Rick Moranis Assaulted in Manhattan! Provided By www.bobanddougmckenzie.com

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Rick Moranis Assaulted in Manhattan!

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Why would Anyone want to hurt Rick Moranis?
why in the hell would anyone want to
rick moranis i don’t get that
i i don’t understand the dude has
brought us ghostbusters
has brought us a little shop of horrors
my blue heaven he’s i’m sure he’s been
another uh honey i shrunk the kids
i mean what the hell the guy’s like
why would anyone want to hurt rick
but sadly he was attacked uh today i
in manhattan and by the way this is a
non-monetized video anytime i talk about
someone getting hurt or dying or
something like that automatically that’s
non-monetized i don’t want no money from
any of that
i just want the chance to express my
thoughts and opinions and well wishes
uh rick’s okay by the way i read the
article here
uh i had another take of this video that
i had to redo
uh rick is okay so um
what happened was let’s read it here uh
the new york pd confirmed
actor rick moranis was randomly attacked
by strangers thursdays on the upper west
police said it happened in broad
daylight just before 7 30 a.m on central
park west near 70th street
rick you should know stay away from
central park west
i i mean obviously he was there it’s a
horrible joke i’m sorry i’m trying to
light i’m not trying to make fun of the
fact that he got assaulted i’m
trying to make a joke to to ease the
tension here
because this is horrible because there’s
video of it i saw it
and i’m going to show it here uh
surveillance captured the attack on the
67 year old honey i shrunk the kids and
ghostbusters actor
rick uh video showed the suspect
ironically wearing an i love new york
sweatshirt walk up and punch miranda in
the head knocking him to the ground
okay so here’s the video and uh here’s
the suspect here’s rick obviously this
is um
uh blurred out to protect his identity
but we know it’s rick
and you can see here rick’s just walking
didn’t do
anything out of the blue this piece of
[ __ ] [ __ ] dexterity rick moranis
right totally out of the blue you see
wearing uh nypd
i love nypd shirt and all that like what
the [ __ ] okay the only rational reason
right the only rational reason
at all for this to have happened
is if rick said something horrible to
this dude
which i highly doubt now again i wasn’t
there i don’t know for sure
but rick moranis doesn’t seem like the
type that would just like
he wasn’t walking by and just randomly
said some horrible thing
to this guy and and the guy hit him that
would be the only rational reason to hit
him and even that
you just shrug it off
like i don’t understand this like watch
the video again
walking out of the blue
piece of [ __ ] look
okay look minding his own business i
can’t see i can’t see rick’s head here
i can’t see his his head here but from
the position of it looks like he’s
looking directly for he probably doesn’t
even realize this guy’s here
and out of the blue
[ __ ] jerk
jesus christ uh
anyway here’s a clearer photo of this
guy obviously this is a
subway it looks like a subway entrance
exit or something like what the [ __ ] man the police said rick moranis went to
the hospital with pain in his head back
and hip he later walked to the prison to
report the crime okay so
he wasn’t all that badly injured thank
god uh
the nypd’s new community affairs rabbit
response team checked on miranda’s as it
does with many victims of violent crimes
over support groceries or anything they
may need
he’s doing well he’s strong he’s
recovering he has some injuries to his
left side
detective cats doggery
dog dog try told cbs 2’s jenna deangelis
uh d’angelos yeah he just wants to stay
home he just wants to recover and he
just wants peace of mind said officer
john dal the giro dojo okay
you know i’m horrible with names i
apologize meanwhile
meantime the search continues for the
suspect police are asking the public to
be on the lookout
miranda’s miranda’s management team told
cbs he’s fine
but grateful for everyone’s thoughts and
well wishes
neighbors say he’s a very nice guy and
they were shocked to hear about the
unprovoked attack that’s why we moved
here to be safe said resident
jonathan kurt curtin
everything’s been good but i guess
trying times people do strange things
and they’re not always nice you have to
you you’ll be looking over your shoulder
a lot more often
i’m worried about the whole situation
i’m worried about the fact that
everyone’s troubled and they’re
and they’re so troubled there’s more
crime a woman who lives in the same
building as miranda said
she also left him a note i said i was
really sorry to hear about it
it must have been scary she said we were
on this board together of this building
nice guy
really nice guy mirandas has been off
the big screen for years to focus on his
and his wife’s passing but recently
appeared in a mint mobile commercial
with ryan reynolds reynolds tweeted
friday should have known not to subject
rick to the year 2020. glad to hear he’s
anyone with information about this
attack is to ask to call nypd’s crime
stoppers hotline at one eight hundred
five seven seven tips eight four seven
or for spanish one eight eight eight
five seven p
i s t a seven four seven eight two you
can also submit via their website on
at nypd tips all calls are kept
this is horrible
best wishes to rick um stay strong
i don’t know man dude did nothing
with again then again that’s new york
i don’t know maybe the only rationale i
could there’s only two rational ways
this could have happened
one and i highly doubt this
rick said something to this guy as he
walked by the guy lost it decked him
highly doubt that okay
two the guy recognized it’s rick moranis
thought hey
hey i’m gonna punch rick moranis did it
for fame
or three just some random [ __ ] [ __ ] walking around
saw a little older gentleman decide to
deck him
anyway i hope they catch this [ __ ] guy i really do
horrible anyway
get well rick talk to you later

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  1. Al seek out by itunes search, an old podcast with Rick on it. He speaks about his radio career, buying things on sale, stocking up on toothpaste since sometimes it is 11c off the normal price, etc. names these local shops, painfully ordinary, dull talk from anyone… EXCEPT HE IS A MASTER OF COMEDY. How about offering to protect him when he is in town, hang out with him, swivel your head 360 looking for threats. 'Please Add me to the list of NEW YORKERS on twitter who want to help.' This way…wait for it… "no Ghostbuster gets hurt on MY watch." can be said by Big Al.

    * then bring some heavy stuff, illegal ghostbuster branded knuckle-dusters, longswords, the feared orange light sabre jk

  2. Yeah I love Rick in his movies but I thought there had to be more to the story that wasn't being said. After watching the video of the attack however no the way the guy attacks him looks completely unprovoked and I'm starting to lean to it being a legit hate crime. The guy abruptly makes a single hit and then continues to walk casually on. If Rick had said something then it would have been a confrontation with anger and the culprit likely would have hit him repeatedly or just get in his face. This was a surprise attack however. The guy waits until he's up close to suddenly turn to make a single hit then continues on. The only two motives I can get from those actions is one the attacker knows who Rick is and doesn't like him or two the attacker intended to do this to a white guy and Rick was the unlucky victim. The attacker's actions speak louder than words and this sort of thing is what I worried about with the BLM movement. There are a lot of people in that group that have turned it into about hating white people instead of the fair equal treatment of colored people. Nevertheless an investigation is need on this guy when he's caught. I think we will find one of those two scenarios to be true. It will be an extremely sad day in history if it turns out to be a hate crime. All the injustice people of colored experienced and fought against only to have the modern little punks out there now taking things too far and turning it into a bastarization with a racist goal. I'll be glad to be wrong on this one but I don't think I am.

  3. One of my favorite You Tubers since 2016
    Thank you Al for doing this video and for not banning me after that regretful comment I made yesterday.
    Positive & healing thoughts to Rick and his family!
    Peace, AL

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