfully to get officials to allow
the gates
of disneyland to swing open again
blunt criticism is putting more pressure
governor tipparoo newsom and health
at a critical moment the state first
at reopen led to a major surge in covet
19 and newsom has
vowed to move more cautiously this time
and listed uh listened only to the
oh my god they always go to the science
but never listen to it his reopening
plan emits
theme parks altogether though officials
said guidelines will be
released this week so paranoid
he’s paranoid now i don’t know what the
uptick was i know la got hit a little
bit when they were thinking about
reopening but like
listening to gary san francisco had a
total of uh maybe a hundred deaths
you know for such a large metropolitan
like you know i don’t know the numbers
exactly i mean ellie’s pretty dense with
population it’s it’s
it’s a good handful of million people
i think pushing 10 maybe right
it’s really dense it feels more it looks
more crowded than it actually is but
it’s definitely crowded
is it terrible in new york uh
not really like new york’s almost got
this population of canada
um but like in la
san diego san francisco they’re large
populations very large
and i don’t remember hearing the upswing
being that bad now maybe i don’t
remember because there’s been so much
that has come out in the past six months
seven months so
i don’t know but we’ll read on and see
what what they’re saying
uh keeping businesses closed deal oh i’m
bradley pollock chairman of the
department of public health science at
uc davis said uh waiting on the state
for guidance is undoubt undoubtedly
frustrating for theme park operators but
the newsom and his staff are confronting
an extremely difficult calculus
in determining the size and pace of
keeping keeping businesses closed deals
a major blow to the economy
and to large swaths of society
that may lose their livelihoods he said
and their lives
he said but any reopening will increase
interaction between people led
hold on let him in led um two more
cases of corona and more deaths to be
hey everybody hey i don’t know
hey wes thanks for having me i don’t
understand why it’s taking so long for
them to create
plans and guidelines though like how
is it that we’ve been talking about
pandemics since
2011 uh since before that since
sars broke out in like 2003 yeah
and yet no one has a plan
they got comfortable that’s the problem
it goes away
problem goes away they think all won’t
happen again they get comfortable forget
about the things they were planning to
make precautions for for the next time
something like this happens
comfortability forgetfulness and the
lack to initiate what you wanted to do
in the first place that’s just my
that is true there’s only a handful of
hospitals in ontario that was actually
prepared for the
coronavirus and i happy to say that my
aunt was one of the ones that managed
those hospitals
so like but we suffered though you have
to also remember that
long-term care what we lost almost 2000
people because of the unfair conditions
but it came together oh absolutely yeah
yeah we lost yeah that was a lot of
we lost a lot of people but like we i
mean it can always be
worse but the fact of the matter is
there’s only a handful of hospitals that
were able to take care of their own and
then all the other hospitals under the
um upn that we have here in sorry the
that we have here in on ontario uh
dropped the ball and
they want to blame it on some certain
budgetary reasons and
reallocation of resources that happened
prior but
the stuff was already in place since
and right all they had to do was just
kind of crack the seal and
enact that protocol which is what you
know some of the hospitals did do
and they could have averted a bigger a
bigger issue but that’s that wasn’t the
not for us in canada but especially not
in the united states which also had
similar stuff because hospitals do
communicate with each other across
right well my question is this they they
have that you know senators in that
state congress people in that state
the governor they blame the president
for not
acting swiftly enough and not having a
plan but yet in their own
state they do not they didn’t act
swiftly enough they don’t have a plan
the the you know the the
homeless is outrageous in california
which can easily cause more spread like
they’re not doing anything to actually
to me it looks like to address
the actual situation wes i don’t know or
wes are you in california i’m in uh
northern california yeah
but i’m gonna do how is it well
i live in one of three counties that
kind of rebelled against the governor’s
orders so
for me you know it wasn’t as bad as it
was in the rest of california i don’t i
i don’t see a lot of if you’re asking
how bad is coronavirus i don’t see a lot
of it
not here right so let me ask you what
what do you mean by they rebelled
did they stay open or did they open
they they they opened early and they
they stayed open and uh the governor
sent in um for for bars and places like
uh uh the
was tr was trying to yank their liquor
licenses uh threatening to yank their
liquor licenses for being open that’s
how he was uh
handling the rebellion that was
happening sounds really communist
and well this is uh nano reaper puts it
you know just opened up everything
up let the adults take care of
themselves it’s not the government’s job
to micromanage your life in america
and i agree to almost a full point with
you know a lot of people were saying at
the very beginning of this when we found
if you know the elderly people with
conditions were the most um you know
likely to get sick and maybe die from
this disease
to you know house them to keep them in
their homes
but to completely you know gary was
talking about it his wife had a very
um fruitful and and
successful salon thank you man and look
what happened to her she had to
you had to close shop without being able
to sell it without helping out being
able to probably help out her
um her employees very much like that
you know i know they move people move on
and they try to have a positive look at
but that’s devastating to you know the
people that work there the people that
went there
yet they’re you know nancy is getting a
blowout with no mascot
i mean that was a setup he already said
it was a setup
right right yeah i’m sure that that
somebody implanted a command in her
brain to call the salon to get the blow
out that’s serious
i know i know neither am i i’m just i’m
going away yeah well let’s think of it
this way though
if you were set up by no disrespect but
by a hair salon
i i’d be worried what would happen with
china and russia setting you up
you know what i mean like that’s scary
but no one
no one can set you up to be stupid
though i mean what she did
she knew what the laws or the rules were
she chose to bring her
yeah because she thinks she’s about the
laws she has a very big
nice house she could have someone come
to her home and do all that there that
she didn’t have to go out for it
see which just shows how dumb she
actually is yeah anything like they’re
completely careless sorry
even with that when it’s okay when the
lockdowns happened up here
i i said screw it because everything got
shut down so what did i do i went to
the best buy after doing an order online
to pick up its store they had like
zombie barricades and everything because
they were scarecrappers buck clippers
and i’ve been doing my hair ever since
because you got to make sacrifices but
for some reason people like pelosi think
it’s okay to tell this one
salon to open up because she can
see the only the only issue like i’m
very much in favor of the whole idea
from the very beginning just
not necessarily doing a shutdown but the
is that the things we needed to remain
open properly
weren’t there and we were talking about
this on the live stream
a lot of the cleaning supplies were gone
a lot of the sanitizer was gone
there were no way to get the mask that
we needed they weren’t being mass
produced at the time
so it was pretty difficult
to risk it um
but my issue is that even now while
we’re reopening
we’re still not producing our own n95
we’re producing our own sanitizer but we
don’t have um
all the cleaning supplies that we would
have that we have grown up trusting all
these years
we have sort of these knock-offs and so
what do we do the next time around
like it there are lessons that should
have been learned from this
right again that would be a balance
between imports and self-sufficient
economy right i mean even if you’re
going to
import um more important things
make sure those items are from either
you know canada or mexico you know like
if if you want to try to get them a
little bit cheaper i don’t know but
to have them from someone who
does you know people want us to believe
they’re our ally but they’re definitely
they have a completely different
they’re not our ally so while just
that goes to i love i love america and i
love capitalist
capitalism but that is the one thing
where capitalism
like you know the greed will sometimes
screw you
and i hope we just learn from this that
yes greed is good
you know it’s fine well motivated but
it’s not
on your ass but right and mostly when it
is important items we need um and
you know i’m not defending him but no
one on the left came out
to say he wasn’t right when trump got
into office
the military and our medical reserves
were at a
minimal and we have done a lot as a
country to fill all that stuff back
up so ooh could you elaborate on that
because i mean
a lot of the people especially those on
the left know that the
pentagon gets massive budgets so what
were they spending the money on that
trump was able to sort of reappropriate
them for investment
it was a hammer hammers one hammer one
hammer nice
shiny hammer four trillion dollars nice
shiny hammer
made out of what well it had it had the
teflon grip
he goes over stuff like this right
what were you going to say wes oh i just
said a hammer
i was i was throwing uh but you guys
didn’t do it yeah
but isn’t that true man yeah i mean
isn’t it
true they uh go ahead
no no go ahead i haven’t gotten caught
up on the article yet so
i need the eclipse notes oh it’s okay in
context well this isn’t really about the
article it’s about
you know the military i’ve seen military
contracts and what they’re willing to
for even computer tech and when they
decide they want to go with someone they
have to get multiple contracts
but when they decide they decide it
doesn’t have to be the lowest contract
they take
just the contract they want to take and
there’s been a lot of money that just
disappeared billions
you know at this point
would have not been accounted for today
i think on september 10th
uh 2001 there was a big meeting about
trillions and trillions of missing
yes yeah i mean you know what happens
hmm never know well well they burned
down a lot of those files
oh sorry jane um go ahead no just gonna
say the pentagon they operate
they’re in their own little world we
will never know what happened with that
so as well i was trying to connect a new
policy that was passed by the senate to
sort of like
bring in actual like uh hold records of
the financial transactions that the
pentacon is doing to see where the money
yeah the senate the senate was dealing
with uh you know russiagate
and things of that nature and pointing
the fingers
they don’t care where their money goes
wasn’t but the republicans still hold
the senate though
they do hold the senate they don’t care
but they just but they’re still more
interested in russia that’s so
no not in general the the whole thing
was fighting about russia back in
january and
and february but yeah yeah
the the truth of the matter is no one
wants to look at those contracts
and where they’re going because you know
people get funded by a lot of different
lobbyists and a lot of lobbyists will
have names you might recognize and some
will have them you don’t
but that military conflict yeah
if anyone does have bribes out there uh
mcdonald’s i will gladly take them
as well there you go eat some chicken
mcnuggets and make a rib so
chicken nuggets if you’re like that i
yeah what kind of what kind of sauce do
you dip your chicken mcnuggets in just
actually um i don’t usually get their
sauce if i say ubereats um i usually use
a little bit of
barbecue sauce mixed with garlic aioli
yup it’s very good garlic
trending no man garlic garlic early is
like a mayo garlic
delicious great i know exactly toast it
with melted cheese on your sub
right before you put your toppings on
and oh my god
all right let’s get back never thought
about having gourmet mcnuggets like that
i know he’s a gourmet banana guy all
chris here are we at the very top are we
at the very top it’s not a question of
yeah okay so it’s not a okay thank you
it’s not a question of if but rather how
he said the virus hasn’t changed when
you have people who can
gather physically closer together you
increase the risk is it worth it
question mark
uh complication complicating
matters is that some states are
beginning to see
a new surge we hear this every couple
weeks new surge
in coronavirus cases that experts fear
could eventually arrive in california
eventually arrive in california
that would that comes at the same um
the same time as a flu season
already expected to make covet 19 more
difficult to manage
has anybody seen any numbers for the flu
no no you guys also have the same
feeling though
sorry do you guys also think they’re
gonna do the same feeling though if
people even
they get the flu they’re gonna say
that’s still coveted and try to use
those like with the numbers in general
if they do come out did you hear any
from uh march or april because the flu
is still going on
i turned off the news in april and just
start focusing on other things like
channels on youtube because the news is
it just drains you because it’s the same
nonsense day in day out there’s no
actual substance to it anymore i
before i before i’m i’m working back
back at work now full time but
before that i stopped watching the news
back in january of this year because i
just got tired of the same just drama
llama stuff
and island
i only check it for the weather and even
then that’s half not halfway
right and the traffic and that’s not
usually half right now yeah really gonna
report on what it
what they choose to but that doesn’t
mean the data isn’t there you just have
to find it
right true but i mean i think once we’re
just saying we just don’t watch these
anymore because they’re not giving the
shane i don’t want that you have to read
it yourself i don’t want to research
anything i want to be fed
i want to be fed the information right
and usually that was done through uh the
but we’ve seen over the last 30 years
how the news has not really been the
so and they haven’t i mean they don’t do
like one of the things i’ve been doing
not anymore but back in march
as studies came out i would post it on
my social media
for my family and it would be days
later before the media would report on
whatever the new study was
so you can’t rely on them you can’t wait
you just have to
if there’s something you want to know
look it up
jane can i follow you on your social
media i’ll agree with you there but i’m
gonna say something from the from
the canadian standpoint especially with
me though our our let’s say our premiere
for our province decided to
go the donald trump road into a daily
report and this man
would just talk the same weird nonsense
day in and day out wear your mask and
every time he did his press crimes
didn’t wear his mask
once none of his staff wore the mask
once even the step that got covered that
he was close with the never
mask he’s still up there said the same
things i love the people the people are
great we’re gonna get these people
together we’re gonna get it oh did you
see his um
speech the other day the man made a
cheesecake making video during the
that’s our premiere it was uh it’s
called i don’t give a [ __ ] cheesecake
sorry about the french
but it’s fine oh man [ __ ] that guy man
he was like the ho he
he was the goodyear blimp of [ __ ] yep
wow i never understood why the
politicians would get up there anyway no
because what bothers me
you want to know something we did a
stimulus package up here for a lot of
canadians okay so the
standard of living for that package was
2k you got except you got 2000
if you were to say on disability you
were getting a hundred dollars
at the discretionary of your worker if
you did uh were qualified for that
that emergency package they would claw
back half of that package and even
penalize your medical
um yeah so they did not take into
account the entire
uh versatility of canadian citizens on
various other programs that were for
supplementary assistance which is
something that was already paid for by
everyone who was on that program with
their taxes because that’s where the
the stimulus came from from the excess
of money that we collect through our
taxes that was already
in the budget it was already allocated
for other things but because that we
hadn’t spent that yet we could say okay
we can reallocate it for this
without having to go into an excessive
death and then there are some other
issues that are going on because now
those programs that weren’t being paid
for that
are now being allocated with the the
benefit program
we now have to pay for on a credit card
essentially so now we still have debt
but it’s just we just divert it from one
program to another so it’s
and it’s not weird it’s not even just
that like that also like with even let’s
say the people with a disability thing
who had the clawbacks some provinces and
let’s say like even like the east coast
your medical benefits got taken away so
your drug plan and your dental plan got
taken away
if you applied for this package
meanwhile they didn’t they literally
but they did not penalize the people who
falsely made new accounts and ripped off
thousands of dollars of these checks
yeah but they penalized the disabled on
the community
this is what canada has been dealing
with that crap on the north certain
this is country wide okay yeah every day
you were expecting hopefully some kind
of change because these guys would go on
their twitter and say this this and that
and then what they would say
is they would yo we’re gonna wear a red
shirt because it’s this day and day we
don’t care about a red shirt
we would like to know that our life
means more than a bucket of chicken
well people are starving out there while
they uh talk about shirts i guess but
let’s finish this article real quick and
then we can uh no don’t be sorry um
chicken food still sounds more
productive than america get the hell
away from my chicken stephen
there are a lot of you stay the hell
away from my chicken
you’re right compared to a lot of the
stuff that’s happening in the in america
canada does have a bit more of an
advantage to it but it’s still
it’s still not being dealt with as
effectively as it could and
it actually comes back to the fact that
there are a lot of people
in canada that uh vote more emotionally
than over the long term plans and and
we’ve actually seen that
especially with our most recent premiere
election like everybody who i knew who
i knew who voted for the guy i would
tell them you’re voting for someone
that’s going to
screw you over and they’re like no no no
we just don’t like the other person’s
like listen it’s one thing to hate a
politician in power that’s
maybe doing a poor job but still trying
to help people it’s another thing to
hate an actual lie there’s nothing to
vote into a liar who will actually
not even lie to your face probably blame
them about what you’re going to do
he blames him to blame others and what
ends up happening for the current
has suffered more than those who have
not he’s
he he’s made also an insult to his
deceased brother who used to be the
mayor of toronto his dad he has insulted
that name because i even have people who
were who were my building my
superintendent used to work for his dad
and he’s like his dad would never have
done half the things this guy’s done i’m
like yeah because he’s going out for
vengeance he’s not going out to make
yeah and now he’s also considered the
the brother that had to take care of the
little brother he was pushed aside a lot
in the family
he he he’s got some things that are kind
of very
familiar to the donald trump yeah he
needs therapy
that’s what you’re saying no fair no he
doesn’t need therapy he needs to be like
slapped around by his mom a few times
till he realizes that he’s not doing
what he thinks
she’s doing is right yeah all right
yes well that that’s a lot of them story
man jack for five dollars i’m not a vpn
company but
my newest horror story the house will be
up by the end of this stream
paid advertisement indeed yes sir you
are welcome for that paid advertisement
i will do that every stream for you my
friend to see him get his link in the
in there you also missed another one
from marketing90.
i put it in the package
well stephen i’m sorry i mean granted
you have 3700 today but
look at me and gary um let me see what
we got really salty
makini 90 i was a bit bikini 90 for five
dollars smash
that like button for more of scott’s
internet shenanigans
he once got busy in a burger king
he’s crazy allow me to amaze me
that’s my it’ll phase me that’s my
wednesday edition
that’s the humpty humpty dump all right
christy if you could read the rest of
i’d appreciate it in some parts of the
state including san francisco and others
more rural areas businesses more rural
areas businesses are beginning to reopen
as cases plan but it’s been slower going
in southern california frustrating
business owners
and some local officials no
[ __ ] way
slower going was [ __ ] in the article i
think it was
right from the streets of san francisco
angeles county announced wednesday that
shopping centers and nail salons
will be allowed to resume indoor
with limited capacity over the next 10
but there has been much debate about
whether the region is reopening
too quickly given the health risks or
not quickly enough
given the economic woes we need to open
the massage parlors
it’s almost the end of 2020. you need to
open up everything and yeah i agree
the the massage parlors for one thing to
get all the senate and all those
governors and happy endings
happy ending yeah yeah friday not only
i don’t have content weather all year
round like you cannot have outdoor
service of restaurants in freezing cold
winters in minnesota
mm-hmm i like to go tobogganing while
wearing my mask
well i mean it’s no different for us
than wearing a scarf but like yeah
it’s still the same
i’m sure there’s a few in california
that do the curbside stuff for
restaurants but
i’m pretty sure it’s limited supply but
you gotta battle those piles of crap and
needles that are also all over the
sidewalks and stuff exactly like every
morning someone has to go out there
sweep them and sweep them away
so that there’s a proper pickup area
holy [ __ ] exactly it’s a holy [ __ ] eats i just
want to get back to where’s disney in
christy where’s disney announced that it
would lay off
lay off good grief 28 000 staff members
its parks cruises and retail stores
because of the pandemic
though the cuts affect employees across
the u.s
executives cited their decision their
californians california’s unwillingness
to lift restrictions
that would allow disneyland to reopen
all those people it smells like a troll
but [ __ ] a goblin
i like goblin sex though oh
jesus take the wheel
[Laughter] keep reading christy just push through
the pushback
from the corporation is part of a much
growing pressure
communities around california
facing as businesses
after months of slash belt and push it
in compost it says her family’s
a mile from disneyland and typically a
popular spot with park visitors
can probably survive only six more
with businesses with business down by 40
since the shutdown now cough
we’re going to do everything in our
power but all we
can do is cross our fingers that
customers return she said
that’s what she said what are they doing
with the fingers
one of the largest employers in the
state has been
severed severely hobbled by the
virus health crisis april the
company said it was furloughing more
one oh my 100 000 workers
after the pandemic forced the company to
shut down its theme parks
he might look a fraggle
uh it is a reminder i’ve been here when
it was glory whole days and i’ve been
here when it was
and so having said that uh i want me
some glory hope
glory hole i gotta push that hole hard
i forgot where i was because i was
laughing at the clip
wait uh they furloughed a hundred
thousand workers after the pandemic
force the company shut down it’s the
yeah there you go in june
disneyland announced plans to reopen i
like the way christie
okay go ahead in june disneyland
announced plans to reopen but newsom and
his advisors
advisors persuaded park officials to
hold off
disney executive chairman bob iger has
been in direct contact
with newsome throughout the outbreak and
is a key member
of newsome’s task force on business and
jobs recovery which was created in april
to guide the state’s
financial recovery and create jobs
sounds like you’re doing a [ __ ] job and
not recovering anything
any excrement out yeah what have they
been doing since april
smelling their own hearts but [ __ ] each other right
hello how are you going chris
your stream is not getting monetized
however the prolonged
shutdown became financially unstable for
that josh was whoever that last name is
as heartbreaking as it is to take this
this is the only feasible option we have
light of the prolonged impact of covid19
on our business dr mark whoever
california’s health and human services
secretary said
they knew administration expects to
uh guiding guidance this week for the
opening of the theme parks across the
the extent of reopenings may depend on
the severity of the covid19 pandemic
in the counties where they are located
holy [ __ ] scott this is a [ __ ] keep reading yeah you’ll get through it
keep breathing do it
officials have been
i was literally reading through that
[ __ ] clip
oh my god stayed after there was no clip
that wasn’t me
that wasn’t me
state official state public health
officials have been
meeting with amusement park
representatives since the
didn’t i just read this [ __ ] story
we’re done we’re done
i want steven steven to shut the hell up
and let wes talk thank you
for being here everybody i i could go on
a soapbox well you know what i’m going
to soapbox
screw it oh yeah yeah newsome
is like the worst governor ever and we
need to open up he
you know i mean it’s not just this but
what happened with the wildfires that’s
even more of an outrage to me than the
coronavirus stuff
uh you know an executive order to
ban the sale of gasoline vehicles which
is you know by
2035 i think it’s stupid
yeah we’re losing people left and right
people are fleeing the state the good
the people that you want to have in your
state the people that create jobs
they’re fleeing left and right but yet
you know god california is
dumb sometimes you know i mean they put
in place all these
freebies for you know undocumented
people and and
god bless them i know they’re going for
a better life but you know what if you
have things like in-state tuition
for colleges for illegals but if you
have like a second generation
say like a mexican-american person
from texas that wants to go to one of
our universities they have to pay
out-of-state tuition
doesn’t make any sense and then you’re
you know they don’t have the legal right
to work in california
but uh back to coronavirus we need to
reopen this place
people need to you know i trust free
people to be able to
make their own decisions
i’m with you man thank you with it
steven did you see the private chat pick
a damn
article and it’s your turn to read me
do we want to read about chris pratt
getting ripped apart
by uh people because he told you know
to vote for onward in the people choice
or do we want to listen to uh the crazy
tom arnold
uh tweet out hope hicks personal cell
phone number after covid diagnosis
that’s what i’ve been wondering does
everybody have to freaking talk and what
shut up
all right do either of these have
anything to do with boobs
um hope hicks has boobs
okay okay um okay
okay um what were you saying script
thank you
i was just wondering how tom arnold got
hope hicks’s phone number
google that’s a very good question
that’s a very good question
i was wondering the same exact thing so
why don’t we bring that up stephen and
find out
god damn it okay oh i had a hundred
people on my
watching my stream i’m so important now
i don’t have to bring up an article
bring the [ __ ] article up
i just thought i wasn’t sure i will not
be here you guys are making sure i don’t
get monetized
so let’s do this [ __ ] god you are
yeah not for long no i think you’re good
you want to see my bum i need to get
monetized so i can get d monetized
where are you where are you with uh subs
there wes
uh i am currently sitting at 388 subs
but i’m about 3 700 watch hours well
depending on which metric you look at
youtube says either 35.50 which i’ve
been stuck at for two days
or i’m at 3700 or i’m at 3800.
there’s like a different mechanisms that
they’re talking about oh my god
shut up
casino for two bucks thank you my
brother baby thank you culture all right
hail the man start reading
tom arnold tweet hoped hicks personal
cell after coven 19 diagnosis this is
from the new york post
by ebony bowden okay that’s not his real
no no okay uh sign up for ours oh no
anti-president trump actor tom arnold
shared hope hicks personal cell phone
number on twitter
just hours after news broke that she had
tested positive for covet 19.
why would you do that what
in a sincerely to tweet the 61 year old
roseanne bar x
urged his 260 000 followers
to call the president’s close advisor
and let her know what
they thought of the administration’s
response to the pandemic
squeeze it out
i should read these um i should really
read these super chapters
oh just read them yes please yeah i
don’t fight two dollars give me a happy
and then dullified for another two
dollars curbside
curbside happy ending they already do
that in la
it’s really inconvenient and atrocious
one of the things i hated about being
like one of the few people that walked
the streets of la just because i’d like
to walk
that’s just a habit of mine is getting
accosted by someone offering me some
sort of
uh exchange wow
you say it so properly uh in exchange
strange hey script do you want a chicken
nugget job
sure all right get out the mail
okay start reading silent thoughts and
prayers on enough for the national
treasure hope hicks
she needs to hear them arnold wrote
according to a fox news report published
friday morning
sharing a cell phone number that he
claimed was her personal cell
on thursday evening it emerged that the
31 year old senior counselor to trump
had tested positive for cody covet 19
after traveling with him to minnesota
for a rally
uh in doula on duluth duluth thanks
white people to just name normal things
like whitesburg
please uh and to the first presidential
debate in cleveland on tuesday
um okay yeah there’s tom there there’s
there’s here
his his sacrifice is
in the early hours of friday the
commander-in-chief confirmed that he and
first lady had also been infected with
the virus arnold who was married to
roseanne starr
in the 1990s has since deleted the tweet
about hicks and in its place tweeted
the fox news report dude the internet is
what i mean is that well the worst part
is is he deleted that tweet
and then the next tweet he said um i was
trying to like compliment her or
and then tweeted out the article from
fox news about him tweeting out her
cell phone so he’s proud that’s a lot of
makeup those eyebrows aren’t real
no no no of course not no they’re from
street props the comedian is an
outspoken critic
of the president in the 2017 in 2017
claimed to have tapes of trump using
racial slurs
which had never surfaced oh
that’s it that’s it that’s the entire
article that’s barely another
new york post oh that was like a
paragraph yeah all right
well according to daddy issues for two
you look like a healthy andy dick that
is a man who powders his inner thighs
do you watch this he’s not healthy he is
not healthy no that’s alcohol and drugs
scotch what’s that screen shimmer
his chin looks like a ball of snake oh
hope he picks boobs
can you enhance please i knew there was
something right going on there she
looked like you know
something well she is working for the
president i mean come on you know she
looks like maybe four pony beers
and i’d be down you know she has breasts
and eyebrows implants
you don’t need i have standards she
doesn’t have real eyebrows
steven she would need four pony beers in
a freaking
shutting each dust to freaking absent or
stephen are you telling us in the chat
that you stare at the eyebrows more than
anything else
absolutely mean you are so full of it
i’m an equal auto
constantly doesn’t even bother her
anymore she’s desensitized but you know
just walks it like a zombie she calls
him rick schneider
yeah i’m still able to listen to
everything she says so i’m i’m pretty
impressed with myself
i just [ __ ] know how much respect did
enhance she took a class
actually gotta do that i gotta just say
enhance and then just like move my head
it gets bigger as i get closer to the
it’s like a magnifying glass
same exact one i did that i just did
that yeah you did that
welcome to or you knew which one i was
meaning just freaking do it
make christy read it do it funnier no
read it yeah make dreams you are all
great everything we all enjoy
reading jane has a sultry someone reads
yeah but we won’t
you’re bounding in you’re the official
we won’t hear the content of the article
we’ll just be like ah
well except for christy yeah christie
will be having a two-liter pepsi
[ __ ] you about stephen
whoa what how did you get the beans
above the frank
can you and zoom in on me quickly just
for a second i want to show the chat
lovely wrestler pick of walton there you
go buddy
i am walton reiner bow down
and tell this walton to tell everybody
to uh
to hit like and subscribe we have 40
people in the chat smash
the like like my coffee smashes your
do it
okay oh we got it we got about a treat
coming up people
james shared this um
what’s going on i have no idea but
chris pratt is slammed for asking his
fans to vote for onward
in the people’s choice awards
about two brothers on a journey
to their dad passed away and when they
used a magical
uh staff they only made half of them so
they had to finish it before sundown
it was a it was a really nice little
show that got screwed over by
you know the coronavirus and then people
talking about
a gay unicorn but i saw it yeah there
was a gay poem
yes yes stupid it had nothing to do with
that it was about two brothers
so there was representation in the movie
not that i can remember
all i know is there was two brothers
that had their dads wood
there’s a weird unicorn trying to get
their dad’s wood yeah all right i mean
it was the bottom half and materialized
right so the wife was real happy
yes exactly she kept racing after him
chris pratt who plays star lord recently
encouraged his fans to vote for
his most recent disney animated film
onward for the upcoming people’s choice
pratt who voiced barley lightfoot and
took to instagram to ask his fans to
support the film
pratt wrote with all this going on in
the world it’s more important than ever
that you vote
just ask any celebrity they will tell
you every
day several times a day to vote
oh he’s making a joke yeah he continued
but me i will tell you exactly who to
vote for
onward the heroes before us did not
spill their blood
only to have their sacrifices wasted by
your apathy
the upcoming 2020 people’s choice awards
is the most consequential vote in the
history of mankind
times a million infinity vote for onward
for family movie of the year
or else you will die no hyperbole
click the link in my bio let your voice
be heard he added
so he was trolling he’s doing his andy
dwyer thing there he was trolling them
so it was funny yeah so you all realize
that that was a
joke right
what was the joke okay okay
what was the drop what was the joke you
know what walton
i didn’t hear any of that yeah you did
it because you don’t i look at my head
in my microphones like like
like script doctor wrapped his eyes on
his girlfriend’s breasts i just
[ __ ] do that i have a question how
long has walton and uh
scott been married
just before the pandemic actually sounds
like it you’re getting close to domestic
it’s been a little overwhelming during
stephen’s stream
doing steven’s stream they talked about
something and somebody said in the chat
they should just get married already i
was like well they already shared a room
so there you go that’s funny for a short
who wore the breadstick well
stephen he likes to put breadsticks
he likes to put breadsticks in his mouth
one time scott said you know
because i i like to drive remember
well you know i drive give
according to daddy issues two dollars at
the meme of destructions
i say baby yoda is i’m not saying it
um i love uh according to daddy issues
thank you for existing
they’re making fun of my name because
i’m beating up baby yoda right now
that’s terrible oh i’m i’m happy he’s 50
years old i’m not beating up a baby get
over it
yeah that’s true you’re not you’re going
you’re getting closer to like beating up
a geriatric but not quite yeah i’m
beating up a green [ __ ] with big ears
he’s a cute little baby he’s a 40 year
old virgin leave him alone
he is a supportive character for rape a
okay jane read on
[Laughter] following following the post pratt was
slammed on twitter
christy poochko wrote
meanwhile what wtf chris pratt
oh no a sense of humor i don’t know what
the name like
actually that wasn’t worked on for a
long time that’s no
yeah she’s she’s not uh she’s really
from this pandemic with no physical
she’s very angry
film critic courtney howard wrote file
chris pratt’s latest instagram post as
thing you can think you can’t believe
are real
but absolutely are trolls oh my
like wow a joke a joke
things that aren’t so far people that
have no sense of humor
okay that’s what i’m one twitter user
jackie burke hartu wrote chris pratt is
the worst
yeah and so is bart who is this wow
jackie burke cartoon
cartoon burke heart too
akira brat wrote chris pratt you’re not
seeing heaven
things are over your name oh my god
that’s probably pretty religious too
that’s me
heaven jesus forgives you
you know what the worst part is
rowan ginger raven it’s not that they
hate the movie
they hate that he made a joke about the
so that people would vote for his movie
yeah the guy’s just been married to anna
harris and arnold schwarzenegger’s
daughter he’s seen heaven plenty of
god yes
[Laughter] i think they were already nuts that this
is just it um what’s the word like
yeah pretty much it’s bringing out all
of their craziness because they don’t
know how to deal with themselves because
they hate themselves so much
yeah it’s a it’s bait that’s it it’s
bait crazy bait
right they need to open who’s this
who’s the next nut shop it’s
exasperating this is
a so-called journalist carlyle wiesel
who wrote the chris pratt thing is
even more egregious when you remember
that people who create
build and operate theme park attractions
he stars in
at multiple resorts are overwhelmed
daily with the stress of
if they still have a job and how to move
forward if they don’t
so you can’t chris is that chris pratt’s
wow oh i didn’t realize chris pratt was
the one that brought over
the the virus i thought that was randy
marsh it wasn’t brand new
anymore is is chris pratt gavin newsom
because he doesn’t want to use the name
gavin why do people hate chris pratt
he’s plugged in i think they’re just
really because he’s a he’s a toxic white
well he’s also he believes in his faith
and he’s not scared to
talk about it but he’s been trying it
seems like lately not to bring it up
yeah but people won’t he’s right
hot that’s well now he is i mean he got
some of that disney money to work out
beforehand he wasn’t
he was a he was a tubby boy good looking
strong and not too bright
you didn’t have any money he’d be a
subway commercial
he’s getting the gina he’s getting the
yeah pretty much
okay we so added sorry
but i’m a cotton candy reporter who
can’t stop hurting for employees
and their fears about bill’s safety
housing income career
families and health someone with the
platform and big money can surely do
than campaign for the most laughable
awards show in existence
damn no that’s the oscars
and the golden globes every single one
of them
people’s choice is actually like tallied
by people’s votes so i mean there’s
that is true there’s a percentage that
the audience gets
on each uh each vote but it’s just so
like for no reason i mean they said he
wouldn’t get into heaven they said he
wouldn’t get into even a republican
they don’t get to make that call what
they need for twitter
is a new thing is every time you make a
stupid tweet and twitter recognizes it
the girl from weakest link pops up and
goes you are the weakest link and
goodbye your tweets deleted
that the problem is the problem is is
if you want to let twitter do that they
lean one way really hard
so they would never do it to that side
they would only do it to oh my god
you’re right i forgot twitter it has no
common sense or humanity i forgot i’m
well it is an artificial being so yeah
well it is like skynet sort of
what do you got christie i was gonna say
it’s [ __ ] like this
that makes me not take twitter instagram
all the other [ __ ] seriously because it
was he was obviously
trolling yeah he wasn’t even trying he
was just making a joke
right yeah he was handling his his
character from parks and rec
which is a little bit of andy dwyer and
his bert macklin fbi karate ninja guy
and just having some fun for especially
for the people that may have enjoyed
this movie
right yeah right he’s trying to think
some of these twitter responses and
do you people not have a sense of humor
or do you not realize that it’s a
joke you know and you see a lot of that
on on twitter and you know it’s it’s
it’s coming from the left uh you know
the left you know there’s there there’s
a saying the left can’t meme but man
i mean this is the reason why they just
don’t have a sense of humor at all it’s
look at that they’re jumping on that
whole you know
bandwagon yeah chris pat said the
election does not concern me because i’m
a privileged white man instead vote for
my movie so i can get more awards
yeah he’s at least making a joke he’s
not acting like sam smith and crying in
his mansion going i’m so
lowly it’s been one day right
this was the first time i got to go to
the grocery store in
four weeks and they were out of rematch
yay support governor knew some more
shutdowns we need somebody to tell us
what to do
we need nancy pelosi’s nephew’s wise
because they uh obviously somebody that
lives in an 11 million dollar mansion
uh you know knows knows the plight of
the common man yay
wes i feel like you’re just a little
upset with this whole situation
no he’s honest he’s honest well well
i’m par i’m partially triggered because
i yeah okay i visited
my parents i love my parents to death i
love them very much but they have
serious tds
and i was there and and my mom was like
i like
i sure like knew some a lot and i was
like what
and you know it was her birthday so i
was trying not to get upset
danger will robinson danger but i was
tell me what you like about him he cares
about people what
what he cares about controlling people
i was like we need to open up no no we
don’t need like
what yeah so if there was a family
argument was potentially averted given
the nature of the the gathering but
well that was mature of you yeah believe
it or not
my brother who usually is the instigator
was the one holding me back
that’s the that’s 20 20 for you man
let’s read some more of these uh
exciting uh tweets there uh jane and
we’ll finish it up after this
skyler schuler says chris pratt acting
like a nut job
isn’t shocking it’s 20 20 nothing will
shock me at this point
hold my beer mind that’s what i’m going
to say
sweetheart we still got all of november
and december
yeah there’s three months left it’s
gonna hit pretty big
like an asteroid or hello
okay so one person said something nice
carol hieronymus whatever said i wanted
to say thank you for posting something
it’s just been post after post about so
much negativity it’s nice to see people
out there still posting other things
right smiley face
happy dinosaur sleep well dining
night dinosaur good night danny have a
happy night happy dino
happy dream sir oh someone else says
uh voted a hundred times
that’s legal right it is
by mailing those choice awards
yeah mail yeah ballot and then go mail
and purchase in person
buy some boats is my stuff something to
laugh at this morning
so everything else is positive all right
so that’s boring
at the beginning all right we’re good
with this one then
that that’s just it just blows my mind
chris pratt who seems like one of the
nicest people
in the world um believes in his faith
and you want you want to tell him he
can’t go to heaven
according to daddy issues soul assassin
easy you support all the christies
for two dollars well
according to daddy issues you are the
one that’s been sending in super chats
i’m just saying
i appreciate that hey you keep telling
her man you keep telling her
or fema i call you tom how dare you this
uh scott how dare you remember pronouns
wait a minute hold on oh you went back i
was about to blow you up there
um real quick before we leave me
i was gonna i was gonna blow you up with
the um with the breadstick
oh no that’s
there we go there it is i love olive
garden steven
you bring such buttery goodness to me
it’s hot in the mckinney 90 for five
dollars don’t forget the
crap he got for wearing a don’t step on
schneck sneak last year i don’t remember
what’s that i don’t remember that look
at this characters that step on
i think it’s a joke huh
well thank you for the five dollars my
real quick i’m gonna try to i can’t
bring this up i just wanted to show the
picture if someone could [ __ ] god damn
it i’m gonna stop right here
i was gonna do the picture of the guy
who they released
that attacked the great i can
get it for you is it something that jane
can read
what is she yeah yeah she’s like on his
yeah she can read a picture maybe she
can explain the guy has a scar on his
left chin
all right i just stared at it
god damn you crispy so this is the
wow that is a very crystal clear what
kind of cameras do they have in new york
ninja they have some really good
all at once all at once really just
everybody scream at once jesus control
yourselves people
yeah i think this this guy versus like a
foot three senior citizen probably is a
fair fight
he loves new york you know with a sneak
attack was needed now looks like a brand
new sweater
i haven’t i didn’t see the picture
before this seriously i didn’t see the
picture and i was praying
that he wasn’t black or latino or
something like that
now because now we’re going to the idea
of did rick moranis old white guy get
because of everything going on in the
world today yeah or was it just
a guy who’s nuts yes that’s exactly the
reason why
picture bigger please because his mask
looks like it’s not a mask but on top of
a sock
yeah well he should be covering his nose
i think in the diaper i think clearly
you know given
us a stature he was micro-aggressing and
it provoked the attack
and uh clearly you know rick moranis is
an alt-right
dog whistle he saw that commercial with
ryan reynolds and got offended
i didn’t know that that was weird it’s
like yeah i agree you’re like
i went with that right there and i
thought i i hate that
shut up i hate that i um i hate that i
went there
but the first thing i went there is when
i saw i was like damn it it’s it’s
so but see now if it was reversed
if it was a white kid and it was like
i don’t know uh samuel jackson
you know darth vader samuel
jackson no he would kick the guy’s ass
but daniel jackson i don’t think
that’s definitely though the top i’m
just saying the story be
focused on this separation
but i mean there’s a difference between
the story and perception because i think
perception is part of the issue is that
people have these
generalized preconceived notions yes
they’re attaching to everything right
and that’s just my fear that people
attach it and then they push that
and that’s a scary thing but that’s
happening i mean that’s exactly what’s
happening both ways
yeah right yeah i know this that’s i i
understand this i was almost hoping it
was a white guy that jumped them so
maybe riots wouldn’t break out that’s my
fear it’s like everything now is
i know there won’t but there could there
be all right go the [ __ ] ahead and say
what you got to say god damn it people
learn how to stop stepping on toes even
i know how to stop
oh is it a good chip that’s a prank are
you double dipping that chip
was that sorry kevin onion i thought i
saw little green it is
i knew it according to pringles
oh [ __ ] here we go oh there it is
there’s a new one
according to pringles i like it all
what were you going to say stephen it
was pretty much a question though do you
think there’s more of the video than
what was actually being shared that it
show another side of strikes i know some
people are honestly like oh waiting to
see the full video we don’t know if um
rick miranda’s engaged at first like
what would he say just get knocked
out but that’s what people always say is
i want to wait for more information
away from the facts he did something to
provoke it
surely yeah i know so no matter what
people are
on these sides what’s miranda’s criminal
um ghostbusters too yeah pretty much
yeah ghostbusters oh and i think like uh
one of the daddy i think he was in a
movie with tom arnold
about bullying marijuana at the time and
and honey i shrunk the kids three
yeah yeah with the giant baby the giant
baby yeah about that
i don’t know illegal science scene i do
not know this guy personally but
every time i’ve seen him on screen he
has been the epitome of weak
that’s a weak dude so i just can’t
imagine rick moranis just lurching down
old ass rick wait did we just get a
this is like an angry old jew oh hey
everyone is that shirt this is a real
it looks weird for some reason oh i know
i look very weird
and i just i i noticed jane was i
noticed that jane was here so i had to
come in
so well i’m glad you came in
i think actually i have the uh
i i finished up my familial obligation
and uh and uh and and i have this
you know medium headache but i’m here
because you know what
stephen take the sacrilege off the
no i’m fighting for my culture
oh my god we have to say yeah but we
want you to preserve your waistline
candy corn my waistline is under siege
that’s just wrong
i’m sorry culture i didn’t realize it
was so small i couldn’t realize
it’s just even when it’s in a stephen’s
hand it looks so small
that i didn’t realize that’s what he was
holding there
cupid corner reindeer corn candy corn
is no laughing matter freedom corn
brother okay it’s patriotic
if you don’t like patriot if you don’t
like if you don’t
can’t be born you hate america freedom
looks like he’s holding the candy corn
hey i only had a few minutes to make it
leave me alone
i am cooking i don’t even know where
we’re going
candy clothes this is a nice cupcake you
got there stephen you want to lick my
what was the movie blue uh blue varsity
blues wasn’t that from
varsity blues that’s a little disturbing
that would be from not another teen
movie technically
that’s with chris uh right there yeah
that’s rat with banana split costume
that is the best gift ever the screaming
woman hear that girl from the meme
is that from my good friend mike yeah
you should you should be out having a
job you should be out you should be able
to support the entertainment that you
there’s more to that it’s like i know
who my viewers are i stalk them and
google their names online
i know they’re married i know they’re
engineers and i know they watch me so
much more than spending time with their
so why can’t you just give me five
and watch our video a lot because
because her [ __ ] has dried up that’s why
have you seen a video where she loses
her [ __ ] have you seen the video where
she loses their [ __ ] about aliens
oh i exited too quick hold on coming
back i think it would be wrecked
what the [ __ ] oh what about you want to
see snyder cut together
[Music] what are you doing are you are you
trying to put thomas away from me
i i don’t appreciate that this is
promised to me
first what
my future is the only one
you’re the only i don’t i don’t
want you though i told you i
[Music] but you know what you just look really
when you shave you don’t want me
it never gets old i took my shirt off
for you on the live stream
[Laughter] speaking of making a drink i’m going to
finish this
bottle tonight
thank you thank you you know
that stuff is a hangover in a bottle it
is yes it is
liquor i i have i have two liters of
two liters of soda and uh
and fireball
[Music] oh my god
that’s great using gamers is fun
boomerang the crazy part is brian’s head
oh my god oh god
where does that measurement match up to
ryan as well
michael wolff new zealand five dollars
for you since i can’t buy a sparking
t-shirt actually i think i have a
i just don’t know if it’s active no
one’s ever
stopped sure what the
hold on hold on real quick lewis cox
candy corn mmm
candy corn i’ll give you that because
you paid hail
team candy corn cancel candy corn
oh my god what
candy corn is the worst thing that’s
ever happened in the history of mankind
yep this feels like one of those uh
those scary movies like culture
he’s right behind you he’s in the house
oh i know well
that would be biden also when’s the
sparking watch party then
never mind we need a actually we need a
and culture casino watch party people
you need to
watch their their streams you got to
watch just hit play all play all videos
okay you could do two tabs at once
that’s what i do and just play them all
give them 24 hours
oh god what is okay we’re not pulling
that up anymore
all right we’re finishing this up kids
all right so culture thank you for
coming in and let them know where they
can find you and don’t tell us oh
support everybody else no i want you to
tell them where you are
watch hours where they can find you the
nearest vat of candy corn
and drunk tank
look this is the great this is the great
candy corn debate
right 50 people love it
50 of people well no actually i guess
it’s 47.
it’s it’s there’s there’s some people
that don’t give a
squat and then there’s us and you know
what here’s the thing
if you like this nasty freaking [ __ ] thing that tastes like ear wax and toe
jam oh my god
then that’s fine i don’t care and
you know i if if i if if you don’t like
it then i understand and i empathize
with you well
actually i sympathize with you empathy
means i understand that you’re stupid
and you like this stuff
and sympathy means i actually understand
that why you don’t like this stuff so
that’s that’s kind of what i’m saying
here so when it comes to candy corn
yeah i don’t care anymore other than you
blasphemy by stephen walton blasphemy
you should support everybody else for
right now i’m here i’m here on scott’s
show at the very end and he
of course ends when i show up which
makes a lot of sense because you know
anyway support support jane please go
give her the watch hours my goodness
does she need them she needs to be
monetized like 25 years ago
i don’t know what what’s wrong with
everyone but she’s awesome she has the
best voice
she makes she she read one chapter
of kai’s book or it wasn’t even the
chapter she read the prologue the kai’s
book on the live stream the other day
and everybody’s heart melted how long
was it
it was long enough you should you should
probably rewatch that stream kai’s book
is amazing you should check that out
so but uh yeah support everybody all
yeah whatever whatever you know off the
whatever just that’s a great man you
really finished
that one you see how he said he doesn’t
care anymore that’s because he’s coming
across he’s coming back he’s coming
yeah he’s coming hard
that’s why he said that he’s coming home
all right thank you steven great great
clothes um
and next wes moody tell them where they
can find you
hello everybody i am wes witte of the
westwood webcast you can find me at
youtube.comwestmoodywebcast to talk
current events pop culture occasional
conspiracy theories occasional car talk
gaming streams and i will vlog
about whatever the heck i want to
because it is my webcast
hope to see you there thank you my
friends see ya
did you ever controller
[Applause] yeah it’s weird oh oh great story guys
go ahead jane hey guys
you can find me here on youtube where i
post weekly movie and television reviews
every sunday at 6 central
as well as some occasional pop culture
news and commentary you can also find me
on twitter
and instagram chain theory
thanks jane do you guys leave her alone
script doctor
hey what’s going on how are you doing
i’m doing well how’s everybody else
doing tonight have you been enjoying
yourselves with the stream
in the chat come on guys it’s about 50
50 right now
i’m saying it’s about 50 50 right now
but uh yeah
yeah hey guys it’s a good ratio
yeah good ratio
all right well thanks for having me
that’s great
[Music] was possessed by kathy griffin
if you can’t get your full set of head
oh god
and while you’re at it make sure you
guys go to the late edition they’re
talking about the first episode to start
getting children
of the something or is it just
all right everybody we’ll try to do
better next time
[Music] i just want to announce that i finally
completely have woken up
congratulations i fell asleep and had a
nap and
the short show had already started but
i’m so i’m ready to go now guys
yeah awesome
screen coming on uh yeah
i will be on bear bear stream
i was going to announce that you know at
the end of mine i don’t know
are you going shirtless i was just
just trying to say um bear bear is
having a stream the late edition
maybe 9 30 maybe 10 30 pacific time
you don’t know oh pacific time
specifically you confuse me you confuse
yeah scott you need to be more clear on
your stream oh wow
[Laughter] all right he just keeps talking and just
keeps talking
and talking gary on my stream and now
i’m mr big
shot go screw yourself good night
everybody hi
watch your hands watch glass
this is the old one dude
[Music] seriously
[Music] just so you know they just didn’t run
there do you have a ten thousand dollar
gotta find the right one membership
and so having said that

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