Rick Moranis Assaulted by Cowardly Thug in Manhattan Watch On This Site

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Rick Moranis Assaulted by Cowardly Thug in Manhattan

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The dividends of social chaos fomented by criminally negligent mayors and governors are bearing fruit for those seeking to undermine social cohesiveness as yet another elderly white American is assaulted on the streets of New York.

Famed 67 year old comedic actor Rick #Moranis was suckered punched by a cowardly thug in BROAD DAYLIGHT on the Upper West Side of #Manhattan. The unprovoked felony #assault is the sort of behavior that is rampant in urban areas across the country these days.

The race merchants are fomenting this nonsense. Do not give them any oxygen. Stop the politicians from stoking racial hatred, send them packing in November. Where are you Wilhlem? Mayor Bill de #Blasio, why so quiet as New Yorkers are attacked on your streets?

Bill the failed socialist is silent. But if you know anything, pleas contact the Crimestoppers at: 1-800-577-8477 (TIPS)
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Music credit:

Animation credit: Talon Bezuidenhout
hey folks well more disturbing
activity taking place here in the shores
of the united states where criminally
negligent mayors and governors around
this country have undermined law
enforcement and have created a socially
fractuous situation in our major
metropolitan cities
across the country
what am i talking about i’m talking
about the vile unprovoked disgusting
obviously racially motivated attack
against famed hollywood actor rick
moranis a famed
comedic talent who’s been
in our television screens and our movie
theaters for decades famous for honey i
shrunk the kids
ghostbusters and many other performances
in the past he’s been
missing from the public scene for a
number of years now after the passing of
his wife and he was raising his children
on his own
but walking the upper west side of new
yesterday on thursday the 1st of october
he’s walking along when this vile thug
just sucker punches him knocks him to
the ground and walks off now we’ve seen
this racial hatred for years in new york
city especially for years ladies and
gentlemen famously during the barack
obama administration
jew elderly jews were being assaulted
with black culprits walking up behind
thunking on the back of the head
knocking him to the ground
and we’ve seen endless videos of people
in new york city but not just in new
york city around this country
particularly elderly white victims being
assaulted by young black men
now i’m so sick of hearing the nonsense
about oh people are racist when they
look the other way when they see black
men in the streets
what do you expect people in new york to
do when they’re walking along the street
and endlessly being assaulted by people
what’s that all about
now before anybody turns this into utter
nonsense let’s just cover the facts here
a black man
commits a felony assault
against a white man walking down the
street the only reason this is being
talked about
by the mainstream media is because it’s
a famous hollywood celebrity rick
they didn’t give much of a flip about
elderly jews being assaulted
endlessly or the other attacks we see
all the time
young mothers being beaten in public
this needs to stop
this needs to stop we hear this endless
drivel and lying about the state of
relations in this country
and about supposed institutional racism
yet actual assaults actual attacks
are ignored by and large by the press
it’s vile
and it undermines racial relations in
this country it needs to stop
there are mayors and governors who are
intentionally stoking racial hatred by
playing this ridiculous game which is
causing damage to the civil society
black folks are not violent by nature
white folks are not violent by nature
but being egged on
by people whose demented obsession with
removing donald trump from office leads
them to undermine the rule of law
and undermine public safety throughout
our cities around the country by
claiming to defund the police
charging the police with crimes
capriciously when they’re in
self-defense and firing justification
and creating a narrative of
police and law enforcement hunting black
the police are not hunting black men in
this country that’s fiction that’s an
utter lie
but what is happening
is that while the media paints this
americans are being assaulted black and
on the streets of america by thugs
and it’s going unpunished by and large
there’s been no arrest thus far in this
case this violent felony assault on rick
moranis a 67 year old man
notice folks they always go after the
elderly and the infirm these cowards
this unprovoked attack on this gentleman
wasn’t because of his movies i guarantee
it wasn’t because of his acting
performance wasn’t because of anything
he said or did
he was simply walking down the street
when a black man assaulted him
because he was white
now so i’m going to say how do you know
the motivations really
how many other people did this guy slug
walking down the street and what were
their ethnicities this day this was
caught on video footage
not a big fan of the surveillance state
but thank goodness that there are
security cameras to catch this violent
thug who belongs in prison
absolutely stop this nonsense white
americans black americans hispanic
americans native americans get along
just fine without you politicians
stoking false racial hatred which
incentivizes this sort of behavior
and the abrogation of the rule of law by
undermining law enforcement officers is
what contributes to this
the mayor of new york
where are you at
what comment do you have about one of
your new yorkers being assaulted on the
streets a famous new yorker
where are you at bill de blasio
are you still the mayor of new york
haven’t heard anything out of your
yapping mouth and ages
any more leftist nonsense you want to
spew for new yorkers
ladies and gentlemen
this is not isolated this is a daily
occurrence in this country covered up by
the mainstream media it happens in
metropolitan areas all over the country
and it happens to white and black
it’s despicable it’s vile it’s sickening
and it needs to stop
they are creating a situation in which
are going to be forced to defend
themselves against this vile conduct and
that is not good for anyone we have law
enforcement to handle situations like
this the new york police department the
nypd blee nypd
nypd excuse me
where are they at
what are they up to
i don’t know do they even have any money
left how many thousands of officers
sought early retirement to escape
the political nonsense and shenanigans
that are happy on the streets of new
york folks
this is new york city manhattan the
upper west side
broad daylight
sucker punched by a coward
a coward
who ironically wore a sweatshirt saying
i love new york
well folks if you know anything about
this violent thug scumbag piece of human
filth please feel free to contact the
authorities i’ve left the image for this
video up as the crime stoppers it has
the information on it please report it
to new york authorities if you know
anything about this let’s put a stop to
this ridiculous hideous conduct that’s
taking place in our cities
and the elections are coming next month
if you have a mayor or a governor
who is complicit in this nonsense
by either sitting on their hands or
buying encouraging it vote them out of
get rid of them send them packing
rick moranis 67 year old hollywood actor
famous comedian
wonderful person
sucker punch violently assaulted
violently assaulted in broad daylight in
the upper west side of new york
where are people safe
where are people safe
from people like bill de blasio and his
poor governance

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rick moranis movie roles [vid_tags] #Rick #Moranis #Assaulted #Cowardly #Thug #Manhattan


  1. You wouldn't know a damn thing about cops beating up black man and killing black men because you're not a black man yourself I am a black man myself so stop trying to put your white privilege into our black shoes

  2. I saw the video of Rick Moranis being attack and it broke my heart. I grew up watching Ghostbusters, Honey I Shrunk the Kids, and Little Shop of Horrors, to see him being attacked by this asshole sucks. What breaks my heart the most is that this man did not care that he attacked an elderly man. What would have to be going through your mind attacking an elderly person?

  3. What type of asshole punches a 60 plus year old little fella, for no reason at all? Rick is a legend! I am a armed Jewish man, I suggest everyone buy themselves a firearm and plenty of ammunition. Most of all pray you don't have to use it. God save us!

  4. Btw you are spot on. The media has created this dangerous atmosphere in our society. Also Rick Moranis stopped acting for many years after his wife died to take care of raising his kids, meaning he put his family first before his fame.

  5. I work in San Francisco as a sanitization worker . In the Castro distract there’s a big sign on a building saying “ stop killing black people “ . Imagine being black and seeing that sign . Leftest Liberals will be the downfall of this great country .

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