Rick Moranis ATTACKED: The Video Shed Presented By www.bobanddougmckenzie.com

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Rick Moranis ATTACKED: The Video Shed

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Rick Moranis was attacked while walking through Manhattan. Here’s our response.
the video shed the video shed the video
the video shed the video shed the video
[Applause] shared hello
welcome to the video shared that’s tom
and i’m ed and we’re in a shed looking
at videos hence the name the video
shared the shadio vid
the video fart don’t know who did that
someone childish oh
what are we going to talk about in our
really really cold shed yeah it’s
freezing in here today
today we’re in coats we were moaning a
few weeks ago about how hot it was in
this [ __ ] oh got open the door
oh yeah and now it’s absolutely freezing
now oh we got to keep the door closed
i hope you’re all well by the way hello
everybody welcome back yeah
but only the people that have subscribed
which is 40 of you so far
we’ve had about 600 700 views and yeah
only 40 people have subscribed so if you
haven’t subscribed yet
hit the big red button that’s either
or there i didn’t you know what i never
i never subscribe but even if i really
like someone’s videos i still don’t
i do if they ask nicely if they actually
ask and they go out please subscribe i
go like oh god man
whereas uh if they don’t bother asking i
end up over subscribing
i genuinely don’t get i think it’s like
a um i think it’s like a mental thing
these days it’s like if you subscribe
it’s like you’re
you’re um i don’t know you’re too into
it then you can’t
run away you can always unsubscribe i
suppose so then like
you know the thing is if you don’t
subscribe then you might miss fantastic
like this one we’re in we’re gonna talk
about the marvelous uh rick moranis
although one thing to clear up is it
or mirandas because rick moranis i’ve
always thought it was
rick moranis as in like my anus rick
but is that what i used to call him
and then but then i watched a video
about it the other day last night in
the scottish guy talking about him and
he said mirannis
i’ll go with miranda’s mirandas yeah not
mirandas that’s that’s ruined your lick
my look my anus thing and it yes
isn’t it i’m gonna go with miranda’s
yeah rick moranis well anyway as i’m
um you’re all aware rick moranis
got beaten up this week
walking through new york manhattan mine
did means that
money is in business just walking down
the street
some guy he walks past and just bop
punches his lights out did he know it
was rick morenos or miranda’s i don’t
i don’t know maybe he maybe the guy was
like i don’t know how to pronounce his
but i don’t know why him but he’s just
walking down the street and then just
about maybe because
maybe because he’s a straight white guy
um i don’t know what the reason is
well it’s funny because he’s just he’s
just kind of said hello again is he in
an advert
like only a couple weeks ago uh
i think it was you know you know what’s
his name um deadpool what’s his name
ryan reynolds ryan reynolds he’s in an
advert or something like advertising
something and oh rick moranis and he’s
he’s standing there and he says so what
do you want me to do it’s like
oh you just you just stand there you
because you’re rick moranis you don’t
have to do anything
and then he just walks off oh i didn’t
see i didn’t know that i didn’t know he
recently come back into the park yeah he
recently done something and then all of
a sudden he gets punched
because you know why he quit do you know
why he quit the film business because
obviously he was a massive star in the
80s and so on it’s quite sad isn’t it
yeah his wife got really ill yeah
and so he quit to look after her while
she died
and then look after the raise the kids
obviously he made enough money that he
could just you know
live off whatever money he had and that
was it and that’s why he quit
and they actually asked him if he wanted
to be
in remember they did that awful
ghostbusters reboot i think it was 2016.
oh yeah and they asked him if he wanted
to be in it and he went
no he actually saw beforehand his
reasons were basically
this sounds awful or completely
pointless exercise
why would i want to be in that i’d
rather they were honest and said that he
did it politely but that was the gist of
his reasons for not doing it so he he
turned it down
and i bet today bill murray and dan
akron are like [ __ ] i wish we’d done
that as well
yeah it was [ __ ] awful it cheapened
the whole franchise awful
or even the people in it who are
sometimes actually quite funny
like is it kristen have you pronounced
her name what was it all these
names kristen wiig christian wig yeah
i’m just saying she i actually
i like her she’s all right yeah she’s
good but she was terrible in it
absolutely terrible such a bad film but
of course the original ghostbusters
is uh classic brilliant absolute classic
as are so many of uh
rick moranis’s films in the 90’s honey i
shrunk the kids
yeah absolutely brilliant honey i blew
up the kid yeah um but he was also in
space balls
space balls my god that’s brilliant yeah
he was in space balls uh wasn’t it pizza
the hut
yeah pizza there yeah the idea that
um and i see your schwartz is as big as
and he was in little shop of horrors
that’s what she was and he’s [ __ ] brilliant in little shop yeah his best
performance good voice
yeah yeah he’s brilliant please grow for
he’s really i think that’s his best
performance yes really good and that
girl as well that was in it i don’t know
her name but she was really good have
you ever seen the original ending to
little shop horrors
what the one with jack nicholson no no
no no no no that’s the original film
oh the 1986 version the ending was
really dark
and downbeat good and it originally
ended it’s all on youtube you can watch
it i’ll show you after okay
the plan uh what’s he called audrey too
kills audrey eats her
and then eats seymour so rick morenos
he eats seymour spits out his glasses
and then he’s like
and then there’s all these other plants
and they start taking over the whole in
new york
and it’s like body snatches apparently
apparently it took the
production guys the animatronic guys
over a year
just to do this scene and you’ve got
them eating trains and smashing through
buildings and it goes on for about 10
minutes and the army’s there firing him
and the plants just like just killing
and then it ends with audrey too he’s on
top of the statue of liberty
going like that and then he bursts
through the screen
breaks the fourth wall and the camera
shoots into his golf
and that was how it was going to end and
then test audiences saw it and went
don’t like that so they re-shot it and
made it so uh
seymour saves of the day bloody hell
yeah there you go
if you’ve never seen it look up um
little shop of horrors
alternate ending and you’re in for you
won’t you’re in for a treat you won’t
that they shot such an amazing sequence
and then just threw it away that’s been
bad but he did it bad isn’t it
after all that effort and money you
think that well i’m gonna put it in
yeah you wouldn’t don’t like it test
audiences don’t like it or they can [ __ ] off
that cost millions yes totally changes
the whole ten of the film though you
like everyone just dies yeah you know
what but that is such a
different um sort of angle in their goal
from the whole movie yeah it’s quite
yeah although in a way audrey two still
kind of winston because at the end the
little plants grown in the garden
oh yeah does it get so big and then all
of a sudden he
there he electrocutes him doesn’t he oh
that’s right in the released version
it electrocutes the plant and all the
little pants came
which was the special effect at the time
yeah yeah you can get it on instagram
now for free
yeah um what else was rick rainier you
rannis morenos fairly hood oh he was
funny and he’s got that horrible spoiled
brat yeah
there’s a really funny bit at the start
which punches him in the face he goes
what yeah yeah he’s like a right wing
dad isn’t he or something yeah and he
teaches his kid like karate and all
sorts yeah he isn’t here and his wife
wants him to sort of um
loosen up a bit who’s the actress that
plays his wife yeah she’s down i
she was quite yeah yeah attractive yeah
their period was great nilf
so rick moranis loads of great films
moranis moranis
um it’s probably none of the ones it’s
probably a completely different
pronunciation that we’ve not thought of
rick moranis what do you mean
ghostbusters too rita marinus oh yeah
ghostbusters too
which is good film i i don’t think he
gets the respect it deserves
it doesn’t but you know it’s hard it’s
hard to be better or as good as
something that’s a
actual absolutely classic it’s nowhere
near as good as the first one but it’s
still ten times better than most of
those sort of films that get released
these days and it skipped the [ __ ] when i was a kid i remember going to see
it at the cinema so i must have been
quite young at the time
the bit when if the painting first comes
and they’re in the art gallery it’s the
fact that no one notices they’re in the
art gallery or walk
you know putting about and the head just
goes like that
looks around and goes back and i was
like huh yeah
and when that guy’s uh didn’t have any
popcorn i just did that and i was
uh and you know the bloke who gets
possessed by this
demon and he’s in the hallway yeah i
thought that was scary loads of scary
moments in it and when he comes down and
he’s in like
in the pram and his arm goes yeah and
just the fact that the baby’s on the
scares the [ __ ] but scared the [ __ ] out
of me especially when you’ve got a baby
now yeah
do you ever have do you have like uh
where you know ted’s like you know
walking on a ledge or walking into the
middle of the road you wake up going
no no but i i do for some reason i
torture myself with like
um scenarios yeah thoughts yeah i think
it’s just typical
parent thing it’s got to be in it
because i’m like why am i thinking that
i don’t know i’ll do a thing when i i’ll
be walking down the street it’s
preparing yourself
yeah it’s waiting for when it happens i
was walking down the street the other
there was broken glass on the street you
know someone had a bottle
and dropped it and instantly i was like
uh thoughts like coming in my head like
you know ted just running along again
daddy daddy
by the way we’ve both got a kid called
ted or teddy
yeah not a gay couple it’s two different
kids yeah two different two different
women two different heads with two
different women
um it’s jersey things like this happen
isn’t it funny though how our lives seem
um like everything happens the same
it’s like a look in the mirror yeah
didn’t it weird so when mum died and
then you went yeah yeah my mom’s died
yeah as well
i’m having a baby oh so am i yeah what
are you calling him ted
oh me too yeah do you know what it
terrifies me that one day i’m gonna
pick up the phone and someone’s going
out ed’s been hit by a truck because
then i’ll be like
oh i didn’t leave the house oh man
it does seem to be weird how um yeah
it’s funny now let’s go to death yeah
what else happens now hurry up and win
the lottery would you
but um anyway so we just thought we’d
make this little video as a tribute to
rick uh insert surname here because he
really is a nice a nice guy
good actor in his day you know good
comedic actor very underrated
made loads of great films and then quit
the business while he was ahead
for very noble reasons and no
why did he deserve to just get randomly
punched if you’re gonna randomly punch
an actor
you know there’s so much one that
deserves it yeah robert pattinson
you know one of them there’s loads
there’s loads
in there it’s really disrespectful
though isn’t it to hit someone who’s
you know what i mean yeah and people no
one anywhere has heard this news and
good although of course my god was that
what yeah that’s like back in the day
stan laurel or something it’s just he’s
so clearly a nice guy yeah
and he’s like he’s had obviously a hard
times yeah
don’t yeah he’s had hard times he’s
obviously quite an honest person and
just goes you know what that’s all for i
want to do it yeah it doesn’t sell out
yep so hello exactly
if you want to hit someone small and
perspective and you’re in new york
go look for woody allen actually hello
are you going to do what are your
impressions oh i’ve forgotten how to do
he impression uh how do i do that one
i like woody allen as well just i don’t
know how he doesn’t have a dubious
private life but you know hey god you
know what why do people always get
really shocked
when a creative eccentric artist does
out of the uh out of the ordinary so
my god really he would do that he seemed
so normal making crazy films for the
last you know
years hang on what in hollywood really
oh that went down the wrong way yes i do
find it odd though when people are
shocked that the people that are
not kevin spacey
i did don’t know i found it so anyway
that was our little tribute to
rick moranis i’m going to see if he’s
trying to see if you’ve got any of his
films here but
oh i’ve got ghostbusters and stuff like
that but uh if rick morenos ever
ever actually does see this movie you
know um
movie oh yeah video sorry mate and uh
yeah you carry on fight the good fight
drop us a like welcome
yeah drop us a line coming up look at
that please i folded my arms
two seconds at you folded your arms

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